Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu Hardcore Nuzlocke - Ash's Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flag on hg and this is the video of my attempt at a hardcore nuzlocke of let's go pikachu using only pokemon that ash has used in the anime to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the description below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode so let's go pikachu and let's go eevee are pretty dumb games for one they're literally for children i mean all pokemon games are for children but these ones are more for children you know many of the more complex parts of pokemon have been stripped from let's go including abilities held items effort values fun instead let's go emphasizes catching pokemon and specifically catching a lot of pokemon which is the exact opposite of what you do in nuzlockes additionally you can no longer fight wild pokemon you can only catch them which is not great because the experience mechanisms have also been tweaked such that you get a lot of experience from catching pokemon and not much from the few trainer battles throughout the game since nuzlocke rules obviously prevent me from catching a bunch of pokemon it's nearly impossible to grind experience in this game meaning i'm going to be pretty under leveled for a large part of this playthrough there's one exception to this that i'll address when we get to it but for now let's just talk about the pokemon that we'll be using in this playthrough ash has used a lot of different pokemon throughout his ageless transcontinental journeys although his most famous pokemon like pikachu squirtle bulbasaur and charizard come from his initial journey through kanto he also caught a handful of kanto pokemon when he was in the orange islands and in his most recent globetrotting adventures in pokemon journeys i haven't actually watched pokemon journeys but apparently he has a dragonite a gengar and a lucario on his team now respect for the sake of our challenge all these additional pokemon will be fair game specifically if ash has at any point had the pokemon or the evolution of that pokemon on his team then i can catch it however if ash did not evolve the pokemon then i cannot evolve the pokemon so for example i can catch a pidgey and a velvet because ash caught a pidgeotto that ultimately evolved into a pidgeot and while i can catch a bulbasaur i can't evolve it because ash never evolved his bulbasaur because he's a weenie this final list of eligible pokemon comes straight from syraby there's a few on here that are basically technicalities since ash only really had them for like three minutes but for the sake of team diversity i'm including them feel free to complain in the comments section as you can see there are some pretty solid options across the board so we'll be able to construct a pretty good team however i decided to add one extra rule to this challenge which is that pikachu has to remain on my team for the entire playthrough that just feels right for an ash ketchum playthrough so without further ado let's get started quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's go get it i start my journey like ash did by meeting up with professor oak to get my starter unlike ash though i'm respectful of my elders and i show up promptly on time but oak still gives me a pikachu as my starter i name him a molga clone and here we have our first example of why let's go is a stupid game for babies this starter pikachu is no ordinary pikachu it has significantly buffed stats here's a regular pikachu's base stats and here's our starter pikachu's base stats our pikachu also has perfect ivs it can learn a bunch of really broken moves like zippy zap which always crits and always goes first oh and he'll also often just decide to avoid attacks because his bond with you is so strong actually all of your pokemon can do this they can randomly dodge moves out of friendship sometimes they'll cure themselves of status ailments or survive moves that would normally knock them out it's really dumb but there's no way to turn it off and honestly this sort of happens with ash's pokemon all the time in the anime so at least it kind of fits in with our nuzlocke theme anyways i'm instantly given pokeballs so it's time to catch our second team member i head to route 1 and i encounter a rattata two things to note one ash did temporarily trade his butterfree for eradicate with a gentleman on board the ssn he almost immediately traded it back but technically ash owned eradicate so this is a legal encounter and two as you may have noticed all the wild pokemon in this game are overworld encounters this means that i can kind of choose which pokemon is going to be my first pokemon on any route by just avoiding the other encounters which is a little bit unfair for a nuzlocke in a regular nuzlocke of this game i'd probably blindfold myself at the start of each route and find a random pokemon that way but since we have such few eligible encounters anyways i'm just going to allow myself to pick which species of pokemon i get from each route this is also kind of required for this challenge because otherwise it would be next to impossible i'll explain why in a sec anyways i catch the rattata and name him not bidoof then i have to return to the lab where i'm battled by my rival peanut and his eevee but amolga clone takes care of him with a few thundershocks after that i head to route 2 to catch a caterpie who i named greenweedle then i make my way into viridian forest and here's why i have to be able to choose my encounters on any given route i need a bulbasaur and viridian forest to be able to beat brock's rock types actually i need a bulbasaur to even get into brock's gym in let's go each gym has a certain entry requirement and brock's is that you need to have a grass or a water type pokemon so it's absolutely mandatory for me to get a bulbasaur in viridian forest but bulbasaur is an incredibly rare spawn in viridian forest and both pg and weedle are also eligible encounters so i need to specifically wait for a bulbasaur to show up as my first encounter eventually one does pop up and i catch him and i name him chikorita from here it's a straight shot to brock's gym but since i can't catch any more pokemon and there's only a few trainers to fight for experience i'm pretty under leveled going into this fight in the anime ash wins this fight by turning on the sprinklers which knocks out onix my victory is going to be a little more noble than that i lead chikorita as brock sends out his geodude two vine whips take care of the geodude as he just manages to hit a tackle on chikorita then onix comes out and i know onyx won't go down to a single vine whip and since he's faster it can probably take me out with two rock throws if one of them crits so i decide to switch to not bidoof and sack him to get a clean switch into a mulga clone a mulga clone hits onyx with a tail whip as onyx gets a critical hit rock throw i risk a second crit here and go for another tail whip then it's time for another sack to get a clean switch back into chikorita so i switch in green wheedle expecting rock throw to cleanly knock it out but somehow despite a six level deficit green wheedle survives this attack and the reason for that is because onyx has a terrible attack stat shockingly terrible i actually did a whole bit about it in a separate video if you want to check it out but despite the survival we still need to sack greenweedle so i click string shot and then this useless pile of rocks misses a rock throw green weedle lives he gets off the string shot which lowers onyx's speed and that allows me to out-speed him with chicorita since greenweedle clearly wants to live i decide not to sack him and switch back to chikorita who gets hit by a rock throw on the next turn a vine whip leaves onyx with a sliver and another rock throw leaves chicorito with just one hp a final vine whip knocks out onyx winning us the most ruthless first gym battle i've ever had in a nuzlocke sacking green weedle was definitely the better play here because what i did instead left chikorita vulnerable to a critical hit from onix but i don't care greenweedle lives and he evolves into a metapod here's the aftermath of that battle pretty brutal but that's also by far the hardest gym battle in the entire challenge after burying not bidoof i make my way towards cerulean city on route 3 i catch a manky and name him harry matcha in mount moon i run into jessie and james from team rocket i think it's a nice little touch that they're part of the game since they're so heavily featured in the anime even though they pop up a few more times throughout this game this is the only fight with them that i'll mention since they're pretty easy at the end of this fight though greenweedle evolves into butterfree which gives us our first fully evolved pokemon once we get to cerulean city it's time to take on our rival again he leads pidgey and i lead a moga clone he's now learned zippy zap a 50 base power physical electric move that always crits and always goes first so he knocks out the pidgey in one shot oddish comes out next and after i hit it once with zippy's app i switch to chikorita oddish and chikorita trade shots back and forth until chikorita starts to get a little too low for comfort because peanut decided to use a potion i switched to greenweedle who finishes off the oddish with a gust last is evie who goes down to a gust from greenweedo and then two zippy zaps from a mogul clone after that we go straight to misty's gym and clap her with our overpowered pikachu i'm pretty sure in the anime ash is just given the cascade badge because the gym leader doesn't want to do their job honestly i feel that in our case misty doesn't just give us the badge but she may as well have zippy's app one shots psyduck and then starmie comes out and it actually does survive the first zippy zap but another one finishes it off as she just hits a mulga clone with a skald oh also i should mention here that critical hits in this generation now do 1.5 times as much damage instead of 2 times so i was actually safe even if starmie got a critical hit a burn though that would have been pretty bad but regardless that's badge number two next i circle back to route 4 to catch a charmander which i named torchic i then go north of cerulean city to route 24 to catch a squirtle and i name him choodle soon after torchic evolves into charmeleon next on route 6 i catch a pidgeotto and i name him bad firo oh and look the xp i got from catching bad firo is enough to evolve chikorita just kidding ash sucks and doesn't evolve his bulbasaur so i can't either same with squirtle with bad firo on the team we now have ash's iconic kanto team it's kinda cool but this team sucks so this will never happen for the rest of the run because the next thing that i do is head to route 11 and catch a mr mine mr mime was originally ash's mom's pokemon but in the most recent anime series it joined ash's team so that's why it's eligible for this run but again i haven't seen pokemon journeys so feel free to tell me that i'm wrong in the comments i name her old mime junior kinda weird that a mr mine could be a girl but here we are now before we continue our journey i run into gamer hugo on route 11. in let's go trainers with the gamer trainer class will always have a single overleveled pokemon that knows a single oko move in this case gamer hugo has a diglett with fissure so he'll just repeatedly spam that low accuracy okayo move hoping to knock out all of my pokemon with random chance it's actually kind of a clever conceit since the gamer trainer class used to be called the gambler trainer class but it's also really terrifying for nuzlockes thankfully in this case i can switch to green wheel who is immune to fissure and then knock out the diglett but i'll need to be really careful to avoid any other gamers anyways next up is the ssa oh next is the third rival fight but it's uninteresting so let's fast forward to the third gym leader lieutenant serge in the anime ash wins this battle by legit pp stalling surges raichu it's kinda cool our strategy is to just use dig with a mulga clone lieutenant serge leads voltorb and i lead chikurita to set up a leech seed but lieutenant serge manages to paralyze chikorita with the thunderbolt and then chikorita gets fully paralyzed three times after the third time my friendship with chikorita randomly heals the paralysis but it's a little too late at that point i switch to old mime junior and use seismic toss once as voltorb uses light screen then i switch to a mogul clone and knock out the voltorb with dig magnemite comes out but it obviously goes down to a single dig and last is raichu who i up speed because this pikachu is busted and then i hit it with a dig a molga clone then dodges a thunderbolt from raichu again because our love is so strong or something i don't know it should be pretty clear at this point that i'm not gonna lose the run right a final dig gives us a cheap victory though might i remind you that lieutenant serge is the one who got three full peras right in a row after this we head to celadon city and along the way we encounter a crabby on route 10. i named him corefish catching krabby on this route is actually kind of a mistake because route 10 is the only place i can catch stratini or dragon dragonair which are also eligible catches since ash now has a dragonite on his team if you told me as a kid that ash would have a dragonite on his team i wouldn't believe you but since i caught crabby here that means no dragonite for us kind of a mistake but again this game basically is just giving me wins so i think i'm gonna be okay speaking of being okay i accidentally run into another gambler on route 8. this time it's gamer rich and is seeking with porn drill fortunately i'm able to put the sea king to sleep with greenweedle switch to a mulga clone and then knock it out with two zippy zaps before it actually connects with the horn drill but that could have been really bad i need to be really careful not to run into another gamer oh okay gamer stan has a rye horn with horn drill we'll just do the same thing that we did with gamer ridge hit asleep [Music] well that's bad okay let's bring out corefish and hit a bubble beam bubble beam won't knock out the rhyhorn but it's pretty unlikely that he successfully hits two horn drills in a row just for fun let's calculate the odds of this happening since game freak thought abilities were too complicated for stupid children butterfree doesn't have compound eyes so green weed all has a 25 chance of missing sleep powder the chance of rhyhorn to hit a horn drill with a 10 level advantage is 40 then the chance for it to hit the second horn drill with a 9 level advantage is 39 let's also add the probability that corefish doesn't get a critical hit with bubble beam so we're looking at 15 16. that ends up with a 3.66 chance of this happening and that doesn't even factor in the random chance in let's go for my pokemon to dodge the attack or hang on with one hp so the actual chances are even lower feels pretty bad but i guess life goes on after that pretty devastating loss i make my way to zeldon city i also backtrack to lavender town and fight peanut in pokemon tower but we'll skip that fight too erika and her grass types are next if i'm remembering the anime correctly team rocket just sets the gym on fire and then erica gives ash the gym badge for helping her put it out ash really didn't earn many of his gym badges did he well i can't set the gym on fire so instead i decide to lead torchic into erica's tangola i start with an ember for about half health then i use smokescreen as tangola puts me to sleep then i switch out to old mime jr who gets hit by a surprisingly hard mega drain tangle is a bit stronger than i thought a psychic is enough to kill out the tangola though and then weepinbell comes out but since it's poison type a psychic one shots it last is vileplume who hangs on from a psychic and retaliates with a mega drain that would have killed me if it's a crit but it didn't so another psychic wins us the gym badge up next is rocket hideout culminating with a fight against giovanni normally this fight is pretty easy but we're pretty under-leveled still and i don't have many good answers to rock types since corefish is dead and i can't evolve chikorita or chewtle giovanni leads persian and i lead old mind junior i make sure to protect as persian goes for a fake out then i set up a reflect as persian hits a hard slash next is a switch to chikorita who gets hit hard with another slash i set up a leech seed as persian just keeps hammering away with slash next turn i put persian to sleep with sleep powder then i start doing damage with razor leaf persian eventually wakes up and hits a slash as its last bit of hp is drained with leech seed giovanni's second and final pokemon is ryhorn which can one shot a lot of my team i come up with this brilliant play where i switch to bad fearow on a drill run but it ends up being a mega horn so i switch to harry machop on the rock throw which misses and then it's back to bad furo as ryhorn uses drill run now i can execute my brilliant play i use mirror move to hit ryhorn with his own drill run which does like no damage and then rhyhorn kills bad firo with a rock throw really living up to your name there huh well next i bring out chikorita who hits a sleep powder on the next turn a razor leaf hits ryhorn hard but ryhorn gets that one turn sleep and hits back even harder with megahorn which unfortunately knocks out chikorita for the record that is now four of my pokemon that have been killed by a rhyhorn torchic finishes off the rhyhorn with the dragon rage which wins us the battle but our team is looking pretty rough thankfully we've got some solid encounters coming up first is a ghastly in pokemon tower ash used a haunter in his battle with sabrina in the original anime and now has a gengar on his team in the current series unfortunately i can't do trade evolutions since my online nintendo membership is connected to a different account than the one that i'm using for this playthrough so i'm stuck with just a haunter also this ghastly has a brave nature plus attack minus speed which is a really atrocious nature for a ghastly so that's disappointing but for now it's better than most of my other pokemon so not dusk lops joins the team i also immediately use a rare candy on it to evolve him into a haunter shortly after that harry machop also evolves into a primate then we do the whole pokemon tower thing with cubone's mom which is actually pretty cool and kinda sad i'm not getting emotional at a game for toddlers you are after that we get the pocaflue which means we can wake up the sleeping snorlax on route 12 which is an eligible capture since ash caught a snorlax in the orange islands unlike most wild encounters you have to actually fight this snorlax and you have to defeat it in under five minutes in order to get the chance to catch it it's pretty cool actually snorlax wakes up and then suddenly gets a plus one attack so i decide to dip because this thing will really mess up my team hard the other sleeping snorlax on the other route should get plus defense instead of plus attack which should be more manageable so we head over there but not before talking to this lady who can manipulate the nature of the pokemon we catch now the next snorlax should have an adamant nature the second snorlax wakes up and we eventually knock it out and catch him i name him fat munchlax and he joins the team so here's where this challenge gets a little wonky in order to challenge koga's gym you're required to catch at least 50 types of pokemon which is impossible in our current nuzlocke rule set so unfortunately that means the run is over it can't be done end of video or i can make an exception just this once i'll go around the map and catch pokemon until i've gotten 50 but i'll immediately send those pokemon to professor oak and i won't be allowed to use the candies that i get as a result this will also help with the fact that we are incredibly under leveled at this point so at least it saves me from going around and fighting every single trainer on the map i start by catching the last few eligible encounters that we have left first i head to route 19 and catch a lapra it's french ash uses a la pra in the orange islands i name her big shallows catching big shallows also gives us enough experience points to evolve torchic into charizard then i head to route 15 to catch a tauros ash actually caught 30 tauros but species claws means that i'm only going to be able to catch one i name him man-mill tank and finally i head to the power plant to catch a grimer which i named wet rubbish after i've gotten 50 pokemon i returned to koga's gym to challenge him as far as i remember ash actually wins this one no strings attached so good for him we'll be using old mime jr who at this point has learned an incredibly broken set of moves wheezing uses protect as old mime jr uses substitute next i use encore to lock wheezing into protect from there a few psychics take out wheezing as he can do nothing but just use protect over and over again encore is one of the best moves for a nuzlocke because the ai will almost never switch out and loves wasting time using random setup moves that you can lock them into substitute is also really useful since it basically guarantees you'll get an attack off and also prevents your pokemon from being hit by stat altering moves or status afflictions this same strategy knocks out muck and then after that venomoth and golbat go down to a single psychic each winning us the fifth gym badge next up is the self-co storyline in saffron city wet rubbish evolves into muck during this time but other than that nothing too exciting happens here with our new team members most notably big shallows giovanni is much easier so let's just jump straight to sabrina's gym now unfortunately in order to get into sabrina's gym you need to have a pokemon that's at least level 45 but sabrina's ace is only level 44. so i have to intentionally over level big shallows and then leave her in the box for the gym battle but that's not a problem because old mime jr takes care of her whole team without breaking a sweat she leads her own mr mime who sets up a light screen as i use substitute an encore traps her mr mime into using light screen and then i just start doing damage with shadow ball after a few more turns i've timed it so that i can knock out her mr mime on the turn that her light screen expires and from there it's a sweep alakazan comes out and doesn't even manage to break our sub with two sidekicks so we knock it out with our sub still intact slow bro comes out next and goes down to two shadow balls at least he finally takes out our sub with a surf last is jinx who goes down to two more shadow balls winning us the match that's badge number six it wasn't as easy as ash using a haunter to make sabrina laugh but it was pretty close next it's a straight shot to cinebar island and the 7th gym leader blaine this is another rare gym battle where ash actually just wins fair and square so i've got nothing snarky to say but here's something i didn't know you don't get a break between fighting blaine's gym trainers and fighting blaine himself the gym trainers are avoidable but i chose to fight them for experience so i'm actually going into this fight without full health but it's still pretty easy blaine leads magmar and i lead fat munchlax i switch to old mime jr who gets hit by a low kick which does basically nothing then i set up an encore to keep magmar stuck in the low kick from here i start setting up calm minds and i also put up a substitute as you can see this strategy is pretty broken after setting up enough a psychic takes out the magmar rapidash comes out but it goes down to a psychic as well and the same fate awaits the arcanine and the nene tails waiting in the back actually nina tails hangs on with a sliver but a fire blast doesn't even break our sub so that gives us a very easy 7th gym badge from here it's time to take on giovanni one last time as the 8th gym leader you know i'm not sure who's in charge of deciding who becomes a gym leader in kanto but they really need to vet their applicants a bit better giovanni is literally a crime lord i think gym leaders should also probably undergo some sort of yearly review process because lieutenant serge makes 10 year olds dig through trash before challenging him and blaine just straight up locks the door on his gym but anyways in the anime ash actually never fights giovanni instead he fights jessie and james as they borrow some of giovanni's pokemon sadly that doesn't happen here so we're stuck with just dumb old giovanni he leads doug trio and i send out torchic before the battle we got the ability to mega evolve toward chick but i'm banning that for my playthrough doug trio uses slash as i hit a flamethrower which crits and leaves it with a sliver on the next turn doug trio tries to use sucker punch but i take this time to set up a reflect then i kill the duke trio with a flamethrower radon comes out next so i switch to fat munchlax to take a rock slide rydon hits an earthquake as i go for a yawn then i switch to old mime junior who gets hit by an earthquake which still does a lot of damage through reflect but on the next turn i set up a sub on rydon's first turn of sleep and then set up a calm mind but unfortunately rydon wakes up and hits an earthquake breaking my sub one calm mind isn't enough for a one shot so i have to switch strategies here i switch to big shellos who tanks the earthquake and then knocks out right on with the surf nitto king is out next so i switch to torchic as he goes for a horn drill i intentionally leveled up torchic to the level cap of 50 for this fight specifically for horndrill oko moves don't work on pokemon at a higher level next i hit the nitto king with a willow wisp then i switch to wet rubbish to take a poison jab and then back to torchic to avoid the earthquake i do this over and over and over again until nidoking is at low enough health to be comfortably knocked out by a flame thrower from torchic last is nidoqueen who i hit with a willowis then i set up a reflect and then i switch to a mulga clone another switch to torchic puts him in the red for some reason she didn't use earthquake so i switched to snorlax and hit nidoqueen with an ice punch a final switch to torchic on an earthquake sets up for a kill with flamethrower winning us the eighth and final gym badge after this we need to take on peanut one more time but yet again it's underwhelming so let's just fast forward to the elite four our level cap is 55 to match lance's dragonite so i spend a good deal of time running around the map and picking up rare candies there's a handful of coach trainers that will give you 5 each if you beat them so after using up all of these here's our final team turns out ash managed to catch some pretty solid pokemon let's see if we have what it takes to beat the elite four first is lorelai with her ice types she leads dugon and i elite torchic lorelei's dugon is completely physical so i use willow wisp for the burn then i hit a smoke screen as dugon uses another waterfall and puts me in range of a crit so i switch to old mime jr who sets up a substitute as dugon misses a waterfall i then proceed to set up four calm minds as dugon misses almost all of its attacks i don't know if these misses are because of smokescreen or just due to old mime junior's undying loyalty to me but either way it's pretty funny i knock out dugon and then jinx comes in jinx actually does manage to hang on from a thunderbolt but then it misses a blizzard our love is just too strong i guess look i know this is total but can't you see something like this happening to ash in the anime anyways after jinx is cloister who obviously goes down to a thunderbolt and then the lapras and the slowbro also get one shot and that's lorelei defeated up next is bruno who leads with onyx a surf from big cellos knocks him out after he sets up stealth rock holly wrath comes out but i switch to old mime jr who resists superpower from here it's a clean psychic sweep oh look i forgot to teach him psychic after my fight with lorelei that is now the second challenge in a row where i forgot to teach one of my pokemon psychic in the elite four against the fighting type trainer i swear it's not intentional i'm just that dumb but it's also not a huge issue i encore the polywrath so that it's stuck using superpower and then i set up a substitute then i set up a calm mind as superpower just does progressively less and less damage polyrath's encore ends so i set up another encore but then the encore instantly ends i was really confused at the time but then i realized that polywrath ran out of superpower pp so it's encore ended i probably should have considered that when i was planning for this fight well anyways i hit a thunderbolt which leaves polyrath with a sliver and polywrath breaks my sub with a waterfall i set up another sub to absorb a waterfall and then set up one more combined another waterfall doesn't break the sub either so it's intact as polyrath goes down and matchamp comes out two thunderbolts kill mod champ but now my sub is broken as hitmonlee comes out so i switch to wet trubbish who gets hit with a rockslide and then does some big damage with poison jab hitmonlee then crits the third rockslide and wet rubbish flinches so i switched to a mulga clone who takes care of the hitmonlee with a zippy zap last is hitmonchan who gets hit with a thunderbolt as he burns a moga clone with a fire punch since hitmonchan doesn't know any fighting moves it's actually a safe switch into fat munchlax who hits a body slam on the next turn finishing off bruno i made that way harder for myself than i needed to but anyways third is agatha she leads arbok and i lead torchic a willowist burns the arbok before it uses glare on torchic the plan is to lower arbok's accuracy a bunch but torchic gets fully paralyzed twice in a row on the third term our magical bond heals torchic's paralysis so arbuck goes for another glare but then that one gets healed too after this i switch to wet rubbish to beta crunch and then i switch to old mime junior who avoids the crunch this game is so dumb i encore arbok into crunch and then set up a calm mind and a substitute from here a single psychic knocks out arbok look i remembered to teach it psychic gengar comes out and outspeeds me to break the sub but then it goes down to a psychic wheezing also goes down to a psychic and then agatha's second gengar comes out so i switch to wet rubbish to bait a shadow ball and then i switch to fat munchlax for a clean switch on the next turn sludge bomb poisons fat munchlax but an earthquake knocks out the kangar and the last pokemon is golbat but a thunder punch and then a switch to a mulga clone knocks it out and that's agatha defeated the final elite four member is lance he leads sidra so the plan is to bait a dragon move with big shallows switch to old mime jr and then set up but it turns out that big shallows baits hyper beam i can still make this work though first step is to let cedra hit the hyper beam so that i can get a safe switch to old mime junior i go for an ice beam for some small damage but hilariously that freezes the sea drop and then what happens really has to be seen to be believed sidra stays frozen as i set up a substitute and then six calm minds including the turn i switched this sidra stayed frozen for 8 turns there's a 20 chance to unfreeze every single turn that you're frozen so the odds of this including the 10 chance to freeze it in the first place are about 1.68 that's hilarious obviously the rest of this battle is a complete wash psychic one shots every single one of lance's pokemon the aerodactyl does outspeed and break the sub and charizard out speeds to hit a weak air slash but that's it the elite four has been defeated the final fight of the run is against the champion our rival peanut he leads pidgeotto and i lead a mogul clone his pidgeot can mega evolve but it goes down to a single thunderbolt from a mogul clone pretty underwhelming next is vileplume i switch to wet rubbish as it uses reflect we trade sludge bombs and ice punches for relatively similar amounts of damage until vio plume decides to go for a solar beam so i switch to torchic to tank the solar beam and then knock out the vileplume with a flamethrower third is jolteon so i switch to fat munchlax who takes a thunder he does get paralyzed but thankfully he still connects with an earthquake on the next turn knocking out the jolteon marowak is fourth so i switch to torchic and use willow wisp to burn the marowak i switch back to fat munchlax to guarantee bait a brick break then i switch to old mime jr and lock him into brick break with encore from here the battle is over burned brick break just does so little damage that i can set up as many calm minds as i want i also set up a substitute then after i'm set up a psychic knocks out marowak rapidash comes out next and it does out speed to break the sub but psychic knocks it out and then last is slowbro who does delay the inevitable a bit by using light screen and then a full restore but a few more psychics take it out winning us the battle and the run well that was quite the experience i can't say it was particularly challenging say for maybe the very first gym and i also can't really say that it was that fun these games are just dumb and they're not meant to be nuzlocked there wasn't ever really any point where i was worried that i was gonna lose so it made most of the run feel like i was just going through the motions that being said at least i got another playthrough out of this 60 glorified remake of pokemon go so there's always that plus it is always fun to watch pokemon follow you around but this will probably be my one and only let's go nuzlocke i do so i hope you enjoyed it anyways if you enjoyed watching this video please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but either way thanks so much for watching the amount of support i've gotten after my first few videos is really heartwarming and i can't thank you all enough for how nice you've been let me know what challenges you want to see me do next and any suggestions you have to improve the channel my next challenge will be pokemon emerald using only normal type pokemon after that i'll be doing a few viewer requested challenges so look out for all that and remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 921,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges, Let's Go Pikachu, Ash Ketchum
Id: mz-5Gr8DvQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.