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welcome everyone my name's soph and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon y2 with only electric type pokemon the full rule set for this run is listed down below but basically only the first electric type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times the electric type is definitely a cool one in black 2 and white 2 with all the fully evolved pokemon on screen available but since we don't play with legendaries thundurus and zekrom aren't viable options and stunfisk is also only available in the post game whatever will we do without stun fisk no seriously a part ground type would be very helpful finally since electavire is only available through trade evolution and we're not allowed to connect to any other games we'll be stuck with electabuzz there electrotypes on the whole are quite speedy and quite powerful however they are definitely quite frail as well so i can already foresee some major challenges we might face when it comes to this run i can't help but remember our good old sharpedo named nato from our emerald dark only run who tragically got ko'd if only we had a more reliable water shark that had no problem with electric types i searched the land far and wide or ocean i suppose and finally found one surfsharkvpn who have made today's video possible surfshark is a virtual private network that keeps you and your data safe by encrypting all of the information sent between your device and the internet so that no big companies or cyber criminals can get your personal data or invade your privacy since surfshark does this by changing your location and ip address in everyone else's eyes this means you can also bypass geoblocking allowing you to access and unblock content libraries and streaming services from other countries a good example of this is netflix which infamously has a ton of different shows and movies only available in certain countries being from canada myself i normally can't get access to one of my personal favorites the die hard series and my friends in the us can't watch the office for example but surf shark has made these possible among many other things i was blown away by how incredibly easy and fast to use it is taking just one or two clicks upon startup and maybe five seconds to connect you can also set your favorite locations choose between several locations within many countries themselves and also use the multi-hop feature which connects you through two countries for extra protection if you're on public wi-fi for instance which is usually easy pickings for hackers those are all things i haven't seen from other vpns but there's another reason you should choose surf shark they've partnered with me to bring you 83 off plus three extra months for free with our very own promo code self that is a ridiculous discount you can also use one account on an unlimited number of devices and there's a 30-day money-back guarantee so there's no risk in trying it out make sure to click the link in the description below and use code self and unlock the true power and security of your internet thanks again to surfshark for sponsoring this video and let's get into the run for our starter i decide to pick snivy so that our rival chooses tepig as him having oshawott would just be unfair to him after getting some pokeballs the nuzlocke rules officially start meaning it's time to find our first encounter luckily in black two and white zoo there are electric types available early on as in most games including black and white electric types are quite hard to come by until about the mid game or so our first encounter is found in philosophy ranch where okay come on it's not just me right right marie is found here so we catch one and nickname it cleopatra cleopatra has a calm nature plus special defense and minus attack which isn't bad at all once we deposit snivy it's time to train this thing up and the funny thing is that other marie actually gives special attack evie so this is the perfect place to train it in addition to the psyducks with cleopatra at level 8 it's time to take on our rival since we have the static ability it's a bit of a hard decision whether or not to thunder wave off the bat since his first tackle could very well paralyze him and then we could miss out on a free turn of damage so i decided to just spam thundershock and somehow despite thundershock and static having a chance to paralyze it never happens but he only takes us down to 12 hp before we can ko him with that it's time to head back to aspersha city to take on our first gym since we only have murip it was actually incredibly difficult to stay under the level cap but we make it just in the nick of time to cheren he starts with a patch rat and i decide to go for thundershock right away which does a bit less than half he goes for work up to increase his attack and i decide to go for tackle here to avoid bringing him into potion range before we get hit by tackle the 22 hp and can take him out on the next turn his second and final pokemon is lily pop which outspeeds and goes for work up right away i hit him with thundershock and it does about a third his tackle brings us to just six hp but we get the static paralysis right before our orenberry heals us thankfully alder gave us five orenberries but we're still within ko range regardless our thundershock brings him down to a third and then on the next turn due to paralysis we out speed and can take him out this battle took three entire restarts of the game called the white in order to pull off successfully it's a weird situation since all we have is marie which evolves slightly after the level cap and we just cannot possibly win unless we have luck with paralysis after the gym bianca gives us the tm for return which should prove useful once we have pokemon that actually like us on our way to burbank city cleopatra finally evolves into a flaffy which thankfully gives us some more bulk and power in furbank we run into this dude who trades something of more worth his great ball for something of less worth a pokeball why are you the way that you are also you know i've been playing these games way too much when i instinctively know to come here to get the silk scarf this place doesn't even exist after exploring the city it's time to grab our next encounter from the burbank complex exterior which ends up being an ellicott the reason why we picked white 2 to begin with since it's exclusive to this game we successfully catch one and nickname it lightyear and lightyear ends up having a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed minus speed is absolutely terrible for a pokemon that prizes itself on its speed but i mean maybe the plus defense will help us live a ground move at some point who knows now the verbatin complex actually has two different areas the exterior and the interior in the game's programming they're registered as different areas there's a screen transition between them and they also have distinct encounters for the purposes of this run i'm gonna classify them as separate areas as well meaning we can get a second electric encounter in the interior magnemite whose entire line isn't available until what is basically the post game otherwise you guys always say i'm too strict with the encounters so there i'm practicing some self-love we successfully catch the magnemite and name it magneto and magneto ends up having an adamant nature plus attack and minus special attack that is absolutely brutal the worst possible nature with that it's time to take on the burbank gym the trainers in the gym go smoothly including guitarist billy joe alright now this is either a billy joel or a billy joe armstrong reference you guys vote which in the comments below this is more important than the standard fossil debates okay don't let me down this guy here says are you a trainer so does that mean you're thinking about this hype balance of the pokemon in your party i um yes i'm pretty sure this guy just implied i'm not a trainer watch yourself buddy or i'll rebalance your roxy herself is of course a poison type gym leader and i'm pretty sure they put magnemite right beside her gym on purpose as it either resists or is immune to every single one of her pokemon's moves i don't know if it was a point of pride or something or perhaps my inherent drive to make things more challenging but i said to myself that i wouldn't use magnemite for this battle at all roxy leads with coughing and i lead with cleopatra i hit it with thunder wave right away as we don't want to give it a chance to poison us because then venoshock from world of pede would do double damage after getting hit by tackle i go for charge to raise our special defense and power up our next thundershock which ends up nearly ko'ing it but then it stays paralyzed roxy uses a super potion but our next thundershock then gets a crit to take it out in comes willowpead and it actually outspeeds us to hit us with venoshock which leaves us with about a half health thanks to our special defense race i go for charge again and she hits us with pursuit which then activates our orenberry and thundershock only brings it to about half eventually we get brought to just 14 hp and we use one more charge to power up thundershock so that we don't bring it into potion range but then she uses protect when we try to thundershock so charge is no longer in effect 200 iq competitive player roxy is she hits us with one more pursuit and we get brought to just six hp after which a thundershock does the job that was kinda crazy but i feel good about it two badges down upon arriving in castilla we end up exploring the city since there are a lot of useful items that we can get here the first is the experience share which this guy gives us as soon as we enter the building and then he just leaves wait a minute were you just waiting for my arrival how did you know i was coming this girl also asked us what starter we chose and i lie and say tepig so that she gives us the charcoal since the miracle seed and mystic water are kinda useless for our electric types these two dudes in the alleyway are looking pretty creepy let's see what they're up to grin you can't be serious am i right yeah yeah hey yo what the f all right that's not even a remotely coherent conversation oh son of a we lied for nothing castelia city is actually the location of our next encounter and more specifically castilia park located in the center in this outdoor area only accessible through the sewers here we can catch an eevee which we nicknamed mcqueen as part of our rules we won't be able to use mcqueen until we find a thunderstone and can evolve it into jolteon though mcqueen has a docile nature which is neutral and we can't complain about that overall in castilia we got some great items including the experience share charcoal scope lens leftovers twisted spoon hard stone and miracle seed a great haul with that it's time for the castilia gym now i'm used to taking the path with the trainer here but this time i was like what's on this side oh i'm an idiot the castilia gym is overall kind of a tricky one for us as a lot of the bug types in the gym also have the grass type causing them to resist our electric moves we had a few close calls against the trainers such as with lightyear against a sawato which survived unlike one hp and broke through paralysis but thankfully just used string shot otherwise he would have killed us and a swat loon that took lightyear to literally one hp before getting paralyzed by static but we made it through safely realizing bird could be a little bit more difficult than i thought i decided to head to route 4 to fulfill the 40 pokemon scene requirements for the evia light to help us out after teaching cleopatra's strength for neutral coverage and giving her the leftovers lightyear and orenberry and magneto the eviolite it's time for our third gym battle since burke leads with swat loon i decided to go into cleopatra first so we have some neutral coverage against him strength does a bit less than i thought it would and swat luna uses string shot to lower our speed realizing our situation i go for thunder wave but swan lou now outspeeds us and hits us with razor leaf and gets a crit to bring us to below half dear lord thankfully we do paralyze it and our leftovers bring us just above half even still another crit will ko us so i switch into magneto and swadlund stays paralyzed sonic boom doing a set amount of damage is great for this situation and magneto takes down squad loom with relative ease even after he potions i was initially planning on saving magneto for later when levanny comes out but it's looking like he's gonna have to handle this on his own thankfully he learned magnet bomb recently too which is super effective against the dwell and takes him down in a few hits levanny is his final pokemon and i make sure to try to hit it with thunder wave right away but his razor leaf hits us to below half before we do two razor leafs could very well take us out especially with a crit and sonic boom does about a quarter and levanny's citrus berry eventually activates too thankfully with a combination of paralysis and leave any repeatedly using string shot for some reason perhaps in an attempt to make it faster than us despite the paralysis it only gets off one more razor leaf in the battle bringing magneto to just 14 hp knowing a crit would ko i switch into cleopatra who's able to take it down with a few strengths honestly if that thing had used razor leaf instead of string shot so many times that likely would have been the end of our entire run but it seems the paralysis saved us and triggered some weird ai decisions on our way through route 4 chorus decides to show us his rock collection cool man you keep doing you i had honestly forgotten how different root force layout is in white 2 compared to black 2 and along the way we find that dig tm nearly have ellicott killed yet again with another 1 hp survival find the light clay item in this crazy winding path dead end area encounter a wild overworld braviary which apparently shows up every monday which i also forgot about and we get some much needed citrus berries from a generous karate man now here in my notes i wrote down join avenue saga i think i was just impressed that this man is incredibly rich owns a lot of real estate and has a group of women who follows him everywhere he goes so yeah that's that we arrive in nimbasa city next where we can do something kind of cool pick up this hidden thunderstone right outside the pokemon center i'd like to meet whoever programmed this to be there and give them a hug because now we can evolve our eevee into a beautiful jolteon and finally start using it on our team after seeing some weird things this girl takes us up on a ferris wheel ride she then says ew it's so muggy i shouldn't have worn my apron all right i don't need to say what we're all thinking right this is like the start of a you know what never mind sweat is making my clothes stick to me i'll be fine check out the scenery do you mean the scenery in here or outside because that seems awfully suggested yeesh i'm completely drenched in sweat all right you know what i'm leaving get me off i mean off the ride before we hit up the nambasa gym we actually have another encounter we can get in the lost lauren forest before we get to it we encountered a trainer with a drill bird it took me until now to realize it but encountering a drill bird or excadrill is literally a run ender right off the bat but thankfully this one doesn't appear to have any ground moves at all i will definitely be thoroughly researching all the roots and their trainers from now on our next encounter is only a 10 chance to find in the shaking grass spots so it takes a damn long time but eventually we find it imoga we catch it and name it mickey and it turns out to actually have a modest nature which is like ideal aside from our jolly pidgey we found in our last challenge it's definitely not too often that we get a really good nature so i'm thrilled after completing the former gym's roller coaster shenanigans we take on some of the trainers in the newly renovated gym and they're manageable overall although we did have a few close calls before elisa the gym leader we need to do some grinding so i hit up the lost lawn forest where there are two good grinding methods audino of course but also this trainer who is a repeatable battle meaning if you exit the forest and come back he'll battle you again immediately during the process we have an evolution bonanza as lightyear evolves into electabuzz meaning as far as our rules go he's now fully evolved cleopatra evolves into an ampharos and magneto evolves into a magneton we got really fortunate with this since all three of them evolve at level 30 and the next level cap is exactly 30. shouldn't be really helpful it's time for the 4th gym leader elisa the electric trainer since we're operating with the same type this is kind of an awkward match-up as much as magneton seems like a shoe in here her emoga could just vault switch into zeb strika which does have flame charge i attach a citrus berry to jolteon leftovers on a moga and the silk scarf on amphros for strength and go for it i decide to lead with mcqueen who has the fault absorb ability that way we can block the volt switch from a molga and it can't really hurt us otherwise unfortunately jolteon only has thunderfang at the moment which is not only less powerful since it's physical but on the very first hit imoga's static activates and paralyzes us and its first pursuit attack crits us immediately uh oh not a good start at all she then withdraws a moga and forces a switch into zeb strika whoops i thought she was limited to volt switches for that evidently not i had gone for quick attack here to avoid bringing a molga into the potion range but thankfully it does get a crit on zeb strika so it wasn't a terrible choice she then hits us with flame charge and gets another crit but we survive on just 9 hp before our citrus berry activates how i had taught jolteon dig so i decided to go for that but we get paralyzed on the way back up this is insanely bad luck she hits us with another flame charge down to just 7 hp then we get paralyzed again unbelievable i'm forced to switch now so i go into cleopatra and zeb striker just went for quick attack and finally the luck turns in our favor and we paralyze it with static then strength is able to take it down with a crit this battle is insane laffy comes out next and we hit it with silk scarf boosted strength to a bit above half and then it paralyzes us with thunder wave after she uses the hyper potion we're able to take it down below half with a few more strengths but we're getting paralyzed too often so she brings us to just 25 hp we're within crit range here so i'm forced to switch and go into magneto who gets paralyzed right away and can't seem to hit flaffy then she volt switches into a molga which immediately avoids the sonic boom on the switch i can't even what is this battle we get paralyzed yet again but thankfully imoga can't do much to us then we use spark to bring it into the red and also paralyze it after which another one ko's laffy comes back out and gets ko'd by a magnet bomb after hitting us i have no words for this entire battle that was just madness all around our team was badly damaged but we made it through for our fourth badge while leaving the gym elisa approaches us with her gang of models and i thought she was gonna come beat the out of us if i'm honest after traversing a tough route we arrive in driftvale city now i pushed my head to the absolute limit trying to figure out how in the world we could possibly take on the ground type driftvale gym if i'm honest i didn't think about how we could approach it at all i just knew it would be one of our biggest challenges and i sincerely don't even know if it's possible at this point i decided to gather up as many resources as possible and figure out a strat from there we can pick up some great items such as the air balloon from one of the apartment buildings and the expert belt from the market thankfully the next route route 6 is actually open to us so we can move ahead to charge stone cave where we can pick up our next encounter a joltik we catch one and name it voltaire and it ends up having a calm nature plus special defense and minus attack which is fine on our way we also find one of the ground gems from a dust cloud which could come in handy too for taking on the gym trainers themselves i was super nervous but i came up with the best strategy i could after a lot of thinking and researching in drift fail there is a move tutor who teaches moves for shards after getting enough red shards we can get ice punch which we can teach to electabuzz since selectabuzz will outspeed everything in the gym this should be great and we can also attach the expert bell for 30 more damage on super effective moves the only issue is crocorcs with intimidate but my calcs tell me we should still want to hit ko them this strategy ends up working brilliantly as electabuzz is able to out speed and one hit ko every single pokemon from every regular trainer in the gym but now it's time for one of the biggest challenges of all clay the gym leader i can't tell you how long i spent planning and strategizing for this battle and honestly it was seeming impossible i finally came up with something i thought might be viable but instead of explaining let's just try and execute it play leads with croc rock right away and since i can't send out lightyear since he wouldn't kill on this one since it's a higher level and we don't have the expert belt on him anymore you'll see why i leave with magneto to also take the intimidate i then switch immediately into lightyear with the air balloon attached so that bulldoze doesn't affect us after which an ice punch can take it out so far so good but in comes the sand slash and my calcs tell me ice punch will do nowhere near enough on it and i need to conserve electabuzz for later here i decide to switch into mickey who of course is part flying type and the sand slash actually goes for crush claw confirming my suspicion that the ai actually knows whether or not you have an air balloon right away rush claw lowers our defense but we should be able to survive one more non-crit so i risk it and go for acrobatics just to do a little chunk on sand slash after which it hits us again down to just 11 hp before our berry here i switch into magneton who i know resists everything it has but ground moves and he indeed goes for crush claw again now what i absolutely need this sand slash to do is to lock itself into roll out so we can safely take it out and the fact that it used crush claw on a moga when it had super effective roll out concerns me i switch back into emoga since i know he's gonna go for a ground move on magneton and i go for acrobatics now that we have no item which does double damage and without the defense drop i know we should survive an attack and crush claw brings us to just 2 hp my god but then static paralyzes it uh-oh normally we'd be celebrating but that's actually not good for our strategy a few more switches in sand slash eventually does go for roll out but it misses magneton oh several more switches later and we finally get it to hit a rollout on magneto it's time to act i go for sonic boom it hits us with rollout again and another sonic boom is able to take it out in comes the excadrill the bane of our entire team but now that we took out sand slash with magneto we know it will go for a ground move and we can safely switch into electabuzz with the air balloon i then use super effective low kick with light year which does about a third then the excadrill is forced to pop our air balloon with rock slide there is nothing else i can do though i have to go for another low kick we hit it down to the red it's citrusberry activates and heals it to half then it takes out lightyear with bulldoze that was honestly the only way i know it sounds evil like i never planned to keep lightyear alive anyway but i thought about it for so long and that was all i could do now i can switch in jolteon safely and outspeed it with digs since it doesn't have something like earthquake or magnitude which can hit when we're underground and i attached the ground gem on jolteon for an additional fifty percent power which allows us to do enough to take down excadrol my god i was actually really proud of this battle yes we lost a pokemon but the plan worked well aside from the paralysis on sandslash and that was a battle i thought was impossible on the face of it fifth gym badge down and this is further than i thought we'd get to be honest along the way to charge stone cave we run into kobaleon who i'm sorry sir i don't speak whatever that is have a nice day though in the cave we start hearing voices always a good sign and we have an absolutely insane battle against an excadrill from a trainer i didn't mean to encounter i thought we were done with these damn things almost all of our pokemon get brought into the red and we barely scraped by on our way to miss dalton city we found a bunch of great items like the rocky helmet the magnet metal coat and an electric gem too before taking on the mastrothan gym i decide to head to route 7 first since we can get a new encounter here and a fully evolved one at that a zeb strika which we catch a nickname striker striker has a gentle nature plus special defense and minus defense not great but not the worst i suppose this guy here offers to trade me his gigalith for my molga and i mean hey if i wouldn't have a hundred thousand people try to kill me if i did so i'd definitely do it hey contact me after this runs over in the celestial tower professor juniper gives us the lucky egg which is perfect for grinding for special attack and speedy v's against litwick and golbat in this tower after a bit of grinding joltik evolves into a beastly galvantula which should be quite a help although it's not very bulky it's also not weak to ground due to its bug typing which might be helpful with that it's time for the miss jolton city gym led by the flying trainer skyla i'm gonna be honest as i'm sure we could have all guessed this gym is quite easy given that her entire team is super effective against everything in the gym to make it even more manageable her swoo band paralyzes itself from static making it an easy ko even though it could have done some damage and has decent bulk too swanna is four times weak to electric so there was no hope skarmory is also quite bulky but his special defense is certainly not quite as good as his physical defense i switched into magneto so that we could tank all of its attacks since we resist them all and skarmory went down in three sparks not gonna lie it was very nice to have a little bit of a break there after the gym battle i head back to charge stone cave to finally allow magneto to evolve into magnazone having the evia light magneton was nice but now it's time to sacrifice just to touch a ball for some much higher power upon arriving in undertown we're challenged by our rival hugh and i thought that this would be a relatively easy battle since two of his three pokemon are weak to electric elites with unpheasant and i leave with emoga since he could have just switched in mbor on magnusson imoga nearly takes it out in one hit then it just uses taunt so we can take it out in two more hits after the hyper potion ambor comes out next exactly what i was expecting so i go for the acrobatics which does just under half but his takedown not only gives him recoil but also paralyzes through statics so one more can take him out his last pokemon is semi-poor and i'm like ah we got this in the bag i switch into voltaire he goes for skald and it does massive damage and burns us problem is i don't think we'll won heck oh so i'm forced to switch into magnzone and skull does just about half on him even holy i go for charge beam he hits it with scald and thankfully no burn or crit and charge beam doesn't even ko i'm forced to switch into cleopatra now and she gets crit all the way down to 33 hp this is not good how is a water type doing this to us running out of options i switch into jolteon and we survive a scald with just about half but thankfully we out speed and take it out with discharge a water type nearly swept our entire electric team now we begin to see some of the weaknesses of this team the frailty combined with any pokemon out speeding us is a bad thing after picking up the metronome item from lentimustown it's time to go to appaloosa's city the gym here is an interesting one as dragon resists electric so this should be challenging thankfully by using magnzone defensively and galvantula and jolteon offensively with signal beam and shadowball respectively were able to make it through the gym trainers with a couple close calls it's time for our 7th gym battle draden i grinded right to the level cap came up with somewhat of a strategy and decided to go for it my main concern of course is the ground type flygon and his dragon dancing hacksaurus but let's see how this goes drayden leads off with a dradogon and i lead with magnazone i immediately go for the thunder wave trying to avoid his revenge attack but he actually went with the slash instead i put the rocky helmet on magna zone so that any contact moves hurt the opponent and this works out well as it helps us to be able to do enough damage to dradogon to take it out after he potions it and magneto took minimal damage thanks to the paralysis in comes flygon and i know he's gonna go for earth power so i switch into emoga who's immune i then hit him with acrobatics for less than half then super effective rock slide hurts us really badly to 35 hp i switched back into magnazone knowing that all of flygon's non-ground moves are resisted then i can switch back into mickey i'm forced to repeat this process hoping flygon uses contact moves and through this we're able to wear him down quite well although magneto is starting to take some good damage too eventually i'm forced to make our move but i believe our bad speed ivs caused the couch to show that i would barely be outspent by flygon so i had to switch into something that could tank two attacks from flygon before taking it out since i can't let mickey die i decided to send an ampharos and i was really hoping for the static paralysis on crunch perhaps but it didn't happen cleopatra's leftovers help it a bit though and then flygon goes for earth power and we survive on 44 hp and can take it down with return in comes haxorus and i'm feeling pretty scared with our big hitters being pretty weak i know that magnazone can take whatever he can use so i switch him in and haxorous went for dragon tail so he gets hurt by the rocky helmet as ampharosis swapped back in despite leftovers ampharos likely can't take another attack so i switch into galvantula here who gets hit with another dragon tail down to 29 hp and magneto is brought back which is actually an okay thing since it technically gives us a free switch into a pokemon that we've wanted out there this whole time so i hit him with thunder wave as he goes for dragon dance after that attack boost i know magnazone is in ko range now so i switch in striker and he stays paralyzed so i can go for normal gem boosted return that i put on him as a last resort and he still survives it in the yellow his citrus berry activates and he goes for dragon dance but we as speeded on the next turn to bring him to the red he dragon dances again but thankfully we still out speed and can take him out that was a hectic battle and our team got battered but we made it through deathless 7 badges after some team plasma nonsense magna zone is already at level 50 so i'm forced to deposit him for now since the level cap for the next gym is 51. thankfully that gym badge opened up a new encounter for us in the seaside cave dynamo this thing was a five percent encounter and took forever to find but we successfully caught it and named it elektra elektra has a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed which isn't great minus speed is very rarely a good thing but we'll make it work the humalao gym is of course a water gym and like skylas i don't think i need to go too in depth here ironically enough this gym actually gave us a bit of trouble on a grass-only run but this time it's smooth sailing as marlin's pokemon are all easily taken care of by our jolteon's magnet boosted discharge although jellison did land once called in the process that's all a gym badges but we have some major challenges to come while making our way through the seaside cave we almost lost mcqueen as a rock and roller used explosion out of nowhere but thankfully i had used dig so we were underground at the time we also finally have electro evolve which i waited until level 43 to do so we could get thunderbolt on it by level up since it evolves fully from a thunderstone after that i decided to evolve it into electros immediately afterwards meaning we've got a fully evolved team again we also almost lost striker to a first turn explosion from a wheezing things are getting scary man after dealing with team plasma it's time to take on chorus because of the typing this was a very hard battle to prepare for in the end i decided to just throw magneto out there and try to push through as much as i could although he leads with an eeveelite magneton which doesn't make things easy and it uses thunderwave on the very first turn to paralyze us i decide to paralyze it as well and use chargebeam as much as i can to charge up our special attack and i was thinking he couldn't switch since we have magnet pole but he goes for volt switch into his own magna zone which then proceeds to use explosion immediately bringing us to just 32 hp scary but i mean at least that's dealt with now and our citrus berry helps us out a bit after all the charging of our special attack and having learned discharge upon level up we can now sweep through his cling clang and bgm but his met's hand comes out with us just at 13 hp so i switch into striker who's able to charcoal boosted flame charge his way through metang and jolteon handles magnatom with a four times effective dig after a great vault absorbed switch a very stally battle but that magnezone explosion might have actually been crucial in getting us through deathless if i'm honest while taking on the shadow triad hugh just decides to stand there do something you next is one of the biggest threats to this run getsus i can't tell you how long i studied his team and simulated the battle in my head and every time it came us as us just having no path to victory problem is this battle set up weirdly as we had to use magnazone to take out kirum with flash cannon otherwise we would have lost something and that means we have to lead with magna zone against him since the battle starts right away i go for metal coat boosted flash cannon against his coffee grigas and he hits it with shadow ball after which another flash cannon takes him out in comes seismitoad next and after nearly losing the run to mirror palpitoed earlier this thing terrifies me i switch into a moga to avoid the earthquake knowing i need to get damage off on him i go for acrobatics which does less than half unfortunately amazingly he missed his muddy water though but our next acrobatics barely doesn't kill and he hisses to about half then guesses uses a full restore so we're basically back where we started and i hit him back to above half i know we'll need mickey for later so i switch in striker here who gets hit by muddy water for about a third this is what we needed striker for the normal gem boosted return to take down the seismitoad in comes drapeon next which does have earthquakes so it is a massive threat i switch back into mickey for the earthquake then i can go for volt switch to magneto who resists or is immune to all his non-ground attacks unfortunately we can't use the rocky helmet strat here as we needed the metal coat earlier but this strategy works well now that we have volt switch which is a great way to pivot while getting damage off unfortunately drapeon gets a crit on his next night slash though bringing magneto well below half but we're able to take him out with emolga on our next switch i used acrobatics to keep imoga out here in the hopes that he'd send out electros or maybe even toxic croak but he goes for a high drygon instead not good i vote switch out of there and into magneto who tanks rockslide well my calcs tell me we can survive any non-crit from him since we resist all of his moves but i can't risk it and flash cannon might not ko from here so i send in galvantula instead so he gets more life orb damage but he goes for dragon rush which brings us to 9 hp but after the life orb damage he's in range for a super effective signal beam ko holy that was close elektros comes out next which is quite a wall for us and has flamethrower i switch into our bulkiest pokemon cleopatra and he went for crunch and actually paralyzed himself off a static amazing from here we can slowly wear it down with power jam until he's in the red and we have 41 hp left now here i know he's got toxic rook waiting and i don't want to go into that with ampharos being slower so i figure the risk is worth it to switch into jolteon and hope that he stays paralyzed but he doesn't and he hits us with crunch before we ko him uh-oh oxyco comes in and at this point i realize what must be done mcqueen can not ko from here our best bet is to hope that he goes for brick break and switch in a moga who could out speed in ko with acrobatics and has a chance to paralyze with static but he goes for poison jab and takes mickey down but we do get the paralysis oh my god i send in striker toxicrow stays paralyzed it seems he was trying to go for sucker punch and a spark does less than half but then we can use the more powerful wild charge to take him out what an unbelievably difficult battle we lost mickey but mickey made a sacrifice to save the run the utmost of respect to him after some crazy battles in victory road we make it to our final rival battle this one goes much more smoothly now that we're prepared for that damn semi-pour and electros was a great help too after the battle hugh finally finally gives us the thunderball tm you couldn't have given this to us any earlier huh you don't forget the tms are unlimited use in this gen so that means we can teach it to ambrose magna zone jolteon and galvantula in place of their stupid other moves with that and with as much preparation as i can muster it's time for the elite four first up is chantal the ghost type elite four member for her i thought of a pretty solid strategy since our jolteon is really fast and has shadow ball i put the metronome on her which increases the power of moves that are used consecutively since all i'll be using is shadowball it increases power every time and is able to sweep through her entire team only getting hit once it's not often the metronome can be used effectively but chantal's team definitely allows for it i was scared about the golurk being sent in second and surviving and koi'ing us with earthquake but we pulled it off and that's a great start next up is grimsley the dark type elite four member on the face of it his team is kind of scary for us and i leap with volterra against his lipard lypard hits it with fake out on the first turn but thankfully valterra is fast enough to outspeed it and take it out with signal beam not too often you see a live part getting out sped scrafty comes in next and i decide to stay in and hit with thunderbolt which does less than half then it hits us with rock tomb to just above half but lowers our speed knowing we can survive another and i don't want to switch in to have something else's speed lowered i go for thunderbolt again to bring it into the red and we get hit to just 19 hp brimsley then 4 restores and now that our speed has been lowered twice i was forced to predict that and go for volt switch so we can get out of there while getting damage off i switch into elektra here who i taught drain punch using one of the move tutors and it takes out the scrafty immediately crocodile comes in next and intimidates us so i switch into cleopatra since i know he's not going to earthquake a levitate pokemon that way i can bait the earthquake on cleopatra and switch back into elektra without the intimidate since we need drain punch for later we get hit by crunch and then drain punch just barely doesn't ko him but then we can take him out in one more hit after being hit by another crunch his final pokemon is bisharp which is the reason why we didn't want that intimidate as four times effective drain punch is able to take him down after we get hit by night slash solid the third elite four member is caitlyn who uses psychic pokemon for this i gave the expert belt of voltaire so that it could use signal beam but the problem is that caitlyn starts with a bulky musharna who survives one with less than a quarter health then uses yawn stopping our plan in his tracks i switch into magneto who also handles her team quite well but she uses a full restore followed by yawn again after getting hit by flash cannon which also got the special defense drop i switch into voltaire again but she goes for yawn yet again what the hell man i switch into magneto and yup yawn again unbelievable realizing we're kinda stuck and that the drop will allow us to take it out i just go for it and take that damn thing down after which we're asleep for the reuniclus switch knowing show focus blast i go into volterra who resists it and go for signal beam but it survives with less than a quarter hits a psychic and we survive on just 9 hp one more signal beam does the trick income sig lift and this is the perfect opportunity to go for the super effective volt switch but it survives on like 1 hp i send in magneto here who's still asleep and we stay asleep until we get hit to just 43 hp before taking it out in comes gothitel and this is looking dangerous but i go for flash cannon nonetheless which brings it below half but it's citrusberry activased it hits us with a resisted psychic and we barely survive on 8 hp i switch into cleopatra and she went for thunderbolt for some reason so we can take it out with a couple of signal beams after paralyzing it with thunder waves since she just used calm mind on the non-paraturn the final elite four member is marshall the fighting type trainer on the face of it we have no type advantages at all but i decided to teach the acrobatics tm to elektra instead of giga drain since we no longer need it he leads with throw and electra brings it down to about a quarter with acrobatics after which he hits up with storm throw but another acrobatics takes it down mian xiao comes out next and uses u-turn immediately into kong calder which is actually kind of a good thing since i wasn't sure how we were going to take this thing down conch out there's citrus berry isn't enough to save it as acrobatics takes it down on the second attack myan xiao comes back out and now i'm a bit smarter as i realize high jump kick might have very well taken us out so i switch into volterra who resists it but it still takes him below half and oh man i go for volt switch though which brings it to a quarter and switch into cleopatra hoping for the static activation but he goes for u-turn again into sock sock hits us hard with brick brake and now we get the static activation and thunderball brings it to a quarter i realize we're going to need something faster than miencho on the field so i switch into striker hoping he'll stay paralyzed but he gets a brick break off to take us down to 64 hp i go for spark though and it does ko after which we can now out speed and take myanchow down with a wild charge a tricky battle for sure but a manageable one due to our pivoting strats it's time for the final battle the champion iris i can't tell you how long i sat there and came up with strategies and like gets us nothing was clicking her dragon dancing hacksaws is way worse than even drayden since it also has earthquake this time around if that thing gets a dragon dance off it is gg another problem is that i was banking on voltaire being able to get to level 60 to learn bug buzz so we could take out hydragon in one hit immediately but we were just barely off with no way to level up eventually i came up with a crazy idea and just decided to go for it here goes nothing i lead with elektra and go for super effective drain punch on the high drygon that way we recover some health back after it out speeds and hits us dragon pulse does less than half and drainpunch does a bit more than half so we can take it out on the second turn with over half health after recovery now here's the key everything else she has is either weak to or neutral to drain punch so i actually put the metronome on elektra knowing this and she sends out agron next which still survives a four times effective drain punch just barely on a sliver then goes for automatize to raise its speed but iris makes the mistake of using a full restorer and we get a further powered up drain punch now to one hike owe it amazing but she sends in her haxorus next i was hoping that we could build these up through her other pokemon beforehand but now the biggest threat has come out too early oh no it goes for dragon dance right away and dream punch isn't powered up enough yet and doesn't even do half another dragon dance comes though and i'm like oh my god here we go but drain punch somehow leaves it on a sliver but it just goes for x scissor which doesn't do enough and we can take it out honestly if it had gone for duo chop it might have chao'ed us i don't understand why she did that in comes drydagon and drainpunch does a bit more than half but then it goes for dragon tail to end our drain punching now here in my excitement i accidentally clicked magnet thunderbolt and drudogon survives on like one hp uses rock slide and gets a crit to take voltaire out that was super unfortunate he did not deserve that from here though i send in striker and use flame charge to take him out that way we get the speed boost and can out speed archeoffs who could otherwise hurt us bad with rockslide and possibly flinch too and since she sends out lapras next we can go for wild charge which is an instant 1 hit ko despite the recoil and now since we outspeed archeops we can have it meet the same fate to win the battle incredible i sincerely think that might have been the only strategy we had that could have worked and it was still a bit messy and scary at times but we didn't we completed a pokemon white 2 hardcore nuzlocke with only electric type pokemon a huge thank you to surfshark once again for making this video possible for you guys make sure to check them out using the link below if you enjoyed this run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who contribute towards these videos if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like below the video to help it out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of rum we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 709,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can I beat a pokemon white 2 hardcore nuzlocke, can I beat a Pokemon white 2 hardcore nuzlocke with only electric types!?, can I beat Pokemon White 2, Pokemon challenge, pokemon white 2 nuzlocke, pokemon white 2 hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon white 2 nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke electric only, hardcore nuzlocke only electric types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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