I Bought a DRUG DEALERS Storage Unit And MADE MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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oh whoa ooh boom before we get into this video make sure you stick through to the end because it ends up taking a crazy turn but we looked further into this unit so you don't want to miss it let's get into it treasure hunting with Jesus guy that we just finished a huge live auction with a gigantic crowd so unfortunately we've got a little unit but we paid a little bit more than what I wanted to for this unit it was a 70 dollar unit let's go be some piece and stuff in their fingers housing at least make some money don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] all right so let me said not much in the air but $70 be a come on with something this was towards the end of the auction everybody wanted some things up I think usually this one for like 20 30 bucks it looks like a lot of jump fingers crossed it's not let's go paintings I always say there's one of this thing you know I mean this would be like a $2.00 good well thing where this could be done by some famous person and be worth $500 this is painted oh cool we'll take it out of the frame at home and see if there's any names on the back of it what else we got so we still have a clue what that thing is I can't tell what the dresser like a bag pursuit or something maybe a witch all right some more clothes let's see we got a brand on these suckers Westport or they at Westport Ltd oh joy Scots give me money cowboy weekly that NFL gameday to old but if we clean this up I think I give you or something sports stuff sells yeah like this unit you see it good please play on toys my little pony that's disgusting and destroyed my little pony number two is disgusting it and destroy it and rip a disgusting rabbit with doodoo stains weird statue now look it's Dexter that's disgusting - I love you mom little bear that's not a good sign dollar tree bag I'm just gonna be changing there might be a bank or something oh that's a jewelry box hey doesn't look nice anything of value I'm here some Disney costume jewelry maybe see ya here don't text me right now Honor Roll badge some weird thing little rusty look how rusty the knife is geez aconite that's all it's in here nothing too exciting I know the same thing looks like it doesn't it doesn't look like an that graded condition now other than that watch a little dollar fee statute basically these are often the dollar tree so we also got like a suit bag last time we found a seed bag or so look at $13 so I don't know so much about the clothes inside of it for the seed bag itself 315 bucks but there's like five units left to the auction it's three out of five ended up being completely empty like why would you just keep your lock on it and take everything out it's really stupid it's got a purser jacket yeah be a good brand where is it feeling loved it looks do not dry clean that's usually a good sign I'll see nothing on it yeah nothing oh great I mean rat poop disgusting that's grimy yeah that thing's got to be in here somewhere whether it's dairy alive it's in this unit I guarantee that good footage if they find it yeah can you jump like crazy I don't get in this sucker yeah so we got a giant bag full of more clothes I don't wanna sit here go through them all we'll go through them all and once we get the unit cleaned out and if there's anything expensive in there I will show it in the recap money a nickel probably the most money we're finding here what about the panda panda bear let's see you thin this one see books and raku that's a joy yeah look at this whatever it looks super cool computer monitor printer it looks like computer setup it looks like a right yeah so that with this piece itself - the pictures could be worth something what is that why everything stuck together in this unit there's this bronze looking thing trophies pieces for probably State Fair bench press dead look on us got a strong the enemy let's take a little silverware can you see that there's something so far so these are the things like I never really know if it just the cheap souvenir if it's nice thing it's really old it's kind of hard to tell now we can get so far let's go through this tote this time you might have bought something out here the trash but run away from this unit Virginia Tech pity I have not seen very much anything any values so far they may be a few bucks but really so far this one looks like a complete oh look at it so disgusted why would you pay money to store this stuff I don't get it it's a lot more to expose there's gonna be sitting in it over here Sanna I mean pretty much so far a bunch of flea market stuff Shin dump stuff pretty much that's it one baseball officially you know signatures or nothing you're like an old Harley American Chopper alright let somebody really has entirely yeah it it does it matter another trophy for freaking powerlifting another strong look at that I broke his trophy it might be actually it's true a metal in here is no powerlifting strongman the big do it I'd like to got on this unit now they just more trophy and we're running out of room real quick let's look at this box where's the hidden money gonna be somewhere down a cowboy stuff Dallas Cowboys lunch box at least on the plastic so let's grab something oops what is that digital audio player could be worth something to another lunch box what's this old looking thing what is that oh that's a really old looking radios oh whoa ooh that just made it worth it probably not worth $70 but it's pretty cool I'll keep that for sure I love weapons and weapons guy definitely made it better they're made of teeth their shells I hope let's see ready sir boom personal stuff and so there's a freaking bullet in there to the nine it's 45 I should've guessed that when banks and 11 is all a 45 shell look at that still in there too what else do we have in here is old change what grab nothing else in there last one [Applause] what is that there's ring boxes in there let's keep shut alright is it how am I gonna get in here just like that I won't open huh all right this could be the moment of truth this is the state we need how long out all right you ready sound like something's in there it is in there sterling silver we got something real Lisa V installing my expensive or nothing but sterling silver ring this one it is this one is a nothing yay and lastly the blue I got something in it ready the goal is that gold no it's just fake junk Joey what one sterling silver in a jewelry box something I guess if this is at this point of this sheet it kinda look at the positives paperwork and cards definitely look through them we found money in cars like multiple times now full alarm clocks razor assess the board for some reason these sell very well it's kind of strange is that another ring bucks it's not the one that toss those empty yeah no 18 karat gold over sterling silver of course that one's not in there Barbie doll down here let's see I feel like it's gonna be barber stuff Oh Game Boy Game Boy SP - there's a game in there as well Dora you don't want it yes you game oh yes there's the save crash that's Dora does this thing probably not gonna work it's probably dead but yeah but I have a charger for it at home so we'll check it when we get there yeah took this right over here keep digging in this box so I see something look interesting at the bottom I gotta get old looking chest yay thread just what I was what do we have here this way already something interesting please what's hard about funny cards and interesting boxes seriously all cars so we'll definitely check all the cards although everything in more detail once we get into the van and then we'll do a recap when we get home so see you then [Music] alright guys so before we start going through the items I want to tell you the crazy information we found out I want to try to make this as easy as possible since some people you know just can't figure things out for whatever reason they always add how many of those dudes doing it let me show you something this is called an arrest record what this means is you are guilty in charge of a crime the crime listed on this arrest record is attempted possession with intent to distribute two to six years two years probation so before everyone goes in the comments like last night how do you go to drug dealers unit like there's an arrest record not only this this had their name on it they've been charged four separate times with different drug crimes this one's all way back in 1992 most recently 2013 so we have a life long drug dealer it's kind of ridiculous I just feel like I have to speak it in like elementary level because I always get common how do you know was murdered it was a bird you know you there's arrest records I can't make this easier for you like I literally what the arrest record the screen last time and make hundreds of comments drug do you know like I feel like just sometimes I'm talking to a door now I'm like I don't know how you ask these questions but you know what I just always sat there in this thought about like you ever picture these haters and people and like what are they doing at home all the time just think about it your videos suck what do you do oh my god that was called that was my worst fear right there by the way all the stuff in the storage units yours you put it in there if I can hit one of those I might actually have a logical opinion thanks for the support pretty sure that's what's going on in their head anyway anyway we found the guy's information you look like freakin what's that rapper's name with the dredge guy his name some color dreads every rapper nowadays whatever that's why before someone goes in the next ink thing and thumbnails reason gosh I can't do the stupid I can't feel with it it's too much for me so how do we know it's a drug dealing arrest record why is the person in the thumbnail in the thumbnail because this looks like his twin brother and I went through 200 pictures we'll go gotta find someone to look just like it please please for the love of Jebus save the stupid comment that gets so tired of having to filter out 50 to 100 comments every day because people don't pay attention brain over let's start going through some of the stuff we've had first thing this thing that is a sexy kunai knife no knife cut night there's a kid I always forget I'm illiterate look at that it looks like a military it's probably not it's probably replica a military knife but yes I'd love to say a lot of these come out it's probably nothing in it but I don't even know the - yeah there's no there's something in there I'm the best thing ever just like a button and needles for some reason why there's more tonight a compass that's probably what actually came in there matches getting away interesting how long is this man's finger I have some water please yeah according to everybody on YouTube I have a long freaky et thing yourself I can't reach it okay that's like the bottom of the knife nothing else coming up so I'm pretty sure the compass was supposed to go in there and those matches and stuff I'm gonna make an assumption that when you hired a bunch of matches in a little baggie at one time there's probably something else there again an assumption mmm-hmm don't leave this kind of comments it's really obnoxious to have to sit there and be on people all day by the way I just want to let the haters know just in case you were unaware a few YouTube lessons really quick number one there's filters in the YouTube comments so every time you people leave stupid comments like nobody ever sees it it just gets filtered out just so you know that just so you know you're wasting your time - all it does is help promote the video I just wanted to put that out there let's keep going some Geneva Geneva watch is set it to actually I don't know about this brand yeah I had a chance to look it up but there's like men and women yeah by the last few watches we found our money exchanged like 100 and the Invicta ones were really high and so not really sure about that we'll do some more research in a little bit I've been up for 32 hours at this point I wanted to get this video done in a bit so I can go to sleep for at least a couple hours when we gotta get up early in the morning again tomorrow for more oxygen why we got we showed that in the video Dallas Cowboys lunchboxes brand new dushanyi for about 15 to 20 bucks on eBay boom the old radio I tried to look it up on eBay I can't find an exactly one but things like this or sell as low as $10 as high as 45 so somewhere in the middle of that I don't really know which one it is I haven't even tested to see if it works to be honest with you but one thing we don't have on the table that doesn't work is the Game Boy along with the games because I said we do have a charger for those so we were able to test that that works fine the games worked fine the game way SP red like that is selling for about 50 bucks on eBay in the Mario game selling for about 20 crashing in the door like five bucks or less it's not a big deal but I'm probably gonna keep Mario but they don't have that one to sell the Gameboy game boy a lot of talking we got this thing probably not worth much because of the condition it's in if it was in good condition I've seen these on eBay they're selling upwards it's like twenty seven thirty dollars but this one's dusty the plastic is broken it's bent probably not gonna be worth much anything and I think it's enough for me so continue what about the motorcycle so we actually found this one which I think you guys saw in the video as well a Honda Valkyrie motorcycle and then this random I think they call this diecast it just has a number three like racing truck I guess and then these things right here and treat me very much I do not I want to know where to take these things I don't know have to take into a museum or whatever but you saw this and I think these three but this is very heavy um I I don't know off the top of my head what ivory looks like but I remember it being like this sort of color but I don't remember it being shiny so if you guys know something that looks like this and is super heavy then let us know also like I said if you guys know where we can take this stuff let us know let's see this this is like a flea market type thing this is just like a kid's computer or whatever and then this is the next cool thing I found I don't know why I think he's a cool but I think they're cool we're gonna get him out get out all right these are football like wall hangers and they're from 1976 mmm so I don't know if these have any value or not but they look cool and I mean they look vintage so lastly one of the jewelry boxes that was covered one of the jewelry boxes that was covered by all this stuff in those boxes that we didn't really sort through in the video had some older coin so he showed you the 45 bullet we found the thing akiza's which we don't know it goes to what we get so this one is actually a Gemini coin I think yeah may 21st of June 20 so I'm a Gemini as well as David Davis is a Gemini so we'll probably just keep that just because Oh even got a susan b anthony in there i mean they're only worth a buck but i haven't seen one of these in a while actually they're next week yeah the Sacagawea coin gold dog yep go $1.00 from 2000 and then the other cool thing which is right here is this a steel 1943 wheat back which I think these are cool so if you ever find in 1943 copper penny you may Bank uh history lesson on the pennies I don't know why I finally like I think that I think the history lessons so fascinating it is like they had to use the copper in 1943 for a world war 2 so they made the pennies out of steel it's the only u.s. coin it's magnetic kind of cool I like learning about money as I go but if you didn't know that now you do so other than that I mean the only other cool thing I see is a 1946 nickel which is that so much I forget the nickel I know the war nickels are silver but I forget the exact years of those but I mean besides that there everything else is going to the jump because it stinks and it has mold and stuff on it the cowboy jacket we did keep so we'll wash that and then the only other outfit that we kept was the the leather brown outfit which we'll look up to see if you guys saw that let us know if you know what that is alright so that is going to be it for this very interesting storage unit video so if you did enjoy it leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you do wanna follow us on our social media links they're gonna be not here not there right here on screen in in the description below make three falls on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 51,788
Rating: 4.7018948 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: OFwUjweWUug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2019
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