Have you ever lived in a "Haunted" house? What happened? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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serious redditors who have live in a haunted house what are your most unexplainable paranormal experiences closest I've got to a haunted house is a haunted room I used to sleep on the second floor the bottom one being the first and my sister in the Attic she used to have sleep paralysis often then she moved out and now I have her old room she no longer has sleep paralysis but I do I lived in a house for about five years that was haunted but not in a malicious way in a shitty run made kind of way I'd come home to the windows on the second floor being open when it was raining to feed containers being open in the fridge that I hadn't touched yet and x200 be the worst was that the ghosts hated clocks she hated them I had antique cuckoo clocks that had worked for 50 years it will just start brand new all clocks that ate through batteries like it was candy my watch ended up on the floor one morning the crystal shattered even though I knew I slept with it on the one that pissed me off the most was that I got a brand new Kitcat clock for Christmas and the b-tch threw it off the wall I was cooking and out of corner of my eye saw the cat freaking fly turned around and it was across the kitchen broken it was brand new and x200 be man she was a bitch I watched one of our cats being pulled backwards about five feet by her tail she was walking through the dining area and suddenly we're sliding backwards as if someone was pulling her by her tail only there wasn't she freaked out and tried to run but couldn't immediately as something held on for a brief second before let her go I tend to think that was the handiwork of a four or five year old girl ghost who hangs out and she just wanted to play with the kitty I used to live in an old big five bedroom house with six other people my so and I shared one of the rooms I saw a stranger in my room when I was in my 20s it wasn't exactly visible but I somewhat knew it was right there in the corner of the Rue my sir was next to me sleeping while I had my eyes open I knew it was there so I closed my eyes I tried to wish it away I opened my eyes and it was now next to the bed looking at me I closed my eyes again and suddenly relief came I opened my eyes nothing there I saw it once again at the stairs it was only a brief moment this time and then it was gone I had fallen asleep at night with my fan running and woke up freezing I turned it off not long after I woke up hot and turned it back on this happened several times the last time I woke up hot once again and the moment I opened my eyes I heard the pull of my fan and looked up to see it slowly start speeding up I said thank you and fell back asleep I live in a house built in the 1800s it survived the two world wars and it seemed some sh t I imagined one of the previous owners had two sons who both committed suicide a lot of strange stuff happens the animals dog and parrots will wake up from their naps and follow something with their heads just as they would follow me if I walk around also before I switched rooms in the house my brother had a room and he refused to sleep there as he would hear voices he slept with my parents he was a child until the day he got my old room and since then has slept in that room without problems there's also a whole thrall we don't use and I sleep in the Attic and I pass through that floor to get to my Attic weird explanation but it's a weird house and I have a motion activated light there that goes on as I'm walking the stairs to that unused floor it would also switch on in the middle of the night while nobody is walking under the motion detector also there's cold spots I lived in one when I was a teen along with my parents several instances come to mind we were remodeling an old farmhouse and had been there a couple of months before witnessing anything one day I was underneath my truck which was supported by only a jack stupid I know I was in the middle of working on it with no good reason to get out at that moment suddenly the overwhelming urge to get out from underneath overwhelmed me no sooner than I got out the truck fell to the ground the jack had slipped freaked dad out he thought I was under it when mom got home we mentioned it and she started crying sobbing pretty hard it turns out the previous owner died in the driveway under a vehicle in that spot I would often see moving shadows and strangely hear music from the upstairs area the windows of the old house were caught shut and blackbirds would often get caught between the panes we ended up replacing all the windows but we had to break 3 inside panes to get them out one of the more disturbing things happened when my mother was cooking breakfast she turned away to get something out of the cabinet and when she turned back around all the forks set out to a bent straight up my father-in-law died before my son was born so he never meet him when we moved into our new home my son would often be laughing in the middle of the night by himself no biggie kids will play with anything one day we were finally putting pictures up in the house and once I put up the picture of my father-in-law he said Oh mommy why do you have a picture of the man that comes and play with me at night he had never ever seen a picture of my father-in-law before one night when I was about 12 I was drifting off to sleep then I clearly heard a baby laugh for one two seconds presumed it was just my imagination and went to sleep the next morning my sister mentioned that she'd been woken up by the sound of a baby crying I don't really believe in ghosts but I've never been able to explain that a little back story growing up my brother and I lived with our single mother the house was a little 500 square foot home but we were young so it wasn't a huge deal my mom Reema and the newlyweds decided to tear down the old house and build a ranch on the land strange but explainable things started happening after we moved back in one of the strangest things to happen was when my brother and I were in the house alone we were hanging out at an island in the kitchen talking about what teenage boys talk about when I hear the faintest whisper of someone saying my brother's name probably just hearing things about 30 seconds later a little louder my brother's name again he was talking when I heard the second whisper and he seemed to hear it too because he stopped what he was saying briefly finally about 15 seconds after the second interruption clearly and angrily a raspy voice says his name we looked at each other and he asked did someone just say my name dot I told him I'd heard it more than once he said three times right dot we grabbed our coats and went to get Burger King we lived in a haunted pub on the site of a former Catholic Abbey that Henry VIII he had destroyed we saw some weird shit the weirdest was the insect accuser in the kitchen something peeled it apart in the night no sign of a break-in all the doors were locked and the alarms set it wasn't smashed not an explosion the metal was peeled outwards a couple months later we had an incident in the cellar the entire pump system blew out ruining you acute 1k of beer th engineers could not find the cause of the fault and just to replace the system there were other incidents people captured on CCTV that were there the underfloor cellar doors slamming the pub Furby talking in the middle of the night and many more things that would be slightly odd out of context moved from the u.s. to the UK and our parents bought an old beat-up house it still had lead pipes for the water nightmare all on its own anyway work proceeded on the house whilst we lived there we started seeing bright lights in the corners of rooms at night foots at some floorboards the house had carpet I was about six at the time and started getting woken up in the night by a little girl who would dance on my chest of drawers for me I was freaking terrified my mum just thought they'd offers me dreaming workmen complained of strange things happening like tools being moved and odd feeling like being watched after about the year of this my eldest sisters friend stayed over night she woke the whole house up screaming saying a little girl had been in her room she had apparently pulled her from the bed the friend left the house and refused to ever come back mum decided she might need to do something about it and got some advice he suggested my mum and the whole family should treat the presences as part of the family so when we got home we shout hi we're home did you have a good day overtime the house settled and we didn't get any more trouble we also found out a little girl did die in the house of asthma my parents still live there and it is a beautiful homely place now I used to be a server for an old church school that was definitely haunted I'd be there early to get ready no one else around and I'd hear a scream sometimes most of the time the metronome on the piano would turn on by itself it didn't really bother me though because I grew up around the ghost of my elder brother who died before I was born lights and toothbrushes would turn on off on their own pictures would move or DVDs would fall for no reason one time we placed a candy on a baby photo of him and asked him to move it it moved thanks older bro close bracket I'm sure this will get lost but I have to share I am NOT a type to believe in ghosts but this happened to me and I have no explanation my mom passed away in 2016 at 56 of cancer she was in hospice and died in her home one of her favorite songs were somewhere over the rainbow which I added to her memorial video fast forward months later I am cleaning out her home with her belongings by myself there is no one else at one point I have an emotional breakdown and step outside to collect myself when I return I hear music coming from the other side of the house which immediately struck me as weird as not only was I there alone but the electricity in the home is shut off I follow the music to a bookshelf where I find it emanating from a snow globe its motion activated and only plays music when picked up the song somewhere over the rainbow lived in a house from 1938 I would wake up and sit up in bed every single night at 2:59 - 3 1 a.m. I thought I saw something moved quickly out of the corner of my eye on occasion but assumed there was me being sleepy bad vision without my glasses one night the curtain on my closet moved I pulled the lamp chain and the room lit up my husband thought I was crazy I saw nothing so I pulled the chain again to turn off the lamp I tried to sleep again but a few minutes later I heard the lamp chain swinging against the lamp base when I reached out to see if I felt it swinging and to stop it something cold touched me it didn't feel like the shape of a hand or finger but like a wet washcloth we moved soon after that you - relocating but I stopped waking up every morning as the new house and haven't had any weird feeling since lived in a basement apartment with a roommate in college back in 2010 we were eating dinner in the living room watching a movie one night in his bedroom is like three feet away from the couch were sitting on and closed over but not latched so we are eating dinner and watching this movie and then his door starts opening and creaking so we pause the movie and watch as the door swings slowly open all the way it stopped there and we looked at each other and claimed a breeze or a loose hinge then the door started closing again only this time about halfway through the movement the handle turned so that it was perpendicular to the ground the door closed all the way and the handle released slowly latching the door closed the handle in question was sort of like the ones velociraptors can open in Jurassic Park so preface this story saying I'm a huge skeptic of any kind of stuff like this but I've never found a way to explain this my sister and then four-year-old niece moved into a townhouse apartment complex niece is 14 now and still remembers this vividly ran into my sister's room not long after screaming about the man in her room yelling at her my sister jumps out of bed and searches around for anyone or anything out of place finds nothing doors and windows still locked happens a couple more times over the next few nights niece doesn't want to sleep there won't go into her room etc so my sister is chatting with one of the other moms that the complex playground one day and the other lady mentions how creepy that is considering the guy that overdosed in that apartment a few years back apparently his son's room was now my niece's room so my mom does some digging and found the guy's name which lead to his obituary pulled up the picture from the air battery and called my niece into the computer room she got half a step into the room when she saw the photo on the monitor and ran out screaming about the man have absolutely no explanation as to how she recognized this guy's picture my son about four years old at the time would jabber away in his room by himself one day my wife asked him who he was talking to he said he was talking with Alice and that she used to feeble men who lived here he went on to say that she died because she couldn't breathe our house used to be a boardinghouse before World War III when I was a kid about eight or nine years old I had a TV stand in front of my window the lights from the street always were on so in the dark I could easily make out the outline of where my TV was I started seeing a shadow figure of a girl standing right next to my TV I could make out her figure so clear where and everything I spent nights just looking at her I couldn't even sleep one night I got sick of it and threw a pillow at her as soon as I did I put my head under the other pillow I have a couple minutes and looked up and she was right neck to me at the edge of my bed I screamed so loud and my parents came in and turned on the lights a few days later my little sister told me that she has been seeing a little girl in her room I never told my little sister about my experience prior to that weird I have two good ones one green eyes lived in turn twisting m.d plane went down in the area killing 81 lighting struck the fuel or something well the house was out of code and electrical was always fritzy I would go down to fix the power and these eyes would show up green floating eyes green like mountain view and all of the eye is green not just the iris my dog would not go down there with me to fix the power and when the power came back up the eyes would be gone the eyes never appeared the same place too I was house-sitting a home in gone old house no nearby neighbors all the power was out for issue down the road I heard kids laughing in the next room over there were no kids nor anything to make that noise I left nope no thank you good day we lived in an old slave plantation on st. Croix when I was a kid very few locals ever visited the place so in a hole when we moved in my sister for at a time asked my dad who the man with the big knife was my dad was like da fuck but decided to check things out anyways and found nothing then we'd frequently smell fresh jasmine blooming which come on people have that tea growing in their yards so whatever we move in and the locals are like Wyatt you moved into that place and my dad would be like hell yeah why so they started to tell him about the slave who would serve the Masters tea every day and about the ghost with a machete we didn't move spent three years there dog ate an entire turkey foil and all and there was a tarantula infestation but that's about it living in Chicago last year in a top-floor apartment of a three flat style building the kitchen at the back of the apartment had a door leading to a stair case down to the basement connecting all the apartments into outside my housemate was cooking she left the back door open as we had no a/c or windows big enough for ventilation as I walked into the kitchen she ran to the back door and slammed that shut as I heard a woman's voice saying hello over and over coming from the stairs we stood behind our door listening and we could hear someone was coming up the stairs really slowly the steps creaking all the way up to our back door then they reached the top turned around and went back down again after five minutes of being quite freaked out another housemate and I slowly went down to the basement with some makeshift weapons and checked it out looked around and inside everything possible and calmly saying hello back nothing there a lady did live in the basement apartment but would never have any reason to come upstairs to the top and was nowhere to be seen either the landlord then let us know his mother haunts the whole building we lost our first home during the housing collapse it was heartbreaking both my husband and I grew up in rentals homeownership was a big deal for us both losing it because my biggest shame it took several years to write the ship and I am proud to say we bounced back better than ever after a long search we found our dream a beautiful affordable cabin in the woods the previous owner of my house died in a motorcycle crash the house had been on the market for years prior to our closing I dreamed that the previous owner left me a fruit basket and a handwritten card which read take care of it for me when we moved in I found vintage mason jars with fruit baskets etched in them that first year it seemed whenever we needed something like a simple tool or screw to fix something in the house it would just turn up in the shed or in a cabinet he built the house with his own two hands he converted it from an old hunting cabin into a four-bedroom house it was a labor of love for him here is the crazy thing we decided to research his accident he died three years before we moved in on the exact day that we lost our first house I used to see my late grandma around the house but usually only the glimpse or the backside of her sometimes I heard they talked in Chinese in the middle of the night when I was a kid I remember feeling so terrified I almost vomited I lived in an older home for about five or so years my stepdad who knew the man who had lived there before us told me he hung himself in the Attic I honestly didn't think much of it that is until I heard the footsteps like clockwork every night at 3:00 a.m. I would heart footsteps walking along the length of the Attic which would go over my room the steps were heavy and you could clearly tell the pace was at a normal walking speed it sounded like a man contemplating something thinking about his next move if it was really the former owner were those his final moments being played out every night before his fateful decision who can say there were other stories but those footsteps which went on for years still freak me out I've posted one story about the haunted loft apartment too many to tell but I'll tell the one that f ked with me most I work night shift so I sleep during the day da bf and mill went out for the day I know for a fact no one was home I woke up lay there for a second groaned and stretched and a man's voice groaned back right beside my head I note out of there pretty fast check the house home alone fun fact the previous owner was an elderly man who died in the front room he likes to shut and lock our doors when were not paying attention we used to live in a house that was built in 1956 there were several things that happened when my middle daughter was in preschool and kindergarten she would be trying to go to sleep and would be crying that someone touched her hair touched her feet and even said her name in her ear finally when all three of my girls were in school I went into her bedroom and said whoever is touching her and saying her name please stop I know you only want to get her attention but you are scaring her after that it never happened again around the same time we removed the carpet in our living room and hallway and put down a wood floor my husband went to work nights and I would always hear a child running in the hallway I will get up and check my three girls and there would be fast asleep it happened so often that I stopped checking on the kids once my husband was off and even he heard it he was sleeping woke up and said one of the girls was up I said no they weren't and he said they are I heard them running in the hallway I had previously not even mentioned it to him because he is a huge skeptic and tbh I didn't want to deal with his attitude about it as a kid I would make stupid videos with my friends and sometimes I like to rewatch them and cringe at our shenanigans quite recently IRA watched a video a friend and I made in zero 8 stroke 0 9 the video consists of our usual f King about halfway through the video there is a short 2 second clip wherein my friend is flailing a toy sword around and screaming in my room my friend is sitting with his back to the open door a dark figure is seen walking down the hallway past the open door the figure is only visible a split second but there is no doubt something passed by the thing is I remember vividly being home alone that day my father always told me a guy burned to death in that hallway and my mother swore she sometimes heard coughing at night I remember the whole way all the way smelling faintly of smoke even though no one in my family smoked idk keine spooky I lived in a basement of a duplex that I believed was haunted I had a few experiences there involving seeing a shadow figure one night my wife woke me up and said someone's in the house ok my heart is pounding already I get out of bed and look down the hallway and see a figure standing there at the end of the hallway in the kitchen then the figure turns in walks out of you I walk a few steps into the hall to turn the light on and stopped yelling at this person I think is intruding into my place I get into the kitchen and nobody is there I didn't hear any noises or see any sign of anyone being in the apartment they would have had to cross my field of view to leave the apartment I got back in bed and asked my wife how she knew someone was in the house she said she woke up and looked down the hallway and saw someone standing there my wife had to work graveyard shifts for a month right after this and it was so hard to sleep by myself after that I thought about it every single night I was trying to fall asleep I lived in a house growing up that I was convinced was haunted I would have reoccurring nightmares of finding my family murdered my sister had reoccurring nightmares of my dad murdering our family when I had nightmares I would walk down stairs to sleep with my mom and every time there were human shaped light beings walking up the stairs I would press my back against the wall as I walked down most of the time the beings just continued up without noticing me sometimes they would look right at me though as an adult I have rationalized it due to the incredible amount of stress going on under very violent nature of my father at the time although once we moved my dad stopped being violent and both my and my sister's nightmares went away my ex-wife was staying at her grandparents house which too used to be a church all the cousins have stories from this place but my wife's was an odd one they are all listening to the radio one night when the window drapes starts moving a lot and nothing but static started coming from the radio the girls freaked out and started screaming as soon as they started screaming it stopped and a voice came out of the radio saying sorry to have bothered you I'll leave you alone now drapes went back in place music comes back on my wife and I were laying in bed and I was facing the wall and she was holding me I heard a very heavy breath that definitely didn't come from her because of her mouth and nose were buried in the back of my at the same time she went was that you did you breathe in my ear she felt the breath that I very clearly heard we've also had hangers come flying across our room we had shower rings go missing and then while playing DND they came flying from our f king and tika chin three months later it's bitter nothing actually harmful has happened and we don't want to provoke it so we just leave things along it always gets worse after we change something about the house remodeling changing the shower curtains et Cie seem to make things happen small two-bedroom apartment next to an old farmstead I was about 14 at the time when I started to notice weird things happening such as dishwasher randomly starting it was old and had to be started manually when I was home alone laundry detergent would fall off the shelf and spill everywhere despite it being a foot back on the shelf and being closed and another thing that stood out to me was random yelling the yelling was very unsettling considering our neighbors were an old frail women about 80 years of age in the urine from ale who was never home due to him being a nurse the yelling sounded like a young women and who was more of a scream of pain after a while we ended up deciding to move after we packed up and left the landlord moved into our old apartment a few weeks later he was found dead in that apartment the only reason anyone found him was because the smell started to permeate into the other living areas it's really weird because the landlord was super healthy mid twenties working-class type of guy it was not a suicide a woman died peacefully in my childhood bedroom when I was young and learning to read I'd stay up late sounding out words in Harry Potter once when I got stuck I heard a soft female voice say the word correctly I thanked her assuming it was my mother but looked up to see an elderly woman who disappeared a second later a few years past this I struck up a friendship with an elderly lady down the road who liked to bacon feed me cookies she had been close friends with the woman that lived in our house her name was rose and showed me a photo of her it was the woman who had sounded out the word for me I never had a bad experience in that house and I'm glad Rose was there to help me out my grandparents old house had a room where the previous owners daughter committed suicide during the summers where I would stay over I would sleep in that room it was always cooler and some nights very cold to keep in mind this is the summer in SoCal some nights I would wake up freezing I didn't find this out until I was about 16 when I overheard my mom talking about it as they were selling the house have posted this before I used to write off anything spooky as tricks of the eye ears and or mind then one night in my 20s while stayin as an apartment my brother rented in Spain I saw and heard a human-shaped shadowy apparition standing by the side of my bed it was whispering my name while reaching out towards me and pulled on my pillow dragging me towards it I pulled away and hid under the covers until I fell asleep it was such an extreme encounter I chalked it up as a vivid dream and never said anything about it but three days later at the air Court my sister-in-law told me she saw a ghost the night I stayed at their place she said a dark shadowy figure came out of my room and then stood in the living room for a while before disappearing so we both saw the same thing the same night but he verified it before I had ever mentioned it I can't help but think that was a real encounter a couple years ago my five year old then three was using a flashlight to look down the cat hole in the basement door cat needed to get down to the litter box my son came running into the living room face whitened big eyes saying a man was crawling up the basement steps I asked him what he looked like and he said he had pink skin and big hair to this day he still brings it up every now and then and not one detail has changed I completely believe that he saw someone that basement sometimes gives me the creeps - I lived in a house my friend said was haunted when I was 9 - 14 years old nothing particularly weird happened except I saw large why figures from the downstairs mirrors they looked like there were about two meters tall and were slightly humanoid their faces were full white and their hands were much shorter in proportion to their size than on a human they also spoke in a language I couldn't understand it sounded like my native language but some words were completely different I didn't go downstairs alone because of that for almost all the time I lived there my parents told me that when I was a kid I used to play with a little imaginary girl in my room until one day when I refused to go in my room anymore because there's a big mean black lady in there I would sleep on the couch very often after that my parents looked into the history of the house and found that a little girl that lived there was hit by a car while playing outside and that a black lady was killed inside still living here doesn't bother me too much the weirdest thing I've ever witnessed with my wife and our roommate we have a steel security door with screen at our front door oftentimes we will open the inside door to let the beautiful weather in one night we were all hanging out in our living room where the door is with the inside door open the security door started violently shaking like someone was desperately trying to open it not a second or two later and we heard super heavy footsteps run across our roof and to our backyard that is covered with gravel I swear on everything I heard something human-sized jumped down and heard the crunching of the rocks but didn't see anything we have floodlights in our backyard so it was well lit but there was just nothing there but the sound I about pissed myself and seriously considered selling the house but nothing that extreme has happened since I lived in an apartment that was in a very old building my girlfriend and I both had several out-of-the-ordinary experiences but one particular incident takes the cake it was a loft style placed with the second floor partially over the living room kitchen entrance my girlfriend was doing homework on the couch while I was playing video games next to her she got up to get something in the kitchen and came back and could not find her pen we looked all around in the couch and she was convinced I was messing with her she started to walk back to the kitchen to look in there and the pen fell from the second-story right on top of her we stayed at her place that night and I moved shortly after used to have regular repeating nightmares away you know someone's in the house you walk down the hall find your family mudded in the kitchen the old kitchen before remodeling and run for the door with only a faint chance of escape before getting caught years after we moved out I learned that my brother had been having the same exact nightmare neither of us had ever talked about it before I lived in a haunted house for about six months with a few run mates two of them moved out before me leaving just me and one other left I've always been sensitive to the paranormal hence the quick move I always had a creepy feeling in there never really saw anything but it was just emotional and filled with the most dreadful negative energy and I imagine that's why my other roommates made a swift move as well one experience gives me the creeps every time I think about it I was across the country for work at the time and my roommate texted me confused and asked about our kitchen utensils we had them hanging on mug hooks below the cabinets she said they were all missing I was confused as well she sent me a picture of the empty hooks and I told her to check the living room for the expensive stuff in the case that we had been robbed she went to check came back to the kitchen and texted me a video freaking out as all the utensils were back on the hooks swinging together in perfect harmony I stayed at my boyfriend's every night after that and eventually moved out without ever going back safe to get my things it shook me to my core I grew up in a 200 year old home first week we moved in we started gutting the house and we pulled this old rotary phone off the wall in the kitchen a few hours later a phone starts to ring and my mum can't find her phone sure enough the sound was coming from the garbage bag I wouldn't have believed the story myself but I saw the phone with the severed was ringing in my mum's hands creepy earth that was the only thing that's happened in the house that I've personally witnessed there were a few other creepy things happen that we couldn't reasonably explain my best friend sister always had footsteps in the middle of the night in her very first apartment it was a fairly old house and she said that sometimes also the cabinet's would be open or doors moving by themselves TV suddenly turning on or off it also happened with her girlfriend present but never when her brother or I stayed the night on a different occasion friends and I were sitting in a garden pavilion and as we decided to call it a night and go home everyone walked to a friend's car but I stayed behind because I had come by bicycle and was getting it from behind the pavilion suddenly I saw a girl sitting behind the mosquito nets who looked kind of like a friend who hadn't been there this evening when I did a double-take she was gone but I still remember her distinctly looking at me I never raced home faster I'm pretty agnostic about the whole idea of haunted houses but my grandparents house always had a weird vibe my grandparents bought a few and my grandpa died there when I was baby so if it is haunted is probably him I always had a bedroom there and lived there at various times throughout my life my mom said when I was about 2 I'd be playing alone in my room and would talk to someone then I would come tell my mom and grandmother things grandpa said a few strange things happen to me when I lived there in my late teens like I woke up to the sound of a little kid talking and a baby crying and my stereo would turn on and off on its own my grandma died about 10 years ago and my brother has lived there ever since he has a son now whose bedroom is my old bedroom when he his son was about 2 he asked my brother if he's all the ghosts and did it scare him double-quote my house is 102 years old we often hear footsteps upstairs and our dog will bark out or fixate on seemingly thin air one time I woke up with a man just staring at me my favorite story though is when my brother was on the toilet and the toilet paper just unraveled we had a psychic come in who said she felt a lot of energy and basically described to us the man who used to live in the house and even told us how he died which is how we knew it was him she said there is also a girl who committed suicide fell off a roof that hangs around her name is Angela I know not everyone buys into this but we definitely do on a side note that is not house related my dad's car has senses on it that go off when someone something gets too close to the car whenever we stop at this particular red light nowhere else they go off on one side of the car a few years back a man died crossing the street there so we wonder if it's him we lived in an apartment where my daughter said there was another little girl living one night I woke up and was going to go get a glass of water in the bathroom which was at the other end of the hallway next to my kid's room I heard a little girls voice say mama from behind me ins thinking it was my daughter told her to hang on a minute so I could turn the bathroom light on it was a couple seconds at most when I flipped on the light switch and turned around there was no one behind me my daughter was asleep in her room on the top bunk of a metal bunk bed that squeaked whenever she climbed up or down the ladder I never heard a squeak late to this party but had a friend whose little brother would always play with an imaginary friend named Rosie we didn't think much of it fast forward 10 years we learned that Rosie was the name of a little girl who died there 80 years before they lived in that house wasn't my house but my aunt's condo I used to stay there like three days a week the first thing that happened to me there was I walked my little cousin to the bus stop one morning and when I got back to the condo she was at the top of the stairs laughing me I was like how the hell did you get off the bus and make it here so fast and she belted into one of the bedrooms I searched everywhere and she was nowhere to be found it wasn't her she was at school a few other things happened but the one that really got me was my other cousin my aunt's daughter had died in a car accident about three years earlier and one day we are sitting in the living room when an old friend of my deceased cousin comes to the door my aunt recognizes her as a friend they haven't seen in at least six years she asks for Monica my deceased cousin and we break the news to her she looks puzzled and said what she was looking out the window as I was pulling up and was waving to me double-quote didn't happen to me but my mom she was sleeping in a hotel when her grandma who died when my mom was six years old visited her in a dream her grandma said that she has to come with her my mom decided not to because she would have left back my dad with three little children we never went back to that hotel but my mom is convinced that when she dies her grandma will take her to heaven that was 20 years ago glass ashtray slid across my table in slow motion without making a sound and stayed level for about 18 inches then rotated back to front and slowly landed on the ground no noise whatsoever the place I live is the original site of the Sacramento City morgue there's been other things here that have been debatable but not this one I had to clean up the mess and I had a witness I also lived for a few months in a certifiably haunted location as part of my job I was based on the former grounds of acne mental facility now oracle corporation HQ in santa clara CA the 1906 earthquake killed almost 100 people and they buried most of the bodies in the East Wing I have seen refrigerators burst open pause then eject all the food the ghost of a young girl chasing a co-worker after hours the cemetery was only tended by women men walking by were pelted with gravel and earth the women said that if you set down a tool it would float this is also where green day shot the video for basket case I used to play a game with a ghost as a child in my room I'd place a toy somewhere and run out of the room then come back and in the toy would be somewhere else in this same home I experienced very strange auditory paralysis kind of thing in the kitchen by the back door found out years later the house had a murder/suicide of a family I was in a band and our drummer lived with his cool dad who would let us stay over and jam play video games the first night we stayed at his house he told us if we hear banging in the bathroom or the shower curtain moving not to acknowledge it and go back to sleep randomly in the night we hear noises coming from the bathroom I remember waking up to the noises and checking to see if everyone was in the room they were and as I turned over on my side the drummer looked at me and put his finger over his mouth signaling me to be quiet I laid down and we both looked at each other in fear as we heard footsteps leaving his room and going back to the bathroom we live in an almost 200 year old Victorian house passed down through three generations there's been four deaths in the house which has definitely led to some strange things happening when I was young five or six I saw an old woman with her hair in a bun in my doorway she wasn't moving and strangely was staring down at the ground she was wearing a long dress something that would be worn in the early 1900s this happened in my old bedroom which is now a guest room my dad has woken up to see a ghost dog border collie that then faded away after he saw it our current dog will not stay in that room he'll walk in look uneasy and walk back out into the hallway I've also had toilet paper violent unroll and fold over itself as I was using the bathroom I've always tried to find a scientific explanation to that one but never could I've also smelled cigars in my house after my grandfather's death big smoker and my dad has heard hello in our basement to find nobody down there nothing seems to be malicious or dangerous to us but definitely creepy grew up in a house that was over an underground wash an arroyo and ensure makes no sense to anyone living outside of the southwest lived there 20 years only scary incident started having sleep paralysis visual auditory and tactile hallucinations while paralyzed dreamed about a boy named soggy who lived in a lake someone had split his mouth open he wanted to show me where he lived woke up at 3 a.m. left house did not return until well after sunrise only time I felt something malevolent was in there with me mostly the cats would chase shadows occasionally we hear footsteps in the ceiling above us at my mom's house problem is a house only has one floor the area above is an attic if it sounded small I would write it off as an animal up there or something but weaves worth from something bigger than a raccoon like a grown-ass man wearing boots then once I was talking to my sister while she was doing laundry in the basement eventually I went upstairs about 10 to 15 minutes later she comes up and is visibly shocked apparently for that last 10 minutes she called swore she was still talking to me apparently I was even answering her and continuing the conversation I know she's not crazy or sick so she wasn't hallucinating and there's no way she's that oblivious I lived in Red Bluff near the old Adobe settlement all of the homes on my block Pony Lane were built on Indian burial grounds the stove would turn on constantly several times it caught pizzas we had on fire the doorknobs would turn and the doors would fly open hard we would be watching TV and the cord would fly out of the outlet and across the room shower would turn all the way to heart several times the door would open and I could feel the sheets move and pressure like someone was climbing into bed with me in my room I had to have a blanket over my window because it felt like someone was looking in and starring at you right into you with the blanket up you wouldn't feel it very hard to explain many many things happened in that house they did not want us there so happy we moved not my house but I installed home security systems and an old 80 year old lady lived by herself her current security was shoving knives into the frames and windows and also they couldn't open she even had them on her hallway doors and she insisted that I put security sensors on the interior doors of her home I found it super odd but thought no more of it and did as she requested as I'm working I have to keep going through a laundry room that leads into the garage and every time I went through there I'd get a super bad strange feeling as I was finishing up I was walking past that room and looked inside and swear I saw something so I turned around to look in the door slammed right in my face I've never ran out and gotten in my car so quickly called a buddy to have him come back and help me finish up and he said he felt a weird presence anyways we finished up and the next day she calls my manager and wants me to come back and add an extra camera inside her house and he told her that I refused to come back because I saw a ghost and her exact words were oh did he see the little girl dot didn't know if I believe in ghosts or anything till this moment I personally don't think our particular house was haunted but there was a lot of weird gangs on in the area there was a haunted house down the road from us near which I had unexplained paranormal experiences but that's another story this story involved my little sister who was only maybe 12 at the time she shared a room with my brother and was up there one day doing something in the room by herself turned around to see a giant headless torso of a dog just floating in front of her so she screamed for my brother who came running and they walked the house him with a knife from the kitchen just to calm her down still no idea what it was to this day [Music]
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Id: zCU9OXD8q18
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Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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