Found Her LIFE SAVINGS In Storage Unit I Paid $1,000 For! Storage Unit Finds Worth BIG MONEY!

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oh boy this one's heavy whoa do you see what that says life savings please whoa [Music] we are once again back here at the 1030 storage unit if you have not seen part one and two of this unit you have missed some epic stuff it has been money money money and today we're gonna keep increasing that money money money let's do it [Music] let's start by finishing off this last stack in the back here and get these last two boxes out of the way let's see what's inside of it the wrap stuff all right so far some of the wrap stuff has been high-end that side why would you write the price in marker on the frame that has to be the most illogical decision i've ever seen and i've seen a lot of illogical decisions what's in this oh this guy a bust nice oh what was that he just did it he had to go you've been holding it in that box for a long time you know that is no me neither hoping you will i thought you did no i was hoping you would what about oh what's this it's just another glass basket yeah glass basket but this is what i was really referring to get this big guy this looks like fancy that's for sure is there a maker mark made in china that's all it doesn't say anything else the bell in there we're open service let's open up one more piece and see what's in there then we'll just move on to the next box this is super light whatever this is not glass like the rest let's see oh maybe i stand corrected yeah it's plastic is it it's plastic it's like really light last box in that stack what's all the way at the bottom of the stack of boxes this box is like super thick and nice what is this cracker barrel old country store blue and white porcelain collection crackle bear is the best there's like isn't it just a special feeling playing checkers and then waiting on your food and playing the little peg game look at that that's kind of cool looks like a ladder a miniature ladder another bus another bust first two mirrors back to back and then we got this a bigger mirror oh that just looks fancy fancy doesn't it let's see what the bus does this time famous roman once doesn't it says something right here mexico nfc mf not right yeah that all right but look at that it looks really well detailed this thing look at that took it what do they call drawing boards or something like that i think it was a washboard washboard yeah not for my era and then a couple little small pieces down here look like a biplane ornament a blimp uh that like a little carnival rides farmers and homesteaders i was about to take this wicker basket to put in the truck and when i went to lift it i realized there's a box underneath of it that i didn't even see existed until just now so let's see what's in this first that's your name we don't need to see that last name these records these are 45s aren't they yep these are the boat that i wrote can't stop the world go-go's let me pull out a couple of other ones i don't want to scratch them up since they don't have cover actually look this whole box is 45 records and these are covers check this one out let's see if we reckon or you guys recognize any because i'm not unless it's a big name mercury if it's on believe it see me feel me if it's on believe it carpenters look at that they paid 78 cents whenever they got this top of the world capital let i'm not going to go through all of them but a lot for the little 45's there look right here it's a whole stack too this is a huge stack of them yeah these are all the ones that are in the um [ __ ] thing and there's some loose ones this is hair stuff yeah hair stuff i guess because that goes with records for some reason under that is just more i mean it's probably at least 100 if not more of the little 45 records right there and i didn't even see that box till just now last two boxes of this side of the unit i could sell you in field this is books but spider clear that was on your finger was it real down there he's at the bottom [Music] i didn't even feel it this is um aristotle three let's see how old these are because usually i don't even look at books but some of the older ones we found in the first part were worth like 20 25 bucks a piece and people in the comments are saying they could be worth even more this is the works of aristotle from 1982 so not quite as old as i would have thought some more aristotle books uh what is this one i i don't know how to pronounce it that take that in your magic spider get that box over let's get the last one here it says books too it looks like yep so let's see ooh that's all at the bottom look at it what are they you know how long they probably been living under here they probably have like a whole family in like generations i got some grandson his great-grandpa everything under there they've probably been there forever let's see what's in here and those are books these are the kind of books i don't like to see these are usually worthless because they're like too new to be vintage but too old to be useful yeah oh look this is such a good business strategy nowadays mind your own business whoa it works wonders but yeah just books now let's get on to the other half of the unit at least this one's not on the ground so we won't have any you know ancestors and bugs anything in there uh these are a bunch of christmas stockings those aren't interesting more stockings is this all christmas junk it looks like this is all christmas job i'm not looking at this box let's get the next box ah it looks like i see a blanket on top let's hope it's not all clothes or blankets that's a frog a frog that is a big frog and this is like all stuffed animals and books in here look at these some beanie babies i know some of these guys could be worth the money merry christmas from 99. there's the pink guy purple one both of them still have their tags on it so that's good sign all these stuff they all seem to still have their tags on what brand is this guy gallery i don't know any more beanie baby brand look at this one it's like guys yeah then you got another beanie baby with this tag too this is from 2000 so he's 21 years old he could drink now then we got some textbooks and we got some textbooks and look there's another beanie there's a couple bean babies anteater in there a couple other things like that in there overall beanie babies could be money though this box is like 8 billion pounds so i'm going to assume it's more books but maybe they're old oh look at that who'd ever guessed they definitely look old though don't they yeah let's see if we can find a date on this guy this way howler any yearbook this is a yearbook that's cool what years are from winston-salem north carolina 1973. that's kind of cool so one of these are all yearbooks or no these are definitely not all yearbooks here's american poetry and prose a couple textbooks is this one a yearbook yeah 1974. that's a fancy yearbook it is we never had anything like this up front so it looks like a combination of maybe books they had from school back then and with their uh yearbooks look at that that looks like so old let's see if we can find a date i've heard of that offer before it's just interesting to me to find like how old this stuff is but there's not a publication page on here so no idea how old it is so we saw this last time we couldn't make out the brand model or anything like that because it was still kind of surrounded now that we got it out do you see anything i still don't thomas peconi all right so it looks like it's a radio maybe it's a radio and a record player it looks like radio cassette and record player all right nothing on the back as far as model goes it's kind of hard to look it up when it doesn't have a model do you see a model all i see is a thomas picconi thing uh radio cassette tape deck uh i don't see any model number maybe on the bottom left oh this is heavy this is the box right under the record player let's see what's in it huh what a surprise under the record player is records hey it's barbra streisand at least somebody have heard of i guess that's a good sign right right uh let's see if pull out the stack right here on the side we got peak or pet clark uh pichola clark okay somebody likes this clark person mama whatever um pet clark again all right johnny's greatest all right i'm not seeing no big names at least for me these are probably big names some people when i find records i'm literally like is there an elvis there are beetles beyond that i'm pretty clueless and i don't see those yet but still some decent names i mean at least like i said the least people i've heard of in here that's an improvement bigger box or little box over here little box all right little box right here let's get this one but before i open it guys can you please take two seconds and leave this video a thumbs up it helps us out so so much and of course subscribe if you're new because there's more this unit to go through and we buy units like this all the time so you don't want to miss it let's see what's in this box what is that is this all mail did you give me a mailbox they look like check boxes all right you think they're just full of cash then hopefully these are checkbooks they used why i kept all their used ones yeah i mean i have to ask is there a reason behind keeping your checkbook i mean now obviously it's outdated with online banking i don't know why anybody would do it but was there ever a reason to do this look at all these checks let's just go to the bank real quick 20 50 24 26 111 28. man it's a few hundred bucks right here i'm about to go by the bank real quick and just go ahead go for it cash them all make me a few hundred dollars for one more envelope make sure we're not seeing no money in there it's always possible it's happened to us before when you least expect it that's where you find it all checks in there so no cash yet now let's get the bigger box and see what's in this one nightstand contents now look at these old pictures some old black and white pictures these like journals or what other stamps this stamp collection isn't it look at that yeah the holy crap there's a ton of these in here that's pretty cool besides that page but look at that there's a ton of old stamps in here i saw one it's a two cents four cents cool that's cool that's definitely cool this is another one hopefully yes it is look at that all kinds of old collectible stamps this could be worth tons of money here stamps are so random you know like a random stamp you think's worth nothing worth like thousand dollars or maybe it's worth two cents you just never know the tale of mrs little mouse or tittle mouse that sounds bad oh what is this solid brass photo for him all right yeah uh what else do we have in here let's see stamped isn't it but they're not in there huh some are it's got some in there yeah it's stamps but there's not a lot of empty pages in this one but still definitely a stamp collection i wonder that's what this is too then let's see nope picture those are actual photos we got textbooks and photo frame down there our photo album let's that look at the paint here drawing what are these books here well these are old what is this of course holy crap look how many stamps that is let me like open it up i mean you're talking hundreds and hundreds in this book this book's complete it looks like are they all complete like that look at that i mean there's hundreds and hundreds of stamps here holy crap they just keep coming this is like four or five they're all full i mean that's five straight complete book stamps four let's go five for five yep i mean we have to have a thousand plus stamps in this collection just this box so far let's there could be more of these photos actually this is an address book huh what's in here stamps literally stamps the other kind of stamps the ink stamps yeah this looks like another year book and some newspapers let's see if this is a significant one makes crucial bid to end strikes 1879. all right not as old as i think price 15 cents on that but overall i think we pulled out all the stamps the rest of it looks like personal stuff but that could be a big money box let's get this box it says striker on it striker sounds interesting what do you think the striker is strike it's oh it's trolled me it's christmas ornaments well this is a jewelry box here what you got for me santa that i got nothing i guess i get cold this year i've been a bad boy um all the way down look at that this box is nothing but christmas ornaments let's get the xerox box oh rhymes rhymes i got him okay all right there might be one giant k in here what is that is that the wedding thingy what's it called a dish yeah i don't i don't know what that is it looks like it goes to a dog i was about to say veiled that's the way i'm thinking of maybe not oh well broke it whatever it is it's busting now but that i just i don't know get this big old long box here it also just says okay you know what do you think the case had for her name yes let's see ah well that's not what i was hoping to see a bunch of christmas balls and are these just different ornaments they look yours in there yeah a bunch of christmas ornaments christmas balls just more random christmas decorations let's clear these boxes off the whoa that's coming around the bottom let's try i see you trying let's try to get these boxes out the way is what i was going to say check out this later you know what this looks awfully familiar to me the very first storage unit we ever bought on on this channel first one we ever got kind of laid out to look almost identical to this at least i think it does it might just be the same colors that was like three years ago what else do we have in here a metal tin a couple of metal tins same thing um and well whoa the glassware look at it look at the pattern that's trippy it doesn't have a maker on it again but it's cool looking i wonder if this is going to be like an entire set of that because look this looks very similar in color so you think this could be carnival glass might be or depression not in the press i don't know one of those fancy glasses you guys know the differences make sure you let me know what you think it is down in the comments next box on that little rope let's see what we got uh looks like more gloss doesn't it whoa painted rock that's like a very well painted rock usually there's like a color or something that's like a whole scene done on that one yeah that's impressive you got that let's see what kind of glass oh there are ornaments it looks like a santa claus police officer and i like a bear police officer and like a caroler yeah christmas caroler i was about to say christmas thing i'm so glad you said carol that would have sounded stupid um there's a little bust it's bach ass buck i got more now all right that uh this is somebody's award core island lighthouse spongebob squarepants it's just a puzzle looks like oh look some video games too madden 09 simpsons in another puzzle down there let's see what's on this side what is that first off no idea look at this frog or a rabbit does he open oh it does nothing inside though it looks cool no maker's mark i feel like repeating myself a crab crab ow no joke it looks legit it's metal wow that's pretty cool cast iron is he open he does what are you supposed to put in him like a ring i don't know like one ring that's it what's this oh i almost broke a lighthouse it says oracle on it that's the brand oracle all right what is this i see these and they look shiny bakugan how can we find some pokemon not bakugan in here uh what else is over here little golden cup gary stickers and a couple textbooks let's see this box k desk contents all right what's on your desk don't tell me you got a junkie dash and you look like you had a junkie desk this looks like all personal stuff paper clips and whatnot quality pencils look they saved the stamp i'm going to add it to the other stamps personal uh checkbook come on what you got here tell me you got some money no uh what else anything of interest or is it all this personal paperwork looks like it's gonna be all personal paperwork doesn't it yeah which is i don't want to admit it personal paperwork and office supply i want to make sure what's this what is that huh pick trace picture no it says r in there oh wow it's old anything on this side more stamps like lots look that does like just whole pages they're legit are all just whole pages of stamps let's look at this envelope cash no you never know you know you can never be too sure there's something that's not that what are those what is that letter gothic is it a stamp no i have no clue what the heck are those that's really strange yeah i don't have the side idea look at that yeah see there's something else in here and plus just tape i guess that's all office supplies in this very random box let's get down a little box because i like little boxes that's their address it says bear clothes what kind of clothes do a bear with does a bear wear boxers all right so he's out of the tiny whitey face he's into the boxer's face this is literally like teddy bear clothes all the way down jeans uh all right maybe we'll find some kind of bear that's worth money in here somewhere watch that brand there's like a certain brand of teddy bear i cannot remember for the life of me it's worth like tons of money maybe you guys know what is this one not books books and they're colored books yeah they're all the same author let's see if anyone's heard of them if they're any good shooting stars falling stars by who vc andrews usually from my experience in these storage units the ones that are colored are too new to be worth any money but maybe i'm wrong let's see what this box is it looks like it might be ornaments just based on that holiday treasures yeah well we found a box of chargers treasures they're heavy too they're not empty at least so that's a good sign let's see what's in there see what one of them looks like at least i mean it's still in the styrofoam too they are oh they're like um nativity scenes check that out and it's like brand literally brand new it's in the sealed plastic style so they've never been opened i'm willing to bet it's probably like a whole nativity scene it actually sits on the front doesn't it uh no that's a drummer drummer boy with donkey figurine all right uh what does this thing say blessed visitors shepherds yep and then this one blast visitors kings so what is that underneath it all lipstick so it looks like we have like a whole little nativity type scene here that's all brand new so this bag here is like those styrofoam halloween type decorations like pumpkins and stuff you just said in your yard so let's get that out of the way and let's go through some mattress pads actually super light too so it might be legit no it's christmas decoration instead i don't know what's worse and some of the boxes are empty boy this is candy that's empty so you got those at least those are in there and you got these like [ __ ] colors those are in there and you got some blue i'm not even gonna say blue balls but some more christmas balls down at the bottom that box no before i take this next box down can i point out the fact that there's like this little mini trunk thing back here that's locked and what is that ah i don't know i don't know i don't know i might curiously get the best of me and i'll start throwing stuff let's go through everything in a nice peaceful manner okay it's gotta be like burning winnie the poop poop yeah we need a poop so we need to poo kids a blanket oh you got this and whoa look oh whoa oh it's a reproduction dang i was about to say look at that 1460 to 15 23. wow now that would have been epic oh man imagine finding a painting from the 14th or 1500s crazy that would have been the craziest thing i've ever found right there but reproduction here's another really old frame too though i don't know if that's like of significance like that's their family or that's some type of historical figure is it no it is look picture right here i can't read it at all though no it's still cool no doubt let's see those are metal blanket so we got across a couple little decor things what is this thing anyway a coat hanger what's in this paper towel just another vase yeah what's in the bag why is it in here the heck whoa whoa that is the most humongous light wall i've ever seen put it over your head got it i got it okay guys i got an idea seriously have you ever seen a light bulb that big oh my gosh this has to be decorative because what seriously what could fit this that's just i don't know this is why i love storage units right like who would have ever thought one of the most interesting things you see today would be a giant light bulb that's the randomness that i like um the only other thing is whatever is in here let's see i'm gonna put this over here so it doesn't get broken while i move this other stuff save the big light bulb yeah that's cool what is here come here a mirror mirror on the wall uh let's see what this is this is like something metal uh this design is copied from an old mold used in the bake shop williamsburg virginia oh look a gingerbread gingerbread that's cool that is definitely cool this box is actually pretty interesting not gonna lie let's see what's in this box now look wall fox and votive vote of lamps never heard of that me neither let's go ahead and split this side open and see what a vote of the lamp is if that's even what's in there so first thing first this little jewelry box it's empty not a good side that's this this is empty too whatever it is uh this fragile the whatever do not drop let's see what's in there open it's not coming out it's stuck so it's a hole definitely it's definitely old that we got some newspapers more newspapers that looks like something goes on top of a table and some more wrapped up glasses let's just open something like this it might just be off yeah like this have a maker's mark or anything on it nothing so maybe sounds like it i don't know flick it it does sound like it but other than that it's just a bunch of like little individual glasses like that wrapped up next box oh boy this one's heavy this one's heavy it's it was porcelain this then it was whoa do you see what that says life savings if that if that's money in that box that's like two million dollars feel that wait but it also says historic newspapers life savings please whoa it's newspapers i got you didn't i no did i get you at least yeah but mother teresa laid to rest um there's some time magazines look at that princess diana crash this is the second box of historic newspapers we found too yeah so look i mean you got prime minister was killed 1995. so some hallmarks and stuff in there definitely can be interesting again all newspapers yeah all newspapers i mean it would have been nice to be life savings but the historic newspapers are interesting it's kind of cool to just go through and read it and be like you're reliving history like people from that time period were actually reading this i think it's cool let's get this one karen's it was karen's summer clothes but now it's auction let's see what's in the auction box okay and basket i gotta say easter baskets but just a basket what is that yeah i really had a thing for these things yeah 320 on there so it had to be like a you know different item that's the number of the item and that's how they option it off that's the only thing i could think of 385 on that let's see what this guy is down here statue of liberty no look like the color yeah this is denmore elegance just a little glass figurine let's open up a couple what is this coaster it almost looks like the thing like sits on a judge's desk that they have with the hammer yeah there's anything like that over here that's it oh well that's like a candle holder what's down here like something down here is big let's pull it out let's see what it is this thing whoa look at that clock tendency definitely fancy citizen quartz and i'm gonna guess there's no other identifying marks anywhere no what a good guess it's like the theme but that could definitely be worth a little something right there other than that it's just a bunch of little glass figurines let's see what this was a lot lighter than i thought it was gonna be ah now christmas balls yeah it's christmas decorations but not christmas balls it's frosty and santa and his pjs and some birds and okay there's a christmas ball so at least they're kinda right but that's just called christmas decorations let's see what's in this one now oh it's heavy kinda is that like a doormat yeah probably a christmas one right oh what a surprise frosty again i've ever guessed these look like what do you call oven mitts there's like nothing in here just paper but down there it's more christmas decorations that i don't want to look at right now so which one you want the tote the smaller box or the bigger box uh this one this one that has clothes in it oh come on the clothes are so fun to look at right yeah hey let's see what's in here i saw newspaper in here so it has this stuff wrapped up i don't know i mean these people collect newspapers too so they're not balled up when they collect them nuts but yeah it's not in there it's an old planter's peanut that's kind of cool there's a lot of newspaper in here for whatever's in here all right let's open up the first ball of paper we see whoa it's made in finland that's different that's different that is very kind of cool you don't find anything made in finland it's always china or thailand italy yeah that too this another one of the same type of thing some type of little antique bottle i don't really know what it is this one has no markings on it let's see what the bigger stuff is like this is it just plates or is it something cool this is newspaper that this is wrapped in it's from 1992 it's older than us that's just a plate all right four more let's find like the oddest shaped thing this that feels weird what is it and it's like a little teacup so again it looks like a lot of glassware now i can finally reach the little trunk thing it's just bothering me what's in that thing and if you want to find out you have to come back next time peace
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 56,078
Rating: 4.924283 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2021, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 1NRCryXjNkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 9sec (1809 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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