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just before we get into the video i have a very very special announcement that i think you guys are gonna like my team and i have been cooking up something really special for you guys a lot of you in the comments talk about your own experiences trying out the nuzlockes that we do and i find that incredible so we did something wild with every new run we do we will be releasing a full-fledged guidebook that we create these guidebooks will include all the type specific encounters all the best items tms strategies for all the major battles in every specific run and much more from here on out all channel members will receive every single guidebook each week free of charge in addition to the other perks like early video access exclusive silk squad emotes and kingdom badges beside your name in the comments sneak peek member community posts and many more in the coming days you can also look out for these guide books available for five bucks in the merch shelf beneath our videos but if you enjoy the videos and want to support what i do and get all the guidebooks and other perks each week make sure to click that join button beneath the video and i'll see you on the other side welcome everyone my name's self and this is my attempt to beat a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon platinum with only ghost type pokemon the four wheel set for this run is listed down below but put simply only the first ghost type encounter in each route or area can be caught if a pokemon faints it must be permanently boxed no items except held items in battle party pokemon levels are limited to the next gym leader or elite force ace and finally the battle mode must be put on set at all times the ghost type is perhaps one of the most interesting types in the entire pokemon franchise from having only one evolution line in the first generation to having some strange type interactions this type has often been among the top favorites among pokemon fans since its inception although it's often quite a rare type in the games pokemon platinum does do them some justice to the point where you can even consider doing a monotype hardcore nuzlocke of it at least in total the eight fully evolved pokemon on screen are available within the fourth generation however for the purposes of our run in platinum we have some limitations first since our rules prohibit catching legendaries giratina will be unavailable and damn is that ever a tough loss secondly the mischievous and mismagius line is exclusive to pokemon pearl unfortunately finally since our rules don't allow us to connect to other games we can't do trade evolutions meaning we'll be stuck with dust glops instead of dust noir but so few might say gengar is a trade evolution too and yes that's true although technically there is a way to get gengar without trait evolving but it's a tricky situation we'll cross that bridge when we come to it before we set off on our journey we've got to say hi to our mom who everyone in the fandom is always thirsting over for some reason i really really don't get the appeal i mean she's just a bunch of pixels there's nothing that just conspicuously points out at me about her and okay come on guys that's just the shape of her apron for our starter pokemon i'm going to choose piplup all of the starters are neutral against our typing so it doesn't really matter what barry chooses although chimchar does get the fighting type which we're immune to so i figured i'd give him some leeway with him getting turtwig shortly afterwards our mom scolds us about having gone out to the wild without a wild pokemon and goodness gracious okay i get it now here we run into a bit of a problem the first available ghost type in the game isn't available until after the first gym at the valley windworks we have two options we could just absolutely run through the oarberg gym with a super effective pip up at which point the run would officially begin or we could make things harder you guys know me by now we're doing the latter to see if this run would be theoretically possible if we could get our first encounter before the first gym i used the universal pokemon randomizer to add in a driftloon named simulation with that let's see what we can do against the arbor gym now jerifloon is part flying type after all so it is weak to rock and its only attacks at this point are gust which rock types resist and the super weak 30 power astonish which is a physical move terrible for high defense pokemon thankfully the first trainer's geodude only seemed to have normal offensive moves although it was very slow to take down the second trainer had a geodude with the same situation and then he sends out an onyx his onyx does have rock throw but onyx's attack is fairly low and so is a special defense so we're able to barely out do it over time this is not looking good for rourke after getting to high level 14 it's time for one of the most ridiculous looking battles we have ever had three powerful rock pokemon our best move is resisted by all of them and we are weak to all three of them too i'm not gonna beat around the bush our only chance in hell was to try and set up minimize which drifloon has by default this was my 12th attempt at this battle and the one kind of creative thing i learned to do was actually ensure that piplup was in our party it can't be sent into battle as per our rules of course what this does is encourages geodude to use stealth rock during one of its first two turns since there's actually a pokemon that it would affect on our party were we to switch which rorke doesn't use if you're going solo this allows us a free turn for another minimize and so long as geodude misses its first rock throw your odds of surviving sort of increase from there as you increase your evasion more and more the good thing is rock throw is only 90 accuracy so that helps a bit too on this attempt we got to max evasion then use focus energy which we just learned at level 14. this raises our critical hit ratio which we absolutely need since gust is our best bet since it's a special move even though it's resisted unfortunately due to a potion used by rorke he's able to hit us with a rock throw while in the red which brings us to nearly half before we can take him out holy from there we can level up to level 15 which is allowed in hardcore nuzlockes you just have to be at or below the level cap as the battle begins and he sends out kranidos now here i figured since granidose's defense is nowhere near as high as geodudes i can use astonish since not only are we at max evasion but astonish adds to that with the flinch chance too we hit him twice before he breaks through all of that and hits us with super effective pursuit and we live on just three hp holy after he uses a potion thankfully we make it through safely to take him down now we have an entire onyx to take down with just 3 hp thankfully a critical hit after our focus energy helps us to take him down in three gusts unbelievable we beat rourke with nothing but a level capped driftloon at least we know it's possible if this encounter was available get me out of here shortly thereafter we make it to floor roma town then we travel east to the valley wind works once we take care of team galactic here the faded balloon pokemon finally returns much to the delight of this little girl and me too on fridays only driftloon appears here as a static encounter and since we want to play this as legit as possible we're going to catch this one as our official first encounter we successfully catch it and nickname it zeppelin zeppelin ends up having a gentle nature which is plus special defense and minus defense not ideal but not terrible either i suppose it also has the unburden ability which raises its speed if it's held item disappears which is perfect for something like a berry and might come in handy with that we can deposit our fake driftloon and piplup and officially start the adventure once we arrive in eterna forest we're encountered by cheryl who's afraid to go through the forest alone and wants to come along with us why didn't you just ask that guy right over there the whole time you were in here wait what no i didn't after dumping her off we can have a much easier time finding our next encounter which is a four percent chance to find in this forest ghastly we catch one and nickname it reaper and reaper has a naughty nature plus attack and minus special defense ew not so great for a special attacker after reaching eterna city i'm having a great old time meeting with the locals until this kid you can't catch me i set some traps oh everybody run having saved our own life at the expense of the three other people on that floor i decide to pick up the experience share from one of rowan's assistants since we've met the 35 pokemon scene requirement which will help with leveling up reaper now we did get the cut hm from cynthia but i forgot that we need the next badge in order to use it outside of battle meaning we're blocked off from our next encounter so it's time for the eterna city gym now this gym unlike orberg's i'm feeling pretty confident about since it's a grass-type gym and we have two pokemon that resist grass after all after defeating the gym trainers gastly is nearly level wait a minute [Applause] it's time for our second gym leader battle this time against the grass type eterna gyms gardenia she sends out a tert wig and i lead with reaper i decide to hit it with confused ray right away and it hurts itself in confusion i then use nightshade to bring it below half and it hits us with razor leaf and crits us below half but our orenberry helps out and another nightshade does the job she sends in cherum next and i go with the same strategy and it hurts itself on the first turn nightshade does right about half on it and then it gets off a leech seed now this is why i led with reaper right here i know we need zeppelin for later and we couldn't switch reaper in safely if zeppelin got leech seeded due to the leech seed recovery cherum doesn't get ko'd by another nightshade but thankfully it just used safeguard in the meantime now here since cherum is confused that reaper has been leach seated i decide now is the time to try to switch in zeppelin safely before her ace comes in on the switch cherum hits us with magical leaf which does hardly anything and a super effective stab gus takes her down in comes rosarite and since we resist all of her moves i know the most that it can do is paralyze us with stun spore but she misses it right off the bat in the end we handled her pretty well despite the citrus berry and potion that she used and it took about seven gusts to do the trick after we were paralyzed and brought to about a third after our orenberry our team got surprisingly hurt during that battle considering we resisted every move she had but we got the job done with our second badge in hand we can now use cut to access the old chateau a distinct area that's located to the north of eterna forest not only is this place great for training up special attack evies but it also gives us a new encounter in one of the rooms the tv is flickering and if approached at night time none other than a rotom will emerge thank god for platinum as in diamond and pearl you have to wait until the post game to catch it now interestingly enough having this as our old chateau encounter will actually cut off any hope of getting gengar our rules don't allow trade evolutions first after all and the only other way to get gengar is kinda strange you have to have a gameboy advanced game inserted into your ds to activate wild gengar encounters in here that technically would also break our no connecting to other games to get pokemon rule but even still as good as gengar is i'd prefer to have an additional encounter anyway so rotom it is we catch it and nickname it phantom see what i did there and it has a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed certainly not great but hey a good pokemon overall and electric coverage is great on the top floor of the galactic building in eterna we encounter commander jupiter who challenges us to battle she leads with a zubat so i try out our newly obtained rotom rotom has shockwave which is 60 base power and can't miss and it actually takes out zubat in one hit nice this gun tank comes in next and this thing is terrifying for us it has super effective stab night slash with a high critical hit ratio that thing crits anything we have and we are done for i go for confuse right right away and it hits itself in confusion and then our shock wave does over half phantom's pretty powerful however skuntank immediately breaks out of confusion but thankfully just goes for poison gas to poison us because our first shockwave did about half it has a chance not to ko so i decide to confuse it again and it hits itself but now its citrus berry activates our next shock wave brings it to less than a quarter but then it breaks out of confusion again uses night slash we survive on just 4 hp then our oranberry activates to save us from a poison ko and we can take it out with another attack damn that was close for saving the universe cynthia forcibly gives us a togepi egg which we graciously accept alright greg we've been streaming a normal only run in pearl live on twitch recently and if we had this togepi we might have stood a chance so far but no platinum only now in heart home i'm realizing we're absolutely screwed against the ghost gym in this town and i had a solution on route 208 there was a creepy karate man who gave us what might be the key to our success during this run the odd keystone having a spirit tomb with its part dark typing would be perfect but the hollow tower is just on the other side of this gate in heart home city and it's blocked off until we beat the gym great so close yet so far funnily enough we actually do have to utilize amity square in this challenge and we run into this guy who says i'm appalled they refused entry to my pokemon oh my poor gyarados and stelix this is discrimination all right it's not too often you get a genuinely funny moment in the pokemon games but this is up there in amity square we get a few useful items including the spooky plate to boost the power of our ghost moves this place is actually more complex in terms of design than i remembered pretty cool revisiting places after like 14 years jesus has it really been that long it's time for what i fear the most and yes it's because they're ghosts the heart home gym the trainers in the gym end up being pretty manageable since we can out speed most of them with super effective moves but that's not going to be the case with the gym leader fantina thankfully along the way reaper evolves into a haunter right before the level cap and learn shadow punch which should definitely be helpful i was initially going to wait until it learned shadow ball at level 29 but nah i spent a long time thinking about how we could approach this battle and every scenario i played out in my head was not working even a very unburdened speed boost strat wouldn't work as payback only does double damage if you get out sped the problem here is miss maggias a super fast and super strong pokemon with stab super effective shadow ball against our entire team it can one hit ko every single thing that we have after like an hour of theory crafting a plan came to mind let's test it out i put the dread plate on driftloon to power up its payback move the shell bell on rotom and the spooky plate on haunter bantina starts with dusk all and i lead with reaper remembering from our last platinum challenge duskol tends to use willowisp or futuresight first so i came up with a plan we got the substitute tm from the old chateau which i taught to reaper i use substitute and dusk all indeed goes for future sight not as good as the burn attempt but i'll take it from here i can use spooky play boosted shadow punch to one hit ko it now i knew no matter what she sends out next would be alright so long as we have the sub up since hundred has super low defense and would get taken down in one hit but she goes for miss maggias i had trained up reaper a lot in speed and preparation for this battle so i was really hoping we could outspeed her especially just having leveled up and we do but shadow shadowpunch just barely doesn't ko she then hits us with shadowball and the substitute protects us then we get hit by the future side attack but we can just use shadowpunch again to take her down incredible i think that was the only possible way to do that in comes her haunter last and shadowclaw would do huge damage and outspeed anything else on our team so i have to go for shadowpunch here and due to its low defense it kos in one hit substitute and our speedyvs absolutely saved our asses here three badges down barry battles us as we try to leave the city and despite his star avia's attempts to double team we have rodem with shockwave which can't miss which takes it down in one hit as well as his weasel after it drifloon is able to handle his grotto with stab super effective gust and his ponyta is taken down with a combination of zeppelin and phantom with only zeppelin being brought to low health at just 16 hp and with a burn too after the battle this girl says there's a rex stone pillar up ahead i wonder what it is it's got me very curious me too baby me too let's go check it out with that we now have access to the hallow tower on route 209. now to get spirit zoom you have to talk to 32 real players in the underground but you can just talk to the same one over and over again via wireless so it's tedious but not impossible we catch spirit to him and nickname it dante and it has a relaxed nature plus defense and minus speed finally a reasonable nature for us immediately following this we can get access to our fifth encounter in the lost tower pretty much right beside the hallowed tower in here there are wild dusk all with a twenty percent rate we catch one successfully and nickname it wazowski the name will make a bit more sense once it evolves and it has a hearty nature which is neutral i love me some neutral natures once we arrive in veilstone we can head right for the gym a fighting type gym the trainers are quite manageable with zeppelin's gust and immunity to fighting of course and eventually she evolves into a beautiful drift blim right at level 30 which i had delayed so we could get ominous wind early before progressing to gym leader meilene i decided to hit up the veilstone department store to pick up the reflect tm which i teach to phantom uh on the fifth floor this guy says two buff guys standing side by side that's all what what's the problem i uh nothing is we're in public guys with that excessive pda fresh on my mind it's time to challenge for our fourth gym badge now on the face of it driftblim seems like a shoe-in for this battle however both meleen's machoke and metatite have super effective rock tomb with the speed drop so i decide to send in phantom against her metatype i use reflect right away and meditate hits us with rock tomb and lowers her speed i then hit it with stab super effective ominous wind for the one hit ko hermechok comes in next and i go for ominous wind hoping for the omni boost and it does less than half arma choke then goes for focus energy and another hit takes it to the red after which we get hit by rock tomb it crits us and lowers our speed further then it outspeeds us due to the drop and crits us again before we can take it out yikes the reflect was almost pointless there in comes her ace lucario and i know i need to get the reflect back up so i stay in and risk the crit but it doesn't we survive on 13 hp and can get it up i switch into zeppelin here and metal claw gets a crit are you kidding me what in the world is happening i stand on the next turn knowing we can survive a non-crit at least since i know we need the damage from gust i then switch into reaper and lucario misses its metal claw on the switch but then outspeeds us and hits us with one before i can confuse it with confuse ray reflect goes down now but it hits itself in confusion so shadowpunch can bring it below half it hits itself again thankfully and another attack brings it to a sliver knowing she'll potion now i take the opportunity to switch into dante dante is a great switch in since metalclaw is the only move she can hit us with and our pressure ability starts draining its power points quickly our next ominous wind attack takes it down that got quite scary with all those crits but dante definitely pulled through for us while traveling to pistoria city reaper ends up learning shadow ball so we can finally stop using a physical move on a hunter dusk all also ends up evolving into a dust glops which should add some good bulk and a physical attacking presence to our team along with the shadow punch move right before we get to the pastoria gym barry challenges us to battle a battle you should always watch out for in platinum as it can be quite a surprise but we can pull off a similar strategy to last time since this team hasn't developed in terms of evolutions like ours has after the battle berry says oh yeah i joined mr wake as an apprentice like i want my own theme song and kill me it's time for the watertight pastoria gym phantom makes quite easy work of most of the gym as might be expected although at one point a gyros almost killed zeppelin as i realized just in time phantom was gonna over level so i had to switch and we survived on just two hp sheesh it's time for the fifth gym leader awake i thought about buying the thunderbolt tm from the game corner for phantom for this battle but it's far too expensive and we can get surf soon too to get the tm elsewhere anyway weak leads with a gyrodose and i lead with phantom and decide to set up the reflect right away after getting hit by waterfall i use shockwave which instantly chaos gyrodos since it's stab and four times effective he next sends out floatzo which is a bit less of a concern with reflect up now and crunch brings us to about half shockwave then hits it to the red and its citrusberry activates and our shell bell helps us a bit as crunch brings us to just 28 hp and lowers our defense but we can take it out with another attack quagsire is his final pokemon and knowing we're too low health i switch into dante and we get yawn before hitting an ominous wind i then switch into wazowski and he goes for yawn again interesting figuring he might just keep spamming it i go for shadowpunch and he did indeed go for you on again what a weird dude from here since wazowski's quite bulky it's just a waiting game and funnily enough our quick claw even activated as we were asleep one time eventually we wake up and take the damn thing out with a crit shadow punch five badges now just outside pistoria on route 212 there's a move tutor who teaches moves to pokemon in exchange for shards after getting the necessary shards from the great marsh and the underground i decided to have him teach wazowski fire punch as it provides great coverage that is much needed on our team for steel types who otherwise resist almost everything we have back in pistoria team galactic is oh barry would you stop around somebody's trying to bomb the city after violently macing the psyduck on route 210 we head north towards celestic town along the way dante ends up learning nasty plot which is a fantastic move for such a bulky pokemon that also has offensive capabilities upon arriving in celestic town we can pick up a great item since it's the morning this guy here gives us none other than the choice specs item which should be a great help with our special attackers alright i know you guys yelled at me last time for this but i need to confess something i can't stop dating cynthia's grandma we're still together she says this old charm is something made in celestic town long long ago since you're in celestic town why not look around inside the ruins oh you know it okay i'm sorry i'm so too far just too far cyrus tries to intervene in our date again so we have to teach him a lesson and it goes relatively smoothly as wazowski can now handle sneezel with fire punch murkrow is handled by dante who can tank his attacks for a while before we switch into phantom who can then take it out with shockwave and his golbat is handled by shockwaves 2 despite us being brought to 18 hp on our way out cynthia herself appears and i'm like oh my god she totally knows i'm dating her grandma then she says were the ruins fun to explore uh yes yes they were traveling back we can pick up a few upgrades for our team including the shadowball tm on route 210 and now that we have surf we can also go above the valley windworks to pick up the thunderbolt tm which we teach to phantom right away for some extra power once we arrive in cantalave city we have another rival battle against barry and this time he's powered up quite a lot with new evolutions and new team members i lead with phantom against his now star after and i went for reflect to start but this time we don't have shock waves so we do miss our thunderbolt after he double teams but eventually we hit one and take it down in one hit he sends in towards hera next and i switch into wazowski and bite doesn't do much but then our reflect wears out he then hits us with razor leaf then we miss our willow wisp and he hits us down to just 15 hp with bite but then we can hit one to burn him i'm forced to switch here so i go into phantom and now that he's burned he goes for mega drain instead which doesn't do a whole lot i can then set up another reflect and combine with the burn that means he won't be doing any physical damage on us so he goes for leech seed this gives me an opportunity to switch into zeppelin who can take him down with fly since we taught her the hm for it for more power in comes floats all next and i know i want to keep zeppelin in for the heracost which is a big threat so i go for ominous win to try and get the boost but we don't get it and reflect goes down and his second pursuit brings us to half switching definitely would have been a bad idea anyway with pursuit another attack takes him down and he does indeed send out heracross with night slash next but thankfully we out speed and can take him down with stab four times effective fly rapid ash is his last pokemon and the only move it has that affects us is firespin which is quite weak so we can take him down with relative ease barry's definitely gotten tougher but i feel we had a good strat there before the cantaloupe gym i decided to traverse through the iron island for some training and thankfully this time we don't have to worry about exploding gravelers with all of our ghost types along the way we pick up the magnet item which should be helpful for phantom for sure with that it's time for the steel type cantilever city gym now all of the steel types in this gym resist our stabbed ghost moves so honestly i just had to fight a war of attrition against them with fire punch confuse rey reflect willowisp whatever i could do eventually we reached the sixth gym leader byron who i'm fairly worried about focus blast with a wide lens from the game corner would have been incredible here however unfortunately only gengar can learn it and not haunt her instead i lead with wazowski against his magneton and hit him with three fire punches after he brings us to 18 hp with thunderbolts since he healed up once our third fire punch brought him to just a sliver but thankfully we do have priority shadow snakes so we can out speed and take him out solid bastion dawn comes out next and i switch into dante here all he can do against ghost types is stone edge or metal burst and our pressure ability will get rid of stone edge power points quickly anyway so i'm able to slowly wear him down over time with attacks from dante zeppelin and reaper although it was quite a long process as he kept using taunt as i tried to nasty plot since he resists all of our moves and stockpiled to raise zeppelin's defenses and he also full restored at 1.2 it took eight and a half minutes to take that damn thing down his final pokemon is stelix which is handled quite well by a couple of reaper's choice specs boosted shadow balls at this point i'm starting to get those ideas in my head about a deathless run you guys know i've wanted to achieve one of those for a while so we'll see what happens before moving on i remember to pick up the hidden dawn stone west of pistoria city which will be very helpful for later at the lakes we're forced to battle the commanders and with saturn i accidentally looked up his diamond and pearl team and thought he led with kadabra so that caused some problems but dante's part dark typing definitely helped pull us through against toxic croak mars was for once a relatively easy battle as her per ugly can't use fake out or slash on us at all on our way to snowpoint city we had an item bonanza as we picked up the light clay from mount coronette along with the never melt ice 2 and the spell tag from route 217. upon arriving in snowpoint city i'd love for us to admire the winter scenery and all but i have some business to take care of with the girl who could have traded us gengar but decided to attach an everstone on the traded haunter now the snowpoint gym is always a scary one but i figured since we have a neutral type it might go alright our very first trainer battle ended up being insane because i didn't realize that this glayly would have crunch on it and it got a crit on phantom to bring it to just 2 hp man oh man during the process zeppelin learned shadow ball and i had a heck of a time debating between it and ominous wind with the omni boost but i figured the extra power was more reliable it's time for our seventh gym battle against the ice type gym leader candice candice d okay nevermind she leads with sneezel and i lead with phantom with the like clay item to extend the duration of our reflect since i think we'll need it although sneezel outspend and hit us hard with faint attack beforehand thankfully reflect helps us to survive the second on just 7hp and i can hit it hard with thunderbolt leading with a sneasel is a disaster for us i switch into wazowski here and thankfully she just went for ice shard to try and pick off phantom so we can tank the following faint attack and take her out with fire punch we've safely gotten our only fire move on the field and now she sends in frostlast shadow punch is the better option here and thankfully it also can't miss so frostlash's double team doesn't do anything and it gets one hit ko'd with a crit finally we get some crit luck then comes a bomb snow next which starts the hail but four times super effective fire punch does huge damage then it hits us with avalanche before candace uses a full restore and then we can take it down with another followed by a priority shadow snake for good measure in comes piloswine and i switch it to dante who gets hit hard by earthquake before we can use hypnosis to put it to sleep then i can safely switch into reaper knowing it will likely go for earthquake even if it wakes up and it stays asleep so two shadow balls do the job that was a solid battle and thank god we had fire punch on wazowski on the way back to the veilstone galactic hq we find the reaper cloth great if only we could use this damn thing in the headquarters itself we find the sludge bomb tm a fantastic stab move for reaper i farted after taking a break i picked up the game to play again at night so we could find our last encounter on route 217 and while trying to find it with a 20 chance i thought the first snover i found was shiny since i wasn't used to the night animation then a few encounters later it actually happened shiny snover tell me why i find more shinies in full odds 1-8 1992 nuzlockes than actually shiny hunting 1-500 in sword and shield after that excitement we find our actual encounter a female snow run which we catch a nickname hathena athena ends up having a careful nature plus special defense and minus special attack are you kidding me what is with our nature luck or lack thereof now that we have rock climb we can get the ice beam tm on route 216 which should be amazing despite our minus special attack now what really sucks about the spear pillar events is that you have to have a rock climb pokemon to make it up yet none of our ghost types can learn it so i have to take a b barrel to the peak against some of the hardest battles in the game oh the double battle with jupiter and mars goes as well as it could thanks to light clay reflect and spiratom's typing helping with skuntank and incredibly we got mean look towards the end but just in the nick of time barry's star after took down the goal bat that mean looked us we got crit down to like one hp by air cutter but thankfully i could now switch and get out of there way too close for comfort after grinding in mount coronet for cyrus it's time for the most terrifying battle i can think of for our team i theory crafted for a solid two hours for this fight thinking of every possibility and finally i came up with the only strategy i could think of that might be a teensy bit viable and it all came down to one tm that could save us here goes cyrus starts with the hound doom a ridiculous threat for us since we have nothing super effective against it it's fast and of course it has stabbed super effective dark pulse i lead with zeppelin and decide to try using stockpile as much as possible to raise our defenses we do have speed which is surprising but good and he hits us with willow wisp on the first turn we get another stockpile off and he uses dark balls to bring us to half after the burn but our oranberry activates which i thought we might need to out speed with unburden funnily enough our third stockpile goes off successfully and which are raised defenses we now survive dark pulse and the burn with 31 hp remaining and i use baton pass to pass the boost to spirit tomb our only pokemon not weak to either flamethrower or dark pulse he hits us with flamethrower twice in a row and then we can use nasty plot to raise their special attack then he misses a willow whip and we can use two more after getting burned on the next turn now here is where the plan comes into play he hits us with flamethrower and i go for silver win which just barely doesn't ko this is to trigger him using a full restore and i use our newly taught rest tm to hear up spear tomb entirely now with huge defenses and special attack the hound doom then goes down in two hits in comes haunchcrow a big threat for our team other than phantom who we couldn't have switched in safely but silverwind now one hit kozin we vile is next the biggest possible threat to our team and it uses ice punch which hardly touches us and super effective silver wind takes it down immediately unreal gyarados is next and dark pulse is a one hit ko after he waterfalls us to half his last pokemon is crobat and it doesn't survive stab max special attack dark pulse either despite hitting us with toxic incredible i sincerely think that was the only way to win that battle and it definitely wasn't a surefire way either it's time for giratina and damn do i ever want to catch this thing it's allowed right it's it's a ghost type our final gym is in sunny shore city the electric gym led by vulcanur now this battle is a strange one for us as the matchup is kind of weird and i'm not quite sure what to think of it i lead with spiritsu for some neutral bulkiness and he leads jolteon i decided to go for nasty plot right away but immediately remember that charge beam has a chance to raise his special attack and how dangerous that could be and it did indeed get the boost on the second attack uh oh he then uses thunder wave to paralyze us but we make it through with dark pulse that was scary in comes raichu next and it also has charge beam but we can ko it with powered up dark pulse next up is electavire and this thing is a big threat he hits us with thunder punch to just 6 hp but we got the rest off thank god but from here we're kind of stuck rest lasts for two turns but his thunder punch is doing too much and he out speeds i'm forced to switch into phantom who resists thunder punch and then use confuse ray he hits us with fire punch which does too much for us to stay in but i use reflex so that we can and he breaks through confusion as we survive on 21 hp i switch into reaper here knowing we need some raw choice specs power and electrifier finally hurts himself in confusion and now we can hit him with sludge bomb which ko's him his last pokemon is luxray and it just barely survives a sludge bomb hits us with crunch and we barely survive it as well knowing we either outspeed or he heals i go for sludge bomb and since he healed we can now do two more for the ko that was kinda wild with bad paralysis luck that could have ended our run following victory road and grinding to the elite four level cap filling out our evs and picking up some last minute items we arrive at the elite four since we're prepared for the elite four levels barry is no problem at all although he certainly would be if we weren't prepared with snorlax and whatnot the first elite four member is aaron the bug type trainer the lead i choose wazowski with the shell bell as he's got good coverage against his team aaron leads with a yen mega which goes for double team right away but our first four-time super effective rock slide lands and takes him out in one hit sizor then outspeeds and hits us with nice slash but no crit then four times effective fire punch one hit ko is him heracross then comes out and also hits us with night slash down to a third and fire punch does about the same to him now staying in here is risky because of the high critical hit ratio so i switch into dante to be safe this way we can now bait the mega horn which we can switch into zeppelin 4 and it does work then we can outspeed with fly to take him down from here we can bait the ice fang from the drapion on zeppelin and switch into hathena to tank it then use never melter's boosted ice beams to take him down since he has no dark moves his vespaquin is then also an easy super effective ko with ice beams that was a really efficient battle our team was quite synergistic for once up next is bertha the ground type elite 4 member according to my couch this battle is a bit risky due to some of the kos being dependent on roles but i go with our best option i taught reaper the giga drain tm so that allows for an easy 4 times effective ko against her lead wuskash especially with the choice specs attached now the way this battle goes all depends on her switch in here and it ends up being hip-hop on this is one of those rules i was talking about with gigadrain but i decide not to risk it and switch into frostlast who tanks crunch with below half after sandstorm but i know that ice beam can ko and it does now in comes golem and this is why that hippadan switch was so messy icebeam is a roll on golem now i'm forced to switch back into reaper who tanks firebunch reasonably well and now gigadrain is a four times effective ko next she sends in ryperia which is also a one hit with gigatrain from here when her gliscor switches in it's tempting to switch into frost last for the four times effective ice beam ko and even though she wouldn't go for earthquakes since reaper has levitate she does have fire fang so i decide to stay in and use giga drain and we get hit hard by thunder fang not wanting to risk ko i switch into phantom on the next one and then use reflect then after getting burned by firefang i go for confuse rey then i switch into wazowski and then dante whose bulk and power allow us to finish her off an interesting battle for sure up next is the fire trainer flint he leads off with the hound doom which is again terrifying for us just like cyrus but we can perform a similar strategy getting off three stockpiles but this one got sunny day up in the meantime which is scary considering his entire team is fire type for this reason i decided to try and stall it out by using two turn fly a couple times on hound doom instead of baton passing especially since our citrus berry activating gave us the unburdened speed boost which can't be baton passed anyway for some reason we're able to take the houndoom out with just under half remaining and now he sends out his meg mortar which has thunderbolt so i baton pass into dante after a nasty plot and the crazy defense boost dante is able to take care of the entire rest of his team including using rest with the chesto berries to stall out his flareon's overheat since it lowers its special attack every time it uses it and is rapidash and infernape board no match for max power dark pulse amazing the final elite 4 member is lucian the psychic type trainer on the face of it this seems like a really easy match-up but he does have good coverage first up is his mr mime and i lead with spear zoom so we're not weak to any of his team's moves i immediately charge up nasty plot knowing the most he can do is thunderbolt us and that he'll likely set up reflect and light screen and he does so we have to stall those out once we're charged up i use silverwind to try and get the omniboost and we get the ko but no boost alakazam comes in next and all it can do is energy ball against us so it's a perfect chance to rest before taking it out espeon hits us hard with shadowball but is an easy kill with dark pulse afterwards bronzong ended up just using calm mind so he can dark pulse it into oblivion and finally his glade hits us down to 20 hp with stone edge before being taken down by dark pulse dante is an absolute legend the time has come this is the first time we've ever reached a champion deathless in a monotype hardcore nuzlocke except i'm terrified for this battle i theory crafted for about 45 minutes for this fight and since she leaves with spirit tomb i realize we have no other option we have to lead with our own spiritual there's just no other way to make sure we're in the right damage tier i used nasty plot after getting hit for just under a third she then hits us to 54 hp and i nasty plot again then she hits us to just 2 hp before we can rest i knew she was doing a bit less than a third but that was way closer than i thought she's out speeding us also so she hits it with dark balls but then our supercharged dark pulse is a one hit ko in comes lucario next something that i'm terrified of as it has shadow ball even though dark pulse is resisted it's the best move that i have and he hits with shadow ball to below half first and dark paul's does about a third lucario's next stone edge brings us to the red and we hit it to a third now i could potentially switch here but ai can be weird and if she goes for shadow ball instead of stone edge since we're low health that would be devastating and dante can't be sent in to outspeed anything later so rest in peace sweet prince oh wait her stone edge missed but she survives on what must be like 2 hp then she full restores absolutely brutal dante gets ko with only a third damage on it now here i send in wazowski the only thing we have with a super effective move against lucario she then hits us with shadowball to below half then fire punch hits her hard but just barely doesn't ko again but our shell bell restores us above half even though priority shadow sneak is resisted i thought we'd be able to ko here but it just barely survives somehow and hits us again down to 20 hp but we can then out prioritize it again for the ko well at least that thing is dealt with in comes her milotic next another big threat wazowski has done his job so i just go for shadow sneak to get some damage off before he goes down i'm really hoping that was enough damage for the one hit with phantom's thunderbolt now but it survives in the red then hits us with a mirror coat of all things to take down phantom immediately oof i kinda forgot about that i really should have used and reflect as i initially planned but i thought we could ko to be honest and didn't want to take an ice beam knowing we need our fastest pokemon for later i send in zeppelin here figuring she'll full restore anyway and she does shadowball does about a quarter and after our second her miracle brings us to above half so i know that we can win this war and we do with just under half after our citrusberry which has now activated unburdened too but she sends in togekiss next so we can't shadowball i'm forced to go for fly here which does very little but we survive shockwave on just 11 hp and can hit it again to below half before getting taken down our poor starter from here i send in reaper to take it down with choice specs sludge bomb she sends in rosarite next and i have no choice so i hit it with sludge bomb down to a quarter then she immediately won he ko's us with extra sensory but my plan seems to have worked this whole time i was saying to myself keep frostlass alive as long as possible and now we can out speed and ice beam that thing to death her final pokemon is garchomp and now only at the end does she realize our end game as hathena is able to one hit koat with four times super effective ice beam we just beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke with only ghost types with one pokemon remaining after going deathless to the champion ghost types were incredibly cool to work with many big challenges but we started creating some fun team synergy and strategies somewhere around the fifth badge or so that was a really fun run if you guys enjoyed this run please don't forget to hit that subscribe button as it really does help a lot and grows our community a huge thanks to my youtube members and patrons who make these videos possible if you'd like to support and get your name up here the links are also down below if you enjoyed drop a like down below to help the video out and leave a comment letting me know what kind of rum we should do next and i'll see you guys for our next challenge video
Channel: SilphSpectre
Views: 723,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, can i beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke with only ghost types!?, can i beat a pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke, can i beat pokemon platinum, pokemon challenge, pokemon platinum nuzlocke, pokemon platinum hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke rules, can i beat pokemon platinum nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke ghost only, hardcore nuzlocke only ghost types, monotype hardcore nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon challenges
Id: -m4M0368zW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 1sec (2461 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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