Pokémon Emerald Hardcore Nuzlocke - Ground Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon emerald using only ground type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode so i know i just did an emerald hardcore nuzlocke for my last video where i only used normal type pokemon but a viewer suggested that i try an emerald hardcore nuzlocke using only ground type pokemon and it sounded like a lot of fun so here we are but in the future i'll try to bounce around between games for more flavors so that there aren't two videos in a row of the exact same game anyways ground type pokemon are really cool i think ground type is my favorite type of pokemon obviously my favorite pokemon is part ground type but so are a lot of my other favorite pokemon including my favorite starters swamper and torterra i think if i was gonna be a gym leader i'd be a ground type gym leader because ground types also tend to have a lot of really unique secondary typings in fact dual ground types exist for every combination of typing except for ground fighting and ground fairy get with that game freak anyways in emerald there's a solid set of ground type pokemon including the starter swampert yes i know that mudkip is not a ground type until it evolves into marsh top but i'm going to be using it anyways i'll explain why in a sec so we have a total of 10 evolution lines to choose from though unfortunately we won't be able to evolve in kata since it loses its ground typing upon evolution and both raidon and don fan are safari's own encounters so i'll have to choose between the two but that's still nine pokemon so let's see how it goes quick reminder before i start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's do this i start the game by picking up mudkip as my starter i name him dwayne now again i know that mudkip isn't a ground type so it feels a little disingenuous to use him until he evolves into marshtop but there's really no other option here there's only one other ground type to catch before roxanne's gym a denkata from route 116. i name her basalt and unfortunately it's next to impossible to beat roxanne with just basalt at the current level cap at least i would need to use sand attack and get incredibly lucky with avoiding attacks from all three of roxanne's pokemon but even then i think i'd run out of pp on my moves before i could make it through all of her pokemon since bay salt isn't quite a powerhouse hitter so instead i'll just use dwayne who is able to handle roxanne pretty easily with some water guns don't worry though there's still going to be a handful of problematic battles that we'll have to deal with so this will still be a pretty tough challenge during our battle with roxanne dwayne levels up which remember is not breaking the level cap because according to my rules the level cap is only in effect until the start of the gym battle that level up is enough to evolve dwayne into marsh tom and give him background typing unfortunately since dwayne leveled up twice in the gym battle he missed out on mud shot at level 16 which is really unideal we don't learn another ground type move until level 52 when swopper learns earthquake now well next up is brawley who's quite a pain to deal with before battling him we do head to granite cave and catch a geodude who we name granite and granite is going to be incredibly important in this run because she knows mudsport if we can keep her alive mudsport will be invaluable for the rest of this run after hitting the level cap with some grinding we challenge brawley i lead dwayne who starts hitting machop with water guns i make sure to get machop in the red so that brawley will waste one of his super potions on machop instead of using it on his makuhita a few more water guns manages to take out the macha next is meditite but as long as you keep attacking it it can't do any damage its only damaging move is focus punch so after a few water guns it goes down and then last is makuhita a water gun does solid damage as makuhita uses bulk up i'm in range of a crit but i kinda need to risk it so i fire off a second water gun as vital throw leaves me with 4 hp then i switch to basalt who can hopefully take care of the rest we trade damage back and forth for a few turns it's not looking all that good until basil gets a critical hit with scratch which knocks makahita into the red unfortunately on that same turn makahita retaliates with reversal which kills basalt granite comes out and thanks to a few good magnitude roles she takes out the makuhita even after brawley uses a super potion this does get us the second gym badge but we've got a pretty big problem now up next is a rival battle with may who has a grovile with absorb the recently departed basalt was our only pokemon not four times weak to that move fortunately we still have a shot if we teach dwayne rocktomb may starts with a wingle who goes down to a single rock tomb then out comes the grovile however since absorb only has 20 base power dwayne can actually take three of them if groville doesn't crit on the first turn grovile hits and absorb and we retaliate with a rock tomb this lowers grovile speed which allows us to outspeed it on the next turn grovile does hang on with a sliver and it hits back hard with an overgrow boosted absorb but one more rock tomb should knock it out [Music] well that's attempt one granite doesn't even outspeed here and she gets knocked out by a single absorb so it's time for a reset the first bit of attempt 2 is pretty similar dwayne takes care of roxanne no problem but this time i make sure that my xp is low enough so that i don't level up twice and duane learns mudshot when he evolves then it's time for our second go at brawley unfortunately during a moment of pure stupidity i accidentally overleveled duane over the level cap this is my first playthrough streaming on twitch and i got distracted by talking to chat so i wasn't really paying attention when i was grinding i'll need to be a bit better at multitasking while streaming but if you want to distract me into making horrendous mistakes like this go ahead and follow me on twitch it's been a lot of fun and i hope to do it more anyways i try to eke out a win against brawley without duane but it starts out with granite hitting the worst possible magnitude roll and then on the second turn going down to a critical hit karate chop so things aren't looking great but then basalt actually starts to put in some work she gets a clutch critical hit to kill the machop and then the meditate comes out and by the time we knock it out we've gained all our health back using leech life during this time basalt also gets a bunch more crits she's seriously killing it queen basalt might actually be able to pull this off makuhita is of course last so we start doing damage with cut we go back and forth for a while but makuhita is just a little too much for queen basalt to handle and she goes down so that's the end of attempt two okay so in attempt three i somehow managed to put my two brain cells together and get to brawley with a marsh top that knows mudshot and isn't over leveled i seriously don't know how i did it either on this third attempt at brawley i start with dwayne who immediately gets off a mud shot on modchop then i use mudslap so that matchup hangs on with a sliver which makes brawley waste a super potion here i go for another mudslap hoping to lower matchup's accuracy so that i don't take any more damage but ironically i miss the mudshot on the next turn as machop goes for a bulk up a few turns later and machop goes down but i've already taken a really huge chunk of damage with twain the meta type comes in but as usual it goes down without any problems raleigh also wastes his second super potion here so that's nice makuhita is last and immediately loses a huge chunk of his health to a mud shot as he goes for a bulk up unfortunately a citrus berry means he survives a follow-up water gun as he uses another bulk up so from here i switch to basalt who starts slowly doing damage with cut eventually we get to a point where basalt will get taken out by another reversal and we need basalt for the upcoming rival fight so unfortunately it means i have to switch granite in on a reversal which knocks him out in one shot rest well granite after that a water gun from dwayne finishes off makuhita winning us the second gym badge man broly is really brutal in a lot of these challenges losing granite is unideal she would have been incredibly useful for the next few gym challenges we have coming up but now that we have dwayne and basil at least may isn't too much of an issue we're able to smack her wingle down with another rock tomb just like last time then groval comes out and we hit it with a rock tomb for some damage then i switch to bay salt who takes care of the grovile with a few leech lifes we were at risk to a crit there but this time i couldn't really play around it after groville goes down dwayne takes out the slugma winning us the battle and getting us our furthest attempt yet since there aren't any other ground encounters before the third gym we go straight to watson's gym now you might be thinking that the electric type gym in a ground type only challenge should be a piece of cake and yet it ends up being a pretty hard piece of cake we leave basil into watson's voltorb and i just start hitting sand attacks voltorb starts using roll out but eventually it misses then it goes for a self-destruct which thankfully doesn't hurt too much electric comes out next so i start using a few more sand attacks then i switch to dwayne who avoids a quick attack two mudslaps kill the electric and we haven't taken any damage magneton comes out next and hits a 55 accurate supersonic and i obviously hit myself in confusion because what's a watson fight without status conditions i switch to basalt to shake off the confusion and then i switch dwayne back in on a sonic boom magneton hits another sonic boom and then i obviously miss a mud shot because when a move says 95 accurate it really means 9.5 percent accurate another mudshot manages to connect with the magneton and knock it out last is my net trick and thankfully my next two mud shots hit winning us the battle but if the electric gem in a ground only challenge is this hard i'm pretty worried about what's coming up next with the ability to use rocksmash i can now go to route 112 where i can catch another ground type pokemon a numel i name her igneous after that we do some training and it's time to take on flannery and her fire types she leads numel and i lead dwayne who one shots the new mole with a water gun a mud shot one shots the slugma that comes out next and then camerup comes out who actually does hold on from a water gun and it sets up a sunny day the sun is really dangerous with flannery's torquel in the back so this is looking a bit scary flannery heals the camera and i hit a reduced power water gun then i switch to igneous who ignores and attract camerup hits a pretty weak tackle and then igneous pulls out a monstrous magnitude 9 to kill her fully evolved form good job igneous last is torquel now overheat in the sun has a small chance to one-shot igneous from this range but we need to risk it igneous came to play and she hits a critical hit magnitude 7 which brings torquel into the yellow twerkle then retaliates with an overheat she gets a crit of course she does you really hate to see it dwayne comes back out and finishes off torquel with a mud shot winning us the 4th gym badge but i'm losing team members as fast as i'm getting them igneous wasn't on the team for long but she gave it everything she had and we couldn't have won the battle without her she deserves a long rest and at least queen basalt survives we now also get access to the desert on route 111 and mirage tower which means we get two more encounters i start by finding a sandshrew on route 111 which is great not because of the sand true so much but because it means that now i'm guaranteed to get a trap hinge in mirage tower and then later we can pick up a clay doll at sky pillar if i had gotten a baltoy on route 111 it would have been a 50 50 chance of santru or trap inch in mirage tower and then we'd be down one encounter i named the century's sandstone and then in mirage tower i catch a trap hinge and name him quartz did i only do this challenge so that i could use flagon maybe after some training sandstone evolves into sand slash and then it's time to face my father and his powerful slay king i spent the better part of two days brainstorming a plan for how to beat norman and i eventually landed on what seemed to be a pretty flawless plan save for a critical hit or two it's not ideal to have to bank on dodging a crit i obviously know full well how that can turn out but under the circumstances it's my best bet a plan is to knock out norman's first three pokemon with sandstone and then switch to basalt and abuse dig to take advantage of sleigh king's loafing turns it's a pretty solid plan but the funny thing about plans is that they never quite work out how you think they will right so right off the bat norman spinder goes for psi beam instead of a teeter dance which would have activated my personberry instead that's some chip damage on sandstone that i wasn't accounting for after knocking out the spinda vigoroth comes in and i thought that i eve'd sandstone to outspeed the vigoroth but evidently this vigoroth has a plus speed nature and vigoroth gets a critical hit with slash so by the time it goes down i'm already pretty low on health thankfully the la noon does exactly what i expected it to do it goes for a belly drum which allows sandstone to knock it out in one shot last is slay king but we're at low enough health that a facade will kill us so i need to switch and take a hit with duane thankfully this laking doesn't crit so dwayne lives on slaking's loafing turn i switched to bay salt now the plan is to take a hit with basalt toxic slaking and then dig so that slaking can never hit us but when i go for a toxic sleeking uses yawn for some reason so now i have a poison slaking which means facade will do double the damage and basalt can't use dig because she'll fall asleep on the next turn it means i have to sack sandstone to shake off the yawn so first i switch to sandstone on slaking's loafing turn then i click sand attack fully expecting slaking to knock me out with a boosted facade but instead he goes for a fain attack and we survive with 2 hp this is insane the only way that this is possible is that the ai saw that both feign attack and facade were kills on sandstone so it randomly chose between the two options but there were also a few low damage rolls with fain attack that didn't kill sandstone and that's what was rolled in other words this is stupid lucky because it means we get off a sand attack and that means that on the next turn the sleigh king can attack it goes for a faint attack since it never misses this gives us the opportunity to switch into basalt who tanks the faint attack and then from here we've timed it so that queen basalt will be underground when slaking attacks and above ground when it's loafing after a few turns of poison and dig damage teeny tiny basalt has knocked out the massive slayking winning us the 5th gym batch you know as unlucky as the rng of some battles may seem it's important to acknowledge that sometimes the opposite is true it's just a lot easier to remember the times that you're on the losing side of rng oh also i almost forgot suck it dad now that we have the hm for surf we can pick up the good rod and backtrack to meteor falls to fish up a barboach named lapis or if you're an expert in the french language like myself la piss now before we get to the sixth gem in four tree we have to fight our rival one more time and this time her grow vial has leaf blade a move that has a solid chance to one-shot almost all of my team this is especially bad because grovel can also out-speed my whole team i spent a long time brainstorming with twitch chat trying to figure out how to deal with this and the best strategy we could come up with was a double team strategy which is a terrible strategy for nuzlockes because it banks your entire run on the ai missing but that's the only play i could find here i start by sand attacking maze slugmo with ports until it's at -6 accuracy then i switch in sandstone and i start setting up double teams i also set up a sandstorm which up sandstone's evasion thanks to its sand veil ability you'll notice that slugma still hits a lot of embers here which clearly shows why this strategy is incredibly unreliable thankfully none of these embers burn though i've also taught sandstone's secret power so that we can kill the slug mode without making contact so we don't accidentally get burned from its flame body ability after slugma lambre comes out but it goes down to a return after it barely does anything with fake out last is the grovile and this is the moment of truth thanks to the sandstorm chip a silk scarf boosted return will be enough to one-shot it but first we need it to miss a leaf blade so i click return and then i out-speed the grovile meaning that this was all kind of a complete waste of time what i did the calcs and the only way that this grovile doesn't out speed sandstone here is if it has a minus speed nature so again i got stupid lucky after that close brush with death i train up lapis until he evolves into wiscash then after teaching lapis the tm for icebeam we take on winona and for the first time since roxanne we get a relatively straightforward gym battle where nothing terrible goes wrong thanks to some special attack evs the piss is able to one shot the swablu and the tropius with icebeam pelipper comes out third and starts doing that usual pelipper crap of wasting time with protects i switched to dwayne and hit a few rock tombs until i get confused from a supersonic then i switch to sandstone and start dealing damage as pelipper heals and then tries to hit a supersonic i need to do a few switches to get dwayne back in unconfused but once i do caliper goes down and then skarmory comes out from here we bounce around between dwayne and lapis as skarmory primarily goes for sand attacks after a few turns lapis is in without any accuracy drops and he takes out the skarmory with the surf last is alteria who wastes time with the dragon dance as she always does and then goes down to a single ice beam all things considered a fairly easy sixth badge on our way to mossdeep city dwayne evolves into swampert and quartz evolves into the vibrava just one more badge away from a flygon we also head to the safari zone to catch a rhyhorn i name him obsidian obsidian joins the team as our sixth pokemon giving us a full team for the first time in this run but since ryhorn doesn't learn earthquake until level 52 and rydon doesn't learn it until level 58 which is after the final level cap i decide to delay obsidian's evolution so for now he's just a bench warmer now it's time for tate and liza but lest viewers forget that i'm an absolute idiot i accidentally over level dwayne here so we can't use him for the battle this pose is a bit of a problem because tate and liza hit pretty hard so double surfs from dwayne and lapis would have been really great oh well tate and liza lead zatu in claydol and i lead quartz and le piss zatu goes for a calm mind and claydol uses earthquake as we hit claydol hard with a crunch and a surf on the next turn quartz uses fly to dodge a psychic from zatu and lepis hits it with an ice beam fly and surf take out the zatu and the claydol on the next turn but lapis is really low on health as lunatone and soul rock come in thankfully the way that the double battle switchings work in gen 3 means that i was able to get off a surf on the lunatone so a crunch and then another surf will take out lunatone but it means that lapis will surely go down to an attack from solrock unless it decides to go for a solar beam well that's the game a surf and a crunch take out the soul rock before it can get off a solar beam winning us a deathless seventh badge i genuinely didn't think i'd make it out of this battle in one piece with that new level cap it's finally time to evolve quartz into a flygon welcome to the team you beautiful beast we also get access to our final ground type encounter a clay doll in sky pillar i name it slate and slate is going to be huge for the rest of this run because slate can learn cosmic power finally a setup move that will make some of these big fights a bit more manageable for some reason slate can't learn calm mind which is just dumb but cosmic power is better than nothing but now with slate joining the team i have to make the hard decision to bench basalt as great as she's been in this run i can't afford to keep her on the team anymore and i'd rather her live out a peaceful retirement in the box than risk her dying in an upcoming fight so with bay salt in retirement it's time to take on juan and the strategy for this fight is to set up cosmic powers and a substitute with slate but to do that safely i need to stall the love disc out of pp on most of her attacks i do this by switching between duane and lapis making sure to use protects when optimal after a while love disc is out of sweet kisses and water pulses so it's stuck using flail and attract this gives me the opportunity to switch in slate set up six cosmic powers to max out my defense and also set up a substitute once that's taken care of i start knocking out juan's pokemon once love this goes down to a few psychics wiscash comes out but it goes down to a solar beam celio comes out next and goes down to a solar beam as well then kinder comes out and starts using double team we're kinda playing a dangerous game here since psychic has a low amount of pp but i get lucky and hit a critical hit psychic on the second turn before kingdra is able to fully set up double teams gotta love critical hits right last is crawdon who also goes down to a single solar beam and that's the eighth and final gym badge the final challenge as always is the elite four and in order to level up my pokemon i fight some of the trainers on victory road including this completely optional trainer with the slayking who of course has an ice beam which of course crits which of course kills sandstone in one shot that uh sucks really dumb mistake on my part and sandstone was a really good pokemon but it does mean that basalt is coming out of retirement welcome back queen well after that stupidly avoidable loss i train everyone up to level 55 including obsidian who evolves into ride on before the elite four here's our final team let's see if we've got what it takes first is sydney so i lead obsidian whose only job is to eat up and intimidate and a sand attack good job king then i switch to flagon who one shots the mighty anna with earthquake shiftry comes out next and goes down to two dragon claws but not before giving me a free boost to my attack with swagger after i shake off the confusion with the person barry of course thanks sydney the rest of sydney's team goes down to a single hit a piece winning us the battle sydney is never really any trouble especially because his pokemon are leveled so much lower than the elite four level cap next up is phoebe who leads with a dust collapse that always uses protect so i take the opportunity to set up a substitute with slate then i set up six cosmic powers as dusklops wastes a lot of time going for nonsense moves again the ai in gen 3 gets really confused by substitute i acknowledge that i've used substitute plus setup moves in like my last three videos but in most cases it's really the only reliable way to win these challenges anyways after a few more turns two psychics take out the dust gloves next is banet who goes down to two psychics as my substitute stays up the second bane it comes out next but it goes down to a single critical hit psychic again really gotta love when it's me getting the critical hits the second dusklops comes out next and goes down to a few psychics but it manages to break our sub and we can't set up another one here so when sablai comes out i switch to quartz who knocks it out with a single earthquake winning us the battle third is glacia and i don't really have a great plan for this one i lead slate into celio since it always sets up with a hail i set up a sub and then on the next turn i go for a psychic as celio retaliates with a body slam which doesn't break my sub a second psychic knocks out the celio then glacia's first glaily comes out but it goes down to two psychics as an ice beam breaks my sub but now we're in a bit of trouble as the second celio comes out i try to set up a sub but celio hits a blizzard to break it i go for a second sub hoping that blizzard will miss but it doesn't so next turn i switch in lapis who gets hit hard by a blizzard three blizzard hits in a row is pretty damn lucky glacia i go for an earthquake as celio sets up hail which now gives blizzard perfect accuracy another earthquake leaves celio with a sliver as it hits another blizzard glacia heals celio with a full restore and i hit another earthquake for what looks like a little over half health so on the next turn i click rest and then celio misses a blizzard i thought this was impossible but actually after checking bulbapedia it turns out that blizzard only has perfect accuracy in a hail storm starting in generation 4. so the more you know anyways after lapis wakes up from his rest he hits an earthquake to knock out the celia next is glaily who outspeeds lapis and hits him with an ice beam an earthquake leaves the glaily in the yellow but now we're in trouble especially with the walrain waiting in the back unfortunately we're going to need a sack here so it's obsidian's time to shine i switch him in on an icebeam and even though he does survive the first hit the gladly obviously outspeeds and takes him out on the next turn thank you for your service buddy quartz comes in to out speed the gladly and knock it out with an earthquake and then the wall rain comes in so i switch to dwayne and we trade off ice beams and earthquakes thankfully none of walring's ice beams crit or freeze so we're able to take out the wall reign with 17 hp remaining that was scary close but victory is ours fourth is lance but his shell gun is a free setup with slate since it always starts with a protect i've replaced psychic with ice beam so after i've set up the obligatory 6 cosmic powers an ice beam takes out the shell gone then kinder comes out and ice beam does disappointingly little damage but fortunately it wastes time using bad moves so a few ice beams take it out before it can do any real damage then from here ice beams knock out the rest of drake's dragon types winning us the fourth and final elite four fight it's kind of absurd how easy drake is with a halfway decent ice beam user anyways last up is the champion wallace who is pretty difficult especially since water types do a lot of damage to all of my ground types fortunately i have a pretty good plan wallace starts with whale lord which has a lot of moves with very low pp so if we stall the whale lord out of its pp we can pretty easily set up with slate which will make the rest of wallace's team much more manageable so i lead with dwayne and the first step is to hit whalelord with an earthquake to lower its hp so that its waterspouts do less damage you know i end every video by saying to always always always play around the critical hit but i've never had to play around at my own critical hit before this is really really bad because it means that looty colo is coming out and when i switch out to flygon ludicolo just starts setting up double teams now you eagle-eyed viewers may have noticed that there's still a lot of time left in this video so you probably know where this is going a few bad plays on my end and some unfortunate misses mean that ludicolo is able to wipe my entire team mere steps away from the finish line attempt 3 ends in an absolute massacre so with a heavy heart it's back to square one if there's a silver lining here it's that i learned a lot about what works through this playthrough and what doesn't so with my new breadth of knowledge and a very palpable sense of desperation attempt 4 goes much quicker a few differences to note first while i've named most of my pokemon the same name across all the attempts the ninkata that i find this time around is a male so i name it basalto there's no replacing queen basalt next i've taught the salto fury swipes since ninkata's compound eyes give the move 100 accuracy this gives me more than enough power to take out brawley's makuhito with dwayne and basalto alone meaning that i don't need to sacrifice granite the geodude this also means that granite lives long enough to evolve into a graveler which makes the battle with watson a cakewalk it also means i have a much easier time with flannery so i'm able to beat her without losing igneous the newmal so by the time we get to norman we actually have a full team but we still face some problems here i lead sandstone into norman spinda so that he'll get experience and level up when the spinda is defeated then i switch into dwayne who is able to lower spindle's speed with a few rock tombs well when he hits his attacks at least i hate moves that aren't 100 accurate so much after that i switched to granite who shakes off a teeter dance with a person berry and thanks to the rock tombs granite is able to out speed the spinda and knock it out with strength norman then sends his pokemon a bit out of order electing to send out slay king next i think this is because the ai thinks that the fighting type move counter is super effective to granite so i go for a rock smash hoping to get a defense drop as sleeking goes for a counter on his loafing turn i switched to sandstone who i've taught dig and given max speed evs to so that she can outspeed the slaking this lets me use dig to avoid slayking's attacks but after a few turns i start to get a little worried that i'll run out of dig pp before i can take out slay king if norman uses his two hyper potions here so i switch to granite to try and drop his defense with a rock smash not only does his defense drop but we also get a crit which is pretty great on the next turn i switch back to sand slash who tanks a faint attack then on slaking's loafing turn i go for a poison sting which poisons slay king i feel like poison sting has an 80 chance to poison i've been poisoned by poison sting so many times after this it's just a few digs until shaking goes down next up is vigroth who i hit with a return for about half health forgetting that dig has 60 base power in this game instead of 80 i figure it'll do more damage but it leaves vigoroth with a sliver a critical hit facade puts me in the red then norman uses a hyper potion as i hit another return i'm worried another return will leave vigoroth with just a sliver so i switch to granite figuroth gets another critical slash here and then he hits a fan attack which leaves granite in the red as i hit a strength which leaves vigor off in the red never did i think that i would have more trouble taking out norman's vigoroth than i did taking out his slay king but here we are next i switch to basalto who takes out the vigoroth with a leech life last is la noon who goes for a slash as i do a small amount of damage with fury swipes i switch to igneous on the next round but headbutt does way more damage than i thought it would so in order to get a safe switch to duane i decide to sack basalto but again this hack imposter is not queen bay salt so i literally couldn't care less sucks to be you basalto i bring out dwayne to finish off lanoon which gets me a pretty sloppy victory but my dad still sucks after this since igneous is still alive she evolves into camerupt and this makes the next fight against mei significantly easier since leaf blade doesn't do much to igneous i do end up over levelling igneous against winona's gem trainers but it doesn't really matter because winona is still pretty easy with ice beams from lapis so we can just skip that fight on this playthrough i decide to catch a fampy instead of a ryhorn in the safari zone i name her ore but she's going to go in the box for now next up is tate and liza and this time i thought it might be fun to you know maybe not over level dwayne so naturally i expect this fight to be much easier this time it's not i lead dwayne and lepist for double serves but zatu and cladel are both surprisingly fast so claydol is able to get off an earthquake and the serfs don't do much to zatu after a combined soul rock comes out to replace kledal and then zatu goes for a confuse ray so of course dwayne hits himself in confusion instead of hitting a rock tomb the next turn i switched wayne out for igneous and hit a surf to knock out the soul rock but lapis is now in the red after a psychic from zatu so i switch lapis to granite as they heal zatu a psychic from lunatone hits granite hard as igneous does shockingly little damage with rockslide unfortunately it's clear here that we're not getting out of this without somebody taking one for the team so i let granite go down and i bring in quartz who gets hit by a psychic from lunatone as igneous does another small chunk with rockslide here the ai sees the kill on quartz so i switch igneous out for dwayne and go for a fly with quartz hopefully fly knocks out the zatu and surf is enough to one-shot the lunatone on the next turn fly connects but it leaves zatu with what looks like 1 hp allowing zatu to take out quartz with a psychic no flag on this time i guess a final surf from dwayne knocks out lunatone winning us the gym badge but losing quartz is really brutal before fighting juan ora evolves into don fan and i catch slate again i decide to make slate a physical attacker this time but the strategy for juan remains the same so we can skip that fight and with that i'm back at the elite four this time our team is slightly different don fan sandslash and camerupt have replaced flygon rydon and ninkata so let's see if our new team has what it takes to make it to the end sydney as usual is pretty easy i lead sandstone to eat the intimidate and do some damage with return and then duane comes out and takes it out with an earthquake cacturn is out next so i switch to igneous and a flamethrower burns it to a crisp next is crawdad so a switch to lapis and a few earthquakes knock out the crawdad as it just wastes time using sword stance next is shiftery so another switch to igneous and another flamethrower take it out last is absol who flinches igneous with a rock slide so a switch to duane and a few earthquakes finish it off next is phoebe who goes down to a slate setup since slate is now physical i've taught it shadowball so it's pretty easy to clear through her ghost types for the sake of time i'll skip this battle since it's really long but it's not much different from the previous phoebe fight this leads us to glacia my last fight with glacier was pretty sloppy so i decided to go for a slightly different strategy this time this strategy is to pp stall the celio and then set up with slate i realize that this isn't exactly the most noble strategy and it's also not the most exciting thing to watch over and over again but honestly i've been put through the ringer in this challenge and it's too reliable of a strategy to not do it here so after celio has been depleted of pp and have set up six cosmic powers and a sub with slate we start taking out glacia's pokemon the only problem is that by the time i get to wall rain i'm actually out of earthquake pp so i have to switch to duane to finish him off with an earthquake but that's glacia defeated next is drake who's another victim of slate's cosmic power suite even with no special attack evs ice beam does a lot of damage so it's not too difficult to clean through drake's team and with that we're back to wallace this time instead of using earthquake with duane i make sure to use a move that won't kill whale lord even if we crit then it's just a bunch of pp stalling which has pretty much become the mo of the team in the late game fortunately whalelord only knows double edge raindance waterspout and blizzard which is just 30 pp total so it doesn't take as long as it usually does ultimately though igneous does die as we stall out the whalelord marking the second camera that i've lost in a championship fight but hopefully igneous sacrifices won't be in vain once wailord starts using struggle i switch to slate and start setting up cosmic powers after six of them an earthquake knocks out the whalelord tentacruel comes out next but obviously goes down to a single earthquake and then third is whiskash who starts tanking earthquakes after a few turns wallace switches to ludicolo for some reason but fortunately that gets us a free hit and i'm able to take it out before it gets too many double teams off what a relief whiskash comes back out and goes down to a few more attacks as a hyper beam doesn't even break our sub mylodic is next and goes down to two earthquakes as it just tries to use toxic seriously substitute is a lifesaver i'll try not to rely on it for every single challenge i promise last is gyarados but i can definitely still lose this to an unfortunate crit because gyarados starts using dragon dance and after two dragon dances gyarados decides to break my sub with a serf as slate uses a return to leave him with a sliver of health a crit here would break through my cosmic power boosts and kill me so this is scary but wallace goes for a full restore which honestly is even scarier because gyarados is now pretty poised for a dragon dance sweep but on the next turn gyarados just goes for another dragon dance and slate hits a critical hit return knocking it out before it gets a chance and with that we've defeated wallace well that was significantly harder than i thought it was gonna be i thought that this would be a pretty quick one attempt run but there were a lot of really tough battles that i wasn't expecting this was by far the most trouble i've had with wallace and i certainly wasn't expecting to have to abuse substitute and cosmic power as heavily as i did but it was a lot of fun i loved getting to use flagon and i had a blast playing through the game with twitch chat so hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did be sure to like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know oh i also feel like people sometimes say ring the bell so yeah ring the bell i definitely know what that means but if somebody wants to make it clear to everyone else feel free to comment down below and seriously thank you so much to everyone who's made these videos as popular as they are it means the world to me be sure to follow me on twitter and twitch to keep up with streams of my future challenges speaking of next up is the highly requested hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon diamond using only fire type pokemon you all may have been kidding but it's happening whether it's possible or not so as always thanks for watching and remember to always always always play around the critical hit even your own
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 825,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Pokemon Emerald, Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges, Ground Types, Flygon
Id: WLKvkvXh5VU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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