I Can't Believe This Happened At Walmart (Walmart Stories r/AskReddit)

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NSW Walmart workers over debt what's your people at walnut story I worked at a Walmart for about two months the weirdest thing I saw was an obese lady on a scooter run over a fat child in the candy aisle and then threatened him because he almost tipped her security was cooled and she demanded to receive her items for free eventually we just let her take the stuff because it was only like $5 worth of skittles what she really needed was tip assist I worked at Walmart last year as a cashier and a woman came up to my register with nothing but a pineapple and a damaged one of that it was 10:00 p.m. on a Tuesday so it was a slow night and she demanded I give her this pineapple for 25 cents because it was damaged I didn't see any damage so I asked Lee to show me the damage she promptly ripped the top greens off the pineapple and said see it now I called my manager over and he said he can't sell it to her for a discount and he's sorry but she can't get another one she cursed through the pineapple of me and walked out mumbling about needing a cigarette she was a prime example of trailer trash but then she threw that pineapple hard so last year I worked at a Walmart Supercenter as a cart pusher part of the cart pushers job is to bring back the store scooters after people leave them in the parking lot one day I see an old woman outside the store just sitting on a scooter this lady must have sat there for a good two hours before finally getting up to reveal a gigantic crap stain all over the lower back of her hoodie running down her pants this obese lady who saw the whole thing comes sprinting up the scooter and sits down on it before I could even clean it she looked at me and said I don't care um it was the last one left and my legs is killing me I was working at Walmart as my first job as a teenager I was floated to the garden department one day and there was a guy looking at lawn fertilizer I walked over and asked if he needs help he said not now just looking at the different kinds you have pretty standard reply from the guy so I said okay let me know I walk away and then swing back about five minutes later the same guy has proceeded to rip open about ten different kinds the fertilizer all over the ground and is rolling around in the stuff he is also taste sampling the stuff I called my manger because I did not want to deal with it security escorted the guy out the store and called an ambulance in case the ingestion of the fertilizer hurt him saw an old man take a dump on the floor of the bread aisle once it's amazing how many people bring their non service animals into the store I don't have a problem with dogs and such but when I see the small dog you are carrying scratch and dander falls onto the vegetables you are looking over we got a problem not an employee at Walmart but I stopped shopping there when I went to college the local Walmart was notoriously bad one three times in a row I went there and walked down an aisle just in time to see a kid peeing themselves in the aisle and no parent was in sight - the city made big news when the Walmart men's restroom was found to have a makeshift end lab in one of the stalls three our area was predicted for a moderate snow storm but the weather forecasters gave ridiculous numbers like they claimed we would have six inches of ice and two feet of snow in that one night us rational people knew and were right that we'd probably get four inches of snow but many people swarmed the Walmart and a few people made a Facebook page showing how devastated the Walmart was in preparation for snowpocalypse 2011 the Facebook page showed pictures as the store was swept clean within a couple of hours of ramen wine milk and cheese my favorite picture that someone put up was the 40 year old man who had a shopping cart with 37 gallons of milk in it nothing else just a lot of milk okay so I was leaving Walmart with my purchases as I walked to my car in the parking lot I saw a pair of adult sweatpants sitting in the sort of pile they do when someone steps out of them with a massive messy crack on top of them I had so many questions where did the person go after detonating these pants into the store just bottomless into their car with crappiest cheeks amazing I had just graduated high school and took a job at Willie where old since they always paid above minimum wage up here on the most part Canadian Walmart is completely different from the WTF mecca that is the American one I guess the main thing that stuck was during the summer I was working as a truck unloader in the back and had to bring out a skid of diapers and such to the infant section as I approached I noticed a smell at first I thought it was that goddamn bird that always flew around I figured I hadn't seen it in days so maybe it had died somewhere around there and was stinking up the place I dropped the skid off and went past the woman's change rooms hoping to say hi to my coworkers but I noticed they had split from that location reason they moved it was the epicenter of the smell to this day I have never smelled anything quite like it I have smelled a whole bunch of horrible things in my life but nothing compares to that Walmart scent what was it you asked well it turns out an elderly lady had gone into the change room and taken a giant coke can width gray colored crap with flecks of black in it and fresh blood coating some of it all over the floor the whole thing must have weighed two pounds easy she wrote a little letter and left it in the room with the clothes she was trying on all the letter said was I am so sorry just last week I was unloading a truck in the back and this morbidly obese woman hobbled through the big associates only doors bends over and takes a crap on the floor pulls her pants back up and walks out I got written up for yelling what the actual frig it's after the managers looked at the camera they thought it was justified for me to yell that and let me off with a warning I don't know what happened to her but the maintenance guys were mad my experience a very overweight woman with a walker strapped to the back of her electric wheelchair was drinking half-and-half straight from a carting while she threw loose pairs of sandals all over the floor as soon as I step inside the door I see a massive woman on a motorized shopping cart with her massive twelve-year-old son standing on the back of it she is screaming at him saying now you get off of there boil something like that his retort Frick you mama you ain't even handicapped woman paid for her goods placed them into her cart and began to walk to the exit she was nearly there when she stopped and shook her leg big old turd hit the floor she continued on to the door crackhead came into the store picked up a few things then went over to where the bathroom scales were placed her few things on the floor began taking off her clothes all of them stood on the scale to see if it was accurate when AP came over to toss her out she picked up her clothes and began to go out the door the things she picked up at the store was under her clothes and she tried to walk out of the store naked trying to steal her goods man walks into the store during summer would he zipped up and hood up bought jeans and t-shirt went into the bathroom came out in the new clothes hood down shaved head with tattoos all over left the store came back in a few minutes later to steal a cap to cover tattoos I worked at Walmart for three years while I was attending high school so here's a list of some things commerce someone leaving their crap cupboard boxes in the dressing room kamar a drunk elderly woman who pulled out her boobs and started trying on bras in front of customers commerce someone punching our store manager and the face on Black Friday , a lady who stole a cart full of laptops by putting them in empty puzzle boxes comer a lady getting her daughter to steal for her comma a guy pass out and almost died from huffing computer duster comma the countless times people walked out with televisions commerce someone wanting to buy a pair of nasty old shoes that someone swapped out from new ones comma a guy sucked my hand then turned around and had a huge crap stain on his pants I don't work there but this lady started screaming about a golden lab service dog being too close to her child the child was sitting in a cart in the checkout line and the dog was calmly sitting on the floor behind her the dog doesn't bark lick move nothing and then the woman gets ghetto and starts shouting at everyone in sight she had to be escorted from the store and never got to buy her stuff don't have any stories too crazy but my personal favorite involves working the self-checkouts the most boring job I've ever had now most people use self checkouts for speed convenience or because they're embarrassed of what they're buying not realizing that everything they ring up shows up on our monitor a trio of high schoolers come through ring up a few items and then wave me down to take off the spider wire on a five hundred dollar digital camera I check my monitor and see no camera on their lane walk over and notice they've taken the sticker off of a bag of grapes that is sold by weight and put it on the camera UPC basically trying to buy the camera for like five bucks but seeing an opportunity I say Oh weird this got messed up when it got run through as friendly as I possibly can delete the grapes take the sticker off run it for the correct price take the spider wire off and place it in their bag leaving them with a bill over 500 they all get these really panics looks on their faces and one finally says but on second thought we don't want the camera I asked them if they're sure delete the camera and Wyrick back up as they're leaving I tell them to have a nice day after foiling their master plan of attempting to steal a digital camera I used to manage the health and beauty department at a Walmart in a not so nice part of town I thankfully escaped I had so many people at Walmart instances that I'll just share my favorites a bill collector called the store looking for someone that didn't work there anymore I told him as much and he proceeded to cuss me out and said he was going to sue me I hung up on him about five times that day someone died in the bathrooms twice one was unfortunately an elderly woman having a heart attack the other was a guy that od'd had vagrants follow me to my car multiple times to help me put my groceries in the car it got bad enough I stopped shopping there at all if I had to buy things it had to be something I could carry I got pulled into a loss prevention bust when they caught a crack addict loading up a cart and trying to walk at the door she had legitimate bought a lamp and wanted to put it in her car when the police officers took her to the car they found stolen items from other stores in the area so I helped bust a theft ring and my most visually memorable customer was a fat black lady riding around on one of those electric carts it was not the stores she had three-inch neon yellow nails on all 20 digits hemp flip-flops a baby blue velour jogging suit way the frick too much makeup a straw samurai hat and was literally dragging a chihuahua on a leash behind her if I was a braver person I would have taken a picture my buddy was a loss prevention officer 4wm he walked around the store all day catching shoplifters one day after working there for about half a year he saw a woman stuffing merchandise into her children's clothes when he approached her she started yelling and screaming that he was trying to molest her kids then she started spitting on him and saying that she had AIDS he quit later that day and I don't blame him my own personal list of stupid I had to put up with one excuse me where's the closest wall not from here well it's about ten miles down road from here I was told there was one in this town though mom you're standing in that one too hey where can I get the thing that goes in the thing to make the thing bigger toys hey you're right three dude can you get that big moving Pepsi off the back shelf for me that's a TV commercial so so are you going to get it or not for what's the best slow cooker for making m5 I need to install the Internet on my computer okay well were you looking for a Wi-Fi adapter or running a hard line now I want to install the Internet ma'am the internet isn't something you install you connect to the internet through a computer via a nice no I want to install the Internet I ain't paying each month for it mom that's not how this works get me your manager manager walks over this guy won't tell me how to install the Internet ma'am that's because you can't install the Internet is everyone here stupid or just who shoots six excuse me I need those things that go into the stuff so it happens I'm sorry can you repeat that I need those things that make this stuff do those things can you tell me what these things look like maybe well they're small unless they're big and sometimes round or square or funny shapes okay what kind of stuff is happening then well all kinds of things get 10 more minutes off similar Q&A mom can you give me just one specific example of the stuff that happens it's the same kind of stuff that comes out of the wall holes that makes my hairdryer work electricity yes I want those small electric things that do stuff batteries are right over here is that what they are called that's a funny name my local Walmart is one of the worst and I have avoided it for six plus years at this point sir my car doesn't have a Nokes plugin but it does have a cassette player so I buy the cassette that has the plug attached to it which for the record I'm convinced his musical witchcraft they are pretty cheaply made so I have to replace them every seven months or so target usually has what I need but they happen to be out of stock that day Walmart was in the same mall so I just decided to suck it up and go I walk to the electronics section grab what I need and head to the electronics checkout a lady sees me heading there and runs not fast walk runs to get in front of me in line with my one thing I just think whatever she probably doesn't have much either that's why she wanted to get in front of me then she calls for her husband to wheel the cart over which has a freaking TV and whole entertainment center loaded onto I'm pretty P but I'm a chill guy and keep my composure now buying a TV is a fairly long process but it's even longer when none of you eight cards work she then starts getting in an argument with her husband that he's a piece of crap that's why they don't have money they start fighting finally the guy at the register sees I have one thing and asks if they would step to the side so he could ring up my one item the lady gets mad at him and says no the husband yells at her and says to let me get a while he figures out what went wrong finally I get rung up a transaction that took 45 seconds I'm trying to hightail it out of the store at this point when I'm stopped by a crowd of people in the middle of the walkway I'm tall so I look over everyone to see what's going on and I see to checkout women literally fist fighting each other while their coworkers cheer them on I turned went out the garden section and have never gone back not a Walmart employee but I was a coke merchandiser and had a Walmart as my first stop for a year I'll never forget one Friday morning I was there I had been on the job for about two months and nothing prepared me for what I was about to see it was 430 in the morning and I had just pulled a pallet out to the floor to start restocking our display there was a very large woman that shopped every Friday morning around the time I started working and I had spoken to her on occasion she usually asked about my job how I was doing etc the previous week she had taken things a little too far and made me feel uncomfortable when she said oh honey there is nothing sexier than a man in uniform especially one that works hard and is all sweaty then she went and waddled past me while rubbing my back all I could say was what the Frick just happened anyways this particular morning she came in on a power scooter and beelined it straight for me I was still reeling from the previous week and could only muster out what happened she responded by saying oh sugar you just knocked me off my feet I couldn't walk today when I saw you she then proceeded to grab a couple too a lot coke off the pallet shook them up while I can only guess was her attempt at working in her scooter and then opened them spraying it all over me and herself it clicked she was trying to be seductive then she rolled off slowly leaving a trail of soda behind her and turned around winking at me thinking I would follow I never saw her again after that I don't want to see her after that then do you have beef from a pig me do you mean pork then no not pork beef from a pig
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 274,365
Rating: 4.8897934 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, TZ reddit, rslash, comedy, fresh, people of walmart, walmart, walmart pranks, shopping spree, shopping haul
Id: ngcevj_H1J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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