Gino Jennings Sermons 2021 🎀 HOLY & UNHOLY! There Must Be A Change In You.

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there are some preachers who started out strict firm i mean they believed that bible when they had a little small congregation but all of a sudden notice the larger the congregation got the less bible was taught the larger the congregation got more stuff came in church that he used to did in the lie now in your church they got these crazy praise dancers on the stage i mean what kind of sickness is this music come playing through the speakers and the praise dancers get up sunday morning and you call it church why don't you stop lying and calling for what it is a party amen you ain't going to know church it's a club they'll hide behind the name jesus go ahead and even old people getting up doing it can't barely move but they doing something right along with it give me leviticus chapter 10 and verse 10. everybody all right notice the bible the book of leviticus chapter 10 and verse 10. let's go to work and then you may put different god talking god says and that ye may put down that ye may put difference between holy between holy and unholy and unholy and between uncle between unclean and clean so will you please tell me why the same dance is in church that's in club amen how is it you rapping a club you're rapping church you twerk in the street you twerk in church you bumping and grinding at the party you're bumping grinding church your rap at the club and you wrap at church if we are a peculiar people born again then it must be a change in holy sanctified people walk different talk different act different look different that's right you've got to be different these preachers can't tell you well god ain't looking at you outward he looking at your heart you old liar is not even a half of scripture says that no that's your wicked perverted opinion that's right that's right put difference it got to be a different difference if you was a half-naked woman in this when you was a sinner you shouldn't be a half-naked christian that's right you want to advertise your breasts in the hood you don't advertise your breasts now you're born again amen amen your breast is made for your husband if you got one if you ain't got one cover up your turkey that's right dress your turkey cover it up in the world you're a christian and your dress ain't no longer than my jacket a split in that and hugging everything on you and you walking am i right that's right [Applause] the bible speaks plain and that ye may put difference a different a difference a difference this ain't geno jennings church the bible's teaches this that's right the reason why these preachers tell you well it don't matter what you wear because he wants to see you half naked he wants to see your mini skirt that's why when you go to church the preachers be filling all on the woman you have to he shake your hand he'll shake your hand and notice he's always say stand up brother he shake the sister's hand god bless your sister god bless you yeah you know i haven't seen you in a long time you know all the law work in mysterious ways yeah have you seen preachers i call them reverend fill me all over he's reverend fill me all over that's right gloria thank god that's right reverend fill me all over oh they act like they're so anointed and they're supposed to be in the spirit they come out the pulpit and sit on people laugh in the congregation like they preaching get that pervert off your lap that's right you coming first church and try to sit on somebody's lap i get up and shut you down from preaching that's right the bible says the holy ghost do not behave itself unseemly that means god don't conduct himself in the wrong way the bible says let everything be done decently and in order there's order to god's church amen are you getting what i'm talking and then ye may put difference between holy so-called christians today you wouldn't even know they church people you wouldn't know it how is it you got a christian comedy club and you go what you think church is god said my house shall be called a house of prayer for all people the church has never been designed for you to come in and have a whole crap joke section how is it you could have some saying and then you got to pay tickets to come into something that's supposed to be of god bible says come without money and without price [Applause] if that be godly then why do i got to pay to see it whenever god brings something it's for everybody that's right you shouldn't have to pay to see a preacher you mean to tell me this preacher come in town and claim you got a message from the lord well if it's from the lord then why do i got to pay for it no it ain't from the lord it's from those that can afford it right then they'll let you know it's from the devil amen because when it's from the lord you can be broke and homeless but god will have a message for you that's right are you getting what i'm telling you see through the lies see through the scheme see through the hypocrisy the preachers are the biggest racketeers than the mafia ever was in fact they're worse because they racket their uh function behind church and they misuse the name of jesus and sell him like a pimp that's right they mad with me like a robber is with a cop amen because i come handcuff you with the word and i lock it down with scripture oh yes that's why i tell the people leave your church well which one passage in all of them leave all of them i don't care because your daddy's the pastor leave it while he's laying brick while he's building it leave it leave him with the cement the trowel and the sand in his head leave him there in the sun go ahead are you getting what i'm telling you that's right torah take god the book of leviticus 10 10 says and that ye may put difference i'ma hold this scripture on the whole world you're not going to tell me that uh when you claim you're a christian it doesn't matter how you look or how you act what's wrong with you tyler perry's supposed to be a christian if that man is a christian he can't be a cross-dresser at the same time at the same time the bible says you cannot get sweet and bitter water from the same fountain give me the book of deuteronomy in deuteronomy chapter 22. i don't hate perry but who is he he ain't jesus that's right hallelujah that that's right let's hear the bible talk in deuteronomy chapter you people gotta get out of your mind that you love celebrities more than god's word who in the world is as a celebrity about this book it ain't a man on the planet above the book go ahead [Applause] talk to me [Applause] now man on this planet above that book oh no and that's why people take great offense well look at where he came from he came from poverty i don't care i don't care if you came from a cocoon there's a law here preaching brother there's a law go ahead never mind where you came from where are you going [Applause] young boys look up to these men that's true i don't want no young man think it's all right to put on his mama wig put on his mama's lipstick put on his mama hill go ahead because perry do it listen at the bible in deuteronomy chapter 22 and add verse five listen the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man a woman is feminine you ain't got no business acting like a man talking like a man walking like a man dressing like a man when i see a woman i shouldn't get her mistaken for paul you're a woman you feminine you conduct yourself like a one the man is masculine the woman is feminine yeah anyone didn't know that yeah you didn't know that yeah you forgot didn't you yeah the the woman she's feminine but the tale you see a lot of women some of the women is like saying what's up what's up what's going on you know hey you going to hang out i mean they grabbing like they got one little manga that's true what happened to our sisters they got you sitting with one leg each with one leg west you mothers get back to your posts and teach your daughters get your house right if you gonna take the time to have a baby then love that baby and teach it the way it should be [Applause] this is old-fashioned preaching ago for a man a young boy came to your house he took his hat off on the porch he took us a yes ma'am oh yes ma'am it's it's clothing there ma'am uh all right you come on in and if you come in he ain't just flopped in your chair that's right he stood there until mr or mrs uh gilla curry says all right you may sit down young man and he feared your daddy that's right your daddy looked at him like a buzzer over a carcass that's right you know why see back then men was real protectors of the house these sick men sleep with their own daughters this is a sick society oh yeah oh yeah are you getting what i'm telling you so morals and basic common sense have left society and what structure is helping to push morality out church isn't that isn't that strange church is a contributing factor to the madness because preachers are saying well we got to resort to other tactics to uh get members to increase membership so what are preaching doing they're having raffle tickets they're bringing celebrities in the church the rap they're hosting parties hosting half banquets did you know banquets is not for the church banquets is what you've done in your past life that's right there's no trump supposed to be hosting a banquet when you're born again according to the bible that's your past life first peter give me the book of peter first peter chapter four follow me in your bible you half gown wearers first peter chapter four you half naked christian sparkling gown wearers that's right let's see is this your past life here you got the bishop wife come out here would i gown cut deep is my jacket her naked back all out bare arms all out split from the ankle all the way up lips look like jezebel got somebody else's eyelashes on and somebody else has you bought from walgreens amen [Applause] of wife and he walking with her with a sense of pride sense of pride what is so proud about your wife looking like jezebel looking like someone that walked the street why your wife advertising her breasts her breast supposed to be yours why are you not ashamed that other men see it you call that sexy that's go ahead preach it brother there ain't nothing sexy about advertising your body parts creature preaching and all right that's not sexy no more is it manly you young man got your pants hanging down showing your drawers like you're a male prostitute pull your pants up [Applause] a real man don't advertise his butt man why you want to oh think of it hear you a guy from the hood man please help me why do you want other dudes to look at your butt amen look i'm from the hood and when i came from the hood jack we mixed it up it wasn't none of us walking around without pans upside down yeah you walk around claim you tough advertising your booty like you're making a booty call like a male hoe that's right [Music] you stolen like a man but got your butt out like a hoe can't you make up your mind amen preach it brother am i right strolling like a man and advertising your butt like a hoe even a dog got a tail and he dropped his tail to hide his private parts go ahead you're not a dog stop advertising you'll tell your food go ahead creature and then you knock up a girl and you have a little boy and you raise him to be like you he's seven years old got little timberland boots on a little buster brown timberland looking boots and got his little pants hanging down ain't he calling women that's true and you address your little son this is my little pimp have you lost your mind do you know what a pimp is a pimp is a womanizer and a woman abuser so yet here you are so foolish you answered the two pitiful titles pimp and dog yeah you mean to tell me your freaking say what's up dog you answer a dog is a garbage eat-out amen your friend said yo what's up pimp hey what's up that's a womanizer so your children learn how to call women dogs pimps and when they get older that's exactly where they're going to treat them that's right straighten up young man that's right pull your pants up stop advertising your drawers stop being a follower doing what everybody else in the neighborhood doing that'll mean it look intelligent it doesn't look intelligent it looks horrible i remember when they first started this they only warm when then the under the painted shorts the underwear the waistband was up high and then all of a sudden these guys pants started getting low and lower and until i start seeing them all the way down and the entire buck cheek out now let's show you how stupid you are you put your whole pants down and you put on a belt now you do you look at yourself when you be walking you got to pass below your butt cheeks and the belt on and you're walking and walking you're walking because your pants is about to run away from you and you young sisters how are you proud to walk with a boy who's showing his booty man [Applause] he'll be ready to fight every man out there you young men straighten up i'm advertising your fruity balloons in your hands that's right and you unwashed drawers you walk inside of a job who you think gonna hire you pants hanging down shirt hanging out with a necktie on shirt out pants down uh i i want to call um uh is it john cunningham cunningham coming in that's right have a seat mr cunningham mr cunningham sit down yo what's up his shoulders this way his head that way [Applause] so mr cunningham why you think we should hire you well you know you know what i'm saying wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute your first words to him was do you know what i'm saying you ain't saying nothing do you know what i'm saying and you ain't said nothing go ahead brother i gotta teach our young men the streets are killing you you are following any and every week filthy trend that degrades your humanity we have become an embarrassment to god that's right and now god has implemented his word to correct in us what is not street that's right you look at society these brothers will shoot you for the stupidest thing here you and some guys just arguing over the girl and the girl that knocked all of y'all up she knocked up all four of you and she's sitting somewhere in the corner just looking at you telling you fight for me fight for me and all four of you about to kill each other and the thing about it she don't belong to none of it you know why none of y'all married to her how did you get this ignorant that the rims on your car is more precious to you than buying food to put in the mouths of your baby amen your priorities are backward and some of you sisters i feel sorry for you because the choices you make you select these things that spill they rotten seed in you go ahead brother and your child come out just like the thing you don't want that's right and now you're still dealing with him indirect because your child is one of them little acting devils that's true and then every time the child is with the father the father trash you didn't and now when the child come back you gotta undo the sick way he think because his crazy father can't stand the mother are you listening this is not taught in church man you too busy jumping and shouting and giving money and walking the street grinning giving out flies for some religion you know jesus you you you know jesus today you don't know him that's right oh gosh you don't know him go ahead brother are you getting what i'm telling you go ahead listen at this first peter chapter four and that verse three everybody all right tell the truth shame the devil come on son first peter chapter four and at verse three yes for the time past of our life when the time passed of our life well this trip is gonna the things we've done in our past as sinners ungodly people all right may suffice us of the gentiles to rot the will of the uncircumcised when we walked in last seriously we walked in as similar to extreme lust lust all right excess of wine oh out there drinking it's terrible to see a drunken man and it's terrible to see a drunken woman to see a drunken woman her voice get deep like a man all out in the street leave me alone some of you brothers man you drink up all your money you can't you won't even put food in the refrigerator wife gotta argue with you wife trying to do right want to get a life right with god she's scared to even let you in the house listen anytime you get under an influence of anything and it make you act worse than an animal you don't need that thing that's right when you get so messed up that you will argue with a telephone pole hey man you argue with a telephone pole i often think of a fella that i grew up with his name was nate but you know in the hood we got all type of short names so we called him ghosts ghost was big too man tall brother like huey but you muscular and whatnot and so trash day was set out and somebody set the refrigerator out and nate i heard this noise it may be like two or three in the morning man i was still home i looked out my window and that was nate he bumped up against the next door neighbor's refrigerator that was out there for trash you know and oh he had it out with the fridge he had he told the fridge who do you think you looking at man look you better get out of the way because you know i ain't walking around you he pushed the refrigerator and the weight of the refrigerator came back and hit nate in the chest and they went back they said oh no oh look man nate went hitting that refrigerator boom boom boom boom knocked it down and then stomped it told the refrigerator look at yourself in your past life and see where you that crazy [Applause] now i relate this to you brothers and sisters because in churches today have you noticed sin is being downplayed more and more and more and what the preachers are saying there's nothing wrong with doing this that or the other as long as you do it in moderation the bible's plate the bible talk plain it says wine is a marker strong drink is raging and he that is deceived thereby is not wise i want this to be good for you drunken christians all right excess of wine this is the past life past life what else revelings reveling banqueting oh in our past life where were we going bankruptings where were we going bankruptings past life that's supposed to be your past life not now i was sisters in church coming in church with half-naked evening gowns and our brothers coming in looking like a bunch of pimps that's right i don't manicure my nails for what that's right i'm a man i don't need no nails like an armor no i'm a man brother i ain't worrying about i got calluses i'm a working man that's right my hands ain't soaking in some palm olives that's right remember that commercial they used to have when they're coming up man was soaking in palmolive and she said you're soaking in it right now he took the hand out of there our men are becoming more and more feminine this have got outrageous our men now want to wear their hair like the female and our women want to wear their hair like the man what is going on our men want to wear pumps that's right that's right our men want to wear pumps like women want to wear pumps and carry little pocket books and all what's the matter with you that's right and you look at society are making clothes so you can't tell the difference who is the man or the woman right go back to deuteronomy back in deuteronomy 22 and verse 5 says the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man our sisters i should even look at a sister and know it's a woman will not come home to my wife i should not thank uh that it's the plumber in my house that's right amen and when i come home she shouldn't have think that there's some girl who run the road got the wrong house where's my husband right i mean what you look like pastor jillian's coming to pulpit switching you see this hard preacher over the television and then when you see me in person i come in the door yeah something's wrong i'm not right folks [Applause] hey man i'll be like man there ain't no passing no no [Laughter] [Music] but today a man can be in a pulpit like that and people will look over and say well he's just a humble christian it ain't that much humility in you god made man in his image and if god made the man in his image it ain't nothing feminine about god that's right am i right [Applause] see a lot of people don't like this kind of preaching because they may have gay sons gay brothers gay sisters and gay relatives i got gay relatives but i don't care i'm going to preach it preach it i don't care if i woke up in the sun on a morning and all for my son's hair was replaced with daisies i'm gonna preach it that's right and i'ma pull your daisies out by the roots too you got to stop bargaining because your family is guilty of biblical sin stop compromising stop condoning it call a spade a spade love god enough that if your family is wrong you tell them you're wrong that's right now they don't like it that's their problem you mothers you can't say well pastor that's my son is he a or not that's right and if he is called a spade of spain is she a dike or not if she is then tell butch to straighten up amen mama not a butch daughter shouldn't be butch being gay is a spirit that's what it is it's not just learned behavior it's the spirit because the father can be straight and the mother can be straight and the spirit of the devil can convert your son and daughter that's why the world need god in your house yeah and that's why the false prophets hate me they don't want god in your house so the devil can have free will with your house let's take our house back and get god in there bring god back in your house stop letting your children bring this rat trash in your house doing what they want in your house man when i came up my father made a plane you can't obey the rules of this house and get out and get your own and then you young people say my mama told me that but she don't love me no it's tough love listen young man and young woman it's common sense if you work at a job and you ain't got sense enough to do what the job tell you the man gonna tell you you'll find work somewhere else oh yeah what you gonna say my employer don't love me [Applause] you sound like a nut uh my employer don't love me no you're the one they wanted to cooperate all right here you got a mother and there's some of these women single working hard to raise one two three and four children because the man they married she thought he was what she wanted and found out he was nothing but a bomb worthless who just wanted to live off huck ain't no man want to marry a woman ain't no woman wanting to marry a man and got to raise him like he's a child that's right i often teach our men no need to talk to no sister about we us and you ain't got i right amen before you talk about we and us get yourself right first if you ain't got money you can't even afford to buy a roll of paper towels why would you try to make a baby that a baby got to suffer because they got a father who's too lazy and more worried about smoking and drinking and gathering and running the street then raising him and teaching him and instructed him to be what god want him to be go ahead so you young women stop looking at the car he drive and the money he give you and the cologne he wear when he don't wash go ahead stop looking at how good he perform in bed brother he's the fit to be a husband because he make a baby that don't mean he's fit to be a father let them release 50 bill husband so well pastor janice i want to know do he love me that's the first wrong thing you want to know the first thing you should want to know first do he love god second do he love himself yes bible says love your neighbor as yourself if the man don't love himself he gonna slap you from one end of the room to the other amen preaching a man can't love you until he loves himself a man can't love you right until he loves god and you ain't no man because you beat some woman you're weak good for nothing coward man that beat a woman is weak a man that beat a woman is a coward a man that beat a woman rejects the counsel of god that's right well i gotta put my woman back in check really well then god's gonna put you in check oh yes because what judgment you use upon her the god of heaven gonna end up using upon you that's right are you listening amen it takes a real man to follow holiness we believe in rebuilding the man remember in the 70s the 6 million dollar man what they say we can rebuild them rebuild them make them faster well here's the bible come to rebuild you inside and out rebuild the way you think rebuild the way you walk rebuild the way you talk rebuild the way you feel because all this junk that's in us we got from some fake man-made religion and then we took it under the title of christians and then found out later we never began started serving christ are you listening amen what did he say the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man woman stop looking like a dude stop sitting like a man stop walking like a man stop talking like a man that's right get them pants off of you get them hot pants off of you stop walking outside you know what they call a wife beater only outside now what they wearing is tights and you can see the skin straight through them true stop sending your daughters out with this mess on put some clothes on you [Applause] christian half naked out here looking like jezebel is a disgrace well pastor jen is in my church my bishop says come as you are he wants you to he wants you to come as you are so he can see what you have that's right then he can say the lord work in mysterious ways that's right hallelujah come on williams neither shall a man put on a woman's garment wait a minute the brothers are doing it too neither shall amen come on brothers what doesn't happen to you now here you want to wear baines oh man i i don't get it how to these men want to wear a ponytail that snoop dogg he's supposed to be from the hood being a ponytail that's right i mean you're supposed to be a man man when i came up many wear ponytails unless she was from ferryville usa yeah i'm a man can you imagine me and paul can you imagine me and williams and ponytails ponytails and shades and banes here's huey i'm taking pictures running photography to church he got bangs and ponytails all of your face shaking his hands what have happened to church turn the tv in christian uh trinity broadcasting network look at these men and they pull piss a man bun oh my a man bun you sisters know how you wear a bun like my sister back here she got a bun men wearing it now i'm wearing them why in the world is a husband and a wife in their bathroom and the husband asking his wife wait you got a scrunchy you know you got a scrunchie or you got a rubber band you know and he putting his hands like his wife ain't wrapping it that's right give me the book of corinthians in first corinthians chapter 11. i want it to be good for all my long-haired men that's watching around the world and listening yeah first corinthians chapter 11 and at verse 14. follow me does not even nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair what it is a shame unto him cut your hair amen ain't no man should be doing it is a shame it's a shame your hair in your way you're just whipping it yes shame on this head now pastor jennings what did what give chapter and verse first corinthians 1 my name ain't corinthians no don't call patrick see they say pastor jennings as if i wrote the bible and they want to soften it to try to make it less true i just write this that's right i wouldn't care for your hair replaced your shoelaces but my job is to tell you what the bible says amen listen at the bible give chapter and verse first corinthians 11 and verse 14. what did the word of god say does not even nature itself teach you look at paul by god's permission he's saying nature what you mean paul common sense off to tell you this common sense you're not a woman you're not a woman that's right you shouldn't have your hair long like hers that's right what that if a man have long hair man man man if a man has long hair how do god feel about it it is a shame unto him why you ain't got no shame brother that you're using your wife's bobby pins that's right he's a grown man in the mirror shame pulling hair over here a man shame under him what's wrong with your parents that you let your children walk around like this in the house these are young men that's right make them cut their hair this is biblical law that's right the bible says train up a child in the way that it should go train your child he is not a girl stop having his hair looking like a girl go ahead do it now help your son to be a preacher talk back to me the bible speak plain do what's not even nature itself teach you my nature teach you that if a man have long hair how do god never mind geno jennings how do god feel it is a shame it's what a shame no he make it look handsome it is a shame it's cute ashamed ashamed right that's right they get mad at me that's the word that was here before i was born amen amen when i came up in the 70s the brothers used to hot comb their hair when the brothers did it it was called blowout you know and then everyone when the superfly movie came out oh man he revolutionized practically every man's hair that's right superfly came out he had his hair all processed hanging down looking like a female pimp that's right before you know it all the young guys started doing it james brown he went on and done it in fact he died that way but even before the 70s in the 1920s and 30s and the old hairs can bear witness they used to say where the man will conk his hair yeah that's when they use white potatoes and some lie and some other stuff and burn their hair out there run it through their hair and comb it put that hot towel on it burn for a while and then rinse it out get that towel smooth it back then they say look i had my head to like wipe up that's what they were saying that's right my hair i had like wife out i look like like white i know oh i thought yeah it's something you don't know what to do with yourself love the way god made you if god didn't make your hair orange get the dye out if god didn't make your hair green you look like lucky charms you parents you let your children walk around like this nose pierced eyelash pierced ears pierced lips pierced tongue pierced and trying to eat collard greens and they get stuck all in it child's trying to talk someone said pastor janice don't call me give me the book of isaiah i want to teach you how to be holy yeah because all this other mess you had got you ruined you've been baptists and methods and presbyterian apostolic and pentecostal and you never got started i'mma teach you how to be holy that's it all right isaiah chapter three and we're starting in verse 16. really quick moreover the lord says because the daughters of zion are hardy and walk with stretch forth necks and wandering eyes stretched for necks and wanting eyes walking and mincing as they go what are they doing and making a tinkling with with their feet don't go choke up on me now get it out of you they got that ankle chain on that's why their ankles make so much noise tinkling with their feet and therefore the lord will smite with the scab the crown of the head of the daughters of zion what will god do and the lord will discover their secret part and in that day never mind geno jennings and that day the lord will take away the lord gonna do it what the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet real quick and their calls real quick and the round tires light the moon what the chains wait a minute you gonna take away what the chain i don't care if you got a cross around your neck the bible said god gonna do what and in that day the lord will take away the chains no chains the chains what else and the bracelets what what in that day the lord will take away the bracelets very quiet i don't blame none of you you don't know it's my job to tell you so i can help you i'm not trying to criticize you i'm not looking down on you either no but it's my job to tell you what the word of god said that's right you can get mad at the mailman when he bring you that 3 000 electric bill but it's his job to bring it that's right when you chase him he may run my job is to tell you because the preachers ain't they ain't gonna tell you all right and the mufflers what else the the boss and the ornaments of the legs wait a minute when you got an ankle chain on what is it that's an ornament on your leg ornaments what else and the headband and the tablets what else and the earrings diamonds earrings pearls earrings silver earrings in the 1970s remember they made earrings out of uh eating utensils that's right yeah they did spoons and knives folk always are ready to eat for us and pull them out their head and get busy everything now and just redoing it see god don't want none of this stuff to be on us because in the book of genesis he called it strange gods he said pull off your strange gods it has to be a difference between you and the sinner has to be there's many religions that used to believe this and changed i tell you in the 1950s and 60s when the elijah muhammad was living in the nation of islam did you know they wasn't allowed to wear makeup and all that stuff no they were not they weren't allowed to wear it but now they some of them got more makeup on than folks out here lips are already there was not there wasn't even allowed to process their hair they wasn't allowed to straighten their hair elijah muhammad would call it ironing the hair they wasn't allowed to do it churches years ago was more about the development of the people spiritually now they're more about of developing his wallet that's right and when you're about money more than god you don't want to preach things that you think people won't like i don't care who don't like it i don't care if you have picket signs in the street that's right i'm going to tell you why your sign is hanging over here that's right in fact i may walk next to you and tell you why you got the sign listen real quick and the earrings and the rings wait a minute it got the rings too the rings pastor jennings you mean my wedding band will you stop calling me amen my name ain't pastor jennings or my name ain't isaiah as if i wrote the bible it's in the bible the ring well patrick jennings how folks gonna know i'm married try acting like it that's how a ring ain't never made nobody be faithful to a man or a woman that's right act like it amen in today's society it'll make them folks step to you quicker they see that ring they don't care that's right yeah look at that ring and then action so is it still on huh are y'all still together these are some bold people people they see your ring they don't care like no so you supposed to be married that's what they're saying so you supposed to be married really jump in your face quick very forward today very flirtatious today they don't have shame faces and sobriety no bibles speak against rings no engagement no wedding no military ring no high school some folks say passage i didn't know holiness was all that listen what's the your script you got what is called holy bible holy scriptures yeah it ain't called baptist book no it's holy holy holy spirit this is not mine teaching is i mean god he only he got the right to tell you what he wanted what he don't want he ain't gonna do with me i wouldn't care if your whole body was a ring if you wore a ring from your neck to your toes one big ring like you in a coke bottle what i wouldn't care that's right but because this thing is written come on son my time is getting away from it and those jewels wait a minute what nose jewels your nose is no cleaner that's right young folk you know what to do with yourself you pierce your lips you're piercing your private parts you're piercing your chest you're piercing your womb men it's piercing his lower anatomy you see what's wrong with these fellas that's right men now want to pierce this chest that's right yo it's a matter with you when i came up in the hood and a man had an earring he may was in a gang or was considered tough now these men got two earrings big one they just jingling that's jingling the bible says the rings not pastor janice rings what else and nose jewels take that stuff out your nose what what do holiness do clean clean us up now i know many of you are not gonna obey this overnight you're not but it takes times but it's my job to preach it that's right i have to keep preaching until you come up to it don't say well well i'm not going to go to church until i'm able to do all of it then you're going to die home that's right what do you mean that's like saying uh that i will wash without water who going to dry clean you everybody always got something to give up that's right and the purpose of coming to god house so the word of god can constantly work on us work on us and work on us for what to improve us you will never get improved just sitting at home not hearing the word of god that's right and then you get to some fake church where the preacher tell you what you want to hear because he got a big old gold ring on his finger and he'll tell you don't pay that passage in his new mind when god bless you the streets gonna be paved with gold well you ain't no street you ain't a street that's right huh that's right he ain't talking to a street you're talking to people people are you kidding me amen go back to timothy so i can knock off quick because my time is gone we're getting the correct time brothers 2 14. all right real quick back in first timothy chapter 6 and verse 10. all right for the love of money is the root of all evil which while some have coveted after wait look in the midst of many people pursuing money while they desire it they have erred from the faith they left church they turned their back on god and went all out for the dollar and pierced themselves through with many sorrows and now they got themselves into something that they regret but thou man of god look at look at brother paul warning the church oh man of god flee these things you get away from that lifestyle and what should we do and follow after righteousness that's what i'm preaching yeah follow after what's right godliness follow what's of god faith believe god love love god patience let you want to be patient and take your time to do what the word of god said be humble while you obey the lord fight the good fight of faith stand up for god amen stand up for him i know it may be tough but stand up for him yeah fight the good fight of faith and they hold on eternal life that's what i want man i want eternal life with god amen i want to be with god with god had a man right men say you got to be out your mind if you believe something jesus is coming for you i don't care if you don't thank it that's like you may believe that if you go out there on a highway and stand there in rush hour you won't get hit by a mack truck if you don't believe it go ahead and do it and do it you'll be on the news soon yes you will you'll soon be on the news what else they hold on eternal life where until they're until thou art also called what did we do and has professed a good profession before many witnesses and this is what we're doing right now hallelujah we are professing a good profession we got a good profession here we got god everlasting word for the development of chicago and the rest of the world it's time for the entire city to get ready to obey god brother and sister you don't gave the devil too much of your time and a lot of times many folks say pastor jennings i know what you're preaching is right but i'm not ready isn't that interesting are you not ready to surrender to walk with god but you always ready to give yourself fleshy pleasure that's right that man can beat you have silly but you're still ready to go back to him you can almost overdose off weed brother and all type of crack and the moment someone gets you detox now you're ready to go back why is it you're not ready to give your life to your lord who've been so merciful to you didn't cut you off and he still have you living meaning he's giving you time to get right with him repent of your sins what do you mean repent god wants you sorry about you wrong why do god want us sorry you get a person not sorry they want to change you ever have a you ever know a person who ain't never sorry about nothing man that's like fighting a wall god want us to be sorry about our wrong he says repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ
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Rating: 4.8793969 out of 5
Keywords: gino jennings, pastor gino jennings, gino jennings sermons, gino jennings sermons 2021, gino jennings debates, gino jennings women preachers, gino jennings 2021, gino jennings interview, gino jennings live stream, gino jennings trinity, gino jennings marriage and divorce, gino jennings today's service, gino jennings august 8 2021, gino jennings september, truth of god
Id: zmBDK7cU8CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 46sec (3286 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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