Pokemon White 2 Hardcore Nuzlocke - Fire Type Pokemon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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hi everyone my name is flygon hg and this is the video of my attempts at a pokemon white 2 hardcore nuzlocke using only fire type pokemon to see what i define as hardcore nuzlocke rules check out the comments below but in short no items in battle no over leveling past the gym leader's ace and we're playing on set mode okay let's talk about the fire type pokemon that we'll be using in this run fire is a pretty unique typing because fire type pokemon tend to be very powerful but trend towards being a bit frail which means that if you can one shot your enemy things are fine but if you can't well then you're in a bit of trouble fire types hit a lot of types for super effective or neutral damage but they're also weak to ground rock and water types which are all very common fire types also tend to be pretty rare pokemon diamond and pearl are notorious for only having two fire types in the entire main part of the game so it means that most games are actually pretty tough to solo with only fire types because there's so few of them fortunately black 2 and white 2 have a decent number of fire types here's all the fire types in the unova pokedex but before you get too excited we need to cut this down just a bit magmar is exclusive to black 2 while camera is exclusive to white too i went with white too because magmar is in the same location as growlithe so in black 2 we'd have one less encounter per nuzlocke rules rotom heat and heatmore aren't accessible until after the elite 4 not that i'm really complaining too much about not being able to use heat more and lastly i don't play with legendaries so no victini no reshiram that leaves us with nine evolution lines five of which are pure fire types and all of which have a weakness to water types which happens to be the 8th gym leader's preferred type so this is going to be pretty tough let's see how it goes quick reminder before we start i play with species claws so i'll be able to reroll encounters until i get a unique encounter but i can only use one of each unique evolution line okay let's do this i start the game by picking the fire type starter tappig i name him zuko zuko has a hasty nature which is a fine nature plus speed at the expense of minus defense surely that won't really matter zuko and i immediately take on our rival ransom we slap him down with some tackles and head out not soon after that we have to fight ransom again his oshawa got a bit stronger but zuko hits a crit and takes it out with two shots before it does any real damage thankfully this is the last rival fight for a long time which is a wonderful change from black and white that has upwards of a dozen rival fights throughout the storyline of those games anyways there's actually no other fire type encounters before the first gem so it's just zuko vs the world right now and this fight is simultaneously the most intense and the most boring fight that i've ever had because we primarily just use tackle over and over again we tackle charon's pat rat until it's down lillipup comes out and we start doing damage with tackle as charon uses workup to increase his attack after that lillipup hits pretty hard but our orenberry prevents us from being in range of a k out i switch to ember here because i anticipate that another tackle will put me in range of blaze activating which will juice up my fire type moves and that should get me enough power to win but lillipup uses workup so blaze doesn't activate and ember leaves him with a sliver now that i'm looking at it again i'm pretty sure a tackle would have just taken him out at this point i assume it's completely over but somehow zuko survives with one hp and retaliates with ember for the win what an absolute animal bravo zuko by just the absolute thinnest of margins we get badge number one before taking on the second gym leader we get another encounter at verbank complex i catch a growlithe and name him johnny frustratingly johnny has the ability flash fire instead of intimidate which is one of the best abilities in the game since it lowers the opponent's attack when you switch in flash fire on the other hand is ultimately completely useless growlithe is also pretty weak so johnny won't be useful until i can evolve him into an arcane which won't happen for quite some time so for now he's moral support with some training zuko evolves into pig night and he gains a nice fighting type so that we have at least one pokemon that's neutral to rock moves with his newfound power and the ability to stand on two feet we take on the second gem later roxy charon was nice enough to give us the tm for workup after we crushed him without breaking a sweat seriously easiest battle ever oh and as a side note tms are now reusable in this generation so i can freely teach many pokemon the same tm this is pretty awesome because it gives you a lot more options when it comes to building teams and move sets for specific threats anyways zuko uses work up twice on roxy's coughing to buff up his attack stat and then a few flame charges takes out the coughing and also one shots her ace or lapid and that wins us the second gym badge next up we do this just an absolute waste of time whoever pitched this should be fired from game freak and shunned from the video game industry for the rest of their sad miserable excuse for an existence just anyways before going to the third gym though i get two new encounters on route 4 i catch a darumaka and name him mako mako has a timid nature plus speed minus attack which is pretty inconvenient since darumaka and more importantly its evolution darmanitan are incredibly strong physical attackers but i guess the plus speed is pretty nice right now mako has the ability hustle which ups attack but lowers accuracy it's an insanely unreliable ability especially for nuzlocking so until he evolves into darmanitan and gets the ability shear force he's moral support we also head into the heart of castelia city to catch a wild eevee but while we do that we run into a rattata who's too fast for johnny to escape from and brings johnny to a sliver with a hyperfang i could try to run again but if i fail i'm dead and i could try to switch to zuko but if rattata uses pursuit then i'm also dead i decide to ultimately gamble with the switch and thankfully it works out but that was pretty scary after that i eventually find an eevee and i catch him fittingly i name him aang you know cause he's the master of all the elements it's clever trust me aang has a bold nature which is plus defense minus attack again not a great nature since flareon has an amazing attack stat so it goes these new encounters are pretty meaningless at this point though because once we get to the third gym zuko sweeps through berg's bug type pokemon pretty cleanly after two workups turns out that having an ace that is four times weak to fire types when i'm doing a fire type mono challenge makes it a pretty easy victory with the third gym complete i get access to my first firestone which i immediately use on aang to get flareon johnny will have to wait from the sidelines for a while longer now that aang is no longer an eevee it's time to ev train him let me explain that joke for those of you who are confused by my comedic genius see evie is the name of a pokemon but eevee training is short for effort value training which is the process of training your pokemon against specific enemies so that you add effort values to the appropriate stats here i'm fighting purloin which gives me speed evs and patrat which give me attack evs this way flareon will be faster and it'll hit harder before we take on the 4th gym leader in nambasa city i head to los lorne forest to pick up a pan sear this takes forever since pansier has a 10 chance of appearing in a shaking grass spot which is already not that common if it wasn't for emulator speed up i would probably never do this but panzer will be pretty important in the near future so this is necessary i name him pyro pyro has a timid nature which is fine actually it's great since he'll be used mainly for his speed anyways but more on that later now it's time for elisa and her electric types the plan is to take advantage of the fact that aang can use dig but that actually ends up making very little difference elisa leads a moga who volt switches into flaffy which gets hit by a fire fang static causes paralysis but i've prepared for this with a cherry berry a dig takes out flaffy and then a molga comes back in another volt switch brings zeb strika out who gets hit by another firefang a second firefang takes out seb strika and then imoga comes out again i'm worried about a crit so i switch to zuko amolga actually does get a crit on the second volt switch as i hit it with a flame charge i'm pretty sure i'll out speed thanks to the speed boost from flame charge so i go for a second flame charge but alisa uses a hyper potion and then i get paralyzed from static so now i'm definitely not faster and i have to risk a crit i decide to risk the crit with aang instead of zuko but it turns out that a crit actually wouldn't have even killed him so that was a mistake on my part and i definitely should have just stayed in with him in the first place a final quick attack gives us a pretty sloppy win and that's badge number four up next is clay in his terrifying exit drill but before i can even get to draphil city i have to take on this guy charles in a triple battle with an archon a sigoleth and a tortuga all of which are big problems for my fire type pokemon fortunately the fact that i'm over leveled and some pretty poor move choices from charles makes this one go relatively smoothly but there's a handful of these triple and rotational battles in this gen that can really wreck you if you're not prepared for them with that out of the way i face what is in my opinion this run's first major challenge the fifth gym leader clay let's take a look at his team a krokarok a sand slash and an exit drill all of these pokemon deal super effective damage to my entire team and exadrill is able to one shot every one of them with a non-critical hit bulldoze so i need to be able to out speed and one-shot exadrill before it hits me if i can set up with zuko or aang a flame charge or a firefang respectively will be enough to one shot him unfortunately setting up is tough because his other teammates can do a lot of damage with bulldozes on their own and that will lower my speed which means i won't be able to outspeed exodrom so the question is how do we set up the solution comes in the form of a monkey with a turd emoji on his face pyro can learn yawn which will put the krokorok to sleep allowing me to set up with zuko and then sweep through clay's team i can also give zuko an air balloon which makes him immune to ground moves until he takes damage from another attack this will allow me to survive long enough to get to exadrone it's not a flawless plan but it's the best one that i've got but in order for this to work pyro needs to evolve into simasir and for that to happen i need another firestone which means i have to randomly find a firestone in a dust cloud in charge stone cave according to bulbapedia every dust cloud has a 40 chance of being a pokemon encounter a 50 chance to be a gem and a 10 chance to be one of 11 different evolution stones if my math is right that means that there's less than a one percent chance of finding a firestone in each dust cloud this takes so long in order to do this efficiently i buy a bunch of super repels and i just ride back and forth until a dust cloud appears and i do that over and over and over again i burn through roughly 150 super repels before i find a firestone but eventually i do and i get that sweet sweet semester an extra benefit of this whole endeavor is that now i have a ton of gems which can be used to power up a move of a certain type once by a whopping 50 these are going to be really good later in the game so now that pyro is a simisear it's clay time clay leads krokorok and i use yawn as it hits a bulldoze thankfully it doesn't crit and then a citrus berry brings me back to over half health so that krokorok is forced to use another bulldoze i switch zuko in on that next bulldoze which he dodges thanks to his air balloon krokorok falls asleep and now it's time to set up my calculations tell me that i need two workups to successfully two shot the sand slash that will come in next unfortunately krokorok wakes up after just one turn of sleep so he hits me with a crunch which pops my air balloon it's a bit inconvenient but not a huge deal since i know that i can survive one bulldoze from sand slash so i knock out krokorok with a flame charge and then out comes sand slash flame charge leaves sandslash with a sliver but again that's okay because i can survive a bulldoze yep that checks out gotta love critical hits well this sucks not only did i just lose my starter i lost one of the few dual-typed pokemon that i had access to now my entire team is completely weak to ground water and rock really not what you want to see i bring in aang who knocks out the sandslash with two firefangs as clay goes for a hyper potion last is exadrill but thankfully aang is faster and thankfully hits a firefang for the win you might be wondering why i didn't just set up with aang by using workup and sure retrospectively it would have probably saved me a pokemon because a plus two firefang would absolutely one shot the sand slash but firefang is a 95 accurate move so if i miss a firefang on sand slash or exodrum then i probably lose the battle and hitting both fire fangs is actually marginally less likely than not getting crit so i went with probability and ultimately i got screwed but that's pokemon for you after burying our sweet sweet prince zuko i decided that playtime is over and i grind up mako until he evolves into darmanitan who is an absolute monster i also get access to the relic passage which means i can get to the bottom of relic castle and there i can catch a volcarona an immensely powerful fire bug type pokemon that normally evolves from its base form at level 70. this is nothing short of a gift from god well sort of volcarona is really powerful but she learns pretty atrocious moves until around level 50. this can be somewhat alleviated with move tutor and tms but her true potential will have to wait until we get to higher levels i name her azula azula has a calm nature which is finally a good nature since it boosts special defense and lowers attack which is useless on azula anyways since she's a special attacker now my team is starting to look a bit more formidable and then there's johnny we have to take on the pokemon world tour before continuing but because mako is now a darmanitan and is pretty over leveled i walk through this tournament without any real problems like i said play time is over after clearing through chartstone cave i end up in the celestial tower here i catch a litwick and i name him ozai litwick evolves into chandelure which is a poorly designed but incredibly powerful special attacker unfortunately the trend of garbage nature's continues with ozai having an adamant nature which gives plus attack and minus special attack that is literally the worst nature that we could have gotten but it's fine it's fine i will eevee train her in special attack and speed to compensate for it i also make sure to eevee train azula in special attack and speed and intermittently i also train johnny and mako in attack and speed and pyro also gets max speed for quick yawns while i'm getting everyone up to our new level cap i actually find a shiny audino and i kill it eventually the sixth gym leader skyla is up next but other than her swanna she's pretty easy after a single workup from mako swubak goes down to a fire punch and then swana comes out but it goes down to a return boosted by a normal gem skarmory is last and hangs on from a fire punch thanks to its sturdy ability pokemon with the sturdy ability will actually be pretty inconvenient in later battles but skarmory can't do much to us so it's not a problem here i play it overly safe here and switch to flareon who takes it out with a quick attack before skarmory can retaliate that gets us badge number six next up there's a long stretch in these games between gyms six and seven and during this time we get some new team members i catch a new mole in reversal mountain and name him iro he has an impish nature plus defense minus special attack which is fine i guess but more notably he has oblivious as an ability which turns into magma armor when he evolves which is yet again the worst of the two abilities that camerupt can have but still he replaces pyro as my new yon user and pyro retires to the pc at least for now i decide to ev train airo in defense to make him a physical tank which my team desperately needs the next part of the game is pretty tough so i make sure to get my entire team into tip-top shape ozai evolves into lampent and after delaying ira's evolution so that he can get early earthquake he evolves into camera then once i get a dusk stone ozai evolves into chandelure and finally after getting johnny to level 43 where he learns outrage i used the new firestone that i picked up in lintoma's town to evolve him into an arcanine at this point we've gone a while without any major difficulties but that changes when our rival ransom surprises me with a battle in angela town this happens in almost every one of my challenge runs i almost always just forget about at least one rival battle anyways ransom leads with unpheasant and i have a zula out front because of course i do so i switch to airo to try and yawn the unpheasant but it uses taunt so i can't i cycle out to shake off the taunt and hit a yawn next time then i switch to mako and set up two workups on the sleeping chicken then it's a fire punch to knock it out and out comes samarat return just barely doesn't kill samurai gotta love that minus attack nature right and then he retaliates with revenge this is really scary because samarat is now in torrent range and has access to a priority aquajet on the next turn hugh uses a hyper potion which was definitely an opportunity to get another workup in instead i just bring him back down to red health i switch out to aang who gets hit by an aquajet that brings him all the way down to just 16 health fortunately a quick attack takes out samarat and then a signal beam from missoula takes out the sema sage in the back getting us a very sloppy victory a critical hit from that aquajet would have been completely devastating water types are just really hard for us to handle which really doesn't bode well for the eighth gym leader but before we do that we have to take on the seventh gym leader drayden and he uses dragon types but finally after warming the bench for so long it's time for johnny to have his glorious day in the sun draden leads with drutagon and i lead with iro who as usual starts by using yawn earthquake brings the drutagon down to red health which is actually a bit inconvenient because it means that trading will likely heal him on the next turn he does do that as i switch to johnny a few crunches take out dradogon as he thankfully stays asleep next is my favorite pokemon flygon but he goes down to a single outrage thanks to giving johnny an expert belt which boosts the power of super effective moves by twenty percent last is the always terrifying dragon dancing hacksaws but he too goes down to a single outrage this gym is usually one of the hardest parts of the game because hacksaws can very easily get out of control and not very many things can take it out in one shot so whoever gave growlith outrage as a level up move thank you unless you're the same guy that made me do pokestar studios you sadist anyways with the 7th gym badge 1 we get to experience this cinematic treat that has martin scorsese trembling in his little tiny boots i mean a kid but the story in this game is actually pretty cool when compared to the very low bars set by previous pokemon storylines after some forgettable team plasma fights it's a straight shot to the final gym marlin and his water types this is the battle that i've been dreading since the start of this challenge as we saw from our rival samurai any water type pokemon that isn't one shot will do really devastating damage to our entire team even without a critical hit i mean just look at this battle against one of marlin's random gym trainers this float cell outspeeds ozai and almost one-shots him with aqua tail if that was a crit i would have lost ozai and probably this run these water types are so difficult to handle marlin's team has an additional wrinkle in the form of his lead pokemon akira costa this wouldn't necessarily be a huge issue since kara costa is four times weak to grass types and ozai has access to energy ball however this keracosta has sturdy which prevents it from being one shot and it also knows shell smash which is a very good setup move that doubles your speed attack and special attack at the expense of your defense and special defense simply put this thing is terrifying and very difficult to set up on yet again i came up with a solution that uses the turd monkey but this time he's gonna pay the ultimate price that's right the only way that i can see to win this battle is sacrificing pyro marlin leads the aforementioned caracosta and pyro comes out he yawns the keracosta who sets up a shell smash i set up sunny day on the next turn so that ozai can survive a hit from wailord scald caracosta hits pyro with a skull which leaves him with just a sliver as he falls asleep i'm not gonna lie that's a little inconvenient i thought that he'd knock out pyro here with a smackdown which would trigger pyro's rocky helmet to break sturdy and then give me a free switch into ozai but i guess not now what i have to do is risk kara costa waking up after just a single turn of sleep i switch in ozai and hit an energy ball thankfully kara costa stays asleep and gets knocked out after a few more turns unfortunately because marlin wasted a turn with a hyper potion the sun is gone which means i'm susceptible to being killed by a critical hit from the wailord that comes in so here i decide to sack pyro to get a clean switch into aang to set up another sunny day but when i switch in whalelord uses amnesia pyro lives for at least one more turn but surely he dies on this next turn right so i set up a sunny day and whalelord goes for a bounce for some reason marlin really doesn't want to kill this monkey so on the next turn i switch in chandelure to take the bounce and then start hitting energy balls they don't really do that much thanks to wailord spamming amnesia so i decide to get chip damage in with willow wisp but i completely forget that whalelord has water veil as an ability which prevents burns that could be a game throwing play but i do see my out i switch to mako who takes a skald as the sunlight fades a fighting gem boosted superpower knocks out the whale lord and then out comes marlin's ace the jealousen and finally after surviving three separate attempts to sack him i switch in pyro one last time he gets knocked out by a skald which gives me a safe switch into ozai who knocks out jealousyn with a ghost gem boosted shadow ball winning us the match that did not go remotely how i planned but the net result was the same an 8th gym badge obtained in a dead pyro rest in peace little dude say hi to zuko for me before the elite four we gotta wrap up the story we get our second trip to the cinema and then there's a bunch of team plasma fights the only one that's really noteworthy and truly challenging is the fight against ghetzis especially because you have to fight kyram white right before that and you get no break in between so whatever you lead with in the fight against kyram white is also your lead against getsys it makes for a pretty unique challenge i decide to lead with azula who sets up a light screen to reduce kirim's very powerful special attacks i then switch to iro who shrugs off a fusion flare and uses yawn last is a switch to mako who takes out kiram with a fire punch followed by a super power ghetsis gets pretty annoyed that his plan doesn't work so he lashes out at me a 10 year old he leads kofigregis and i again lead azula who has been magically healed back to full health i set up a light screen as cophagregis uses toxic then i switch to iro who as i'm sure you've guessed uses yawn on the next turn i switch to mako as kofigree just falls asleep next i use belly drum which halves my health but maxes out my attack stat truly an insane move to give to a darmanitan after that it's sweep city kofigree just goes down to a fire punch seismitoad goes down to a return drapion goes down to a fire punch hydragon goes down to a return and the electros goes down to a return last is toxic croak toxicroak actually knows sucker punch which has priority so a critical hit sucker punch might be able to kill me so i switch to ozai he didn't actually go for sucker punch instead he goes for poison jab which hilariously burns him thanks to ozai's flame body i was actually going to do that with willow wisp on the next turn but i guess this saves me a turn i switched to arcanine who knocks out toxic croak with a fire gem boosted flamethrower winning us the battle after that getzes gives up and he and n go to father-son therapy or something and i'm allowed to move on with my life and also gives me the hm for waterfall which allows me to get one final encounter before the elite four a vulpix from the abundant shrine this isn't super necessary but i decided to go for it anyways ironically on the way aang accidentally over levels past the level cap so i'm not allowed to use him for the elite four that ends up being okay though because as strong as aang is flareon's move pool really limits how useful of a physical attacker he can be for example firefang is his strongest physical fire move so it's not the worst thing in the world that we have to leave him in the box in any case now i actually have room for the vulpix on my team i named her korra korra has a bold nature plus defense minus attack which is actually a great nature with my nouveau picks i carefully maneuver my way through victory road making sure to only fight the trainers that i absolutely have to fight there's some very challenging trainers in victory road so i'm not taking any risks that i don't have to the final challenge before getting to the steps of the elite four is a final fight with our rival ransom i yawn his unpheasant with iro and switch to mako to set up belly drum but i get hit with a swagger which could be trouble so i switch back to iro and wait for the unpheasant to wake up before using yawn again another switch in lets me set up a belly drum and then it's all over xamarin doesn't even have aqua jet anymore so there's nothing ransom can do to stop mako from plowing through his entire team as a reward he gives me the tm for thunderbolt which is completely useless to me and with that i head to the elite four the final bit of training involves ed training cora in special attack and speed as well as doing another dust cloud hunt for a firestone this one doesn't take nearly as long though so once cora evolves into nine tails and everyone is leveled up to the level cap of 58 it's time to take on the elite four here's our final stats going in as you can see we're a team of heavy hitters but defensively a lot of my pokemon leave a lot to be desired let's see if we've got what it takes the first battle is against chantal and her ghost types however this is just a clean sweep with firelord ozai who one shots all of her pokemon with expert belt boosted shadow balls the other thing to note here though is that i gave azula an experience share so that she can level up to level 59 where she learns quiver dance an incredible setup move that boosts special attack special defense and speed we will immediately start to abuse this move in the next elite four fights also i should point out here that my rule set states that my level cap is in effect until the start of the gym battle or the start of the elite four challenge once the first battle starts the next level cap goes into effect that's why sometimes i'll edge my pokemon close to the next level so that they can level up during the gym battle which is sometimes just the extra bump that you need to win anyways grimsley and his dark types are up next i lead iro who gets hit with a fake out from grimsley's lie apart liapard then uses a tract but ira feels absolutely nothing inside and yawns the cat i switch in a zula who gets hit by a night slash and that triggers azula's flame body which burns the lie apart and prevents her from falling asleep kind of annoying but it's fine azula uses a single quiver dance and then knocks out live part with a signal beam this signal beam is actually a critical hit which based on my calculations is enough to knock out this lapard five to six times over so good job azula a bit overkill but good job scrafty comes out next but a fire jim boosted flamethrower is enough for a one shot azula also one shots the crocodile and the buy sharp in the back and that wins us the second fight third is caitlyn who is definitely not high maintenance whatsoever regardless of whatever she's doing in her personal life her psychic types are just more azula fodder musharna spams yawn a bunch so it takes a second to get azula in on yawned but once she's in safe she sets up a single quiver dance and then signal beam and flamethrower sweep through caitlyn's entire team that's an easy third victory the final elite four member is marshall who is a massive pain for our team that's because every single one of his pokemon has a rock type move and one half of his burt and ernie pokemon combo have the ability sturdy so azula can't just sweep through the team in order to do this it's going to take a little bit of creativity marshall leads with ernie i lead iro and then use yan and then switch to azula who's equipped with a psychic gem for a quick kill with psychic but i forgot to teach her psychic which is pretty dumb but not a huge problem i use quiver dance as ernie sleeps and then a flamethrower knocks him out out comes concalder who also goes down to a flamethrower third is burt so it's time to switch out to iro and take a rock slide it's a good chunk of damage and a crit from whatever fighting type move bert is using next will definitely kill him so unfortunately it's sacking time cora comes in on the brick break and takes just a little over half health a flamethrower puts bert in the red and more importantly breaks his sturdy ability but a rock slide comes back and takes out cora she was only on the team for a short time but her sacrifice will most certainly not be forgotten ozai comes out next and finishes off burt with some flame throwers last is mine chao who has very little to hit ozai with but a ghost gem boosted shadow ball knocks it out before it even gets the chance with that the only thing left to do is take on the champion iris has a very powerful team and she leads with a hydragon that knows surf so leading iro for a yawn won't work instead i have to lead azula who sets up with a sunny day to have the damage of water attacks as a result surf only does a sliver then i set up a quiver dance as hydragon uses flamethrower for another chunk at the time i was concerned that a critical hit flamethrower would take me out here but looking back at the footage and doing the math i don't think that it would but because i thought it would i don't go for a second quiver dance and instead i go for the kill with signal beam i'm hoping for archeops to come out next but it's dratagon the one pokemon that i can't one shot after a single quiverdance on the flip side dratagon can absolutely one-shot me with a rock slide so i have to switch out to airo who loses a chunk to rockslide but now i can hit a yawn after dradogun just misses with focusblast oh i saw focusblast and kind of just assumed that it would miss but no worries surely that won't kill iro great spectacular i love this game you know there's a chance that focus blast would kill me regardless of the crit since this is a sheer force liforb dratagon for some reason but i'm just gonna choose to blame this on crit hacks so yeah this is pretty bad the only pokemon that can one-shot dratagon at this point is johnny with outrage but once he uses it he's locked into outrage for two to three turns so depending on which pokemon iris sends in after that it could be a real problem but i don't really have another option so i send in johnny and one shot the dragon with outrage of course after that agron comes out so i'm stuck doing pitiful damage with outrage as agron uses automatize and then rockslide you know this would have been a great time for outrage to snap out after two turns instead of three turns but of course it doesn't with the speed boost from automatize agron outspeeds everyone on my team except darmanitan but i can't afford to switch him in on the rock slide so johnny has to take the hit here for a free switch and mako comes in and knocks out agron with a fighting gem boosted superpower but now we've got to deal with haxorus and mako is at -1 attack and -1 defense from superpower so if haxorus uses dragon dance here i'm completely screwed i'm guaranteed to wipe but i'm hoping that because mako is at -1 defense she'll see the kill with earthquake and go for it if she does then i have to keep mako in to take the hit and give me a free switch to someone else so i click fire punch here and fortunately hacksaws uses earthquake knocking out mako and giving me a free switch into ozai at this point i'm pretty sure haxorus can one shot with earthquake so i go for a willow wisp to cut its attack in half haxuris actually outspeeds me here but for some reason it doesn't use earthquake and instead it goes for a dragon dance this is iris throwing the game i have no idea why she does this earthquake most definitely won shots but because she's greedy i burn the haxaris which lets me survive the subsequent earthquake and knock it out with shadowball i gotta say relying on willow wisp with its 75 accuracy was incredibly stressful but thankfully unlike aaron zhang it worked out for me here and i'm on to lapras so here we are iris is at two pokemon i'm at two pokemon her pokemon in the back is archaeops which is faster and can one shot both my pokemon so i only have one play and it's not a guaranteed win the first step is to unfortunately let ozai go down and get me a safe switch into azula next is a sunny day to have the damage of surf then it's a quiver dance as lapras uses sing thankfully this 55 accurate move misses which i think makes up for the fact that focus blast and every single rock slide have hit a flamethrower takes out lapras and now it's my last pokemon against iris's last pokemon an archaeops azula has been fully eevee trained in special attack the sun is up she's holding a charcoal to boost the power of her fire type moves and she has the boosts of one quiver dance is all of this enough to knock out the rock type archeops thankfully it is and with that i've beaten the champion and won the run that was hands down the most intense final battle in a nuzlocke i've ever had granted it looks like i just made it a lot harder on myself by not going for that second quiver dance when it was really safe to do so but it made for quite an emotional battle azula absolutely carried us through the elite four and the champion but the sacrifices that everyone else made really can't be understated this was by far my favorite nuzlocke challenge yet partially due to the cool pokemon that i got to use but also due to the games i think black 2 and white 2 are truly some of the best games in the franchise there are multiple fights that are challenging trainers often have coverage moves that make you think on your feet and the move pools of each pokemon are versatile enough to let you come up with really fun strategies to some pretty difficult challenges i'll admit that it's frustrating that a lot of the items and the tms require battle points which are incredibly risky to farm in nuzlockes and it's also kind of frustrating that a lot of the type resist berries that would have made this challenge easier can only be gotten using the c gear which isn't usable on an emulator but even so these games are some of the best in the series and they're a true nuzlocke challenge regardless of the rules that you set up i can't wait to tackle this game again but for now we're going back to kanto to see if we can do a hardcore nuzlocke of pokemon let's go pikachu using only ash's pokemon ash didn't evolve too many of his starting pokemon but in the orange islands he ends up catching quite a few tanks so we'll see how easy this challenge is if you enjoyed watching this video please like the video and subscribe or don't i don't know but anyways thanks for watching and remember to always always always play around the critical hit
Channel: FlygonHG
Views: 898,804
Rating: 4.9079785 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Pokemon White 2, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Challenges
Id: cgitt612LUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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