Dead Body Found In Storage Unit Auction! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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[Music] welcome back to treasure hunting with TVs guys we've been doing a lot of huge storage meaning Silvia go back to our roots and get a little tiny 4x4 storage in it now we got a cheap only paid 30 bucks believe it no idea what's in there looks like it's full all kinds of random crap and that's the fun so without further ado let's get digging [Music] all right so this one's not too high off the ground and not too low so I was like alright it was really get everything down with having without having to be awkward but look at this guy happen to do they put a freaking student you looks like a nice suit so I'm not gonna complain that they hung it all in there how can we clean it out with the hop in here jump up there even in man hi I'm six five little tired of me standing in there that guy's tall telling you look at that look how far off the ground that is but yeah let's see what we got we got green oh yeah these are the best Pringles BBQ and sour cream and onion trust me fat guy does best Oh cute okay I saw this infected I'm gonna need this since my gloves are at home go ahead roast me in the comments I don't know Bastien oh your anytime yeah no no let's see if we got a mirror we'll turn it around no this is a case in here just jump yeah there we go not that wall it's another razor I'm assuming yep two razors actually like I said I think it's kind of gross I've saved this all the time to find them but they do sell a lot of people take it's for us to sell you shoes I mean that doesn't gross me out then this doesn't grow so people thought it was different everyone does understand that we get along a lot better mirror what's in here yeah dirty bag any earphones it is true cigarettes some think that I'm gonna go out on a limb I guess is not cooking here whoa whoa well that oh yeah that's what's in here how much is this one right here nice to be like a mouse you never win nothing you want to keep it holy crap the smell of weed is just awful in here at least got some cologne in there try to drown it out there's not working very well where is it like which is all cigarettes but I mean any one that's been around you know the difference between cigarettes and weed is quite obvious yeah look at that good personal lubricant it's great oh that's why that look at the bottom you see the flakes you probably just kept it in here oh it's always in like every everyone okay be heavy grandparents around a great grandparents II always have those you open it up what's in it every time screws nails and random tools every time my grandma was like sewing supplies my great-great granddad was like a workaholic always did everything with wood and everything every time I open one it's just full of nails and skirt container - yeah the smelling that that whole container is going in a tractor I never had something take my breath that bad before the whole unit smells like that Noah done out like that not like that okay but it's so stinky like sweat yeah look look at all this stuff at the bar is so gross this would be the one I forget to bring us two freakin gloves with I only want to know what's in that I hope you know what I think it is really like dirty socks and stuff yeah we're gonna have to go find a pair of gloves or something I'm now going through this barehanded this is just a Pringle all right sorry onion there we go all right we have to find a pair of gloves and then go through this I'll be right back so they're not the vast but we have some winter gloves that are definitely not really enough for my exercise that we're out of the nether you know we figured what is he gonna use them we're just gonna go in the trash or better than nothing better than nothing they got some nice shoes here size 10 and a half they got the boot bottoms but they have seen better days it's probably yeah somebody yeah probably just doing it that's it I hope that the glove man this is the this is the risk you run I guess it's only fair we were owed this after the last two units were freakin ridiculous through the ceiling prophets we rode this what deserved it uh I know where to go from here this corner this is the kind of years actually say take $100 I'm leaving a USB thingy yeah okay that all lottery tickets it's gonna haul stock a lot I take it this guy's just keep losers 16 at 13 there any winners over here no you literally just keeps losing tickets hmm they're all losers why do you keep them I know some people I've heard like if you win something big I'd say you went over five grand you gotta get taxed on it you can keep the loser so if they ought to do whatever you you can just say look I spent this much a lottery so didn't really win that money other than that I don't know why you keep them this is like this literal trash I could just cigarette butts and stuff this unit I don't know no more look I was just looking at this but okay so pay attention all these bottles are filled with some kind of liquid I mean there's multiple it's probably pee pee I mean I smells like sweat over here somewhere what a man that's what it smells like just sweaty clothes like somebody closed have you been washing like three years is it his unit smells like I did see a phone up there I think he lived in here whoever was living here I'm not gonna find his body in it nothing a lot worse smell is this cigarettes and business cards different combination okay that's the kind of unit that these people are working on I need to know but this stuff's going in their trash before we go like what what is that that's what I'm saying I let us say a PE but that's people next to it I don't want to know no liquid oh man somebody was saving their babies up all right no I don't want to know either that's why I'm so glad I have is this gotta be the grossest you know I've ever touched in my life already am i even grosser than always on that coffee thing you all right yeah that was like one thing that was gross everything else was just stuff this one everything in here is just I don't know man this is kind of like this a dolly I guess maybe I feel like I want to throw it everything all right just straight trash there's a body yes oh yeah really they're dead cat or something okay paint yeah purple spray paint there's graffiti all over this area and then we got there's they didn't quite finish it out Cedar Hill alcoholic oh yeah this is literally look at this don't you see that it's just a trash bag look there's like cans Pringle cans and just literally trash bag why how'd you pay the storage and that stuff's gone I probably died like it just killed yourself I think will kill myself it's like I'm Lysol but I can't do this this is too much I'm scared some look like batting gloves but their mechanics Avery says the a mechanics something tells me whoever he's never use this Justin that was never used you like tried it twice you know like I'm gonna be trying to be more healthy and clean like I'm less I'm finding cash or something like really cool this one even the clothes I feel bad even donating this stuff this stuff gonna go straight to scratch I think maybe not this dude up there got anything in the genes I doubt it something tells me now but I'm gonna check anyway though there's some paper in this one just trash that only wanted to touch me when it takes weeks to arty on the who back up this is just I'm gonna explain this I'm not enjoying this one let's put it that way no lighter a bike tire it's just straight Spanish I just don't understand like why you would store that there's just trash cans all around the streets just throw away no way how does this happen two times in a row really Shawn one don't worry you know what let's see if it works yeah look this one's worse than the other one look at that that USB is full of dirt well we got Cantu air and stuff like that at home if this cleans up you know what I'm not even gonna complain no more oh I thought we got a crappy one but you know what I don't want it now I don't want to know maybe some more games who knows what's in the tooth up there oh god it's here yeah it smells so bad oh I need a mask yeah I'm not expecting this this I gotta say by far like I said the grossest thing I've ever dealt with it little bit energy in this yeah no of course not none of the disinfectants have liquid Oh Oh like let me tell you I have been doing storage units for six months so we've been dumpster running for over five years this is by far without a doubt the grossest most terrible smell ever dealt with in my life ever do you want to keep picking through it or like throw this stuff in the front away I don't know then come back I just want to keep moving stuff I guess for now until it just becomes too much the talk for police isn't a four-by-four imagine this is like a five by ten you have the dignity of that much of this stuff hey I think good shape actually I figure find the other one well that's nice that's a boot - did you find any one of those I'm alright don't worry about right at the stuff the PlayStation is we're good but the smell is just killing me damn it they're all empty we got these - I'll put this over here so far the boot and the PlayStation that's it everything else garbage nuts caches casually good money a whole penny yeah just a camera Oh bring it home I think I'm gonna take like three showers before all right I'm gonna go from here huh like I feel like I have to pull it I don't even want to like put my shirt on it to leave for it it types of stuff it's just so great this is hope it's orange juice or peach Park you know this let's see the envelope folder down below the track just paperwork alright liquid what I want to say stuff that I can't all right yeah I like how amongst all the grime is just one like super clean fancy looking suit up top hanging that just makes it so funny this is the problem with buying units online they can just look nasty at all but I mean we came across a lot of nasty ones but not like this this really drives just absolute garage let's do you play oh boy this wait ten pounders [Music] trash trash let me go click leave real military is it I don't think so I'm out of town be honest with you but I think it's just camera yeah just man I love this Pringles Pizza BBQ sorry man onions just another bag of this literal crash even the shoes or just those say timber laying on them alright but [Music] Febreze do something new please please oh say I guess this is a risky run buying online oh my god then a freaking real sword heywho know what the hills would like this one no George we found oh my god check that out ooh so I gotta say there's a Playstation and a sword amongst all the grime and disgusting this I may be sick after this but I'm gonna take a shower you're on the charge I'm still happy I bought this unit this sword is bad look at that we gotta find our chords for the ps4 - look at that that's crazy probably using a couple murders I'm almost expecting to like open this and it's like somebody cut up sprite a TV play yeah okay [Music] [Music] [Music] nine-volts yes no thing right here in front of us the tape on it scared is gonna be like a freaking monster jump out at me or something max 30 [Applause] look it seems oh that's actually part of the crust let's see I can do it so I'm really really I'm just here to like find something a lot yeah no joke like I think there's something in this house I've really not even trying to be funny with you a yellow I'm being honest with you like I really really do think not trying to be funny something is gonna be in those totes but I don't want to see what is that that's so Brandi what is this stuff it's like a c4 something this actually sounds like the owner any plums in here probably you got a cricket phone see if it'll cut on no toss it aside bones can tell a lot about somebody this actually I spot a plum I'll be blown away it is I'm amazed right now do you know what he already know what I thought but flashlight we just grind knocking off the grime all crippled up on a ranch I'll keep the phones out even if they're not worth anything I personally like to just plug them up and what you find on that could be interesting and tell you a lot about something anybody knows what that I guess a container it's four of those got a lock on it so I'm simply gonna be a safe or some sort hungry this is the grossest thing I've ever done I'm being straight on oh my god [Music] I'm scared it actually smells good whatever it is hi pods all right no powder detergent pocus detergent no like cocaine or something sprinkle it everywhere no it's not like times hitting detergent is up this guy leather on this unit I got a vendetta with you know give me a place we can for one to store it for 30 bucks yeah this is disgusting tall jump seven cents all the money we're gonna find right there Nokia phone always finding all kinds of phone or phone we came across what is that all right I'm not gonna lie I thought that was something a robbery oh yeah there's the speed used to dig dig grave after he killed him with a sword while wearing the nasty we're all putting this together doesn't look interesting okay now somehow we got to get to those glue totes and I really really don't want to lean in here so I have to do is cut it back up a lot of trash so then we can reach the tone so I'll be right back the guy that was almost hoping I wouldn't be right oh we just took down the tank it smells horrible that's a freakin dead turtle that is a dead turtle what oh man this guy I am got my fingers crossed is rotting in prison or dead itself right now that's just messed up yeah that's a dead turtle oh my god like that's just the worst thing I've ever came across or do that's just I think all the other stuff as a dancer I'll turn it off all right yeah the heavy yeah let's just hope it blows stage walls I'm so not ready for this fingers crossed nor a personal ooh that's beautiful you want to write hard for me to get that it's heavy God please be close please be close I'll be so far with clothes this seriously okay [Applause] No yes you're to Amina we're just Simmons all right let's see how one decent-looking normal thing is this pictures yes some games obviously there but you never get some games on you these are all burnt CDs I'm so glad I saw this I thought share about to find like a dead body or something okay 60 gig hard are under 60 but that is that that's in the other coat made 36 keys aren't that valuable anymore but still yeah in this this pictures doesn't all CDs huh just bring my salts in though put it right here I guess all right [Applause] this one's not just the 360 and PSP go maybe like a separate head it is a murder weapon old junk one something okay that Michael Kors business cards I have a feeling we're not gonna find like 102 dollars in here with some penny another penny come on nope john-boy if it's authentic Michael Kors I mean that's not a cheap brand so that could be good too and it smells normal anything else in here I didn't show this is just paperwork yeah guys other than that that looks like it's it I would say well go home and go through everything but Hale no we're keeping this little pile around over here the PlayStation the cameras the sword and that one pair of shoes everything else is not making it home it's going straight to the dump I don't care if I actually throw in value this time it's just too much for me so there's your recap well they won't start to go through my ghetto but everything else is going straight to the top once we leave here so after that then we'll get home then we'll do a recap so see you then guys look at this truck luckily I do to see it but check of that out there I'm getting closer to it but check that out he's not like all you had I fell helmets on there that is so badass well right behind him now that is one of the coolest trucks are seeing yeah see that actually that Giants helmet though that's pretty bad right there I've never seen a pilot see that's cool all right guys let's do a recap on what I thought was gonna be the most disgusting worthless piece of crap I ever had but ended up actually being pretty freaking epic so let's go through things one by one first things first the only pair of shoes that was not grimy in the unit we did keep we haven't clean these up beyond as you can see but even completely unclean they don't have a cent or else they wouldn't went to the dump too they actually smell like they're fairly new have you only been worn a couple times so once we clean these up these are fetch a good amount this pair of shoes of pretty much paid for the lockers having like 30 bucks this will pretty much cover that plus a little extra we also got Michael Kors wallet here I didn't even take anything out of it yet but this again I'll probably be an extra what do you say 15 20 bucks maybe something like that for the Michael Coren wallet yeah about that the coolest thing least this is not getting sold because I'm keeping it because it is awesome is that sore just check out like the handle right here that's just so cool looking it's I don't know what if it sisters like a demon or what it's supposed to be but whatever it is it's pretty cool I only have one other short lot of guns but only one other swords though this one I'll definitely go to the collection that's pretty sweet look at that at the Cambridge no it's cool and of course the question everyone wants to know the PlayStation 4 we went out and got this because that thing is absolutely flawless works perfectly yeah at first I didn't think it was gonna work it was telling giving me some weird hearing message saying that it was locked to the guy I had his name and stuff his account and I couldn't make my own but always simply there was this factory restoring the PlayStation and that thing was brand new created a Playstation account and guess what now we got a ps4 just in case anyone didn't believe that I just wanted to show you guys this works I was just really excited because we decided we were gonna sell the last one cuz if we had an Xbox one and it was a joke we had we're like come across another one then we'll keep it did not expect that other one to be the very next storage unit we went through but as you can see I never had a PlayStation 4 for only an Xbox one just went through and set up an account I think my online name is I'm Jebus underscore underscore gaming since somebody I don't know who somebody out there took Jebus underscore gaming already so if anyone's on ps4 Jebus underscore underscore gaming Xbox 1 it's just Jebus space gaming at me and just bug me if you want to I don't really mind alright guys see that is why even when it seems like it's gonna be horrible you guys keep your head held high and hope for the best definitely was not expecting to end this unit with a sword and a Playstation I was really expecting to end this unit with a couple STDs and a dump trip but you know what it all worked out in the end and before we in the video do you want to say don't forget about the giveaway we're doing - $50 gift cards once we reach 50,000 subscribers we're right over 47,000 now so we are getting closer and closer and by the way I always forget to say it a lot of people asked about the g-wiz gaming shirts the link to them are in the description below and the redid design redone design my brother did it's not my crappy little Photoshop job he's actually professional at it so it does look a lot better if you're interested that'll be in the description below but anyway thank you guys so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure you leave it a fake fat thumbs up or you know I already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links will be on screen just click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 150,828
Rating: 4.417017 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage locker, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit finds guns, storage unit full of guns, storage unit gun finds, storage unit guns, body found in storage unit, guns in storage unit auction
Id: zW-HOsJVt_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 2sec (2042 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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