Pokémon Ultra Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke on my first ever playthrough! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flagon HG and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore Nuzlocke of Pokemon Ultra sun to see what I Define as hardcore Nuzlocke roles check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leaders Ace and we're playing on set mode in most of my hardcore Nuzlocke videos I have some sort of additional set of rules to make the hardcore Nuzlocke even harder than it already is usually it's a monotype run or some sort of theme that limits the Pokemon that I can catch but in this video it's just a plain old regular run-of-the-mill hardcore Nuzlocke and there's a couple reasons for that for one ultrasound and Ultra moon are easily the hardest Pokemon games to Nuzlocke outside of ROM hacks of course they're the only Mainline Pokemon game where trainers before the post game have fully EV trained Pokemon almost every named character in the game uses Pokemon with near perfect IVs that have been strategically EV trained in addition to that the totem challenges in the alola region pit you against very powerful totem Pokemon that often get Omni boosts at the start of the battle and can call upon allies to make the battle a two on one so it requires a lot of strategy to complete even a regular hardcore Nuzlocke of these games the other reason I didn't include any extra rules is because Pokemon Ultra sun and Ultra moon are the only main series Pokemon games that I've never played I wasn't a huge fan of sun and moon and then when ultrasun and Ultra Moon came out I just kind of didn't buy them honestly I was content never having played these games and living in Blissful ignorance but then I got a DM from another polka tuber named chaotic meatball who suggested that we both play ultrasun and see how well we do so here we are with my first ever playthrough of Pokemon Ultra Sun just as a quick reminder before we start I play with species claws so I'll be able to re-roll encounters until I get a unique encounter but I can only use one of each unique Evolution line also this challenge had a few extra rules specifically for ultrasound and Ultra Moon Pokemon Emi was not allowed but Z moves were I considered Ultra beasts to be similar to legendaries and were therefore banned I also also banned island scan and whatever SOS chaining is as always a full list of rules is in the description below so without further Ado let's see how this goes naturally I start the game by choosing my stuff wait there's a cut scene okay A little girl dressed like a widow who vacations at Martha's Vineyard is running away from some scientists oh look okay that space man wants to give her a hug but she doesn't seem really into it okay now her bag is glowing and uh oh what a title card very cinematic well that was a very fun opening cut scene to what will surely be an immersive RPG anyways naturally I start the game by two oh okay there's another cut scene let's see zooming in on an island that's an old lady probably my mom okay she has a Meowth and now she's asking the Meowth to assist her with her parenting responsibilities okay now it looks like we're seeing the world from meowth's POV I guess that's something I've always wanted in my Pokemon games okay okay now we're slowly panning through my room poly whirl rug Pikachu doll pincer blankets seems like my character is a die-hard gen Warner you know what let's just cut to picking my starter several minutes later I can choose between who murar and bork bork eventually I pick rowlet because it's the only starter that I like from this generation popplio belongs in the ocean not dragging its stomach across miles of gravel following a 10 year old around and litten evolves into incineroar who uh make makes me uncomfortable I name our new rowlet owl Olympics and then Our Journey Begins after several more minutes of dialogue before I have time to think though I'm interrupted by my rival Howe who wants a battle with the new Pokemon we just got but as with many of the rivals in later Pokemon games Hal graduated from the Weenie Hut school for Rivals so he chooses a popplio our Olympics also starts with Le foji so it's pretty easy to take him out as a note there's about 500 major and minor battles with characters that some might call important if you're using the loosest definition of the word important so for the sake of time I just really can't cover all of them so this is going to be the last fight that you see with Hal for quite some time because most of them are pretty easy here's a list of other major battles that I'll be skipping okay now it's time for Encounters in ultrasound and Ultra Moon Route 1 is massive using normal Nuzlocke rules you'd only be allowed to get one encounter from Route 1. since even though there are different sub areas they all show up as Route 1 in the Pokemon stat page this means that your Route 1 encounter is your starter normally this would be fine you just gotta wait until the next route unfortunately there is a battle in ultrasound and Ultra moon with the head of the trainer school on Route 1 and you can't leave Route 1 until you beat her and she has a Pokemon with a guaranteed super effective move against your starter in my case she has a litten so with a hardcore level cap it's virtually impossible to beat this trainer with just your starter so I've decided to make an exception here which from my understanding is pretty standard although Olympics is my encounter for Route 1 proper I catch a Slowpoke from Route 1 howli outskirts and an alolan Meowth from Route 1 trainer school I named the Slowpoke spectator and I named the Meowth Gatlin with these new encounters spectator in particular the head of the trainer school is fairly easy to take out Linton goes down to just three water guns next we head to how holy city and find a magnumite as usual I won't cover every single encounter in the game but we end up using a wide range of Pokemon so I'll mention every single one that will make an appearance later down the road I name our new magnumite shot put and he joins the team now it's time to take on the first trial Captain which is the alola Region's version of Gym Leaders each trial Captain makes you do a trial challenge where you face a giant totem Pokemon the level of the next totem Pokemon is usually what determines the current level cap but occasionally before doing the trial challenge you have to fight the trial Captain if all of this seems confusing to you that's because it is this game has so much stuff to do and deciding how to set up a Nuzlocke around it is actually really annoying but either way Alima isn't too much of a problem and we're able to win the battle next up I catch a makuhita from Route 2 and name him JV Captain even that we have the normal type trial coming up this is a pretty awesome catch I also catch a Psyduck from Sandy cave and name her Katie leducky and from haloli Cemetery I catch a Zubat I name him Sotomayor and now it's time for alima's trial trials usually start with some type of minor children's puzzle where you have to battle some Pokemon because there are certain trials where you can't actually leave after you've started I decided that it's okay if a Pokemon levels past the level cap during the trial so by the time we get to the first totem Pokemon a massive gumshoes whose defense has been buffed JV Captain has already gained a level during the trial we also picked up the TM for brick break so this ends up being a fairly easy fight JV Captain is pre-poisoned since he has guts so after tanking a tackle a brick break nearly knocks out gumshoosh in one shot gumshoosh then calls a young goose as an ally so now it's a two-on-one I switched to shot put and tank another tackle then a magnet bomb kills gumshoos two more magnet bombs finish off the little youngus and with that we've completed our first trial there's only only one trial on melee melee Island so now it's time to take on the island Kahuna in the first Grand trial which is basically just like a battle against a gym leader so that becomes the new level cap now there's more to the island to explore before that though so we get a few more encounters inverted cave I catch a Noibat and name her Simone biles in melee melee Meadows I catch a Caterpie and name him Michael Phelps and lastly on Route 3 I catch a Mankey and name him Judo now I don't have a particularly elegant transition into this next bit because I'm missing a bit of footage but before fighting the island Kahuna Hala who specializes in fighting types I figured that it would be good to get the TM for Roost to teach it to my flying types in order to get the TM for Roost you need to fight Ace trainer makana on Route 3 who will only fight you after you fought every other trainer on the route there's a few of these Ace trainers throughout the game and each one will give you a TM for beating them now viewer as I've already said I've never played ultrasound and Ultra Moon before if I had played these games before I would have known that these Ace trainers are very very powerful not only do these trainers have Pokemon at pretty high levels relative to where they are in the game their Pokemon also usually have Max IVs and they're usually also fully EV trained and they usually have pretty strong moves and in the case of Ace trainer makana's Butterfree it also has its hidden ability which is tinted lens meaning that it's not very effective moves do double damage I knew exactly none of this so imagine my surprise when I switch in shot put into a resisted silver wind and lose over half my health but that's not even the fun part the fun part is that this Butterfree also got the 10 Omni Boost from silverwind meaning that this tinted lens perfect IV Max special attack EVS Butterfree is Juiced up and ready to destroy my team I believe that the scientific term for this is that I am now fortunately this Butterfree Only Knows silver wind and Roost since silver wind only has 5 PP it can only hit me four more times so I'm unlikely to wipe here but no one on my team can really handle a plus one tinted lens silver wind except maybe Sotomayor the Zubat viewers with weak Constitution may want to look away for this next bit it's a massacre a bloodbath Butterfree is Mothra and my poor Pokemon are expendable civilians bits and pieces of My Pokemon are being scattered across the battlefield left and right as silver winds tear through them Sotomayor is able to tank a single silver wind since he quad resists it so it's only Judo Gatlin and spectator that fall rest well you beautiful souls thank you for your sacrifice once Butterfree is out of silver winds I just stall it out of roosts and then a combination of recoil from struggle and packs from Olympics finish it off that was brutal well when Bruce Wayne fell into a cave full of bats as a child he faced his greatest nightmare by becoming the Batman so after I lost half my team to a Butterfree I decided to face my nightmare by evolving Michael Phelps into Metapod and then into a Butterfree of my own and with that it's time to face holla for the melee melee Island Grand trial but since I'm basically a flying type trainer right now this is pretty easy holla leads Machop and I lead Michael Phelps Machop uses Focus energy and then I put it to sleep with the Sleep powder Paula uses a full restore as I hit a gust so then I hit another sleep powder and then another Gus knocks it out makuhita is second and immediately hits Michael Phelps with a fake out then I put it to sleep with sleep powder I hit it with a gust and then makuhita wakes up and hits an arm thrust so I put it back to sleep and then I go for a roost as it sleeps a final Gus knocks out the makuhita and then the last Pokemon for Hala is cripp rawler he out speeds to hit a Pursuit but then I put it to sleep with sleep powder then I Roost to heal up her brawler wakes up and hits another Pursuit but two gusts from Michael Phelps are enough to knock it out and that wins us a pretty easy Grand trial with holla defeated we can now go to akala Island but first I go to 10 carrot Hill and catch a car Bank aka the carry of this run Carbink is an absolute defensive tank and he's cute as heck too welcome to the team medalist on akala island Olympics evolves into dartrix then I get an Eevee egg from the daycare it hatches in paniola town and I name him Ashton Eaton for now I just put him into the box until I decide what I want to evolve him into then I catch a piggy pack on Route 4 and I name her Javelin I also catch a mud Bray at paniola Ranch unfortunately she doesn't have the ability stamina which is quite good so I just name her Sprinter that's a little bit of running humor for my fellow Runners out there then piggy pack evolves into trombique and now it's time to take on Lana's water trial Lana's trial requires me to fight a totem araquinid which gets a speed boost it's also raining so thanks to the rain and Iraq when its water bubble ability its water moves do stupid amounts of damage I lead Michael Phelps and instantly put the arachnid to sleep annoyingly it can still call allies in its sleep so a tiny Jupiter comes out on the next turn I do a silly dance and Michael Phelps uses his flying type Z move at supersonic strike which does a good chunk of damage unfortunately arachnid wakes up and hits Michael Phelps with a bubble baby Jupiter also hits a bubble that's really good damage considering that bubble has a base power of 40. anyways I put the araquanid back to sleep and get hit with another bubble from Jupiter which thankfully doesn't crit on the next turn I go for a roost as a racquet mercifully stays asleep and I get hit by another bubble from Jupiter I go for another Roost and luckily arachnid stays asleep again then I go for a gust but Iraq when it hangs on with just a sliver and then it wakes up so a double bubble from araquinid and baby Jupiter take out Michael Phelps you'd think that the Pokemon named Michael Phelps wouldn't be felled by water but so it goes rest well buddy I bring out trombique who kills the arachnid with a pluck and then after getting hit by a bubble pluck finishes off the baby Jupiter and that's the water trial completed during Lana's trial we got the ability to surf on a la Pro so that lets me get a few more encounters from Brooklet Hill I catch a surskit and name her skater from melee melee C I catch a Mantyke and name her Surfer and from kalei Bay I catch a Magikarp and name him diver from here I have to do whatever the hell this is there's a guy that I've definitely never seen before wearing some sort of mucha Lucha mask as well as gladion and how and we each have one Pokemon in what looks like this feral cage match free-for-all I'll be honest I didn't really pay attention when they were babbling through the cutscenes that led up to the battle and the battle also started immediately after the cut scene which I unwittingly activated by walking into the building so I was not remotely prepared for this Sprinter happened to be at the front of the party when I walked into the building so he's the one that comes out I was told by my twitch chat that the battle would end as soon as one of the other Pokemon gets knocked out so I go for bulldozes to knock out the rock rough turns out that rockruff has protect and it uses it a lot so it takes way longer to kill it than it should have had I just focused on double kicking type Knoll I definitely could have ended this battle much faster I'm able to kill the rockruff after two turns of protect stalling but unfortunately type null finishes off Sprinter before the battle ends so it sucks rest well little cow you will be missed well that was my bad but that's what I get for not knowing anything about what's happening in this game but let's not beat a dead cow time to move on I catch a wishy-washy on Route 7 and name him swim team or is it them I don't really understand wishy-washi's whole deal like do I own the entire school of fish that formed the monster wishiwashy or do I just own a single wishy-washy and then every time its schooling ability activates a bunch of other wishiwashy in the nearest body of water fly to the battlefield like Thor's hammer or does the main wishiwashy temporarily create additional wishy-washy out of thin air and form a school that way do those newly created wishiwashy have thoughts do they have aspirations hopes and dreams are there sentient Minds just trapped in their bodies that they have no control of forever doomed to be an Expendable Cog in a war machine really unclear anyways I also catch a salandite in Wella volcano park but it's male so it can't evolve I name it dnf then I start training for kiaweh's trial training in Ultra sun and Ultra Moon is incredibly painful because of the new exp mechanics training on low-level Pokemon takes forever but because most routes have a wide variety of Pokemon training in an area of a reasonably level Pokemon can be pretty dangerous for example while training JV Captain I run into a Magby I try to run but JV Captain is too slow so Magby locks me in with a fire Spin and so now I can't escape or switch so I try to kill the Magby with a brick break but it leaves it with a sliver so then the wild Magby calls another Magby and just like that JV Captain is dead to a wild Magby I didn't actually get the footage of her dying but but yeah JV Captain dies I also accidentally lose swim team the wishy-washy during some training which I also didn't record I just wasn't paying attention and lost him to a quick attack from a Fletchling so that's now seven deaths and we aren't even off the second island losing one Pokemon to a baby Pokemon and another to a foreign Regional bird Pokemon was really the one-two punch that made me realize that I need to slow down and be a bit more cautious so for the rest of the game I make sure to read walkthroughs before each chunk of the game so that I know exactly what's coming and when from here Sotomayor evolves into Golbat and diver evolves into Gyarados now it's time for kiawi's fire trial the puzzle involves me watching a lowland Marowak dance around in a circle and then honestly I have no idea for the life of me I could not understand what I was supposed to do during this trial I just didn't read the cut scene that explained the instructions there's so many freaking cut scenes in this game and it's really impossible to tell which ones are important thankfully twitch chat held my hand and guided my toddler-sized brain through it which led me to the Toto malolan Marowak this thing gets plus two speed at the start of battle so it's able to outspeed Sotomayor it also uses a cheeky detect turn one to block my attack and then call a salazzle for support solazel moves first and uses torment and then Marowak hits a nasty flame wheel but then Sotomayor uses Thief to steal the marowak's thick Club this will make it do significantly less damage on subsequent turns then I switched to diver who gets off an attack drop with intimidate so the flame burst and the flame whale from Salazar really don't do much on the switch on the next turn Marowak attacks salazzle hits a poison gas and diver knocks out the salazzle with a supersonic strike then I switched to medalist who shakes off a hex like it was nothing then Marowak and medalist just trade attacks back and forth until marowak's curse ability activates disabling medalists only attacking move so I set up a reflect as Marowak keeps using hex then I use sharpen until Smackdown is no longer disabled and then a final Smackdown finishes off the Marowak and that's kiawi's trial completed look at how happy medalist is he's so cute immediately after kiowa's trial Sotomayor evolves into Crobat a consistently incredible Pokemon to have during a Nuzlocke the same can also be said about Gyarados obviously so despite seven deaths I've still got a lot of good encounters remaining and there's more to come from Route 5 I catch an alolan Diglett and name him discus then skater evolves into masqueraine so now I have two Pokemon with intimidate which is pretty nice now it's time for mallow's grass trial which pits you against a totem laurentus now this laurentis trial is notorious for being really difficult with many people saying that it's nearly impossible to beat it without losing at least one Pokemon but those people clearly don't know what a Zubat is because Zubat has quad resistance to every single one of laurentis's attacks so it's not gonna be doing much to our crowbat now the Ally Pokemon can be a bit of an issue but if you damage laurentis by at least one third of its Health on the first turn which can be done with a cross poison it'll call comfy before it calls kecleon comfy's only attacking move is magical Leaf which doesn't do anything to Crobat either it does have flower Shield to boost lurantis defense and floral healing to heal the laurentis which is a bit annoying since laurentis also knows synthesis but by slapping a scope lens onto Crobat and spamming cross poison you can make your chance of getting a critical hit go up to 50 percent you might not get as lucky as I do where I actually get three critical hits in a row but a well-prepared Crobat makes this pretty hard to lose that's Milo's trial completed now it's time for akala Island's Grand trial against the island Kahuna Olivia but first I have to do a bit of preparation I catch astini from the lush jungle and name her Allison Felix I also catch a love disc on Route 9 and name her archery and then I catch a wind goal from akala outskirts and name him Sailing sailing won't have the ability drizzle when he evolves in developer which sucks but he'll still be useful later on in the run then discus evolves into a Dugtrio with some beautiful locks and so now it's time for the battle against Olivia she leads anarith and I lead medalist an earth uses metal claw which is quad super effective against medalist but because Critical Hits are times 1.5 instead of times 2 in these later generations this is always safe so medalist is able to safely set up a stealth rocks then I switch to shot put who tanks a metal claw anoreth uses bug bite as shot put hits a Thunder Wave then Olivia uses a full heal as I set up a reflect so I go for another Thunder Wave but I miss a third Thunder Wave connects though then I switch to skater who gets an intimidate drop as anoreth gets fully paralyzed then I switch to archery as anaruth uses Smackdown then I use lucky chant so that anareth can't get a critical hit and bypass the attack drops this allows me to safely hit anareth with the charm on the next turn so now it's at -3 then I switch to discus who is now pretty safe to set up workups and raise our attack anarth is doing very little damage with its attacks and discus is gaining HP back with leftovers discus also knows protect so I can safely gain additional HP back from leftovers if I need to after I get six workups off discus takes out the anarth with the bulldoze lilip comes in next and I instantly use protect to gain some additional HP back from leftovers though at this point it doesn't really matter thanks to metalist's hard work setting up stealth rocks at the beginning of the game bulldoze is a guaranteed kill on the live leap from this HP so last is lycanroc who we outspeed and kill with a final bulldoze and that's Olivia defeated soon after this shot put evolves into magnaton after that we Dock at the island of Ula Ula there's a good deal of encounters here but the only one that matters is this big girl from Route 10. I name her Judo before realizing that we actually have a dead Mankey named Judo so I changed her name to taekwondo a little bit later Taekwondo the Raticate will be important later now it's time to take on Sophocles electric trial which pits us against a toga tomorrow it gets a plus two defense stat at the start of the game but ground moves are still going to be doing a lot to it I lead diver to get the intimidate attack drop this also baits a Zing zap which gives me a free switch into discus then together tomorrow calls Skarmory for support from here it's a series of using protect and bulldoze to try to kill the toga tomorrow what's annoying is that Skarmory uses torment so that I can't actually use the same move twice in a row and together Maru also spams spiky Shield rather unpredictably I might add and discus isn't exactly the bulkiest Pokemon so even though we resist steel wing and Ironhead it's not like we're taking zero damage at one point I switch in diver to get another intimidate off but I can only do that once because Skarmory set up stealth rocks so it's pretty hard to get the timing right and this ends up taking a lot longer than I thought I actually get pretty close to losing discus thanks to tokodamaru getting a Flinch with iron head and torment trapping me into a pretty unfortunate series of hitting into protects but a few turns later I get off a workup for free and then two more bulldozes knock out toga tomorrow the last thing to do is to switch to shot put and then knock out the Skarmory with a charge beam well actually it survives a charge beam but thanks to the special attack boost we get a flash Cannon finishes it off on the next turn completing the trial next up we need to take on team skull leader guzma this is one of the few non-totem fights that I'll show because I think it's hilarious fun fact guzma is incredibly intimidating galicipod can be completely cheesed by any Pokemon with the ability water absorb and guess who has the ability water absorb that's right our level 17 Mantyke named Surfer so galysopod only knows Sucker Punch razor shell and first impression first impression is similar to fake out in that it only works on the first turn of the battle Sucker Punch only works if you use an attacking move and of course razor shell can't do anything to Surf her because of water absorb so by spamming protect until galicipod runs out of Sucker Punch PP we can safely and slowly Whittle down the golicipod with wing attacks and confuse Ray and what's funny is that because golicipod hits himself in confusion to go under 50 percent his ability emergency exit doesn't activate so Surfer is able to fully knock out golisopod all on her own after that guzma's second and last Pokemon is masquerade which actually hits surprisingly hard with 252 special attack EVS look at how much this air slash does to diver on the switch in so after that I switched to shot put and then I hit it with a charge beam but a bug Buzz puts us in critical hit range so I need to switch to medalist and then I finally finish it off with an ancient power after this Oola opens up and we get a few more encounters but the only one that matters is Houndoom who I seem to be using in a lot of my challenges lately he's such a great doggo I name him skeleton and we'll use him later after that shot put evolves into magnazone and then Olympics evolves into decidueye then it's time for acerola's ghost trial against a totem mimic you this can be pretty tricky because of mimikyu's ability we can never one shot it mimikyu also gets an omni boost at the start of the battle which makes things pretty scary fortunately I have a plan I lead skater who gets off and intimidate to bring mimikyu's attack back down to neutral this allows skater to survive a play rough even if it crits so that she's able to U-turn to break mimikyu's disguise and get shot put in safely now when sword and shield when mimikyu's disguise breaks it loses 1 8 of its HP I actually didn't know that this wasn't added until gen 8 intentionally to debuff the ability and I was kind of banking on that 1 8 because it would have guaranteed that shot put can kill a mimik in one shot with a corkscrew crash Z move instead mimikyu hangs on with essentially one HP fortunately we're still able to finish it off on the next turn with the flash Cannon and there was no real harm done but that could have gone a lot worse if the Ally baynet had used curse or if mimikyu got a crit or something like that anyways after that diver comes in and just finishes off the bayonet with a crunch completing acerola's trial from here there's a whole lot of Team skull stuff including another fight with guzma but we'll skip all of that and most of the encounters there are a few notable ones though from the Thrifty Mega mart I catch a Shuppet I would have preferred a mimikyu but a used Kleenex is fine too I name him shuttlecock and and a lot of people in twitch chat didn't know this so I just figured I'd mention it here as well for everybody a shuttlecock is that little thing that you hit in badminton but anyways from hyena desert I catch a Krokorok and I name him Croc climber and then on Route 16 I catch a Scraggy and I name her vashtai kind of a cute little throwback to the black two dark type only challenge they both have Moxie too from Oola Meadows I catch a floette and I name her trampoline then vashti evolves into scrapti and Croc climber evolves into crocodile and now it's time to take on the Oola Island Kahuna nanu for the third Grand trial he leads sably and I lead vashti I start with a protect to avoid damage from fake out then I just start doing damage with crunch Sableye retaliates with some weak Shadow balls a few turns of back and forth and then save Legos down nanu sends out crockerock second it hits a very hard earthquake but then it goes down to a brick break nanu's alolan Persian is last and I start by protecting to avoid the fake out and then even though we're at pretty low health I stay in because Persian really can't do much damage we tank a power Gem and I hit a pretty hard brick break then I switch to shot put who tanks another Power gem I won't survive a critical hit from persian's dark type Z move though so I switched to medalist who very easily tanks a non-critical hit black hole Eclipse so after a turn of using protect to recover HP from leftovers medalist finishes off Persian with an ancient power and that's nanu defeated next up it's time for all the stuff that goes down at The Ether Foundation I decide to get Ashton Eaton EV out of the box and evolve him into a Vaporeon so that I can use his water absorbability in my last fight against guzma but I'm just gonna skip that fight as well however I will show the fight against Lucy mean who wait is evil the lady dressed in all white in charge of a cryptic futuristic company is evil that that is quite the Revelation an absolute plot twist I'm I'm really gonna need to sit with that one for a second my mind is is blown wow wow okay well anyways the fight against the ultra secret villain Lucy mean she leads with a Pokemon that truly captures her villainy Cliff Fable look at how evil it is I lead shot put and then I instantly take out the clefable with a corkscrew crash then low punny comes out I assumed that it would be going for fire punch but for some reason she just uses Thunder Punch which does very little damage so I'm able to get off a discharge which paralyzes lopunny so I click discharge again and then low Pony goes for Thunder Punch again weird but where is out next so predicting a drain punch I switched to Olympics but then loosamine goes for dual chop instead again that makes zero sense going into shot put no other AI in this game is this bad and unpredictable on the next turn I miss a toxic as beware hits another dual chop so now Olympics is in the red and I gotta switch to medalist but of course Lucy mean has switched to Zen headbutt for some reason so we take a decent chunk of damage instead of being immune to dual chop I protect for leftovers recovery then I miss another toxic so I protect for some recovery and then I go for toxic but I miss a third time what the hell well I finally connect on the next turn so from here it's a classic toxic stall with protect as lusamine continues to make insanely questionable move choices why is she ever using takedown here the frustrating thing is that if I knew beware was going to use drain punch which is by far his strongest move into medalist I could safely switch to Olympics to stall without taking any damage but I can't because lusamine is being ridiculous eventually I gotta switch to diver who actually gets hit pretty hard by a takedown on the switch because why wouldn't she use takedown a final turn of toxic damage kills beware and then lilligan comes out its only damaging move is pedal dance so I switched to Sotomayor we get hit with a teeter dance but a lumbery cures the confusion unfortunately lilligan out speeds and confuses us again so Sotomayor hits himself in confusion so I switched to shot put as lilligan uses pedal dance for a huge chunk of damage then I switch back to Sotomayor because lilligan actually has the ability to own Tempo it doesn't get confused by the end of pedal dance so it gets off another Teeter dance but fortunately this time we break through and knock out the lilligan with an acrobatics that could have been really bad lass is Milotic one would think that she'll use hydro pump since that's the most damage but who knows at this point I switched to Ashton Eaton who gets hit with an icy wind at least that kind of makes sense then lusamine uses a useless hydro pump as I hit a toxic and from here it's another toxic stall this battle was so stupid given that basically every other trainer in the game has pretty good AI I have to assume that Lucy means AI being dumber than a sack of bricks is intentional which canonically may explain why Lily sucks at using Pokemon in battle her mom sucks too if that's really why I guess that's kind of cool but either way this made for a really obnoxious battle anyways that's loosamine defeated but there is just so much story left before all of that though we do get to take a side trip to Pawnee Island once we're there I get a Shiny Stone and evolve trampoline into floor just the then in Pawnee breaker Coast I catch a gastrodon and name her Missy Franklin then shuttlecock evolves into a bayonet and with that it's time to fight the totem KOMO in vast Pawnee Canyon this thing is truly terrifying it gets an omni boost at the start of the battle so it can hit insanely hard and also called Noivern or caesor as an ally Pokemon depending on its Health but I have a plan I lead Gyarados to lower its attack with intimidate this baits kamo ot's Thunder Punch which gives me a safe switch into Missy Franklin this also means that kamo calls Noivern which is better than dealing with caesor I protect for a turn just to bait out the moves then I switch to medalist who's immune to Dragon claw and takes minimal damage from boom burst from here the plan is to just toxic the kamo and then stall it out but I accidentally Target Noivern instead which is amazingly stupid I really don't know how I ever successfully finish any of these runs well that does expose us to a few crits and things can go really poorly if I miss toxic on the next turn but my mistake goes unpunished and I'm able to hit the commoto with a second toxic following that mistake now the fun part after stalling a turn of toxic with protect I switched to shuttlecock who is immune to both drain punch from kamo and boom burst from Noivern shuttlecock now beats Dragon moves from both Noivern and KOMO so it's completely safe to switch back to medalist repeating this over and over again would have been perfect had I not accidentally also poisoned Noivern but because I did it's gonna die before kamo does and then kamoa will call in caesor which I really don't want to have to deal with so I just try to kill KOMO with a dazzling gleam but it does very little thanks to a Rosalie Berry and kamo ends up Surviving from Poison with a sliver which allows him to call in caesor on the next turn I protect to knock out the KOMO but now we gotta deal with the Scizor so I switched to shot put then I hit it with a discharge which does a huge chunk of damage Caesar just uses light screen so one more discharge is all it takes to knock out the Scizor winning us to battle and completing the trial okay let's get back to this riveting Ultra Space story long story short this thing called necrozma absorbs solgaleo which is the thing that did evolved from the cotton candy fluff that Lily was carrying around in her Lululemon bag so I gotta take it down fortunately skeleton is able to make quick work of it with an inferno overdrive and then a flamethrower this causes it to open an ultra Wormhole so the people with a rare skin disease let me Mount their lunala so that I can write it to ultra megalopolis sure to fight Ultra necrozma and save the world or something however Ultra necrozma is iconically incredibly difficult not only is it a Pokemon with 167 base attack and special attack it also gets an omni boost at the start of the battle and it's level 60 which is well above our level cap of 54. so this is known as one of the hardest challenges in the game kind of see Ultra necrozma like most battles against AI can be cheesed with the right Pokemon and the right strategies one of these strategies utilizes a fear Rattata fear Rattata is a rather gimmicky competitive set that involves using a level one Rattata that knows the move's Endeavor and quick attack and is equipped with a focus sash the idea is to bring Rattata into the battle against a strong opponent on the first turn the opponent tries to knock out the Rattata in one shot which activates frittata's Focus Sash and lets it live with one HP Rattata can then retaliate with Endeavor which brings the opponent down to one HP as well then on the next turn the Rattata can use a priority quick attack to knock out the last Health Point of its opponent of course there's a lot of counter plays to this strategy but against the right opponent it works perfectly and Ultra necrozma is the right opponent and while we don't have a fear Rattata we do have an alolan Raticate named Taekwondo so we can collect the soul Focus sash available to us before the post game game and give it to taekwondo I can then also teach Taekwondo Endeavor at level 44 and though I can't access the movie learner to re-teach taekwondo quick attack she does know Sucker Punch which is another priority move that we can use to snipe the ultra necrozma as the last point of HP so instead of using a fear Rattata I'm going to be using a fesper Raticate but there's one tiny wrinkle to this plan taekwondo's ability is hustle hustle is a stupid stupid ability that UPS the power of your attacking moves at the expense of accuracy this means that Taekwondo has a 20 chance to misendever or Sucker Punch If she misses Sucker Punch that's okay I can just finish off the alternate Charisma with another priority move from another team member but if she misses Endeavor it's very likely that I wipe twenty percent to have to restart the run now I'm sure that me gambling about a month of my life working on this run would make for some pretty thrilling content but instead I just decide to take the safer option there's an item in these later generations called the Ability capsule which allows you to change the ability of your Pokemon if they have two abilities available fortunately alolan Raticate can have hustle or gluttony so by using an Ability capsule on Taekwondo I can remove the 20 chance of wiping and give her the ability gluttony in order to get an Ability capsule though you need a hundred Battle Points which thankfully you can get relatively quickly by doing the Mantine surf mini game so after an afternoon of riding the waves I get an Ability capsule hide it in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then feed it to taekwondo with that we're ready to take on Ultra necrozma I wish I could somehow make this suspenseful but as long as I push the correct buttons this is unusable fortunately my idiocy doesn't get in the way I click the right buttons and it goes off without a hitch step aside Remy there's a new badass rat in town sure anyone can cook but can anyone best an all-powerful alien monster from another dimension thank you Remy okay with the world and Multiverse or whatever finally saved we can finish up the last few Island trials Mina's trial is next I start by fighting her then I need to go around alola and fight four of the previous trial captains to collect some flower petals in theory this is kind of a cool way to tie the world together and bring characters back from the start of the game to really bring a sense of finality to the journey in practice though it's insanely tedious at least when I've been doing a Nuzlocke of these games on stream for over a month so I'm just gonna skip all these fights because they're pretty straightforward and not all that difficult but what is difficult is the totem rebombi that attacks you at the end of her trial the thing gets plus two to all of its stats it's also level 55. unfortunately the Pawnee Island Kahuna's level cap is level 54. so I'm actually stuck at a slight level disadvantage I lead Sotomayor which does at least resist all of her bombi's attacks rabambi starts with a quiver dance as Sotomayor hits a toxic which at least is guaranteed to hit when used by a poison type where Bobby then calls in pelipper at the end of the turn from here things get a little tricky the idea is to protect stall and do damage with super effective moves but if I protect and rabamba uses another quiver dance I might not be able to protect stall for long enough I just don't know if for Bombi will go for a second quiver dance here but I do decide to risk it and go for an acid downpour where Bombi does indeed go for a second quiver dance so robot's able to fire off a nasty acid downpour which doesn't kill rabambi but hopefully protecting toxic damage are enough to finish it off unfortunately rababi hangs on with just a sliver haliper has also gained two stockpile and is now threatening to hit us with a 200 base power spit up I could risk the double protect but that's only a 50 chance of being successful instead I just decide to switch to shot put and then for some reason revampi just throws the game and goes for another quiver dance developer also goes for a third stockpile and then rabambi dies to poison damage so last is the pelipper who does hit a fairly hard rain boosted skull before going down to a discharge but even with a crit sturdy always guarantees us the win at that point it would have been pretty embarrassing if our electric type got knocked out by a water type anyways that's the final trial completed next up is our fourth and final Grand trial against the Pawnee Island Kahuna hapu so I head to exeggutor Island to challenge this weird-looking Animal Crossing villager what the hell is this thing like what's with her nose why does she look like a scarecrow well whatever she leads Golurk so I leave Croc clamor and one shot it with a black hole Eclipse then hapu sends out gastrodon so I switched to sailing who has now evolved into a peliper I protect with sailing to get some HP back with leftovers and then I set up a Mist this lets me switch to our Olympics without risking an accuracy drop from muddy water from here I use workup and stay healthy with Roost until the Mist wears off then I kill the gastrodon with a leaf blade mudsdale comes out but thanks to the workup boost the Hefty cow goes down to a single leaf blade blast is Flygon so at least the Scarecrow does have some decent taste in Pokemon Olympics tanks a dragon breath and then hits a spirit shackle that leaves flag on with the sliver a leaf blade would have actually killed it since its 90 base power in this game instead of 70 base power but I didn't remember that so I thought that Spirit shackle had 80 base power would do my damage fortunately on the next turn hapu just uses a hyper potion and then a leaf blade finishes it off winning us the battle and completing the final Grand trial all that's left to do is take on the Elite Four at the top of Mount lanakila I do have to get up there which does require a final battle against gladion but since I've been skipping his fights anyways let's just skip this one too it's not that difficult what is difficult apparently is this completely avoidable trainer in the cave of Mount lanakila she has a Milotic and since she's a veteran trainer her Pokemon are fully EV trained so this thing hits really hard I try to Pivot out shot put with volt switch thinking that I'm fast enough but I completely misread my allotic speed stat in my trainer document which means that Milotic is able to out speed and kill shot put with a hydro pump shot put has been really invaluable in this run and he would have been incredibly useful in the Elite Four so seeing him get killed off like this in such an unceremonious manner is really upsetting especially because Al Olympics is able to just easily come in out speed and kill in one shot with a leaf blade this was completely avoidable rest well shot put well with that we get to the Elite Four which is probably one of the strongest Elite Fours ever assembled in any Pokemon game all these trainers have fully EV trained Pokemon so this is going to be pretty tough after hours of theory crafting here's the team I came up with leveled up to match the level cap of the elite 4's highest level Pokemon okay let's see if we've got what it takes first on the chopping block is molaine the Steel type trainer he leads klefki and I lead Croc climber klefki is a bit annoying because it sets up reflect this means an earthquake doesn't kill it so on the next turn I use brick break to break the reflect but unfortunately klefki survives with a sliver molaine uses a full restore on the next turn so a follow-up brick break doesn't kill either so klefki gets up another reflect and survives another earthquake but a final brick break knocks out the klefki and breaks the reflect this also triggers Moxie and from here it's a good old-fashioned Moxie Suite well kind of Metagross goes down to an earthquake as does by sharp but then alolan Dugtrio comes out and he's able to outspeed me so I switched to diver to dodge a fissure then a hydro Vortex kills the Dugtrio in one shot last from Elaine is magnazone so I switched to Croc climber on a thunderbolt then I use fling to throw a King's Rock at the magnazone which causes it to Flinch and breaks it sturdy so a final earthquake knocks out the magnazone winning us the battle 1 down three to go but that was by far the easiest of the four this is Olivia who is back for vengeance after being cheesed by a workup Doug Trio she leads armaldo and I lead Missy Franklin armaldo hits a pretty hard X scissors but I retaliate with a strong scald I go for a protect to recover HP with leftovers but I get punished and Olivia heals armaldo for free so I go for a protect on the next turn then I go for another scald luckily this one Burns because we were at risk to a critical hit from Mech scissors but now it's safe to just protect and use recover until the armaldo dies from burn damage so armaldo goes down and Missy is at full health next is crawdily so I switched to Sotomayor who gets tickled by an energy ball then I hit crudily with a 100 accurate toxic as Sotomayor gets hit by a rock tomb then it's time for just another cheeky toxic stall toxic stall isn't that reliable because the enemies often use healing items but if you time it right or if you're bulky enough to fully toxic stall the enemy twice then it's a pretty great strategy crudely goes down a few turns later and then gigolith comes out so I switch back to Missy and then I go for a toxic look if it ain't broke don't fix it also Missy is incredible at toxic stall because she has access to recovery so even when Olivia uses a full restore on gigolith we're still able to take it down and stay at full HP fourth is Provo pass and although I can't poison it probopass does very little damage to Missy with any of its attacks so even though it sets up a sandstorm to buff its special defense we're able to take it out with a few scalds and because we get another burn Robo pass actually goes down with Missy remaining at full HP so last is lycanrock but now it's time for another toxic stall this is slightly scary because rock climb can confuse but thankfully it doesn't and toxic connects Missy does get confused a few turns later but at that point the battle is over I can switch into Olympics during a rock climb saw with protect and then switch to medalist on a crunch with that the lycanroc falls and that's Olivia defeated third is kahili the flying type Elite Four member I'm not sure what her whole deal is she likes golf I guess I don't know anyway she leads with freedomberb and I lead medalist freedomberb hits us with a Brave Bird as I set up a stealth rocks then I go for a protect for leftovers recovery on the next turn we get hit by another Brave Bird and then I hit a power gem then it's another protect for leftovers recovery and lastly a final power gem knocks out Freedom verb but medalist isn't looking too healthy at this point kahili sends out halucha so I protect for Recovery then I go for toxic as halucha hits a poison jab which thankfully doesn't poison and then it's another protect then I switched to Sotomayor who resists a poison job then I switched to Missy who gets hit hard by a critical hit throat chop then halucha hits a hard flying press but Missy uses recovery and then the poison damage finishes off the halucha so next is mandibuzz mandibuzz uses flatter but fortunately I break through the confusion and hit a toxic on the next turn mandibuzz hits a hard Brave Bird and Missy comes in clutch and gets off a recover she's less clutch on the next turn though where she hits herself in confusion trying to get off a protect and then get hits hard by a critical hit Brave Bird yikes mandibuzz also falls into the red due to the poison damage so kahili is going to heal I stay in as mandibuzz goes for a full restore but Missy hits herself in confusion bad luck I switched to medalist to take A Brave Bird then I go for a protect for Recovery it looks like mandibuzz is going for flatter here so I stay in get hit by flatter and then hit myself in confusion bad luck times too mandibuzz should now use bone meringue to hit medalists for super effective damage so I switch into diver but instead of using bone marang she uses Brave Bird which crits bad luck times three this Manda Buzz is just ravaging my team okay well I switch back to medalist to tank A Brave Bird then I protect for recovery and it looks like mandibuzz is just going for brave Birds now so I tank A Brave Bird and hit it with a toxic and now we should be okay our protect heals us up and does poison damage to mandibuzz then medalists gets hit by a flatter but is finally able to break through and hit a power gem with the flatter boost that and poison damage are enough to knock out this incredibly annoying bird but now two Cannon comes out and this thing is terrifying it has skill link an ability that makes multi-hit moves always land their max number of hits it also knows Rock blast and bullet seed so I'd expect it to use bullet seed here but for some reason it goes for big blasts as I protect I kind of forgot that I was still confused so getting that protect off was incredibly lucky the plan was to switch Sotomayor in on a bullet seed but since two Cannon isn't going for that move I'm not sure what to do I decide to stay in with medalist for some reason toucanon uses Screech which Metalist is immune to thanks to clear body medalist also lands a toxic through confusion so I guess this good luck is kind of evening out the bad luck next I switch to Olympics because he has a cobra barrier to survive a flying type attack but kahili uses a full heal this full heel crap is pretty annoying I'm not gonna lie I try to see if I can waste two cannons flying type Z move by going for protect but it just goes for Screech instead so I switched to medalist who is immune to Screech and then I use protect for recovery and to scout out that two Cannon is using beak blast so I stay in and go for toxic but then two cannon goes for a z move supersonic strike it does do a decent amount of damage because it crits but it's still not enough to take out the god that is Metalist the Carbink he also fires off a toxic then we use our last protect PP to dodge a beak blast then I switch to Sotomayor and thankfully beak blast doesn't crit so Sotomayor survives this lets me protect for more toxic damage but now two Cannon is in the red so kahili is going to heal fortunately this finally gives me a safe switch into Croc climber and then I'm finally able to out speed this miserable thing and kill it with a continental crochet Z move in one shot good freaking riddance last for kahili is oricorio who takes 50 from stealth rocks on the switch unfortunately oricorio out speeds and gets off a feather dance so one crunch isn't enough to kill it then on the next turn oricorio uses Teeter dance and we hit ourselves in confusion I am so sick of these damn Birds but since I don't have any safe switches I just stay in and for whatever reason kahili uses Teeter dance again and then we snap out of confusion so with a final crunch we kill the oricorio and finally put an end to this miserable miserable battle stupid crazy bird lady okay the final Elite Four member is acerola who could theoretically be a huge issue if her lead Pokemon bayonet gets a bunch of critical hits idly diver who gets off an intimidate and then I just start going for Dragon dances yeah I know Dragon dancing is kinda easy mode but it's really the only thing I could figure out for this fight and even then it wasn't guaranteed fortunately bana doesn't get any Critical Hits as I set up two dragon dances then a crunch takes it out second is Frost lasts and I actually needed the two dragon dances to outspeed this thing but because I got them off we outspeed and finish it off with a crunch third is Del Mize so another crunch takes it out fourth is palisand and even with two dragon dances a crunch won't one shot this thing since it's got a ton of defensive UV Investments so I need to actually use black hole Eclipse instead but that's enough for the one shot glass is drift Limb and thankfully we have enough HP to safely knock it out with crunch despite losing a chunk of Health from aftermath and with that we've beaten the Elite Four and somehow we did it deathless but there's one final challenge left trainer Howe has come to challenge my right to the throne so the final fight of the challenge begins Howe leads his alolan Raichu and I lead Croc climber this Raichu is very fast and very strong it knows Thunderbolt quick attack psychic and focus blast this means that it is completely safe to switch from Croc climber to Olympics to dodge the focus blast and then I can switch back to Croc climber to dodge the psychic and I can repeat this until Raichu runs out of focus blast PP which doesn't take that long since it only has 5 PP after that it's safe to start using bulk up since Raichu can only damage truck climber with weak quick attacks after two bulk UPS an earthquake knocks out the Raichu then krabominable comes out and this bucktooth loser gets one shot by an earthquake as well third is primarina who also goes down to an earthquake fourth is Flareon who also goes down to an earthquake and then fifth is Tauros which actually will outspeed me our bulk UPS will make its attacks do essentially nothing but if it crits it will kill Croc climber given that Hal only has two Pokemon left that wouldn't really be the end of the world but I decide to go for a deathless finale digging eight Graves is more than enough for one challenge so I switched to Olympics to dodge a double edge Tauros hits a pretty hard iron head and then I retaliate with a leaf blade on the next turn Hal switches to Noivern who easily tanks the leaf blade I scout out an air slash with protect and then I switch to Old Faithful medalist Noivern uses superfang for a good chunk of damage but two power gems are enough to finish it off so Forest comes back out as house last Pokemon and medalist isn't the least bit intimidated after a turn of protecting for Recovery I switched to Missy who gets tickled by an iron head then I get back to full health by using protect and getting some leftovers recovery then I use her cover to just let Toros hurt itself with a double edge and then finally after tanking one more double edge an ice beam finishes off the Tauros winning us the battle and the Run that challenge was quite the roller coaster of emotions in some ways I loved it I really enjoyed how challenging it was and I liked coming up with strategies for each of the unique totem Pokemon the variety of Pokemon available in the game is excellent and it was fun to use so many different Pokemon this is definitely the largest number of Pokemon I've actively used in a single Challenge and there were even more that didn't get much screen time because I had to skip some major battles despite this the game is insanely long and at times very tedious leveling up Pokemon and especially EV training are an absolute slog and there are way way way too many cut scenes I even knew that there were a lot of cut scenes going into the game and I was still Blown Away by the sheer number of them ultimately it makes the game have virtually zero replay value I'm glad I played it once and at times I had a lot of fun this might even be one of my favorite hardcore Nuzlocke runs that I've done but it's going to be a long time before I'm ready to pick this game up again anyways as always thanks so much for watching this was a huge Endeavor and it's probably going to be my longest video by quite a bit so I really appreciate all the support if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or or don't I don't know but I do know that you should follow me on Twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flagon HG Community Discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link to all of that is in the description stay tuned for more Nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 893,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges
Id: PaW3iDyZjws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 25sec (3265 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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