I Bought 2 Abandoned Storage Units! Found Guns And A Safe!

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whoo hold on guys guys look at this do you see that do you see that do you see that do you see that another one a freaking safe welcome back to treasure hunting with devious guys and today we bought two storage units but the videos they have to be a little bit different so unfortunately they sold like 19 units so the whole place was packed with tons of people cleaning it out and plus they also had loud music blasting up top so there was no way you can hear the audio over me so what we did is just took all the boxes home all the totes home and brought them all here we're gonna go through everything here and let me tell you it looks amazing let's go through the first thing the reason I chose this box first is because liquid is beautifully waiting in the box for me a freaking safe just waiting issue is it's actually locked and it looks like it's missing an electronic safe and the electronic part of it does not seem to be working at all so I think that's a keyhole if not I don't know what I'm gonna do to ever listen there's definitely something in here and I don't know how to get into it and whatever is in there does not sound like paper it sounds like metal and plastic so I want to try to avoid smashing with a sledgehammer like we did before as much as possible but who knows what could be in there that could be money jewelry all kinds of things so maybe somewhere in here I'll come across the key I don't know a bunch of books but look at this a brand new accounting book I'm still in the paper I'm in college these are not cheap if this is a relevant book I mean it can be worth $100 or more I mean I know I paid over $200 for certain books so don't tell him what that's worth it looks like it has a little access code in the back which I'm making more expensive what is all this just a bunch of more books I'm just gonna throw it to the side for now just trash honestly or donations at least oh it's a Nike Air Force box and it's empty or there's no shoes in it but three box in it ruled a Reebok box and Air Force box it would have been nice what size are these two eight and a half everybody go fit me anywhere in there a corner we found cash again so first things first what is this two-in-one Music Jam flea Mac we found something similar that's a 504 haven't wait I think they're just Roma's oh but that's kind of cool if it works I don't know if it works hold on guys guys look at this do you see that do you see that a zoom in in one do you see that do you see that oh my god I see the but that's something don't roll me please that's that's a BB gun ah damn that would have been awesome but still let's see hold on it even has the orange piece missing off the tip so let me probably use this like a robbery or something but it's a power line Daisy three hundred forty feet per second BB gun TVs in it let's try it I'm just gonna shoot the Box I'm gonna shoot the Box it works it works mm-hmm that's kind of cool I mean I probably won't sell this I like keeping guns they're fun even if they are just BB guns look there we go Magra I did expect the mag release to actually be the same place that's on a real one that's pretty cool we'll put that up here that's going in my bottom another iron and then we just find iron in the last one - yeah Black & Decker - the awesome [ __ ] Decker - this is weird now we're just gonna find a bunch of weed and you know what they went to be owned by the same I'm gonna keep this pistol holster up here too that's pretty nice hey a whole thing of metal BB six thousand copperhead bb's this take metal or plastic it look like it was a pocket easy to came out of it these are plastic I guess maybe you could take both I don't know but six thousand bb's and a BB gun you know what I'm happy right there hey a scratch-off it's a one dollar winner there it is big money right there how old is this sucker it's got to be cashed in Maryland anyway I'm not going back to Marilyn for a dollar all right guys got the next box but before we get into it two wicker looking at hats they're right on top this one and they both look new this one others three actually one of them has the tag so it's brand new this one only a 5 buck price tag on it but still a new hat that's cool yay close a purse a heavy purse that's a really nice purse - this lettuce thick very thick I wonder if it has a brand name on it not that I see but it's a really nice purse and see we got anything in it though it is it's gotta have something it's heavy and it's full of makeup not something I'm too interested in unfortunately but I mean see what you see in there it is just absolutely loaded with makeup nail polish and things like that and half of its probably been used so it might have to go in the trash out on them but even if it all does that's perfectly fine because honestly this purse is really nice I get two really thick leather that thing's got to be worth some money I don't see a brand name on it though if there's anything else interesting what is that bottle number certification of handball what is this tequila that's a key of the bottle what is it called silver patron I'm just so not a drinker at all I got nothing about alcohol interest me let's see if it smells like it's been you they were just like manufactured just for design yeah I hate the smell of alcohol telling you like drink one real time of my life and I was all it took and ever since then they even the smell of it makes me sick all right guys let's keep going looks like we got I don't even know a scarf some blanket I don't know nothing I have interested so that might be something idea these look like jewelry of some kind there's Stacy Adams earrings look at that I don't know if those are actual silver or they're just like costume type earrings I'm not really sure cufflinks what are cufflinks they're going like the end of an arm of a dress suit to keep the cuffs together fancy people weren't you guys I dig in trash but it looks like earrings to me mm-hmm hey somebody nice stuff in a while this is what you used to get once you get all your male family members you don't really care about what they're still part of your family you get into deodorant set random clothes will just be donated like always yeah it's like the high school I go to is look we're pretty close to it and they have donation bins if they give to like the students and the families that need it that goes to them directly I know that's why I use that bin and like we fill it up so high it's like completely stacked like every week these are actually 42 by 32 these are my size I might keep the Levi's - nice very jeans thank you and we got nice looking code actually this is a special Police Protective Services to excel too so it's big to fit me but wonder nice sound a cop with a BB gun it's damn good I do not find more weed I swear I'm tired of the weed guys yeah you smoke congratulations good for you it's still illegal here I don't I don't get caught with you those are the shoes LeBron Nate LeBrons - mmhmm yes they are nicely there size 13 we give us throw them all on a huge lot with the other ones these are size 12 one size below but they actually don't look half bad I mean how not something I would wear I like black and white shoes are black and red that's my color combination but those are actually decent shoes and given the fact that they're not use on the bronze I bet you they're not cheap either I see more Nikes that play not something I want to wear again these look new oh I didn't even notice that and size 12 as well - nice pair of shoes and this unit this is the cheaper one this one only cost us 10 bucks so two pairs of LeBrons that pays for the unit right there look at these a pair of Converse old chunks all of red chucks - like thick are they sighs 12 as well they are my brother might wear these he likes chucks - yeah I think he's size 12 so look at that shoes are just like movies take a brand-name shoes you just know like you're saved they're just such such easy sale there's another pair of shoes in your dress shoes gonna get some more Salvin moody house this dress shoe loaded with money hold up holy crap why there's like at least five quarters in here over a dollar I'll take it what brand are these they actually are so whose [ __ ] I'm not I say it every time I don't really know how to pronounce it but look at that but he's gotta be men's every other pair we found him in women's I say change there's the other one look at that I mean these are expensive brand-new shoes I've actually these get another 30 40 bucks easy most dress shoes are I'm not a dress person it's the summer it's hot out shorts a t-shirt if it's the winter jeans jacket that's it that's all away in a t-shirt yeah then we got the Washington Post's I wonder if it's like a special one let's see I mean it's gotta be a reason you store this oh man I be godly oh this is one no I'm Capitals won the Stanley Cup everyone in this area by the way if you're not from our area DC area nobody gave a rat's ass about hockey at all for years and years and now as the Capitals won all of a sudden everyone's like the biggest hockey fanatic on the face of the earth when before nobody cared alright guys next thing it looks like this whole trash whoo hold on I want to say all paperwork but that's a blackhawk I think this is the Blackhawk pistol holster we already done found the other one wear something okay there it is Blackhawk edge in the Blackhawk and that's a nice holster I mean the holsters are not cheap for those you guys that aren't like don't own guns or anything like that very not cheap even though other cheap one we found over there is probably 10 to 15 bucks at Walmart that's a legit one right there I mean that's a really good holster it's even gonna click on it that's really nice that's what it looks like yeah maybe what if there is a real pistol in here that would blow my mind I can that's one of my last storage unifying dreams like I wanted to find money we found it I wanted to found a Spina safe we found it we don't know if it's a good one but we found it safe and I want to find a gun my god gun collector not like a huge home but I love guns I really do those are nice shorts what size are these XL please Nike exit out I got a pair of jeans and a nice pair of shorts I like the way this is going thank you so entire frickin probably $30 a piece to sew this printer box has the printer in it but it looks ancient let's pull this out take a look at it that is a really old old looking printer got money hidden inside of it but a very old printer and scanner combo if it's got ink in it I'll hook it up cuz it's really annoying having to go somewhere to print stuff it really is I don't have a working printer that's one thing I should have I don't have so that works I'll be convenient Co to hold on we got a phone what kind of phone is the Droid will it cut on that's the question let's see it will not see if it'll charge we have a bunch of these co2 tanks which really makes me think of there's more BB guns cuz if you guys never plays BB guns your own them as a kid or an adult still on 24 I'll go shoot it they have co2 powered ones do you put the co2 in it lets you rapid fire it makes it really fun it charges yeah awesome I'll take you to one of those like II machines in the mall some random phones could be worth like twenty thirty bucks so one of the very first dumpster-diving video we ever uploaded on this channel go back and check it out it's very crazy and painful but the very first one we ever uploaded on this channel we found a Sam song I think SAE the didn't work at all in the game stop dumpster put in the machine 80 bucks cash looks like we have some DVDs in here in here let's see you Captain America yeah they're all in here so one two three four five six seven eight nine DVDs that's probably 50 cents apiece for bucks yeah more Daisy BB sucks to think the baby who done found out that's awesome first thing first we have another pair of Nikes that have really seen better days I don't think these are probably worth selling these will probably go to donation those are pretty beat-up we have Tim's again no you know we just have something regular these are actually Steel Toe these are like mechanic with your work boots I mean these are not yeah I worked the car dealership for a year and a half I didn't have to wear them but I know the mechanics did I mean these are not cheap boots so that's definitely gonna be a keeper I couldn't watch the money other than that guys I mean are these anything as you say now these are Nikes so these are the runs yes they are another pair of the bronze these literally give you wiped up and clean they just look like they have dirt smudge on them so those would probably be savable then how their pair of shoes oh this rings on it whoa whoa he's real we're gonna have to do some looking at these and look at that put that close up to the camera that is a nice looking ring if that's a wheel then that's gotta be really valuable it is but it's not they just uh here's uh here the men's wedding bands like definitely gonna put that aside that's real then Wow definitely put that aside the rest of its just like two pigs and combs hey some baby Jordans and they're both in there I've actually they gotta be worth some money actually I mean not obviously not expensive is like adult ones but I still met they're worth something look at that baby j's baby Jordans that's gotta be worth some money those are nice-looking shoes too if the other ones in there what size are these haha where's this side though I didn't think he's always like all right this style put them on the left side it's I will put on the right side I don't see a size thing anywhere on that let's hope we find the other one more little shoes again there it is those are some nice shoes right there I do not see so here it's on this one these are nine and a half but they're still nice snaky ears baby air forces air maxes I mean more babies this baby was tricked out man there's maybe a style and I'm telling you this baby has style there is look at that no they're picky Nikes like shoes especially Nike and Jordan are just such easy money makers it's just like finding cash alright guys so before we get into last few blobs of axes did I say fogs and maxes geez the action box this is not a long video I went through the bag with the paper works and look at this I missed this this is a Verizon tablet yeah I don't really know how valuable this one is it doesn't cut on right now but hopefully it just takes Aradia does take a regular Android charger so I'll plug it up and let you know in the recap if this works the phone that we found earlier it works with the screens broken the display is you can hear and making sound and everything so it does work what it means to this screen replace so kind of useless to us right now let's keep going alright now this Hey another one dang it why can't one of these guns be real just one I mean BB guns still real I guess there's not obviously not a real gun let's test it shoot the box oh I didn't fire no didn't fire but it might just be a jammed or something yeah there's a BB Jan right there I can see it okay I definitely gotta play with this and get that working that's too easy guns in there pretty sweet more Copperhead bb's we're ad like over well over 10,000 bb's now one of the more interesting things that I saw here look at this I pause a book but it's one of these things like you see in like a movie it's like a safe and it was open with the book in it so let's see what we got hold on this might go to the safe where's the safe egg you see it anywhere guys give me a second all right I'll be right back I gotta find a safe I think those do it guys it looks like it fits and it turns oh you ready you ready I'm scared what's in there [Music] so this this safe must have been literally brand spanking new that's what this is the manual this probably has the code and stuff in it the batteries that go in the electric part of it that's why the electric park wasn't working and not too sure what these are but they don't look like anything of value so nothing in there but I mean that's a nice electric safe I bet you that's not cheap so still make money on the safe itself I was really hoping there'd be like a Rolex or something in new but what can you do that was really long we're gonna go through everything in detail go donate the clothes get rid of the trash and then we'll do a huge recap and show you everything now we can't so I will see you then all right guys so let's do a recap of everything we found now before we get into I remember we spent only fifty bucks on a to you and it's 40 on one town the others so I think we did absolutely amazing we did shoe crazy again let's start over here so we got the pair of already chucks right here these purple and I can think user LeBrons to it LeBron's these are the bronze these are the bronze two as well aren't there yep three pairs of the bronze and they'll probably fetch between 40 50 bucks apiece these will the chucks maybe 20 so that's already like about a hundred seventy bucks the Salvador dressed shoes it's your kind of beat up so these will probably make about 20 bucks still visit brand new those shoes they're a couple hundred bucks so that's valuable these Nikes these Nikes I actually think I look pretty cool too they would fit me I'm definitely something unique I've never seen before the whole lot of little baby Jordans and Nikes over here will probably just end up listing all these a lots and some of them are in better condition and others and they are all the same size I think - this one pair so I think they're all the same size that'll probably be a big lot on eBay we ended up finding this in the clothes a Kansas City Chiefs hat along with a Jersey and I'm pretty 99.9 percent sure he's still tight in on the Kansas City Chiefs so maybe I'm wrong I don't know but this is another Nike authentic NFL jersey with the patch up here so I'll probably sell the Hat in the Jersey together as a combo because I don't know they go together the accounting book haven't looked it up yet so if anyone can look that up and tell me in the comments let me know what that's worth I know I'm taking an accounting class this class this semester I had to pay 120 bucks for my accounting book so hopefully it's somewhere close we got the steel toed boots here not Tim's unfortunately but the our steel toe and I know for a fact even the cheap ones are like 60 to 80 bucks in news so on the low end I think these will fit fetch 20 to 30 dollars this safe even though I was really sad nothing was in it it is still a brand new safe the electric part does work everything in it works it comes with the manual the code and everything it's just missing the box so brand new safe will probably still be able to sell it for 20 maybe 30 40 dollars I'm really another looking up the blackhawk pistol holster which is absolutely really amazing I'm not gonna sell but it's worth about $30 35 on some sights I'm keeping this from my own pistol but it's a really nice hole stick to Daisy BB guns how's that feel back there even though they're just BB guns it's still a bit intimidating to daisy guns they did troll me I swear I thought these things were real and I looked at them but still fun nonetheless can shoot little plastic cups out the backyard and stuff and we got about $10 genies to go with them so we don't the paper Emma lastly the purse here still never emptied it out to look for a brand name yet but it's a really thick leather purse so I can't imagine this being any cheaper I mean on the low end 20 bucks maybe I think it's gonna be worth more than that and hopefully I'll look it up because it feels really thick and really real and genuine so once again guys I think we killed the storage units two of the cheapest units a twin there was like almost 22 sold we got the two cheapest ones just about and it looks like they delivered big once again so thank you guys so much for watching the video if you didn't enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up in the fee not already hit that subscribe button for awesome dumpster-diving storage units yard saleing flea markets maybe Goodwill's i don't know all kinds of treasure hunting videos every single day of the week and if you want to follow us on our social media links the beat on screen you click the links down in the description follow us on whatever you have they someone's for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 345,480
Rating: 4.3361416 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gun, abandoned storage unit guns, gun found in abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage locker, storage unit finds guns, storage unit guns, storage unit safe, guns found in storage unit, guns in storage unit auction, safe found in storage unit
Id: jSGemqoHQDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 06 2018
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