Pokémon Platinum Hardcore Nuzlocke - Randomizer! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a randomized hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode for those of you who don't know let's break down what a randomized hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum means essentially it's a hardcore nuzlocke using a modified copy of pokemon platinum where all the pokemon in the game have been completely randomized so instead of the usual starters you get to choose between three random pokemon wild pokemon are randomized the other pokemon that other trainers use are randomized it's all random there's a lot of different ways you can randomize the game based on a bunch of different settings i've provided a detailed list of which settings i used in the description of the video and i'll mention a handful of them throughout the video but to save some time i'll skip breaking them down in detail randomized nuzlockes are pretty popular especially for streaming and i can see why the random nature of the game makes each new encounter exciting and the mystery of what's waiting just around the riverbend is really enticing as a viewer i've always been a little bit hesitant to play a randomizer though because well they're so random there's not a lot of preparation in randomizers since you don't really have a lot of control over what you're about to face you kind of just go in guns blazing and hope for the best sometimes it's really fun but i much prefer planning for known challenges nevertheless after failing the pokemon diamond hardcore nuzlocke using fire types only and the first round of the pokemon black 2 hardcore nuzlocke using dark types only i was feeling pretty mentally exhausted so i was convinced by twitch chat to play a randomizer it was meant to be a break from the theory crafting and preparation that usually goes into those monolocks with a randomizer i could just play the game and not think too hard about it i finished the run on twitch a long time ago and i wasn't ever really planning on making it into a video but i vaguely mentioned its existence in a previous video and over one whole person in the comment section asked to see it so here we are plus if i don't squeeze every ounce of potential monetization out of a nuzlocke run did i even actually do it okay okay obviously that's a joke it's not about the money for me and i would be doing this even if no one was watching so it goes without saying but thank you again all so much for your support i really do love making these videos you know what else i love this week's sponsor this video is sponsored by skillshare skillshare is an online learning community where you can find thousands of classes designed to teach you creative skills ranging from topics like illustration graphic design and video editing skillshare has been a sponsor on this channel before and i think they're a great sponsor because they have so many classes that are perfect for teaching people how to start content creation literally everything i learned about video editing with adobe premiere pro is from jordy vanderpud's adobe premiere pro for beginners class and that's just one of the thousands of classes on skillshare the best part about skillshare classes is that you can complete them at your own pace and however you want there's no commitment you can skip individual lessons if you're not interested and because skillshare is focused on learning all the classes are ad-free so you don't have to be interrupted by some bozo droning on and on and on the first 1000 of my subscribers to click the link in the description below will get a free trial of skillshare's premium membership so that you can explore your creativity for free thanks so much to skillshare for sponsoring this video and now let's get into the challenge just as a quick reminder before we start even during a randomizer i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how this goes i start my journey by picking my starter i've used the randomizer setting that always replaces the starters with a pokemon that has three stages so my choices are spiel totodile and larvitar i let twitchchat pick my starter by using a poll and they decide on larvitar but that's a stupid choice so i ignore them and i pick spiel this means that a rival doof has a totodile i managed to clap him down with some water guns and powder snows as doof just lives up to his name and goes for a bunch of leers i named the victorious field shub and then we're off from here we start catching wild encounters for the sake of time i'm not going to cover every single encounter that i get in this playthrough but i'll obviously mention the ones that i use in major battles from route 202 i catch a munchlax and name him chigbungus from twinleaf town i fish up a fully evolved raptor and name him mohawk from route 204 i catch a fully evolved blast toys and name him harry by the way twitch chat is helping me choose the names here so naturally blame them for any of the names that you think are bad but credit me for any of the ones that you like from orb or gate i get an infernape and i name him monkent and from orber mine i get a leafeon and i name him spinach this gives us a full team of six meaning it's time to take on rourke he's normally a rock type trainer but remember all his pokemon are random now so he leads with a chinchou which actually has the perfect type combination to be really good into most of my team i switch to spinach who gets paralyzed by a thunder wave then chinchou starts using water gun as i go for tackles thanks to potions and some unfortunate full paras it takes a while to knock out the chinchou but eventually it goes down then magby comes out so i switched to chubb who gets hit by a smoke screen amber doesn't do much to chop though thanks to thick fat so two water guns which both hit are enough to take down the magby next is the holy savior himself so i switch to harry as ammonite uses withdraw a few water guns take out ammonite as it just does pitiful damage with bite the downside of a randomizer is that every pokemon has its default level up moveset at whatever level it happens to be so a lot of the time randomized battles can be really underwhelming especially if i happen to have four fully evolved pokemon on my team before the first gym battle anyways after getting the first gym badge i get another encounter outside valley windworks it's a yanma and i name him lil fly and i cannot tell you how much i just love this little guy look at how cute he is he's amazing and perfect and his little wings i just love him so much he's just like a little flygon absolutely adorable so naturally i replace mohawk with lil fly and then we take on galactic commander mars but without her per ugly i really don't see this being particularly difficult she leads zig zagoon and i lead lil fly little fly has compound eyes so two sonic booms take out the zigzagoon and then zangus comes out not a problem i switched out to chubb yeah okay that that is a problem well i try to lock him into swords dance with encore but xangoose uses quick attack before i get the chance so now i've accidentally locked xangoose into a boosted priority stab move let's not beat around the bush xangoose completely wipes my entire team i'm under leveled and i'm underprepared i honestly couldn't care less about most of these literal randos going down but watching lil fly go down was pretty hard our time together was so short but so sweet may we meet in another lifetime little fly now technically i have pokemon in the box here but i tend to consider a wide out a loss so that's a reset on attempt 2 i slightly change the randomizer settings to reflect what's ultimately written in the description of this video specifically i make it so that wild pokemon are randomized to pokemon of the same power level this means that if there's an originally weak pokemon it will always be randomized to an equally weak pokemon in attempt 1 i think i had set this for trainer pokemon but not for wild pokemon which is why roark's pokemon still sucked but i was able to find fully evolved pokemon this time my starter choices are piplup totodile and togepi i picked togepi because it's cute and togekiss is awesome but i soon realized that this is a pretty terrible choice because togepi does not know any attacking moves so i literally can't beat the first rival fight i know that a lot of people say that the nuzlocke starts when you get pokeballs but that's not my rule set if you lose in the first rival battle you lose the nuzlocke so that's a reset okay third time's a charm my choices are cyndaquil charmander and starly i go with cyndaquil for no other real reason than i rarely get to use cyndaquil dooflet's charmander we have the exact same stats so it's a total toss-up as to who wins unfortunately charmander has scratch which is marginally better than tackle because it doesn't miss and he also seems to be completely immune to the effects of smoke screen so cynical goes down and it's time for another reset as the saying goes fourth time's a charm right my choices are totodile zubat and charmander i picked totodile and duke picks zubat so this should be a pretty easy victory supersonic makes us hit ourselves in confusion once but then today snaps out of confusion on the next turn so we just gotta hit the zubat one more time [Music] yeah sure you know what sure that might as well happen okay attempt five this time professor rowan offers me a stir fry of mixed veggies chikorita low tad and oddish so i pick chikorita and doof picks low tad and then somehow against all insurmountable odds i'm able to get past the very first rival fight and i can actually play the game i named chikorita pair and then we're off my first encounter is an incata she's female so i name her basalt as i think i'm now legally required to do for all female nankatas and then from twinleaf town i fish up a cleffa you should now see how randomizing based on power level works since this is most certainly originally a magikarp it's randomized to something equally as useless i name her table from ravage path i find a cynical so now we have two of the three johto starters i name him george and then on route 203 i catch a rattata which on its face seems like a pretty underwhelming encounter but this rattata has the ability guts which is pretty awesome i name her millie in orber gate i catch a pikachu and i name her lemon and then on route 207 i catch a volbeat and i name him owl city i mean owl city 9999 more volt beat to go with that we've got a full team there's a lot of other encounters obviously but those are the notable ones george evolves into quilova during some training and then it's time to fight rourke for the second time right off the bat i start with a pre-poisoned melee with guts the poison gives her an attack boost so she's a pretty reliable pokemon to lead with since there isn't too much that she can't hit for at least neutral damage case in point she's able to easily knock out rorke spoik with a bite next up is shelgon which is a massive upgrade from the onyx that it replaced i try a bite which doesn't do much damage and then shell gun retaliates with a headbutt so i switch into pair who tanks a critical hit bite so i use synthesis and then take some damage from a headbutt then i go for a poison powder but it misses so on the next turn i use synthesis again but then shelgon gets another critical hit fine synthesis again i can do this all day shell gone well i i guess actually i can't because i'm almost out of synthesis pp anyways i go for another poison powder but i miss that one too so it's time for another synthesis and then i go for another so that i'm safe to a critical hit this lets me finally connect with a poison powder i switch to george then i go for a lear and shellgun hits another critical hit with headbutt i'm not confident that a quick attack will kill from this range so i switch to lemon as rorke heals i go for a quick attack which does nothing as shogun uses lyr so then i use tail whip as shell gun hits a very hard headbutt my team is looking pretty weak so i just use quick attack with lemon which isn't enough for the kill then shell gun retaliates with a rage and our first team member goes down millie comes back out to revenge kill with a quick attack but rourke still has one more pokemon left and it's his strongest one yet never mind i switched a table and use charm as skiploom uses spore after a few turns i'm able to lock the skip bloom into tail whip with encore so that allows me to freely switch into george who's able to knock out the skip loom with two embers that's badge number one the second badge number one after this lemon evolves into bay leaf and table evolves into clefairy then millie evolves into raticate so now our team is looking pretty solid let's try not to wipe to mars this time she leads hoot hoot so a pre-poison milli knocks it out with a hyperfang torpedo is the substitute for per ugly so i switched a table and then lock him into focus energy then it's just a switch to pair and two razor leafs are enough to knock it out with that we've got our furthest attempt yet yay on route 205 i catch a dirtini i name him pasghetti and i make the mistake of making him a part of my team i was really enticed by the idea of using a dragonite but that doesn't actually happen until level 55. until then dratini and dragonair are kinda garbage but i don't end up accepting that until much much later in the run at least he has dragon rage for now which is very good in the early game the only other noteworthy encounter here is a dust goal from mount cornet having a ghost type for pivoting is incredibly useful in a randomizer especially since a lot of pokemon have normal type moves in their moveset i name him hades okay gardenia time as usual i don't know what's coming but i'm just going to lead pre-poisoned millie gardenia starts out with a chinchou so a guts boosted hyperfang knocks it out in one shot then electrode comes out electrode uses a light screen and i use hyperfang for big damage i try to see if a quick attack will be enough to kill it but electrode hangs on with a sliver fortunately it only hits a very weak spark in retaliation unfortunately on the next turn gardenia uses a super potion and milly misses a hyperfang so it's time to switch to pisghetti who gets paralyzed by spark but then shedskin instantly heals him two dragon rages are enough to finish off the electrode and so last is banet but it really can't do anything to table so i encore it into curse and then switch to george and then watch it kill itself with a second curse and that's badge number two after this there's a few more encounters but the only one that i end up using is whale mer which is beached up in wayward cave i name him moby thick now it's time for fantina she leads bellsprout and i lead you guessed it except this time i've now taught millie return so she hits even harder than with hyperfang and return can't miss bellsprout goes down and then vespiquen comes out i decide to stay in and let millie just take the wheel she does not disappoint and knocks out the vespiquen in one shot thanks to a critical hit last for fantina's marowak who's a bit too tanky for millie to one-shot it so i switch to pair and then knock out the marowak with two magical leaves and that's fantina defeated next up there's a whole lot of other encounters in lost tower i catch a spearow and i name him kenya this isn't actually an important encounter but you know the meme thing pisghetti evolves into dragonair here as well and then on route 214 i find a hound door which can actually be caught here in a non-randomized version of platinum as well so that's neat i guess i name her dog meat and then she goes into the box lemon also evolves into meganium and then it's time for meilene she leads me out which instantly gets clapped by a return from millie then charmeleon comes out but it too gets clapped by millie she's easily got the biggest kill count of the team so far last is blissey this thing has terrible defense and actually at level 32 it literally doesn't know a damaging move so it's completely safe to click return here we just gotta wait for about 45 seconds as the platinum hp bar does its thing almost there okay well i guess the blissey survives with a sliver but on the next turn a final return knocks it out winning us the fourth badge okay encounter time at valor lakefront i find a vibrava so like the narcissist i am i name him hg on route 213 i catch a grovile and name him sky and on route 212 i catch a machop and name her razzle then george evolves into typhlosion and hades evolves into dust claps and so now it's time for crasher wake he leads espeon which instantly gets one shot by a crunch from millie giraffe ridge comes out next and also goes down to a crunch and then last is slow bro who actually does tank a crunch pretty handily well it was almost back to back james sweeps for millie but the poison damage is starting to build up here so i switched to pear who finishes off the slow bro with a magical leaf and with that psychic trainer wake is defeated and we get badge number five with the new level cap moby thick is able to evolve into whale lord and now from here the game actually gets significantly harder because one of the randomizer settings that i clicked makes it so that every pokemon at level 36 or higher becomes fully evolved after randomization so now pretty much every trainer will have a team of strong pokemon i obviously can't show every single trainer battle but there were a lot of close calls eventually i get to my first confrontation with cyrus he's spewing some pseudo-intellectual bs about world balance and it sounds like it's ripped directly from one of those online message boards of the early 2000s i bet cyrus wouldn't get vaccinated don't be like cyrus cyrus leads with the b barrel and milli is a little tired from pitching 95 mile per hour fastballs for two gyms in a row so i lead pisghetti b-barrel only knows normal type moves at this level so i switch to hades as he goes for amnesia cyrus then switches b-barrel out into quagsire and i go for a curse a wikiberry cures a little bit of health then i switch to pear as quagsire uses amnesia magical leaf knocks it out on the next turn and then cyrus sends out guard chomp that's not great based on the garchomp's level this is what cyrus's murkrow was randomized to at first i thought it was kind of weird that the randomizer would consider a duck to be the same power level as a freaking guard chomp but then i realized that what probably happened is that it was randomized to a gabbite and then fully evolved based on the setting that i just mentioned so kinda shot myself in the foot with that one well without a nice type attack this is pretty scary garchomp hits a dragon claw as i go for a poison powder which thankfully lands i'm at risk to a critical hit dragonclaw but pair is by far my bulkiest pokemon other than hades who's at half health so switching isn't really an option i kinda gotta just stall with synthesis but every turn i do that i'm risking a critical hit so is it really that surprising when garchomp gets a critical hit on the next turn that knocks out our starter marking the first death since the first gym battle moby thick is able to come in and finish off the gar chomp but even that is really only because he goes for slash on the first turn for some reason i have no idea why but since he doesn't get another critical hit with dragon claw in the next turn moby thick holds on and knocks him out last is b-barrel but since it can't damage hades i switch him in use curse and then watch the life slowly drain from b-barrel's dumb face and that's cyrus defeated after burying lemon we have to decide who to train up as a replacement hmm who should i use to replace my grass-type starter rasso the machop is the obvious candidate with some training she evolves into machoke and another one of the randomizer settings i clicked makes it so that trade evolutions evolve by level up instead so after a bit more training rassel also evolves into machine and then it's time for byron he leads toxic croak and i lead the always reliable millie but the consistently fully evolved pokemon are starting to make her a little less reliable as a lead fortunately she still has enough power to knock out the toxic croak in one shot haunts crow on the other hand not so much oh okay unless she gets a critical hit what a beast amma star comes out third so i switched to my grass type starter oh wait he was killed okay i switched to rassel who's able to knock out the amazar with a few brick breaks it does take a few turns because amastar took some plays out of the pelipper playbook and protects stalled for a while but eventually it goes down and that's byron defeated from here there's no new noteworthy encounters just a bunch of battles with galactic commanders and the trainers on the way to snowpoint city they're tough but we get there in one piece so let's just jump straight to candace she leads sudowoodo so it seems that millie has finally met her match i switched to rassel who takes out the pseudo-wudo with a few brick breaks candace wastes a high proportion too here which is nice next for candace is togekiss who has a pretty stacked moveset of sky attack air slash extreme speed and r sphere i switch to moby thick as togekis fortunately misses an air slash i say fortunately because air slash does a huge chunk of damage on the next turn but moby thick is able to finish it off with two serps third is brelum so i switch to george and a single flame thrower is enough to kill it and then last is float sole so i switch to pisghetti who tanks an aquajet floatzel hits a crunch but then pisghetti nails it with a critical hit dragon rush for the one shot nice job buddy that's badge number seven after that i backtrack to route 217 and catch a sneezel i name her stabitha she goes in the box for now then i get a reaper's cloth and i use it to evolve hades into dustnoir my favorite thing about this randomizer so far is that i've gotten to use a lot of pokemon that i almost never use the trade evolutions like dusknor and motchamp are really good examples of that anyways from here we can fast forward to the showdown on the top of spear pillar first up is the double battle against mars and jupiter which is always a bit of a challenge since doof comes along for the ride mars and jupiter lead exeggutor and dusknoir i lead moby thick and doof leads marowak exeggutor knows woodhammer so i really can't stay in here i switch to george who tanks a woodhammer and then dust north sets a curse on marowak and then marowak lands a very weak thrash on exeggutor on the next turn i knock out the exeggutor with the flamethrower and then dustnoir uses mean look on george as marowak just whiffs a thrash mean look means that i can't switch out of battle as lumineon comes in so that's not great i decide to try and kill the lumineon quickly since it can use whirlpool but a rock climb doesn't do much and then it sets up aqua ring dusknoir does surprisingly good damage into george with a shadow punch and then marowak hits an incredibly pathetic thrash things aren't looking good for george here on the next turn i decide to pivot to trying to kill the dust noir so i hit it with a flame thrower but that leaves it with a sliver lumineon then uses whirlpool as dusk nor knocks out the marowak so now even if i take out the dusk noir i'll still be trapped by the whirlpool ugly brings in crawdally which is completely useless i flamethrower the dusk nor for the ko and lumineon does a baby amount of damage with whirlpool and then crowdily uses ancient power for basically no damage then amistar comes out to replace the dusknoir so yeah george is definitely dead i can't switch because of the whirlpool so the only thing that i can do is click flamethrower to do a little bit of damage to lumineon and then a brine kills george so now i've killed two of the three johto starters well actually in attempt four my totodile died so i've killed all three of the johto starters i bring in rascal to kill the amistar but it uses protect as cradley just wastes time doing essentially nothing amistar also gets a double protect as doof continues to do nothing of use seriously at this point it might just be better to kill doofs crowdedly rassel is finally able to get a brick break off but amistar survives and retaliates with a very strong brine on the next turn i switch to moby thick then waterspout knocks out the omastar gramble is out next but another waterspout gets the double ko on gramble and lumineon last is done sparse but a final single target water spout knocks it out in one shot so that's mars and jupiter defeated before plunging into the distortion world i gotta dispose of george's body and find his replacement i choose dogmeat the houndor who evolves into houndoom after a bit of training i've also finally decided that pisghetti is no longer bringing enough to the table to justify a team slot so i replace him with hg the vibrava who evolves into hg the flag on after some training with all our new team members trained up it's time to take on cyrus he leads ryperia and i lead millie so it looks like pre-poisoning her for this fight and then consistently healing her with super potions as we walk through the entire distortion world was a complete waste of time oh well i switched to moby thick who tanks a hammer arm and then i retaliate with the surf for the one shot next is blissey but her only attacking moves are normal type moves so it's a safe switch to hades this causes cyrus to switch to magmordar so hades whiffs a willow wisp then i go for a shadow sneak as mcmordar uses flamethrower which burns me this was really stupid because now dusknoir is no longer a flawless blissey counter oh well on the next turn i switch to hg and just look at what they did to my baby look at how ugly this back sprite is a bunch of game freak employees must have gathered for a morning meeting one day said let's make flygon look like the hunchback of notre dame and then just broke early for lunch this sprite is a crime well whatever an earthquake one shots the magmordar and then blissey comes back out so i click earthquake and then i go watch the extended cutoff return of the king after the hobbits have all safely returned to the shire i come back to the game just in time to watch blizzy's hp hit zero next is poliwrath but he only knows normal and fighting type moves by level up so i switch to hades so cyrus switches out to yet another fire type so willow wisp is useless again i switch to hg on a firefang and then i hit an earthquake feels a bit like deja vu here polyrath comes back out but hades won't survive two turns of burn damage so i stay in and go for an earthquake polyrath retaliates with the dynamic punch that easily would have killed me to fit crit it also confuses me so i switch to razzle and tank a submission then polyrath misses a dynamic punch as i go for a brick break which leaves him with a sliver cyrus uses a full restore so i go for another brick break and then i switch to millie looking back at the footage i can't really tell you why i did this it doesn't look like i needed to sacrifice her here but thankfully polyrath misses a dynamic punch so milia is able to retaliate and kill it with a return and that wins us the battle from here it's time to face giratina in the randomizer settings i've made it so that legendaries get randomized to other legendaries so i have no idea what's coming my way i approach the faux giratina and prepare for the worst [Music] okay well i guess it just didn't randomize whatever since this thing is technically an eligible nuzlocking counter i use a master ball to catch it and then i just dump it in the box because i don't use legendaries with that it's time to face vulchner he leads gastrodon and i lead millie did you really expect anything different at this point two returns take out the gastrodon as it just sets up rain dance and then lucario comes out so i switch to hades on an rsphere lucario uses dragon pulse as i miss a willowis on the next turn it uses swords dance and i manage to finally connect with a willow wisp lucario can go ahead and just set up as many sorts dances as it wants though the only move that it can use to hit hades is dragon pulse which is special so sword stances are a waste of time a few turns later and lucario goes down magmortar is next which is what electivire was actually randomized to kind of funny so i switched to moby thick who loses over half his health to a critical hit flamethrower kinda awkward okay so i switched to hg on a second flamethrower fortunately it doesn't burn so an earthquake hits it for the one shot and then gorbrus is out last for vulchner our team is actually kind of weak to water types which isn't great since it's the most common type in the game but oh well i stay in and go for an earthquake and then gorbus hits a surprisingly strong aqua tail but thankfully it doesn't crit so another earthquake knocks it out and that's faulkner defeated after this i make the hard decision that it's time to bench millie she's had an amazing run she's single-handedly knocked out 12 of the 26 pokemon that were used by the eight gym leaders but she's starting to get a bit outclassed by the strength of fully evolved pokemon so i decide to give her early retirement and bring in sabbath who evolves into weavile stabitha is on the team almost exclusively for any inevitable guard chomps dragonites or salamences that might rear their head during the elite four fights but before the elite four it's our final fight with doof i've been skipping these since they're mostly pretty easy but for the sake of finality let's see how this one plays out he leads star after which doesn't seem very random regardless a choice specs boosted water spout knocks it out in one shot then torterra comes out is doof just not randomized well either way i switch to hades who gets hit by elite seed and then an ice punch knocks out the torterra next is duke's starter ludicolo so i guess he is randomized i switched to dog meat on a giga drain and since lootikolo doesn't know any water type moves it's safe to knock it out with two flamethrowers fourth is primate and at this point i imagine you know exactly what i'm gonna do i switch to hades who's immune to all of primeape's attacks so doof switches out to armaldo as i connect with a willow wisp then i switch to razzle and take out armaldo after a few turns blaziken comes out next so i switch to hg who tanks a blaze kick and then one shots it with an earthquake last is primate so i switch to hades but i get swaggered on the switch in kinda inconvenient because it means i have to switch back to razzle who also gets swaggered so i switch back to hades i'm able to get off a shadow sneak before primape uses swagger again so then i gotta switch back to razzle and then back into hades for a single shadow sneak and then i gotta just repeat that until primeape goes down a few turns later we knock out the primate and that's doof defeated okay so here's our final team of random pokemon leveled up to level 59 to match whatever lucian's strongest pokemon is gonna be overall i think it's a really solid team so hopefully they can handle whatever's coming our way let's see if we've got what it takes first is a aeron and he starts out with a machamp but the level difference makes it pretty easy to take it out with a single water spout from moby thick then looty colo comes out so i just switched to dog meat who gets hit by a tri attack and then two flamethrowers take it out just like what happened a few minutes ago third is mantine so i switched to hades who gets hit by a pretty hard hydro pump mantine also sets up aqua ring and then i hit it with an ice punch i try to see if shadow sneak is enough for 2 shot because this thing has confused ray but unfortunately it's not enough so on the second turn i go for ice punch but get confused and then hit myself in confusion so i switched to hg who gets hit hard with a hydro pump but a dragon claw finishes off the mantine next for aaron is ambipom but it only has normal type attacking moves so i switch to hades and hit it with a willow whiz and then there's nothing he can do to me aron delays the game by using a full restore so it takes a bit longer than i would have preferred to knock it out but the ambi-palm does eventually succumb to our ice punches and burn damage i'm not really sure why a aeron didn't switch ambipom out i assumed it was because whatever he had in the back also couldn't damage hades but then aeron brings out his own dusknoir so i don't know i switched to moby thick and take out the dust noir and two surfs so that's a aeron defeated second is bertha she leads whale lord and i lead moby thick which is probably the funniest mirror match to imagine it's just me and bertha pressed against the walls of this tiny room as two beached whales kind of just stare at each other i decided to go for a water spout which does a huge chunk to whale lord who then uses dive so i stay in and miss a water spout surf would have actually hit the wailord while it was underwater but i'm locked into waterspout because of choice specs so on the next turn another spout takes out the whale lord and then for the third battle in a row ludicolo comes out so i switch to dog meat and take it out with two flamethrowers yay randomizers [Music] next up is caesar [Music] well that was a freebie last is starmie but because it's a stone evolution it's level up moveset is trash it doesn't actually know any water type moves so it's safe to stay in and a single dark pulse and knocks it out to win us the battle third is flint you know there's actually a decent chance that flint has more fire types during this randomizer than he does during diamond and pearl but he actually starts by leading the exact opposite of a fire type so i switch to dog meat on an ingrain and then light him up next is tenecruel who is actually pretty difficult for us to deal with as i said earlier i don't have great matchups into water types especially fast ones so i switch to hg who gets hit with a very hard hydro pump i then go for an earthquake thinking that we'll out speed the tenocrule since flag on antenna cruel are at the same speed stat and i have the level advantage but tenocrul is still able to outspeed us and hit another brutal hydro pump fortunately hg survives with 6 hp which means he can retaliate with an earthquake to knock out the tentacruel but then hail is enough to finish off deer quasimodo may he rest in peace i bring in moby thicke as flint brings in vileplume so it's back to dog meat who knocks out the vileplume with a flamethrower next is muck wow it would be really cool to have a ground type right about now i switch to hades who dodges a gunk shot then i hit a willow wisp as muck misses a screech then i switch to moby thick who gets hit by a screech finally a waterspout knocks out the muck last is venusaur so i guess flint went all in on grass and poison types i switched to dog meat who gets hit by a worry seed which changes my ability from early bird to insomnia other than for rest strategies insomnia is essentially just a better version of early bird so i think that's kind of funny anyways for the third time this battle i torched some plants and that's blind defeated without hg another ten of cool is gonna be a pretty big problem so let's hope that the last 11 pokemon don't randomize into another tentacruel last for the elite four is lucian he leads kangaskhan and i lead dogmeat because he just learned nasty plot so i figured i might be able to get lucky with the lead and get a free setup unfortunately i don't so i switch to hades kangaskhan hits a pair of nasty outrages as i land a willowlisp she then gets confused as the outrage ends i want to keep hades healthy for whatever's in the back so i switch to razzle as kangaskhan hits herself in confusion on the next turn she hits herself again and then razzle knocks her out with a revenge next is jump bluff so i switch back to our resident arsonist who gets hit by another worry seed jumpluff goes for a bounce so i do miss the first flamethrower and then bounce does a surprisingly large amount of damage and also manages to paralyze dog meat but thankfully we don't get fully paralyzed and we're able to take out jumpluff in one shot next is hitmonchan but as with most fighting types he can't do anything to hades lucian then switches to licky licky who gets hit with a willow wisp so then i switch to rassel a single brick break knocks it out and then ampharos comes out i decide to stay in and hit a brick break as ampharos sets up a light screen another brick brake won't kill it and i don't care about breaking the light screen so i just go for revenge discharge thankfully doesn't paralyze me so i'm able to knock out the ampharos with a boosted revenge glass is hitmonchan so i switch back to hades we miss about a million willow wisps and hitmonchan also spams detect but eventually we connect and then a few turns later hitmonchan goes down and that's the elite four defeated last is the champion cynthia her team is fully randomized so i have no idea what to expect but whatever the guard chomp randomizes into is going to be at least as powerful if not more powerful so this is pretty scary we enter her chamber and start the final battle of the randomizer cynthia leads camerupt and i leave dog meat this would have been a really great time to lead moby thick but i tried to get a little cheeky with nasty plot setup again well i switched to moby thick who gets hit by an incredibly hard earthquake on the next turn we out speed and hit a surf for the one shot next is ryperior well that was a freebie third is [Music] okay so cynthia's garchomp randomized into a well in all fairness that is an equal power level i go for a surf but garchomp uses dig i'm choice locked here so that's why i'm not going for ice beam garchomp surfaces on the next turn and moby thick hangs on with 5 hp to hit a surf then garchomp goes for another dig at this point moby thick has done his job so with a final salute the great giant goes down rest well you beautiful enormous creature sabbath comes in and finishes off the garchomp with a nice punch so at least cynthia's strongest pokemon is now defeated blaziken comes out next so i switch to hades who takes a really strong blaze kick this thing can actually do a lot of damage into my whole team so this is not looking particularly good hades takes another blaze kick and then hits a nightshade then i just go for a little bit of chip with shadow sneak as blaziken finishes off hades with a brave bird rest well buddy with the damage done by hades i should be able to knock out blaziken with an ice punch from stabitha as long as i can set up a sword stance beforehand i have a focus sash so i can definitely survive one hit but if blaziken burns me it's all over so i go to set up a sword stance [Music] [Music] no burn okay we're okay an ice punch kills the blaze again on the next turn cesar is next for cynthia so i switch to dog meat and a flamethrower finishes off the caesar now cynthia's down to her last pokemon and it's an empoleon it's actually pretty tough it can easily hydro pump dog meat but it also knows drill peck to hit machamp and weavile can't really do anything to it so i straight up can't play around a critical hit here the first thing to do is get some damage on empoleon with dog beat so dog meat hits a flamethrower and then the goodest of girls goes down to a hydro pump this does give me a free switch into razzle though so as long as napoleon doesn't crit here we'll win cynthia goes for hydro pump [Music] and we survive empoleon goes down to a brick break winning us the battle and the run and with that we've made our way through all the randomness and into the hall of fame it took everything we had and there were some pretty devastating deaths along the way but this marked the very first time that i had successfully completed a challenge run on twitch so it did feel pretty gratifying thank you so much to everyone who watched along live and if you didn't i hope you liked getting to watch it through this video if you did enjoy watching please like the video and subscribe or or don't i don't know but just so you know arbitrary subscriber numbers do help me validate my own self-worth so that's always nice if you want to keep up with my streams and future challenges be sure to follow me on twitter and twitch and you can also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking make recommendations for future challenges and participate in community events like the monotype tournament that'll be happening in just a few weeks the link is in the description stay tuned for more nozloc videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 852,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Nuzlockes, Hardcore Nuzlockes, Pokemon Platinum, Randomizer, Pokemon Challenges
Id: L0T3YGjhdF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 16sec (2416 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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