Pokémon Ultra Sun Hardcore Nuzlocke - FIRE Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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today i'm going to see if i can beat pokemon ultra sun with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only fire types pokemon ultra sun and ultra moon are known as some of the hardest games to nuzlocke and fire types while overall strong kind of have a lot of weaknesses and generally lack utility so a full team of fire types will definitely be interesting you can pause here if you're interested in seeing the rules and before we kick it off let's quickly look at our encounters wow we got a star-studded cast for this run huh this is gonna be fun a run kicks off in the island region of alola and almost immediately we get to choose our starter of course we go with the fire type litten and we take this opportunity to hoist him like simba after one quick look at my eyes this lit knows i mean business and it was in this moment that he whispered something to me he said make sure to let people know if they enjoy the video they should like the video and subscribe to the channel well thanks litton you do my job for me soon after choosing litten we meet our rival hal and it's at this point that i learned this is not meant to be a normal pokemon game this is gamefreak's cinematic masterpiece my god are there a lot of cutscenes in this game and i will be skipping pretty much all of them in this video after slogging through the story we're presented with our first real challenge when we go back to school and no i am not talking about long division this teacher fight right at the end of the trainer school killed seven of our runs single-handedly i know you're wondering how did it do this well at this point in the game we only have linton and she carries apoplia which is super effective against us and only having one pokemon against a super effective pokemon really just makes the fight come down to rng so that's why i killed so many runs i'm good at nuzlux okay i promise one really important thing we learned at trainer school is how to pet a tauros which allows us to progress to the next area howling city and it's here that we meet my all-time favorite evil team and fall style inspiration team skull i wish i had more jokes about these guys but they're just so hilarious on their own i don't think i need to do much here anyway they start popping and locking at us in the street and we know it's time to battle we take them out and then we're challenged by the first trial captain now this isn't the actual trial this is just a little pre-trial but this is an interesting fight because her smeargle always carries a super effective move against your starter and at this point we still only have linton on the team so this is another rng fest to make sure that we can get past it on the first turn we trade attack with the firefang against the young goose and then we take it out of the second firefang on the second turn from here it's just the smeargle left but this thing does carry technician as its ability which makes its weaker moves actually more powerful so it'll have a boosted water gun if it chooses to use it which it does thankfully it doesn't do too much damage and we take it out of the firefang on the next turn since we outspeed with the early game rng out of the way we move on to route 2 and the howley cemetery where we can use islandscan to get our first encounter a litwick we nickname this thing fuego and then check its nature and see that it has a careful nature which we're really disappointed about because it decreases its special attack which is supposed to be its best stat not the end of the world but annoying still the ghost type is very useful especially in early game encounters where a lot of pokemon just carry normal moves from here we work our way around to the northern part of route 2 where we get our next encounter a growlithe which we catch a nickname hot dog and we check its nature and it's a jolly nature which is pretty useful unfortunately it doesn't have intimidate which would be really useful for the next two big fights but we can always change it with ability capsule later after expanding our team it's time to head into the first island challenge which pits us against this backflipping weasel we start the fight off with growlithe and start hitting it with embers to fish for burns unfortunately our ember doesn't burn and also it hits us with a scary face to get speed control and calls an ally then smashes in the face with a tackle thankfully it's ally yungoos goes for an odor sleuth which bears us some damage the next turn the totem hits us with a tackle which takes us down into our berry range thankfully and then the ally hits us with another tackle which takes us pretty low thankfully our ember burns and also gets a crit which takes this thing super low and we're able to switch in litten and finish it off the next turn we clean up the ally with a double kick and that's the first totem from here we head up to route 3 where we're able to use islandscan to grab a charmander and then it's finally time for the first kahuna fight holla specializes in fighting types and has three pokemon two of these pokemon can't actually hit litwick but his ace crew brawler has pursuit which is super effective against ludwig and could kill it in one hit naturally we lead with litwick because the machop can't actually hit it and we use a willow wisp on the first turn it goes for focus energy which makes it more likely to get a crit if it stays in which it usually doesn't usually hollow will switch to his a square brawler because he sees the super effective pursuit so we switch to charmeleon thinking this is gonna happen but unfortunately he uses a full heal to heal the burn so we hit the machop with dragon rage it almost kills but not quite and then the machop does big damage to us the next turn the machop is low enough to get taken out but we're pretty low on charmeleon he sends in his makuhita so we send in litwick because makita can't hit us the next turn we read a switch so we use willow wisp which actually happens and we end up burning the crawler at this point its damages have from the burn but pursuit is still really scary and it gets scarier and scarier every turn we bite the bullet and make an early switch and take the double damage pursuit litwick lives and we're able to bring in growlithe the next turn it uses its move all out pummeling this thing could crit and kill us right now luckily it doesn't but it does proc our berry and leave us pretty low on hp so we switch in litten to be safe the next turn krebraw uses leer so we get a free switch but our defense is lowered we still go for a bite and get a lucky flinch and the burn damage is enough to finish it off next he sends in is makahida so we bring in litwick and this thing can't actually touch litwick it can however lower accuracy and be really annoying but we won't show that first kahuna down and the experience from the battle was enough to evolve litton into a torah cat after beating the kahuna we get the pokey ride which is my personal favorite thing about this game replacing hms with such a fun mechanic was an awesome idea only one thing beats rolling up to the pokemon center on the back of your tauros and you'll find out what that is later in the video on our way off of melee melee island we pick up the fly mz and this golfer lady teaches us a new mating call then we're introduced to island oak who obviously doesn't understand the risks of skin cancer we complete the fifth out of 15 tutorials in this game which is the tutorial for mantine surf next is onto akala island and hao is very excited we have an anti-climactic battle with him then head over to the pokemon daycare and get an egg that contains an eevee we hatch it then head back to the daycare and grab a firestone to immediately evolve it into a flareon now the next trial is the water trial which is very scary for us so having an evolved pokemon this early like flareon is going to be super crucial to beating that but before we get into the challenge we have to be introduced to our favorite emo kid from middle school gladion he has something to do with team skull or something but i don't know we just battle him he leads with a zubat at least i think it's a zubat what wait what we take out the zoroara and then we take out the real zubat and his ace type null comes in which i'll be honest i did not know as a pokemon until playing this game a few firefangs is enough to take it out we're not really worried about taking damage from this thing because flareon is super tanky which bodes well for the water challenge i guess we head into the water challenge and get a new pokey ride and then we challenge the totem this totem is in iraq when it and not only does this fight take place in rain which weakens our fire moves and strengthens its water moves but also araquinate has the water bubble ability which prevents it from being burned and also makes it extra resist fire type moves luckily we have a plan we are going to beat it with the power of dance no actually flareon can learn last resort from the move tutor on the first island beach which turns into a 200 power z move that you can use at any time with normalium z so we hit it with the old breakneck blitz which doesn't quite kill but luckily its only attack is bubble which has a low bass power it does however call in its ally masquerade and we take an intimidate we use a bite which isn't quite enough to finish it off and unfortunately the masquerade uses tailwind which means it's going to out-speed us so we can't just finish it off next turn so we swap into charmeleon who takes the damage okay and then at this point we realize that we're gonna need to swap around through our team until this tailwind runs out so we bring in litwick lightweight takes enough damage that if the masquerade used an attack move it would actually finish it off luckily it uses stunsport instead so the litwick lives and we swap in growlithe unfortunately the masquerade uses bug bite which eats our berry and leaves the growleth really low at least that was the last turn of the tailwind but unfortunately we don't have another good switch so we have to stay in and risk it and go for flame wheel which fortunately ends up koing the araquanid with a critical which might have actually mattered and the mass grain actually spares us by going for a stun spore all that's left to do is clean up this mass grain so we swap in taurocat it eats our berry again this guy is starving luckily a couple fire fangs are enough to take it out and the water challenge is down this for sure could have been a run ender so i'm glad to come out of here with no pokemon lost next up the aliens challenge us to a battle we meet this tiny person with this huge horse we get to do yet another tutorial with this lucha wrestler and we get our next catch magby from here we head up to the top of wayla volcano and it's time for the fire challenge which introduces us to our favorite character in the game this guy wow just look at him go anyway we clear through the quiz and then we're challenged by totem marowak this fight shouldn't be too bad because we do resist all marewax moves but we have done a few battles consecutively before this so we're not at full health before this we managed to get an ability capsule and switch gralik's ability over to intimidate which should be great for decreasing the damage that this marowak does we also taught our growl a thief to steal the thick club from the marowak and greatly decrease its damage output unfortunately it detects the first turn so we aren't able to hit it with thief then the next turn it calls in its ally selazal and we accidentally misclick and use thief on salazzle instead salazar uses torment so we can't use thief again and now we're in a more difficult situation than it really should have been we're really worried about losing growlithe to two attacks from the enemies so we swap in charmeleon luckily marowak uses detect so we're able to stay in an extra turn with turmeric and get a dragon rage off on the marowak thinking that the ai will see a kill on charmeleon i swapped flareon but they both use non-damaging moves pretty good for the swap but weird for sure weird the next turn we're miraculously able to tank a venashock from selazal and a hex from marowak even though these moves are powered up because we're poisoned we use a bite but it's not quite enough to finish it off so we have to swap in torah cat who comes in and tanks a couple hits and then finish it off the marowak with a bite from here we get into such a tough spot trying to take out the slazzle that we have to bring in our magby good thing this little guy's an absolute tank and he takes the venashock like a champ and finishes it off with a faint attack three down i don't know how many more to go next we move on to route 8 where we get our next catch a combustion its firefighting dual type is great for resisting rock and will be huge for the island kahuna which is a rock type specialist remember we move on to the lush jungle where we take on the next challenge making soup oh oh god this totem is terrifying good thing we picked up fiery mz from the last totem fight this is gonna be quick like you may have guessed the lorantis goes down in one hit with all three challenges done we move through the cutscene forest and through the diglett tunnel and then into konicone city where we grab an evia light which will be crucial for combustion and the kahuna fight coming up we also grab a firestone from the diglett tunnel and use it to evolve growlithe into an arcanine next up is the kahuna wait plumaria come on you are annoying but i do like your style after a quick battle with her we move on to the kahuna fight her whole team has maxed out attack ev's and hits our whole team for super effective damage other than combustion this is the most dangerous fight yet our strategy here revolves around using arcanine's intimidate and flareon's babydoll eyes which is a priority move that lowers attack to lower the attack of the aneuryth so that we can bring in the combustion to set up some workups and a flame charge to outspeed the rest of the team and sweep unfortunately flareon gets hit by a critical smackdown from anirath gets taken out rip buddy first death of the run we bring arcanine back in to get another intimidate off then we bring in combustion and set up three workups and two flame charges now we outspeed the rest of the team and should be able to one shot everything the second flame charge does take out the anareth and then the lillip comes in this lily does have brine which is a water type move that hits for double damage when you're below half health so it's critical that we take this out in one hit which we do with a brick break finally the lycanroc comes in and we out speed it and take it out with a brick break and with that one of the scariest fights of the whole run is done and we're pretty much done with the call island at this point but before we go we stop off at island oak and since we've collected so many totem stickers he gives us a totem sized lowland marowak and from here we move on to the aether paradise which i'm really not sure what exactly it is but if it's good enough for pseudo-wudo it's good enough for me here we meet this lady lusamine who does stuff and we have a quick run in with this interdimensional bucket hat wearing jellyfish one battle and 45 minutes of cutscenes later were able to move on with our lives and move to the third island ulula island when thinking about this part of the game i realized that after the second kahuna everything spikes in difficulty in this game no trainers are free and every encounter is dangerous also how it's land hoe okay the first thing that happens on this island is that how challenges us to a battle his team still isn't really strong enough to challenge us at this point so i won't really cover it too deeply he does have a vaporeon now but it wasn't too much of a threat so we dispatched him pretty quickly and with the level cap increased we're able to evolve our tour cat into an incineroar and i'm really not sure what happened to torah cap between level 33 and 34 but it couldn't have been good we progressed the story a little bit and then we're able to pop down to route 11 where we use island scan to find a monferno which we nicknamed takis this is a little bit better fire fighting type than blaziken because it's slightly faster and adding more rock resistance can never hurt at this point we head over to route 10 and board the bus and prepare for our next totem challenge which has us doing a lot of random chores but primarily just wrangling these little pesky charge bugs that have gotten out what are you doing out here you little battery bug with all the bugs accounted for it's time for us to challenge the totem this toga tomorrow which jumps into this laser beam and gets totally juiced now our team might hit this super effectively because of its steel type but it does have a plus two defense boost and togo tomorrow kinda hits like a truck so it might not be a walk in the park we'd leave with arcanine to get the intimidate off which decreases togo tomorrow's main offensive stat it makes it hit slightly less hard after the first turn it calls in its ally de dene and we just start smacking both of them with super effective bulldozes unfortunately due to its high defense and also its plus two defense boost it doesn't do a ton of damage but we take out the dedene and then the togo tomorrow calls in a skarmory at this point i'm getting fed up with how little damage the bulldoze is doing so i bring in the charmeleon to hit it with a special fire attack and one flame burst from charmeleon is more than enough to take this thing out from here we clean up the skarmory with the flame burst and we're done charmeleon did such a good job there we let him evolve into a charizard and also our combustion evolved into a blaze again then we head back to the city and this guy guzma is getting all up in the professor's face so we have to teach him a lesson guzma does specialize in bug type pokemon which typically are weak to fire but his lead galicipod has a water type and it hits super hard so we have to be really careful here the first term we leave with charizard and we set up a sunny day mainly just to decrease the power of his water attacks he hits us with a razor shell which probably would have killed if we didn't set up that sun from here we have a hard choice to make we can stay in and try to hit it with another move and try to get it below half health which will make it switch out with its emergency exit ability but that does risk losing charizard if we can't get it below half health we didn't really have another good switch and we do have the sun up so flame burst does more damage so we hit it with a flame burst that triggers the switch and the masquerade comes in now masquerading is no joke either this thing hits super hard thankfully we're able to live in air slash and hit it with a flame burst and take it out in one hit then he brings his galicia pod back in and we finish it off with a flame burst next we head over to route 12 when we pick up a new ride and we get another encounter a torcol with drought now drought is an ability that sets sun up when the pokemon enters the battlefield and sun decreases the power of water and increases the power of fire so this thing effectively resists water and boosts our fire attacks this thing is going to be a huge addition to the team next we head over to blush mountain where we get another encounter a tertinator this thing is fire dragon type which makes it resist water as well two defensive monsters added to the team back to back we just got a lot stronger next we head into this trailer park where we see the small child no oh no it's just a squatting team skull member huh anyway on route 15 as we're heading to the next challenge we get ambushed by this fisherman who has a gyarados who has max evs and we had our magmar in and we thought a thunder punch would kill because it's four times effective but it didn't and we lost magmar to an aqua tail it did crit but i'm not sure if it mattered i'll always remember you magmar after this battle we're able to evolve monferno into an infernape then we head into the spooky grocery store where we play a little bit of silent hill spooky wow closets and alola sure are pretty nice this little spooky thing that ambushes us actually turns out to be the totem though we do resist all the fairy attacks from mimikyu it does have an omni boost and its disguise ability makes it so it takes no damage from the first attack that hits it so this thing could give us a little bit of trouble we'd leave with arcanine and hit it with an intimidate to lower its attack off rip then we take a shadow claw and we break its disguise with aerial ace at the end of its turn it calls in an ally which is a banette so we swap in torquel to set up sun and resist the physical attacks of banan unfortunately the badet uses screech which harshly lowers our defense and makes torkol really susceptible to getting hit by big damage next turn we want to stay in and get our stellium z move off which will hit the mimikyu for super effective damage so we have to take a shadow claw and a faint attack from the banette which leaves us pretty low but we do get the z move off unfortunately it does not do nearly as much damage as we thought it would so we swap out the torque hole and bring in our arcanine to hit and intimidate on both the banette and the mimikyu they hit us with two attacks which leaves us around half health so we do swap in incineroar just to be safe we're a little spooked because we did just lose magmar right before coming into this supermarket the incinerator doesn't take too much damage on the switch so we're able to get a darkest lariat off which just barely doesn't take out the mimikyu and unfortunately banette uses curse which takes half its health to take away a quarter of our health each turn we can get rid of this by swapping so we do and we bring in charizard to take out the mimikyu with the flame burst it does take a little bit of damage on the switch but nothing too serious and the next turn we finish the bananette off with the flame burst another totem down next we head down to the beach where we get a jet ski then we head into ulula meadow where we get our next encounter an oricorio fire flying types are always useful to have especially because of the ground immunity our next stop is po town which is overrun by team skull members and i generally don't approve of team skull but these two hustlers charging for the pokemon center they're on to something gotta respect it no spindas are just vibing we fight our way through photon and then we end up in this abandoned mansion which has been overrun by team skull and ultimately at the end of it we confront guzma so we have to have another battle to start the battle off we leave with oricorio and we immediately use our fly m z move which will hit his galicia pod super effectively and it's more than enough to take it out in one hit guzma has added a pincer to his team which is the next pokemon he brings in so we hit it with an air slash which should be super effective it doesn't quite kill but we get a flinch so we're able to finish it off the next turn with a relevation dance this just leaves his last pokemon masquerade unfortunately it outspeeds us and hits us with an air slash which makes us flinch so we have to swap in charizard and hope that we don't take too much damage from the air slash it does a pretty good amount but not quite too much to make a switch to another pokemon so we're able to stay in and tank another air slash and then get some good damage with flame burst we don't quite kill so we have to swap the arcanine but he's able to finish the job with an extreme speed i guess nobody ever told you that crime doesn't pay guzma almost immediately after this we're able to fight the island kahuna which is pretty refreshing in a game that loves to just draw things out the kahuna nanu specializes in dark types but his sableye and his persian both carry power gym which is a rock move that'll hit us super effectively and his croco rock is part ground type and has earthquake which is a super dangerous move so our plan for the sable eye and the persian is to have a fighting type in that resists the rock move and when the crocodile comes in switch to charizard or the oricorio who are totally immune to earthquake the first turn the sabelive fakes us out which makes us flinch and unable to use a move but the second turn we use our fire z move to take this thing out real quick next he brings in his crocorc who uses earthquake so we swap the charizard and we effectively get a free swap the next turn it uses swagger on us which is really annoying because we're confused but we managed to hit a flame burst through the confusion it doesn't quite kill but we want to set up for the persian who has power gem which hits charizard 4 times effectively so we swap in arcanine who takes out the crocorc with an extreme speed finally he brings in his ace persian and i realize i definitely should have a fighting type out so i bring in infernape it hits us with the power gym which doesn't do too much damage and then we hit it with a close combat which we definitely thought would kill but it doesn't and that leaves us with a lower defense so we end up bringing in blaze again unfortunately on the turn we switch he actually ended up using a full restore which we should have anticipated and stayed in and used close combat but live and learn we managed to land a blaze kick on it but we take too much damage from power gems so we have to swap back to inferna who's able to live through two power gyms and then ultimately take out the persian with a close combat that was certainly harder than it needed to be after the battle nanu just starts flailing around and gladion just cannot believe what he's seeing then he just walks off all nonchalantly like that was a normal thing to do i think i like that guy next up we go back to the aether paradise and this time we're breaking in we fight through the security and then we're presented with one of the toughest battles of the run which is against lusamine the main reason this battle is so tough is because she has a melodic that's maxed out in defense and knows hydro pump which will decimate any member of our team so our plan was to bring in torquel to set up sun while holding a hot rock which will make it last eight turns instead of five and during these eight turns we'll be able to set up max special defense with amnesia and that should make us able to live through a hydro pump from the melodic so we can at least stall out some of its pp we are able to get two amnesia's off which does increase our special defense a lot but we hit the clefable with the flame burst and we do not do nearly enough damage to take it out before the sun runs out but through some divine intervention for some reason the next turn lucimine switches into our melodic unfortunately we've taken too much damage on torcol to really stay in against the hydro pump even with our boosted special defense so we use a protect to waste one hydro pump before switching and we bring in infernape and infernape is able to live through one hydro pump with the sun so the next turn we are able to take out the melodic with a thunder punch z move from here she brings her cool fable back in but we're able to swap into arcanine and take it out with a couple fire fangs followed by an extreme speed next up is our beware which hits pretty freaking hard we stall one turn with protect to get a little heal from the leftovers and then we tank a takedown we get too low so we bring in charizard who finishes it off with a flamethrower which hits super effectively because of its fuzzy coat ability next she sends in her low punny who has both thunder punch and ice punch which will hit charizard pretty hard so we're only able to get one turn of flamethrower off on it but we get some good damage and we're able to bring an incineroar and then finish it off oh and we do get a clutch little burn from the fire punch which was pretty awesome finally she's just down to her little again who does manage to paralyze us and confuse us but it doesn't really stand a chance against our team and it goes down to a couple fire punches remember earlier when i said taurus was my second favorite thing in this game well let me introduce you to my absolute favorite thing in this game man i wish i really had someone like machamp to carry me around at all times like this i hope whoever's idea this was got a huge raise anyway we're now on pony island which is the last island of the game and one of the first things we're able to do is grab a dell fox this thing is awesome not only does it have a psychic dual type which will be great for hitting fighting types and all sorts of other things super effectively but it also has high special defense which is something our team has been severely lacking and since we have machamp now we're able to go back to the lush jungle and catch a salad dip and gender evolutions are dumb so we didn't catch any of the male sound dates and we waited until we got a female so we could actually evolve it life is way too short to be catching male salads next we battle through a few trainers and then grab the focus sash this will be huge for the ultra necrosma fight which is coming up and on the same route we're able to grab a dust stone which allows us to evolve our lamp it into a chandeleur next we head over to executor island and these boys are just vibing you ever go somewhere and you're just like man why don't i live here anyway we help them with their pincer problem and then we head over to the next challenge but first we have to do this gauntlet of ace trainers and this is where the run really starts to go off the rails for me this guy did have a lapras but we're able to take him out no problem it's this next lady and her whale lord where things get really hairy we have our arcanine in and it does no wild charge so we use our electric z move so no way it lives through this right well it does and it takes out our arcanine with a liquidation rest in peace hot dog okay cool we lost a pokemon not a big deal this next guy shouldn't be a problem right well as it turns out this flygon is an absolute menace this thing almost wipes us and it takes out our torkle with an earthquake we do manage to save everybody else but we barely make it out of this fight alive no sir i will not shake your hand rest in peace fire turtle at this point i'm pretty tilted and that's a problem going into this totem fight this thing is super strong not only is kamoa the pseudo legendary for this generation but it also has an omni boost which is plus one to every single one of its stats we leave with del fox and we're hoping that we can take this thing out with a psychic z move on the first turn which we're almost able to but unfortunately it barely lives and it calls in its allied pokemon scyther and this scyther has pursuit which hits delphox super effectively and will definitely kill it from here so we're forced to use a flamethrower on it instead of taking out the komodo it does go down but he immediately calls in another ally this noivern unfortunately delphox is too low to stay in so we have to bring in our marowak which unfortunately goes down to a dragon pulse from northern and a dragon claw from komodo rest in peace we're in trouble we bring in our infernae the next turn and he goes down to a dragon claw and an air slash oh god we've now lost four pokemon in the last three battles next we swap in charizard but it takes way too much damage for me to be comfortable with keeping it in for another turn we stall with protect and then we bring in chandelure and we get a clutch flame body proc on the komodo's thunder punch which actually ends up taking it out which is super lucky without that burn i am almost 100 sure we would have wiped here but this neutron is still a huge problem fortunately our oricorio is still at full health so we're able to bring it in and we're able to start with roost while we set up calm minds to be able to tank its super powerful special moves with increased special defense and in a few turns we get to a point where we're comfortable enough to take it out with an air slash if you thought that fight was crazy you just wait till you see the rest of this run unfortunately our island challenge is interrupted by a bunch of aliens like this lollipop thing and necrozma and this lion thing and ultra necrozma and all this crazy story stuff but we don't really care about it so let me just show you the ultra necrozma fight this fight is known as a run killer in this game for a very good reason not only does ultra necrozma have one of the highest base stat totals that i've ever seen at 754 for reference normal pokemon are on average around 500 ish but it also has an omni boost and it's level 60 when you fight it and the level cap is 54. this is a crazy fight luckily we did get a selazal who knows toxic and we have the focus sash so i think you can see where this is going on the first turn we tank the photon geyser and then set up toxic from here we protect for one turn and then we swap an incineroar who is immune to psychic moves so the photon geyser doesn't affect him the next turn we protect with incineroar but it's not quite enough to take it out and we know we're gonna have to sacrifice a pokemon to this thing so we make the hard decision and decide incineroar must be chopped you served us well boy from here we just protect one more time and then the toxic takes it out i legit don't know how you would beat this without toxic stalling after this there's just one more trial before we take on the last kahuna this trail is pretty cool because it has us going around and fighting all the trial captains to collect these pedals to take on the actual totem pokemon these troll captain fights are pretty uneventful except for one and it's probably not the one you would expect no it is not the normal trial nope not the grass trial either yes it is in fact the fire trial we get ourselves into a sticky situation and we need to get a flinch on this rock slide but we don't get it and then we lose our blizzak into a shadow bone losing both infernape and blaziken who are two fire fighting types means that the rock elite 4 member is gonna be so insanely hard i was playing really bad on this stream i will be honest anyway we get the last pedal from nanu who just apathetically hands it over without a battle told you i like this guy finally it's time to take on the last totem which is ribbon b a fairy bug type pokemon which is really a great matchup for us which we definitely needed after our last string of battles though this thing does have plus two to all its stats which makes it not super easy we lead with charizard and trade a fire z move for a dazzling gleam we take a little bit of damage but we do about half of the health of the ribbon b2 rumby then calls in its ally a blissey offensively this blissey is not really that concerning but it does have some heals and some other annoying stuff so we can't really discount it the next turn we take a dazzling gleam which takes us pretty low and we almost finished it off with the flamethrower but it doesn't quite take the rimbee out so we have to take out our charizard and swap in our salazzle and from here we just toxic stall this thing down i'll spare you the details then we swap in our oricorio to stall out the blissey's last turns and that's it that's all the totems now it's just the last kahuna and then the elite four and boy do we have a battle with hapu the last kahuna hapu specializes in ground types who hit our team super effectively and are very strong hapu leads with golurk who can set up stealth rocks which would do big damage to our team every time we swap someone in so we take it out on the first turn with a grassium z move alright so far so good next she sends in gastrodon who's a water ground type so we set up sun to try to hit it with a solar beam and also weaken its water moves it hits us with a muddy water but it doesn't do too much damage so we can stay in and take this thing out with a solar beam next up is your fly gun and spoiler alert this thing is another menace on his first turn in it uses a dragon breath which instantly paralyzes us that's super unlucky but at least we do manage to get a solar beam off on it and get some good damage research is too low to stay in at this point so we have to bring in our dell fox which of course instantly gets paralyzed by dragon breath there's no chance of us out speeding with paralysis so we have to bring in oricorio because we know this thing is gonna use earthquake which oricorio is immune to the next turn it hits us with a critical dragon breath come on man at least we live to get an air slash off but it just barely doesn't kill we ran damage calculations for this fight and this was an extreme low roll on damage here the next turn hapu heals up with the hyper potion and we go for a roost out of fear we probably should have air slashed here but hindsight is 20 20. next turn it hits up with a dragon breath which you guessed it paralyzes us at least we're able to get some good damage with air slash we go for the kill on the next turn but we get fully paralyzed and we take too much damage from dragon breath so we have to switch out the oricorio and we bring in chandelure who tanks a dragon breath but we know he's gonna die to an earthquake so at this point our only choice is to just swap around and stall out the pp of earthquake we make something like 20 switches and at a certain point we get so low that we have to sacrifice oricorio which really hurts we get to the point where we actually have to start swapping tertinator into dragon breaths which is just so dangerous and at this point it feels like i've lost this fight we have one final move we can make which is to swap charizard in install the last pp of dragon breath and he clutches it out and lives with seven hp we are not even close to out of the woods yet but since the flygon is out of pp hapu brings in her ace mudsdale which we haven't even touched with damage yet luckily we read the switch and we're able to bring in our selazal on the same turn she brings in her mudsdale which we use to bait out the z move on earthquake and we immediately swap back to charizard who's immune to the earthquake z at this point we have another round of earthquake pp to stall out so we bounce back and forth between charizard and ternator while also using some protects to stall it out we just have to hope this tertinator has enough hp to live through these switches at a certain point i think i thought that the mudster was out of earthquake pp but i definitely miscounted and so we lose chandelure better than risking charizard to a payback but still wow what a misplay but we know it's actually out of earthquake pp now all we need to do is just survive one heavy slam which we just barely do with seven hp thank god for no crits through shell armor not quite out of the woods yet we just need to live through this payback nice and now finally we're at the point where we take less damage than we heal and about 10 turns of stalling later we're finally able to take this mudsdale out with the flamethrower you can see in my face game how shocked i am to survive this fight the fly gun comes back in and we finish it off with a flamethrower man that was crazy i really thought i was gonna have to reset there and i was so mad because this game takes so long to play with all our casualties we're down to just four pokemon on our team but thankfully we're able to get two more encounters through pokepeligo we pick up a hound door which we immediately evolve into a hound doom and we pick up a lit leo which we evolve into a pie roar these are two pretty strong additions to our team and we have a pretty solid squad going into the elite four thankfully i took a break after the last stream and just took a really long time to theory craft out this elite four even with all the preparation we still are very susceptible to losing to the rock trainer but thankfully in this game you can choose the order that you challenge the trainers so we start off with the steel trainer more lane who should be pretty straightforward because we hit every single member of his team super effectively he leads with a cleft key who has prankster so it has priority on its thunder wave which paralyzes us but we did prepare for this with a cherry berry and we take this thing out with one flamethrower next he sends in his metagross who we know is gonna use its fighting type move hammer arm to hit our pyro super effectively so we swap in charizard and before the fight we given charizard choice specs so we hit it with a boosted flamethrower and take it out in one hit next up is his magna zone who knows thunderbolt so we swap out charizard for del fox it goes for a screech which it misses and then it goes for another screech on the next turn which it hits but we do manage to get some good damage off on it with psychic from here he withdraws his magazine and brings out his dug trio look at the locks on that thing we hit it with a psychic which gets a little bit of damage on it but we know it's going to hit us with an earthquake on the next turn so we have to bring in charizard he uses the earthquake which we're immune to and then we take it out with a flamethrower on the next turn next he brings his magazine back in and since it took a little bit of chip damage we can take this thing out with a flamethrower finally his bish sharp comes in and it goes down to a flamethrower as well one down three to go next we go for the ghost type trainer acerola and she has her own version of the spooky dance spooky we go for this trainer because we have houndoom who resists all ghost type moves with his dark type and also was able to learn the ghost type move shadowball which hits the whole team super effectively so our plan is to set up two nasty plots with houndoom and then sweep with shadowball we managed to get both nasty plots off and then start the sweep we take out the banette with the shadow ball then the palestine comes in and we take it out with the shadow ball as well next up is the del mais who we use flamethrower for then frostlast comes in who's the only pokemon who outspeeds us it actually hits us with a blizzard and freezes our hound doom my god man my luck and we learned that only fire moves that make contact actually thaw you out of freezing not flamethrower so good to know luckily this isn't too big of a deal we just swap in pyro and finish off the frost last with the flamethrower and her last pokemon is driplim who only has a ghost move for an attacking move which can't actually damage pyro because it's normal fire type so we just chip away at it with flamethrower and eventually take it out two down two really hard ones to go next we opt to take on the golfer extraordinaire and flying type trainer kahili she has two really scary pokemon her lead braviary has brave bird which is 120 power move and max out attack this thing smacks and her ace ii cannon has rock blast and the ability skill link which makes it so it hits five times every time that destroys anyone on our team nobody survives that so our plan is to use willowist to burn the braviar on the first turn cutting its attack in half unfortunately our willowist misses and the bravery uses scary face which means that we don't have speed control anymore but fortunately that means we didn't take any damage that turn the next turn we do have to tank a brave bird but we do actually land the willow wisp this time so we're safe to swap around our team and stall out the brave bird pp first we bring in hound doom then we swap to charizard who tanks the scary face and then we bring in pyro now pyro knows the move noble roar which actually decreases attack and special attack so we start using that to decrease the special attack and the attack on this thing so that we can swap in someone to start setting up to be able to take out the two cannon in one hit when it comes in now kahili does use a full restore here so we go for another willows to burn this thing again with two noble roars in one burn we feel comfortable enough to bring in tertinator and start shell smashing so now we do have to get off three shell smashes to out speed the halucha and properly sweep our team which we do manage to safely get so the next turn we take out the bravia with the flamethrower now we're plus six on attack special attack and speed so we should be able to sweep the team right wrong somehow this mandapas lives a plus six flamethrower and hits us with punishment which we barely live we do finish this thing off with a flamethrower but we're a little bit nervous as the whole lucha comes in i run the numbers and decide it's not safe to keep the tertinator in so i bring in charizard and of course on the first turn in it gets poisoned by poison jab go for a workup because we do still need to be plus on special attack to take out the two cannon and not get hit by rock blast after thinking through it we decide that plan's probably not going to work so we swap in to laszlo to start setting up nasty plot instead we get one nasty plot off which is more than enough to take out the whole lucha and should be enough to take out the two cannon as well now there was a small chance this didn't work but the flamethrower does manage to take out the two cannon now there's just the oricorio left and at this point selazal has really done her job so we go for a venoshock which doesn't kill but it does enough damage to the oricorio that we can actually finish it off after we sack the salazzle rest in peace friend the next turn we bring charizard back in and finish this thing off with a flamethrower three down one really tough one to go okay so olivia's whole team is extremely scary but luckily she leads with an armaldo who is actually one of her weaker mods and it's a physical attacker so we can set up with tertinator if we do manage to decrease its attack just a little bit it could almost be a clean sweep except her probopass does have sturdy so we are gonna have to do something about that and unfortunately it's a special attacker so we can't keep turning her in because it'll be -3 on special defense our plan is to swap the dell fox when that comes in to get some chip damage on it the battle starts and the armaldo comes out and we lead with pyro we miss our first willow wisp of course no way we've missed two in a row right wrong we missed two willow wisps in a row it's 85 accurate that's so unlucky third time's a charm and we finally get a burn on this thing unfortunately we're minus defense so we can't stand too much longer but we do manage to get a noble roar off before going and we actually caught a break by armaldo missing its last rock blast we take a rock blast and then we switch to turn in it we take a rock blast as we switch in but we're able to set up one round of iron defense which should be more than enough to get us through to allow us to heal up and set up shell smash from here we max out our defense then go plus six with shell smash and then we take this thing out with a flash cannon next she sends in her giggleth who does have sandstream which immediately sets up a sandstorm rock types do get 1.5 times their special defense in the sandstorm so we need to stall this thing out because the cradle is already borderline not gonna die to this flash cannon even though we're plus six luckily this thing is a physical attacker so we can just protect stall until the sandstorm goes away once the sandstorm goes down we take it out with flash cannon next she sends in lykan rock who we actually out speed and take out with the flash cannon next she sends in provopass so we protect to scout out its next move it actually uses thunder wave so we know we can actually get a free turn of flash cannon before we switch out so we hit it with a flash cannon which does a laughable amount of damage and somehow he misses the thunder wave that means we don't even have to switch we protect to scout it again just to make sure it's going to thunder wave again and it does next turn we use another flash cannon and hope for a high roll to take this thing out we get the high roll yes and finally she sends in cray dilly who goes down to a flash cannon hardest fight in the game done now there's just one fight left and the professor gets me so good right here just one person you have to battle wait what do we actually have to fight him yeah i know i fell for it but the person we actually have to fight is how and our plan for this fight is pretty simple we're gonna set up calm minds on dell fox and then sweep his team we alternate using wish call mind and protect and we end up with plus six on special attack and special defense which is more than enough for us to take out this raichu with the sidekick next up is vaporeon who despite being a really big special tank goes down to a psychic as well then the tauros comes in which is the only pokemon we were actually worried about because it does outspeed dell fox and can do big damage especially because it has earthquake but we run the numbers and realize we can actually live through an earthquake which we do and then we take it out with a psychic next he sends in crab hominable and it goes down to a psychic next up is neuburn which is a special attacker and we're plus six on special defense so we decide to go for a hail mary wish in case we live the dark pulse which we do so we're able to protect and heal up and because we're greedy we go for another wish and heal all the way up and then we take it out with a psychic finally it's just as deciduous and we take it out with a psychic and that's that final battle in the books we are now a lola's first ever champion wow that was my most ridiculous run yet if you made it this far in the video and you're not subscribed come on also if you don't mind throw the video a like it helps me out thanks this was crazy i'm tired thanks for watching till next time [Music] you
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 355,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon monotype nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun fire nuzlocke, pokemon ultra sun fire type only, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra sun hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon fire types, pokemon fire nuzlocke, pokemon fire type nuzlocke, DarkraiTV, pokemon, Twig387, FlygonHG, SilphSpectre, AntlerboyLIVE, pokemon ultra moon nuzlocke, fire nuzlocke, ultra moon fire nuzlocke, pokemon ultra moon fire type nuzlocke
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 38sec (2618 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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