How to crush Pokemon Platinum with a single Woopy Boi

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/1snakes 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
whooper it's the best pokemon i mean just look at it a water ground type with its lovable face and incredible stats it cannot be be so i wanted to see how easy it was to be pokemon platinum with only a single whoopee boy here's how it went oh and before we start i just wanted to say only around 30 percent of you are subscribed so if you liked the video consider subscribing it helps me out a lot thanks i named myself ant and the rival was the man walked over to the professor tore open the briefcase and grabbed my free whooper the man wanted to fight with his turtwig so i watergunned it down until it fainted took a while and whooper got close to fainting he didn't need a potion though you know in fact i'm never going to use items in battle whooper's better than that he doesn't need to rely on anything but himself after the battle i took my naughty natured whooper straight to the lab and named him whoop whoop he drowned the trainers on route 202 and made it to jubilife as a level 8. wooper spotted the trainer school and dragged me in it's bad on the badoos until he surrendered whooper learned mudshot i grabbed a quickclaw from the lady next door and left jubalife only to be rudely interrupted by the man whooper was not happy he soaked his starly and dumped some mud on the turtwig we made our way through the cave and on to the first gym to fight rourke i sent out woopwoop who gave me a brief glance before sweeping roark before defeating all of the machops and ponytas in the route above the city at level 15 whooper learned slam and wanted revenge we went to the gym water gun the geodude mud shot the krannados and watergunned the onyx easy first badge first try we journeyed back through jubilife and headed north to flow aroma next we entered the cave leading to flo aromatown whoop refused to learn a move as pitiful as rock smash so i caught a useless badoof and used it to break the rocks in my whoopee boy's path some galactic grunts had broken into the valley windworks and whooper was going to teach them a lesson at level 19 rupert took on mars and got distracted because this happened level 20 all right the level that nothing happens all right now that happened good that's right whooper doesn't evolve it's perfect just the way it is i can't believe you'd think otherwise anyways level 25 was when my whoopee boy won the battle with a quick claw return we breezed the return of forest and reached gardenia with a level 30 whooper he tanked a razor leaf from turtwig and ended it with two returns rose raid came out next and whooper only needed quick law to activate and return to get a critical hit which didn't happen so whooper train some more to level 33 learned earthquake and we tried again but whooper wasn't really feeling it so we decided to come back at level 40. whooper was able to one-shot the turquoise with return one shot the rosarito with the earthquake ah no never mind uh didn't out speed whooper needed to focus get a quick claw pop on the roserade then it needed to crit the cherubim which took 14 attempts but my whoopee boy pulled through and got the second badge in the end the galactic base was easy whooper simply used earthquake and the building collapsed and we moved on to heart home i grabbed a shell bell from another lady in a house figured we might need that later then met fantina the ghost gym leader whooper only had water gun to hit her first pokemon and was defeated by the level 24 duskull so whooper trained up to level 47 to earn its final level up move muddy water but whooper could no longer rely on its powerful stats and moves alone my whoopee boy had to learn something new he had to learn how to love i taught whoop attract and double team leaving wooper with only return and muddy water as attacking moves now it was just a matter of throwing uper at fantina until he got lucky enough whooper needed to attract then double team on duskull a few times before taking it out while not taking any damage in the process then miss madges would come out this mages outsped my whoop whoop friend so whooper needed to get quickclaw to activate on the first turn and use attract which made mismatches have a 60 chance to not attack each turn then whooper needed to only get hit once and land two muddy waters which only have an 85 percent chance to hit whooper took one magical leaf and hit both muddy waters defeating them as magius which left only hunter haunter needed to never hit my whoopee boy so i used two more double teams while it tried to sucker punch then whooper just needed to hit muddy water okay that's good you've got to be kidding me it missed at a critical moment but there was still a chance hunter was immobilized the next turn and muddy water was able to land finishing off the haunter securing a third batch for my whoop it took three hours to get a battle like this the man stopped us on our way to vale stone but since whoop whoop was level 47 he barely slowed us down just return and muddy water for the win the trainers along the way were nothing to whooper and it was smooth sailing to get to meleen whooper employed a similar strategy for this gym attract plus double team then attack while hoping for the best meditate was taken out easily but lucario and machoke had to miss most of their attacks which they did on the fifth attempt at the gym four badges down four to go we made our way down to pastoria where the man was really just trying his best but whooper stopped him yet again then it was gym number five crash awake and whooper just couldn't defeat this abomination this disgusting blue blob thing is this even a pokemon whatever we decided to come back later woofer wanted to try out some gambling so we went in and left with one of the most powerful held items in the game the metronome with the metronome every time you use a move consecutively it gets stronger by 10 this means that by using a move 11 times in a row you can effectively double its power with the boost of the metronome my whoopee boy was able to double team then return repeatedly until this freakish creature was sent to its grave with the level 54 of i received the fifth badge and with that done i realized i could unlock something amazing for whooper by going to salesiantown i was able to create a custom ball capsule for my whoopee boy with this incredible boost of power from my whooper just its presence in my party intimidated these psyducks away allowing me access to the foggy area on route 210. speaking of the fog i caught a quagsire to use hms a while back and don't worry i didn't use it in battles or anything oh and uh don't go telling me that whooper evolves into quagsire like everybody else look at these two they look nothing alike whooper doesn't evolve in celestic town cyrus was causing some trouble i tried the battle a few times but whooper just couldn't survive long enough to take out his team so i tried giving the shelbule the whoopu after a few attempts here's how it went on to the last murkrow with the most amount of health we've had so far it will take two hits though so we do need to survive two attacks one faint attack is terrifying because it cannot miss will that kaomi i think that's enough to ko if it did that just get a get a crit we got a crit let's go the bond between a man and his whoop who cannot be beat the old lady gave us surf for our services and we left for cantilev the man was waiting and he actually stepped up his game this time whooper was able to take out his to raptor but against his torterra whoop had no chance it was time to upgrade his moveset i taught whooper the surf hm replacing muddy water then went to a small building just west of pastoria i talked to a hiker who was able to teach my whoopi boy how to ice punch which replaced a tract but how can i punch without any hands whoop whoop is the fist okay with the improved moves whooper was feeling good and ready for a rival rematch steraptor and whooper both opened up with six double teams then it was just a matter of who could hit their move for uh strapped her at aerial ace oh okay so it was just a matter of hitting stir after before it took my whoopee boy out and whooper landed two ice punches to faint it now i think the rest of the battle is best experienced without the post commentary move your face cam down okay all right ice punch please kale come on please ko get a crit or something or freeze freeze dang it don't hit me yes okay ice punch yes i guess it can't miss what was i expecting we took it out let's go good good stuff hand stream baby floatzel okay that's that's good that's a good thing swift that's totally fine it doesn't do much damage we're good we're good look at that baby damage now do at least half let's go okay i think we have we might have it on this attempt we'll see it's nothing look look look at my head we're fine we're good it's gonna return we'll take them out we'll get some more hp the next pokemon will miss so we'll be fine we're good rapidash it's going to miss whatever whatever move it's gonna use it's gonna miss there it missed surf that's gonna do a lot of damage oh almost the one hit ko but that's gonna heal me a little bit surf again miss it misses awesome is this the attempt it could be another one down now heracross terrifies me a little bit but i'm sure we'll be fine [Music] brick break misses let's go please be a to a ko ah that's not a two hit ko okay miss again it misses again let's go is this this the attempt oh my god it's so close it's so close come on it misses yes that's the attempt we did it we did it let's go whooper got so incredibly lucky and didn't get hit a single time past the few swifts from floatzel anyways it was on to the sixth gem and i realized it would be really nice to have earthquake for this one so i stopped by the move reminder in pastoria to get rid of return and relearn earthquake byron had magneton which whooper one shot with earthquake then stelix was a two shot with surf and bastiodon was a one shot with earthquake six badges and whooper was feeling good team galactic was up to no good so we wandered over to the two lakes and whooped the commanders and ran up towards snowpoint i reached candace with a level 63 whooper and was ready for the most difficult gym yet but it seemed whooper wasn't whoop was able to defeat the sneasel but it had no chance against obama snow its woodhammer was a one shot so i had to try out some stuff i checked wooper's hidden power typing and conveniently enough it was a fire type what wasn't convenient though was wooper's pitiful special attack stat it was going to do nothing to those ice types fortunately though whooper can learn a physical fire type attack natural gift by giving whooper a blockberry natural gift becomes a one-time use 70 power physical fire move and so we tried candace again oliver pokemon outsped whooper so i needed to set up double teams and hope their moves missed unfortunately sneezel knew faint attack so i could only afford to use double team a single time we would need to defeat the sneasel before it took whooper out then woodhammer needed to miss to one hit ko the obama snow frost last was the next problem since a bomb snow came out it was hailing with hail blizzard can't miss blizzard one shot whoop whoop 100 of the time so that strategy wasn't gonna work but i had one last option and it was a low percentage play but it was the only thing that could work i went to iron island to get the tm for iron tail then i found a heart scale and went to the move reminder i replaced natural gift with rain dance and earthquake with iron tail i gave the quick law back to whooper and got comfortable because the chances of winning a gym battle were so low i knew this was gonna take a long long time until attempt three when i got this absolutely insane battle first turn sneazel used faint attack then whooper double teamed second turn steazel missed slash whooper double teamed again turn three sneezel faint attack and whooper double team turn four quickclaw activated irontail hit taking out the sneasel obama snow came out next and missed a woodhammer as whooper used raindance whooper used iron tail which almost fainted the obama snow and obama snow missed another woodhammer then quickclaw activated allowing whooper to use irontail which hit taking out the second pokemon frost last came out next and with it raining blizzard wasn't guaranteed to hit anymore quickclaw activated again but irontale missed fortunately though blizzard missed quickly activated again with irontail hitting this time nearly defeating the frost lasts frost last missed another blizzard then frost last missed another blizzard and whoop whoop smacked it with its iron tail to take it out pillow swine came out and it was the last pokemon this was it pillow swine used hail then whooper used iron tail one last time got a crit taking out the pillow swine so i'm not sure the exact number on this but winning that fight with candice i'm fairly sure was like a one in several thousand chance you know it it just goes to show how good whooper is not only does it have incredible stats and looks it has impeccable luck as well and that's the seventh badge after that i immediately got rid of raindance and irontale for surf and earthquake went to the last lake cleared out the galactic headquarters saved the lake trio then hiked up the mountain to see giratina the commanders were waiting so lucas and i teamed up it wasn't a tough fight because you know whooper is so strong but something nice did happen during the fight cyrus then opened up a convenient portal for my whooper to challenge the pokemon god of antimatter giratina there was a bit of a roadblock cyrus himself with the twisted rules of the distortion world woofer wasn't even able to defeat a level 45 a houndoom i needed to unlock whooper's full potential he needed to ev train eevees are the numbers behind the scenes that boost the stats of your pokemon as you defeat other pokemon in battle i needed to maximize my whoopee boy's attack and hp so i fed him berries to reset his effort values then i got him to defeat a specific set of wild pokemon only the ones that boosted those two stats before the training my whoopee boy was impure and weak his hp was 162 and attack stat was 92. after the training he became the perfect pokemon being his hp reached 243 and his attack stat rose to 158 he was ready to take on the world the distortion world we returned osiris and whoops swept him with ease finally it was time to defeat giratina and from the shadows giratina appeared and initiated a battle i sent whooper out who took a single look back at me before throwing his entire icy fist body at the anti-matter god removing it from existence with only two blows with the god of antimatter gone whooper had his sights set on the champion but we still had one gym badge to go whooper entered the vulcan battle with only two thirds of his hp left that didn't stop him from destroying faulconer's team he earthquaked the jolteon after taking an iron tail one hit ko'ing it he survived a focus blast from raichu then one hit kayode with earthquake he took a quick attack from electavire and ended it with a single earthquake then luxory came out whooper was at 24 health with a single earthquake left and whooper outsped using the quickclaw defeating the luxray and getting the eighth badge now with only one obstacle remaining woopwoop was able to achieve his final form i got the hm for waterfall from jasmine and replaced surf to get my whoopee boys final moveset i had also saved up rare candies all throughout our adventures in the region i had eight rare candies whoop was level 92. i used all of them in a single go to have whooper reach level 100. then there was nothing else left but to enter the pokemon league aaron was first it was easy for my perfect whoop whoop ice punch for janmega and vespaquin waterfall for herocross then earthquake for scissor orange drapeon next was bertha whooper opened with two double teams wiscash used earth power twice reducing his hp to four whooper one shot with earthquake outsped the gliscor with a quick claw ice punch dodged the hepaud on stone edge take it out with waterfall avoided the earthquake from golem and blasted it with another waterfall and ended the fight with a quick claw waterfall to defeat the ryperior the third was flint his hound to him used sunny day as whooper earthquaked taking it out rapidash came out which outsped whoop whoop a new solar beam but that wasn't a problem for whooper with his quick claw and the rest of the team was a simple earthquake sweep with whoop showing his overwhelming strength lucian was another easy battle i opened the battle with six double teams as mr mai messed around with screens once reflect ran out whooper was able to do a perfectly timed quick claw earthquake alakazam came out and had energy ball that fact didn't phase whoop whoop the quick clop popped and whooper crushed it with a priority earthquake gollade was next it had leaf blade it outsped wooper and used it but whooper was ready to dodge and sent an earthquake right back it was earthquakes and waterfalls for the rest of lucian's team then there was a single battle left champion cynthia whoop was determined to win but this battle was going to be a tough one the first tough battle in a long time all of cynthia's team outsped whooper and despite his devastating offensive power whooper wasn't used to taking a hit over the course of the entire champion battle whooper would only be able to take two or three hits total so we jumped into the battle ready to win but whoop lost to cynthia's very first pokemon over and over again eventually though whooper used his unrivaled luck to dodge and defeat the spirit to him rosary came out and instantly one shot my whoopee boy we didn't stop with enough time i knew my whooper would overcome and he did it took a few attempts but whoop whoop's victory was inevitable roserade missed an attack and my whooper fully capitalized on the opportunity with an ice punch whooper easily conquered the inferior water type and tokakis was out next who hit an orosphere it was a critical hit and it was back to square one until attempt number 26 where whooper at long last got the perfect battle and took his rightful place on the champion's throne after using double team three times it tanked a shadow ball from spirit tomb quick clawed the rose raid was healed by the melodic surf took an aura sphere from tokakis survived a dragon rush from guard chomp on 4 hp and dodged lucario's extreme speed to win the battle with one final earthquake beating cynthia and securing its place in the hall of fame as the greatest pokemon of all time wait is it the greatest pokemon is my whoop whoop truly the best we had one last thing to do we had to climb the mountain one last time and upon reaching the peak a set of stairs into the sky materialized and together we climbed to the top to challenge the god of all pokemon itself whooper double-teamed six times avoiding all attacks from arceus then the earthquakes began one earthquake took down a third of its health arceus did nothing the second earthquake removed another third arceus stood still petrified of my whoopee boy the third and final quake eliminated it it plummeted from the sky towards the center region below as whoopwhoop took his rightful place as the most powerful pokemon and well that's it if you liked the video be sure to subscribe i play games wrong all the time but uh yeah thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,329,802
Rating: 4.9457264 out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, English, pokemon challenges, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, is it possible to beat, commentated, elite four, english, challenge run, no items, mdb, only, game freak, pokemon 2020, Gen 3, wooper, only wooper, pokemon Platinum, smallant, smallant1, woopy boi, woop
Id: MGzZtfemREU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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