Can You Beat Pokemon Sword playing as Leon?

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pokemon is a game about becoming the very best playing as a 10 year old child you are tasked with traveling across the land building up a team to ultimately battle the strongest trainer the pokemon champion if you've played the games when you hear a pokemon champion you might think of blue or perhaps steven or maybe wolfie glake well in sword and shield you have leon who brings with him a brand new generation 8 pokemon charizard so if i wanted to play pokemon sword as leon what does that actually mean well firstly leon's team might just be one of the best champion lineups in well any pokemon game using this team would likely bring depth and destruction upon any trainer it faces so instead i'll be taking my team down a different route as this is a challenge it's going to be a no on using items including the held ones and then any other rules i think of i'll just add them later beginning the game i needed to pick a name and considering we're just leon but better i started the game by picking score bunny and then proceeding to smackdown hop in an initial battle before heading through to get the pokedex now as i have the expansion pass i have the added bonus of wait where is it [Music] spending all that extra money i have access to some great new clothing options that really should just be in the base game moving on heading into route 2 i learned how to catch a pokemon i beat up hop once again using himself against him i got a magic armband and then i earned an endorsement from the man himself with leon practically endorsing his own defeat at the hands of himself it's time to leave home on a train and come back again to best follow in leon's footsteps i decided to head to the isle of armor to train as leon apparently once did it's not like anything really happens on this monotonous side quest in the middle of the sea we meet a new rival who wants to battle enroll in a martial arts dojo and then beat up and beat up an old man chase after some fast slow poke and then we finally get to pick a new starter leon already got a head start on the starter selection by picking charmander which left just blue charmander for me having said that i then went straight to exchanging it for a real one over the internet but this is where the run changed with the charmander by my side i began to have a real hard think does anyone really care about leon's other pokemon when has anyone ever mentioned leon seismitoad or mr rime so i came to this conclusion a charmander is all i need so you might be thinking this is just gonna be a charizard only run well this is how i like to think of it this is how every gen warner remembers playing pokemon oh and pikachu assembling the one man army it was time to head back to the mainland and continue this journey in leon's footsteps time really is relative as when we return to the wild area after months of being away on the island both hop and sonia pick up right where we left off heading across what feels like a glorified field after the crown tundra i make it to motor stoke ready to sign up for the gym challenge i now had to pick a number and as one was already taken i just decided to go for one better with the early game dragging on long enough i'm just going to do everyone a favor and make this next part quick i met team yell in the hotel lobby met another one of my rivals laughed at hop in another battle who by the way hadn't questioned why i changed my starter pokemon and then made it to the mines if i didn't have enough of them at this point i stopped to add one more rival to my list for the battle against bead and lost trying again this time i get the win and finally make it to the first gym while i like to think i gave milo a chance with the single base form starter there was just no competition spamming firefang took out both gossip flair and el digos with ease earning our first gym badge thankfully after the draining early game we pick up the pace after the first gym and i can make a straight b-line to the second having just a single pokemon we can roll by this double battle and earn myself a bike from this guy anyway as i move across the bridge i unfortunately run into hop who will just stand there menacingly until you roll over his entire team arriving in hullbury brings the first real challenge the water type gym battle before i head in though a switch up to my clothes attempts to keep relevancy to the title and now i can take on the gym going in with zero strategy this seemed like an insurmountable task facing loss after loss but i was determined to make it free with just charmander but nothing was working upon looking through charmander's potential moveset i saw one move that might just allow for the greatest win strategy counter you see this move can only be obtained as an egg move and counter only works when you are attacked by an opponent's physical move however when dynamaxx counter turns into max knuckle which is an effective move using max knuckle gives you an attack boost which now allowed me to consistently reach dreadnought but i still didn't quite have the damage output to win so i tried something else this is where i now discovered tr workup boosting attack and special attack by one point this was all the extra damage i needed three workups and two max knuckles take out golden and arakuda in single hits bringing the attack bonus to plus five this now crazy high attack start allowed for charmander to crush dreadnought in a single hit and pick up the second gym badge yeah sure that might have been tough but budget leon continues to demonstrate why charmander is the only pokemon you'll ever need now into the mines but with the number two next to it we go and we have to battle beat again this battle is a complete joke after the difficulty we had in the water gym as we have crunch now which brings us back around to motorstoke for the next gym but not quite you see this generation really just likes throwing rival battles at you every 10 minutes and this time we had marnie i guess i was kind of overleveled here being 10 higher than each of marnie's pokemon which is probably a result of that xp charm that you now get on the isle of armor just making the game that bit easier because you know it really needed it now with the barrage of rival battles out of the way i wanted to get one last move before taking on the gym ancient power now you see this move is painful to have charmad alone as it needs to be passed down as an egg move from shallows to lapras and then to charmander but there's gonna be several benefits to this one leon's final charizard knows it so i'll be saving myself a bit of time down the line and two this booth destroys fire type pokemon it only took two ancient powers to take out the nine tails and then just a single max rockfall to ko both arcanine and center scorch easily winning the battle and earning another gym badge i debated evolving charmander after this initial trio of gyms but aside from the second i just really haven't faced any difficulty yet the only real goal is to have charmander fully evolved before that final battle against leon so you know i still have a bit of time moving on we need to advance the plot by listening to endless spurring lines of dialogue that let's be honest you really don't care about apparently sword and shield finds it necessary to deliver the entire game's narrative in the space of five minutes so i now have repetitive strain in my right thumb after a quick chat with champion time we can finally get the ball rolling to the fourth gym egg moves have already been crucial this run so i catch annoy bat allowing our wingless charmander to learn wing attack reaching stone side is the home of the fighting type gym but it would just be too easy to head straight in because hop is here don't worry though it's not like this serves any threat to the ultimate pokemon line as flamethrower just makes this battle way too easy before heading into the fourth gym our wingless charmander really finds benefit in his wings and immediately using max airstream is able to easily one hit ko hitmontop the dual dark typing of pangoro makes it the perfect target for max knuckle and these final two max turns provide for some easy attack boosts i then used a few workouts to ensure that after chaoing so fetched i wouldn't have any trouble taking down the match amp in one hit or so i hoped doing the exact same thing again this time matcha for some reason goes down in one hit and we have another gym badge in the bag upon leaving the gym i meet bead who's decided to go to drastic measures attempting to blow up a mural just to get our attention whereas team of psychics didn't work before they obviously don't work again here and our super effective crunching charmander makes short work eating up the entire team unfortunately this guy just doesn't understand that destruction of property is actually going to have some real world consequences and the boys arrive to take him away b's destruction blesses us with another history lesson before i can head onwards through the tangle to another gym battle for whatever reason the fifth gym battle in sword and shield really wants to make it easy with constant free stat boosts every few turns which really makes it impossible to lose so here's the fifth gym badge the sixth gem takes us on a backtrack through hammerlock where we meet bead who got an early release with a get out of jail free card then we head to the other side of the town into another rival battle against hop now this fight can be the difficulty shift in many challenge runs as hop actually brings a fairly balanced team but i had faith in young charmander and his increasingly wide move set but for whatever reason i just couldn't make it through snorlax this time trevenant didn't use confused ray allowing for a free work up into a flamethrower to ko snorlax took two well free crunches to take it out with far less trouble on the second attempt and i'm questioning why hop didn't use a potion here the rest of the team was no trouble for the future champion in the making and i now head on to route 8 and find another tm that further bolsters charmander's already strong move pool and coincidentally this is going to end up being super useful in the upcoming rock gym arriving in surchester brings with it the sixth gym now rock is bad for our fire type and jewel typed with water now that's real bad this barbarical was a real problem for our charmander seemingly barbarical would lead with shell smash every time regardless of the circumstance which would make it faster than charmander and use razor's shell now believe me when i say i tried countless times and not once could i get past this barbarical so i fiery crafted this catching a drudagon on the isle of armor i then passed down dragon tail to charmander using dragon tail would force barbarical to switch in battle reset his speed and give me time to bulk up charmander before facing it again and this was just the answer i needed dragon tail switched barbarical removing the only real threat this gave plenty time to build up charmander's stats and on its return use a single brick break and take it out the other pokemon served very little competition for this fired up lizard and although it faced a scary max rockfall charmander brick breaks to a win and gets the sixth gym badge in this brief period between the last hop battle he's just gone out and caught a whole new team that honestly is arguably worse than his previous one saying that though would suggest i found this battle easy and one of my first attempt right no it just didn't happen you see snorlax can paralyze 30 of the time with body slam and obviously that happened thankfully with double first and hops team this gave plenty time to build up charmander's attack laugh and then proceed to use very high attack stats to wipe through the entire team which again supports leon's need for only a single pokemon oh and yeah how hot is just bad moving through the next route and grabbing inflatable wheels for our bike i make it to another rival battle against marnie now i won't spend long talking about this but i do have something that's pretty funny this life part really has very little opportunity to attack with its moveset sure maybe it can use fake out on turn one which it didn't but sucker punch requires the opponent to attack to deal damage and the other two moves are just status based so obviously this is the perfect time to just start boost and then proceed to remove the entire team heading into a very long corridor that somehow has the title of city we beat up some female grunts and make it to the 7th gym battle piers on paper should be an easy fight he has no dynamics dark type pokemon and a super effective brick breaking charmander on our side well at least that's what i thought anyway until i lost to malamar in the first attempt scrafty's intimidate is just straight up annoying as it lowers your attack but thankfully we also have flamethrower which is a special move and has the stab bonus using just a single workup this allows for malamar to be taken out by flamethrower even if it isn't super effective but i still had a big problem with just 10 hp left and two pokemon to fight i'd already started considering my options for the next attempt but somehow this is where the tables turned the obstacle didn't use obstruct where it usually would which allowed for another easy ko which just left scun tank and this is where i used my giant brain scun tank seems to always lead with sucker punch in this battle which would result in a death rules so instead i went for a status move on turn one so the skunk tank couldn't use its sucker punch and using a flamethrower next turn wins the battle somehow you see there's times where the comeback seems reasonable yeah this was not one of them for all of that five minutes i spent in spike murph to never return again i then leave to hear a loud explosion and i knew it was my champion time and as you can see my heroics even made the news the eighth gym is just a backtrack to where we've already visited so why would i walk when i can do this back in hammerlock i get some praise from my friends for standing up against the big bad bridge pokemon before heading to the last gym left this final gym requires double battles so you know i just dragged old hop out of the box just for the sole purpose of sacrificial lamp but here is where the problems finally arose i failed to even make a dent in the first trainer taken out by a water pulse before even making it to the main gym battle i switch up the moves slightly and then just try again this time i'm able to take out the sligoo but i fall to the almighty god pelipper and his water pulse now i'm gonna reiterate this was the trainer before the gym battle but it wasn't over and i had one last idea teaching sunny day to charmander would remove the rain buff to the water type moves and decrease their base power by 50 which hopefully would give the much needed bulk to charmander to see it through the battle while this probably would win after a few attempts i just ended up losing again so i did this in hindsight i completely regret this but there's no going back now these increased stats of charmeleon gave the trainer no chance and it was now time to take on the gym leader the eighth gym double battle can be a real pain if you can't control flygon and it's breaking swipe lowering your attack but the evolved charm alien just brought way too much firepower and this really became laughable hey even sacrificial hop managed to make it through the majority of the battle as charmeleon just hit ko after ko chiralid on the ace uses a very scary looking max rockford but our mvp hop just steps in and takes the hit like a boss yes sure maybe i shouldn't have had a second pokemon take potentially the strongest hit but it's just what happened so you're gonna have to accept that just the giggle if remains whose influence on the match has been non-existent surviving a body press which why this wasn't a rock move i will never know a flamethrower wins the battle on the first attempt and with that young leon has all the gym badges and a champion battle is now easily in sight hopping on a train we've watched a sneakily recycled train animation see it's the exact same one from the beginning of the game just with switched out pictures oh yeah but before making it to wyndon we have big stupid baby victory road which honestly never takes longer than five minutes to beat see this route disappoints me every time but coming over that hill at the end you really feel like you've done something good winden always looks really impressive in this intro cinematic but in reality this place has about the same amount of content as evergrand saying that pretty much the only thing you can do is head straight to the leagues so that is what we do marnie's battle is up first and hey you probably remember that lie part yeah that's still here well it was going dynamaxx free max knuckles one hit each of the next three pokemon and you probably see why i regret the evolution now look even a non-stab move completely destroys grim style in one hit as marnie serves zero competition for this maybe slightly over leveled charmeleon but next was the hot battle pop has the exact same team you've seen before only this time with a slight variation in moves and as he has struggled tirelessly to beat young leon's single charmander for the entire game y would now be any different leading the battle with dynamaxx three single max moves take out the first three pokemon leaving just korvanite and willaboom and we have flamethrower exiting the arena we are greeted by leon who is laughing profusely at the mutilation of his brother but little does he know he is next this threat must have hit home for leon as he mysteriously disappears shortly after this and we have to investigate why hey i get it i would probably be carrying in fear too if a ten-year-old impersonator with a single pokemon had defeated every notable trainer in the region well after slaying the entire population of steel type pokemon and traversing across the land and up a very tall tower i have just one very angry looking trainer in my way you see olianna sends out frost last first which must have been a mistake so she corrects it by sending out a water type melodic takes just a few turns to take out but doesn't get to deal a single point of damage so i'm just going to leave it there the rest of the battle was very easy we finally find leon and get to watch a really ominous scene that ends up equating to nothing so we just head home as if nothing has happened young leon is now entering the home stretch but before heading into the elite four i grabbed thunder punch that will very much make mockery of an upcoming water battle oh yeah but i kind of forgot bead was the first of the four fights but thankfully as always this team requires zero effort the first of the three pokemon are taken down with single hits and then it's the final pokemon and we still have dynamaxx so nessa is next and this time i'm prepared sure the second gym battle was tough but now i have just so much utility on my side there's no way i lose galicipod is sent out first and thankfully this makes it really easy for us even though a thunder punch can't one hit ko this pokemon emergency exits under half hp so we can just deal with it later vara scooter has very little defense so a single thunder punch does the trick and then back in comes galicipod to die seeking serves as a minor inconvenience actually having some defense so i take the safe route and dynomax a single max lightning is enough to take it out and then i use another antipelipper which serves for a four times effective payoff for all the troubles this pokemon caused me before bringing us to the final pokemon dreadnought there was no way this pokemon could be taken down in a single hit from charmeleon but using a max lightning did make it close dreadnor uses max rockfall which should mean it's all over for charmeleon but somehow it's able to survive from it really well nessa is scum of the earth and uses a full restore but this just delays the inevitable as we pick up the wind two turns later i definitely saw this one being much harder but without a classic charming electric type move like thunder punch yeah it probably would have been next up was b and rather than getting wing attack back i had something different in mind wearing a full fire type outfit this guy will give you tm acrobatics which is a move that has more than meets the eye you see if your pokemon isn't holding an item this move doubles in power turning it from a 55 into 110 base power move either way this move makes complete mockery of these team one hit killing pokemon after pokemon until just the matchup remains a single max airstream isn't enough to take it out so it gets to be the only pokemon to attack and it might as well not have which leaves just right hand as the finale of the elite four i mean champions cup because it's different somehow i've always said that the single battle version of raihan is just way easier than the gym double battle but considering how that went down anything could be harder toko was first and i had completely underestimated it bringing zero effective moves so i needed to chip away to it for the next few turns but it had yawn i quickly tried to kill it before chameleon fell asleep but missed out barely and this probably ended up being a good thing you see torco could deal little to no damage so i just predicted the wake up turn and used dynamaxx in comes flygon which was no problem immediately falling to max wormwind but next was gudra this very tanky pokemon had water type moves at his disposal so i was just slightly worried with both surf and muddy water and its move set reihan decided to go for rain dance rather than an attack so i just swept it aside with dragon pulse being the guy who claims to be leon's biggest rival you know i guess it kind of makes sense that the pressure got to him facing the superior version tertinator really has nothing going for it as it just falls to a single dragon pulse leaving just duraladon this towering skyscraper uses a max rockfall which barely misses out on the ko and with a sandstorm charmeleon has taken all the way down to free hp but with how slow this pokemon is one more flamethrower cleans it up and finishes the champions cup wasting no time at all i head straight back onto the pitch with my fully healed up team into the most important battle of them all but oh no why would it be that simple chairman rose takes to the big screen to blow up the stadium and wants to ruin the day by creating a new day the darkest day why because story anyway it's a brief postponement to the battle as leon runs off to have a champion time or whatever he does and then i go find a rusty sword in the woods back in hammerlock chairman rose wants to put one last roadblock in our way so it's only fair that we wipe his team of steel-type pokemon before heading to the roof here we witnessed leon trying to catch a legendary with a standard pokeball which come on it's never going to work leon what were you thinking well that is unless you are the 10 year old pokemon protagonist and just a better leon because then anything is possible after saving the entire world it's important to take a much needed three-day sleep before finally having the leon versus a 10 year old fraud grand finale but before that can happen so the title still makes sense stop let's be honest this title died a long time ago leon and i mean the real leon here begins with aegis slash and uses king shield which only delays the inevitable as fireblast destroys it in the next turn dragapolt is sent out second and i took this opportunity to start building up charizard to sweep through leon's team using gigantomax and max airstream takes out dragapult in a single hit and this boost to charizard's speed will mean nothing can compete now mr rime is immediately burnt to a crisp and then in comes intellion the extremely wide move pool of leon's charizard means we have a grass counter to intelion and a single max overgrowth makes short work here haxorus is sent in as the penultimate pokemon and manages to dodge a fire blast allowing finally for the first bit of damage to be dealt to this one man army trying fireblast next turn isn't enough for a one-hit ko with it not being very effective allowing hacksaws to take charizard low this definitely looked like the end as in comes a full restore after wildfire takes it low but thankfully two fast air slashes make for a quick ko leading into the final mirror battle and to be honest the only one that really matters as leon gigantimax says we pray that somehow a single ancient power is able to one hit ko charge and it doesn't mirroring exactly what we did before up until haxuris this time i just used air slash to take it out without taking as much damage as we move back into the battle of charizards again ancient power isn't able to ko here meaning a max rockfall will most certainly be the end but he doesn't use it why this throat the final hurdle gives our charizard a second ancient power to take it over the line and secure the anti-climactic victory this battle always seems to deliver and with that this 10 year old child has worked so hard to demonstrate one very important lesson if you struggle with many of life's hurdles and want to become the very best like no one ever was just copy someone else thanks for watching everyone this was a long time in the making for me and hopefully you can understand that these challenge videos take so long to put together with all the editing and i've just worked so hard to make this the best one yet and now this is the part that i'm gonna ask if you enjoyed feel free to leave a like on the video and subscribe as it really does help me out oh yeah and come follow me on twitter as well because no one does thanks for watching
Channel: Hazzaa
Views: 3,448,786
Rating: 4.8867049 out of 5
Keywords: HZRC, HZRC youtube, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon challenge, nintendo, pokemon, challenge, nintendo switch, HZRC pokemon, HZRC pokemon challenge, can i beat pokemon sword, can you beat pokemon sword, pokemon sword as leon, pokemon sword as hop, leon challenge, pokemon leon, champion leon, pokemon champion, hazzaa, hazzaa pokemon
Id: QjijTldOO0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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