POLICE STORAGE UNIT! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit That Belonged To A Police Officer!

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ready that welcome back to treasure hunt emoji disguise and we are out here in somewhere in rural part of Maryland is this Temple Hills Maryland I think anyway the same area our famous drug dealer unit came from so fingers crossed we can find something cool like that again well here was our friend from Treasure often stopped bid make sure you go check out that website got the huge box truck here hopefully would fit a lot of stuff in here cuz it looks like there's a lot of stuff in this unit so without further ado let's get into it [Music] alright guys so well it was a lot of dust I was you guys can see there's a lot of big things in this unit so let's just start going through it right here the plastic ball oh yeah big money big money big money big money this fake grass her you know what I hated anyone else played football in high school and when they started chirping all the fields I don't know why like it looks nicer it looks all smooth and sweet but for some reason it's just it's not a scent it's not real grass it was kind of a no-slip turn you do the cleats don't you would think I'll saw your arm looks just like a bunch of paint supplies do a scale you never know speaking of something else who remembers last time we fought something I look like that do you remember that you gotta let us know down in the comments because last time we bought it thinking we get tools but we got a little something now so fingers crossed it's not going to be the case today they are candle maybe they put paint yeah you got probably 30 40 minutes up to bring a piece all right an old keyboard come on he was allowed to keep the jars for hold candles that's perfectly normal right seda here looks like a heater I don't know if it's old every time I feel like wood instead of all plastic I just go out on the assumption and say it's probably old you see his shirt guys nothing beats hard work check it out first nothing beats hard work oh man is it John Muir here Wow no one's allowed to see this the cameras just to be non-existent it's a good production let's take all dress clothes what dress clothes can bring serious money superior uniform group set a new tag or is that somebody's like work tag not sure CVC any good brand name from these suckers this one's a let's see let's see what are you you're nothing alright oh look at those luckily really ugly I pick it up so fast this for a second I thought it was a Gucci looks simple when I was partly covered with unfortunately not yeah me neither anyone recognize that you got souls inserted in there I don't want to rip their souls out yep right there so I sounded demonic that special force secure solution though without a police unit yes special police oh snap okay again not a gun that would be up actually I don't know about here out here in Maryland all the states that are anti-gun kind of I don't know how the process is gonna go but that'd be cool still what is this blackout blinds actually cool personality everything classes are looks like morphine equivalent of protein powder there's legitimate the most where in the grab bag we got creatine dog treats to get extra protein change of creatine a cottage not enough for this and begging strip get all the extra protein in or maybe maybe he was training a dog to be buff you never know he's trying to build like one of those killer dogs in the movies that are all the foam like super big maybe but let's take this whole bag is full of supplements yeah are different workout supplements that one flooring yeah tell me that looks at the flooring character Gotti now as much as cardboard but still big value these chairs are nice do we have one two three four five six seven one I'm number seven chairs no you should really make the motion sensor like closer look at these these are like those fit board you see the G I'm gonna go like yeah yeah so yeah three of those y7 I go sweetie - why don't you shot even get anywhere you think all right now second um I'm gonna trade this giant toolbox back max put it down there now what's gonna be in there you ready let's open it it's gonna be tools this time for once we're more drugs cuz you know is this part of Marilyn that's just how it works ready is that hey we actually got tools screwdrivers smells up oh yeah you know like stuff alright section of this whole thing come off I can only see at all tools in there so like doesn't injury flexes [Music] next toolbox speaking of fab absolute I've got here truck now battle rope so maybe those ropes I ever seen those MMA gym the everyone wonders what are you doing that stuff so tiring where you pick the ropes with two hands and go like whip them like that is really bad let's see over here we have more flooring it looks like just a typical fan going on here so one two three more the board's back there I'm gonna guess this giant big boy this is the one Maryland a giant blunt right look that big no seriously I think it's just in the you lay across the floor when you paint just so you know you don't get paint all over your floor what's in this bag it's ready it's a broken egg paper work our favorite paper working bring money paperwork and bring money see let's see I'm meeting group for DJ easy whoa DJ easy shout-out to him however that is anything else in here Capital City in so this guy was accomplished here that's his employment yeah but nothing else but at least we got confirmation and what the other 1/2 cup where we go from here grill a girl in the treadmill so when you come in you can make decisions I want to do today cheeseburgers or cardio guess what guys how much feed record type of man looks like what brain do we have here Zara I don't know whether that was good or not yeah I remember - it's really hard to keep up with all these brands what is that this luck caustic there's some dimes down here oh snap there's like 30 cents down there 30 some sense big money in the bottom of the tote let's take this out really quick all right so we're now oh this thing's tall guys I'm 6 foot by look at this this is a big thingy look in here hanger that's a less might be the only thing that beats paperwork hangers are pretty happy impressive - yeah it looks like hangers bleach other cleaning supplies hope it's not heavy but over here in for ya wait right there that thing of drywall the way bench - yes it is not anymore it says girl fitness gear on it and there's a grill I think there's chart for me look what I see Oh think they're in here I mean it feels like there's a decent amount of weight I don't know how much they weigh how do you open it nope the bag and the booklet everything except the hack so hot yourself but these beats do they have a they don't have a price tag Alana but I would assume they're all expensive nothing [Music] anything out there you want the old Rome play that's a nice old charcoal grill still pull charcoal and missing all of its legs value I'm not going out nope what happened just take the battery out the middle okay you can look a job no that was like too much for not having kids that's just all carpet stuff whatever that is I mean there's more of those all right we'll get to almost we remove some of the other stuff out I'll change it there it's gotta be almost a dollar 25 35 45 55 60 65 that's like 70 cents right there whoa take it's good stuff at least let's see de luxe denim it's got like a cereal and I'm gonna contain of us that should be a good sign all right I would think really shows how much attention I pay this one's divided yeah we're good it's hard to keep track of a million brands it really is especially when you have genuinely zero interest in clothes go change in one of the pockets there where is it you hear that what brand is this anyway the locks down them again same one got chains in here could be cash with it yeah it's all dimes let's all look over a buck there now got over a dollar with the jean clothes clothes and more clothes what this oh well not a notice until we get home I don't know like super expensive I just know that we know there's yeah they sell quick at least but our money exchange this little light jacket I guess you caught somehow there's a treadmill I can't even see what's back here you guys gonna tell me what back there oh oh they're not in good shape yeah I say they're tense nice every pair she is between nine and twelve that's nice I mean those will sell for good money they're in good shape too New York Knicks powder powder the watches Tom and Jerry over that how older this is Dee Williams death throwback look at that 86 to 89 all authentic throwback huh I got some value to it as well what else is in here not much all we got - Chicago Bulls have every unit this Banana Republic like web was like oh just say American eaten won't stuff like that they're like good brands but not like really good brands pull them up then we have a monitor and then problem with really old PC I'm gonna guess well check anyway okay I look at that jeez it doesn't have the operating system or anything on it but Oh does that Windows XP yeah not bad looking not bad okay oh that's a getting stuff what do I do here the longer yeah it was I like I got in here this little polo modern fit there's like a DC flag uniforms today Prada I know the product first we found myself $400 so I don't know if their clothes are worth the same amount anyone has any idea about their clothes I believe they're yeah they didn't Italy I'm telling you you knew like me and you're not really in the clothes like that if you see the made in Italy thing you probably got something good see the top another seats huh pink oh my Keith look at that sweater what brand is a DKNY what else is in there waiting in a mirror I don't know TV's debut I think that looks like yeah something TV you going to right there just about everything we have to get this out before we show that yeah we'll be right back rather clear some room and get that big thing out this yes heavy yeah there's a strong guiding got that thing up there it's all we have weights and treadmills and we're gonna clip it in here yourself the little things around get that down of you right back to what crash-landing alright guys as you can see got most of it cleared out got the giant tote off the top in I feel like it's shoes that's what it feels like and I can't do this so this might be where the money's at I don't know what the heck that is now just in Colombia shoes but they're pretty solid on the bottom so it might be - this feels like also oh my God look at that the other horror get on in here yep look at that yellow Foamposites right there last time we found these they're in a lot worse shape than that what do we sell the 465 I think I think 65 left and they're in a lot worse shape than NASA these could be like $80 or more right there Wow told you there's just something typical yeah he's a pretty worn and beat up these might make fire $10 if not they can be donated who the black and black chucks are these another mother can call reaction hmm Lauren that makes them worth more or less than chucks I'm sure yeah okay I guess this time we'll make one of the rats get instead of the Steelers rats getting stuck there oh oh yeah from polar boots those are pretty heavy at the bottom bad and there's the other one to eat shoes another pair of Kenneth Cole the other shoes oh yeah not to worry about me but those like I said that's probably eighty dollars in the yellow foam CD all day and or the Box in there to tell my shoes and it issues the pink Foamposites look at these are your side us jackpot here tonight shoes 9.5 s again so but again we sold these we fill up these in worst condition before for $60 so these are maybe another $80 right there just into phones and look at the handcuffs huh that's the key that's what I'm assuming okay today let's release it doesn't feel like it oh yeah it does it's a cool those are me notice dick that might be like a real handcuffs I mean we did find police uniform everything so those could be real hand cause that's pretty cool well these are where this toy is keeping all his expensive stuff I'm excited to go in here maybe we'll have some goose ears in North Face or something or just some random cheap stuff American flag shirt that's Hudson Melvin is ready yeah okay that might have worked in it [Music] there's a food for what the hell what send up some peanut butter some shrimp the dayquil to go with it and flavor and place to eat it all on what else we have in there looks like just random change from that point forward no real high-value stuff those real chunks yeah they're real but I mean these are only like 40 50 dollars brand-new ya know anything else that impressive but hold on and they said let me make a statement alright these are here we sold them for 60 about 60 to 70 apiece and they were in much worse shape than this so I guaranteed you each they sell for 80 to 100 dollars if not more well get home and look it up and Poshmark quick that's the jackpot right here this is what he gets for always finding drugs and guns and all that other kind of stuff I can kick you off right now there's no I if they're asking the history of arrests I'm not used to March sling look at my purple shirt I got five colors available click the merch link in the channel art like how you carries why you're asking me because I'm happy in your arrested all right alright guys so let's do a recap on this storage unit today we're gonna be doing it a little bit different so let me know if you like this recap format better or the older one better well we kind of just talked about everything but I want to be able to sit off to the side and put some numbers on screen to make this a little more clear for everybody so if you total up all the prices throughout the video we have about seven hundred and seventy five dollars now obviously give or take some money that's averages based on what's sold on Poshmark what's sold on ebay what's sold on Facebook marketplace obviously they can sell for a little bit higher or a little bit lower but this is our best guess based on what we sold in the data available so that's most likely what you're gonna be making $775 now let's take away everything the unit costs $160 so we'll take that off of the seven seventy five and there's mental math here now to bring us down to about 6:15 and then you're probably looking at twenty dollars not to too much trash really just you know cuz it's probably one trip say one trip to the dump honestly and that's probably what 25 bucks should say because it's not heavy trash they way they they charge you based on the weight and it's really nothing heavy in there that's gonna be thrown away so take 25 bucks off the 615 and I'm having slept in like 30 hours we're at this it's gonna be on a screen that's gonna pretty much be your total profit for the unit it was a really quick easy clean out literally we got everything out of there in about an hour and half me at the most sorted and out so listing will probably take another hour so really not too much a lot of big-ticket items that have been really quickly less like the phone pause it's a Prada shirt and a lot of the things like we said are just big-ticket so it's not like when you have a little a bunch of little small things it could be more time consuming such as some units you've seen us find like 15 pairs of shoes that are decent and they all make ten or fifteen dollars they don't take a long time to list out everything like that but stuff like this you a list of bigger things online perception on eBay in Poshmark weather there were the shoes and stuff will go like that most likely and then the bigger items you just try a sell Facebook marketplace I think the best way to do it and where comes to worst you can't get rid of them like that yard sale or flea market I like yard sale Marky's gives you more traffic you aren't sales more convenient you don't got to bring everything because we have a lot of stuff the way we do it but anyway let me know if the numbers on the screen makes it more clear but that's gonna be it for this one thank you so much for watching we did enjoy make sure they've got a big fat thumbs up me now I already hit that subscribe button for awesome charge of having videos all the time right now every other day but eventually once we start to wrap stuff up in people's tax returns start to go away and they stopped bidding ridiculous amounts and storage units we're gonna try to go back to every single day make sure you follow us on our social media links to be on screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 265,437
Rating: 4.6063886 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a storage unit and had to call the police, abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned antique storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit finds, police at auction, storage hunters, storage locker, storage treasures, abandoned storage locker, police storage unit, police
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 0sec (1740 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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