Learn To Pray From The Heavenly Realms! Session 5 Pensacola Spirit School - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] you thank you thank you lord haha Thank You Carla thank you Father this this is amazing this has been happening to us even in other country so we've had to go to bigger buildings and I when I walk out and I look at the people it's it's a shock to me because I never thought that anybody want to come in hear me speak you know it is so funny because at work for 30 years I would just sit around in between flights and in the and airports and we would talk to people and the power God would hit me and so I would start to work my way toward the salvation message and before you know it the same power that's on me right now right this moment was on me in the airport or at 35,000 feet it was amazing how the Holy Spirit wanted to talk to people about the way to salvation Jesus Christ and and it's no different the same spirit came on 19 when I got born again the same spirit that that baptized me and fire the same spirit when Jesus called me to the fivefold ministry the same spirit went when Kenneth Hagin laid hands on me and sent me out when Benny Hinn called called me to the Ministry when Jesse Duplantis ordained me the same spirit was there in the airport and I was getting paid to just to just do my job and now this morning it's the same spirit it's not changed but I never thought that people would actually come and the sacrifice that you all make to come I know it because I used to do it I used to be an assistant pastor I used to help the the big boy ministers when they'd come in you know and take them the hotel and take them up to their room and and Here I am you know yeah I don't know if I'm a big boy but um I everything I do every single thing I do I do it as unto the Lord with excellence and I would rather not do it then and wait until it's excellent because I know how God is I know he's excellent and I know that like what he says something to us he really wants to shift and change our lives because it affects other people so it's very important what was just said I really appreciate Pastor Gary you know all the invites that I get we turned down sometimes six a day but we'll never get to them well we're not taking any new ones as far as I know we've told countries.the where the Lord just said it's not time to go there but the Lord just sight-unseen told me that we're supposed to come here and it's pretty obvious that it was the right thing to do but even if it was for six people I would do it if a God told me to but this is what I wanted to talk to you about because there's there's something about obedience and finances that that are congruent and brother Hagin in school I remember that I went to four years of Bible College and I I learned the basics of the background of the Bible which you can do you know you can study too and you don't have to get it I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars not me but some businessman was spoken to by the Lord and paid off my school bill but I would had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars if it wasn't for that man who'd never wanted to meet me he got my last name in prayer and came and paid my school bill off but I think about the hundreds of thousands of dollars that I I would I spent essentially for my education to get a bachelor's degree and all I did was learn about the Bible do you understand that and then when I went to Rhema it was criticized by all those colleagues there and but I did it anyway and I did that two years and then I stayed with the ministry and worked for about a year and then the Lord told me to go to Southwest Airlines which was really weird because I was chosen as one of the singers to travel with brother Hagin and that's what I can do I can sing I'm a you know I thought was my degree but the Lord wouldn't let me do that and he wouldn't let me sing on any of my albums which I can do and this this thing that happened with me as it progressed I started I started to learn more about God in my private time studying the Bible without having to pay for the degree and I saw that like like Rhema really helped me but it was more the anointing and impartation it was there than it was just the teaching because the teaching was very basic you know I don't think we looked at any Greek words or Hebrew words or anything like that very often and but the people that were there there was one professor his name was Brian McCallum he was he was flying spy planes for the CIA and for the Air Force and he was he was literally in a spacesuit most of the time it was all classified that he was in a plane that that went went over 3,500 miles an hour and the Lord would speak to him up there and tell him that someday I'm putting you into the ministry so don't get comfortable here and they don't he doesn't know why he was chosen though there's a reason why I'm saying all this because you have to understand that what you're going through right now and what you're what you're in is preparing you for something that's really really important to God so the training is very important however it's not what you think it's it's the impartation it's not always what you eat the you know the you know getting you having a job and doing your training and upgrading and things like that it's sometimes just relationships and this is what happened this guy said that he was in Iran training people on a little fighter jet named named the f5 and he was this was when we had relationship with it with Iran and so the government all the pilots that flew for the Air Force if they wanted to they could go on call there and get paid $175,000 a year in 1970 to train these the the Air Force and then in these small like it looked like a yard dart you know as a an f5 is just a very fast plane but it's not forgiving at all it knows if you're looking outside the window it'll do something weird it's a very very sensitive airplane but it's good for train so it makes a pilot honest so he was just doing that and he he wanted to get out of there because the Lord started telling that something's gonna happen to the government well if you know the the Shah was deported all his friends lost all their money because all their assets and accounts were frozen but he bailed took his several hundred thousand dollars and bailed and went back to the United States but this is what he did he saw this classified project you know a classified airplane so he just signed as a joke he signed up for it and he saw that there were all these u-2 spy plane pilots wanting to switch so he figured it's a pretty cool airplane well he got a call and he got chosen and he said he said to this day I still don't know why I got chosen but it was funny that the training for that airplane the sr-71 was the f5 and he was so good he made history the Yom Kippur War he's the one that took all the photos they were on you know that he that he'd take photos and they were on the president's desk of the United States he would take off in the morning from California go halfway around the world and by 10 o'clock that night the photos from his plane were on the desk of the president he made decisions about war you know the whole thing with the bit the missile the missile crisis in Cuba he he what he couldn't tell me because it's classified he said I off and I thought my orders were to fly over a small island off the coast of Florida now the thing that is is if you calculate how long that would take he told me it only took him 22 minutes and they had to be see pictures of these missiles on these ships being offloaded and I thought this man has been part of history but he said all he would do Kevin he said up there because I was up in that airplane all day the going going way over 3,500 miles an hour at the edge of space he said it was dark up there it was right at the edge of space and he said I would have my Bible out on my knee and I would pray in tongues and this is what he said he said and Neil Armstrong confirmed this because he was friends with Neil because they were he wasn't they were both astronauts but this guy you know stayed in the atmosphere but very close to the edge but the other in O'Neill of course was outside but they talked because that he said you notice that up there there's no demons because there's no people they have no effect so he said up there he said you can hear dog to God talk to you and Neil said that's nothing I was on the moon he said I would talk to God have my devotions and the Lord would answer right away any question like clearly and he had this conversation where because there was no hindrance there was no there was no warfare and so he told me that and then this is what he said he was chosen he was chosen to transfer to another program that was going to be putting up you know satellites into the aptness up into his space for the Defense Department and so he was being promoted the Lord said no you're going to go to Rhema and you're gonna be Kenneth Hagins pilot and the name of the program that he said no to he was going to be the first commander on the first space shuttle program and he turned it down and he was a professor and so he was told by the Lord to call me in when I graduated because he knew that I had given up the Air Force and when I graduate I flew back in after I was with Southwest Airlines for about six months and I was in tears because I didn't want to be there I wanted to stay at the ministry there and you've got to understand that that things that are going through the Lord is leading you through them but he's not leading you around them because he needs you to learn and experience certain things because it has to do with your character and it has to do with what you're going to be doing later okay so he said to me he brought me in the office he's now the Dean of the school and he's sitting there and I asked him a question he said do you want what do you want to talk about I said I do want to hear some stories and I said yeah he said well I have to get this sheet out because I can't tell you the truth I have to tell you what's published or I'll get called in because it's all classified and these he flew this in the 70s and you know retired and it's still classified today and because I was a pilot I could understand a lot of what he was saying but he'd have to talk in riddles and parables and you know but I was able to figure it out you know the speed was fifty five hundred miles an hour just by calculating distances to Hawaii and and things like that that he would do in 23 minutes and you know tow I and back and his life was different he said there's a lot of stress because he was shot at every time he flew the Russians were trying to shoot him down and the raht the that they were the size of telephone poles the missiles but he said they couldn't keep up with him he was going too fast yeah but yet there was a lot of stress so he said I would pray in a spirit all the time he said so Kevin I really feel like you know you're under a lot of stress because you've you just keep walking away from airplanes and you keep doing what God's telling you to do but he said I walked away from the space show and it made me feel better a little bit but you'll find out at the end of your life that you weren't really missing out on anything what it was this God was more concerned about you and your who you are as a person and then developing that that character okay so he said to me he said to me you need to increase your word your word content your time with the word and you need to increase your time of praying in the spirit he said I prayed in the spirit all when I was in an airplane for 14 hours I would just keep coming down from the edge of space to get fuel from a tanker and then I would just shoot right back up to over 110 120 thousand feet it was more like 175 but no he can't say that but he would do that for 14 hours and he'd be changing history I mean there's the history books behind those these different things that happened in the world he was part of that but he has very humble person and he felt like well why did God send me to be with brother Hagin and be his pilot you know and fly an airplane that doesn't even go the speed of sound you know and he was you know coming into your sadness fear I don't know if you understand this but the shuttle the shuttle is at sixteen thousand eight hundred miles an hour when it enters the Earth's atmosphere and he have to slow down to touch the back wheels at 200 miles an hour so I have to slow down from that and these airplanes don't want to slow down like his airplane sr-71 didn't want to slow down it wanted to keep going and and he had to manage all that weight you know he he would be go over countries on his descent and he would be in a right turn or a left turn to line up with the runway over Canada and continued burn through Washington State and Oregon State and into California on the turn just lining up for the runway in Beale Air Force Base in Sacramento and so he had to manage everything way for her head you have to learn that God wants to tell you the future because he promised to tell you the future when he sent the Holy Spirit he said he's going to remind you of things that I've said but he's also going to tell you of things to come so it does say that and if you if you really live like I do it in John 14 I continue through 15 16 and 17 that's all I do it's why I pray those chapters and III meditate on them I pray them out I don't ask any for anything myself everything that I have I never asked for it nothing in fact just to show you how crazy this is you know I we travel with Jesse sometimes on his jet but you know I don't fly it or do anything like that I just sit back here and let him talk to us because I need to know what he knows so he just sits back there and imparts to us and serves us peanuts and sprite and he's like a flight attendant you can't even he can't sit down but but he we have a certain way we sit on his plane every time we have our seats everybody does but I found myself in a dream it was switched and it was in different jet that I'd never seen before inside and we were switched so it was my airplane and Jesse and Kathy Duplantis were on it with my wife and we had switched seats and when I woke up I said Lord you're just picking a fight because I don't yeah I don't need anything I walked away from this I don't need this and a table he said it doesn't matter he said find that jet and I couldn't understand the interior of it because it looked like like race car type seats they were and they were beautiful it was camel colored and you don't hardly ever see this with the light stitching because it shows the dirt but you know that like I I personally found the airplane that night but when I came out of the dream the house filled with the brand new leather smell so it was all over the house so everywhere I went it followed me and it was it was it was strong and I I said Lord you're just picking a fight because I'm not asking you for one and I could fly it myself I would just have to go for that particular airplane to go to class or for a month or so but the point is is that I didn't even initiate this but I have been had people in my life that are part of the important of following god walking away from things and having people encouraged me that's why you need the body of Christ you need to have a group of people a church that that encourage you while you're going through what you're going through so that you don't get disappointed because God doesn't necessarily take you out of something he walks you through it we're always looking for the way around it you know like Google Maps you know you know around the wreck you know to be aware of certain things but what if the Lord wants to teach you something through it and a lot of what the rate the reason I am the way I am if you want to kind of know why I am the way I am it's because I've almost died in three different plane plane incidents I've died and come back I've been in situations where if I didn't do something I'd be dead I had to make decisions I've had to let go of friends that weren't really friends but I've had to make that decision and the Lord said you'll understand later just do it and he's kind of stirred with me and a lot of that is not being taught anymore but the Lord is a as a father that disciplines his children and he expects you to be like a soldier and act at times in obedience with and any of you know my story Jesus when I was in heaven he said you he said you've done everything I've ever asked you to do and I was only 31 years old and he said you've been faithful you've done everything and I think well how could I be faithful and finished with my race at 31 years old he said he said well you're known in heaven he said people talk about you all the time up here and this is when I had died on the operating table so I I I was I was intrigued by this because you have to understand that you can't manufacture these kind of things about yourself this is not this when I died the things that I saw and said I mean how did I know about 9/11 before it happened and both market crashes you see there were signposts given to me when I was sent back no I was not used to prevent 911 but I knew about it my wife has watched me when my plane the plane that I was going to be on got hit by another plane she's watched me say I'm not flying this flight on this second week the Lord told me to get rid of it so my crew calls me they got their tail at the tail of the airplane almost not completely off by a in Detroit during de-icing an American Airlines airplane sorry said that an airline knocked our you know ran into us and my flight at the flight tenants got hurt and the plane was destroyed I guess or hurt well you know the airplane gets hurt I don't know but they called me go how did you know the pilot called me the captain I know him he said how did you know because they got cordon off you know by the NTSB they have to go and I'll get drug tested alcohol tested and then you know they do an investigation and you laid trap you they trap you for eight hours they keep you from the press to keep you from everything this has happened a couple different times with me if and what I'm trying to tell you is is that after a while you start to walk with God and these signposts along the way start to show you that you're on the right track I was given a couple of those when I was in heaven so when I came back I knew about certain things but jesus said this to me he said you've been faithful and I thought a 31 years old how could I I've only been saved since I was 19 what could I have done that impressed the Lord and he said because it's known that you always drop what you're doing and you go and do what I tell you to do without ever even questioning why I go well that's what a Christian is right I mean I you're my commander he said no that's rare on the earth so I thought I would share these kind of things with you this morning to show you some of the things that I caught in conversations with Jesus that he likes in it at the father likes there's certain things he likes that he would never tell you because it's a personal thing in other words it's hidden in the word but it's not it's not always obvious but God can be hurt the father can be heard and he's he's always having to put himself above the frailty of man he's always having to put himself up above it but he would like it if he could just walk with people and converse with people without being hurt I just feel like I have to stick up for him because a lot of people think well you know God's strong it's like it it's like other people you think they don't get hurt but I've seen Jesse hurt but he's not going to tell you that because he's a general he's going to stay at a certain standard so that we all continue to walk with God and honor God but people have feelings and people really I mean if you if you think about some of the people I know that you might not even like I mean they they their to tears because they want to obey God they're they love people and they're not perfect but either are you now I know if I throw rock it's coming right back and hit me you know I know that so I don't do that okay so so during this time with Jesus I caught some things and what it was is when he says something to you it's part of your development into what he has for you so you're actually get you're getting into an opportunity to be promoted but it appears to be it appears to be something mundane so that when the Lord spoke to you and said give that person five dollars that was actually a test but he uses money to do it for some reason because we're attached to it if it was something else that everyone was attached to then he would ask them to do that it's not that he wants the money or anything like that it's he's freeing up your spirit to obey past your soulish influence so your spirit has to become predominant it just so happens that it ends up being something like money for me it's time it's not money at all I mean there's money flying all the time but my time I only have a certain amount of it and it became it becomes like the gold standard in my life because you know we only get a couple hours sleep at night because if something doesn't get done then we got to do it because people people need to participate in what God's doing and I feel responsible for it if you get to that place where you own it what God's doing in your life and you own it and you want excellence then what you'll do is you'll you'll be God's manager over what he's doing you're your pastor so I don't have to have president Trump come visit me if he has a word that he or something he wants to do he can send an ambassador who has the same authority to actually sign for him and that ambassador represents the United States represents our government it represents the intent of the person that sent them so Jesus did that he came and he represented the father's intent and he signed for the father and with that he continued he could he continually enforces what he's done but he completely bought you and with that transaction he gave you everything that the father has now now jesse has said this to me other people but Benny Hinn they've all said this to me whatever is on me is on you this this jacket is Jesse's jacket he gave it to me but when I wear it I feel him and you know if you if you if you don't understand the impartation side of life then you're gonna miss out totally on what I'm saying but I just formed my own Aviation Department I got my own wings and I put them on Jesse's jacket and I wear it because he's Abraham and Isaac and it doesn't matter what anybody thinks because they can't change what God has already done okay it's the same with what Jesus did for the father you can't change it God has chosen to love you now through Jesus Christ and that's it that's the way it is you have any heritage everything when I go to the Future all I'm doing is getting a peek at what's going to happen but I have to choose to implement it I have to choose to agree with God or I can delay it so hear me out it's more about heart matters than you would like to give credit for it it's it's how what you do how you attach your heart to the things that are important it's about time you get here Wow okay you ready my helps here Lord yeah so how many of you you look in the mirror and you really don't know yourself you don't understand yourself yeah I've been there and the process of you going from that to knowing who you are and understanding yourself is that you have to identify with someone else your identity is in Christ it's in the person of Jesus your identity you identify with him and it was so surprising to me because when I saw him after a while you have to understand this was like a week up there for me it's it was only 45 minutes when I came back at only been about in 45 minutes or an hour but it seemed like I'd been there a long time and he talked and talked forever that's why I can keep coming out with the books because it just it's like a it's like a you have a jump drive but you have zip files inside those and he just put it in there and it just so be neat and it unravels it and then the next you know you you clicked on one Nikon but there's a hundred icons from that click and I just keep clicking and I'm like having to readjust with the people down here you humans you know no is this sound funny when I said no it's silly humans you know like a we we were used to it we're all used to being on the same mode that the other realm is faster and there is a way to cheat the system there is a way to do it but you have to first of all be able to walk in it yourself once you walk in it yourself you can't let anyone else damage that okay then you have to create a team and all your contractors and everybody around you you have to get them on the same page and get them up to speed to pick up the pace so really a leader is only successful on how they can implement their vision to the people around them and discern where their weaknesses are you know as a leader you have to discern what you need to hire toward you hire towards your weakness but then when you hard toward your weakness you have to remember that those people might think that they can do it better than you but then they've got to be able to judge well this is the the vision that I'm part of so that they never like when I was with an assistant pastor there were people that would would want to vote out the pastor and put me in his pastor it would happen all the time and then that's when I would just kind of back out I said well that ain't gonna happen because I'm not gonna be a target I'm hiding behind the pastor right now no listen Mike might the Lord told me and Cathy that we're supposed to make our pastor look good so when people would say I said well I'm just here to make my pastor look good you know I'm gonna do everything that he can't do but I'm not gonna take credit for it and I'll make it I would make everywhere we went we just the same with my company I would make my company look good but I would stay extra and not get paid in fact I donated three hours a day I would come early to work and not get paid for it I pray over the airplane I'd walk down the aisle and it's dark and cold and pray in tongues I set apart the airplane to the Lord you know things like that so you're only as good as you can get people to come with you if not you just have to do it on your own but you're gonna work yourself to death so in this life when you pray God's gonna give you vision he's going to tell you what to do but if it's bigger than you which it would be if it came from heaven then you have to deal with the realms that they're the realm here is faster and limitless and you're gonna have to bring it in here to where your resources you know the UPS truck might might come in three weeks even though you just ordered it why isn't here because there's distance and time down here no in Seattle I would joke with the guests they'd say oh I forgot my shampoo I said what kind is it so you won't find it you know it's it's a special type I said try me I say it's on Amazon he was yeah it's today I go not here's an hour he goes what so I went click in an hour ding dong box at the door I lived near Amazon one hour delivery it's Nick but this same guy this same guy everybody that walked in that house in a certain area where we we were helping the pastor up there we would fast and pray for our pastor and meet in the living room in a certain area sometimes we were praying for him a couple times a week together I wasn't called to be the pastor it's called to help the pastor so I poor we prayed we got together and that spot became so full of the power of God that when people who don't know we'd have people come in and they would walk through that spot they would fall so this guy this same guy he just he saw the big beautiful window we had our dream house that the Lord told us just to sell come to New Orleans but he walked right through that spot on his way to see the window to see the beautiful scenery and fell and this guy doesn't fake nothing so there is taking from the other realm and implementing it into this realm but when that happens it's not always explainable so you'll learn how to work with people down here but you also learn that there are certain things that are going to happen that are not explainable and it has to do with this impartation being associated with certain people will cause you to take a shortcut because they've already plowed but if you want to do it yourself just go ahead but it wouldn't it be silly if I went out here with a machete and started cutting down trees and branches and stuff when there's a highway already built there are so many people in heaven that have done this for us already there are pathways that have already been made there are anointings impartation that are on particular people that they have already accomplished those things that you are still having to encounter and endure and and establish I would rather place myself under authority and learn then try it on my own no one in here wants to try to fly an airplane why because the risk is greater if you fail well should it be any different with the spirit realm I mean really isn't it a serious thing if there is a book according to Psalms 139 if there is a book written about you each one of your days is written in a book don't you think that if that is actually the case that is very very sacred important thing to know what your book says now I'm not denying any of the Bible so as a Christian I tell people right off the bat you have to believe Psalms 139 if you're a Christian which clearly says that a child before they're even formed in a mother's womb they're known each one of your days is written in a book before one that watched your body form in your mother's womb so no one not one person comes against me about abortion why because it's already established as clear this is this is that my ministry that God gave us is based on that Scripture everything about Kevin is that there's a book written about you and just hook up with it stop being a numbskull you know just don't put your machete down and let God start to dictate to you what he wrote many many years before you were born and it sounds like a fairy tale like a bedtime story but it's not but see the world telling that story every day at work people got saved because inside of them they that's what they want we all do it's romantic that God would do that but there are certain things if you establish yourself right away you don't get hit so you establish yourself well at work I had that stablish thought I'm a Christian I don't they asked me well you you've got to do this you just know they asked me the next day what did you do last night I prayed for you but see see all day I'd have to do their job because they're there they they partied all night right and I have to put out the fires from the people that they were mean to right no that's not everybody cuz we had a good company but what I'm saying is I said if this is so good for you if this is like if you're gonna mock me because I didn't come drinking with you and I didn't sleep in someone else's bed instead of my own if I'm if that's if that if you're gonna mock me for that like Oh how's that working for you well I had to take a stand say no I'm not going to do that but listen to me you can if you could look at the records I was drug and alcohol tested all the time but I've never taken drugs I've tasted alcohol but I've never drank I don't even know what a beer tastes like but I wish that you know why because I got reported because I was so happy all the time I was and everybody that flew with me that drug people would be the tester so be in the jetway they said we need Kevin's a tie and you know they just bring the whole crew I'm like I just got tested this isn't random and then I figured it out it's like people were complaining I was so happy so automatically people think that you're drug induced if you're happy so I got the president a President's Award which is the highest honor Southwest the president gives an award out I got it at the 18 year marker people have been there for 30 years now 40 that have never gotten that and what they wrote on there on the plaque and signed was was just being a Christian showing we're up for work on time being kind everybody and I got an award for it a big cheque was taped to the back of it and I thought wait a minute because of just being a the right kind of person and you stand out but it said on there that I supported the vision of Southwest Airlines but I did when when we go from quarter to quarter we would barely make it will hardly make a profit so even like if I dropped an extra napkin on the floor when I was getting everything was to serve if I would accidentally drop one napkin I would say sorry herb we would all like stay extra to make the airline run and not get paid we would do all these different things we clean up we cleaned the planes ourselves so we'd have to pay cleaners I didn't get paid for that I donated three hours a day that I didn't get paid for because I didn't get paid until we got in the air but I loved it because I was part of somebody's vision and we made Southwest Airlines successful now it's a big airline but herb Kelleher would say you take care of the customer and I'll take care of you and he would send us checks on Valentine's Day I would get a check from him we get money all the time when he saw me he would remember my name he say Kevin you know what I got the snacks you just get the drink orders I want to meet all the people so he would hand out snacks and talk to everybody instead of being on a Learjet then when we got to the ground he would disappear I look out the window and he's down there throwing bags with the handlers the bag handlers and he's asking him what can we do to make your job better he asked me is there anything we can change Kevin that would make it easier for you he would do that all the time go from plane to plane that was his job the CEO he designed that whole airline on him napkin three cities and when I was in heaven I noticed that Jesus's personality was like herb Kelleher's in a way he was herb was the kind of person when he talked to you you thought he was as fitting you were his favorite but he was eat drink a lot of alcohol he was a lawyer he you know he wasn't like you know he used the Lord's name but it wasn't you know but but you know why he was he was a kind man and he was a smart man but I remember when I was with Jesus that I kind of felt a similarity there in the personality how he valued his his employees so the Spirit of the Lord is wanting me to tell you these things because you can stand out in this generation but it has to do with allowing yourself a break giving yourself a break and realizing that you were made it made a certain way in the image of God but there a couple things that I need to share with you that the Lord gave me that you can add to this your personality what people really like and what God really likes is when you keep your word and it's proverbs says to keep it even to your hurt now there are times where I can name the people you would know them they have promised their said something to me and they they forgot and when they found out even though they said no I I mean that I have to do that I told you that and if they couldn't do it they'd come back and apologize to me but you keep your word and it sets you apart now there's a there's a there's a strong there's a strong direction here with with the wind of God right now I'm just waiting I'm talking about I'm waiting because I don't think you realize that you've already passed through to the next phase of God's move on this earth it's it's happened now I've been waiting to see this happen for years but the angels told me that would take three years which was three years ago and now it's happening in this room and it's interesting because I can see I'm what how I know is what I'm talking you all disappear and I'm back where I was in the encounter so every time it does just like this weekend every time I spoke to you this weekend the operating table is right here and the surgeon and the anesthesiologist over there and then the nurse is here and Jesus is standing right here every time I speak right now that's that's where it is I've never that's where I was sent back into my body I'm still there in that that room in Phoenix Arizona and I can see my body on the table every single time I talk but now I'm in Washington DC in the Doubletree Hotel and there's six angels in my room that told me that the move of God had started but that you're supposed to do your ministry but in three years it's gonna start breaking out on the people because they're gonna figure it out that it's already happening they're gonna jump in that is happening right now the angels are I mean the Angels the six angels are in front of me but I see you too but you kind of disappear and I see this this this time when I told Cathy I said Cathy the Lord told me that I have to go to that hotel across from the Pentagon and I couldn't get a flight there because I was so busy so I just found a flight attendant that you would trade with me and I took her flights and worked it there and when I got to the room all this happened and now it's just broken out but Peter said listen add these things these characteristics to your life and he talks about self-control he talks about all these different things and when you add these things to you he said it will become impossible for you to fail if you do these things and implement them into your life you will not fail meliss of all these characteristics in second Peter well the Lord is saying to do that and I have them on my phone here because I I didn't I wasn't prepared for him to you know I wait until he tells me what to preach on I don't just do this isn't my my gig I have to do what he tells me he said to vote yourselves versified to vote yourselves too lavishly supplementing your faith with goodness okay now you think about faith you know there the V state three things remained Faith Hope and love right and the greatest of these is faith right no well you think so you'd think so right there's a lot of emphasis on faith well it's because we needed correction but now that we're back on the highway I think we ought to focus on loving our neighbors and having hope as well that faith doesn't disappoint us well no it's hope doesn't disappoint us right I'm seeing if they're awake and to goodness add understanding so you have faith as a foundation but it says see we stop there we think you know because of the word in faith movement it was so much emphasis on faith we forgot that there's other stuff I don't know about you but I like a buffet I like a buffet table and I you know I don't like we were talking you know you don't go with a Brazilian steakhouse and just get salad and you pay 75 bucks you better you better have a half a cow on your plate but so it says here supplement your faith with with adding to add goodness and then it says add understanding self-control it says add strength self which is add a strength of self-control self-control at patient endurance and then to patient endurance godliness and then add mercy to that and add unending love okay and then it says this since these these these virtues are already planted within you and you possess them in an abundant supply there in you they will keep you from being inactive or fruitless in your pursuit of knowing Jesus Christ more intimately but anyone who relaxed these things he is blind hello con he's constantly closing his eyes to the mysteries of our faith and forgetting his innocence for his past sins that have been washed away so I want to ask you something do you have a sin consciousness I mean do you still feel guilty for your sin because it says here that the this is the character so people that don't do what I just read so how many of you are still beating yourself up over your past sins no answer okay have to read the whole thing over okay anyone who lacks these things who doesn't add all these to their faith I mean we need to go on into the greater works and this is how we do it this is what's lacking anyone who lacks these things he is blind constantly closing his eyes to the mysteries of our faith and forgetting his innocence so that means you're innocent but you forgot it if you don't do these things because his past sins are washed away and then down in verse 12 it says I won't hesitate to continually remind you of these truths even though you are aware of them okay so when I get in trouble in an airplane I go right to my checklist well you know you should know your checklist but I put it right there in front of me that's what you do you go their checklist you know what the first thing it tells you fly the airplane but wait a minute did you know that most accidents don't end up because of what was really started it it's pilots having their attention drawn away from the obvious which is keeping the airplane fine so this happened in Nashville a friend of mine was on the board for because it was an f-14 so his Navy took off out of Nashville took off straight up you know showing off a little bit but that airplane can do it so he gets up a certain point a light comes on ramp light which is a warning light now from there you have to figure out what system is affecting that so he went down to his checklist flipping through it found it and then was looking to see what he needed to do next because he's going straight up well while he's doing that the plane is leveling off and now going into a slight dive he's looking through his pages and when he finally finds a page he looks up and there's the ground he starts pulling up he he actually hit the ground tail first in full afterburner and killed himself if you remember this happen in Nashville right the end of the runway and I can go on and on and on how many times that you can get drawn away and the thing that kills you is not the thing that's happening the thing that gets it gets you out it's because you were drawn away okay so it is very important that you always remind yourselves of things that seem obvious like adding goodness to your faith self-control Paul's Peter said you know I'm gonna keep reminding you of these things so I'm serious and every emergency I've ever been in the pilots automatically just go for their checklist and they they start isolating the problem but they still fly the airplane you got it so when stuff happens to you and you have to go to the hospital you still fly the airplane you don't lose your salvation and take it personally because you just got hurt it's an inconvenience yes everything is HAP but let's just fly the airplane let's just go keep you alive and sort this out later when at a certain point when we were taking off a certain speed it's it's you I'm telling you once you pass this the speed v1 you have to take off because it's impossible mathematically on the runway for an airplane to stop at v1 so all these are computed by your weight and the length of the runway everything's computed before you even take off so when they call v1 we got to take the problem in the air if something happens we have to work it out in air so if you lose an engine you're going in the air with one engine because you cannot stop at that point the point that this happens you cannot reverse it okay there are things in the spirit where God has told you to do things and if people aren't going to cooperate with you you just got to keep flying the airplane if people are acting up you got to keep going and it just be kind be good be in control but remember that if something bad happens you don't automatically I mean because because of what I just read because of our consciousness of sin we automatically think we've done something wrong to deserve this and that puts you into a tailspin but what if you did nothing wrong what if the reason you're in what you're in is because you did something right because I find and I think you'd want to know this most of the stuff that I go through is not self-inflicted it's because I walked into a situation just like Paul Jesus told me this now I'm going to help you Jesus told me he said Kevin when Paul was on the island shipwrecked he thought he'd help with some wood he carried that wood back the whole way back down the beach set it on the fire and the snake came out and bit him he said Kevin the snake was in there the whole time but the fire revealed it he said so stop using your own emotional state and mind to assess a condition and judge wrongly my my grandfather died of a massive heart heart attack he had only been retired like a year just dropped right dead while he was selling snow never got to say goodbye to him but you know that devil told me because you have his genes you're you're gonna drop that did it well I blew through that age because he died young but I had a spirit tell me you have his same genetics because they would tell me you know the reason why he lost his hair your hair is because of him because he was bald I said well I'm not gonna be bawling much longer and I'm not gonna drop dead you know there is no snow in New Orleans anyway but but here I'm telling you I'm telling you I'm making you laugh but you got a I'm telling you this is how sneaky it is if you consider your lineage and you think well because this happened you're next what if it never happens so if you add goodness to your faith self-control and all these different characteristics if you if you if you end up rehearsing your checklist and staying right there in your track then all you need to do secondly which sometimes is harder is implement your vision to everyone around you so that's why you need crazy friends you have to have people that don't have the choking point you have to be able to talk to them and they don't choke on what you're saying God brought me those kind of people which caused me to have impartation to go further than I would be able to go on my own however the first thing you need to do and what I was told by all these different people I said why am I in your life how did I get here he said it's because you didn't manipulate me you went into your prayer closet and you fasted and prayed with your wife and you didn't say a word you shut up and you didn't say a word and God spoke to me and now you got everything everything I have is yours that's how it happened but it took a long time but it was working the whole time behind the scenes you have to have faith to the point where no one knows what you're doing how did I get Jesse Duplantis his jacket I qualified it in a closet with me and my wife praying in tongues and wearing our wearing our carpet out you want to move the personality of God you want to move God his personality is this he looks for uncommon faith he looks for someone that doesn't care if they get noticed or not doesn't care about anything but pleasing him he sits on a throne and he's wait looking throughout the whole earth for someone that he can strengthen someone who fears him I'm gonna be coming out with a book called the power words the mystery of the power words it's it's being worked on right now and I think it'll be out in 20 20 21 it's the all the words that Satan is trying to extract out of the Christians vocabulary because when they're mentioned it paralyzes him and if you'll notice and I've done this just so you know before I was known for for two years I listen to Christian TV I listen to everyone that you've listened to I did that for two years you don't want to know why the Lord gave me all these power words and he and I'll it made him in a list and I checked off every time someone used them on Christian TV and in two years there were only two people that used not even half of them almost no one mentions them but certain people did like Perry stone and Andrew Wommack to name two but but a lot of them were not used at all because they are offensive but the enemy backs he recoils when you talk about these things so another shortcut that I'm giving you this morning is if you if you if you can get people on to onto your vision and get crazy friends around you and implement then you get an agreement with people and then you pray but you use these words you you use the cross you use the blood of Jesus you use the name of Jesus you use waiting on God and the fear of the Lord you talk about the fear of the Lord see if you think about now think about it there's so many people that have switched their message well you know you don't need to fear God anymore because it's a New Testament and and you know this is an age of grace and I can keep on going and it's just a little bit off but in a two hour flight if I'm one degree off it ends up being a hundred miles off when it it doesn't start obviously but what I need is a bunch of crazy people that don't have a choking point they can flip the world upside down and the world won't even know what to do I didn't mean I don't even know what CNN upside down spells but it's gonna be upside down and it's they're gonna be forced to have to report on the move of God in churches which they don't want to do but that's the only news is happening did you ever think about this what if it flips to where our president starts praying in tongues I mean could you imagine if he's like hey Paula White can you interpret my tongues getting some another thing about it see I think that way because I don't have a box actually Jesus burnt my box when I was in heaven there are no boxes I mean this is a fallen world but if you want to shine just be normal be normal according to heavens standard now I'm not going away I'm just gonna keep saying this but in heaven like like that the instruments I have they all have serial numbers every one of them the Lord told me I have the name of the little Chinese guy that made your cello while he was making this cello because it sounds so amazing he said when that little man was making that cello he said I was behind him [Music] putting a touch on it he just went down the road and I thought I thought okay well then that means that the serial numbers of everything that we're ever going to have is up there too because it it has a purpose it has a mission now you don't think anything of it but see when I was in heaven for some reason down here everything has to have a compartment so you have up you have departments and compartments and you have serial numbers and you have divisions because we have time and space and so money down here is not really anything but because it's a in this realm that we live in it locks in on a certain value but it's manipulated now like I was talking about this weekend because they Satan wants to put everybody in debt and he can't do that with the gold standard so he but did you know that every serial number that's ever been on a particular amount of money God had that listed that you would have that at one time that was supposed to come to you but angels when they come to you they come with a purpose they don't come just to visit you they come because they're sent there military so they don't want to talk about your new car they don't want to wash it they don't want to rub your feet the one that's behind me now once what I have to say to get to you he's behind me to make sure that I am strong enough to deliver it so the denominations of money down here it's it's lame it's a lame system because it's not worth what it says and it can be manipulated and they can recall it like the German mark they could recall it and there will barrels for this stuff so everything on this earth is known but it's in the wrong hands and I saw that in this end time that you must have all the resources that you would ever be required to have to do what you're called to do there is an unlimited supply but it's in the wrong hands and I really don't care anymore that's why I'm saying this because I would never tell you what I'm telling you unless it was my last day on earth but I'm telling you that your provision must come to you and it has serial numbers on and it is listed under your name I never thought that I'd be talking about this but I'm telling you Jesus has a command about him there is no reason why you should put up with a heart that is not working right you can have a new heart there is finances that is supposed to be in your possession because you have devoted yourself to God and God can trust you that money must come to you it must here's what you have to do though you have to place a demand on heaven and how you do that is you devote and you give everything to God when you do that it becomes God's the transaction is complete and Satan has to back off if you do not do this transaction then it cannot happen Satan will continue to steal so when God gave me that dream about the jet it wasn't up for me to interpret I looked I remember what it looked like I looked at all the interiors online because see the transaction it had happened in the spirit but now I got to bring it in to this realm when God gives you a dream a vision he's going to give the provision for that vision but it's actually the other way around he gives you provision then he gives you a vision I found the interior but it's a plane that has not been built yet it's on the assembly line the reason the seats looked the way they did is because BMW is making the interior for this jet and I said Lord this is exactly this is exactly what I would need because I could fly it myself it's a one pilot operation no I wouldn't do that but I said are you telling me that this plane exists so I looked up where the factory was and it was in Switzerland I said well I'm going there May I said I'm not doing a thing about it so I told Jesse I told my wife that's all I said not doing that another thing about it when we get there a Swiss banker calls the church and as I want to take Kevin and his wife to my house for lunch he has changed my life so the pastor calls me said do you want to do this I said well I'm in another country I said I don't know this guy he said well he's been in all your meetings in Germany and and all the when we were in Germany and in different places in Switzerland I saw oh I know the guy I said yeah we'll do it if you come with us so we go there we travel an hour into the Swiss Alps and we sit at the table in this big we had to take an elevator up took to the floor where we were eating and I'm looking out over this town and he goes I go this is built he goes welcome to Stan's I go where the polettis factory is he goes yeah it's right down there you want to go he gets on his phone he go he goes yeah I got I got two people want to see your pull-up PC 24 on the assembly line within 45 minutes me and my wife are sitting in the exact jet that I had in the dream and she says my gosh this leather is so strong smell I go yeah hello [Music] and so we talked to the salesman and we started to share about what Jesus is doing he started to tear up and cry because this is almost too much for me to handle sitting in the plane that was in my dream I didn't do a thing to make it come to pass the banker goes they need they need five hundred thousand dollars down I go I'm not doing a thing about he goes I'll put it down I go we're not doing a thing it's what he goes you need this jet I go God picked the fight I didn't I'm not doing a thing he couldn't believe it I mean oh you be all jumping on it there's no I know one thing about Jesus there is no way there is no way that he's not going to do what he wants to do because I'm not stopping him okay so when we what I didn't tell you is when we got when we got on the airplane before we left for the airport to go to Switzerland I had on my own jacket and the Lord said no you're wearing Jesse's jacket so I put this Falcon 7x jacket on wore it to the factory so that salesman because who has a 7x I go well a friend of ours is getting one it's getting one Hey I go have you ever seen one of yours yeah in Chicago I did but he said you don't see those come in here because this is our own Airport it's our factory so we only see pilato's come in here okay as soon as he says that he's looking at this we're walking he's walking us to the car with with the salesman information you know if we want to buy the jet and one final you know like when the gear comes down the lights come on it's really bright and it was a 7ex one final landed right in front of us and the salesman says this beats anything I've ever seen so I took a picture of it landing and sent it to Jesse he goes we're both getting our jets okay so now that you know the other side of the story you you know the other side of what's going on behind the scenes that sometimes God just wants to pick a fight no after that happened Inside Edition they show up in New York and the next thing you know Jesse's got four jets but he doesn't he has one this all started after this all I did was post me and my wife in that cockpit of that airplane didn't say anything dream big or something I started losing partners and then I had to make a decision is my relationships that God's established is that is it worth it or should I back off and I know obviously the obvious is here but the thing of it is is do you want shortcuts or do you want to do it the hard way but don't judge what happens to you by your decision because you might have made the right decision and you're going to get confronted now you can imagine so when they confronted him the bodyguard took the lady Inside Edition picked her up and carried her out and Jesse asked what do you do with that lady he goes I made her outside edition [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] so the things that I have not been able to type and ask not to share these things has to do with the fact that in heaven when you pray the Spirit is going to have you pray the truth okay so when you pray in the spirit the Spirit of God is a spirit of truth the Spirit doesn't know anything but the truth because that's who he is when the Holy Spirit starts to take you over he jesus said he is a spiritual and he leads you into all truth okay so he is a spirit of truth he introduces himself to you if you don't grieve him if you yield him if you don't have a choking point he's going to take you to a Pilates factory in your dream and it's gonna be so real that when you come back you're gonna smell like leather and your house is gonna smell like leather no if you want if you want to stay till 4:00 I have stories that are better than this I do but see if I start saying that then people say well you didn't mention the Bible you know there everything everything gets upsetting because you don't have their scent this is the reason why it's happening it's because of the Bible but it's the Spirit of God you see you can have think about it think about although I'll get that later the religious leader the religious leaders the religious leaders they will quote the Word of God they believe the Bible but they have a form of godliness but they deny the power so then you have people that are all spirit but they don't need the Bible anymore and then they get off and then the Apostle Paul is like wanting to come back in the flesh and start hitting some people right because he said I'm gonna come with a whip to the Corinthians right okay so you you have this thing going on but real true powerful relationship with God that's effective for a generation is what I'm giving you is is that you pray in the spirit but you have to understand that he is a person who is very powerful the Holy Spirit is very powerful and he wants to help you so what he does is he takes hold of you and he starts to walk you in a certain direction but in order to unhook you from the world it would appear that you're going in the opposite direction that you want to go because he's unhooking you you don't pull on the hook the way it came in it'll never come out you have to take it out the other way so the Spirit will start to unhook you from the world but you you're trying to like with us though we were trying to get out of debt and the Spirit of God was telling us no so into this person by your by your pastor tires we'd walk by his tightest higher balled I'm thinking Amana God doesn't have to have bald tires so we would work extra and buy people tires based on what we saw in the parking lot now the thing of it was is the Lord was telling us to do these things pay people's mortgage for the month but we need to pay our own we needed tires okay so it was unhooking us he takes you in the opposite direction because you cannot be servant to the world system so he'll take you in the opposite direction thus sowing thus giving the striving all these different things are not for God's benefit they're for your benefit they unhook you know normally you need 10 minutes to sit about what I just said and think about it that's how powerful what I just said is people don't get this see you just don't have faith you add to that self-control goodness mercy you keep adding to your faith you express it in different ways but when you do you become like heaven on the earth well when that happens money has to come to you because it serves you but if you serve it it will always evade you it will pull you it'll pull you in a direction where you'll be out of God's will and you can't serve God and money so what will happen is your focus will cause God to not trust you because you haven't passed your money tests now it could be something else for me it's time I have to give time to people that I don't have time to give and it costs me so much you wouldn't believe it like like just today I'm thinking if I stay two more hours more then I what wanted to what it's gonna cost me when I get home because I gotta hit the ground running when I get home I have all these different things we got to do so it's down to like an hour two hours make a difference on either side of anything but with God he's saying listen this has to happen in this person's life because it affects tens of thousands of people at the end of the age I'm not kidding you I saw this I could pick any one of you out and if I could mentor you and get you so on fire and crazy that you actually get out of your mind and get over yourself you could influence a whole generation to where there would be books written about you and I can randomly do it and I mean I could spin around like a little kid and then point just like a little kid and whoever I point to you're it it would be that random this has nothing to do with God's will okay were they born in a manger did they have a halo over their head you know were they born with a saxophone in their mouth no it had to do with what do you do with what's already in you Peter said that every one of these things are in you but I have to remind you of them so what is it what is it about you that's attached to your name in heaven I don't know if you understand me I don't think you understand I'm getting hot I don't think you understand me you have to Jesse was told by Jesus himself Kevin was sent back to help you and help Sid Roth what do you think Josie can help you oh yeah optional Jesus I'm sending you back you're gonna ship the whole generation he said it's gonna be all setup and rigged no it's gonna be all setup and rigged I'm gonna put the right people in your in your life and it's gonna start shifting yeah it's gonna be a domino effect the angels are come and they'll they'll tell you to lean on you no I'll just like lean on somebody and I'll start to influence them I'll give them all my books I'll tell them okay whatever you're thinking now that's limiting you it's gone bye-bye there's no limitations that right there you thought no that's not it either just don't think anymore you know stop so yeah no no that's still not it if you're thinking you're limiting yourself and the other realm has to come into the room to introduce you to this that the Spirit of God has no limitations has never thought you're gonna fail ever the spirit of god only knows victory the Angels I've met they never thought they were going to fail the failures are because we're of our inability to comprehend and to cooperate with heaven in this process of you walking with God there are shortcuts but shortcuts are so obvious that we're missing them the fruit of the Spirit must come out from within us and manifest that goodness is added to our faith that's why James said you show me your faith by what you do more manifestation comes when you let God show up and you don't limit him I think it's good enough for an intro now this this angel there's angels innumerable amounts of angels that can be sent on your behalf but you have to cooperate you have to be willing to do what they want you to do at the time everybody wants with angel visitations everybody wants to be on Sid Roth everybody wants to have a book here but wants to you know to have a place to speak but whatever happened to just wanting to be with God and and know Jesus and let him talk to you about his heart for you and how he didn't do all those terrible things that happened to you when you were a kid and how you know people made decisions on your behalf it's not your fault and how you got trapped and you had situations where you still don't have answers to what happened to you the thing that is is how about now like right now you could go home fall asleep and have a dream and six months from now you could be sitting in that scenario it can happen that quickly it has to do with you making a decision in your heart that I'm willing to cut it out all the drama and get a vision because the provision is already there and know it it focus on the provision focus on the vision focus on the person who opens your eyes and let him dictate what he's going to do so if you want that then what you need to do is like I've been saying a week and you create an atmosphere an environment where you can mature and Jesus can come and visit you now you're not going to see him if you do it's very rare but Jesus is in this building right now he showed me how he could do it all over the world at the same time because this the realms are different you should see the shortcuts there are in the spirit it's amazing and actually listen listen an angel could be sent through a shortcut and arrive before he left [Music] angels exceed the speed of light they can turn it back they can turn it back they can light up a room like what's happening right now and see I don't know if how much you got all of you everywhere I go I see I'm encountering something that's beyond my ability even stand right now and yet you guys just sit there and look at me and I wonder like are you even like sensing what's happening in this room you know it is lit up where if you're not careful what you say will come the pass in this environment now I've been there I've been in these rooms where if I said anything it would be done I've been in heaven we're at the throne you don't say a word unless you're told but down here you know you want to give everybody your pity but speak in the environment of heaven because the breath of heaven is God's breath inside of you if you speak God's Word it wants to frame it into this realm the reason why you don't see in your mountains mood it's because you don't honor what has been set up because you don't value what's inside of you if you valued it more I speak to myself I'm very careful then what happens is I get what I say but I don't say much listen if somebody pulls a gun on me and misses seven times I think he's about done on he might have eight in there but you wouldn't even think it but I'm counting I'm counting rounds because there's gonna come a time or he's gonna have to reload and that's when he's gonna get it see do you understand this or no it's worth the enemy he unloads on you big guns come out the blood of Jesus the name of Jesus I'm gonna miss a meal on anything else you know come on he's not gonna come near you and then you invoke holy fire oh boy then you then you're on the news and hell don't go near this person you will get torched he has a flamethrower yeah I know yo laughter the--but this is this is the way it is when you get to heaven you will find out all this stuff you will find out that your words matter you will find out that you frame your world with your words you have to be shown what's on the other side if you saw that other people have your promotion they've have your wealth they have your inheritance they have your job to have your car when you realize this you're going to feel bad because you'll realize that you should have done more with what Jesus said in the Gospels not even get in Nepal yet you're gonna see that the red letters were absolutely true and that if you ask you're gonna receive if you seek you're gonna find if you knock the door shall be opened if you pray when you pray you should believe that you receive it before you have it you're gonna see all this stuff you're like what was I doing and Jesus gonna say I don't know what were you doing no he's not gonna say anything have you ever imagined what it'd be like like if you died you went to heaven you saw everything the way it is saw the demon saw UFOs saw all everything Federal Reserve you saw everything and then you come back how how would you be able to live in a Walmart with no doors were you trapped there that's how I feel I'm stuck in a Walmart with no doors I can't get out I feel limited I don't want to be in Walmart all day people running into me with their carts people hit a car with their carts people taking the last thing that I only think I came for I'm not apologizing for this message but I'm telling you you're privileged to hear this you do not want to find yourself backed up against the wall thinking that you put yourself there God puts you there because you're coming out fighting he's picking a fight he's using you to pick a fight and that's the message Samson when he was born it says God had Samson ordained it born because he was seeking to provoke the Philistines to war it was picking a fight Samson all his life had the anointing come on him and he picked a fight constantly if nothing was happening he made it happen would you please when you go home would you set apart every valuable thing you have to the Lord would you tell him he can have your bank account have it everything about you to set it apart if you can't take communion and say Lord this is yours and I want to invest in your kingdom and I'm placing it before you now so that you will tell me what to do with it everything that comes in from my job it has an assignment every single thing that comes to you is coming to you because God trusts you and what little you have now is going to turn into great because he trusts you I know this I have to tell this now the other thing I want to talk to you about is angels I have to do this none of these things are comfortable to me because I know how people are I know how they think I was one of them but the thing of it is is run like like like you right here there's things you can never do and unless an angel comes and helps you I'm telling you that because you find yourself at a certain place and you can't do anything more and then all of a sudden you can do it because angels can open up access points and give permission supernaturally to continue on when you can't they open doors they set things up no you understand yesterday that two of the five children that received bikes came up and got saved okay did you notice that one of them came up for the Holy Spirit so three out of the five were at the altar call but the Lord sent me a message in December to do that but I've never met any of you or pastor but he wanted me to do that and so I prayed it out and I finally said I still feel like we're supposed to do this and I said can we get bikes now the Angels what they did was they had this all set up that would win over people's hearts it was a way I was a catalyst so that's what the Lord's gonna do he's gonna come and he's going to come and stand beside you through one of his angels the angel is to implement something supernatural but it's going to be something you can't do before they arrived the Angels come to open it up they open up the realm of the Spirit so there's spirit beings and there's the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit has a voice angels have a voice the Son of God has a voice the father has a voice you have a voice but it's all in the spirit realm your spirit is spirit when God breathes on you your flesh might not have a great feeling like your spirit does but if you allow it to go from your spirit into your soul and into your body you could be healed you could start prophesied but see it starts in your spirit so we're like right now your your senses are heightened spiritually you feel something in the room but you might be tired your car might be going off right now I know alarm these things try to draw you back out into the physical but the spiritual is where you hear and you see so as soon as God moves according myself off I separate myself because I know that all hell is going to try to get to me before I go out and speak I cord myself off because I don't want to get knocked out of it for your sake but then after that I can start to go back into and I can I mean I did this for thirty years I went to work every day but I had an angel with me I had a power God on me and fire half out of my mind at times but I learned how to walk in it what what is it that God has called you to do you start right at your house and you create an environment and you let God meet with you there and you let it expand and then you get a couple crazy friends together to pray and then you start talking people at church and you find people that don't have a choking point and then you ask the Lord to confirm it whatever God tells you you ask them to confirm it and that's when people start to be used to confirm it like prophets the prophets come to you you don't go to the prophet oh boy right now right now I could tell Lord I could name the person I said have that person called me and they'll call me I I I tell the Lord to tell Sid Roth to call me and he calls me I've told the Lord to tells Jesse to call me and he doesn't even have a phone and he called me they don't know they said well the Lord just told me they said well I just felt like I'm supposed to tell you this on my that's right on see this is the body of Christ but everybody should be walking in this all of us should be hearing from God and having a word and in helping people building people up I'm not talking about you know the Old Testament prophet with a staff and and animal skins say and repent and you're going to hell you know you don't go to church telling people that the New Testament prophet builds people up it brings correction but he walks in love in the New Testament and he confirms what God is saying I've been to the future and I'm sent back that's a prophet I've been to the future but to me I'm just Kevin that speaks in tongues I don't know are you ready for what's about to happen are you ready to live like this to where you pray and you see things ahead of time and you start praying them out and say Lord your will be done on this earth now you God shows you what the his will is in heaven and you say I'm not having either any other way come you start pulling it in Oh spirit of the Lord move upon your people right now raise your heads and just receive from heaven right now see what is he the spirit of Lord is saying I will have it no other way you will have your heart's desire the spirit Lord is standing up for you right now as a lawyer I will have it no other way you will have all that you believe for receive receive Thank You father that your healing backs right now and I thank you that there's the warmth of your healing power going up and down the spine and the lower back and even in the neck as well many people are having pain headaches I command migraines and all kinds of headaches to go at Jesus name I command for your spine to line up so that those headaches go in Jesus name I command allergies to go in Jesus name an inflammation you must go in Jesus name whatever's causing that inflammation be healed in Jesus name ten Sakura Burnett rasa ria Sidra this this goes for someone named Lisa but it's for everybody I hate to do this because I don't want there the Lord says you're going into this room of Revelation and the door shutting behind you you're not going back and and and I know there's multiple leases in here but this is for everyone but you have to accept the fact that there has to come a time where all of your pain has to end where all your disappointment has to end you have to walk into this room and everything's going to be revealed to you this is for the whole room but I'm speaking to Lisa and I'm telling you by the Spirit of God that once you walk in the door behind you will shut and it'll be a room of Revelation this whole church this whole gathering the spirit of Revelation is in this room the Lord says just humble yourself just humble yourself before me right now everybody just say this Lord I fear you your God and I'm not whatever you say goes just speak the word and I will receive it angels whatever the Lord says I agree come there they are oh boy what have we done the Lord your God in the midst of use mighty the Lord is a warrior I sing the songs of deliverance over you Lord singing over you deliverance has come to this place naciĆ³n abana Pedro Acevedo olecranon Abid Recinos Herod rosada fire from the altar fire from the alternate place cleansing fire Lord were ready we're ready we receive the fire we were yield to the fire ha ha ha Dave Hall not been addressed those keys you dog ver elaborate risotto Shigure the Lord says you can't ask for too much don't limit me Oh fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire [Music] [Music] [Music] fire fire fire angel Lords here come on fire whoa fire back here fire Oh yo yo yo yo yo to one fires fire here oh my goddess fire fire fire fire [Music] yield yield yield the Lord's here yield he's here he's here yield yield Basia cola Behati is iterated a little short ola yield thank you for fire all right the the freedom the freedom is in this place but as the burst forth just continue to yield I'd like to say it's over but it's just starting it's just starting it's just about to pour out you need to let go of what you have claimed is reality in your life you need to let go of that it's an ugly finger painting get in comparison to the beautiful high-definition photograph that Jesus wants to give you wants to give you his view of your life it starts with this fire it starts with holy fire let the Lord just burn it out burn up all those images the move has begun Jesus is here he's walking amongst us [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 83,395
Rating: 4.874691 out of 5
Id: kRgss1F5tzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 57sec (7137 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 09 2020
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