Pokemon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Water Type Pokemon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hey everyone my name is flygon hg and this is the video of my attempts at a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke using only water type pokemon let's lay out the hardcore nuzlocke rules the basic noslock rules always apply one if a pokemon ever faints in battle it is considered dead and two i can only catch the first water type pokemon i find on each route there will be a few exceptions for pokemon used exclusively for hms though the next set of rules are considered hardcore nuzlocke rules to make the run more difficult items cannot be used in battle no potions no x items held items however are allowed next i cannot level any of my pokemon i use past the next gym leader's highest leveled pokemon until the start of the gym battle and lastly battle mode must be on set for the whole run okay those are the rules now let's talk about water type pokemon unlike my first monotype nuzlocke challenge where i used grass types and pokemon emerald there's a lot of pretty great water type pokemon they're the most common type of pokemon and there's a lot of secondary type combinations that provide relatively good coverage for major weaknesses in platinum there are a total of 17 unique water type evolution lines when you count bidduff and eevee who both evolve into water type pokemon that's a lot more encounters than my last few challenges so i'm looking forward to having a bit more fun with this one on top of that pokemon like gyarados vaporeon milotic and even empoleon are very good pokemon so this challenge should be a bit less stressful let's see if that's true quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line alright let's do this i start the game by picking the water type starter piplup obviously i name her pippen because we're going with the lord of the rings nickname theme i realize that pippin is a boy and this piplup is not but the name is too good and i don't know if you know this but there aren't that many female characters in lord of the rings anyways as soon as i get pokeballs i go to route 202 and catch a beedoof i name her arwen she's simple i also pick up the old rod and head to route 219 to pick up a magikarp i name him gimli and this 22 pound piece of premium seafood is going to be the absolute carry of this run if you didn't know this already gyarados is a filthy pokemon especially for nuzlockes it's bulky it has the ability to intimidate which is a phenomenal ability and it hits like a truck and our gimli has a lonely nature which means quarantine has been a bit easier on him and he gets a buff to his attack meaning he hits like a slightly bigger truck that is he will once he evolves into gyarados right now he's just here for moral support it's time for our first rival fight i name him potato because that's hilarious i feel like i really don't need to explain why that's so funny anyways the rival in platinum is actually pretty good later in the game but right now he's a joke because he won't even use a grass type move with his tur twig it's a pretty easy win on our way to orberg city i pick up a psyduck and name him mary with all the possible encounters collected it's time to take on the first gym later rourke if you didn't figure it out from the fact that roark's name sounds like a drunk dad trying to name his son rock rorke uses rock type pokemon which should be pretty easy for our water types to handle and it is cranidos is pretty scary but with the extra level that mary gets from taking out geodude and onyx he's able to outspeed cranidos and knock it out with two water guns badge number one is ours next we make our way to floroma town and on the way arwen evolves into her beautiful final form a b barrel and she finally gets access to the powerful move water gun pippin also evolves into print club past floroma town i catch a shellos outside of valley wind works and i name him bilbo in order to progress though we need to confront galactic commander mars inside valley windworks her per ugly can be terrifying because of how fast and ugly it is it's a notorious nuzlocke killer she starts the battle by leading with a zubat and i lead with arwin i set up with defense curl since simple doubles changes to stats so i'll get double the buff in defense and then i take out the zubat with two tackles per ugly comes out but thanks to the defense girls she can't do much damage okay unless she crits but surely that won't happen twice right yeah i deserved that all my videos are basically psas about critical hits and how to avoid them but in this case there's not much that i could really do none of my other pokemon could take a critical hit either and arwen is ultimately replaceable in this run anyways so r.i.p arwen bilbo and mary take care of perugli and we win the battle after burying arwen i do what i should have done before taking on mars i grind up gimli to level 20 where he evolves into the unstoppable monster that is gyarados and i make sure to do this leveling up on shanks and machop in order to pump him full of attack evs so that he hits like an even bigger truck next i catch a weasel on route 205 and i name him legolas after some training it's time to take on the second gym leader gardenia she has grass types which is definitely a problem fortunately gyarados's nonsensical secondary typing of flying means that gimli takes neutral damage from grass moves but gardenia's roserade still hits pretty hard with grass knot and i can't one shot it so i do have to be careful gardenia leads tertwig and i lead pippin i hit the turtwig with pluck which actually gets a critical hit and one shots it that's actually a little inconvenient because i wanted to set up stealth rocks on the turtwig but cherum comes out next and i set up stealth rocks now i then hit two plucks for some damage i need to get gimli in before roserade comes out but i can't afford the damage that cherum would do with the magical leaf so to get kimly in safely legolas comes out and makes the ultimate sacrifice rest well soldier gimli comes in takes out the cherum and levels up getting just enough speed to out speed the roserade roserade comes out last and gimli hits it with a return while she retap oh i guess that was a one shot either my calculations were a bit off or gardenias roserade has some very mediocre defense ivs because that was never supposed to be a one shot this means i sacked legolas for no reason my bad well thanks for the needless sacrifice anyways my guy with that we get badge number two up next is the other notorious plasma commander commander jupiter she has a skunk tank that loves to crit in a zubat with a sneaky giga drain tech in platinum i lead bilbo who happens to have a hidden power type of psychic really lucked out there and it takes out the zubat with two hidden powers skunk tank comes out and i switch to gimli which lowers the skunk tank's attack with intimidate but that doesn't actually matter if he crits fortunately he doesn't as he hits two night slashes while gimli goes for a return gimli probably won't knock it out with another return and scuntank might actually knock out gimli with a night slash crit here but i decide to risk it and it turns out that it's actually me who gets the crit oh how the turns have tabled with that we head to harthome city and once i'm there baby bibi the bear she gives me an eevee who i named frodo because he is just the purest and the most innocent of us all it'll be a hot second before he gets to be a water type but his normal typing is actually somewhat useful for the third gym leader fantina who uses ghost types she leads duskol who gets one shot with a bite from gimli another bite also one shots haunter miss maggias comes out last outspeeds gimli hits him with a confuse ray and survives a bite as gimli breaks through confusion i switch out to frodo to cure the confusion and he shakes off a shadow ball and then i switch back to gimli who breaks through another confusion and knocks out ms maggias winning us the third gym badge before we can leave hartham city potato wants another battle he leads star avia and has a surprisingly terrifying strategy that involves double team and endeavor he gets one hit point away from killing pippin thanks to some misses i switched to gimli and thankfully hit a dragon rage because otherwise that entire battle could have been a complete disaster gimli sweeps through the rest of his team with no problem but that was really truly terrifying on the other side of potato a fisherman gives me a good rod so i can get a few fishing encounters from around sinnoh on route 209 i catch a golden and i name her galadriel on route 218 i catch a fineon and name her aoen and in eterna city i catch a bar boat and name him gandalf gandalf joins the team and i box galadriel and eowyn not very good pokemon in the silesian ruins i also get a water stone so i immediately evolve frodo into a vaporeon on our way to valeston city i find a merrell on route 215. merrell can have the ability thick fat or the ability huge power huge power doubles its attack stat making it the significantly preferable ability but based on the damage that it's doing to frodo it seems like this one has thick fat instead so i decide to skip it for now so i can get another chance at merrell with huge power on a later route before taking on the fourth gym i do some training where bilbo evolves into gastrodon and gandalf evolves into wiscash the 4th gym leader meilene uses fighting types but her ace is a lucario that's weak to ground moves i try to come up with some sort of justification for teaching one of these guys the earthquake tm that this game just gives you before the fourth gym but it's just so much better on gimli gyarados is a monster of a pokemon so i'm gonna give him the hundred base power earthquake tm meleen leads with meditait who gets intimidated by gimli this thing does know rock tomb so i switch to bilbo bobo gets hit by a critical drain punch as i hit a mudslap to lower accuracy not wanting to get killed by a second crit i switch to gandalf and eventually take down the metatype lucario comes out next but he's completely walled by gimli and goes down to an earthquake machoke is last and this thing also knows rock tomb so a few switches between gandalf and gimli take it out and that gets us the fourth gym badge next up we head south to pastoria city on the way mary evolves into blue duck once we get to pastoria city i go straight to the great marsh to catch a whooper which i named smeagle i know this whooper is a girl but i'm running really low on female lord of the rings characters here so you might want to take that up with tolkien smeagle is also now my third water ground pokemon but it's also the best of the three so he replaces gandalf soon after that smeagol evolves into quagsire which has just the derpiest of sprites in platinum look at this idiot such a great sprite anyways i make my way to route 212 to catch a merrell and i name him samwise but he has the ability thick fat again aka he's garbage so he goes into the box next we have what i can only describe as just about the dumbest thing to ever happen to me in any nuzlocke i'm training up frodo the vaporeon in lost tower on gas lease since he knows bite now what you might not know is that lost tower is covered in fog also known as the dumbest part of sinnoh whoever came up with this should be fired and since i like teaching my pokemon good moves instead of useless crappy moves i didn't bother teaching anyone defog to help remove all of the fog so this means that the accuracy of every attack is dropped by a factor of three-fifths so when i encounter this ghastly i happen to miss bite twice in a row normally not a problem however these two bites happen to be the last two byte pp that i have since i've been training frodo for a while now outside of bite frodo only knows normal moves meaning that he can't hit gastly again normally not a problem i'll just switch out to someone who can hit it or just run from the battle only problem is in the turns that i missed bite this ghastly used curse which takes a sixth of my health every turn and then he used mean luck which prevents me from switching or running so i am completely powerless as i have to just watch this level 18 ghastly kill frodo the fellowship has failed after taking an appropriate amount of time to grieve and kick myself for being such a i bring gandalf back onto the team during some training pippin evolves into empoleon and after a bit more training it's time to take on the 5th gym leader crasher wake but not before getting surprise challenge by potato right outside the gym i feel like this happens once every challenge where my rival will randomly pop up to challenge me when i least expect it fortunately other than histaravia and its endeavor tactics it's a pretty tame fight and nobody goes down as i was saying now it's time to fight crasher wake who also fancies himself a water type trainer but the question is who's better it's me yeah i mean crash awake is a pushover badge number five is pretty easy now that we have access to surf we have a few more encounters to get i forgot that i could fish in pastoria city to get a rem raid so i do that first though i named him boromir and for now he goes into the box next i head to route 220 to catch a tentacle named saruman and route 213 to catch a win goal named elrond both joined the team replacing gandalf and bilbo soon after saruman evolves into tentacruel elrond also evolves in developer but i don't have that footage because i forgot to record it however i do have this picture of a window which i can replace with a picture of a pelipper hopefully you get the idea anyways in cantaloupe city potato wants a rematch on a bridge which seems like a very dangerous place to have a pokemon battle but since this raptor no longer has endeavor and he hasn't taught it close combat yet this fight is actually pretty easy next i challenge the sixth gym leader byron who's the drunk dad that named his kid rourke he leads magneton which goes down to a mud bomb from bilbo stelix comes out and goes down to a surf his ace bastyodon is last and has the move metal burst which is an attack that deals back 50 more damage than the damage taken so i have to be really careful here fortunately i can put it to sleep with smeagle unfortunately smeagol gets hit with a taunt which prevents me from using non-attacking moves so i have to do a few switches but once bastidon gets put to sleep i switch in pippin and then i take it out with two okay or i get a crit with surf and that was all a huge waste of time alright the sixth badge is mine next up is just a whole lot of team plasma stuff but for now none of it is particularly challenging so let's go ahead and just skip to the seventh gym in snow point city candace uses ice type pokemon including an obama snow that will kill anything on my team with a critical hit wood hammer and a frost lass with snow cloak that likes to avoid attacks when hail is up but now that my level cap is level 44 gimli is finally able to learn dragon dance one of the best setup moves in the game she leads with sneezel and i lead with saruman to set up toxic spikes the toxic spikes are in case i miss all my attacks on frost last after setting those up i switched to gimli and set up two dragon dances as sneasel does some very baby damage now it's sweeping time earthquake knocks out sneezel and aquatail knocks out piloswine obama's snow comes out but by equipping a cherry berry to gimli and teaching him natural gift i get a fire type move that one shots the obama snow he did set up the hail though so when frost last comes out i don't want to risk a miss so i decide to switch to pippin frost last uses double team but pippin resists all of her attacks and i've given her a wide lens to increase her accuracy so eventually pippin connects with a flash cannon and frost last goes down winning us the 7th gym badge before i can continue my wildly important gym campaign i have to take a tiny detour to mount coronet to stop team plasma and you know save the world from plunging into the distortion world at the summit i'm tag teamed by mars and jupiter but thankfully potato comes in to help this battle can occasionally be very tough because potato can often times be pretty much dead weight especially with his stupid munchlax however i can just spam surf and that'll do damage to not only mars and jupiter's bronzers but also potatoes dumb little munchlax so munchlax goes down and rapidash comes out another surf kills both the bronzors and also potatoes rabbit ash per ugly and scunting come out but a brick break from potato's floatzel and a surf from pippin kill the perugli next golbat comes out and i switch to saruman as potato's floatzel goes down a few ice beams from saruman and an assist from storapter take out the rest of mars and jupiter's pokemon potato actually pulled his weight on that one next up cyrus does this look no one plays pokemon for the plot eventually i fall into a black hole where i have to face cyrus i've skipped the other cyrus fights because they're relatively easy but this one can canonically be very difficult he leads hound doom but saruman outspeeds him and hits him with a choice spec surf for the one shot next is hauntcrow who gets one shot by the queen of critical hits as i switch in pippin next is gyarados and i get a free switch into my gyarados as he earthquakes i set up two dragon dances and then sweep through cyrus's team thankfully cyrus's gyarados doesn't have dragon dance otherwise that would be a pretty terrifying fight speaking of terrifying now i have to take on the lord of darkness giratina himself he's a pretty scary pokemon but he's actually completely walled by pippin steel typing is really amazing and has pretty good synergy with water typing especially before it was nerfed in later generations giratina just goes down to two choice specs ice beams with that the world is saved and i can get back to the important things in life forcing animals to fight each other for money now that i have access to sunnyshore city i head to route 223 and catch my final encounter a man type who i name aragorn technically there is one more encounter remaining a fibas and mount coronet but it's incredibly difficult to get and i'm actually pretty happy with my team so i don't bother anyways i replace elrond with aragorn i also replace mary who has basically become an hm pokemon with boromir the remorad that i have in the box the reason that i kept warm or boxed until now is because in order to evolve mantike into mantine i actually need to have a remarade in my party it's a pretty cool and unique evolution mechanic i train aragorn and boromir on gastly in the old chateau to max out their special attack in the process they both evolve though i actually forgot to record aragorn evolving so you'll have to use your imagination next is the final gym leader volkner who has electric types this is simultaneously very scary and not scary at all my ground water types are completely immune to electricity and earthquake from smeagle should make it a pretty clean sweep however smeagle is slower than all of volkner's pokemon so i'm a bit worried that the chip damage from each of his pokemon would put smeagle in range of a kill from volkner's electavire especially if the electavire gets a critical hit so instead i plan to set up with gimli which might not seem ideal with his four times weakness to electric attacks however volkner leads with jolteon whose only attacking electric type move is charge beam which only has 10 pp by leading aragorn i can bait a charge beam switch to smeagle who's immune to the attack and then switch back to aragorn on a weak iron tail i can rinse and repeat that until jolteon runs out of charge beam pp i also make sure to do this until he's completely out of thunder waves as well because we don't really want to deal with paralysis but once jolteon is left with only quick attacks it's an easy setup with gimli and then a clean sweep of the rest of volkner's team that's the eighth and final gym badge right there the final challenge of this run is the elite four and the champion but before being able to take them on potato challenges me one last time but i'm a bit over leveled for this fight so it's not particularly difficult most of his pokemon go down to single shots and those that don't never really do any real damage so it's a clean win after some final grinding to hit our level cap of 59 which matches lucian's level 59 gallade here is my final team it's an odd fellowship for sure but unlike in most of these challenge runs it's actually a pretty solid team let's see if they can take on the elite four and most importantly the champion the first elite four member is aaron who specializes in bugs he leads you on mega who goes down to an ice beam from pippin for the earlier elite four members we're pretty over leveled aerocross comes out next but i've taught pip in drill peck which one shots that as well vespaquen is next and goes down to a few ice beams while she just tries to build up her defenses next is cesar so i switch to gimli to lower his attack with intimidate and then i switch to boromir because boromir has flamethrower which i think is hilarious good job little buddy you earn your keep on this team last up for aaron is drapion who isn't a bug type but that's fine frapian gets completely walled by pippin and goes down to a few serves and with that aaron is down up next is bertha but she's got ground types so she's not particularly difficult for our water types she leads wiscash i lead pippin who i've taught the tm grass not that gardenia graciously gave me after she murdered legolas with the choice specs that's enough to one-shot whisk cash and since grassnot increases power on heavier pokemon it's also enough to one-shot the hungry hungry hippo that comes out next hippowdon did set up the sand though which is good for the sandvale glysore that comes in next so i switch in smeagle and set up a rain dance then a switch to aragorn and a rain boosted surf is more than enough to one-shot the glysore golem and riperia in the back don't stand a chance against rain boosted surfs either so that's bertha defeated next is flint the fire type trainer and since this is platinum he actually has fire types so this is a pretty easy win saramon with the choice bex outspeeds and one shots every single one of flint's pokemon except magmordar who wastes time setting up a solar beam for some reason even though he knows thunderbolt the final elite four member is lucian who is actually very scary he has psychic type pokemon like alakazam and gallade which can hit very hard and also have a lot of coverage moves i'm gonna need to set up with gimli to make sure that i can out speed and one shot them before they can get off any attacks lucian leads mr mime but the mr mime knows thunderbolt so just like with volkner's jolteon i have to pp stall him until he's out of thunderbolts psychic hits a bit harder on the switch than vulchner's jolteon though so i also have to use pippin and when that happens the order of my pokemon on the screen switches and i'm not paying attention and accidentally switching aragorn instead of smeagle unfortunately that means that aragorn gets hit by a thunderbolt and goes down i am so sorry aragorn you did not deserve this and this is completely my fault i promise you you will be avenged from here i do take it much slower but eventually i get to the point where mr mime has used up all of his thunderbolts i yawned him to sleep with smeagle set up four dragon dances and then sweep through the rest of lucian's team with waterfall that's the elite four and were only down one pokemon which admittedly was my fault the last fight is cynthia the champion who is notorious for being incredibly difficult and absolutely devastating nuzlocks especially with her ultra-powerful ultra-fast garchomp fortunately with gimli and dragon dance things should be pretty easy but on the off chance that something does go wrong with this strategy saruman should be able to out speed and one shot the guard chomp with ice beam if i did my calculations correctly but let's hope it doesn't come to that cynthia starts with a spirit tomb and i start with smeagle i yawn the spear tomb and set up rain dance on the next turn so that gyarados can get a free switch in on spare time's first turn of sleep gyarados sets up two dragon dances while spiritual takes a nap i can easily get away with a third dragon dance here because even if spear tomb wakes up and gets a crit it shouldn't do enough to kill me but that could cause problems in the back for extreme speed lucario so i decide to not be greedy and kill the spirit tomb with a waterfall out comes togekiss but an ice fang is enough for the one okay okay not a big deal because shockwave can't one-shot gyarados from full health you've got to be freaking kidding me the one time to not get a critical hit unbelievable but i guess that's the game of pokemon sometimes i think i can still win this but that's pretty devastating i bring saramon out and kill the toga kiss with a few choice specs ice beams and then out comes the harbinger of death guard chomp my calc told me that i should out speed it and i should be able to one shot it but i also thought togekiss would die to an ice fang so i really have no idea but in this case i really can't do anything else so i click ice beam and okay i out speed it and i get the one shot turns out it's a critical hit so we'll never actually know if my calculation was right but at this point i'm just insanely relieved never underestimate tentacruel by the way it's a very good pokemon very fast pretty strong very bulky roserade comes out next and goes down to two ice beams in hindsight i probably should have switched out because extra sensory did a lot of damage next is mylodic who's pretty scary because she knows miraco which doubles the damage the user receives from special moves so unless i can one shot it we kinda have a problem and i can't one shot it i switch to pippin and start chipping away with flash cannon i'm hoping for a special defense drop but it never comes eventually i get my lodic to low enough health where a grass knot can finish her off and she goes down cynthia's last pokemon is lucario but we aren't out of the woods yet this thing is faster than pippin and will do big damage to anything that i have in the back so unfortunately i have to sack pippin in for a clean switch godspeed friend you were here from the beginning and you almost made it to the very end based on what i have left i have exactly one play left and fittingly it's to sacrifice boromir i send boromir out who gets hit by an r sphere and that rsphere does just barely enough to mean that a critical hit would have killed him thankfully though he doesn't get that critical hit and boromir is able to retaliate with his serf this puts lucario in range of a kill from saruman to get the clean switch in though boromir has to get sacked the last thing to do is switch in saruman and knock out lucario with surf but here if lucario gets a critical hit with extreme speed that'll be enough to kill saruman thankfully he doesn't get that doesn't even go for it and saruman hits the surf clenching a very hard earned victory that last battle was terrifying but back against the wall we somehow managed to turn it around and get into the hall of fame the only survivors of our final team ironically were sauromon and smeagle today i guess evil wins the day overall this was an incredibly fun run say for a few points here and there it wasn't terribly difficult but there was enough of a challenge to keep things interesting and keep me thinking gyarados was the mvp of this run for sure and in general he's just incredible in most nuzlockes so that's not entirely a surprise i think this challenge would be significantly harder without using gyarados maybe even impossible since i'm not sure how you'd be able to beat gardenia but banning dragon dance strats might be a way to make the latter part of this game a little bit harder anyways i'd highly recommend this challenge if you're interested in giving it a go platinum is a great game the grinding is quick with iron island and the versa seeker and the large number of water types in the game gives you a lot of versatility to work with maybe there's some way that i could have won with a c king on my team up next for me is completing the monotype trifecta by doing pokemon white 2 with fire type pokemon only this should be a very tough challenge so i'm really looking forward to it stay tuned for that if you enjoyed watching this video please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know whatever thanks for watching and remember to always always always play around the critical hit you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 892,776
Rating: 4.9312348 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Gaming, Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges, Pokemon Platinum
Id: h_xartSNi-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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