LOCKED SAFE!? WHATS INSIDE? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds

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there we go are you ready give me a countdown got a countdown Oh get in there three two one look welcome back to treasure house guys this one's actually in our home state very very rarely does this happen we're actually got one in Virginia and the reason we got this unit is because there looks to possibly be a safe in if something is 100% definitely locked and that always intrigued a line like me so let's get in there and see what we got [Music] alright guys make sure you leave the video thumbs up please it helps out a ton in that's all I'll look in there look behind that sign you see it something or there's got a lock on it whether it's an actual safe or not if they lock something up it's gotta have some value and there's only a four dollar units up to give you 40 bucks where I'll find out let's see looks like there's a little thingy you put on top of your car looks like cover the windshield Sun I think this is the bottom to those maybe II think so those orange things this probably goes on the bottom of it so they'll fly over hopefully not because that looks like it's my god looks to be a whole box of books here you go guys it's been like 3 units but we finally got to another Bible they used to be every single unit 100% guarantee but it's been three now we finally got a viola always check the Bible's though so many people told me people like to hide money in bottles you have to find Annie but we're always gonna check let's say that another one up two bottles let's make sure their son doesn't have money in it either nope no money but people will still buy older Bibles and even hotter than that no security walkie talkie one imagine someone else somewhere still has this we cut it on to start talking he's like Tom Tom yeah other than now you got an umbrella on a power strip what was that other that's deep car this came out of a trash bag you know you know that's all one gig one gig SD card you know how much video file I would hold now maybe like well on 4k yeah even a 1080p you're talking a minute or two old well put this in my pocket so don't lose it Oh what time oh yeah this is smelly clothes this he had a little bit of funk to it and I think we found the reason why clothes are here yeah you know what what it's not gonna look in there the funk is a bit strong what is that coconut oil we dropped coconut oil you guys want it here it even looks like it's rotting there's a little bit of brown in it mmm hey very expensive but always good to find black trash bag balls cuz you're gonna need them in units like this what is that I've been here at duty or master feel great there's been kind of no I'm out yeah we found the dead one with the head blown off or ripped off but no way hold on oh no these are thing I guess for the valets this look to be a ballet it's entire unit like a ballet company I thought this is a whole stack of parking ticket of like oh we're gonna have so much fun now well you know what you come outside you see this in your car you're not gonna think valet you're gonna think mom they gave me a ticket so this will be funny I want to get to this that's heavy I really think about it I will we got that what's the magic trick okay I don't know any okay we get this out this looks like an old flashlight any of your flashdrive the hell I have no idea look at this anyone recognize that I have no idea what that is if anyone knows let us know in the comments maybe hold on do you know what this looks like almost you ever seen it things at one side USB one shots for an SD card and it increases the transfer rate maybe hop that's my only guess other than that no idea when we got valet parking complimentary wow I'm just gonna set this outside of my house and start charging people to park on the street let's roll really easily less work for us [Applause] look at all the racketeer that only adds about you we get into it a giant sharp you look at all the key hooks didn't know in fact like C years that I was actually kind of like ovale Cartman we're gonna work the Toyota stuff these people I know they're struggling it's not fun there we go are you ready let's see if it's actually luck oh you ready give me a countdown got a countdown Oh get in there three two one look the black thing rolls I can already tell you like we had the same type of system architour that just locks everyone's car key so somebody just can't come in and be like you know what I'm feeling Alexis today take the keys and just going home with it so I got one a genius yeah but now we're going to find this company go in their parking lot and just looked at every Jeep like we finally get into somebody said what are you doing I was I found the distorted this is legally mine now my car this one behind you it's not getting the stuff on that looking here really good just a foot bag travel bag one of these lights hold on a giant signs like fabric signs now I've never seen like an actual just valet company you know usually a restaurant or a hotel something's not have a valet I've never seen a company it's just valet it's kind of weird they always have like whatever you can fit on the shelf like nothing in there really at least favored always you have thought for sure the wielder he broke out these entries and back-breaking labor beauty or it says nothing to work for as much value justify armed it I see everything yeah it just got me pretty good me and this side about to go do good at the park yeah oh yeah alright so now we know where to go pick up our d-pad and here's another valet parking six bucks three hmm anyone ever heard of sterling one of us like a local student a local person if someone's actually famous it's been it's a really good painting so maybe where else I'm scared up in the cooler that's like that yeah it's empty this for those hot summer days when you're out standing there waiting the cars there's another one what another picture after we get into the boxes no start up there all right let's keep going what is this anyone line what that is let me know in the comments all right another pole don't mess with me what is this these are new things they send your dashboard when they move your car maybe oh now it's like receipts handwritten receipts oh yeah oh no yeah that's like twenty dollars at Walmart by itself and that's something we constantly have to buy today yeah that's always good to fine some are the adidas somebody to cleats yeah and then some other sleeps beyond it let's take that around a room here what else do we got they're made in Italy econo is or something bunch of ties all ties well check the brands and stuff like that on it there's some ties are they getting up too close bringing to make all the difference in value yeah nothing else in there I have to get these suckers now I don't know how much do you run for almost actually destructive today aren't you I have to back up I'm gonna start sitting in front of our house when we leave so we go home nobody's gonna parking spot and they stand by theirself there's a whole box of them one two three four five more here we have one so we need one more let me count it out one two three four five another stick okay that's all whoa no I mean obviously that's not true they don't have printing back then but Chinese Ming Dynasty is 36 into 64 it looks like something you'd get from Goodwill but you think I could potentially be real they say you see how they label right China Chinese Ming Dynasty 1368-1644 I'll be pretty epic if it came to that is from good well okay here so it doesn't mean people have found paintings worth thousands of good little for cool Ethiopian that's pretty cool if either to stand to yeah let me ask food is cheap to replace that's pretty cool all rights go into these totes and I probably gonna move this out get into those totes well you know what you wanna just like clean some of this up and they come right back yes alright really running out of room so we're gonna take some stuff out be right back all right guys little sway you got everything out except for three chose some numbers and some stools the piece big boys what are these 2020 [Music] one day I'm gonna find my punter calendars in here and I feel like a wuss who the king Charlotte favorite where this know what that is doesn't look like it I know it's such actually oh hey press there other than that literally all school supplies TVs half-burnt and then watch cases slide to the left some still look at that yeah look a little something for him it's the same doesn't wash knees we actually have a reason it gets these again how that on the man Carl anything like crazy in the whole abortion at the enemies but we've done this before I open it up in there all cases nope they're in there that could be a lot of money on big flyer but they're always look at that it's definitely not a regular DVD yeah I don't know what the clutter will accept them hopefully so if not probably lot them all up and sell them as a group anyway looks like that's just about it let's get everything out of here and like I said if we find anything else that we didn't show will show it in the recap and I will see you then 45 here Sony explain how the thing that's about to go 45 alright guys we're home now and let's recap this unit so as you saw there was a lot of very big items in there that at first did not think would have much of value but upon doing some research a lot of those Valley Roller things have good resale value especially the metal one that we thought was a safe that one and we looked it up new that's a five hundred and sixty dollar thing use we saw them selling for about two hundred so I put 75 in the video but most likely it's gonna be able to go for more than that fingers crossed and also after we that like big dirty bag of clothes that we found yeah it was like sweaty like gym clothes or something we actually found two dollars in a price tag in one of the pockets so towards the profit of the unit I guess alright remember the long coat I thought it was broken at first but actually what you do is you put the black thing on top and it orange goes right through the middle and they all stand up perfectly fine new therefore between twenty twenty-five dollars used they still sell for between 10 and 15 apiece you remember there was seven of them in the unit so I put it at $70 but it could be more than that fingers crossed again alright and lastly I just wanted to mention this beautiful golden camera that we have in between us this is actually at Ross for like ten bucks and if you guys saw it on social media yesterday there was actually a sign like right before me left and said like like something about a Chinese yes experienced the tribesmen or something and we took a picture with this with that and we were just like we have to get it now I'd have to go on the table have to go like somewhere where it looks good so that was the story behind this but does look good hey guys it's on your PC now I'm recording you guys how do you feel now it's not gonna be centered OCD attack alright guys it's gonna be it for this one wasn't the most exciting storage unit but again it's kind of hard to get units right now everybody thinks through our storage unit bar with their tax return but hopefully in the next month or so they'll be back to normal we can go back to buying like four or five every single week but anyway thank you guys so much for watching we did enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and if not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time and make sure you're following us on any social media you have the links will be it women scream right there make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace it out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 63,699
Rating: 4.9029126 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2019, storage unit finds drugs, storage unit finds money, storage unit, storage unit safe, storage unit safe 7.5 million, storage unit safe finds, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, opening safe from storage unit, storage auction locker, storage locker, storage locker finds, abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage locker, real storage auction
Id: WmZp8JCe6WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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