I Bought A Locked Safe On Craigslist! You WON'T BELIEVE WHAT WAS INSIDE!

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alright guys you ready said let's see what's in the safe welcome back to treasure hunting with TVs guys today we're gonna have a very very different but interesting video so I was thinking the video ideas and I was going through Craigslist I was like let's try to buy stuff and flip it and show you guys how much money we can make just by buying stuff off Craigslist go into the free section and things like that when I happen to see a locked safe on there so instantly that grabbed my attention because I'm a storage unit buyer I'm a gambler at heart I like to take risks I like big rewards I don't like big losses but that's part of the game and I like taking that risk so I saw this it was in DC message the guy got back to me right away nope issues at all he was to asking $100 for it I asked 50 80 60 and we take 60 so fingers crossed we're gonna go meet this guy at a McDonald's and fingers crossed he actually shows up now if anyone's dealt with Craigslist you know what do you think the average is 7 out of 10 times you get screwed and nobody actually gets their fingers probably go get this safe and see what we got alright guys so it's like 9:30 at night right now nothing sketchy they're gonna go meet a complete stranger off of Craigslist at a local McDonald's but you know I don't like to leave the house without protection I got protection with me of course like always so let's go to the McDonald's I'm gonna go in and meet them and we'll see how this goes it's really dark sorry but hopefully fingers crossed we leave with something interesting I will see you then alright nothing sketchier again about being at can you see a McDonald's back there not really but nothing sketchy of being a McDonald's meeting stranger at at the middle of the night you know that's just normal stuff but if we leave with the safe and there's something interesting you guys enjoyed the video it's worth it to me and so let's go meet this creeper alright guys so now he's in the McDonald's I just wanted to say he always tells me to stay in the car when we go to meet people online and whatnot I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing you guys let me know I mean I I think it's a good thing just so I'm safe and I understand he's protecting me but it's a bad thing because who knows what can happen but I know he's safe I know he has his um 45 I think is one carries no I was 45 19:11 with him and I know he's a safe gun user so hopefully nothing goes wrong but he should be back in a second so see you then all right guys he's finally coming back with the save yay so nothing went wrong good no this guy's kind of cool good so what do you say all right well that's great long story short baby demolition in house clean outs in DC may come across basically tons of safety what the way he explained it they basically buy when somebody moves like everything in the house and it's their job to clean it out so they come across safes he's like they used to bust them open when out of the ten times it has paperwork and I'm like you know what I do storage units it's true so he says now they find stage they put them up online and people buy him like that which has to be true because I've never seen a safe on Craigslist at set besides this one time so so they make more profit really smart smarter hand probably done for somebody like me because you know I'm a gambler button you know how gambling usually ends up you end up losing but we got a century that looks like somebody already broke into you look at this looks like somebody already broke into that sucker you see the markings on it yeah but it definitely has change or metal or Keith something not empty I say that much or else I would've bought it if I shook it out in here nothing I want to laugh but let's get home let's try to figure out how the hell we're gonna get into it and then let's see what's in it before we do that we gotta go get drinks at McDonald's cuz I need a diet coke which is better than tea every time no yes no yes quick question how do you suggest we get into this thing easy oh wait without putting holes in a house winking everybody happened being loud and obnoxious alright guys so now on a serious note we got to figure out how to get into this sucker the only thing is I could really think up is a screwdriver and a hammer the only other time we really found a safe that we couldn't get into was a very long time ago a very long time ago and we gotta take a sledgehammer to it and smash it was a lot bigger than this so hopefully it's not gonna be that complicated before we even start trying to get into it what do you think is gonna be in there tell me right now don't lie don't she don't go forward and look at it and go back and comment and try to feel superior in the comment section that's wrong go put what you thinks gonna be in here but hopefully this is as easy as it looks let's try to break the lock already I know somebody's also gonna tell me no you can just message century and have them send you a key don't look like I have that kind of patience no not well it's in there already just try to smash it okay this is getting scary all right let me just turn it that's all it takes to get into a century Steve oh wow did you that just broke it that legitly just broke it no way yeah did okay this video century century that's how safe your products are you see how long it took me that took me 45 seconds I was expecting it to be a long drawn-out process I'm trying hammer screwdriver slamming it running it over with a car a brick that took me 30 seconds fix your saves but for real let's go take it in there and a good lighting and see what we got all right guys you ready say I don't see what's in the safe all right then some random stuff all right let's see what we got first things first let's see we paid $60 for is what we paid 60 bucks for right here a toy there that's what it's all about right there $60 bear you gotta really think about like what kind of sentimental I say that so weird what kind of Santa mental value has had to somebody if they're willing to lock it up in a safe like that had to be something it's sad sometimes but the guy when I was talking to the guy a lot of times they explained like somebody you'll die like oh right like say a grandfather will pass away and then the all they have is like grandchildren or kids and instead of going through the stuff they just want it gone and this is what happens they lose safes and things like that but who knows what this could have crazy if that was a situation maybe who knows but anyway it's crazy to think about it we have car title oh no there's a stock people's amusement corporation certificate for nine forty capital stock what are the date on that whoa the case has two hundred fifty thousand dollars yeah I'm pretty sure it's like no good unless your names I want to think I remember looking that up a long time ago when I first started getting the storage is if it isn't have your name on it pretty much just a piece of paper but it's interesting if I can find a date on it at least which I can there's no date on this yeah no date on that but the Ghoulies looking to see the front of it's kind of cool I don't wanna show the back of it has names I don't know if this is the guy that died if it's a house they're family I don't know but there's names on the other side of that that's pretty cool can I at least show this part I don't think I'm showing any games look at that capital stock $250,000 that's wild I never heard of this company if they're still around people's amusement corporation any we have yeah this is what I always wanted this is worth $60 all day in 1999 lace Avebury I'm pretty sure I'm pronouncing that wrong Buick book that comes in your car that's what it's all about yes why would you even lock this up like why would you put a car book in a safe maybe like when we bought our new car I didn't even keep in my club to fire I took it right out there to my door because it takes up too much room let's see what this is what we heard rattling [Music] and we have coins half dollars and more dollar coins alright so you know what I'll save the coins to the end cuz it's really hard to show you guys I guess I'll have to put the tripod on the table so we can get close-up shots of the coins because last time we found the safe in a storage unit this shot were just horrible very bad so I think it looks better that we'll just save that for later a screwdriver and a bottle opener like I said before you really do matter wonder like why did this person lock this up a teddy bear a screwdriver screwdriver head and a bottle opener why would you lock that up this little thing which has more coins on they look old and a key look at that is that hmm I don't think this would fit the safe I mean it's not doesn't matter now it's nothing's going in there I'm just blown away at how easy it was to get into the safe it's kind of sad but this looks like more coins some of them do look old they might silver I don't know I want to save that till later whoo blank paper but if these are real autograph that's Michael Jordan look at that there's three of them - I wonder what his rookie card looks like yeah you don't have any idea how eeny ik I wonder what Michael Jordan's rookie car looks like but all three of those are signed the only NBA players autograph I have is shacket he was my favorite as a kid but I don't have anything signed by Michael Jordan I don't know what his signature looks like but if those are all Michaels I mean can you get a close-up shot of this look at this every single signature on every single card looks different I mean you see that they look different each card the second and third one yeah very similar the first one looks different you think a little bit well the first one like it looks the same but it's like that in like write the letters out you don't I mean like they just put along a quick one yeah I mean I asked somebody that does collect autographs not NBA UFC their autograph I know for a fact minor off that - you know some people say they're not because I got up site in person sometimes people are in a rush and they do just go like whatever and they just jot some junk down so I don't know I guess wait up take this to a sports shop get it authenticated if it's real if it's real Michael Jordan I can't imagine it's cheap especially $60 safe we still have a lot of coins here - and keys and whatnot metal piece - so switch the camera angle around put the camera here and do the coins up close Oh we'll be right back all right guys so we got two little things of coins first it looks like this really really old change purse here and then we got this thing which is pretty big it's heavy - so I guess we should go through this little thing first save the big thing for the last if there's even any specialty and they look like regular coins from what I can see well we got a nickel that's a 89 it's not even special as far as I know if anyone knows any different let me know I mean I know like very basics of this a 1990 quarter a dirty nickel whoa hold on what is this nickel 69 I know quarters it's 1963 and before but check this out what happened with that poor nickel oh crap that is like a major major mistake coin there what is that I've never seen anything like that on my life if that has real value guys let me know cuz that's everyone says errors have money I think that's is about a bigger than errors you can get probably that is looks like just a Bicentennial nothing special as far as I can see I don't think they have any silver in them or anything regular penny a regular quarter it's just some regular dime there's not even old nope you got to wonder why some people like I said store some of this stuff there's the key we found a couple older pennies but they're just 70s nothing like old we not even wheat backs same thing again old nickel from that one's from 1964 so that's got a little bit of age to I don't know if it's silver though I think it's 1963 before but then again the only videos I've watched her with quarters I don't know about nickels more dimes 1970s why there's so many coins one is 780 hmm just a regular nickel there's a buffalo nickel or India however you want to call it that looks kind of cool and then a bunch of just regular old coins that aren't even as far as I know anything special I mean I'll show I'll put them up here just in case there's something I don't know about that I should be looking for but I mean they look like just regular coins to me we let's see what's in the big boy here a baggie full of ideas and we pulled out half dollars so they might just be half dollars you know some people half dollars are like $2 bills they're not you don't really see them in circulation even though in actuality they're not really that rare people still like to keep them for some reason 1967 to see what is the date on half dollar to the silver I could've swore I remember seeing that the 60s are a percent silver not all the way that's 67 this one's 68 this might all be sixties 67 again 69-66 all sixties 69 again 64 I feel I feel funny saying 69 so many times father I'm immature 67 68 that one's bright there it looks clean 68 hmm these all 60s 69 I'm gonna make sure 68 69 yeah I'm getting to that point but I want to make sure you never know 67 I haven't seen anything past 69 number for 64 68 66 68 what is that one 67 64 65 68 okay I think we're there 66 we got to finish 67 and others are 72 there's one in there to turn the 70s I don't know why 69 gigidy 67 and 68 69 again 61 our 67 I've had 65 I'm not actually looking at these in my high I'm looking at them on the camera screen and says sometimes it's hard to tell but yeah 68 68 69 69 sorry one day I'll get all enough to not laugh at that 68 and 68 Wow so if what I think I remember like when we found since we found the old safe if you ever seen that video check it out I've been watching a lot of videos on coins and money I've started to find it extremely interesting and I've been taking like star bills like I found a hundred dollar bill from the bank the other day they gave me with a star on it I'm just gonna keep me it's just been pretty interesting so if I remember correctly I could have swore I read something or watch something I said that the half dollars from the 60s have a percent of silver in them well these are all dollar coins or these are quarters so we have two quarters in there they silver 67 and a 65 so if I'm right I don't think those are silver I think they're still on so I think it's 63 and before but look at all these a few more quarters on this tier 60 both 67 s I mean I won't tell them it when what the right random change until I get some confirmation that they're not silver but I don't think they are ooh look at that what are they called Walking Liberty I think that's what it's called well look at that that's a 19 ahhhhh stay straight $44 coin or have to put it's $1 half the half dollar coin that's pretty cool these are just dollar coin there's the Bicentennial one actually you see down there 76 to 96 I guess that's why the back is different this one's a 74 I wondering why you never do see these in circulation like they've made of lots of them it's not like they're really rare coins but I can't say I've ever gone to a store and got a ding dollar coin back is yeah I've gotten foreign money if I'm Canadian money and foreign money I've got in our own way 77 and this one looks weird here whoa hold on this one's 1884 that's a pluribus unum on it United States of America $1 I've never seen one that old that's pretty epic 1,800 me and just think about that you just think about us sometimes that thing is older than everyone on the planet is what if money can talk what if it's like tells you it's story that thing's seen world war one world war two everything it's crazy and you think about it 1974 another Bicentennial 171 it's another Bicentennial they're in good shape too to be as old as they are that one and then a 71 right there this is cool I mean I don't know if it's really worth 60 bucks but I don't care I'll pay 60 bucks for the fun of it let's see well look at this other dirty one down there we look at another 74 what is that oh it's another 1922 that looks kind of like this one doesn't it they're actually different they look at that there are two different coins but they both are definitely like the oldest looking ones by a longshot that's pretty epic unfortunately that looks like it's a pretty bad shape though unfortunately but that's still really cool that's one that's two look at that a 1921 that's the same coin it looks like but in good shape is it no it's different why does this one look different hmm they're all like nearly 100 years old as wild 1974 half-dollar these are more the same thing 1920 something right there I've never seen like it's crazy these are US coins and I've never actually seen him before 1923 well and then we have a 74 there right here just 1997 done I guess some brand of stuff that's throw it in there so if anyone is big in the coins and there's like certain one that should be looking out for besides the regulars let me know like a 1965 quarter don't really know what's in there and a really old Mercury dime actually it's a 1941 huh that's cool there's still more coins in here - what is that ooh it's a Ronald Reagan coin that's in plastic look at that I'm gonna go out and they'll let me guess this is probably just a collector you're not an actual like real currency double eagle presidential commemorative yeah just a commemorative coin so it's not like really expendable but I've never seen it before I don't know if it's actually silver or what that's cool is that all it's in here no there's a little bit more oh you got a lot of stuff if there's more in there - let's see what we got first there's just a 65 quarter I'll share what's in there there's 65 it's silver I thought it was 63 I don't know no more but there's a lot of 65 quarters in here that's what makes me thinking it making me think it in 1972 1974 there's a George W Bush commemorative coin that's pretty cool - is it focusing not really well but you can see it's just a commemorative I don't think they have much value and guess a lot of the commemorative coins don't we got in here more stuff well what is that 1925 I've never seen this either what is this looks like the size of a quarter quarter dollar a 1925 quarter I've never seen that in my that is really cool-looking what is this coin it's just even Franco's this is a foreign coin I'm guessing if it's not in English I'm gonna guess it's a foreign coin but look at that 100 PTAs alright anyone ever seen that coin before that's pretty cool and then we have an Indian Head nickel another 1965 quarter a lot of 1965 there's got to be something or some reason they're keeping all these 65 what is this these are all we pack pennies Lincoln week coins minted from 1909 in 1958 they're rolled sweepstakes winner in 91 that's a look at that they run a sweepstake and never opened them I don't know if I should open these because I don't know but for those of you that don't know you get a 1943 week back and it's not silver and it's copper like this you can retire that's what's kind of making me wanna open it I never see anything like that what's the date on the one at the top 1940 something all right I don't worry too since I'm not really sure guys you gotta let me know about this alright if I know last time I did found money I had a lot of people that knew a lot about money so let me know in the comments if I should open this if there's any reason it has value we should keep it we will but there's a possibility there's it's 1943 in there that's worth a million dollars or more I kind of do want to open it but anyway pretty sweet little haul let's get the camera turned back around and do a recap alright guys so just went through and counted a lot of things up at face value we have about 43 dollars in some change but obviously this stuff has a lot higher value than face value I'm hoping this I don't know if this is a completely worthless fake autograph or real cuz three autographs on three different cards and they all look different kind of shady but then again I can tell you like I said earlier we've met you have C fighters and I've gotten three or four signatures and they all look slightly different cuz you know it could be a bad day it could be signing 300 and roll your hands start to get tired so maybe you don't know if you got the number one the 300th you know the signature starts to get shorter and shorter and shorter as the person goes on throughout the day so don't really know how to get these authenticated I guess we'll take them somewhere but probably not gonna sell the coins like I just really didn't into this it's kind of interesting myself and that 1984 I don't know why I was just so intriguing to me just cause of its age a 1984 it's just so cool I mean 18 why I keep saying like 1884 coin that's one thing that's interesting I think we had a lot of silver and this like they could potentially be a 1943 copper week back in there you just you really don't know which is if you slipped them up look him up you never seen them they've gone an auction for a million dollars or more so that could be a retirement for all it's just I don't know this in this rolls worth a good amount like imagine this roll ends up in this row like with it on there ends up being worth a couple hundred what would you do would you open it up and potentially find a million dollar penny in there which most likely not going to be there or sell the wrong get a couple hundred guaranteed dollars some people call me stupid but I hate to say it all day but anyway guys that's gonna be it let me know if you enjoyed this kind of video this guy said he comes across steeps all the time I made sure to give my contact always gets to me first obviously if it's a bigger save will cost us more money some I'll say if you can get them cheap like 60 bucks or whatnot but this is probably just like storage units our first two where the best ones ever so most likely we do this kind of stuff again it's probably won't be this glorious for some reason I have very good beginner's luck but I do something for the first time it's incredible and after that it kind of just the windows away but anyway it was still a ton of fun worship good luck to me so thank you so much for watching if you did enjoy make sure leaving a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for treasure hunting videos all the time if you do want to follow that our social media links will be on screen just click the links down the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 98,716
Rating: 4.8270931 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a locked safe, i bought a locked safe on craigslist, locked safe, i bought an abandoned storage unit, locked safe craigslist, locked safe for sale, locked safe killem, locked safe opened, safe cracking, abandoned safe, found safe, found safe full of money, hidden safe, opening abandoned safe, abandoned storage locker, auction hunters, kill em, killem, lost luggage, mystery box, storage locker, storage unit, storage unit finds, travel luggage, what's inside
Id: 6p-h9aH9rrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 13sec (1633 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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