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sentry safe it's right at the front welcome back to treasure Jesus guys today we have an epic star doing a video for you so stay tuned this little storage unit had some very secretive stuff in it and we figured we might as well go through it you know the day of us going to the west coast to destroy the west coast so let's go see what we got in there let me tell you it is epic you don't want to miss it don't forget to like the video subscribe if you do let's get it so we just got back to this place and since we're leaving for the west coast in just a couple hours we figure you might as well get ready for them so we paid two hundred thirty dollars for a little tiny lot here a 4x5 two hundred thirty bucks for since we got to get used to wasting money for nothing that's how the west coast also stopped further ado let's see we got [Music] so I think you guys all see the real reason all we wanted this here's a giant restate right at the front this is gonna have to wait till we get home I haven't got a break a say for a long time looks kind of excited about this up here there's a lot more stuff but I thought in this little form a giant winch okay very very random but it wouldn't cheer leave it guys Jeremy some stuff some open fruit loops in there yeah I was talking about who doesn't love open fruit loops Amazon Prime it's person today one there yeah so we can look him up my favorite part I'm not gonna lie thoughts all sitting there look like a sleeve it was hoping there's Heights on the inside of it doesn't look like it this looks like it's gonna be all shoes let's set it down here yeah look at that just coming out there oh oh look at those how much I didn't have the spare and they're both in here what side of [ __ ] where they say seven six six maybe yeah definitely okay that'd be really happy I get depression safe I'm at or one of those things that go over the window beach mat I thought I meant umbrella oh let's see IVA whole thing pull the clothes here a little bit you got another main reason we bought this unit right there it's safe it's got something in it there's bugs oh that's beautiful that's why I look at it it's just somebody's food oh why would you store this how many times we asked ourselves out on a daily basis I clean that storage you know why would you pay to store this why would you pay to store this why would you do that always the question what's in this radio what is that we are set that's nice I mean it might be five below when I can't tell look at the brain on there Oh mmm yeah some of them are like $60 some of them are probable oh so we'll figure that out what are they got from here giant clipboard Oh bill do for something wet like somebody just got back from the beach and like do you only think this stuff huh no I'm just gonna storage it and never pay it sounds good all right yeah this all clothes some dress shoes give me a good brand give me a good brand all this then there's a horseshoe what did that tell me I don't know what that what's in the book bag ooh what is that purse bright see that greetings in their money off the card is that let's say we find any gift cards gift card I see somebody's ID does it match the name on the other thing oh yes it does there's two I there's three IDs is it all the same person yes okay he looks far away from here under wife's touring here if he stole that address but it looks like all bank cards other than that but at least we have information that look we got f1 now this is anything else in the bag pulleth smells like we holy crap Enochs in here you jewelry something's gonna be real something huh it was in a class ring at the classroom from 88 oh yeah what is it gold come on where's that or is it marking in there sick 18 karat gold let me show you how to lay down a little bit more 18 karat oh yeah now what do you think that raise you can get the Sapphire actually that's nice that's a good start this looks the rest of it does not look real well no I mean that's vigor for one real thing in there it might just be like me I bought my class ring in high school it's still just sitting in my drawer so I don't know why well do you think we got in here the whole phone yeah randomness and pill just kind of helps me out that's its ga ba p n TI n de Benton what that is check up here too nothing in here nothing so hey that's nice let me get this back I'll be right back let's see what's in this pink thing now probably close but we gotta look through it anyway ooh Olympian that's a yearbook from 85 design and everything probably I know some people you just sell these but it's all signed on the end so I applaud terminated hopefully then get it back to a guy huh what kind of coat we got here big brands big brands big brands I'm not gonna have a chance to sell any of this stuff or list any of it or even do a recap for that matter but hey we'll go through it for you what does this a gallery click collection gallery tell a big lie anything else in here just random clothes something up in the bottom or is that the design decision is there's more clothes nothing too exciting all right off the toes looks like a paperwork junk one but let's see Oh coffee grinder I mean just fun and tons of paperwork that's literally it tons of paperwork they'll have to go through after we get back from crushing the west coast law something to do more coffee a wrench I saw so much bleeding me bunch of clothes some of them might be new looks like there's tag gonna feel them but no no I'll just see wall Marcie so that might be Walmart clothes I'm not sure we go through this in any way so bed sheets my favorite there's a lot more than I thought was gonna be in this little thing we brought through Rock the vein arrancars I was like at the four by five can't be too packed yeah probably [ __ ] but this point in there what else do we got it's gotta be some value in here somewhere I don't see it if there is doesn't look like much nothing not look like much at all yeah that's it nothing let's get this one out the way as well oh yeah can you imagine is my stuff is getting in that final f4 that's crazy a lot of little stuff in that little thing all that corner trash we got nothing and what is all this these all yearbooks yep for yearbooks and a gun kinda what else okay [Applause] they've got to be weed somewhere yeah I'm telling you this smell of weed is so strong a little baby there's not I will actually be pulling away that is all it's in there fortunately sit this one out the way all right in there look at that perfect for the plane well the only idea at this point we're kind of in a rush like I said I bought this unit because it was a four by five and I was like there's candy and Watson there should be a quick clean out what are they proving me wrong safe or not safe when I say safe all right Jeff ravine just soup this is my problem I'm going through all their stuff in the only thing that's contemplating and going to my head all right the last bag here let's see if there's something else in here hopefully if not well then we're relying it's locked that's the riding lock and we'll rely on the state in the ring we definitely could have also missed some stuff we have not really checked early for this one we have very little time and here goes nothing either so we're gonna get everything together and fingers crossed for us let's hope let's just hope this all fits in the car one trip we really don't have time for two trips but try to get it home and then see where we can go from there see you then guys I've been fiddling with this thing the whole way home cannot get into it the electric part doesn't work no one really want to take a more tactical approach to this but we have about 30 minutes boy if they leave to go to the airport to go crush the West Coast so we got to go these coasts on a safe look whatever that is is not some like you know ancient artifact it's worth 10 million how safe they are centric all you do is slam it a few times so first thing first I wonder if this is part of the keypad or that's a 500 gig hard drive this one's uh could be on the pharisee 120 gig hard drive probably I got an idea and it's probably not appropriate for YouTube it's just a guess what is this hole it there's nothing okay I don't want to molest this thing but I feel like something's in here Wow why does another one that's a terabyte one terabyte hard drive so yeah one terabyte 500 gigs and 120 gig you said I don't know hundred 20 gigs though yeah one point six terabytes where the stuff remember these secret pieces of paper a veterinary and referral center boring next billion dollars yeah million dollars million dollars me down you know and you know dollars no mm mooing that's where the smell is coming from that's weed holy smelled it smell that oh that's that's probably beef strong against we've ever smelled it in any unit um all my pothead friends out there I'm sorry but probably I thought away yeah keep going one terabyte again we don't smoke I don't smoke nothing he gets people to do this so they don't get triggered what is this one and I'll say a size on that another hard drive I don't know it'll plug them up there's so many hard drives in here look at this another hard drive disk drive look at the pile of these things it's probably broke half of them but like that yeah I don't think that's that's 250 gigs to 3000 gigabyte it's three terabytes hey close that the reader is it that's a hole hard driver here is it looks like oh yeah it is 1.5 terabyte I mean we can hook these up still see what's on them you guys need to know what's on them like me well I don't know maybe we'll do a video I fit some youtube appropriating go through the whole thing there's another hard drive look at all these hard drives to me something's up here there's gotta be a reason you walk these up another hard draw that looks like it might be part of the stage and this one is 160 gig so I mean you gotta like close to 10 gigabyte or 10 terabytes of storage there which is ridiculous well we got flash drives flash drives and SD parts oh yeah we gotta see what's on these give us a hint what's on the megabyte 32 gig hard drive or SSD card right there and this is a thing you plug in USB and you can read the SD card directly and one oh it's broken that's our do we do that we might have broke it I don't know not sure but all right so before the guys come to clean the yard weed and tons of hard drive so let's see what's on me we can at least see what's on these before we go for the hard drive don't have to wait until we get back from the West Coast us fortunately self will see it then all right now that the storage units not being cleaned out we're on the road to the airport getting on the plane in just a couple hours to come crush the west coast you guys have no chance you should have made a stop when you had a chance now we're on the way there's no turning back you guys are gonna be slaughtered in your own territory and look over at Dulles Airport let's get in there and smash the West Coast Airport security down next up flight next up arrived in California next step destroy the West Coast look at the planes over there we're here it's real now we're in competition mode here to destroy East Side [Music] all right guys so guess what we are officially in the hotel dicks in California and if you're wondering why did you guys stay at Dick's in California if you did not watch Smosh around 2013 and you missed the Golden Age of YouTube and if you did you know exactly why we're staying at Dick's in California make sure if you're one of those people don't make us feel alone put it down in the comments but guess what you see this this is an East Coast foot a big East Coast but they like to point out our West Coast soil over for you guys now you have no shot at all but anyway guys that's gonna be it for this so much we're gonna do a recap but we're kind of 2,400 miles away from home so thank you so much for watching we did enjoy make sure you look at a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time if you do want to follow us on our social media links is gonna be on screens click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 64,549
Rating: 4.8081703 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: 02BMwr-dqOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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