Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Cute Pokémon Only! (No uglies, No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum using only cute pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode now i know what you're thinking what constitutes a cute pokemon whether a pokemon is cute or not is highly subjective and in the eye of the beholder who am i to judge a pokemon on its appearance and deem whether it's worthy of being called cute or not someone else's cute is another person's unholy abomination take pugs for example some people think that pugs are adorable i happen to think that they look like the love child of a praying mantis and a loaf of whole wheat bread but everyone is entitled to their opinions so in order to avoid any type of pug situation i decided to use the most conservative and objective definition to define whether a pokemon was cute or not cute in pokemon diamond pearl and platinum there's an area in the north of hartham city called amity square and in amity square trainers are able to walk alongside their pokemon but unlike in pokemon heart gold and soul silver which lets you walk around with any old joe shmoe of a pokemon amity square was pretty picky with their guest list they only let the cutest of the cute pokemon out of their pokeballs in pokemon diamond and pearl there were only 14 pokemon deemed cute enough to walk with in pokemon platinum you are also able to walk with the evolved forms of your starters but when you consider that four of the pokemon that had amity square privileges aren't actually accessible until the post game there's only 10 total pokemon that you can go for a walk with and you'd be pretty surprised who was left off the guest list eevee badu togepi bidduf all too ugly no alibis so it's these 10 game freak approved cutie pies that made up the encounters for this challenge i decided that i would be able to evolve all of these pokemon to their final forms but not until i went on a walk with them at least once in amity park unfortunately based on this arbitrary rule it meant that i couldn't actually use blissey because you can't catch happening in the wild until during the post game in mr baklot's garden you can catch chansey but at that point she's too ugly to go for a walk with so no blissey which is actually fine with me since blizzy is a pretty busted nuzlocke encounter anyways i also can obviously only choose one of the three starters so in total that leaves just seven encounters which is pretty low so i'll need to be careful not to make too many mistakes or else i'm not gonna have a full team but there is a relatively decent amount of type coverage in this challenge and i was able to catch most of them pretty early in the challenge so this was a fun one it did have some surprising challenges though just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes i start the challenge by choosing my cute starter i can pick any of the three since they're all eligible encounters but i go with tertwig because i've used chimchar and piplup in previous challenges recently fortunately all three of the starters in this game are pretty excellent choices but torterra despite being my personal favorite is probably the least excellent it does get early earthquake but that's made kind of redundant by the fact that you can actually get the tm for earthquake before the fourth gym in pokemon platinum and a laughable number of the major battles in platinum are against a pokemon with an ice type move which makes it a bit dangerous to use torterra in most battles but for now our turtwig is just a cute little grass-type turtle i name him smiley face and with that our journey for the cutest team in the world begins it's not too long before i get to ravage path and catch my second team member an adorable little yellow chicken psyduck i name him colin d and colin d is going to carry a significant portion of this challenge golduck is an incredibly underrated pokemon next up it's time for our first gym battle but rorke's rock types aren't too much of an issue here smiley face starts by setting up a few withdrawals on roarx geodude after the geodude gets a critical hit rock throw smiley face knocks it out with an absorb and gets most of its health back then onyx comes out hits a really weak rock throw and then absorb leaves it with a sliver so rork goes for a potion but another absorb finishes it off last is cranidos but it goes down to two razor leaves winning us an easy first gym badge from here i head to floroma town and smiley face manages to evolve into grotto he's still cute enough for amity square though before i'm able to continue my gym challenge though i have to help nameless child save her nameless father from valley windworks this means fighting galactic commander mars and her perugli the antithesis of everything this challenge stands for so i make sure to level up smiley face and colendi to level 20 before taking her on colin d is able to knock out her zubat in one shot with a critical hit confusion then perugli comes out and colin d flinches immediately from the fake out then i go for two tail whips as per ugly hits two scratches which leaves me sitting at 21 hp after doing some admittedly very simple math very incorrectly i go for a rock smash because i assume that i'm not in critical hit range but i definitely was i go unpunished though because per ugly doesn't get the critical hit so i switch to smiley face and finish off the per ugly with a razor leaf with that taken care of driftloon will now show up outside of valley windworks on fridays so obviously i just patiently wait for a few days for it to be friday in real life and then i turn on my very real nintendo ds to catch my third team member the ghostly balloon that is as cute as he is upsettingly terrifying i name him parentheses apostrophe x apostrophe parentheses now as funny as i personally think it would be to consistently call driffloon by his full legal name i feel like most viewers won't find it that funny it's also really hard to say quickly so we'll just call him paxap next up i head to route 205 and catch apache risu who really is just so freaking cute i name him colon 3. then i go to eterna forest and fight a bani i name him n ellipses n i wanted to name him n underscore n but i guess there's actually no underscore in pokemon platinum so and ellipsis and will have to do finally i also go east of eterna city into mount coronet where i catch a klepha i wouldn't be caught dead walking in amity square with this disgusting excuse for a pokemon but i named her ubu and then after a few levels he evolves into the most adorable pokemon of all clefairy with that we've got a full team and now it's time to face off against gardenia i lead pax app and she leads tertwig good choice gardenia pax app takes out the tert wig with two gusts as it just sets up or reflect then cherum comes out it uses safeguard as i hit a gust and then it goes for a magical leaf as a second gust leaves it in the red gardenia uses a super potion as pax app just keeps spamming gust apparently we've been losing speed ties on the last few turns because on this next turn i go first to hit a gust but then cherum gets off a leech seed so i switch to smiley face i go for a curse as cherum sets up a safeguard then cherum hits a surprisingly strong grass knot as i get greedy and go for another curse grass nut does damage based on weight and smiley face is a pretty chunky boy so this was kind of a mistake i managed to finish off the cherum but now i'm way too low health to be able to survive a critical hit grass knot from gardenia's roserade so i switched to pax app who tanks a grass knot magical leaf does a huge chunk on the next turn though as paxap retaliates with a very weak gust i went from 43 to 22 hp here so i can definitely survive another hit but i'm risking a critical hit there's not much else i can do though so i just go for it but roserade high rolls with magical leaf knocking out paxap things aren't looking great i bring out colon 3 to hit an incredibly weak swift then i decide to just go for a few hail marys and try to paralyze resorate with spark but it doesn't work so i switch to oowoo and go for another hail mary with sing which misses so oow goes down to a magical leaf so i bring in smiley face who is able to just barely tank a non-critical hit grass knot and finish off the roserade with a return this does mean that had i just clicked return with smiley face when the roserade first came out i would have just won the battle but that would have required dodging a crit and there really was no guarantee that that was gonna happen i tried to play safer but clearly i just didn't come prepared and i lost two pokemon because of it since this is relatively early in the game i decided to just reset the run here and move on to attempt 2. i can get back to gardenia pretty quickly but doing things quickly often means doing them recklessly and in attempt 2 that manifests in losing colon 3 to a critical hit tackle from a random wild bidoof not my best moment okay so i take a bit of a break before doing attempt 3 and i managed to get back to gardenia without any problems here's the new team of cuties not too many changes other than oow and colon 3 are now both females some of the abilities are different too ubu know has the ability magic guard which is a phenomenal ability that prevents her from taking damage from anything but direct attacking moves we'll see why that's so great later unfortunately it comes at the expense of pax app having aftermath instead of on burden which is definitely the worst of the two abilities and also n ellipses n has the ability klutz which is literally one of the worst abilities that a pokemon can have since it means that he just can't use items it's horrible well anyways i have a bit of a strategy for gardenia now so things should go better i lead u this time and hit tertwig with a wake up slab as it goes for a reflect then i use encore to lock him into reflect this lets me switch to grottle and set up two curses unfortunately the way reflect and encore shake out tertwig is able to set up another reflect as the first one fades and also hit a few grass knots as i go for some more curses but eventually tertwig goes down to a return and then roserade comes out it hits a stun spore and i get fully paralyzed fortunately i don't on the next turn so rosarite does go down last is cherum and i get fully paralyzed again so i have to switch to paxap app jerem puts up a fight by hitting a critical hit magical leaf using a super potion and setting up leech seed but eventually pax app comes out on top winning us a surprisingly difficult second gym battle next up it's the always scary galactic commander jupiter fight her skunk tank loves to crit so you gotta be careful i leave colon 3 who immediately takes out the zubat with a spark then the skun tank comes out i hit it with a charm as it goes for a screech but because of the screech a critical hit will now definitely kill so i switch to colon d who tanks a knight slash skunk tank uses screech again as i use tail whip then it's back to colon 3. skunting hits a poison gas but a petroberry cures colon 3. i use spark as skuntek uses nightslash then a second spark paralyzes skunk tank as it just misses a poison gas and then a third spark crits how ironic from here i make my way to hartham city and get access to amity square and one by one i go on magical little walks with my adorable pokemon you know there's something about seeing them outside their pokeballs in their little overworld forms that really makes me connect with each and every one of them at some point during our brief walks through this magical park there's a change a connection is made they aren't just pixels on a screen anymore i feel like i know each and every one of them smiley face is a lovable brute who enjoys basking in the sun and rolling in the fields colon d is a quiet but compassionate introvert who cares so much about others feelings that it will literally give him headaches when he thinks about his teammates being upset paxapp despite being wanted for child abduction in several municipal cities is truly a sweetheart that will fight to the death for his family colon 3 is an energetic munchkin whose excessively large and fluffy tail is only outmatched by the size of his heart oowoo is the manifestation of innocence and kindness gracing everyone around her with her optimism and support and last but certainly not least an ellipsis end maybe a klutz but he never lets down his team these aren't just pokemon they're companions friends and as we stroll through amity park there's a peaceful stillness to these moments between us friends but then suddenly a cold gust of wind sends a shiver down my spine and i come to a horrible realization the trees of amity park start to fade in color there's an eerie feeling in the air now my friends not all of them will make it it's only a matter of time until fate steps in and the merciless brutality of the nuzlocke takes one or more of them away from me if only we could stay in amity park forever safe within its boundaries but that's not how this works there's nothing for us in amity square no life worth living is ever truly safe and try as we might we don't get unlimited time we get moments brief moments in time with the ones we love the only thing we can do is find the beauty in those moments and make the most of them no matter how short they are for is it not the ephemeral nature of these moments that makes life so beautiful so after a few more laps around amity square we leave and our journey continues while training up to the level cap and ellipses n evolves into low punny and then it's time for fantina she leads a dusk hole and i lead colon d colon d hits a water pulse which confuses causing duskull to hit himself in confusion i switch to uwu and then the hits himself in confusion again a magical leaf leaves duskull in the red so fantina heals as i hit another magical leaf then i switch back to colon d i hit a water pulse and then switch to ubu who gets hit with a willow wisp but thanks to magic guard she doesn't take damage from the burn and the burn is actually pretty important we'll see why in a sec so a few more magical leafs knock out the dust coal and then hunter comes out so i switched to an ellipses and who gets hit with a confused ray then i switch back to u and i do this repeatedly see fantina's haunter knows confuse ray hypnosis sucker punch and shadowclaw this means that the only thing that it can do to my normal types is use confused ray hypnosis and sucker punch sucker punch only does damage if i'm using an attacking move and since uwu is burned it will never use hypnosis on ubu so i can safely switch between uw and an ellipses n until haunter is completely out of sucker punch and confuse her app if there's one takeaway from all of this ridiculousness it's that immunities in hardcore nuzlockes are incredible to have for pivoting and cheesing certain battles like this driftblim for example has three immunities which makes it a really great nuzlocke encounter anyways after haunter is out of pp i'm able to safely set up cosmic powers with ubu and the knockout haunter with a few magical leafs without the risk of hurting myself in confusion it does take forever because uw isn't exactly the strongest attacker but eventually the haunter goes down it may have been a bit overkill but i needed everyone as healthy as possible in case fantina's last pokemon gets unreasonably lucky speaking of miss maggias comes out and instantly hits a confused ray oow does manage to break through the confusion but only to miss a sing then miss maggias goes for magical leaf as u breaks through confusion again to hit an encore now that miss maggias is stuck using magical leaf it's safe to switch to smiley face and take it out with a critical hit bite if there's a second takeaway from this battle it's that encore is a busted move anyways after this we have a rival battle but he's still super easy so i'll just skip over all the fights with ugly until they become more difficult by the time we get to meilene and her fighting types pax app has evolved into drift blim and smiley face has evolved into torterra and learned earthquake which is pretty ridiculous for this early in the game meline leads metatite and i lead colon 3. i start with a protect because meditate knows fake out but it uses rock tomb so on the next turn i hit it with a charm then i switch to smiley face who takes a rock tomb then i set up a leech seed to keep me healthy as i use curse meditate switches to confusion so now i'm running the risk of confusion which happens right as i kill the meta type i actually would have preferred to hit myself in confusion there instead of killing it because then i could have easily switched out and back in to shake off the confusion unfortunately though lucario comes out and i really can't risk hitting myself in confusion so i switch to paxap who's immune to the force palm then it's back to smiley face who tanks a metal claw fortunately lucario didn't get an attack boost from metalclaw because on the next turn he hits a critical hit drain punch but smileyface is bulky enough to tank it so an earthquake knocks out lucario in one shot but we're not totally out of the woods yet macho comes out last and i switch to colon 3 as he uses focus energy then i use charm as macho goes for a rock tomb i protect to scout out machoke's move choice which is karate chop so i switched to pax up but he goes for a rock tomb i'm still going to outspeed it though so i go for an ominous wind and then machoke uses rock tomb again it crits but we survive that was calculated though as is the switch to an ellipses n who kills machoke with a return even if the rock tomb hadn't missed we still would have outsped it and return always kills from that range so that's badge number four soon after that colin d evolves into joel duck who as i said will be invaluable for the latter half of this challenge run then i catch my final encounter a hideously disfigured pichu from mr baklot's garden i name her colon parentheses after pretending to be colon parenthesis friend for just a little bit she evolves into the amity square approved cutie pikachu so we go for a walk and i try my best to ignore the impending feeling of loss once collin parenthesis learns thunderbolt i shove a thunderstone down her throat and she evolves into raichu whose platinum sprite is a spiritual successor of fat pikachu look at how chunky it is i love it now it's time for crash awake and you'd think that with two electric types and a grass type that he should be pretty easy for me to handle right that's what i thought at least floatzel is really fast and has ice fang so it isn't the easiest thing in the world but i figured i can just use encore from uw and make this a really easy victory i lead colon parentheses into crasher wakes gyarados and immediately knock it out with a thunderbolt then quagsire comes out so i switch to uwu since she can easily outspeed and knock this thing out with a magical leaf but the mud shot lowers her speed on the switchin so quagsire out speeds and hits me with a water pulse which confuses me and causes me to hit myself in confusion so i switch to smiley face to shake off the confusion as quagzire hits a yawn i don't want to fall asleep so i switch back to oowu who gets hit by a critical hit water pulse which confuses me again this is so stupid it's literally the third gym battle in a row that i've had to deal with confusion so with u being so low i just have to switch her out here this also makes floatzel a lot harder but for now i switch to smiley face tank a mudshot which crits because why not and then i finally razor leaf the try hard quagsire for a one shot floatzel comes out next and i'm dead to a critical hit ice fang so it's time for a switch to colon d i swear if that ice fang had frozen me i would have completely lost it floatzel hits a crunch which crits and lowers my defense so now i'm dead to another crunch so i gotta switch to smiley face to tank a crunch this baits an ice fang which will do less damage to colon 3 and doesn't risk the defense drop though a freeze would be pretty devastating fortunately we get in relatively free and after tanking a crunch a final discharge wins us an insanely stupid gym badge a few hyrule crunch crits would have killed us there so that was a bit of a risk but at that point i didn't really have any other play that's badge number five well now that crasher wake's been defeated i'm able to get surf which means i can finally get a moonstone i use it to evolve ubu into clefable which will give her a lot more bulk for the next few gems before getting to the sixth gym leader though ugly challenges me to a battle on the cantileve bridge using terabithia rules loser gets thrown into the raging waters below normally this battle still isn't particularly difficult but ugly has recently gotten a heracross which is a very strong pokemon with decent speed and solid bulk the only pokemon on my team that can resist his stab brick break is paxap but heracross also knows night slash so it's pretty difficult to play around critical hits here fortunately at least this time paxapp is able to take out heracross with a choice specs boosted gust gust is so weak that even with heracross's times for weakness the choice specs was necessary unfortunately gust is paxap's only special flying move so it's not going to be a great long-term solution after hair cross goes down though floatzel comes out so i switch to colon parentheses as floatzel uses pursuit but even a critical hit pursuit wouldn't have been enough to knock out pax app cool in parentheses knocks out the float sole on the next turn with the thunderbolt after it just uses aquajet for a chunk of damage then infernape comes out this thing is also pretty scary since it's speedy and pretty powerful so i switch to pax app on a brick break then pivot to colon d on a flame wheel from here colon d takes a brick break and then hits a surf to knock out infernape in one shot that fighting type immunity on pax app is pretty incredible to have anyways rose raid is last so i switched to ubu who tanks a giga drain then i use encore to lock roserade into toxic spikes from here it's a safe switch into paxapp who knocks out the roserade with two shadow balls see ya ugly now it's time for byron but byron is almost never particularly difficult by this point in the run i usually have choice specs and a pretty strong surf user in platinum byron leads magneton which makes things a little harder but only barely i lead smiley face who has just enough speed evs to out-speed the three magnemites super glued together so he knocks it out with a single earthquake stelix is out next and has icefang so it's a pretty safe switch to colon d so long as it doesn't freeze okay sweet a serf takes out stelix in one shot then last is bastiodon but his ugly mug is just another big fat target for colin d to hit with a surf and that's byron defeated from here we got to go follow team galactic around the map and do a few boss fights i usually don't show these because they aren't particularly difficult but i did want to show this clip from the saturn fight because paxapp almost dies for some reason i had a brain fart and thought that toxicroak was times four weak to flying instead of psychic a critical hit fan attack would have absolutely killed paxap so that was a very dangerous mistake to make i just figured i'd show this because it's a good reminder that it's almost impossible to play perfectly in a nuzlocke dumb mistakes like this happen all the time and you kinda just gotta adapt so if you ever find yourself in a situation where you've made a huge mistake just know that you're not alone and that everybody makes mistakes everybody has those days everybody knows what what i'm talking about everybody gets that way nobody's perfect anyways during some training for the 7th gym leader i find a shiny geodude but it's too ugly for our team so an elipsie zen just punches it in the face and it dies now it's time for candace who is actually pretty tough especially in platinum her team hits really hard she's usually able to be taken out with a strong fire type but all fire types are ugly so i'm out of luck anelypsy's end can learn fire punch but he's not strong enough to even one shot the obama snow without a boost from an item and obama snow can retaliate with a focus blast which has a hundred percent accuracy when the ai uses it but only about twenty percent accuracy when the player uses it candace's double teaming snow cloak frost lasts is also a massive problem since it's very fast and can hit very hard with blizzard and shadowball fortunately uwoo is relatively bulky doesn't take damage from hail thanks to magic guard and can learn flamethrower colon d also has cloud9 as an ability which negates the effects of weather and snow cloak so it's not totally hopeless candace leads sneasel and i lead analipsi's n he's able to just barely outspeed the sneezel and knock it out with a drain punch obama's snow comes out next so i switched to paxap on a focus blast then i switched to uwu anticipating an avalanche which i plan to lock him into with encore unfortunately obama snow goes for water pulse so you know what that means we're playing around confusion again i go for an encore so that obama snow doesn't use focus blast originally i was planning on setting up cosmic powers and staying healthy with moonlight but now that we're dealing with the chance of confusion i decide to just go for a flamethrower flamethrower has exactly a 50 chance to kill the obama snow well slightly more than 50 if you factor in the chance to crit unfortunately oow low rolls and obama snow survives with a sliver then obama snow hits a water pulse and gets the prophesized confusion that's really inconvenient because candace is going to heal but i can't afford to hit myself in confusion so i switch to pax app and candace uses the hyper potion next turn i decide to use a stockpile then i baton pass to u but obama snow gets another confusion this is now the second gym battle that u has been confused by water pulse more than once she's cute but she's clearly very easily confused by the concept of water well it's time to go back to pax app because obama's knows encore is over then it's back to u this time obama snow uses avalanche which actually hits pretty hard i have to risk a crit here to lock him into encore thankfully there's no crit next i heal with moonlight and uh well i may have forgotten that hale has the hp recovered by moonlight remember what i said about not always being perfect well there you go i'm kind of pinned here nothing in the rest of my party can one shot this obama snow avalanche does a lot of damage on the switch in and basically nothing can take the boosted avalanche on the follow-up well colin d can but he can't actually really do anything to obama's snow in return so it's kind of up to oowu here my only play is to click flamethrower it's basically a coin flip heads obama snow dies tails oo dies so i flip the coin tails i have to watch in helpless terror as the light leaves us eyes but unfortunately there's no time to mourn her death needs to be avenged here colin d comes out and finishes off obama snow with a surf next is the terrifying frost lass cloud9 removes the effects of snow cloak but frost last is able to out speed and set up a double team so colin d misses his first surf this is bad because we actually need two serfs to knock it out on the next turn frost last eases shadowball and we connect with our first serf okay one more to go on the next turn frost last hits a shadow ball and we miss a second serve now we're at risk to a crit but there's nothing else i can do i just have to risk it frost last goes for a third shadow ball [Music] colin d survives with six hp and then he connects with a serf back against the wall colin d survives to avenge oow's death after the frost last goes down pillow swine comes out but it falls to a single surf winning us the hardest candice fight i've ever had but the win did come at the price of my deepest fears coming true oowoo is gone and so too is the innocence she represented from here on out everything we do will be for her she won't be truly avenged until cynthia and all her ugly pokemon are defeated with a new sense of purpose we continue our journey which brings us to the climax of the story i need to fight cyrus at galactic hq and he's actually pretty difficult but we need to fight him again in like five minutes in the distortion world and he's even harder then so we can just skip this fight it goes fine after defeating cyrus and saturn i go ahead and release the late guardians from their prison by pressing this button have you ever pressed this button after releasing the late guardians the dialogue is hilariously aggressive well i listen to the button and make my way up to the top of mount cornet there i'm challenged by mars and jupiter which can be pretty annoying because ugly comes to white knight the battle with you fortunately ugly's inclusion in this fight means that i can just recklessly spam choice spec's boosted surfs from cole and d it does a huge chunk to mars and jupiter's bronzers as well as ugly's munchlax the bronzer sets up reflect and light screen and then on the next turn another surf knocks them both out along with ugly's munchlax so mars brings in perugli ugly brings in infernape and jupiter brings in jolbat since infernape is actually pretty good i don't really want to kill it with the surf so i switch to colon 3. this ends up being a pretty good call because infernape almost one shots the perugly with a close combat on the next turn i protect as infernape goes down to an aerial lace i don't want to kill the float so with discharge so i just click swift another good call because float soul sponges the slash from per ugly and then hits a brick break to not only remove the screens but also knock out the per ugly jolbat locks in colon 3 with a mean look so on the next turn i go for a protect floatzel misses an iron tail and then gets knocked out straptor is fourth for ugly i decide to go for a discharge this turn which almost kills the raptor and also paralyzes it but fortunately this director is still able to knock out the jolbout with a takedown anyways another discharge on the next turn knocks out the second jewel bat as well as ugly's tiraptor so lass's skuntank as ugly brings in heracross i switch to cole and d as harrycross hits a close combat skunk tank retaliates with a flamethrower leaving hair across with just a little bit of health so i decide to spare the hair across and use ice beam instead of surf which leaves skunk tank with a sliver this allows haircross to get the finishing blow and with that mars jupiter as well as two-thirds of ugly's team have been defeated next up it's time for cyrus to accidentally open a portal to the most tedious children's puzzle of all time eventually i managed to chase down cyrus and he challenges me for a final time this fight is always pretty tough since most of his pokemon are very speedy and hit pretty hard at least we have two electric types to deal with his gyarados he leads with a hound doom though so colendi takes it out with a surf before it can do anything seriously joel duck is pretty awesome gyarados is second so i switch first to pax app on the earthquake and then to colon three on the ice fang a thunderbolt knocks out gyarados in one shot third for cyrus is weavile who's very scary i switched to analypsy's end on the fake out we vile out speeds but i'm safe to even a critical hit ice punch a freeze here would be devastating but fortunately we're safe i retaliate with drain punch which isn't enough for a one shot but it does give us just enough health to survive even a critical hit ice punch which is good because that's exactly what cyrus gets on the next turn no freeze though so a second drain punch knocks it out fourth is haunts crow so i switch to colon d who takes a knight slash this now guarantees that haunts crow will use drill peck next so i can safely switch to coal in parentheses then thunderbolt knocks out the haunts grow in one shot last is crobat so i switched to pax app who gets hit with a toxic crobat uses air slash and i retaliate with a shadow ball then i use baton pass since pax app is slower than crobat this gives me a damageless switch to colon d so on the next turn after crovat hits a toxic an icebeam finishes it off winning us the battle with cyrus defeated it's time to confront the lord of the distortion world and save the universe giratina is angry and ugly so the only thing i can do to stop it from unleashing its power is to kill it so we approach the merciless beast and i do the only rational thing we can do well with that over we can take on volkner but the jolteon he leads with makes this an incredibly easy battle to cheese with basically any ground type all i really need is an ellipsis n and smiley face but i decide to train everyone up to the level cap of 50 anyways which turns out to be a very dumb decision because pax app dies to a wild level 50 10 accrual on route 223 i didn't even know that the 10 accrual on route 223 could be level 50 but this one was so i couldn't outspeed it to escape and it killed paxap with a hydro pump what a horrible way to lose an incredibly useful pokemon this doesn't obviously matter against volkner but it's pretty bad for the few remaining fights in the game our team's now permanently down to five members as we face off against volkner he leads jolteon and i lead n ellipses n i start with an agility as jolteon goes for a thunder wave this is where my cherry berry would activate if an ellipses end didn't have literally the worst ability in the game but fortunately it doesn't matter because we're able to get a baton pass off on the next turn and switch to smiley face then i set up a sword stance as jolteon misses an iron tail from here smiley face is able to out speed and one shot every single one of volkner's pokemon his electavire is the only one that could have survived a non-boosted earthquake but with a sword's dance boost it obviously doesn't stand a chance that's the eighth and final gem defeated before taking on the elite four we have to fight ugly one last time his team is pretty strong and his haracross is yet again a massive pain especially without pax app fortunately because the level cap is based on lucian i can do this fight with a pretty heavy level advantage which frankly is very necessary ugly lead staraptor and i lead colin d who knocks it out with a single ice beam as you can see i forgot to turn battle animations back on here after a session of grinding my bad roserade comes out next but another icebeam knocks it out third is infinite so i use surf and it too goes down in one shot fourth is heracross and colon d is just bulky enough to barely survive a critical hit close combat so i'm able to stay in and knock it out with two serves fifth is floatzl so i switch to colon three who tanks a crunch and then knocks out the floatzel with the thunderbolt last is snorlax so i switched to smiley face who takes a pitiful amount of damage from earthquake i miss a leech seed as smiley face gets hit with a body slam for a chunk of damage but then on the next turn a leach seed connects snorlax hits another body slam and this one paralyzes smiley face but a cherry berry heals the paralysis from here it's just a bit of protect and leech seed stalling mixed with some earthquakes body slam does manage to paralyze again so a few full peras would be really bad here but we're able to hit an earthquake after snorlax sees his rest so as it continues sleeping i switch to analipsi's n and finish it off with a return and with that ugly has been defeated now all that's left is the elite four and the champion here's our final team of five leveled up to the final level cap of 59 to match lucian's gallade let's see if these cuties have what it takes first up is aaron and he may un-ironically be the most challenging of the elite four members because he too has a hair across and since it's a bit stronger than ugly's hair cross a critical hit close combat will absolutely kill colin d before it can be taken out with two serps and i really can't risk colon d here for reasons that you'll see in a sec so i have to come up with another strategy the plan is to use natural gift and a lumbery to give smiley face a one-time use 60 base power flying type move which will be enough to one-shot heracross before it can retaliate with a mega horn unfortunately getting smiley face in is still a bit of a problem i start by leading with colon d to one shot a aeron cienmago with a surf and then heracross comes out so the problem here is that heracross knows both close combat and megahorn both of which do the same amount of damage into cole and d if it uses close combat i can safely switch to smiley face who's able to tank it even if it crits but if it's mega horn which is super effective to smiley face a critical hit will kill me so unfortunately i need to pivot through another team member and that burden falls on cole in parentheses who is the least useful member of our fivesome so i switch her in and heracross retaliates with a megahorn it doesn't crit though so call in parentheses survives the turn just barely now the right play here is to let her go down and get a free switch into smiley face but i just can't do it anecdotally i think that the ai won't go for an inaccurate attack when another more accurate attack will also kill i don't know if that's 100 true but if it is it means that i can safely switch into smiley face without risking a mega horn i decide to go with my gut and switch to smiley face cool in parentheses lives and thankfully heracross goes for a night slash for the record this doesn't actually prove that i'm right it just means that if i'm wrong i wasn't punished which is good enough for me a lumbery boosted natural gift knocks out the hair cross on the next turn and then vespiquen comes out so i switch to colon d as vespiquen goes for a defense order two serps are enough to take it out but vespiquen is able to get off a little bit of damage with attack order next is scissor so i switch to an ellipsis n who tanks and x scissors a fire punch one shots the cesar on the next turn and then drapion comes out i go for an agility planing to baton pass the smiley face on the next turn so that we can one-shot it with earthquake but stupidly i go to check torterra's stats to make sure i'm able to one-shot it with earthquake and so instead of baton passing i accidentally just directly switch which is really dumb because drapion knows ice fang so i can't afford to stay in with smiley face if i don't out speed so i just switch to colon d to tank and ice fang which freezes me finally punished for a stupid mistake i guess well there's no point in not staying in here fortunately colin d immediately thaws out and knocks out the drapion with a serf so i guess i actually didn't get punished but that was pretty lucky next is bertha but i i mean this is pretty easy stuff choice specs boosted surfs from colon d knock out all of her pokemon in one shot even wiscash the funny thing is that even if she had immediately set up a sandstorm with heppout on to get the special defense boost on her rock types and sandvale on glysor it wouldn't have mattered because cloud9 negates those effects anyways this was pretty unlosable i could see how you might think that choice specs is pretty overpowered here i've seen that comment on a couple of my videos before but using choice specs doesn't really detract from the experience for me and since these challenges above all are meant to be fun for me i don't see a reason to not use it anyways that's bertha defeated next is flint so i lead analipsy's end to set up an agility as how doom uses sunny day then i baton pass to colon d as how to muse's flamethrower which does do a chunk with the agility boost colin d is now able to outspeed and one-shot flint's entire team with cerf and again since he has the ability cloud9 cerf's damage isn't even weakened by the sunny day so that's flint defeated last for the elite four is lucian he leads mr mime who can be a bit annoying because he sets up screens i lead analysis in and use agility as mr mime goes for a reflect so i used protect a few times to stall out turns of reflect and then i baton past a smiley face unfortunately i forgot that i needed to set up a sword's dance before killing the mr mime so i actually miscounted reflect turns and mr mime is able to get another reflect up so i gotta stall out the second reflect now this is also bad because it means i need to risk being hit by another critical hit psychic as i go for another sword stance fortunately mr mime just goes for a light screen on that turn so one more protect stalls another turn of reflect and then an earthquake knocks out the mr mime as the reflect fades espeon comes out but i outspeed and kill it with an earthquake then bronzong comes out but it has levitate so i have to use a fire type natural gift from a blackberry to knock it out after that it's just two more earthquakes to finish off the alakazam and the galay and that's lucian and the elite four defeated the last thing to do is take on cynthia but the plan is to set up another baton pass sweep with an ellipsis n and smiley face setup sweeping may not be the most exciting strategy but most of the time it's by far the safest strategy and even then it's not necessarily easy to guarantee the sweep we're going to try to set up on cynthia's spirit tomb but that's ended very poorly for me in the past when spirit tomb got a silverwind omniboost and then a critical hit psychic fortunately i've learned from my past experiences plus the last cynthia wipe was in diamond whereas the platinum ai is much better so it's less likely to go for random silver wins that happen to give it an omni boost so i approach the final challenge of this run and the iconic music begins she leads spirit tomb and i lead an ellipses n i start with a captivate to lower spear tom's special attack then i set up an agility and then i set up a substitute so on the next turn i use baton pass to switch to smiley face another dark pulse does break the sub but this means i'm able to get smiley face in without damage next is the scary part i set up sword stance as spare tomb uses silver wind no omni boost i set up another sword stance a spirit tomb uses another silver wind great neither of those gave spear 2 an omni boost and it didn't get a critical hit either but honestly i think that she would have needed to get a double crit or a double omni boost and one crit for that to even knock me out so it was pretty safe even if it wasn't fully guaranteed well from here it's over earthquake takes out the spirit tomb and then toga kiss comes out since i can't use earthquake i used an electric type natural gift from a wepperberry to knock it out in one shot after that each and every one of cynthia's pokemon falls to an earthquake if spiritone had gotten one critical hit it's possible that smileyface would have been in range of an extreme speed critical hit from lucario but he doesn't even go for it here since smiley faces at such high hp so with a final earthquake smiley face knocks out cynthia's roserade winning us the battle and the run i really enjoyed this challenge i didn't play the best i possibly could but i really liked the pokemon that i got to use and there was a surprising number of challenges that i wasn't expecting the monotype challenges are really difficult and entertaining but it's also really fun to be able to use a theme or i can play with a more rounded team and come up with more complex team strategies i'll definitely still be doing mono type challenges now and again but expect more of these types of themed challenges you know assuming you like them so with that in mind be sure to keep recommending all types of challenges some of the stuff that you all come up with is pretty awesome and i'm hoping to get to as many as i can in the meantime if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link is in the description stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit [Music] you
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 463,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges, Cute Pokemon, Pokemon Platinum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 33sec (2553 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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