Pokemon Emerald but every battle my team is random

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today is pokemon emerald but every single battle my team is randomized I did this and pokemon crystal already but we're doing it in Emerald now and it's going to be harder because in pokemon crystal my team was randomized after the battle whereas in this one my team is randomized right before the battle so in pokemon crystal i was able to prepare a little bit you know swap my party around because I know what my team is going to be going into the battle in this one I don't know what my team is I can't teach the many moves I go into the battle they know what they know and I don't know what I'm going into the battle with so it's gonna be harder so let's start this thing what happens is the nicknames carry over the Pokemon will know the correct moves for whatever level it is are you a boy or a girl I'm a boy alright alright let's look at our Pokemon what's our first pokemons gonna be it's not gonna matter cuz get get randomize but poor chick Mudkip Treecko hmm looks like Mudkip majority alright Mudkip Mudkip it is the mud fish pokémon yes I choose it he's so adorable he's like Wooper but oh he stands out for like instead of two I love Hooper yes alright Ben thank you for making this welcome to the party Ben now if you guys see this so we had a Mudkip right for that first battle we had a Mudkip now we have a neater neater inna there we go haha but growling scratch level-5 say a scratch take out the Poochyena gates in the XP cruisin we got Ben spin de the moves are not random the moves are whatever the Pokemon should know at that specific level how long before a legendary how long do we think we're gonna till we get a legendary well there's a legendary I I guess it just happens all right well that Ben is legendary yes he is i Treecko [Music] really I shouldn't use charm this is gonna take forever to die now so first straighter battle sucks what an epic fight we lost what a surprise Treecko said te a Treecko T pose an honest man yo we got another legendary approaching may once again alright okay so now we're fated to get a Magikarp right cuz you get a really good Pokemon right before the battle to get you comfortable and then you get a terrible Pokemon again yeah is that how this works okay Treecko hey that's reasonable alright that's totally fine it doesn't know a grass-type move yet so we're all good why did I use water gun my brain was like youth powder snow down to powder snow we took em out all right may has been defeated I think what we did for both want crystal and I kind of liked it is we caught a Pokemon after every gym battle and we caught one before the first gym you can use this for a wild catch mall race technically okay man lugia is cool in this luca's oh my god Luke is black and white in this I thought lugia was like a blues lugia has a cool color okay you want to catch our first Pokemon you guys alright let's go catch our first one this is gonna be our first Poochyena i'll before caught it there we go easy we're gonna name it king after vanthu king ok bubble and it's done good good job King settle up up close alright King it only knows explosion I know this because the one randomized nuts lock I have ever done my first three Pokemon one of them was a registeel and I was like oh I'm peaking registeel that's so good and then I went to start the Nuzlocke and then I lost it like I couldn't progress do I have any potions okay okay bake big brain big brain that's the only way we won that battle the only way we could have possibly won that battle does that happen the proud another rule that I think I'm gonna set for myself in this run is that I can never run from wild Pokemon battles because it just makes it more interesting never cut a promo for I don't know how you see r8 gonna lend wall-e a Pokemon I wonder what Pokemon wall-e is going to get a Ralts how lucky of him wow that's incredible a Zigzagoon that's not a Zigzagoon Wally what are you doing it's not very effective Wally what are you doing man Wally does not know what he's doing also it's named Zigzagoon I really wish we got a super strong Pokemon that like Oh code the routes that he just never caught it would happen if you killed it the battle would just end in as normal Wally can you please menu faster oh my god Wally why does it take so long to menu my man battle me coward coward cow battle me bottom yep sir Billy Zigzagoon all right easy we got the king then Dumble yo Ben let's go there's confusion cool okö with Ben of course it all goes with Ben alright battle over Ben level up maybe yeah let's go you fished up a tough-looking Pokemon Darrien Magikarp you know we got a metronome we have to metronome for this ok metronome please be good please vice-grip that'll be good mediocre I guess nevermind haha splashes it's gonna start struggling now hahaha we got the way we might lose this now cuz that one can attack well I have gave vice-grip again what are the odds okay metronome vice-grip again what are the odds that's insane that's probably like the odds of getting a shiny pokemon having like vice-grip three times in a row or like three out of four times y'all said I gotta be so small aqua grunt should be pretty easy we got some high-level Pokemon what's he got he has a Poochyena but what do I got what do I have we know he has a level my Poochyena but what is Ben alright alright that's fine if he does the oh wait does he only know tackle oh it's special miss Jen what's our other Pokemon okay you know what if we screech them twice and then we can knock off until Ben goes down because now we just need to wait until Ben goes down cuz we can't switch I don't think the Poochyena has an attacking move well that means it won't use tackle so I can switch in for free yeah it can't use tackle here so I can switch in for free it's an attack that's fine now we just need to hit a an attacking move I guess we'll just tackle [Music] it's gonna be a long one fellas it's a grit though oh it can't hit me and I can barely hit it and he's using sand attack which is just terrible Oh let me go this is going to be close it's almost likely go down to a struggle I think and once we get the struggle its physical so it'll do damage oh that the Poochyena is now tackling because there's nothing left did you see that so that means I'm at minus-6 accuracy he's at +6 attack and he's and he has nothing else to do so he's just taking moves randomly I think Oh God screeches thirty-eight you've got to be kidding me we literally can't do anything to each other how much longer oh I think you know how much longer this battle is gonna take ten more turns this battle has been like actually 20 minutes and it hurts that's the last one okay struggle you've got to be kidding me you can miss struggle [Applause] this is ridiculous we can't do anything to our we just soft lock forever I mean I guess we have to wait for the Poochyena to run out another one I mean I know 1-6 in accuracy but hit one thank you oh it's over and it was just a team awkward grunt with a level nine Poochyena a vide of you an aqua conscious staring at each other for a solid 20 minutes that's really all it was it was a staredown who can sit there and do nothing the longest he could all right he could do nothing for longer I I had died so struggling by the end all right Jim time and so Josh Geodude okay water gun let's go King is the king oh oh it's a double battle uh we gotta have something that's good right yo yes we do nice where is this randomizer I'll be putting it in the discord and it's just a patch you can apply to a rum I'm just gonna continually do that all right let's do Roxanne there's no prep that we can do we might as well just do it hopefully we get a good team we'll see I didn't buy any potions but we got berries I should have given my pokemon berries ah whatever yeah okay let's go let's go it missed we literally have to win okay less than I thought its defense curling that's not too bad so we're gonna confusion here [Music] alright one more please don't miss whirlpool what is the odds for that like a five percent chance for that whirlpool or like a five good okay so each of the Pokemon do know the correct moves for each correct level rule pool is seventy accuracy in this um that sucks man alright poison them come on Ben you got this poison them you did your best men why did I not heal are we going to lose this I think we will I think my only shot is getting a confusion on this so we have to know yachts meets never mind yeah we lost dang it let's go again Geodude please be good king yeah bites pretty good that's just that sucks so bad that's so bad come on alright we got a bite is this gonna win over a water-type against the rock gym crit flinch yeah I knew something was coming up I felt it we're gonna growl this thing as much as I can I think or show you just bite what's the better play bite or growl but it's more badass alright and it's just gonna harden anyways now it midst let's go ho how does it feel how does the feel rocks in oh god that feels so good that happened to me that happened to me Ruxin in my Pokemon platinum run it feels bad doesn't it it does doesn't it yeah it does sorry thunder wave start off and we will a howl yes should I do it twice though we'll see how much Rob doom does if it hits okay haha he can't hit Rob - lets go it's paralyzed oho tackle away my friend that did one damage still you've got to be kidding me how away my friend he can't hit me when I'm howling he can't hit me when I'm a howl and he can hit me when I'm howling it's paralyzed aha Oran berry I've been don't hit me know how much I do it does 13 nights yikes key barian will be fine we're gonna be burying this nosepass soon cuz it's paralyzed block I think he's out I think he's not a rock tombs okay this should do more than one now yes that was like two or three damage Eddy's tackling and it does seven damage and he has a berry I got earlier again okay tackle it's doing an okay amount it's paralyzed let's go yes grit yes yes we did it we defeated Roxanne stone badge baby stone badge let's go catch a Pokemon now how did we defeat the rock type gym with a Persian and a man neck trick that's just how all right holdin be works every time works every time sacred welcome to the party sacred these hikers are so tough because everyone at a low level only knows like normal type moves except for sacred who knows a ground type move it only knows a normal type move ok you know what Bend with the D Bend is gonna be super effective I'm just I feel it or it's it's something good just watch what I tell you when I tell you he just completely crushed that Geodude not to use you noodle I switch now Ben's got this man with that Big D destruction that's a good one we gotta get Pico we gotta say Pico we've got you you aqua grunt aqua gun with the Poochyena a little bit stronger this time but sacred though sacred the saw rock oh my goodness he has got he's got a handle on this okay he can howl all he wants sacred has got this he's gonna try and tackle me and it's gonna do nothing oh no three damaged that's so much Poochyena please don't hit me again ah we're fine sacred got it easy too easy that one was significantly better than the first time we say Pico he cold you know well let's fight our rival absolutely let's do it okay a win goal and we got sacred B I don't think I knows a flying-type move yet so we can use quick attack I should buy potions oh never mind it knows the flight time move your poo he got Bend Oh Ben with the confusion it's always the Wingull it's always the Wingull oops critical hit all right may is going down the leave for might be rough alley for is gonna be very rough yes without a doubt I mean quit your doing this run no glitches it's just a challenge just do when the challenge as is we're known fishing spot I'm getting the itch to fish okay we got the old rod I believe we can no longer get softlocked there's nothing that we can do to get softlock now that we have the fishing rod so to explain why the rod prevents a softlock because of the fishing rod if we ever land on somewhere that the only way out is to surf or fly and our party doesn't have that we can use the fishing rod to fish to reencounter a battle and re randomize our team so that is why the old rod saves us from any softlocks I think we're gonna fight all of the trainers in the gym just to level up sacred a little bit yo we got a mule Oh a huge brain we're gonna transform into the meditite to confuse it and then we're gonna scratch the meditate to kill it so now we'll have confusion and then we're gonna scratch it to death with Ben but will its confusion the Machop let me get the same Pokemon twice yes you can oh that only did half well that sucks cuz we'll just confusion him again we'll scratch you we're good we're the name Sager come from came from nothing is sacred scratch took it down the same turn sacred level 12 now let's go level it up you know what let's try it let's go for it I believe with one pokemon down I think we'll be okay leader role you would like to battle some type much shop if we have a ghost type I think we just win really really we have a ghost type but it's dead come on man that's not fair ghosts tend to be dead yet oh my lord well might have to retry this one he's bulked up so like we're done we're so done unless we like burn and he starts no I there's nothing we can do like even if we burn I think we can't take them out yeah that's alright we can try it again with a full team attempt number two yes that has fire punch let's go that's gonna do a lot I roll not a okay please grit or high roll or something doodles oh we burned him that did something that's okay that's okay we'll get to see the incredible arrests of our team a freaking Blastoise but I think Ben might be better cuz Ben might have sonicboom sonicboom is good at a low level or like a flying-type movie no or double T or double team that's fine totally fine also four times resistant to fighting yep don't be that double team guy gotta do it but you know he's raising his attack and defense so high I think I actually have to I have to double team all the way cuz if he hits me once we're dead it's tightening its focused oh no wait does that all it is that all it knows it's focus punch it's so then it won't hit me it's a flight or off good not gonna lie this is scummy it is but that's the way it's gotta be we have to be scummy to win I'm level 16 I'm a yanma it'll take a bit but we got it and like apparently all he knows is focused punch so really a super potion just quick attacking please critically it again it's not gonna super potion again focus punch only consumes PP if it gets to use it in the second half in a wrestle brawly's makuhita I'm not changing quick attack again he hit me I mean it didn't do much but he hit me a vital throw never misses oh so all of that double-teaming was for nothing apparently all that double-teaming was for nothing now he's just bulking up and bulking up in yeah bulk upping he's using bulk up at least we get some damage ahahaha alright yeah these challenges we just learned a bunch of random facts about Pokemon do it for me king water pulse please no water pulse please no water pulse just do a lot please don't do a lot please I mean he did bulk up but like wow I just I expected us to at least get like one more hit in oh yeah the the lotad has got it dude you know King though but then now Ben will come in and Ben knows confusion so like and it knows double-team I'm not gonna use double team don't worry haha I just realized not and not are said the same way in American yes they are meditite you know what we'll switch for meta site well you will use the king ah your moves suck dude you know what the little end of the shoelace is called a little nub maybe I guess will quick attack it only knows focus punch oh my god how dumb is that it's an aglet okay apparently it's called an aglet not a little nub how was I supposed to know that well this is easy we'll just quick attack over and over as it tightens its focus how could you not watch videos of Ferb I went come out I feel like you guys are too Zoomer for me I don't know 2007 this is generally a kids show right also we're quick connect him to death this is like a kids show I was 11 in 2007 I'm not gonna watch a kids show when I'm 11 I'm too cool for that also I kind of just never watch TV I was always just playing Pokemon instead also we just we just won this battle but I'm making everyone upset I was watching that in the high school that hurts I just I wasn't one for the only like cartoons that I watched there's like animated things that I watched some basically Pokemon maybe I'll watch it also Makela he does down he is down we can catch a new Pokemon let's go there was a time that you didn't speed her on games yeah there was like I literally did nothing but Pokemon as a kid alright let's catch a good Pokemon I'm pretty sure floor 2 as the stronger ones we're catching it boys I yawn let's go sacred okay great ball please no great ball come on come on 1 2 3 that's school I held down B that time nickname yet who are we naming it after I said I was gonna name fading shadows 1 so we're gonna do fading so now third gym is I guess some third gyms a little bit far away alright alright we're gonna battle most stuff in Slateport just because I really need levels what's my IQ Tami I don't know IQ tests are dumb no you're dumb you know one of the most intelligent people in the world he said IQ tests are dumb and people who care about it or dumb losers I'm sorry but you're disagreeing with one of the smartest people in our time I think we know who's right here the smartest person our time being me of course like IQ tests only measure your ability to take IQ tests yeah why don't I just train IQ tests for like six months to get like a 200 IQ am i speedrunning IQ now oh yeah IQ test speed runs see how fast I can do an IQ test and get all the right answers that could be fun yeah I mean online IQ tests are not accurate at all but you could probably get like a stupid high number if you train IQ tests first like you don't know is a 90 isn't that like technically considered very bad they're very low 90 to 100 is average oh okay hundred is average by definition there you go here's the 134 and you took an official officially like conducted IQ test and not on the internet fig bar because he for taking an internet IQ test it's not accurate because they physically need to be in person to be accurate honestly I took an internet IQ test in high school just I taking it I was like okay never told anyone about the number because it doesn't matter it like it literally does not matter because I was low it was a 160 but it does it like that can't be accurate there's no way it's the accurate there's the dex update every time you Pokemon changes yes here I'll show you check this out we have owned 86 Pokemon got a bunch of good ones hey defeated this that was easy okay it's the may fight the may fight that is known to be rather difficult let's do it Wingo what do we got what do we have yo that's pretty good oh we got it we're totally fine look at that um I guess we'll Aurora beam alright let's go sacred I think it's gonna crush with Aurora beam but you slugma haha slugged my head but not that hard Grovyle this as long as he doesn't like out speed with absorb or what at home oh oh did nothing it did nothing we're totally good not gonna be an issue at all we got a bulky a bulky dugong one more and we're good sacred is buff yeah it's an a crit it was just a really high roll let's go first try that went well alright now we need to go talk to the rock smash guy I think he's here he's the rocks the rock smash dude rock slash guy there he is what's up hmong it was so funny the first time i went to talk to this guy I was like oh is this the rock smash guy and it's like yo I am the rock smash guy I just didn't know his name but his name is literally rock smash guy alright Riddell gimme the I'm luckily get the mom comedian a crow I think a crow by calls it's just easier to control funny hop everywhere all right we're bunny hopping from everywhere from now on let's go we hop in boys alright let's crush Wally now crushed his dreams yo that's pretty good not again said Ralts that's pretty good and our team is stacked dude whatever well does razor leaf will kill him on it we'll take him out in one hit razor leaf low defenses what he have a timer on the bottom so people know how long it's been or tartar it's mostly for YouTube and for people to ask oh how long has he been doing this ez.kon wali easy yo Scott I crushed that kid isn't that sick yeah it's all real pokemon is all about let's go what he hops then and there we go he gets a bite to go slower love it yeah I do all right Watson if we have a ground-type I think we're perfectly safe that's not a good start ground-type please ah yeah there's no it does literally no way I can win Watson's a level 20 for my next trick I need to grind a bit poor master you think I need to grind please please it's my only hope okay a quick attacked all right well go again and to wait it out you know that's okay if we feel this one we're gonna go grind a little bit I think I have to ember this hope I survive can you be pokemon emerald while only looking cool I'm in the middle of something I'll help you fight the next gym again we're just gonna go through this route clear it out and then we'll be fine wait for it wait for it sup girl yo yo we're styling dude hey you like the fresh air right oh it's tasty you're eating the I don't think that's how our works kiddo why couldn't I get this in the gym why couldn't I get this in the gym man an electric type of Steel type of fire type all legend like legendary to legend that's why you check pokes blank we sure your brain is small I'm sorry to tell you someone told me check my party all right well maybe it will do one more battle and see what our team is cuz they should be the same right we should start out with an electrode that's not the same at all yeah what I start the battle the team is randomized not when I finish a battle it makes it a lot harder because I cannot prep for battles before I go into them whichever we're on right now third gym all right Voltorb now we grind it a little bit please tell me it was an please tell me it was enough [Music] well we died again please be good it's not bad that's not bad I I could probably deal with this I got a switch though because he's gonna use our rollout okay self-destruct that's good on the rock type didn't do too much Electrike yes we can switch why do I keep using sandy tech it's not gonna work for whatever reason my brain is like sand attack they have shockwave slide we got quick attacked all right fading fading police police police we have calm mind this is the one what does calm mind all the way up let's do this okay I told you guys this was the one I told you is the one now as long as it doesn't get a crit while I'm using these six we're totally safe we're getting strong we're getting strong three all right three more oh god it can quick attack oh but it barrel eyes this is the static let's go okay we will need to heal again cuz they crit uh in Crete kill me one more and we're plus 6 that's paralyzed it's paralyzed oh my goodness be calm fading this is your moment this is what we've all been waiting for confusion watch it go down oh that was fast confusion thunder wave we're fine we're good look at that nothing it's not working see we're good plus 6x got a cult Oh might take a little longer than expected that's okay we're fine [Music] oh I saw sonic boom and I was like 22 we're fine we're fine we have 22 we're good we're saved told me fine we're totally good we got potions your potions good so much but it doesn't matter because it's paralyzed and we're hitting it with confusion plus six that's got to do the trick never mind alright hit another one no no I have a chance to lose this now just create with the confusion do I need to heal I'm even if I heal any quick attacks me I lose anyways so I need to hope for paralysis here or he'll just use a super potion and I'll get parallel it's not fair yes it is fair it's absolutely fair totally fair dude let's go completely fair and balanced perfect game he has another super potion how is this fair I mean I'm using super potions but how is this fair please get paralyzed it's my only hope I think we're so good I think we're so good coz sacred is faster and sacred can tackle [Music] [Music] accuracy attack was 95 we should out speed I think we're fine I think we're okay I think we've done it yes we have done it Ben takes it out finally that took way too long my god we got such terrible luck on that fight it's like sub ball and hydrate break oh we reached it I don't have enough time to complete these things my god there was there was one that I had my head what was it what was it it was um it was dumb but it was good it's an IQ test speedrun ha ha ha that sounds great yes you sure you want to do that yeah it'll here's the thing either everyone is gonna think I'm a genius or it'll inspire everyone to achieve more because they'll realize how dumb I am it's a win-win like IQ tests are not accurate at all but that's a fun thing like 150 IQ as fast as possible yeah it'll be dumb but good that's genius percent all right all right not strength good not that we can you ever use it in battle but we got it yeah I bet I'll take it you wanna wookie and maybe I mean you've been here for long that's a shiny that's a full-on shiny that's a shiny Machoke Ben just happened to randomize into a shiny my god go Ben nice okay we're gonna start with Ben just to see fingers crossed that he stays shiny because that would be sick that would be so cool we're gonna find out come on I didn't stay shiny that's alright that's alright we got the one at eight thousand chance you forgot to restore the personality value even though I stored it oh dang okay finally made it here I don't think we have a fight here to do I can't remember yeah alright they do the little thing aqua Team Magma you doing the remake but not now okay how many times have you beaten so far we're going to the fourth one here and I'm okay okay we're going to the fourth one here in a moment get a hold they're useless yep damn I'm cool I don't even need to turn on the bike not missing a single hop I think the worst thing about this challenge is that every single time I want to use an HM I have to teach it all over again so I have to go into the menu make sure Pokemon on my party you can learn it we teach the move we use the move and then we never have it again how long have I been a pro biker just today I just picked up a bike and I'm a natural I just picked it up my balance was incredible my handling of everything is just perfect I should probably save before the maxi fight because I don't want have to go all the way back to the Pokemon Center in fall Arbor town and I didn't even heal oh my god nice as long as we have a grass-type move this will be super effective most likely check this out big brain are neutral and neutral so pretty good numel flinched I'll take that stuff alright I'm just gonna hope that we can kill them with the team that we have right now it'll be rough alright my Deana nice very nice actually Cherry's pretty good oh come on sand attack cheap tactics like that come on as dumb dude Oh super potions oh my god look at the Medina zoo bad will I switch yes we'll see what this has if it has like bubble beam or something slightly stronger than water gun will keep it alive yeah we're just gonna we're gonna get taken out here let's see guys a slow roll a low roll crit mr. Craig water gun now and just don't confuse me because the Zubat is now gonna do much we just need to survive just long enough to get to that camerupt like I said you to hope to god I would speed it as well yikes soda pop I do have to soda pops I saved two of them for a reason you missed Super Sonic let's go okay this is a gym battle this is a battle before the gym oh sorry we have to fight the camerupt which is level 25 I don't know if I out speed it I think it's safest to probably soda pop just don't Oh call me use like a growl tackle yes that's good okay what again okay that'll work focus energy what an embarrassment easy alright well I guess we defeated him first try nice that was went surprisingly well considering my Pokemon are incredibly underleveled and I'd very to have very little items okay how are we doing we're doing well we're about to fight the fourth gym yeah all right let's see we got cherry out front let's do it let's do it numel numel cherries got this yeah I think cherries got this right Rock bug it's reasonable he knows overheat that's gonna do a lot okay cherry does not have this but you know I think King does we got a really good team for this gym got a real good team for this yeah Flannery's not used slugma will I change absolutely not next one down but use camera polite change well I changed silly child she thinks I'll change Pokemon for a camera just did a half of its HP or like that and it tackles me we're in the middle of a gym battle and yet tackle me oh but do you store coal I change no water-gun baby it's got a water gun three times five times okay sunny day wait a minute wait a minute I have an idea I guess you're gonna sunny day some more all right you really wanted to be funny don't you and now we'll go over to fading Oh sunny day again interesting ancient freakin power let's go doesn't do a lot we gonna boosts ha ha we got the boosts sunny day but it failed oh my god it's so good he just keeps sunny dang there's nothing you can do there's nothing flatter you can do flatter can't even use an item it's stuck at encore nice nice easy just on court it so couldn't do anything well that's flattery forth Jim is done we're gonna have to get the egg and we're gonna have to get a new Pokemon next Wednesday cuz we're playing this on Wednesday again did a good seven hours of Pokemon almost thanks for watching everybody let's find someone to raid
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 7,294,070
Rating: 4.9066725 out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon only, pokemon rse, pokemon gen 3, gen 3, pokemon emerald, pokemon sapphire, pokemon ruby
Id: LtBBhlnLzs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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