Pokémon Emerald Hardcore Nuzlocke - Flying Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flygon hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon emerald using only flying type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode so flying type pokemon are pretty interesting until generation 5 every single flying type pokemon was a dual type pokemon it makes sense since at least originally the flying type just sort of meant that a pokemon could fly or in the case of gyarados it could go up waterfalls or something regardless there's usually a lot of flying type pokemon in every pokemon game and emerald is no exception there's a good range of pokemon at our disposal including two of the best pokemon in the entire game gyarados and salamance these things are downright monsters and they can make some nuzlockes essentially trivial i thought about banning the two of them but gyarados is significantly worse before the physical special split and i can't actually get salaments until after the eighth gym so i decided that they were both fair game you know what isn't fair game though masquerade 2 op it's banned just as a quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's see how it goes i start the game by saving this sandals wearing goober from a zig zagoon i picked torchic as my starter so that my rival will have mudkip since that's the only starter that wouldn't be weak to flying type moves despite torchic being based off of a duck it's not actually a flying type so as soon as i get pokeballs i go to route 103 and catch my official starter a wingle i name him wet burb and then torchic goes in the box from here i head towards rossboro city along the way i catch a talo on route 104 and i name him burb in petalburg woods i catch a silcoon who will evolve into the part flying type pokemon beautifly so yes silkun is a legal encounter according to my rules i name him bugberb similarly i catch an encoder on route 116 and i name her ninja burp i won't be using ninjaburb in major battles until she can evolve into ninjas which won't be for a few more badges but bug burb actually evolves into a beautiful eye just after a few levels of some switch training then it's time to take on roxanne what burb takes out roxanne's first geodude with a water gun another water gun knocks out her second geodude but then nose pass comes out and water gun does significantly less damage that i was hoping for not even half meanwhile rock tomb almost one shots wet burp since roxanne uses healing items we're in a lot of trouble here another water gun leaves nosepass with a sliver and then wet burp goes down i send out bug burp to do some damage with absorb but roxanne uses a potion and absorb doesn't do much damage either bugberb does get decently close to taking out nosepass thanks to a missed rock tomb and a clutch survival at one hp but another potion is more than enough for nosepass to finish off bugburb that just leaves regular birb who goes down to a single rock tomb and ninjaburb who also dies to a handful of attacks that's attempt one i wasn't expecting roxanne to be so difficult wingle is just a little too weak to sweep through with water gun unless i can get one with tremendous special attack ivs but at such a low level the ivs don't actually make that much of a difference anyways and nose passes orenberry means that i will never two shot it so unless i want to bank on nosepass missing with rock tomb i'm gonna need to come up with some sort of strategy unfortunately the game gives you very little resources before the first gym so my options are pretty slim after resetting attempt number two when my win goal has a minus special attack nature i decide to employ a strategy using bugburb on attempt 3. bugburb is able to kill both geodudes with absorb if i use hardin once against one of the geodudes i'm guaranteed to survive a rock tomb from nosepass which means that i can get off two absorbs before going down this should lower the nosepass's hp just enough to allow burp to take it out there's two problems with this plan though by using hard and against the geodudes i'm opening myself up to a crit there's really nothing i can do about that if roxanne crits i'm dead regardless of what i do the second problem is that geodude is likely to use rock tomb when i use hardin the damage isn't really a problem since an orenberry and absorb will help me get my health back but rock tomb lowers my speed so in order to be able to get two hits on the nose pass i need to be able to out speed nose pass at minus two speed one rock tomb from the geodude and then one rock tomb from the nose pass that means i need speed evs which i can get from killing wind goal in zig zagoon on route 103 the problem is that i actually need 172 speed evs which means i need to kill 172 wingle or zigzagoon with my level cap i just don't have the experience points to be able to do that so what do i do well i split up the experience points by switching between my other three party members against every single wingle and every single zigzagoon that i fight it takes forever but eventually i get the evs needed for this strategy to work and i go to face roxanne again she leads geodude and i instantly knock it out with absorb which gives me another level on bug burp just as a reminder the level cap is only in effect until the start of the battle so this is fine at least according to my personal rule set also after that insane evie grind i forgot to put battle animations back on sorry about that the second chew dude comes out and i set up a harden thankfully the geodude doesn't crit it does use rock throw instead of rock tomb so my eevee training was a waste of time but so it goes absorb takes out the g dude on the next turn and then the nose pass comes out absorb hits it for a little bit of damage as rock tune brings bug burp to 11 health okay bug burb you've done your job now it's time to make the ultimate sacrifice absorb hits nose pass for a little bit of damage and then rock two misses cool but now bugberb it's time to make the ultimate sacrifice absorb hits nose pass for a little bit of damage and then rock 2 misses again orenberry heals up nosepass though so now bugberb it's time to make the ultimate sacrifice absorb hits nose pass for a little bit of damage you're kidding me i mean it's pretty awesome but the safest place to keep doing this until this legally blind nose pass hits bug burb which would give us a safe switch to wet burb but i decide to spare bug burbs life and switch to wet burb this is an objectively bad play because if nosepass hits a critical hit rock tomb on the switch i lose but roxanne just heals with a potion on the next turn wet burp hits a water gun and the nosepass uses block for some reason so one more water gun finishes the battle getting us a wildly lucky deathless first gym badge as soon as i leave the gym i have to help this devoncore employee get his stolen goods back you know in a game franchise filled with absolute weenies this guy is by far the weeniest if the world of pokemon held a global weenie contest this guy would be crowned king of the weenies in an absolute landslide which is saying a lot since wally also exists anyways before taking on the next gym leader i fish up a magikarp off the coast of route 107 i name him fishberb who's just going to be a benchwarmer with ninja burp until i can evolve him i also catch a zubat in granite cave and i name him sickberb with that we've got a full team next up is brawley and if roxanne was a wall well then brawley is the exact opposite of a wall so not a wall i guess burb sweeps through brawley's entire team with wing attacks just like in my normal type challenge talo and swellow have the ability guts which increases your attack when inflicted by a status condition so by pre-poisoning burb before the gym battle i can start with plus one attack this is a borderline broken strategy that i will absolutely be abusing for the rest of this run that's probably defeated with that we've gotten to what is easily the hardest part of the game the next gym leader is watson and if roxanne was a wall watson is a much bigger wall watson uses electric types which are super effective against all of my flying types on top of that watson has a magneton which thanks to its steel typing makes it a massive defensive tank before the steel nerf in later generations steel resisted basically everything so combining that with the fact that the move pools of most pokemon in generation 3 are just trash magneton is really difficult to take down and even if i'm able to take down magneton there's also a monettric that is quite speedy and relatively strong and pretty bulky for this point in the game plus there's a volt orb that knows self-destruct and most of watson's pokemon no thunder wave or have static so it's virtually impossible to make it out of this battle without getting paralyzed at least once or in my case 15 times this is probably the hardest single battle i've had to face since the game gives you next to nothing useful in terms of items or tms at this point i mean even if i could teach burb a normal move that was more than 40 base power this would be so much easier but i guess not i do come up with a strategy but it risks a few crits and it certainly means several of my pokemon are going to be going down it also takes an insane amount of preparation time and meticulously planning out ev spreads to ensure that i can get one shot and that i can out speed certain targets i'll spare most of the details but here's the gist burb evolves into swallow and i max out his attack stat sick burb evolves into golbat and then in another level he evolves into crowbat i maxed out his special attack since bite is special in this game and then i max out his hp so that he can take less damage from shock waves fish burb evolves into gyarados i give him enough evs to outspeed the manetric and then the rest get spread around to other stats ninja bird evolves into ninjas and i gave him just enough hp and special defense evs to guarantee his survival from monetrix shockwave lastly i spend almost every single pokedollar that i have to purchase psychic from the mauville game corner i teach it to bug burp i also make sure to use thief to steal a twisted spoon from an abra on route 116. with that the team is ready to go there's only one thing left to do execute the plan and hope that luck is on our side watson leads voltorb and i lead bug burb i'm not able to get enough special attack evs for one shot so psychic leaves voltorb with a sliver but that's actually not too bad since on the next turn watson wastes one of his super potions a mega drain and a psychic finish off the voltorb this gives bug burb another level and thanks to fishburb holding an xp share he also gains another level and learns dragon rage which is a move that always inflicts 40 damage this fight is the sole reason that i didn't ban gyarados electrek is next but thanks to the twisted spoon that bug burp is holding a single psychic takes out the electric and then out comes monetric now unfortunately after two all-star gym performances from bugburb it's time for him to go down a psychic brings monetric down to about half health and then shockwave finishes off bug burb thank you for your help bugberb this challenge would have been impossible without your help now here what's unfortunate is that in generation 3 berries don't activate right away they actually activate at the end of the turn so i have no idea if monetary citrus berry will activate in the range that it's at a yellow health bar generally indicates that it's below half health as opposed to right at half health but i've seen cases where that isn't exactly true i think it might be due to a rounding error or something but monetrix's health bar does look like it might not be in the range of its citrus berry activating so i bring in gyarados and i'm wrong about the citrus berry yeah that that was pretty stupid okay time to switch in ninja burp he gets hit with a paralysis which gets healed with a cherry berry then i use screech to lower manetrix defense which thankfully hits and monetric uses another thunder wave on the next turn a shockwave leaves ninja burb with a sliver and i hit a cut that brings minetrick into the yellow good job ninjaburb unfortunately we need another sack here thanks for your help buddy from here i can bring in fishburb and finish off the monetric with the dragon rage but it turns out that i screwed up gyarados's speed evs which means that monetric outspeeds and hits a really nasty shockwave that's pretty bad because last is magneton had i done the speed evs correctly i'd be going into this matchup with a full healthy gyarados word of advice always double check that you have done your eevee spreads correctly that was really idiotic on my part i get a dragon rage off but then magneton uses thunder wave i'm not really sure why he didn't just kill me but with a speed drop he's able to take me out on the next turn that's three deaths and the battle's not even over yet crowback comes out and i start using fight i'm lucky that the first one flinches but then watson uses a super potion i run out of flinch chances after the magneton successfully paralyzes me so that it starts moving first so we just start trading attacks back and forth i get fully paralyzed twice which kind of sucks but magneton does manage to miss two supersonics and it uses sonic boom instead of shockwave for some reason so i guess the rng does kind of even out but ultimately sick burb also goes down rests well buddy however with that sacrifice sick burb has done just enough damage to allow burb to come in and take out magnaton with a final quick attack with that watson's been defeated and we get our third badge but at what cost after burying our four fallen comrades burb wet burb and i continue our journey also we got to bring fishburb and use his lifeless body to smash some rocks fortunately the rest of the game is significantly easier than watson that was by far the hardest part white verb evolves into pelipper here as well and then on route 113 i catch a skarmory i mean i get really close to accidentally killing it and then i almost run out of pokeballs but i do eventually succeed in catching it i name him metal burb if i had whiffed on catching this thing it probably would have been game over since metal burp is a steel type pokemon it is a pretty stellar addition to the team i also catch a swablu on route 114 far less exciting and useful than a skarmory but hey four pokemon is definitely better than three i can't be too picky i name him fluff burp next up it's time for flannery but wet burbs shouldn't really have too much trouble with this one flannery leads nubul who gets one shot by a water gun slugma comes out next and also goes down to a water gun then camera comes out and goes down to a one shot last is torkel who will survive one water gun but it really can't do much to wet burb water gun hits the torkle and brings it down to half health and then torquel retaliates with a weak body slam which paralyzes overheat always does more damage to wet burp than body slam which is why i did not give wet herb a cherry berry here i have no idea why the ai decided to use body slam did it see the paralysis with body slam did it not use overheat because it doesn't want to drop its stats i don't know but this battle just went from easy to pretty sweaty because on the next turn torkel goes for an attract and of course i get fully paralyzed had i known that the torkle would go for an attract i would have had a really safe switch to burb but i have no idea how flannery's ai is deciding which moves to use so i stay in on the next turn torkel uses sunny day which again would have been another free switch and then pelipper gets immobilized by love from here i try to stall out the sun with protects but i get fully paralyzed and then on the next turn i get immobilized by love and torquel hits a critical hit body slam i just whatever on the next turn i also get immobilized by love and torkel hits an overheat to kill wet burb i feel like that battle took years off my life but honestly it was my fault for not equipping the cherry berry i guess swellow comes in and finishes off the torque with a guts boosted return so we win the battle but it does not feel good to lose wet burb my starter and more importantly my surf user so i guess we'll be using fish burps lifeless body to smash rocks and to ride the waves next up is my absent father norman losing wet herb really sucks because he knew protect from level up which makes slay king completely trivial but even without wet birb this fight is a breeze i lead a pre-burned burb into norman spindup return takes it out in one shot an experienced share on metal burb levels him up to level 32 where he learns steel wing returns from burb also kill the vigoroth and then the lanoon seriously god's boosted swellow is incredible but if you think he's broken now just wait slaking is last and return won't actually one shot this thing so i have to switch to metal burp who tanks a facade for the next few turns i just make sure to use attacking moves like steel wing on slaking's loafing turns and non-damaging moves like sandstorm and sand attack on his attacking turns just so that i don't get countered once slay king is at about half health i switch back to burb on one of slaking's loafing turns then i out speed it and kill it with a return dad you're really terrible at pokemon go spend some time with your wife she literally just sits there all day you're as terrible of a pokemon trainer as you are a husband and a father with the hm for surf i can now head to fortree city on route 119 i catch a tropius and name him nanaburb now before i get to the 6th gym leader i do have to take on may which i figured would be an amazing opportunity to quickly discuss how truly powerful guts boosted swellow is my father has given me the tm for facade or fak aid which is what i called it as a kid before i knew that that word existed but now of course as a cultured and learned adult i pronounce it as facade as an homage to the facade region in italy they have really amazing wine anyways pachade is a move that doubles in power when the user is affected by a status condition this means that when burb is burned he has a 140 base power move at his disposal this goes up to 210 base power things to stab when you factor in the plus one attack stat from guts that's an insane level of power also i got really lucky and my burb has a 31 attack iv so yeah mei's lame pokemon don't stand a chance next up is winona and although i just went off about how incredible burb is winona has a skarmory which has really high defense so facade is a two-hit kill and because of the accrued burn damage that i'll be getting a critical hit steel wing could kill burb so i need to find another way to take it out unfortunately without wet burb we don't really have a very good way to damage skarmory so after sweeping through winona's first three pokemon with facades i switched to steelburb then we just trade attacks back and forth for a long time a very long time this turns out to be a terrible plan since winona skarmory gets several defense boosts from steel wing i get a few defense boosts as well but winona has the advantage because she can use a hyper potion to bring skarmory back to full health at a certain point winona skarmory also hits metal bird with a sand attack so i decided to switch out to fluff burb in order to remove it unfortunately that does mean that i lose my defense boosts but after hitting skarmory with a sing i switch back to metal burp and the grind continues i'm switching between steel wing and air cutter hoping that air cutter's high crit rate will activate to break through the defense buffs but it never happens winona gets a few crits though so that's nice she also uses a second hyper potion i thought she'd actually save one for her alteria but evidently not and now this is looking pretty bad and by pretty bad i mean i'm probably going to wipe here thanks to the defense buffs from steel wing burb is going to be doing very little damage once metalburb is low enough that a final attack will take it out i switch to nanaburb nana burb just does a few hits of damage with magical leaf before going down my only hope is to switch into fluff burb hit a 55 percent accurate sing and then switch to burb and take out the skarmory before it wakes up but that's like four turns of sleep so yeah not looking great fluff burb is able to dodge the crit and hit a sing so on the next turn i switch to burp and then somehow against all odds skarmory stays asleep for four full turns somewhere there is an angel looking down on me though i'm not sure where that angel was when i was consistently wiping to champions on live stream i guess it's kind of only a part-time job for that angel anyways alteria goes down to one last facade and that's badge number six but it's also death number six and with only two more possible encounters it means i won't even have a full team for the elite four but at least with the new level cap i can now evolve fluff burb into alterium so that's kind of cool i also head to the safari zone where i can choose between zatu and dodrio i decide to go for zatu over dodrio since i need more special attackers and zatu can learn calm mind however in most areas of the safari zone there's a 10 chance of finding both natu and doduo so in those areas it's a coin flip to determine which one i get there is one area in the safari zone where i can find natu and not doduo but in that specific area there's also a very small chance to find zatu which is significantly harder to catch than natu so if i find azatu first i risk it running away before i'm able to catch it oh look gazatu i throw safari ball after safari ball at this thing praying that it'll get caught every single time it breaks free i'm positive that it's gonna run but each time the zatu just sticks around and watches me carefully and after 10 sweaty safari balls i managed to catch it welcome to the team wiseburg after breezing through the team magma and aqua stuff with burb it's time to take on tate and liza the scary thing about this fight is that i can't take out both of their lead pokemon in one shot and if one of them crits then i'm in a lot of trouble i lead burb and wiseburg into tate and liza's zatu and claydol i decided to kill the clay doll first since an ancient power omniboost or a light screen would be pretty devastating lunatone comes out and then wiseburg sets up a sunny day there zatu also has a similar idea and just wastes its turn trying to set up another sunny day it means that the zatu didn't see the critical hit psychic on burb so that's pretty good on the next turn a facade takes out the zatu and then soul rock comes out a solar beam from wiseburg leaves lunatone with a sliver as if she sees his calm mind which again means that it didn't see the crit psychic on burb so a final fachotti kills the lunatone and a final solar beam kills the soul rock winning us a flawless but risky seventh gym badge up next it's pretty much a straight shot to the eighth and final gym leader one and by straight shot i mean i gotta go to a secret underwater cavern defeat archie talk to wallace in the cave of origins climb to the top of sky pillar to awaken rayquaza to stop the weather war between groudon and kyogre talk to maxi and archie after that neither of who apologize for unleashing weather-based armageddon on the world and then solve this ice puzzle for children but once i'm there it's time for the hardest fight in the run nah just kidding bird facade is all over wan's pokemon for an easy sweep the final challenge is the elite four and the champion but before i do that i can get one final encounter a bagon from the depths of meteor falls i name him steve and after delaying his evolution until he learns crunch steve evolves into shelgon and then a few levels later steve evolves into salamance before the elite four i have to fight wally in victory road i rarely show this fight because it's usually pretty easy but this fight ends up being pretty absurd so i wanted to show it he leads alteria and i lead fluff burp who just takes it out with a single ice beam then del caddy comes out i hit a dragon breath which paralyzes it and then del caddy uses assist and it pulls toxic so i switch to wiseburg who gets hit with a feign attack i set up wishes and calm minds until delcatty uses assist again and then pulls leech seed but no matter i'll just keep using calm mind but then del caddy uses sing and it hits and then on the next assist del cady pulls a super sonic and that hits this damn cat has badly poisoned me set up leech seed put me to sleep and confused me fortunately zatu just wakes up and breaks through the confusion to knock out the del caddy but that was ridiculous magnaton comes out next and since i did not remotely prepare for this fight for some reason i'm really not well equipped for it thankfully i'm able to switch into steve and then knock it out with two embers yeah embers before it crits or paralyzes me roselia is out next so i switch to metal burb and it hits an aerial ace and then last is gardavor who goes down to a steel wing in an aerial ace but anyways that's how i almost got cheesed to death by wally ok now it's time to take on the elite four here's my final team leveled up to the level cap of 55 to match drake's level 55 salamance let's see if we've got what it takes first is the dark type trainer sydney so i lead metalburp to eat the intimidate from his mighty anna and i set up a few layers of spikes to make sure that he's done using sand attack then i just switch to steve who gets hit by a soft crunch and from there it's a brick break sweep all of sydney's pokemon are outsped and go down to a single brick break a piece since his levels are so much lower than the level cap sydney is never particularly difficult but having a salamance pretty much seals the deal okay next up is phoebe i decide to lead wiseburg and see if i can set up a calm mine sweep phoebe's dustclops always goes for protect so the first calm mind is always free but on the second calm mind she uses curse well that didn't work back to steve i set up a substitute as duskalops uses confuse ray then a crunch takes it out on the next turn phoebe's second bigger dust glops comes out and it does survive a crunch and manages to break my sub with an ice beam but then on the next turn it goes down third is banette who goes down to a crunch fourth is sablai which goes down to a dragon claw and then last is another banette which also goes down to a crunch and that's phoebe defeated the first two elite four members were pretty easy but next is glacia with her ice types which are going to be quite a problem for our flying types which is what i would say if we didn't have a 31 attack iv guts boosted swallow it's a clean sweep even wallrain goes down in one shot thanks to the silk scarf that burb is holding pretty easy stuff fourth is drake so let's see if he can handle a taste of his own medicine he leads shelgon which always goes for a protect so i take the opportunity to set up a substitute then dragonclaws one-shot his entire team steve is maxed out in attack and special attack so drake's flagon and salamance could theoretically outspeed him but thanks to the speed boost from watson's gym badge we're perfectly fine that's the elite four defeated last is the champion wallace aka one final time to show the strength of guts boosted swellow like a feral jackal that hasn't eaten in weeks verbs shreds through wallace's entire team whale no match for burp squid no match for burb sexy eel i mean i mean regular eel no match for bird pineapple duck thing no match for burp catfish with strabismus no match for burp but last is gyarados whose intimidate does lower burb's attack nope white herb facade takes out the gyarados which wins us the battle and the run well that was a very front loaded challenge in terms of difficulty i think the watson fight may have been the hardest single battle of any challenge run so far the only reason i was able to beat it was that i got lucky and that i could afford to sack a bunch of pokemon though i didn't exactly play it optimally of course since i messed up those speedy vs on the gyarados there were a few other battles that i definitely could have played better and losing certain pokemon earlier made other fights much more difficult later down the line but overall it was a really fun challenge and i loved showcasing how incredible guts swellow is as always thank you so much for watching and for all your continued support if you enjoyed watching please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but i do know that you should follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges and you should also join the flag on hg community discord where you can discuss nuzlocking and make recommendations for future challenges the link is in the description stay tuned for more nuzlocke videos and until then remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 325,647
Rating: 4.9541531 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges, Pokemon Emerald, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Monotype, Flying Type
Id: a3UkkWd44Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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