Pokémon X Hardcore Nuzlocke - Fairy Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon x using only fairy type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode so at long last i've gotten around to doing a mono type challenge in generation 6. i've only played through these games once and that was when they were first released but i remember really loving my casual playthrough of the game they're notoriously easy sure but i think that the art style in this game makes kalos feel unlike any other pokemon region there's so much detail put into the route designs there's a lot of different ways to interact with the environment and it's really cool to see places in the game that are inspired by real places in france there's a lot to like about the kalos region and one of the selling points in these games was the introduction of a new type for the first time since generation 2 in the form of the fairy type can't say that it'd be my first choice for a new type but it did give dragon types a much needed nerf and it also gave a lot of boring pokemon some pretty cool buffs kalos also started the trend of having a very extensive regional dex even before the elite four so there are quite a bit of fairy type pokemon that we'll be able to catch in this challenge however a few of them are exclusively found in the same routes as other encounters so with nuzlocke rules it will cut down our total numbers of encounters by just a few pokemon but it was still really fun to get to use a lot of pokemon that i don't use very often now before we get into this fairy type challenge i want to give a very quick shout out to the sponsors of this video this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where you can find thousands of classes designed to teach you creative skills ranging from topics like illustration graphic design and video editing as recurring viewers know skillshare has been a sponsor of this channel in the past and it's because i genuinely think that they offer really great classes that will help you take the next step in your creative journey whatever that may be i consistently refer back to jordy vanderputt's adobe premiere pro for beginners class which is where i learned literally everything i know about editing my videos like jordy's class all skillshare classes are optimized to put your learning first there's no commitment no timeline you can skip individual lessons if you're not interested and all classes are ad free which really is the absolute best way to consume any type of media so the first 1 000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description below will get a one month free trial of skillshare's premium membership so that you can explore your creativity for free thanks so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video now let's get into the challenge just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line also i won't be using mega evolution or pokemon to me and as a final note in the interest of full transparency i want to let you know at the start of the challenge that i completely messed up recording the footage for the final fight against the champion that's probably the worst possible recording to lose and i didn't realize i wasn't recording until the game auto saved so i couldn't even go back and try to re-record it i want to let you know at the start of the challenge so that it doesn't seem like i'm trying to bury my mistake at the end of the video the only thing i can do is say that i'm really sorry and reassure you that i've implemented a backup recording program so that this hopefully doesn't ever happen again i hope you still enjoy the rest of the challenge video though and if you do stick around to the end i do my best to recreate the battle the only way i know how with elementary school level arts and crafts anyways without further ado let's see how this goes our story begins by meeting up with my rivals in x and y you have not one not two not three but four different rivals there's girl one girl b totoro and coconut head my posse also asks me for a nickname so having just finished my phd in real life i insist that they call me dr flagon as is legally required instead of getting my starter from kalos's old geezer of a professor it's actually my posse of rivals who offer me my starter since none of them are fairy types though it doesn't really matter i randomly choose chespin and give him an incredibly clever nickname and then we're off fortunately there isn't much i have to do with chess poop before i can get to route 3 and find an azurill who will be the run's official starter prior to this generation azuro was normal type which never really made much sense to me since it evolves into the water type pokemon merrell so you'd think that it would have made sense to make azural a pure fairy type such that it evolves into the water fairy type merrell but i guess not normal fairy it is i name our new azural boat this is probably the dumbest nickname theme i've ever done fortunately boat has the ability huge power which doubles her attack stat she also has 31 attack ivs because baby pokemon and pokemon x and y are guaranteed to have at least three perfect ivs when caught in the wild this is actually true for all pokemon in the undiscovered egg group which primarily includes legendaries and mythicals but also includes the baby pokemon unknown and also nidorina and nidoqueen anyways basically boat with her 31 attack iv and huge power is going to be an absolute monster or should i say she could have been an absolute monster had i not immediately accidentally run into a trainer who demolishes me with a level 6 bidduff oops ok well in attempt 2 i catch another huge power of zero and this one is even better because somehow he has four perfect ivs including attack this time i make sure to not run into the bidhoof trainer and after carefully leveling up boat on some crappy pokemon as well as running back and forth for a few minutes boat evolves into merrell this needed to happen before we hit level 11 because merrell learns rollout at level 10 and with rollout we're able to easily demolish the first gym leader viola and her bug types she leads with a cersket who uses bubble as i use defense curl defense girl doubles the damage of roll out so on the next turn a single roll out is enough to kill the sur skit then vivilan comes out but thanks to its times for weakness to rock and roll out doubling in power on consecutive turns a single rollout is more than enough to knock it out in one shot winning us a very easy first gym badge from here there's a huge chunk of the game before we get to the second gym as indicated by the massive jump in the level cap just north of santalune city we get a second encounter on route 4. both ralts and flabebe can be found on route 4. flavebe is far more common than routes however flabebe can also be caught a little bit later in the game so if we delay this encounter and get flabebe before the route 4 encounter we would guarantee ralts with the species clause so i decide to just skip this encounter for now which leads me directly to professor sycamore's lab in lumio city so i go talk to this old gut oh my that is a gorgeous man wow well um in game freak's thinly veiled attempt to cater to gen 1 nostalgia professor sexy moore challenges me to a battle using all three of the kanto starters but he doesn't really stand much of a chance against boat i take out his bulbasaur with two returns as it just does a little bit of damage with tackle squirtle is second which means two more returns knock it out as it just uses water gun last is charmander who does actually manage to out speed boat and hit a growl but two returns finish it off as well after that sycamore offers me one of the three losers that i just beat to a pulp none of them are fairy types though so i just pick charmander give it another clever nickname and then dump him in the box from here rival girl 1 and i head to one of lumio city's many cafes where we meet lysander who spoiler alert is the evil big bad of the kalos region if his insane haircut didn't give it away then any single line of dialogue from this psychopath should be a pretty clear indication that this man needs some serious help men will literally try to create a global extinction event instead of going to therapy anyways we also meet diantha the kalos champion i can't wait to fight her that battle will be truly spectacular after this boat evolves into a zumerel which is a pretty great pokemon to have this early in the game then we have to go to par from palace which is so intricately detailed for absolutely no reason whatsoever this is a great example of why kalos is so cool par from palace is obviously a fictional depiction of the palace of versailles and having actually been to the palace of versailles since the first time that i played these games the resemblance and the attention to detail is really cool especially the massive courtyard in the back with hedge mazes i really don't think that any other pokemon game has had this much aesthetic detail in it well anyways after watching some fireworks during the daytime we get the poke flute which means that we can go wake up the snore low blocking the path on route 7. so now finally i can get my second encounter on route 7 in pokemon x you can catch either flabebe or swarlex i'm hoping for flabebe given that i have no way to evolve sorelike since it's a trade evolution fortunately flabebaby does have the higher encounter rate and i run into it first i name her carnivale and she joins the team with a flabebe caught this also allows me to head back to route 4 and find the 5 ralts encounter it does take a while but eventually i catch her and name her equally the nice thing about pokemon x and y is that the new exp share mechanics mean that i can just continue on with the story and all my pokemon in my party will level up so pretty soon carnivale evolves into floette i also make my way to glittering cave and find a mawhile a steel type is going to be incredibly useful as it acts as a great counter to poison type moves which fairy types are otherwise pretty weak too this mawhile also has intimidate all around a great encounter i name her justy all that's left to do is train my new encounters up to the level cap i try to do this quickly by using the exp share while taking on the silage city gym trainers but in order to do that i have to box boat since he gets to the level cap of 25 rising star manon has a lunatone and a soul rock surely i thought to myself there's nothing that these rock psychic types can do to justi who resists both rock and psychic-type moves and also knows bite well it turns out soulrock and lunatone both know sciwave which is a move that does a random amount of damage up to 1.5 times the level of the user in the case of soul rock and lunatone that's 33 damage so without boat this soul rock sidewaves through my entire team and i white out as usual i consider a white out to be a wipe despite technically still having one pokemon in the pc so that's a reset and a pretty embarrassing one at that not as embarrassing as wiping to a level 6 bidoof but still pretty embarrassing what happens next is two straight hours of failed attempts a lot of these failed attempts are intentional resets when i find a thick fat as zero because i figure that there's really no point in doing the first part of the run without getting a huge power of zero on attempt five i finally managed to find another huge power of zero but after a small stint of training i accidentally run into preschooler oliver and even though i am able to beat his fearsome caterpie i've run out of water gun pp so his level 4 azurill has me beat this must be what rock bottom feels like okay fast forward to attempt 9 and i finally get another huge power of zero this time i am able to successfully evolve boat into merrell and beat the first gym leader but then i lose the battle to the perfect male specimen in a lab coat his bulbasaur used a leach seat this time instead of tackle for whatever reason so boat number nine didn't stand a chance but we all know the famous french saying c'est la vie in english that roughly translates to life doobie like that sometimes so we just gotta keep going on attempt 11 i catch another huge power of zurill and this time we destroy sycamore primarily because he just doesn't use leech seed with bulbasaur so finally the run is alive it doesn't take too long to get back to the point where we wiped i managed to catch all the same four encounters and fortunately justy has intimidate again this time i also make sure to evolve equally into curlia so that she's not completely useless from here i'm able to safely level up everyone to the level cap not wipe to the random gym trainer and then take on grant the second gym leader i can't believe we're still only at the second gym later okay grant leads with an amara which is very cute but also very weak to fighting type moves he starts with the thunder wave which pays off instantly as boat gets fully paralyzed on the next turn amara uses aurora beam which you'll notice is not very effective to boat the gen 6 ai is pretty bad rock smash leaves amaro with a sliver so grant uses a hyper potion but thanks to the defense drop from the previous rock smash one more rock smash just knocks it out tyrone comes out second he hits a stomp as we get paralyzed but as you can see boat is pretty tanky it does take a few turns as tyrone goes for the classic paraflinch combo but eventually we break through with the second rock smash which crits tyron and it gets knocked out with that we've got our second gym badge from here we get a few more encounters on route 10 i catch a snubble you can also catch an eevee on this route which does evolve into sylveon but even if i found eevee first i wouldn't have caught it because i don't really want to deal with pokemon me which you have to use to evolve evie into sylveon pokemon and me can give your pokemon all sorts of game breaking buffs so i just decided to leave it alone i name our new snubble cuisine cuisine unfortunately has the ability to run away instead of intimidate which is a bit disappointing runaway will turn into quick feet when he evolves which is like guts but for speed so it's much much worse especially because gramble is still pretty slow even with a plus one speed boost east of geocenge town on route 11 i catch kalos's pika clone daytonae i name her pixie and now we've got a full team of six with some training cuisine evolves into gramble and then we head to reflection cave the home of the one and only rightful king of kalos carbink carbink is a phenomenal pokemon and after having one on my team during my first playthrough of ultrasone i can't wait to use him again well that sucks okay fine i'll catch the freaking mime junior but just so you know you're going straight to the box because i will never ever ever put you on the team here's a fun fact in pokemon x and y about 90 percent of random trainers pokemon will just have their level up move sets but for whatever reason certain trainers just don't so black belt igor sock knows bulldogs which crit kills justy that's a really bad death considering that justy is my only pokemon not weak to poison which is a pretty common type amongst the members of team flair but c'est la vie welcome to the team in play e just know that the second i get another team member you're getting the boot up next is a whole bunch of mega evolution stuff totoro gives me a weird rock and then karina's grandpa asks where i got it from i try to lie and say that i found it myself but he won't let me lie it is good to know that totoro's got my back though total bro that guy before the next gym girl rival 1 wants a battle she leaves meow stick and i lead cuisine meowstic flinches me with a fake out then she goes for a weak disarming voice says i use bite which knocks it out in one shot then absol comes out it hits a slash and i retaliate with a headbutt even a crit won't kill me so i stay in to tank another slash and then knock it out with a second headbutt last is breaks in so i switch to pixie who gets hit by a side beam i go for a nuzzle to paralyze and then breaks and hits a fire spin then i go for a parabolic charge which thankfully crits because i gain enough health back to tank a critical hit fire spin then i use volt switch to switch into equally who by the way evolved into gardevoir a confusion finishes off the breaks in winning us the battle risking pixie to that critical hit was pretty sloppy though because i haven't played these games much it's a lot harder for me to predict what's coming and plan ahead i can look up move sets and generally see what's coming but without the experience of playing through the games over and over again i'm missing that extra bit of intuition that helps me play safer and in my opinion better so just keep that in mind going forward here next is karina with her fighting types she leads mian foo and i lead pixie manfu goes for a fake out which procs my rocky helmet but makes me flinch on the next turn i use charm and then mianfu uses double slap which rocks my rocky helmet twice then i go for a parabolic charge which leaves mianfoo with a sliver then she misses a double slap which actually would have killed her thanks to the rocky helmet so mien fu heals with a high proportion as i go for another parabolic charge a final parabolic charge plus rocky helmet damage from double slab knocks out myeonfoo and pixie stays at almost full health macho comes out next so i use charm macho then uses rock tomb which crits and lowers my speed so i switch to carnivale who gets hit by another rock tomb i'm playing this battle a little slower than i have to because there's a pretty scary hallucia waiting in the back machoke uses leer as i set up a wish then macho goes for a power up punch as i hit a fairy wind and wish restores me to full health macho goes for another lear as i use wish again then i switch to pixie who gets hit by another leer from machoke and then wish heals me back up to full health a parabolic charge leaves machoke with a sliver as he retaliates with a rock tomb so i switch back to carnivale as karina heals then i hit a fairy wind which crits to leave machok with a sliver and machoke uses rock tomb then machoke uses leer and i use wish so i do one more switch to pixie who gets hit by a lear and then gets back to full health with the wish so finally i've positioned everything correctly a parabolic charge finishes off machoke and then halucha comes out she out speeds and sets up a home clause but then pixie retaliates with a strong parabolic charge halucha does a little bit of damage with flying press on the next turn but with a final parabolic charge we knock it out winning us the third gym badge after this we meet karina at the top of the tower of mastery she forces us to fight her using just a lucario which is unfortunately not a fairy type so we lose the challenge it can't be done so i guess that's the end of the video thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges have i killed the joke yet okay obviously i have to make an exception here for what it's worth we kick the snot out of her lucario she then offers me the lucario that i just fought with i tell her no thinking that she'll force me to take it but she doesn't so the lucario just sits there i feel kind of bad actually but you know what gets my spirits up riding on a skitto it is so freaking fun i could ride this skiddo for hours i know that we get to ride pokemon and alola in the let's go games but nothing makes me feel as alive as i do on top of a skitto kalos is by far the best region at this point i decide to make implae a full-fledged member of the team and level him up he evolves into mr mine which is a very very good pokemon thanks to encore and its other utility moves i also get a shiny stone and evolve carnivale into floorgis which is a pretty run defining pokemon thanks to its insane special bulk and access to wish and protect it makes pretty much any special attacker completely obsolete if you can get a floor just in your nuzlocke i'd highly highly recommend it before taking on the next generator rival girl 1 challenges us right outside the gym at least she had the courtesy to call me before so i wasn't totally bamboozled but this is still pretty annoying because we literally just did this before the last gym we'll just skip this fight now it's time to take on ramos and his grass types without justine the mawhile though i don't have any grass resists nor do i have any real plan here he leads jumpluff and i lead pixie i immediately start with a nuzzle as jumpluff uses leechseed then i go for a charm as jumpluff uses acrobatics and gets some hp back with leech seed then i use volt switch to switch to in play e who gets hit by an acrobatics as leftovers heals us to a nice amount of hp then i set up a substitute which jump left breaks with an acrobatics must have been a high roll so i set up another substitute and then jump left gets fully paralyzed then i hit jump left with a psi beam which leaves it in the red but in acrobatics isn't enough to break the sub this time so on the next turn ramos heals and i hit another side beam then a second psi beam leaves jump left in the red as in acrobatics breaks in play e-sub so i set up another one as ramos uses his second hyper potion then it's another round of psy beam and acrobatics but my sub is still up so i can get another cybeemoth which actually manages to confuse jumpluff who hits himself in confusion so a final sidebeam knocks out the jump bluff and we've still got our sub intact and ramos is out of hyperpotions gogo comes out next which makes no sense to me because weapon bell has a way to hit us for super effective damage but whatever i use infestation on the go-go as he breaks my sub with takedown from here i do some substitute stalling as infestation and recoil damage from takedown whittle down the gogoat's hp it's pretty cheeky to use substitute in this way but none of my other pokemon have very good defense other than boat so this is kind of a tough pokemon to fight once i can't make another substitute i switch to equally who gets hit by a bulldoze this lowers my speed which i might have forgotten because i go for calm mind for some reason as i take a huge chunk of damage from takedown another one will just straight up kill me so i gotta switch to pixie who tanks a takedown and then gets a bunch of health back with an oranberry and his cheek pouch ability then i have this huge brain fart moment and forget that gogoat knows bulldoze so i use parabolic charge gogoat retaliates with a bulldoze but somehow pixie survives thankfully there was no crit so i'm not punished with the bulldoze speed drop i'm not out speeding though so i gotta switch to carnivale who gets hit by another bulldoze the gogoat then hits a strong takedown but we actually would have survived even if it crit because crits only do 1.5 times damage in later gens the takedown also procs carnivale's rocky helmet so gogoat goes down and carnivale gets to set up a wish for free last is weepinbell so i switch to cuisine who gets hit with a super effective acid but thankfully it doesn't crit and wish heals him back up to almost full health on the next turn i use bite i went for bite here instead of headbutt because i was hoping for a flinch but then i instantly realized how stupid that was since headbutt also flinches and has more base power but regardless cuisine finishes off the weepinbell with another headbutt winning us an incredibly sloppy fourth gym badge from here it's a very quick turnaround to the 5th gym leader in lumio city but before that i make sure to explore the city a bit which is probably the coolest city in all of pokemon but also the most infuriating city in all of pokemon since the 3d controls through the city kind of suck there's a lot of fun stuff packed into this fictionalized version of paris though i find a clothing store that tells me i'm too ugly to shop in it i get to go to lumio city's version of the louvre which is again insanely detailed for no reason whatsoever although this little child seems to have a piece of art hanging up in this version of the louvre so either that kid is an art prodigy or the pokemon world has much lower art standards either way this is a pretty cool place to explore in a hotel i find a not so subtle confirmation of omega ruby and alpha sapphire and i also find a waiter drinking water out of a potted plant and then there's this lady who's really into how thick this marble pillar is so yeah that's lumio city honestly other than the smell of urine it's not much different than actual paris anyways time to fight against clement and his electric types and so my plan here is to set up trick room and then switch to cuisine but it ends up not working at all imota uses aerial lace as i set up a substitute i'm hoping that it uses volt switch but it just uses aerial ace again as i set up another substitute so i set up a trick room on the next turn as emulja uses quick attack for some reason so my substitute stays intact another quick attack breaks my sub and i get off as psi beam then i switch to pixie as clemont uses a hyper potion emoji uses another quick attack as i use volt switch to bring in in playe then i switch back into pixie who gets hit by another quick attack and then trick room expires i then go for a parabolic charge but emulja hangs on with the sliver so he gets off an aerial lace clemont heals again as i go for a volt switch so i switch to in-play e then i switch back to pixie one last time and then finally a final volt switch lets me kill the emuljah and bring in carnivale safely you may have thought that that was all really confusing and a lot of pivoting for no reason but i needed to position it just right so that i can safely deal with the magneton that comes out next he knows mirror shot and has the ability sturdy so it's a real pain to deal with basically what i need to do here is stall magneton out of mirror shots fortunately because i was able to get carnivale in without taking damage this is relatively easy to do with wish protect and leftovers so long as magneton doesn't get several consecutive critical hits it also helps that mirror shot isn't perfectly accurate and that magneton also likes to set up electric train once magneton is out of mirror shots i start using magical leaf but it turns out that thunderbolt still hits pretty darn hard thanks to the electric terrain so eventually i get to the point where i'm risking a crit so i switched to pixie who ends up getting hit much harder than i was expecting a critical hit thunderbolt definitely would have just killed him that's like the third major battle in a row where i've accidentally risked pixie to a critical hit she's one lucky mouse a combination of orenberry chic pouch and carnivoli's wish get pixie back to full health so i go for a parabolic charge which does a huge chunk of damage thanks to the electric terrain a volt switch definitely would have just killed it so i take a huge chunk from thunderbolt and then a volt switch on the next turn finishes off the magneton this allows me to bring in cuizini as heliolus comes out heliolisk outspeeds and uses thunderbolt and then this weird glitch happens where it does all my damage instantly instead of slowly draining my hp bar i guess my very real nintendo 3ds must be acting up or something in the moment though it scared the crap out of me because i thought that i had accidentally messed up and cuisini was for some reason not actually at full health or something but that wasn't the case so he lives and fires off a bulldoze which leaves heliolisk in the red even with the speed drop from bulldoze though we aren't out speeding it so i have to switch to equally who tanks a thunderbolt on the switch and then finally she retaliates with the confusion knocking out the heliolisk and winning us yet another sloppy gym badge the later half of this game goes pretty quickly so there's another fight with girl rival one which i'll skip and then i get to go down this slide that was fun now it's time for the sixth gym leader valerie and her fairy types she leads them all while r.i.p but it doesn't actually know any steel type moves so i lead boat mawwhile uses iron defense okay so i guess technically she does have one steel move but after that i use bulldoze thanks to the iron defense bulldoze doesn't do much but thanks to the speed drum boat now outspeeds so she hits another bulldoze which leaves mawhile in the red then mawile retaliates with a very cute crunch valerie uses a hyper potion but then boat crits a bulldoze putting an end to all of this nonsense second is mr mine she sets up a light screen but boat doesn't care bulldozes for days mr mime still out speeds and hits a psychic on the second turn but then boat knocks it out with the second bulldoze sylveon is last for valerie and she starts with a charm and then i use my sixth bulldoze in a row for just a little bit of damage then i switch to carnivale who tanks a dazzling gleam from here i slowly take out the sylveon with fairy wind while also staying healthy with wish and protect if i need it it does take a little while because carnivale has very weak moves right now but right after this fight i'll get the tm for dazzling gleam and i'll also get access to the move relearner to teach a few of my pokemon moon blast so i'll finally have some strong fairy type moves eventually i get to the point where another fairy wind won't kill sylveon but it will get her into the red and then valerie will heal so in order to avoid that i just switch to equally and then kill it with the psychic on the next turn and that's the sixth gym badge after this there's some team flare stuff but it's all skippable for now i also finally get another encounter from route 15 i catch a klefki and name her tickety she has the ability prankster and again gives our team some useful resistances with her steel type she replaces in play e who goes back to his rightful place in the box of shame hey remember how girl rival 1 challenged me right in front of the entrance to the fourth gym well she does it again here only this time i was just walking past the gym trying to explore the city i'm not even really that close to the gym there's a good three squares between me and the entrance of the gym so i'm not prepared for this fight at all she leads meow stick and i lead tickety so i immediately switched to carnivale who gets hit by a fake out then meowstic hits a shadow ball as i fire back with a moon blast then meowstic hits another shadow ball which drops my special defense as i go for a wish that was kind of dumb i tank another shadow ball and then knock out the meow stick with a moon blast i get back a bunch of health with wish but second is del fox and thanks to the special defense drop i can't stay in so i switched a boat but psychic hits really hard and thanks to hail damage boat is now in critical hit range so i have to switch back to carnivale who gets hit by a critical hit psychic good thing i didn't stay in but that sucks because now carnivale can't do anything i protect because i might as well get some hail chip damage on this thing and then i switch to equally who tanks a psychic on the next turn del fox hits a very strong flamethrower and then equally retaliates with a pretty underwhelming not very effective moon blast if it isn't clear yet this is not going well from here i switch to pixie who tanks a psychic that would have killed if it crit but thankfully it didn't because i really didn't have any other play here then i use volt switch which as it always does leaves del fox in the red del fox is now in blaze range so i kinda have to just switch to boat and pray that del fox doesn't crit fortunately she doesn't so boat hangs on with a sliver but now i gotta switch again this time to cuisini who tanks a psychic which mercifully also doesn't crit hail damage does manage to finish off the dell fox but now my team is in shambles and jolteon comes out this thing can out speed and kill basically every single one of my team members at their current health so this is looking really really bad tickety can't take two discharges and even if it could i can't one shot it so i need to make a sack here and as much as it pains me to say this i have another psychic fairy type in the box so equally is the right choice for the sack so i bring her in and then for some reason jolteon goes for quick attack so equally survives okay well then maybe it'll just quick attack again so i switch to tickety and it uses discharge well that's bad but with a discharge low roll it's possible that tickety survives this so i go for a dazzling gleam and then discharge knocks out tickety that's two steel fairy types down the drain but we have more pressing matters to deal with namely this jolteon is about to wipe my entire team my only hope here is to send out carnivale and pray that for some dumb reason my rival uses quick attack instead of discharge and that is exactly what happens she does it first into a protect as i just get some hail damage and then she does it again as i set up a wish so i can use protect on the next turn and then which heals me back to over half health my rival completely threw this fight i mean look at how much damage discharge does to carnivoli up few turns later that 100 percent should have been a wipe and it's only by the grace of terrible ai that attempt 11 is still alive and well things could still be bad here if jolteon manages to paralyze me with discharge but for some reason it just goes for double kick maybe it's out of discharges i wasn't counting but i don't i don't think so either way a moon blast knocks it out and last is absol but carnivale outspeeds and easily knocks it out with a moon blast winning us the battle well in comparison to what we just experienced olympia and her psychic types are a total cakewalk she leads sigoleth so i lead pixie i hit it with a nuzzle and then she instantly gets fully paralyzed then i use volt switch which surprise surprise leaves sigoulif with a sliver so i bring out in play e who has weaseled her way back onto the team yet again sigilyph also gets fully paralyzed again olympia then uses a hyper potion and i set up a substitute then i go for a thunderball which leaves sigelif with a sliver as it uses light screen so olympia uses another hyper potion but then i lock her into light screen with encore i actually don't want to kill her with the light screen still set up so i stall out the light screen by just going for psychic once the light screen expires a few turns later i just kill it with a thunderbolt then meowstic comes out a quick google tells me that fakeout won't flinch me behind the sub so i just go for an encore but then i actually do flinch so i just assumed that google was wrong but then i learned that google is not wrong and that actually this meow stick has infiltrator so it can just bypass my substitute and i get hit very hard with a shadow ball fortunately though it doesn't crit so in playe survives to live another day and he also gets off an encore so i switch to carnivale who tanks a shadow ball another shadow ball doesn't do much as i just hit a hard moon blast then i go for a wish which was probably a little greedy since shadowball could lower my special defense but it ends up working out because i knock out the myostic on the next turn and i get healed back up to full health last is slow king i just go for a moon blast which lowers slow king's special attack it then goes for a calm mind on the next turn i go for another moon blast as sloking hits a pretty hard critical hit psychic but one more moon last is enough to knock out the slow king winning us the seventh gym badge before taking on the final gym later we've got to complete all the team flare storyline stuff some of the team flare leaders are actually pretty difficult thanks to our relatively poor defensive bulk and their tendency to use poison type pokemon but since i don't lose any pokemon in those battles we'll just skip them we also have to fight lysander three times almost back to back to back we'll go ahead and just skip the first two times though which leads us to our confrontation with a very skinny blue cow as far as i know you can't not catch this thing if you kill it the battle just starts over so i just thwonk my master ball at it technically xerneas is a fairy type but it's also a legendary which i choose not to use in my challenge runs so it just goes in the box then it's time for our final fight against lysander he leads me and xiao and i lead equally now it's my understanding based on calculations that we out speed myanchow here but the trainer document that i use doesn't actually show the natures of other trainers pokemon i don't know if the natures are random or if they're just not included in this trainer dock for some reason but i do know that natures are determined differently based on the game so who knows either way this mian shell clearly has a plus speed nature so it out speeds equally meaning that i gotta risk a high roll crit on the second turn which sucks fortunately i go unpunished and a moon blast knocks out the mienchau hansgro comes out second but it also goes down to a moon blast third is pyro so i switch to carnivale who tanks a fire blast and then i just use wish and protect until pyroar is out of fire blast pp and after that i set up calm mind which i got as a tm for defeating olivia since this setup takes a while i guess at this point i'll just address something that i've seen in a couple of comments on a few of my videos that has bothered me some viewers seem to think that using certain strategies like toxic stall or substituting calm mind or presumably wish stalling are dumb or boring and they shouldn't be used in a nuzlocke video while that is a perfectly valid opinion to have i don't particularly agree with it and in a lot of cases those strategies are the only viable way to beat a challenge or at least the only viable way to beat a challenge without having to avoid bad rng and while it might be more exciting as a viewer to watch someone gamble on dodging a critical hit or using more dynamic strategies you have to keep in mind that every time i gamble on a critical hit i'm also gambling a tremendous amount of my time and energy it takes a very long time to make these videos and if i have to reset a challenge because i tried to gamble on a more exciting but less reliable strategy and it went poorly it's very possible that i would have to delay the release of a video by a week or more i would much rather use a tried and true strategy like toxic stall or combine setup that i know works if it means that i don't have to restart the challenge from the very beginning and being negative about using those types of strategies in the comment sections of people's videos is not only mentally deflating and exhausting for content creators but it also encourages content creators to resort to manipulative and shady things like using save states to avoid bad rng so bottom line you don't have to watch my videos if you don't like the way i play believe it or not i do these challenges because they're fun for me and coming up with how to get off the perfect toxic stall or comb mine setup is still really fun for me even if you don't find it as thrilling as me risking everything on dodging a critical hit hopefully you at least understand where i'm coming from and hopefully you can appreciate that i poured dozens and dozens of hours into a single video when it's all said and done if you still disagree and you don't like my playstyle that is a perfectly okay opinion to have but just remember that opinions are like everyone has one and you don't need to show yours to strangers on the internet anyways once i'm fully set up a moon blast finishes off the pyroar and last for lysander is his gyarados but the way that mega evolution works in gen 6 is that the mega evolution starts at the beginning of the term but on that turn the pokemon still uses the speed stat of its base form when attacking so lysandre's gyarados mega evolves into this big shrimp or something but carnivale still outspeeds him and with mega gyarados's dark type it gets a big fat fairy type weakness allowing us to knock it out with a single moon blast winning us the battle and saving the world all in a day's work okay with that we can make our way to snowbell city and take on the eighth gym leader there's a few fights with relatively important characters here including a fight with sycamore that surprised me out of nowhere and also a gauntlet against the three b-tier rivals that aren't girl rival 1 but they're all pretty easy so we'll just skip them and jump straight to getting our final encounter of the run a jigglypuff from route 20. i name her transport and she has the ability competitive which is pretty cool but unfortunately she's just gonna sit in the box our team is pretty solid as is finally it's time for the last gym leader wolfrick and his ice types he leads obama snow and i lead pixie i go for a nuzzle to paralyze him and then obama snow retaliates with an ice beam which frees his pixie so i switch to in play e as obama snow gets fully paralyzed then i use confide to lower his special attack after two confides it's clear that obama snow is now just going for ice shards his only physical move so i switch to carnivale then i start setting up calm mines and using wish to stay healthy but you can just skip this setup with a fade to black once the comb mines are set up i kill obama's snow with the moon blast then criagonal comes out i go for a moon blast but the criagonal outspeeds and hits carnivale with a confused ray fortunately we hit through and kill the criagonal but then avalog comes out and it knows euro ball so if carnivale hits herself in confusion euro ball could kill her so i gotta switch to boat unfortunately avalog uses curse on the switch i go for a brick break but avalok takes it and then uses another curse this is starting to get a little scary i go for another brick break and then avalon goes for another curse so now it's at plus three attack and plus three defense retrospectively this was very bad positioning on my part i could go for a brick break and hope to crit before avalon kills boat or i could switch to one of my special attackers and hope that he's greedy and goes for another curse on the turn that i switch i decide to gamble on the fact that mankind is greedy so i switch to equally fortunately i'm right and wolfrich goes for another curse so on the next turn equally just kills the avalon with a moon blast and that's badge number eight last up is the elite four but before that i have to go through victory road and before that i have to actually get to victory road which puts me in the crosshairs of ace trainer muriel on route 21. ace trainer muriel has a crustal which knows shell smash a move that doubles attack special attack and speed at the expense of lowering defense and special defense this crustal also knows rock racker which is a rock type jijja impact in my haste to get to the elite four i am completely unprepared for this and crustal just straight up murders carnivale in the blink of an eye the worst part about this is that not only is ace trainer muriel an avoidable trainer on route 21 route 21 in its entirety is completely avoidable you can just access victory road by backtracking to santalune city and using route 22 the strongest trainer on route 22 has a level 31 lucario so this was across the board completely moronic on my part so much for wish and calm mind set up i guess the elite fours just got significantly harder rest while carnivale well victory road also has its fair share of battles that are pretty difficult but in the interest of time let's just jump straight to the elite four here's my final team leveled up to level 65 to match the aces of each of the elite four members my team members will gain a few levels during the elite four thanks to the exp share but that's okay according to my personal rule set i've also brought on transport who has evolved into a wigglytuff to replace our dearly departed carnivale all right let's see if we've got what it takes i start with the easiest of the four first drazna and her dragon types she leads dragalogy and i lead cuizini we're able to outspeed and knock out the drug algae with an expert belt boosted earthquake next is alteria she starts with a cotton guard so cuisine's play rough doesn't kill on the next turn though alteria just misses a sing so a second play rough knocks it out third is neubern so i switch to pixie who tanks and air slash then neuvern uses flamethrower which does burn me but a citrus berry and cheek pouch bring me back to full health then i paralyze it with nuzzle then i volt switch into equally who gets hit by a weak flamethrower a moon blast knocks out the noyvern on the next turn last for drazna is drudogon but a single moonblast knocks it out the crit wasn't necessary there but it sure was fun that's one elite four member down next up is siebold and his water types so now it's time for some fun baton pass strats siebeled leads clowitzer and i lead equally i get off a confide and tank a water pulse i keep doing this until i'm in range to a critical hit which happens to also be the same turn i get confused so then i switch to boat and then i just start using confide again equally got off three confides so boat just whispers three more dirty secrets into clowitzer's ear holes or whatever shrimp have and then i switch to in play e and then i set up a substitute as clowitzer just keeps doing baby damage with -6 water bowls and then i set up a con mind i really only need one combined but i decide to go for a few until the substitute fades because i want the substitute to be as full as possible in case things go wrong later after the sub fades a few turns later i set up another one then i baton pass to give pixie the substitute and the combine boosts from here it's four thunderbolts to one shot every single one of seabolt's pokemon i thought that starmie might out speed pixie which is why i wanted to substitute in case starmie crits a serf but the starmie doesn't even outspeed us so we win the battle with our adorable little substitute still on the field that's two down third is malva the fire type trainer she leads pyroar and i lead in pleia who i've taught a few new tms to pyro uses hypervoice which inplay e is immune to thanks to his soundproof ability then in play e sets up a trick room then a baton passed a boat who's now primed for a trick room sweep but then the pyro uses noble roar which is really stupid because thanks to soundproof that wouldn't have affected in play e either but because of the attack drop from noble roar we can no longer sweep with both so i switch back to in play e who dodges another noble roar then i use encore to lock pyroar into noble roar so that i can reverse my own trick room safely then i protect on the last turn of pyroar's encore and then i set up trick room again as pyro for some reason just uses noble roar again clearly the ai is just not equipped to handle sound proof so i baton pass back to azumarill but this idiot just uses noble roar again so i hit it with a waterfall but it leaves it with a sliver and then the dummy uses flamethrower instead of hypervoice i'm not really sure what's going on with the ai here but i decide to switch back to in play e and try to set up trick room one more time now the heals with the full restore then i use encore to lock pyro into flamethrowers so that this dummy doesn't keep using noble roar trick room expires so i set it up one last time as i take just a little bit of damage with flamethrower then i baton passed a boat i do have to risk getting burned here but thankfully flamethrower doesn't burn so now finally i'm able to knock out the pyroar with a waterfall then talonflame comes out which would normally be a huge problem because it has brave bird and flare blitz but because we're under trick room i outspeed and kill it with a single waterfall third is torkel who actually does outspeed me in trick room but it just goes for curse and this torkle is actually the whole reason i kept surf on both because it's just one shot storkel chandelure is last for malva and now that trick room has expired it's going to outspeed me i don't want to switch into a confused ray though so i decide to just risk the high roll critical hit shadow ball but it just goes for flamethrower so a waterfall knocks out chandelure winning us the battle three down one to go but the last elite four member is wickstrom who uses steel types which can give our fairies a lot of problems he leads klefki r.i.p and i leave pixie klefki has prankster so he's able to out speed and set up a layer of spikes as i hit a thunderbolt on the next turn though i just out speed and knock out the clef key with the second thunderbolt pixie baits provopass second who would normally be a huge problem because he has sturdy and nose flash cannon but now that pixie's out i can break sturdy with volt switch and bring in cuisine who takes the earth power painted by pixie then proba pass just goes down to an earthquake on the next turn third is caesar who does have technician bullet punch which can do a lot of damage but cuisine is holding a babiri berry so that even a crit won't kill him cezor doesn't even go for a bullet punch though so a flamethrower knocks out the seizor in one shot so last for wilkstrom is age of slash and with this guy it's all about playing around king's shield i start with a protect but then age of slash goes for a king shield as well so i gotta switch to boat as aegis last stance changes and hits a very hard iron head i go for a waterfall but then aegislash uses kingshield so boat's attack gets lowered then i go for a protect as aegis last switches back into blade form now things get a little scary it's very likely that aegislash just uses kingshield here to return to shield form but if it doesn't a waterfall won't kill him thanks to the attack drop and then age of slash would be able to retaliate and kill boat so instead i could switch to transport if aegislash uses kingshield then we're in the clear but if it doesn't and it chooses to use iron head we could be in trouble transport also has a babiri berry but a crit would kill him so i gotta risk it i switch to transport and age slash goes for a king shield phew okay so on the next turn i go for a protect as aegislash switches into blade form and tries to hit another iron head then on the next turn a flamethrower just knocks it out before it can get an attack off that wins us the battle and with that we've defeated the elite four the only thing that's left is the champion diantha but in case you skipped the intro of this video no judgment if you did my recording got messed up during the championship battle and i don't actually have that footage nor do i have a way to easily go back to that point and try to recreate that footage so instead i will just do my very best to reenact this final fight using my incredible artistic skills diantha leads halucha and for the last time i lead pixie halucha out speeds but it just sets up a sword stance and then pixie knocks it out with a zap plate boosted thunderbolt this baits tyrantrum out next and unfortunately this thing will do far too much damage to anything that i could switch in so after surviving so many critical hits it's time to bid farewell to our spunky little mouse after getting off a nuzzle tyrantrum just knocks out pixie with a head smash rest well buddy after this i bring out equally who revenge kills tyrantrum with a single moon blast equally baits out gorgey's so then i bring in transport who gets hit with a trick or treat this does give transport the ghost type but thanks to her normal typing gore guys can only use seed bomb which does a little chunk of damage to transport but then transport claps back with an expert bell boosted flame thrower knocking out the gorge ice in one shot auroras comes out fourth for diantha and auroras is diantha's exploitable weak link it has blizzard thunder light screen and reflect so just 10 total pp for attacking moves i start by thunder waving the auroras with transport then i just start using confide to lower her special attack and protect to stall out blizzard pp eventually transport goes down to a blizzard but not before telling auroras a few government secrets rest well you fluffy informant next i bring out in play e i immediately set up a substitute and then auroras uses light screen and that's the nail in the coffin from here i can use encore to lock auroras into light screen and then set up six combines all the while being behind a cushy substitute after setting up six combines i baton pass to equally who gets the six combine boosts as well as the substitute then a very powerful mood blast kills auroras goodra comes out fifth but another moonblast kills that too and then last is diantha's own gardevoir she mega evolves her gardevoir but despite looking absolutely fabulous in her new dress she doesn't outspeed us so a shadow ball knocks out mega gardevoir winning us the battle and the run well that was quite the challenge run it was definitely on the easier side of things compared to some of my other runs but that didn't make it any less fun generally speaking the later generations have much larger regional pokedex most pokemon have very good move pools and there's a lot of very good items in tms that inherently make those games quite a bit easier plus the fact that critical hits only do 1.5 times the damage in generation 6 and on makes challenges significantly easier as well still there were more than enough difficult battles to keep me on my toes and i also had some pretty careless mistakes that made it a lot harder than it should have been regardless difficulty doesn't directly correlate with enjoyment and i had a blast playing this game again kalos really does feel like the most unique and most lived in of the pokemon regions i really like the art style and some of the locations in the game are really cool i'll definitely be returning to this game for more challenges so let me know in the comments which x and y challenges you'd like to see as always thanks so much for watching i really do appreciate the support especially as i start to venture out of my comfort zone and try new types of content if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking make recommendations for future challenges and access the trainer documents that i use for these challenges the link is in the description below stay tuned for more nose lock videos and until then remember to always always always double check that you're recording the championship fight
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 948,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Fairy Type Pokemon, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges
Id: jyho2Zd1HEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 30sec (3090 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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