I Bought A THIEVES Storage Unit And FOUND MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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three two one boom $100 welcome back to treasure honey would you miss guys and today we got a pretty good unit so stay tuned for this one so we drove about two hours again all the way down south in the Richmond for another storage unit and then I'm having some pretty cool treasures in there make sure you check them out don't forget to hit that like button subscribe if you're new let's get it on with it [Music] alright guys so we just got to the facility and we got this unit all the way here in the back and this private nice peaceful little room this is really nice actually we can shut the door we have it all to ourself but before we get into the unit we have two major knobs we have to make on this channel number one we just hit ninety thousand subscribers ninety pound right okay so much you know what the next step is one hundred thousand the thing the goal I've dreamed about for so many years we are almost there and after now we have to say one more big set of news here we're taking over the West Coast the biggest storage unit collaboration on YouTube is coming next week so it's gonna be East Coast versus West Coast we're going to Cali and East Coast watch the west coast at their own game we always hear west coast is where the storage units are bigger that's their big league know the West Coast is gonna get smashed because East Coast is going to crush them it's not even going to be competitive but get ready for next week we're taking over without further ado let's get into storage unit [Music] I forgot to even say we paid $110 to the storage unit I get a little tough about crushing the West Coast next week you know I've been thinking about it for a while it's gonna be so fun dominating somebody at their own game but let's give him this $110 storage unit first thing the guy mmm-hmm a giant microwave and this thing works believe it or not they're easy sales unfortunately now that we felt like 87 era microwaves like three or four that have not worked so fingers crossed it works if it does probably get 15 to 20 bucks worth what is this just a giant blank you okay yeah it's pink too we can use it area the bodies at everybody next week in California when we crush them oh no we're gonna need a few I mean there's quite a few people getting married next week so there's two blankets here's a beautiful look a beautiful stuffed bear and you give to their family members when they realize how bad their families got destroyed and you know what they'll be buried in a blanket we even have a gift for their family just know you're gonna get slaughtered slaughtered yes we got two so we have two beautiful stuff animals to give to their family members because like we said this is gonna be absolute total domination you know what this would probably make somebody feel better once they see what happens on YouTube so I'll try to be nice here and it looks like there's actually not a bench seating here which is good cousin telephone the picture sir yay mmm let's see if we get in here where's the zipper out there is awesome I'm sad it's not in there look at that price tag $300 that's crazy for Vista let's see what we actually got in here that oh this is an envelope full of a million dollars not quite what's this a Lincoln hat some of these sometimes tell me but we sold a steel at one for $13 one time I even I was used to that could be wear something as well this has something in it though what I don't know that's that what is this oh it's just a broken hanger yeah all that for that and we have a slide really hat clover hat they're gonna need some luck yeah we'll get this to it too because they're gonna need luck a lot of it and he'll will also get that to them because they're gonna be taking lots of them next week elves for days other than that not much oh look at that that's beautiful right isn't that so cute well nothing on this bag is back has a lot of weight to it could just be a trash bag what oh yes look at that Oh easy sale all day I don't want other one better be in here don't get one odd because I don't see it if that's in there have to quit 50 $60 easy we could find the other one if there's just one in there what oh man still 30 40 yep look at that still so doggone it you gotta find that other one I'm not seeing it in this bag at least in New York City who's on that you know the proper coast east side another than that what is this we got hmm look at that syrup doesn't that look so good that's probably been sitting in the air since who knows what World War two may be fast by August 12 2016 ought to battling New Year's expired it's just so be good yeah nice power strip we just said we need one of these for the kitchen there's five six dollar shaved in a picture frame but it's there so this guy I feel like just closed we're so gonna rip it open and check it out because if they have hugs they might have high-end clothes too which can mean even more money and doesn't really look like it does look like cheap clothes oh what a sausage I will go through anymore yeah check the pockets of things like that later now for the moment of truth every time I see toes I'm always like is it gonna have random foot stuff we're just closed you never really know what you get in there ready 3 2 1 yeah a random stuff can you get over there alright so we got the Norton field guide just what I'm looking for I thought I came here for and I got it about what is this what did I say shine light shine bright oh alright shine bright with some pills druggie yeah my favorite what's on the couch see a 349 any pill people up there let me know if it's an aspirin or if it's something more vicious so we also got a nice little iron in there is I have a brand on it rival bad these are always you know people still use these things till we started finding them in storage units and they all myself pretty quickly I even got some Robin is that what that is some instant lodges a knockoff Robin they make a knockoff wrong I didn't know got any cheaper than Romney what is this that I'm a pack man looks delicious pennies and a card for let's see well yeah this is a thought somebody just came in here this is a gift card it's might have money on it disturbed friends this game to be banned you got my attention you got my attention 21 plus that's not like you should be fun there so this bag other than a foam finger it looks like it's all close to so we're gonna go and toss that aside like I said we're gonna look through these but don't want to put that on video feeds along as a beat back oh hey a phone an iPhone I don't know it is a little newer than all the other ones that's for sure no cracks we found one who looks similar that's what I think this was pressable remember like one of our first like 15 storage rooms we found one just like this except this is pressed of all and this it's not maybe it's like a 9 or an 8 alla fine I don't use Apple so that's easy that's a nice TV I think the same size as the one we were just recently sold we saw that for 50 bucks so 50 bucks would be like half the money back already and back here my pockets full H and that let's see what's in here please no clothes no let's go nice calculator some of these are worth big money an FX 9 75 G - everyone knows that worth I don't know actually what is this not more drugs no just a manicure kit let's see this off school supply we gotta dig a little deeper there's gotta be was that paintbrush Sophie shorts [Applause] looks like literally like somebody just got back on my college for me hey is that our Bible yeah we got a Bible has been a while there's not a lot of times if we got a Bible any getting money in it that would be nice please not that way see you today but people supply all the Bible's quite often look at those glasses they probably cheap done to be honest in here lamp in just a bunch of random school supplies this value here also Fielding's nothing but clothes we're gonna check them all because a giant sheet full of clothes really let's see just pull something out ooh is it you tell me isn't like the Pittsburgh Flyers or Philadelphia Flyers or something you're asking the absolutely wrong question for that information so there might be jerseys in there but look at it right there Steinway that can come out anything else yes another stop the animal to give to the West Coast families when they get slaughtered next week we're see we're so lucky know that we're loving you carry well we got another one oh look this one should be ours looks like it go we're kind of the goats here so we might still give it to their family we have like enough for everybody's family now when they get slaughtered we're such nice people but for real for real other than that looks like a carpet and then the TV and that looks like just about everything in here so okay clean it up get in the car and then we'll do a recap and let you know what else we found see you then alright guys so we did some research on the phone we found out this is an iPhone seven we looked them up on eBay they're going for like $100 or more so we decided you know what since we're two hours away from home we're just gonna go into the Walmart over here because they have an eco atm we're just gonna put it in there or whatever it offers us if it's more than 30 used at 30 or 40 bucks just enough to basically get lunch water out here if it's more than that we're gonna take it so let's go see how much one get offered for the iPhone 7 all right so let's see how much this thing will offer so understand okay wait wait wait no you don't have to tell us that's an present now I'm not where I take a guess here this look like an AT&T phone tower all these are tired didn't work so let's say it does not work see what it your device ready alright why do you need a label I never understood that we've used this thing in the past I like why do you typically large all right should we go more clear I put there people don't get that concept [Music] touching the rails right guys wanna see the guard Oh put this door [Applause] what do you love Vegas I mean 45 bucks for just one item there that storage ene will take it awesome check your I think it really searching places right the injector for the camera dr. button so one item and I think half the money that girl next thing is a constant then Allah gave us 40 scam artist we're not giving you re LCD screens alright guys let's do a recap on the GT because this recap has everything you won't want to recast to have an awesome fine along with a crazy awesome I guess not awesome but interesting story first I want to tell you what saved the unit so as you can see there really wasn't much money to be made on this unit well you're probably about to break even maybe make $20 but we found something extremely annoying but extremely awesome if you're OCD about money right now block this don't look at this don't look at it it's bad but there's a card in there right look at the back of it can you see those staples but guess how much money was in here not 20 okay well I'm gonna cover their name boom $100 $100 bill but as you can see there is let me make sure all the names are covered there's like how many would you say no 25 30 staples through this $400 million on the top the bottom border all the way down here but not right here why would you do that like I am so I don't know about you guys I'm so OCD with money like if I put money in my wallet it has to be all facing the same direction all in front of the bills this way in order $100 bills in the back 150 twenties tens fives ones just like that and to see that I won't even put that in my wallet that has to go be deposited right away into the bank because it can't go in the wallet OCD will not allow it you know how OCD alright not know how tedious this is gonna be because I feel like I'm not gonna be able to just rip the stapler I'm gonna rip the whole border you have the bill out I'm gonna have to like take that to save this hunter bill because it's worth it yeah that's really the saving joy in this unit cuz I mean I've most know what I'm gonna break even unit so that was the saving grace but it does become annoying now let's get into my next favorite thing you know my favorite part about storage units are the stories in work we got one we got a story so what are we gonna talk about what is the recovery thing for again you so much detail yet oh so let's do this first so this is from an attorney's office um so right when I saw that I was going through the paper it was like and it says this I won't say any names of course or anything this law firm represents Walmart concerning its civil claim against you in connection with an incident in their store and it gives the date and then I guess the store number and it says pursuant to code bla bla bla bla action for shoplifting and employee theft walmart may consider moving forward with a statutory civil damages claim against you so with this paper came this paper so I don't know what time frame like there's no date on Vietnam but this has their assigned probation officer at the top and then I guess rules out like how they have to report in to them former employee Walmart caught stealing from Walmart so we ought we always I mean it seems to be a theme pretty much with every story nearby they're usually in trouble for something and it usually goes hand in hand with why you use your storage in it of course we've seen a couple cases where like there's extreme circumstances where out of their control but the majority of them they're criminals and they're locked up for some reason I mean I would literally say 90 plus percent end up with some crazy story like this so I don't think we found this story yeah we found a thief before I don't think we found somebody stealing from their job though that's new so another thing we found which I didn't keep the papers because it wasn't as serious as that they actually got in a fight with their roommate on their campus and so they had like probation from the school which is where you're like suspended technically for like a year and then you get to come back and redo but her grades are like super low and that had something to do with that so how do you definitely get offended from college like I yeah I think you hear about in high school most people that make it to a decent college like it was a good college seal is really wasn't an easy VCU one whether it be asks you Virginia State universe I never heard of that movie is VCU but anyway I don't you never hear about people getting suspended from college like that usually people that get to a good college are the good kids and not the ones getting to surrender the next constantly high school that's a weekly thing it's called academic probation this one it's technically called well or anything new every single day yeah but anyway that's the story aside that's the same or what I mean it's not really see we have to work for this money it's gonna take like 30 minutes of copying and finishing in this video the calculator unfortunately was not as expensive as we were hoping these sell for about 20 to 25 bucks on eBay it's not that big of a deal the TV over here I don't want to move it too much but it does work I plugged it in before the moment it's an emerson anywhere so maybe we should the last always sold was pretty much the exact same sizes that we got 50 bucks for like two three hours after listing it so that's an easy 50 bucks right there oh this Jersey we're gonna rely on you guys to tell us because it i don't spoil it it is definitely hot definitely I thought it would fill it up via flyers but I may be wrong because I don't watch hockey so it's not anime related I have no idea what it is yeah and it doesn't the only thing it says on the tag is CCM like I don't see kind of like basketball or football jerseys has a little tag down here I don't see any of that um next was this which I found in all the clothes bags and this was brand new it's tagged for tags on it for $78 that's the only cool I don't believe depth right here um and then this is funny we sold it black iPhone 7 it doesn't have anything in it even the headphones are gone and the manuals gone so and then we found this old iPhone it is I don't know which one it is but in typical iPhone fashion its crushed in like seven different slots and crack everywhere because Apple it says model a 1 3 8 7 or 3 7 I can't tell because it's cracked but we haven't been able to get it to cut on either so I wish you could they always have interesting stories to and judging off the paperwork and other things we found this person probably has some interesting stories feeling that fell into and I wish we could've got the other one to Cohen this is probably an old one this might be from high school the one that we sold to the ecoATM that one probably had very very interesting stories but we have like three iPhone charger than we tried it all we couldn't get it through another one anyway so we're like it's gonna sell for parts and for parts selling for like $40 $50 anyway this earlier it's just put an eco atm see what it gives us I didn't 45 bucks forward on the spot I'll take 45 cash over 50 or 60 eBay that I gotta wait a week for and it might get returned you might have an issue you la blah blah blah 45 cash on the spot we will take it I think I just got something this unit up but before we end the video put down in the comment how's this battle gonna go next week because I have an idea my head how East Coast first West Coast gonna go yeah I think it's something like that but we want to hear your opinion down in the comments below anyway guys I think that's just about gonna do it so that's gonna be it for this one guys if you did enjoy it leaving a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunting videos all the time if you want to follow us on our social media links they're gonna be on screen click links down in the description below make she falls on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 166,860
Rating: 4.7709212 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a thieves storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a thief, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: wQhyeG1_y60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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