We CAUGHT Them IN OUR Storage Unit! They BROKE IN! Storage Unit Finds Made BIG MONEY!

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we are back at the one thousand thirty dollar storage unit for the final time we are gonna go through the last 20 boxes and i got my fingers crossed that this is where the jackpot's gonna be hiding you guys ready because i sure am let's do it oh my god there's two of them all right into the pan [Music] did you see that so apparently these two guys broke into our stores you know what we were gone they were not here before how the heck did they get in here okay i don't know that's the best start ever i guess i know the only random lizards now i know sometime when i go to pick something up they're gonna scare the living you know what out of me yep but okay let's just start moving boxes they're cool i like lizards box number one they're in here they did not leave they're back there somewhere we're gonna find them let's go into the first box here you see it well yeah all right so first things first look at that look at that fanciness this is actually really heavy this is solid it's not hollowed out so these are kind of cool these look like they might be um bookends if i had to guess because there's two of them like that let's put those guys over here then we got ooh this tin is heavy so it's not empty but it's stuck no it's definitely not empty what's in the tin that's the real question that was hard so this is just like a little tile a decorative tile it looks like you got a couple plates in there with it that's not a good idea this is really hard and heavy with gloss plates uh then if we go further in here oh let's all look is this the pampered chef thing yes cookie press a cookie problem so we found a pampered chef thing before which is um a noodle slicer it was like worth 75 on ebay and i had no idea it was worth anything like that so hopefully that brand is just high-end it wasn't just that particular noodle thing but other than that i just got this bread keeper like my wallet right that's what i call my wallet the bread keeper and then some more kitchen stuffing books let's get this box with the k on it and see what we got all right so it looks like at least some more christmas stuff with the tree light switch that's kind of cool i didn't know they made things like that uh let's see what this is what are these like old candle holders again they're super heavy like this stuff like nowadays you would expect it to be like light and hollow you can tell it's old just because it's heavy and solid and we don't make stuff like that no more oh we have that look at this little train that's cool it's metal too it's not plastic so a little miniature train then we got let's see so a basket with some pictures and a duck with an umbrella what's this this is what's interesting look at this case it says made in germany so let's see what is this oh look at that it's like a miniature piano 26 inch it's kind of cool it's from connor i don't know how to pronounce that to be honest honor connor something like that that's interesting it's got the case with it it's got to be old it looks old at least i know so that's cool we got some cds over here this actually a cdk sometimes people store weird stuff in cd cases now these are lcds dixie chicks uh beethoven so johnny cash some people i mean good names there's some cds down here it looks like here we have two owls that are also a pair of bookends this unit had a lot of books in it so i would assume they have a lot of bookends and things like that for a bookshelf what's that sweet land of liberty usa oh hair girl that's great i doubt that's what came in there another pampered chef what's this one a food chopper it's definitely in there so hopefully like i said i hope their brand is just money and it wasn't that one thing god bless america more curlers that's not supposed to go in there other than that we got one other set of bookends like this with violins on them still waiting to find these little guys i know they're hiding back there somewhere i don't know where they've done going by now if i open a box and one jumps out scream like a little girl let's see what's in this box right here open all right what is this thing a tent or it's a motorcycle cover isn't it yeah so cover for a motorcycle in the box definitely tell you about the weight that's like a decorative fall wreath instead of a christmas wreath are these books no they're not it's like a little american flag box jewelry box even but it's open empty unfortunately this is look at that a white christmas music box so it plays this skit around a little thing i feel like i've seen this before somebody had this yeah i remember seeing it what's this little wood thing just a religious anger this book the joy of cooking definitely looks old we got over here a wooden box what's in here that's so heavy what okay look more pineapples welcome oh yeah we got some more of these guys these rock eggs these are heavy nice these are cool we'll definitely have a lot of these because i think we found like three or four in another box somewhere so this happy after like five or six of those last thing oh this is heavier than it looks whatever's in the bag um let's see look the bag old looking books though really old looking books let's see what this one is the story of the american people there's got to be a publication date on this i would hope let's see if we can find out it's got a colored picture so it's probably not going to be too too old but 1937 so still pretty old let me check one other one because uh this one's taped together so it's kind of falling apart we'll skip that one let's check this one here about uh it's actually those black ones are set so whatever this one is i'll tell you what the other one is too let's see where is the publication date it's not in here is it i don't see anything is that 1874. look at that yeah 1874. i think that's the oldest one i found so far this box now totally not purposely avoiding the things closest to the ground definitely not doing that i promise i'm doing that let's see who bagged stuff see last time we had a bag like this it was a lot of vintage pyrex and other high-end glassware so even some disney stuff we found in one of these you could definitely tell again this was fully market picked or your um thrift store let's say everything possible except their store a cup of christmas tea is what it says on the bottom there let's look at this base again thrift store picked it doesn't say anything on it but they might have just like the colored glass and obviously we know some of it's like carnival glass and high-end stuff but it could just be a cheap blue glass too that's always possible yeah they really just went around picking stuff like that like they probably got that vase in this picture same day because it's the same store and it's the same blue so it might have matched maybe they were going to sell as a set let's move this stuff out the way a little bit do we get to the stuffed animals down here what is that the it's one of the gnomes and then we have this i don't want to pull him out he's too big what is this thing whatever this is huge right here it feels glass though gotta pull it out really carefully set this stuff down let's see what these two pieces are this almost looks like the lampshade to like like that church type glass i forget the name of it yeah stained glass it's always in the windows at churches like a lamp in that design let's see what this other one was to pull it out too this one was measure your life in the left and it's actually a measuring cup look at the inside cool let's get into this diaper box so we can get the rest of these same size lowe's boxes off more wrap stuff this newspaper looks even older than the other newspaper well that looks like a stand for a doll this paper here this looks old old let's see if i can find a date on it before i see what's inside of it oh it's a nice vase but i'm curious how old this paper is actually not as all 2002 it's still about 19 years old and look at the vase that's inside of that one that's a pretty one nice and on the bottom this one says made in china and that good luck pronouncing that that looks like when you fall asleep on your keyboard and your head hits it that's what that says what's in here this is like weirdly super heavy for how small it is let's see what it is inside this paper it's a dog i think he's metal though 45 but he's cast iron look 45 bucks cast iron i could tell you when i lifted that dude he was not made of glass he was heavy let's see this i think this is gonna be cast iron as well he's heavy too whatever it is it's got a lot of weight to it is it another dog it is look definitely are they the same exact thing looks like it here they are but 45 bucks a piece hey i'll take them cast iron all right that nothing in the can unfortunately oh this is okay this is light i don't think this is gonna be cast iron no this is like a little that's the top to the base oh look at that that's fancy all right what's this first oh look it's like a piece a nice piece of amethyst in there i know you guys love rocks bird house and let's see what this clock is actually first let's see what this is this is something like this look at that definitely so let me set that over here so it doesn't get broken let's pull out this clock and see what it is oh it's heavy so the brand on it is kundo k-u-n-d-o look at that it's got a lot of weight to it i'm telling you this is heavy anything written on the bottom nope actually there is what does that say can dirt something god dang it let me take it outside the unit it's too dark in here hold on it's really bothering me k-i-e-n-i-n-g-e-r and auburn g-fail o-b-e-r-g-f-e-l-l made in germany hopefully that has some value let's get down this big old lowe's box here and see what we have inside of it before i open it please take two seconds leave this video a thumbs up because it helps us out tremendously and if you're new subscribe because we're buying storage units all the time so let's see what's in this box well it's definitely different first we have okay what do i see first this is what we see first realistically this giant envelope they only pay five dollars your ship this is old it's whoa what are these it's actually a bunch of church things so i don't know if these are like something that's gonna have value or just something that was you know particularly valuable to the owner and that's why they kept them you know it couldn't be from their personal church and have like no resale value at all realistically so look at this bear here what brand oh wow it's so heavy at the bottom this is weird it's water like literally yeah listen it literally stands up with water it says goldilocks the bear and the bears on it from 1985. definitely something i've never seen before and she's got some more clothes a little hat in there as well these are what from the editors the great books the works of plato philosophy i took a philosophy class in college and like it's interesting but at the same time when we're sitting around trying to argue if the table sitting in front of the classroom is real it kind of gets the point like come on now oh beautiful yeah fart it's so lovely let's see these are all personal pictures this is a flower a bag whoa man that is old that's cool though whatever it is it looks like a bunch of book titles zero option a little little miniature book again let's see if we can find a date on it's so old it's so interesting to me this date whatever whoever wrote 1944 oh maybe that's when they got it 1944. and you got some perfumes a bible and a basket next box let's see what's in this one open sesame alright what is that stuffing for a bear stuffing polyfill so bear stuffing their guts aka package stuffing yeah basically that's what we'll use it for unless it has value some tupperware a sweater what's this now that's fancy looking this looks like something outside of like a gothic type church i don't know what i would call it but that's cool this look at this wooden guy hi wooden guy his police officer uh red mill manufactured handcrafted in the usa that's pretty cool what's this thing oh it's heavy what is this made of no mark on it but it is like extremely heavy it almost looks like it's something like they personally made yeah it looks like it's made of clay what's this bottom here oops i clanked it didn't break it that looks hand painted doesn't it yeah set this down peacefully this time so we don't clank it are these just pictures over here yes they are let's see what's in this box right here set it down a couple of vhs's the lost world jurassic world a couple dvds just immediate blockbuster and it's not even in there great let's go to the big fan box and see what's in this one dad oh let's see rainbow stuff this looks like it might be somebody's junk drawer to be honest with you it sounds like pencils and pens and things like that well that's nice yeah that's all it is and i can tell you looking all the way down this is somebody's junk drawer paperwork this box looks like we have some more newspapers they've saved so look at this throng say goodbye to kennedy what's this one kennedy given suspended term i'm just gonna go through a couple what do you think's in here what is this and why is it so special well look at that german prisoners taking on salerno front whoa so i wonder if this is like from world war ii that's interesting definitely put that back in here they're off to the moon look at that now that's cool and then we have here pope this week what's this guy nothing that i see looks like i see some beetles though look at that old beetles more beetles beetles there's a lot of beatles magazines in here now too so just like before a lot of newspapers that we're gonna have to take a lot of time to look up and see what's worth what and what's not let's see what's in the giant shelf box here i'm gonna just set this one down here it's pretty tall what do we have is it an actual shelf no it's not it's dolls these are those old troll dolls and look it's even got its stand look at that face so it looks like there's a few another trolled off with the stand another one you see another one what is this first it's like a cat not all right yeah another troll right there and there's another one right there there's four of them with their stands and i see a couple of like the miniature ones too like the hard plastic ones like these guys yep three of them and what else is down here what is this i think that's might be the bottom of the spot now no it's heavy whatever it is it's definitely something i don't know what maybe the box of a doll at one point i don't know and other than that it's just random toys and where do you think you're going now don't you go into there he went under there i don't see him no more you criminal breaking into our stuff we caught you red handed let's see what's in the little box keep it let me caught a little criminal trying to make a run for it that thing all right oh what's in here clothespins some covergirl i would look fabulous i was like dodging a bee i thought that was just a little fly what is this it's just sewing stuff i don't know i see string and stuff yeah i'm not too sure either let's just put that aside because i don't really know makeup i'm guessing let's see yeah makeup brushes look at that little vase little miniature one i just dropped the makeup that's all right this is the same stuff i'm assuming what are those typewriter things again no idea it doesn't look like a letter no it looks like numbers on them so maybe i don't know i need your help yeah let's see household hints and handy tips the american medical association and another book what's in the chili box is that what they're doing chewy uh let's see well it's books isn't it but like we said before books and engineers have been awesome what's that it says something on i can't quite make out what it says yeah i don't know but it's a really smooth rock and we got some more of these red books so is this the same thing we found before shakespeare i'm pretty sure it is well look at the condition of this one this one's in far far better condition than the other ones let's see the plays and sonnets of william shakespeare and let's i still don't see a publication did 1982 so they're not that old unfortunately like the other one but in there all the way down our fancy looking books just like that so we have this giant blue and white ball first and foremost and doesn't have a brand on it so that now which one green or blue green we haven't done a green one yet all right oh it's heavy let's see i know what it feels like but i'm hoping i'm wrong please don't be the c word please don't be the c word no this is a word dang it well yeah that felt like exactly like closing you feel like that heavy weight but not much movement and sound in there it's probably close let's check some of the other totes well close boring let's see what's in the blue ones while they're here make sure they're all closed we'll just get them loaded close this one we'll of course go through the clothes though yeah we'll go through if there's anything good you'll see it on poshmark clothes those are good and well this one over here does that look like clothes too no no no all right let's see what's in this one then well christmas stuff christmas figurines though yeah these ones look nice at least and i'm again i don't think i said it this video if you guys want to see all these things in more detail go down in the description subscribe to our second channel the jeebus family we're gonna have a bunch of videos going through this stuff a lot slower and more peaceful keep in mind we only have 72 hours to clear out 10 by 10's we kind of got it rushed in this channel a little bit once we get home we'll make videos for you guys that want to see it on the second channel so ornament what's in this thing look at that it's like a mom and baby angel cool that's cool let me set this guy over here and these two over here let's pull out another one what's this one that's cool too it's this like that jar cookie i call it cookie jar material like a shiny glass like this porcelain maybe i don't know is it porcelain like there's porcelain dolls yeah i don't know maybe it's like shine for i don't know i call it it's cookie jar glass oh look at this little thing red-headed angel that's cool and let's see what this big one is come here oh cookie jar gloss that one that's a new turquoise officially make that a turn when it's that kind of glass i want to hear other people say that in their daily life you got a cookie jar gloss fashion this thing that is the creepy looking thing right there i want to come in your room it's just creepy uh let's see i'm gonna pull out one more thing let's follow this little thing here see what it is candle holder a scentless candle you know useless most candles are like why why don't you just make it smell good at least we're really winding down to the end here look at this remember how full this unit was this is all we got left now our garage looks like this but it's all right i don't even know if we have room for this stuff in the garage oh we're gonna have to this tote christmas rug uh christmas tree dog some ornaments down there i see nutcrackers look at that there's a minute a few miniature nutcrackers all right what's this one here this like a miniature little statue santa and the dog this toad has like a weirdly familiar smell it smells like christmas i can't put a finger look at all those nutcrackers i see one two three four five six seven nutcrackers at least right there what's this big thing whoa check that out and that's pretty cool yeah and let's see if there's anything else on this side beside oh there's a bunch of little wrap things let's open up a few and see what they are look at that little ornament by three let's see what this guy is oh is this one of those things oh not the jewelry box so there's nothing in it all right and then we have lastly santa and a little gut kid there's also a bunch more figurines in this tote but we'll see those on the second channel let's start going to the last of the boxes this one says fragile glass on it let's see what kind of glass we have in this thing that doesn't look like glass to me that's what it looks like fabric but under it look at this glass paper towels and look at these little things these could these be the silver ones we found before it doesn't say it says japan but we found things like this before they were like this and they were actually sterling silver so i don't know i'll test those at some point let's see if it's like collector's glass or just like wine glasses it looks like it's gonna be just wine glasses things like that yeah they all look clear yeah they're all the same exact thing it's literally like 20 of those wine glasses next one right here it says robertson 808 on it all right oh well another book ones oh the darwin book that's cool let's see how old this one is i haven't seen this one yet um i'm gonna guess probably the 80s as well because it's like too nice to be really really old like some of the other ones were oh yeah 1980 look at that guest right there this whole box of books next box off the top this one feels heavy too maybe more books yeah this one is books but this time we have a holy bible it looks different let's see how old the bible is and i'm not seeing it so it looks older though but not too sure exactly how old is this the stories of john shever do we have a date in this one this looks like the same age as the other ones 80s yeah yeah i don't need to look forward you can pretty much tell you have galileo here these ones are richard's tropical encyclopedias but again box of books now let's pull this one off the top and see what's in it it's heavy so we got another one of these bags from like a thrift store probably they did some picking themselves and it looks like glassware i wish those were in there like all those gold dollars that'd be nice but it looks like it's just glassware yep a bunch of glassware in the bag so we'll just keep it in there set it aside sit sit a couple cookbooks that's kind of interesting open up but look at that old historic looking book right there so this is modern biology i doubt it's modern now but yeah when it was made it was modern biology what is this bicentennial illustrated history of the united states that sounds interesting that sounds very interesting cool uh what's this one well big holy bible uh one nation some old textbooks it looks like it looks like a lot of u.s history and american history trivia i'm going to open one if you get it right me yeah oh lord randomly i'll give you i don't know i'm going to get it wrong all right what were you used to run large machines before motors were invented run large machines i would have got that a lever thingy i don't know a water wheel a water oh you mean like run okay one more one more all right right here ready which state is known as the show me state i have no idea i'll just make a good guess colorado missouri yeah i had no idea about that one we're just gonna put that away so i just went through all these boxes literally every single one of them were just set to books so we just loaded them on up maybe you'll see even more detail the jesus family coming over there but now let's see what's in this tote what are these these are full that's interesting 15 bucks two piece that's kind of cool that's the other one i'm assuming let's see what's in these little things this is like thrifting but they do the work for me it's just like i just come get all the cool stuff they find look at the details on those cups that's pretty cool um something in here all right it's pretty heavy vase it's pretty though and well we got another one of those lamps a halloween cake pen see if i see anything different around the edges no other than that it looks like just a bunch more glassware so i've shown all the other furniture we haven't got this stuff down yet so first and foremost this wooden chair looks like it's very similar to the other type of wood the other things were is there anything written on the bottom of it that you can see um something let's see from woodward and lothric and then there's something like written in like chalk or something but it doesn't make sense to me all right well there's that then there's this coffee table or end table whatever you want to call it i don't think this one's old what do you think i mean maybe like 80s for me to look like antique like the other ones yeah more old than what we have nowadays yeah yeah let's see what this is oh this one's nice this one isn't doesn't have any scratches either let's see what's in the drawers nothing nothing this feels like oh it should look at whoa whoa no that's cool this is old definitely i can tell you this one's old but i don't want to lift it up and try to like read the bottom of it right now well this unit is finally empty we never caught our little robbers though i don't know where they went hiding out they broke in here and now they're hiding from what scared little cowards but one thing you got to be a master out in the storage unit business is tetris look at the back of this truck this is pretty impressive you know every time we do it and load it up and it all fits and it's just like everything fits into place so perfectly it's just oddly satisfying feeling it really is but that's all of it don't forget to go to the second channel of course and see this stuff in more detail leave it a thumbs up thanks for watching guys until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 57,450
Rating: 4.9171023 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2021, storage unit finds car, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, storage unit finds mrbeast, storage unit finds pokemon cards, storage unit finds reddit, storage unit finds shoes, storage unit finds videos, storage unit auction finds, storage unit business, storage unit wars, storage auction, storage wars episodes, real storage auction, self storage, found money, how to make money, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 0xfh0FC-yyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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