Bought Our BIGGEST Storage Unit EVER! PACKED FULL! HUGE PROFITS? I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit

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welcome back pressure and wajima skies and guess what we just picked up the biggest most packed stores you know we've ever bought ever we paid $350 for the stores and a lot of you guys have been saying you want to see bigger units for the cooler stuff so guess what we took that and we ran with it this thing is loaded from the floor to the ceiling all the way to the front all the way to the back I have no idea what we're gonna do with all this stuff no idea but you guys want to see it so you know what we're bringing it to you don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get it [Music] so this unit is a 10 by 15 and again it is literally packed about as high as it can go there is so much stuff in here but now that we've been at the flea market out here once I realize that that's not really a big deal because you can get rid of pretty much anything so you know what let's start with this because it just won't stress it stop fighting me volleyball but we got a little bowling ball here what do you think 5 bucks what's a bowling ball go for I don't know I feel like some brands are worth something I've got one bowling ball every time the giant watch you get me a bowling ball one of the things just saw right at the front is his dresser and it looks to be in like phenomenal shape it's really heavy-duty and everything so that's kind of suspicious look lose burn holes in it let's look in the gorge really quick please it off fleece that storage unit oh no some blue boy everyone loves blue boy right that's cool the dresser is probably at least 50 $60 I want to point something else out here when you buy a unit of this size you know for a fact there's no way that the old owner unless they're like a monkey there's no way that came in here and got anything out so we have no idea what we're getting ourselves into you know what else I noticed after we got here it's a handicap-accessible one which I don't know there's an out - you cannot but how is it you have access for all these handicaps no always look I was trying to make these even if you specially okay no no so now that we've seen the dresser we should really get it out until we get everything on top of it out let's get this down first oh it's got some weight to it $100 price tag on it right there all right but it's empty beautiful let's see we got and Emin axe what is that yeah and a max I read it backwards boy walk back leave us alone peas random little knick knacks heart off have you got any real jewelry and there's a real jewelry in here it's probably gonna be in the back people keep the good stuff nothing interesting there we got a card money pull it out somewhat organized yeah this is a lot there's no way we're gonna be able to do this in like it's gonna take like ten trips this bowling ball is what's it's gonna save all involved yeah take its own jewelry do not disturb okay you know what go ahead you go on do your own thing I don't wanna hear from them no more we're parting ways right here see it's mad it's breaking up stuff now I asked you go on this game before cards against humanity' is like super fun it's like an adult version of apples to apples almost isn't it but it's pretty freakin cool yeah what is that Warby Parker nothing in it every story myeloid up one of those wax melters so this bag looks like all junk let's get out the way the rest of it it's clothes dollars money down there look we got a nickel we're going play look at that that's kind of cool-looking um a shoe that's Carlos by Carlos son santiana never heard of that yeah me neither so that and that is about it let's get this turnout the weight pull something else out so this tote or this bag or should say just feels like nothing but clothes yeah I think it's all clothes no lettuce tomato in there but a little bit good I see Invicta not in there somewhere in here there's a jewelry box where all this jewelry is I who is heavy now take this down yeah shorty blush yeah this is my hire here this is heavy can we get a laptop I think it's paper let's see it is nothing but paper it looks like at least it's all paper it's a lot of paper I mean it's heavy just papers so we'll leave that in there forgot this more this to go through a book bag what we got well we got big money big money flashlight does it no it does all right look at this got a glow stick flashlight another flashlight probably extra batteries it's like a lifeguard or something or like a search in the mountains type person what is that emergency survival blankets you got like a survival look back here open this out there this is all survival you know this stuff it is a trauma kit blanket with this a pump rechargeable solar trendy Lantern radio hmm and then a little radio again basically a whole survival kit if you can walk down the wilderness I have no idea how much something like that goes for it's kind of cool a poker chip for Blue Devils bingo that's all cooking stuff but we do have a dirt Buster blocking Decker vacuum right there this looks like all kitchen stuff is a soy sauce in there that papers paper is no fun look back here pull up that Jersey yeah yeah that's just it Kings to lose the name when I say when infan it's a champion to like Sacramento Kings year 1990 custom-designed for hmm you think this could be a game warrant no no no they're a player called weddington you know think so I have no idea but that's kind of cool to set that aside for now see what else we got in here that this is all sports stuff let me try to get this bag ripped because it's not coming untied that was easier that thought so we have all kinds of like look at these they're brand new 1991 baseball cards are they gonna open or just a second pass they're unopened oh you're not going down there whole box of these baseball cards oh so that's gonna have some cool value to it what else do we have well there's a sign ball who not sure I don't know these are real players or whatever they are I mean it's not very well taken care of yeah hmm anyone knows let us know the couple cards in here look turn back the clock 1969 Mets hmm look Cal Ripken jr. so some of these could be worth a lot of money it's one of those things baseball cards just those things where ones worth literally nothing Warren paper than its actual card and one's worth thousands we just don't know right now and this whole thing is just more cards tons and tons of a tough [ __ ] stuff let's set this whole thing aside here because that bag could be some money for sure was that all of us in here what is that a diet Ayana whatever that is interesting which packet definitely have some money in it so looks like we have a bag full of hair which one should I wear um yeah pink or um I don't know I don't trust my actual way that looks like the actual wig yeah well not where we have three wigs in there so that's some type of little vacuum here another Black & Decker DM vacuum always find a pink one I know it's pretty dirty but chlorophyll - let's see I think this is the film security advanced there's nothing else - interesting there's probably like 15 20 dollars worth of stuff in that so it says get this one out the way and pull something else out so we just pull the pink coat down from up here I'll see if we got I see lots of clothes this whole tote might be close except for a black Santa hat oh it's raided a Raiders Santa hat it's me for locking nuts or it would think you'd wear this around yeah he would take it that's awesome locking nuts that's your happy 25k okay just get 25,000 that's awesome this is all closed this hat adidas okay this all totes clothes nothing fun now let's get this one down and pull something else out so just pull the green toe down our green Stoppers okay let's let me my no more clothes clothes are necessarily a bad thing you can sell these if you want but we just pretty much good go skim through them there's anything that can fit just like 10 or 15 bucks on Poshmark if not put on another frozen back somebody would buy that Eddie's bungees you know I think they might have at one point they go the dog leash is it new it's not really stretchy all the rest of its clothes so let's just get this one out the way to so let's look at this big crate of electronics it looks like is this stone our [ __ ] card game pumped up Avila Johnny different stoner flux a car game of a weed and freedom so you win if you have we didn't freedom on the table on Friday well alright we're in California in America that checks out both of those I guess rights here Chuck what hang stuff John good vibes only amen to that but a lot of wires not seeing anything that old like I don't even know and there's just a crap ton of plastic bags you really helped we didn't bring trash back with us because we're not ready for stuff like that don't even watch it bad guys are awesome spirit of Halloween they are maybe they work there well we'll get to that just a second so let's keep going so we just pulled out another coat here we got that thing so it's not a stream yeah that's not good oh that's great I need oh okay can somebody please explain what was going on here we have in one box we have a needle condoms and seasoning explaining what was going on here actually please don't because it'll probably be filtered out don't explain that but that was okay that's just a great assortment of objects I think that's our best assortment of objects yet what do we have here little wallet nothing in it or like a phone case more so Lenovo ThinkPad ultra the dock charging dock alright what is that RCA something any idea radio yeah look you can be iPod radio aux or off so at least it's up-to-date it's not like an old one sells like $1 and I'd really get like three or four off please be a scale know what the power bank we need scales for jewelry power bank that looks like it's an Otterbox case for like an iPad maybe we find an iPad even though we haven't had much luck with them they all been broken today I see necklace here really really thin if it's real though so they're not going to have much weight to it but I don't see any markings but still set it aside cuz you never know with jewelry this thing bingo doesn't look like much else on this picture friends family where life begins and love never ends oh that was dumb you know is this a defender pad again Ketones kita this things are a waste if people knew the keto diet you do not need these just follow it right and you'll be fine damn [ __ ] another gold looks super fake yeah it's already broken other hooks I thought it was a cold nothing too interesting in that box so let's move it out the way and keep on going so just pull down the stack of stuff off the top of that let's see we got in the red bag that's nice what these the leaking what is that so whole baggie with some type of pill in them and it has let's do have I guess the mail him updated drug dealers you know they're like shipping stuff now PayPal payments and stuff that's all in that picture frame electronic picture frame actually it's in there that could be like even got a one gig memory card with it that's pretty much new already actually but still the best you can get maybe twenty bucks if we get over 20 while eBay and if not take it for five or ten that's pretty cool and then we have a memory foam pillow which I'll probably just go in the donation pile animal shelters will take blankets pillows all kinds of things like that you could donate all of it cuz if you're gonna pay to dump it anyway you might as well do something good with it so you got this and we got the beautiful fairy wings yeah look at this for your arms hold on look how much room they give you [Music] okay special fairy why what you your wings won't work that way I'm gonna trying to fly now alright yeah too big for the wings so just got down this plastic thing in we're finally looking up some of these pills apparently a lot of them are to help people come off of drug addiction but I gotta cover the name up alright can you read the name of the pill with me covering up the name snow so that's for drug and alcohol withdrawals no rec centers yeah well let's see what else we got lighters pictures penny we write a whole six cents out of this unit so far we actually think it's not like these usually stuff in the front all crap but so far I mean we probably gotta flip it around for the flea market paper cutter shaving cream pictures this is a checkbook actually there's nothing in it so another $1 thing dollar here dollar there dollars that up so um another update on medicine no judging there yeah um helps people get off seizures and bipolar disorder right it's to treat bipolar disorder Wow older it's like paperwork but you always gotta check the cards because only like twice ever though that's ten five money in this very unlikely and today is not one of those days oh there's more that's just one not have a part in it no hey this just one page though or something no this product is being coded Turner I don't know what it is but it's something but this thing itself will soften like five bucks - so that's not bad as I can or it's done right there so let's get that out the way keep on going so we took this one down I'm not really gonna go through it because you can see what it is just bathroom stuff make a pallet an interesting there but still gotta go we have this one another whole stack of these feared Halloween bag let me sleep seriously agree well these are pictures this looks like money think stuff this one's this bathroom stuff but believe it or not people at the flea market or by bathroom not for much money but it's better than paying to dump it I mean it's still maybe use there's still bottle like 85% there it's decent stuff not too bad so we'll get this stuff out the way cuz no one want to see it all so I'm just straightener in there another couple bucks so get all this out the way and keep on going alright so now we're gonna get into the shells of this thing this thing itself is actually nice heavy-duty wood so I'd say probably like fifteen or twenty dollars for this too because it looks like it's in pretty good overall shape Lady gaga fame perfume sometimes expensive I don't know if her brands in one of them we got this is brand new some type of sweet potty wash another keyboard this is keyboard number three now look how beautiful more needles another needle there's a lot of needles in there yeah they're steel they're not used yet that moisturizing spray over here yes bingo knit one that's always interesting on the first shelf second one not seeing anything third one this is the center screen Hey there it is we found the other half to it already so if the complete SodaStream I don't know what that costs I have no idea no I have $10 hopefully it looks like that's it is close down there we'll clear this off and get that little basket to make sure it's all closed other than that I'm going to get this out so we're just one behind the dresser here you got the Shelf out from over there and pulled out a few things that looked interesting back there one these are all brand new spirit Halloween like this I have like mice and scary thinking things go on your window and things like that so they're marked down on clearance probably after Halloween last year for three dollars so buck apiece but a couple bucks for all of them something like that one of these will find the other one eventually these are bear paws they're not as expensive as your anything but they're still like 20 bucks or something used these are kind of dirty to us then I'd be like five dollars to flea market this was the coolest thing but from what you see it isn't like there's nothing in it but it's a nice little jewelry box yeah I think it's an empty little Jordan box unfortunately nothing then I see the middle open who's home yeah it's pretty nice though I'm pretty sure that missing drawer it's probably down there somewhere so once we put it together I say that's a good 5 or $10 jewelry box at the flea market - we also this was sitting over there this is just another outdoor lawn chair thing we'll always take these what we're up to three or four now so we're probably gonna start selling because we're getting to the point where we have enough for everybody right here I'd say $25 with the stuff so that's cool so first thing we have like a little Spade or something it's obviously been used but that will a hundred percent to health very fast flea market curtain rods it looks like another curtain rod three curtain rods for curtain rods probably just two sets we do another like outdoorsy type chair so now we're at the point we're gonna sell these do for like five dollars a piece or something like that so we'll probably sell this one and we'll get these curtains out the way and we'll get a little bit more stuff over there my hands are full right now so we also got a nice full size ironing board here this again probably about five dollars nothing too expensive yet all those little things that the flea market add up so we got one of these chairs every time I see these I still think about the childlike W days I'm gonna take this and go bang somebody's head but then we have one a baseball bat which is pretty cool a lot of paint on it but again I understand that'll be gone very quickly like dollars or something that'll be going just like that so I'm gonna get it out of here then we're gonna pull these bags up that are underneath of it so we move that out the way we got a few things that are back there first thing this is not what it should be it feels like it should be like a race or something I think into it it's all the heads to the actual over we saw there was a razor one of those values there might have been that one so I'll set that aside what is this Minnie Mouse no don't get it open look at that so one Minnie Mouse tall is that another one in there - it looks like sure is - Minnie Mouse's let's see if they're old or anything look at the tag doesn't have a date on it unfortunately what about this one also no date so I don't really know if they're old or not that's unusual but - Minnie Mouse dollars right there this one looks like a Halloween once she has like a voice box and I don't know how to sneaker talk but I feel it right here so we got those we got shoes look at that a nice pair Jordans here black with pink one I'm like that that's nice come on they're all there is look nice pair of Jordans look at the back of those - eight-and-a-half youth how do you know they made that now there's more of these Carlos by Carlos at Dona Dona Old Navy shoes and flip-flops nothing too interesting there we are serial joy in their seasoning and more seasoning that's trash but that was very good might we'll probably keep them so not really too many houses we don't know so you know what not doing bad not doing bad all right got the next tote out with some extras on top so let's see what we can get out of here not Apollo that's definitely not exciting no polos but this thing first you the crackin fella things what is that a light mm-hmm so I don't know what that's worth but it looks new still in the phone no marks on it or anything like that so let's see five or ten dollars maybe more hopefully we got this sucker just like a nice little shelf my goal on top your toilet yeah maybe I say same thing or your kitchen counter three five dollars on my dad more like three bucks probably for that what is this a chair a chair mm-hmm well I thought we were looking chair like a big comfort small package big comfort good Pat it holds up to 150 pounds this little thing holds more than the other trailers fully taking out the other chairs a Walmart shape it's not enough for me this is a price I along with $75 oh wait originally $100 yeah that might be a worthy we have a look mm-hmm this is like my facebook posts believe all things are possible but you need today with a grateful heart life isn't about waiting for the store in the past about dancing in the rain each day's a gift take everything head on guys I'm not a motivational speaker but you know we got that oh we got this this is a jacket Brandon is the urban republic looks like it's got a leather tag which mean it could be worried a little something they look that up on Poshmark what else I've got going on back here we had a little bag they reminds me of like a Scottish skirt thing Pelt or kelp all right okay I think there's a frozen lunch box that'll sell for a dollar and everything else down here looks like it's just clothes unfortunately and ran a little bit too jion so nothing special on this one we're gonna get the South away and see if we have time to pull anything else that's we'll be right back all right so we've got a lot of trash out pulling out a few more interesting looking things in behind it whatever that great thing is there's a big metal box I can only see the back up so I'm thinking one or two things filing cabinet boo money let's just hope it's safe but what we pulled out pull out a few these look like Barbies I'm guessing they have tags they don't but either Barbies or cheap Barbies this one Monster High it's green and creepy looking speaking of creepy looking I'll just want to give that pretty face right there a big ol fat kiss hmm isn't he beautiful one thing I'm really happy we found a video we need some we found one of these big black tables right here so hopefully there's a few more in there because if you see right there there's a lot of those lawnchair your things we found so those are 5 bucks apiece but we're hoping if they got those they might also have more of these and we got like three or four tables out here that would be epic and guys for this part right here we just about hit 30 minutes we're just trying to cut it right here so probably gonna see quite a few parts of this but we're probably gonna cut them in the middle of flea market videos too because I don't think we have the room to store this much stuff so we're probably enough to like load up a couple loads and then sell a couple load load up couple loads still a couple loads and do it like that so expect a lot more from this remember the front of units are the junk the back of units are the treasure so we're just getting started so that's gonna be it for this one thank you so much for watching and until next time peace up [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 55,432
Rating: 4.9205751 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: vEq-WdT8LpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 21sec (1821 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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