Shiny Pokemon Colors Explained! | Gnoggin - 6th Gen Edition!

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[Music] guys christmas is finally over it means probably christmas money which means it's time for a sponsor this plates are awesome they sound super cool and you could put them on your shelf put along the wall whatever and they don't make mr. visas efforts go to waste are you really considering paper posters again Plus this way you won't get thumbtack holes all up in your wall and why not make your new year's resolution be just stop having such a boring apartment or house or room or whatever it is you live in it's a metal art on your walls plus so long as you visit their website with my link in the description any purchase you make will directly support us and the next few months are definitely the months to do that so thank you to display for sponsoring and mega thanks to you for checking them out there so shiny in all the right ways yes like shiny pokemon love them or hate them what is wrong with you the concept of shiny pokemon is neat super neat you take a pokemon make it a unique color make those rare so that they're sought-after and Wow cool after all similar things happen in nature the rare blue lobster and there's our bye no animals like this white lion or giraffe this coloration is caused by mutations in their genes it also statistically speaking but reduces their potential lifespan yay but in Pokemon many of these shiny colorations aren't just chosen because they look good I mean clearly but from the original shinies all the way through Gen 5 Bakuman weren't really designed at least not by a human rather the color palates of the sprites were changed to the next one in the code so these Chinese are sort of random like not technically random but saying they're random gets the idea across but when it comes to the 3d games like Pokemon X&Y well they aren't using spreads anymore they're using 3d models made up of wireframes and textures and textures the same way sprites do so from generation 6 onwards the China Co is a Pokemon were chosen a designer gave them their shiny color rather than an algorithm meaning modern Pokemon have shiny colors for a reason and I'm going to explain what those reasons are let's go over and explain why every generation six shiny pokemon is the color that it is and just to spice things up in no particular order I'm just going so here's a sentence that'll probably never be said again bunnelby is good to start off with I'm pretty sure it's shiny is just straight-up referencing albinism which happens to be pretty common among rabbits but one of the key features in albinism is the eyes albino animals almost always have red eyes to go along with their fur lacking most color just like bunnelby diggersby is the same but it's bellied fur is dirty because it likes to dig so much scatterbug sort of inverts itself as does spewpa pavillion too but only the body since the villian has that whole wing gimmick that you can't really make a second version every single one of those again not much of these guys shiny colors they are based on a variety of moth larvae and butterflies which have bodies of many colors like black white white and black easy fur fruit gets inverted too and well here's a black poodle black poodles are pretty common Fayette toughened trevenant gets spooky all grayscale and red leaves they look even more ghostly the red leaves are easy the tree is going dormant for winter because autumn colors then the white and gray bark could either be a reference to birch trees or just the more traditional coloration of spooky scary ghosts fennekin's yellow fur goes grayscale it could be seen as a reference to gray foxes but raisins yellow parts go purple then del Fox goes gray and purple what gives well delphox is a delphic oracle a sort of wizard which bill [ __ ] with the gray anyone with the purple well purple is a color symbolic of a few things but the notable one here is that it is the color of mysticism and the supernatural that's why it's one of the colors more commonly associated with witches pumpkaboo it's a purple pumpkin which isn't really a natural thing but apparently it is a small tradition to paint your pumpkins purple as decoration for Halloween because again purple is the color of mysticism and the supernatural there are other gourds that are purple however and jack-o'-lanterns actually started as purple turnips before eventually switching to pumpkins leap gourgeist hair just becomes purple though either referencing this thing where you take a purple smoke and make it come out of a jack-o'-lantern which is a thing apparently or just because of the symbolic nature of purple again binnacle and barbaracle get a tad darker and their claws aren't neon green right when you thought this mod couldn't get any uglier goose barnacles live all over the world but Japanese boost ghana khals boost Garnica 'ls goose particles live all over the world but Japanese goose particles specifically are darker and have rougher greener cloth things amaura and aurorus turn white like the icy snow they live in chespin quilladin and just not just go from green to brown you know like deciduous trees in the autumn their green leaves turn into reds and yellows and browns as they fall to the ground but also just nuts part of their inspiration chestnuts are green and then they turn brown too then it gets a lot darker gerbils come in many colors dark brown with lighter underbellies included there's also the Japanese Dormouse inspiration and it's relative the Glee Rene Glee Rene girl I'm a girly naive the relative of the thing it's based on has a much lighter darker brown for a pattern like this the shiny spritzee's face turns pink and it's feathers purple it's another girly coloration likely done because it's cute but the darker feathers point more towards the plague dr. garb that partially inspired this mahn twosome anyway and these darker feathers carry over to the fluffy bits of aromatisse whose body feathers become a darker red and the eyes yellow due to this pokemons more feminine nature it could very well have had this coloration inspired by the female eclectus parrot I mean look it's even got the yellow eyes male ones are green in case you were wondering froakie turns the saturation down and frogadier follows suit no big deal of a reason is just more realistically colored now or perhaps it's foamy err more cloud like but greninja has a big change super blue to super black this one's easy it's black like a ninja Pancham and pangoro are really cool they go from your typical giant panda to the kindling Panda and pangoro get some great red fighting gloves fletchling fletch endure and talonflame have their great parts turn into this warm tan color now there are birds of all colors but are they referencing anything in particular well maybe one of the same falcons that talonflame is based on is the peregrine falcon it's shiny color happens to make it more accurate to the actual bird goomy turns yellow oh banana slug sliggoo and goodra are yellow as well and there are a number of yellow snails such as the golden mystery the yellow lipped the gold Inca and Grove snails just to name a few and dragons of course being fictional community color rope and dragalge get blue and purple and dragalge as a green head now they are leafy sea dragons which come in a variety of colors these ones included sort've they are based on the idea of rotting kelp which is highly toxic hence the poison typing but maybe this green is to sort of help it camouflage in non rotten coke which is green litleo's fur gets brighter all around and it's accents are now white and Pyro's fur brightens up too and its eyes are red now another reference to albinism perhaps in the case of litleo especially those whole white parts may very well be a reference to Kimba the White Lion a famous anime that Disney ripped off but did better so people were ok with it it seems kind of yellowy to be a straight-up albino reference though maybe it's just a much lighter tan like some real lions there are Lions with darker fur but they are not as well known by pop culture's swirlix the cotton candy dog gets all brown and yellow you no doubt about it it's just yellow cotton candy on a brown stick slurpuff also just changes flavors chocolate cherry flan something like that like litleo skewed oh and go goats fur just becomes light tan referencing how some goats have fur that is light tan Wow the leaves are brighter too again it's just a different kind of bush the horns become yellow though it's pretty disgusting and the eyes and the hooves ah I mean I mean the fur colors are fine it's just a mountain goat but the rest I've got no idea and I don't think gamefreak had any idea I they're the best thing I could find though is apparently if goat horns get all scuffed up from fighting all the time it's good to rub tumeric on them it helps them heal quicker but it also stains them yellow for a while Hoenig double aid and aegislash are all ghost swords with really cloth cloth can be any color the interesting part here is the sword really why is it this deep blood rabbit I think I just answered my own question the swords tended to get bloody when they're stabbing into hearts and stuff Plus these colors are just super cool and edgy I mean what Pokemon it's any easier than literally a sword maybe huh Lucia probably not but Hojo also gets edgy with its now black and red and purple feathers Luchadors wear outfits and help it can be any color some of the edgiest Luchadors wear red and black or black and purple like these ones hoo hoo flabebe fluent and florges come in many varieties already but what changes here is not just the color of the flower they are carrying when they are shiny their eyes turn blue and their bottom bits turn purple you know how purple symbolizes royalty and wealth well that whole thing basically started because of French nobility these Pokemon are found primarily in Kalos which is based on France and they are known to tend to flower gardens France is famous for its flower gardens after all especially those owned by the extremely rich families it's so much more regal clauncher and cloud Sur become red funnily enough blue lobsters and crayfish are pretty much the shiny animals of the real world while red is normal but since this Pokemon is blue already well the red is shiny Esper is pretty cute and it's pretty accurate to the Scottish Fold but it's shiny is this baby girly pink if you remember the gen7 video a few Pokemon were just made pink because it's cute and I feel like that's what's happening here too but it's a vault for meowstic turns into this banana creamy yellow why this Pokemon is inspired by the Nekomata or Bonica neko to yokai who are cats with supernatural powers and while neither are well known for being yellow there are some depictions of yellow bakken echo so maybe I guess maybe the designer was really really craving some banana cream pie and a cat inkay and Palomar also get yellowy now the more looks sick like the bad kind are you okay now in nature blue squids and cuttlefish are not really a thing but yellow squids and cuttlefish for sure like the bigfin reef squid or all these yellows and cuttlefish Donatello you here and mallomars sickly color may reference its sick and twisted ways sylveon's colors just get a bit switched around and since its ribbons well they could be any color klefki turns gold a common color for keys koopa turns gold to a common color for the depictions of genie lamps but also Taoists deity nezu is one of hoopa's inspirations said to be a trickster with multiple arms holding rings and I mean just look at this statue it's gold berg might in ávila get all gross you know that thing where you pee in the snow yeah that and then the green hair could be because they're pearls and turtles are green so it's green under all that ice it's one of those like no clear reason things but carving gets darker and more saturated perhaps now instead of referencing some carbon or in Iraq now it's actually coal as coal is carbon and call it plus pressure plus time equals diamonds which come in many colors and shades beyonce does the same it's just darker and more saturated same reasons volcanion is gross and i have no idea why it's shiny is yellow with some pinking maybe because fire hydrants are yellow some of them anyway but uh I'm leaning a bit more towards the shisha and Qom I knew that inspired some of its design aspects statues of these creatures are commonly golden but shiny noibat gets really cool looking this may be one of my favorite Chinese honestly it's all black and greenish cyan I'm not great with colors but I still love it as for why it's this color though well it's a stretch but at least it's a reason it's got speaker ears right I totally see this Pokemon belonging to a sick DJ much like the loud red in detective Pikachu and well these colors just scream techno rave DJ to me noivern to to an extinct but no metal it's just edgier and perhaps green to referencing the common green library just looks more wyvern gargoyle II this way doesn't it don't make fun of me let's see what's next helioptile and Helios what oh that's disgusting why is this a thing why are the forehead and ears not different - is it because that's the spinny part you know if you took it and but why is it red is it sunburned these things sit out in the Sun all day because they photosynthesize their little solar panels i mean sure there are red lizards and i guess some are sort of the opposite redheads with the yellowy everything else it just looks bad honestly tyrunt and tyrantrum become blue and gray which looks pretty cool i mean well there are plenty of blue t-rex toys toy manufacturers and pop culture get pretty creative with dinosaur colors because a lot of them have been mysteries to us though honestly blue seems super unlikely notably this Pokemon is a favorite of and was designed by Hitoshi Auriga who is best known for his work with Megaman maybe that's why it's blue huh or maybe blue is another sort of royal color and it's a tyrant king whoa xerneas has its blues lighten up and it's blacks turn white now this one's tough because xerneas has no real reasons for even being blue to begin with it should be brown and green if anything but with yveltal being red for good reason well you can't just have a red box legendary without the other one being blue and then the third one green it could perhaps be a reference to piebald dear i suppose a fairly common mutation form it's like albinism but not everything plz also go white likely just to follow suit with the whole legendary trio or maybe it's also just the piebald mutation which is also seen in vultures though perhaps it's because quetzals have white bits it has do devils fingers though that's more so the main body but then even looking to zygarde the black lets go white so this is probably just as a design motif with all three of them those eye guards greens also go into n bluer to make it look like toothpaste which is a thing that it becomes because it symbolizes the end of plaque trying to Vogue them underneath even if they don't have the best of reasons to exist but hey they change their look and most of the time it's for the better but not always do you want to make your walls look better then head on over to displayed our sponsor again the support is phenomenal but thanks for even considering and until next time never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 439,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, pokemon x and y, pokemon xy, shiny pokemon, shiny hunting, shiny pokemon explained, shiny hunting explained, gen 6 shiny pokemon, 6th gen shiny pokemon, pokemon shiny, how to shiny hunt, pokemon xy shiny, pokemon xy shiny hunting, pokemon explained, every pokemon explained, ugly shiny pokemon, ugly shinies, pokemon shinies, pokemon x and y shinies, pokemon xy shinies, shiny delphox, shiny zygarde, pokemon sword and shield, shiny charm
Id: Md6SbjX8Dkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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