How did you stop a phone call scam? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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have you ever successfully stopped a repeat marketing or scam phone call how did you do it so I act interested so I can get a real person on the other end and told them I'm very interested in the product services you'll are offering but unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment could I have your personal cell phone number so I can connect you later tonight double quote the lady replied sir I don't feel comfortable giving out my personal cell phone number double quote to which I replied oh you don't want to be connected by someone you don't know on your personal cell phone double quote she then hung up and never called back about once or twice a week I would get the Microsoft support phone call for about three weeks I would hang up on them after about a month of this I decided to Jack with them I let him give their line about how my computer is sending them error blah blah blah blah I kept responding with interesting okay fascinating etc when they said that they wanted to connect to my computer I told them that this would be difficult they asked why I told them that they called the server room for the Pentagon I do not think I have ever heard anyone hang up quicker just play dumb and eat up their time they are playing a numbers game and don't want to spend 30 minutes with some good that gives them nothing in that 30 they would rather get shot down 20 times and maybe find that old lady they can trick twitch streamer Kate Berger currently has a personal record of 16 hours on the phone over the past week or so with a single caller and his coworkers damn I had one of the tax scammers on the phone for three hours they called back a few times over the next days just to swear at me I tried to troll a guy who was clearly calling people to get their bank account information by saying they were giving away money to help college students he was from India and was dedicated to his job I tried to piss him off for about 30 minutes but he kept interrupting me and I then I told him to f ck off and hung up the phone he kept cutting me off saying but my friend my friend double quote answer the phone with ghostbusters what air once and get increasingly exasperated when they don't have a legitimate paranormal issue helps to loudly snack gum if I knew Ghostbusters better I'd probably try this next time a scammer calls my number this is pretty hilarious which brings us to the real transgression why don't you know Ghostbusters better I swear this is the biggest interdimensional cross rip since the Tunguska blast of 1909 I got a call started reeling off this massive script finished probably after two minutes of solid talking and I politely sat through the whole thing I paused them said sorry double quote she said again and started the whole script again from the start another two minutes solid talk wall later I said sorry double quote this time there was a bit of frustration in her voice again and once again did the whole two minutes again aggressively this time dart sorry double quote [ __ ] this and the cool ended reminds me of a big meme in Formula One regarding a non-native English speaking journalist that did his best to ask a long descriptive question to drivers at a press conference after he spoke for what felt like an eternity probably 1-2 minutes you could tell the other press and drivers found his wholesome attempt at a good question humorous one of the drivers that his inquiry which was directed to said could you repeat the question double quote I used to get a lot of unsolicited calls from a company who could sort my debt I got a call from them one day when I wasn't doing much at home so decided to have some fun I gave a false name false address which they couldn't find on their system I convinced them it was a new bill Deven chily I then went through my debts meticulously had been waiting while I found the paperwork etc some of the debts were for my a sex change and then reverting back because I change my mind 3040 minutes later and I had over you acute 300k debt and able to pay up to you a huge four zero zero zero per month to clear it with them the woman on the phone got her boss because it was such a big contract and when the boss lady got on the phone I told her I made it all up I kid you not she told me I was wasting their time and that I shouldn't do that then hung up on me never heard from them again yeah got a call from the duct cleaning people I told them I don't have ducts I have geese they just hung up on me and haven't bothered me since okay what is the duct cleaning scam I get that call sometimes too who needs their ducts cleaned how is that a good scam because ducts can clean themselves in a local body of water I'm sure another scammer will call again since it's just an act that all of them do but I got a Social Security scam call they told me they had found 22 pounds of cocaine in a Toyota Camry with some blood in the front seat because they always say that exact line I responded oh my god that's terrible double quote so are you telling me that this was not you who left the car there double quote no that was me but I have 30 pounds of cocaine in that car are you telling me about eight pounds just went missing double quote so he was very confused and I was accusing him of stealing it then he started swearing at me until he hung up edit holy jesus I didn't think this would make me so popular thank you for the up votes in the silver my friend speaks English Spanish and Russian he would just start switching randomly switching between languages and each language had a different personality he would confuse him into total submission they rarely called back I worked in a restaurant that was definitely not called Jay Alexander's at said restaurant you got three table sections and I had a co-worker that would use a different accent each table table one was Australian table two was German and table 21 was Indian once a table got up the new table got a new accent it was his mental game to keep the accent straight for the whole shift every table answer the phone connect to an agent mute your phone and carry on with what you were doing they quickly take you off their dollars when you waste their agents time I'm mostly the same but I've stepped it up answer connect new the same but when a person picks up and starts speaking I rapid-fire press numbers on my keypad until they hang up my favorite response to it has been beautiful song sir we won't call again double quote they called again would receive a specific one nine times out of ten your car warranty is about to expire press 1 if you'd like to be connected to a representative double quote so I would oblige wait for someone to come on the line and say make model and year of your vehicle which I usually followed up with 2013 Hasbro ATV or 2017 little tykes tricycle or something of that nature I must have become a famous caller because they only called maybe six times after I started doing that and they always started with oh look who it is eventually it just stopped I assume it's because they were tired of wasting their time on someone who was wasting their time I usually reply with what car are you calling about and they'll say can you confirm the year make and model and I just keep asking what car are you calling about they hang up every time sometimes I get snippy petty and say well you're calling me about my cars extended warranty which means you clearly know what car I own so you tell me they hang up of course I get a call from a random pharmaceutical company saying that my supply of the ogre is ready for pickup I told him that I had a complaint regarding the vigil Gras I said that I only took half a pill and now I only half of my pee pee was hard now my base is hard but the tip was soft and I was pissed I kept going on this video rant for about a minute or so and then they hang up happened twice and my friends are still laughing got a call that there was a virus on my computer told and that was impossible as I throw my computer into the river so the cops couldn't get any evidence on me haven't heard from them since my wife got a call from Microsoft I acted confused like if they are from help desk or what because it's a work laptop after Abid told them I work for the tech company and if my laptop is having problems it should be HR calling me they panicked and hung up pretty sure she hasn't gotten another one since didn't help that she didn't own a laptop she only had her company one and that mine was a Mac so we literally didn't own a Windows box at the time edit swapped HR for help desk was sleep deprived when I wrote this hello we like to offer your free trip to Las Vegas double quote sir are you aware that you just called the emergency line of a Department of Energy Research Facility double quote um ah I double quote we need to keep this line clear you will add us to your dunno call list if I receive another call from your company I will report this upstairs double quote click it helps that I'm not lying edit this gained some traction I do work out in our lab and part of my job is to answer the site's emergency line not 911 and direct dispatch emergency units when emergencies do happen and they do we have had telemarketers call that line I have used this technique and if I absolutely needed to I could kick this up to my boss and it would wind up on a desk in Washington if it's an automated I redirected to a computer that reads off the time and whether that way the scammers computer might think that someone's on the line and won't hang up right away I had this problem for a month on a landline before I could figure out how to block it the guy was harassing me and constantly calling me back just so he can access my computer it got to the point that he would call back right after I hanged up I finally looked up how to block a number on a landline in the phone book bought a safety whistle then bled the whistle in their air drums before blocking the number I took a call from the I hear you've had an accident that wasn't your fault call that I get about once a week it's automated at first but as soon as I said yes I got put through to someone I spent 20 minutes explaining how someone read into my lane and crashed into me and it wasn't my fault at the end when they asked me for details of the damage I explained that they bent the handlebars a bit but the bicycle was mostly okay they hung up on me and I haven't back from them for about a month I answer the phone is detective so-and-so then I ask them who they are and why they called the number in a very stern and cop like manner then I ask them where they are and act like I am giving the information to someone else who is contacting Interpol I ask a few more questions about their relationship to the number and advise anyone who has not already hung up that they are to stay put and wait for Interpol to arrive for interrogations stopped calls to my classroom whenever they intro with this is so-and-so on a recorded line double-quote I always politely say I do not consent to being recorded or monitored or something along those lines kamar it's always fun how flustered they get to not sure of what to do they usually hang up and don't call back again I don't even know if they need my consent to record me but it seems to work depends on what state you're in and what state they're in if you're in a one party and beyond they still need your consent and vice-versa but usually they prefer to have records of everything . . just don't tell them you're recording Auto to get rid of spam I always hit the button to speak with a person or get more info or sometimes they call with a live person to begin with I put on my sexy low voice and say hey baby how you doing dot they usually hang up immediately if not my next response to whatever they say is that sounds really hot what are you wearing Dart pretty close to 100% hang up and don't call back it was a joint effort I kept getting a call not only from the same company but the same individual he had a very distinctive speech pattern and was looking for Clarence Miller because the lucky son of a gun had won the lottery after I with my very obviously female voice tailed him to remove the number he called a few days later looking for mr or Mrs Clarence Miller resourceful my bfr said once as if he was a phone operator and kept asking him ridiculous questions to help direct his call that went on for about ten minutes a co-worker answered in Greek once which I think just confused the guy no fewer than three other people aren't suggest for the sake of saying they have spoken with my own personal scammer this went on for months finally I was in a meeting and couldn't answer so bubbles as we affectionately named him called eight times in a row haven't heard from him since we think he had to prove that the number wouldn't answer before he could actually remove it from his list bubbles if you read this we all hope you've found happiness and Clarence Miller I started calling the number back the one about the social security number one thing they'd actually answer so I rotated between being really confused speaking Arabic hurting the phone up to the TV while aquanauts played letting my not yet fully speaking toddler try to talk singing saying nothing etc whatever I could think of to annoy them I tried they had cooled maybe three days in a row before but they didn't after the last time I called they hung up on me in Canada we have a common scam where they pretend to be the Canada Revenue Agency you owe us taxes please pay 10 US dollars zero zero zero with iTunes cards et Cie etc our country is bilingual and all federal government services have to provide service in both English and French they get angry and hang up pretty quickly when you keep saying Jenny pal pars in Anglais double quote I also used to get those hello we are from Microsoft Corporation and we have seen that you have a virus on your machine I've only had max since the beginning of the 90s oh yeah not a very credible story especially when it is delivered in a broken Indian English I tried talking to them several times and a couple of times I even bitched at them for trying to scam people nothing helped until the last time that is where I went all-in sounding like I bought all their [ __ ] hook line and sinker they explained how compromised my computer was and how it exploded all my data at this point I acted very concerned and asked them to please help me at this point I got transferred to someone higher up in the food chain who said that they were delighted to help me with my virus problems but first they needed my email address I was happy to oblige but said I had a difficult address so I would have to spell it out to make sure they got it correctly sure no problems they said and I started golf echo Tango Foxtrot uniform Charlie kilo echo Delta it took them until the last letter before they caught on and simply said that's an interesting address you have a God day never heard from them since capital D not me but my mom did guy called our house and left a message saying he was from the IRS and that my sister never paid her taxes my mom decided to call back the number they left the guy picked up and told my mom that the police were going to be coming to our house in 30 minutes unless we talked to sheriff Ryan and paid the taxes she asked how to talk to the sheriff the guy gave her the exact same number to call back she said why don't you just hand the phone to him the guy says he was unable to do that and we needed to call back my mom just said well tell the cops that the door is unlocked and I just bought some Dunkin Donuts double-quote the guy hung up my favorite that I've seen was when a guy spent 30 minutes talking on the phone with a guy and then asked him does your mother know what you do for a living I'm sorry does your mother know that you spend your time every day trying to scam innocent people I'm sorry sir I don't know what you're talking about yes you do you've just wasted 30 minutes of both our time trying to take my money your mother would be ashamed of you click got the scam call about canceling my social security number Indian guy trying to scare me about my SSN being cancelled in all these crimes I'm accused of asked which crimes he said drug-dealing and money laundering so I say holy crap man what do I do he says he needs me to verify my SSN to him so I asked him hey didn't you say you were with the Social Security Administration office he says yes and that if I didn't do this fast the police would be on the way to arrest me I told him you'll never take me alive get ready motherf KERS I'm taking a ton of you with me he couldn't hang up fast enough haven't been bothered since this guy keeps calling me telling me there is a warrant out for my arrest and the cops are looking for me cool I'm like what town do I live in what town do you live in guy gets pissed and hangs up tu not he calls me back in a week I'm like OMG it's you again did you figure out what town I live in yet says he f king hates me and hangs up never got another call not my story but my mom did this with my dad a telemarketer called into my dad kept saying no but she wasn't listening my mom then walks into the room and starts cursing my dad out saying something along the lines of you said you wouldn't to her ever again you insert whatever cursed himself she wants and the lady on the phone got so freaked she repeatedly said sorry then hung up my dad and my mom laughed majorly hard about it afterwards once a telemarketer asked to talk to my mom who had died a couple months earlier and me being high thought hey this will be funny and I said sure hang on mom phone then I said to the poor guy no wait she's dead thanks for reminding me he apologized and hung up really fast I didn't really get any more phone calls after that I'd like to point out that I had gotten a call from the same company before so they knew she was dead I somehow wound up on a call loss to be included on a telephone town hall from my state senator I called three local offices demanding to be taken off the list to no avail despite promises I finally filed an FTC complaint with dates and times of incoming calls as well as dates times and names of people I spoke to trying to get off the list apparently once you file an FTC complaint about a government official they take it seriously the campaign never called back no I didn't vote for him my great great aunt she's a badass just celebrated her 100th birthday is the one who stopped the phone calls actually she got a call from someone pretending to be the eyes and all she said was I'm 98 years old I will haunt you when I die leave me alone and go to hell and when I say I've never seen my mom so shocked I mean it still not as cool as her accidentally pressing her life alert button and not picking up the phone so when the ambulance arrived she fed them all some fresh cantaloupe when I can't be bothered I like to waste their time Microsoft scanner I put on the little old lady act not understanding their instructions and insisting they help me with my problem of a broken integral coffee cup holder disc drive when they are at breaking point I tell them that it says Linux on my comm is that the same as Microsoft that finishes them off occasionally I get a call from legal companies we call them ambulance chasers in the UK though if you've had an accident they want to sue the other side for a big cut of the award I describe how dreadful the accident was blah blah to get them excited then when they ask if they can sue on my behalf I say unfortunately not because I died in the accident lots of swear words and crashing down of phone follows but they don't call back if I'm not in the mood I just held them to f ck off and die and put down the phone the thing that gets them is wasting their time they are getting paid to make calls so the longer you keep them on the better one thing I like to do is start a rambling story that goes nowhere like Grampa Simpson does on The Simpsons you know survey yes I've taken some surveys in my time why I even worked on one now I think it was in 2006 or was at 0-7 no it must have been 0-6 because that was the winter I crashed my book god I miss that old car it was such a beautiful shade of green like the jungle now I've been to the jungle and boy do they have mosquitoes double-quote my coworker received one of the you have a virus on your computer calls on his cell at work I work for a company that deals heavily in IT so I had my co-worker put the guy on speaker we let the guy take us through the motions for several minutes once it was about to get invasive wanted me to use a link to allow him into my computer I revealed that he was on speaker and he called a company that deals in IT told him that he had several smart people laughing at him and his scam guy broke character and started dropping f-bombs oh yeah motherf ker you think I'm funny f ck you motherf ker dot he got worse the more we laughed the more he cursed and went to the more we laughed it was great several years ago I had little to do at work because reasons and so had a lot of time twiddling my thumbs I was also getting security system scam calls multiple times a day my usual tactics for messing with them wasn't working to get them to stop so I decided to see how far I could get into the system I gave them zip code and they wanted a specific address I didn't have that ready so I failed that one next time I had one ready but they wanted a past address a utility scan oops after a couple failures on that I gave them a previous address in Canada and said I just moved they couldn't do a utility scan internationally so I was in failed a couple more times on random things but finally worked my way through to a field tech to schedule a dispatch I gave them an address of an abandoned house with busted out windows overgrown yard etc that was near me the dude got out there and was not happy with me I didn't hear from that particular company again at that point oh so I usually answer telemarketers in Spanish because most of the time they don't think it's worth the trouble and they just hang up most of the time it's also important to know that I'm not particularly good at Spanish and can speak about ten words a minute on a good day so my phone rings and it's the good old Hilton telling me I won whatever whenever despite the fact that I've never stayed at a Hilton anyway I get some guy on the phone and do my hole hole in Oh gracious ordeal and this man this man claps back with fluent Spanish at a hundred miles per hour I tried so hard to answer to understand a single word that came out of that man's mouth I couldn't back out now all I could do was say no Mille Augusta and hang up I genuinely felt bad I almost cried afterwards law props them for being able to scam people in multiple languages though so my first job was it as a telemarketer for Sidney based company I was desperate for work at the time and managed to stick with it for about 10 - 11 months before I got something marginally better we sold raffle tickets for charities except the charities got something like five - ten cents to the dollar maybe less so not exactly a morally righteous undertaking I very quickly memorized the hotkey for removing someone from the dialing list f9 which incidentally immediately hung up the call and used it at least a dozen times a day anyway years later my parents complain about getting the same charity calling them up every few weeks to ask them to buy raffle tickets I asked which charity they say charity I used to fundraise for name I tell them it's essentially a scam and to not give them the time of day about a week after this conversation I'm having dinner at their house on a Saturday and lo and behold the phone rings and they both groan so I pick up the phone sure enough it's someone from the company I used to work for years later and they still hadn't even changed their intro script I spend a few minutes chatting with the guy mention hey I used to work there , start talking shop with him for a bit then say hey mate can you do me a real quick favor and hit f9 for me double quote never had a problem since made a negative yelp review listing all the numbers circumventing my attempts to block them couldn't even ask to be removed from call list they would hang up on me they just would call from a new number claimed it was borderline harassment the rep on Yelp said she would remove my number give it a week left to update negative review because three weeks later I still get calls that time she actually removed my number I learning this trick years ago from a former telemarketer when the call comes in politely say you want to talk but act a little slow like you're old say you're getting your glasses usually the think they have a mark then just put down the phone and go do something else an hour later quietly just hang up without saying a word my friend told me that telemarketers often hold on for 10-15 minutes because they think you're by this wastes valuable time they could be calling others plus the supervisors wonder how they could be on for that long and not make a sale if the tape is listened to they look stupid to the boss your number is deleted from call lists after a couple of time it's weirdly the most effective tool I've used my grandma was getting calls from a Jamaican claiming that she won $50 zero zero zero and a brand-new 2019 Lincoln car all she needed to do was go to Walgreens buy a two hundred dollar gift card and give him the numbers off of it called her repeatedly my aunt was out for lunch with GM a one-day guy calls an takes the phone tells him her brother my dad just got out of prison and he's not afraid to go back my dad has never been to prison hangs up grandma is at my house for a holiday her phone rings it's him dad takes the phone and walks in the other room stops screaming at the guy saying he just got out of prison for killing someone and isn't afraid to go back guy starts arguing with him and all of the sudden my dad screams I will break your legs and piss down your throat and hangs up guy never called again go to call from the IRS telling me a warrant had been issued for my arrest hung up go to call the next day and the next for about a week solid then nothing after a week same thing one day I talk through the message in my most stern but not yelling just stern voice I know this isn't the IRS impersonating a federal office like the IRS is a felony call me again and I will report this and any other number to the FCC and the FTC do not call me again once I finish talking the recording stopped mid spiel and hung up didn't get another call like this for six months now about every six months I get one call I give them the same spiel and then nothing for another six months [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 136,559
Rating: 4.8680377 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: sHph1VuGSMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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