I Beat Pokemon FireRed WITHOUT SEEING THE GAME (I Randomized It Too) [1/3]

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So, today I have randomized Pokémon FireRed and I am going to beat it without looking at it You guys can see it, and you guys are gonna tell me what to do. That's the gist of it I've randomized all Pokemon encounters, all trainers have random Pokemon That's pretty much it. All the Pokemon have like the regular movesets and stuff. How do you know you won't cheat? It's gonna be pretty obvious I'm not cheating So you guys can see my screen now, you can see that Pokemon is not on it Today it's Twitch Plays Me Plays Pokemon, except it's random. [laughs] I guess let's start then Let's go I think I just need to press A a bunch, right? I, I'll mash B until we get to the boy/girl, because you guys get to pick boy/girl. I'm a girl. Let's do girl Okay, we're gonna do girl. So that's girl? So that's Ant, we spelled out Ant? We're good, we're good, we're good [laughs] Nice "Rival is Shu" [laughs] "Fearsome will take forever to spell out." THE MAN!! It has to be THE MAN!! What are you guys doing?! [laughs] How do you know you can't see the screen? You can see my screen right above me, what I can see Now what- what else, what else, what else? "A, A, A, A, A, start.." Okay, okay, let's go [thank god] Where's the door? There it is. Okay now I- let's see if I randomized the starters correctly I don't know what that is. Sableye, okay I have no idea what that is. What is that one? It's a Zangoose! Sick, okay Geodude! That one's Geodude, a hundred percent that's Geodude. We have a choice. "Zangoose Zangoose Zangoose Zangoose" "..Sableye" Zangoose it is. It has to be Shu. Five left, one up. One two, three, four five. "Nooo"? I'm seeing a lot of Nos. A, there we go We named it Shu, okay. Oh, THE MAN. [laughs] Let's see what our rival has. I'm gonna listen. Lemme see Is that a Sunkern? Sunkern, it is? Let's go [laughs] Is that scratch that we have, did we just use scratch? That sounded like scratch. And absorb, let's go Decimated that sunkern "How do I recognize a Sunkern sound though"? I'm gonna know a decent amount of these Man, it's gonna be a test of my memory. I haven't played this game in years Yo, what is it? What is it? What do we got? It's a Gen 2 Pokemon, I don't know what it is. Quilava?! I don't think we have any pokeballs right now This is not a Nuzlocke [laughs] "It's so easy", nogamenolife? I can't see the game? [laughs] Okay, so we need to go to the PokeMart I think, right? Ohh, let's go. Okay, okay. Why do you take me to a Pokemon Center? We needed to go to the Mart I did not need to heal Yo, that's it Wait, is that the Pokemon Center again? Yo, we got it Alright, see you nerd Oh, that's a powerful Pokemon What is that, like a freaking Charizard? It is a Charizard! This is ju- [laughs] just starter central I played a lot of Pokemon in my past if it's not obvious. Alright, Oak I got your stuff. It's PokeDex time. Alright, we out. Um Another Quilava, let's catch it. That's bag right? No? That's bag. Okay, here we go, let's use it Come on, come on, hold A, one... Argh, come on Come on, come on Noooo One left. We got this. A and B, A and B, A and B, A and B, come on, come on, come on Come on, come on Nooo D: I had to finish him off, okay, we'll go buy some balls, we'll go buy some balls. Yeah, buy balls, heal and go back "A ballless Ant is a sad Ant" We need to take Shu to the center, uuup Nuzlocke just for Shu? We can never let Shu die. Too pure How many? Do we just buy 15? That's all of our money... We'll fight trainers, it'll be fine I have 80 moneys now? The perfect amount. Let's try and get Quilava. I feel like Charizard might be too hard to catch Charizard, alright. Should we try and catch this? Oh, Kangaskhan. Nevermind. "Knife it"? I can knife it. Quick attack Yeah, byebye. Just figuring out where the moves are That one's Charizard, that one is Charizard. That's a Kangaskhan again? Oh my god, they sound so similar Was that like double kick or something? No, that's not a double kick. What was that? Fury attack? Comet punch, ah. 14 HP? You'll be fine, Shu. You can take it. Another one? What the heck? You'll be okay, you can take it Shu, you'll be okay, you'll be okay, you're fine You're fine [laughs] Yo, level 7. Level 8, actually, oh, nevermind So, are we gonna try and catch a Charizard or did you guys want to check what's west? "Weast"? Alright, let's go weast. We'll go get Charizard after We have to fight our rival here, too. So that'll be okay grinding There it is, okay, let's see what we got. Let me listen Like a Magneton or something? Magnemite, ah, there we go. I think it might be good to have because it has thunder wave But we'll run for now, see what else we got There's gotta be something other than Magnemites here. Grimer? Okay. Should we get the slimy boi? I've seen a lot of yes, I've seen a lot of no I've seen a lot of kill. "Murder", "just no", "please kill it". Okay, we'll kill it "Flip a coin"? There's enough kills and nos that we'll just kill it. Should we just go fight our rival right now? THE MAAAAN [laughs] Let's fight THE MAN It's THE MAN! We have one potion, yeah That was a very long cry, what is that? Ursaring? Okay, that's not bad. Level 9?! Oh, we're gonna get hecked. We are so done. "Leer into tackle"? Okay Leer Leer him, and then we'll just quick attack him to death How much did he do? Okay, we- we don't have a chance? We're fine, we'll make it, critical hit!! We need to come back and destroy THE MAN. Let's just go try and get a Charizard Tentacruel? Tentacruel is pretty good. Should we just throw a Pokeball? Okay, we'll- we'l use five balls on it. Okay? one, two, three... Come on, it's almost like we need to, we need to catch something weak To catch something better [laughs] at this point. "He's too big for my balls" No Shu. He can still fit That was five balls. Should we try give it a scratch? Murder It's going good karma, we're 50 minutes in, we're in route 1 We'll catch like a fire-type. We'll catch a Quilava and use it to weaken a Tentacruel There he is, there's our Quilava friend. That's what we want Okay, voxaelfox says throw, throw the fight Quick attack Alright, well it dies Yo, what is that? Nidoqueen? Ooooh Like, it won't learn any moves... "TMs"? Yeah.. But it's pretty good still, so we're gonna scratch Alright, alright, it survived, it survived. Half HP? Okay, ball time One, two We'll use five, we'll use five. Unless you guys think ten is worth it Welcome home, Chef. Two... Come on one, two Oh Shu, nooo "We're better off doing a solo run" gyro, we just never catch anything? "These are all awful or overpowered" I know, voxael Let's try and catch a Quilava We might have to solo run this for a little bit until we get.more.ca-.. ahhh We might have to solo run it until we get more cash. Shu, it was so close too. Come on, come on, come on How many do we have left? We have one more ball. "throw it"? Alright, we're throwing it Come on.... Goodbye, Quilava. Goodbye Solo Shu, let's go. Oh the old man has coffee, okay We caught a Weedle, so that's what it looks like to catch pokemon We just, we just needed to watch the tutorial. Now we know how to catch a Pokemon, now we can do it No wonder we couldn't catch anything. We hadn't even seen the tutorial yet. "This whole stream just defines the word oof", motherduckingsquirrel? Yeah This is legit the first game you have- you ever played? It probably looks like it's the first game I ever played too, right now [laughs] Whoa, that's a legendary Pokemon, or at least like a Dratini or something. Oh, it's a Heracross. Nevermind Can we take it? We can take it, we can take it, he's gonna miss his mega horn or whatever Look at that. Did I study? No, I didn't voxael. It's just my memory Yooo That is Swords Dance, I believe. Dang, Swords Dance is gonna carry us, dude Meditite.. Meditite is pretty good. "Go Shu, it sounds like you're trying to scare away wild Pokemon" [laughs] This is like, a good one to catch. Here, we'll try Okay, nevermind, we'll critical hit it, that's fine. "Not even a crit"? It's just so weak. Alright, it's fine Oh yeah, we could beat our rival with Swords Dance and then we can go buy pokeballs. That's true. "What's the meaning behind THE MAN"? Uh, he's the antagonist Alright, let's frick this MAN up Shu, come on, do your best He leered us. Should we, should we do another swords dance or just quick attack from now on? That's quick attack? Come on Oh, he leered us. We totally could have done another Swords Dance Alright, alright, we got him. Ursaring is down. Oh, level 11 Dus-.. Oh no [laughs] Alright, we're dead Oh, what if he only as a ghost type move? What if he only has a ghost type move? [laughs] Is that curse? Oh He's disabled Does nightshade do anything? He can't hit me either. Noooo. Oh god, we're gonna sit here till we struggle [laughs] "Swords Dance struggle might kill" Hopefully We really should have caught another Pokemon. Just.. what are the odds of getting something We can't hurt each other with. Duskull does not have infinite PP, gyro. This is Gen 3 It's only Gen 1. Does anyone know how many PPs the... THE MAN has? At what point does Zangoose learn a non-normal type move? Can someone tell me, can someone check? "Level 13 fury cutter" Fantastic. Stop leering There's literally nothing else to do. What, you want me to hit it with scratch? [laughs] Oh, that struggle! That's struggle!! Let's goooo What a fight Oof, all that for nothing, huh? You guys want to go catch your Magnemite? [laughs] We only have a one pokeball So we gotta make it count Come on There we go. There's our Magnemite. Okay He survived, okay, come on, come on, please, please. We need it. One Noooooo. Alright, so here's wha- We need to go through the forest We need to get some money from the trainers in the forest then. Alright, let's go fight some trainers Alright Claydol, get out of here. I'm gonna get really good at knowing cries of Pokemon I still have no idea where I'm going, by the way I'm kinda just like walking in like an S pattern, which is how I remember it I can hear the game, but I can't see it, frosty, no. How have I not seen any trainers? There we go, okay Is that a Claydol? Lunatone, alright. MoooOooOon [laughs] Yeah, harden away It's tanky, dude. Two hits? Oh, Geodude. Easy Get outta here, get outta here What happened, why can't I move? That's a very long animation. Level 13? Alright It's done? Okay. See you in a bit, angel I can still hear the game music, it's just blind, it's not deaf Should we buy as many pokeballs as we can now in case we lose a battle? How much money do we have? We can buy one pokeball We could destroy our rival now, let's go destroy our rival. Yeah, now that we have fury cutter, that's more money Nice, blindfolded navigation. I'm getting that mental map all sorted out, you know. He's got nothing on us Swords dance, let's go. What we're gonna do.. We're gonne use swords dance until he uses disable. Now... right Swords dance... good That was leer, we can use swords dance again We're just using fury cutter Did he just disable fury cutter? Bad rng, dude Good Now we just keep using this. Okay, he disables it again, I think. Yeah, we'll still win. It's just gonna take a while [laughs] Good Ooooh, he's done it Finally, yo How much money, how much cash we get from that? 144? That's nothing. I think that's enough for like, one more pokeball. Let's go buy another pokeball and we're gonna get a Magnemite We're selling everything We can buy four balls now. Fantastic Alright, we have five pokeballs now. Five pokeballs to catch a Pokemon, and four pokedollars to our name Oh, is that a Wooper? It's a Wooper!!! Woop woop We could do Geodude as well, that's basically our other starter. Okay, here's what we're doing. We're gonna Leer, then fury cutter. You can evolve into Golem, I turned impossible evolutions on That's a good amount of health. Come on, come on, please Yeeeesss [laughs] Pokemon number two. We got a Geodude. It's a freaking miracle. The Shu solo run is over It was a Geodude. Izzy, thank you so much for the resub. Welcome back to the ant colony. Dedicate it to Izzy? Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, we're always gonna name it from someone in chat Is that it? We got Izzy now? Welcome to the party, Izzy Ohhh boy, okay, okay, okay It's- I just want to go into Pokemon and like, switch it to the first place and we'll go train Izzy a little bit, going through the forest Did I do it right? Did I just switch Geodude to first? Nice, okay. Wait, Izzy is holding an item? Bluk berry? Oh, that sucks At least we got that level. Mud sport, how helpful, right? Let's go Well, we tried. Another level? Oh, I went left and up. Beldum. We can take a Beldum. Ball? We don't have any balls Beldum is one of the hardest Pokemon to catch You have a good one, Bennett There it is. Izzy, you champ! Level eight, he's just wrecking. Alright, where are we going? Apparently, we haven't fought this one yet Not Sudowoodo... Murkrow? Alright, this is easy Oh, another level Smoochum [laughs] Nope "What makes this a marathon?" It's very long. Level- my god, Izzy, you level up so fast Level up! Ooooh, rock throw.... wait for it Mmm, there it is. That's rock throw. "South 100", okay Yoooo, let's go. Alright, gym time? What do you guys think? Up and right I feel like... Where am I right now? Someone describe Down then right Is the door to the left or to the right? Left, okay There it is Alright Izzy, let's see what you got Is that a Sunkern? [laughs] Alright, we need to switch right away There we go, sorry. Oh, he just used growth, that's nothing Easy. Azumarill, right? "Ant is a god, who's that Pokemon?" I'm okay We have zero badges so far. Did I accidentally just talk? No, I wasn't ready. Aren't there two trainers in there? Let's go, first badge I don't know. Koffing? Easy, easy, easy Smog? He's got nothing on me, didn't even poison Did he miss smog? What a noob. Oh, poison gas He's done, let's go. Izzy level up, just like that [laughs] We're not switching. We don't need to switch Oh, what is that? Nuzleaf [laughs] Yeah, we're switching. Pokemon, right Right Yo, we've done it. [laughs] Fury cutter hit, come on It's doing nothing right now, but it doubles every time you use it Growth, is that what that was? Better not have been bide I don't know what that was Miss another one? Ooooh, easy. First gym done "First gym easier than first rival" Yup This was a sub-goal. 1,400 bucks?! We're buying balls, boys. I got leaf blade? TMs are randomized, who can learn them. So like, Geodude might be able to learn it Izzy is able to? Okay, wait a minute. Is grass special in this generation? All starter types are special? So it is special, okay. Leaf blade is not physical, not in this generation. There wasn't a split yet Yeah, only in generation four did they have specific physical special for certain moves. Let's go to the.. the Pokemon Center Let's heal up. Let's go to the Mart Let's buy all the balls we can, and then we maybe catch some Pokemon. We can buy eight balls? We're buying all the balls we can. All good? Ey, alright, let's buy all these freakin balls Let's go. Oh did we just- running shoes? Boy, we're running fast now. Let's go. We already had one Shu, they just needed to give us the other one Look, oh we're cruising. Look at that, oh Ow. Ow. Ow. I'm behind the center? Okay That's not the Pokemon Center. Okay, so I went into a random house [laughs] The door did not sound right. Who said behind the center? Alright, who said it? Right one, up Okay, there we go. Fantastic Ohh let's go, another battle. Alright I don't know what Pokemon that was, I wasn't listening. Sound of water type, though. Oh, nevermind. It's a dead type Ohhhh, that's absorb We're fine [laughs] Yo, let's go. Okay, magnitude. I need to make sure I teach it magnitude, because it's magnitude. Two down So now we're on mud sport? Fantastic. Alright, let's try it out. Mud sport was.. There. Uh, Magnitude. Yeaaah And it's gone. Natu or Xatu. Xatu. Peck me? Thought it could peck me One down. Oh, hello I don't know that one. Jirachi? Oh, okay. Guess we'll do this. Jirachi is cute Swift Dead? Confusion No confuse Dead. Good, there it is. "Up then down then up" Up, down, up. Okay now what, bountyhunter? "Open the menu five times"? One two three four Five. I swear, bountyhunter is right. But seriously, where am I going? [laughs] Oh, okay So there's a man in this Pokemon Center. We can buy a Pokemon for 500 We're gonna do it. Cam gifting five subs! Cam. You're so generous. Thank you. "Next one named Cam maybe"? [laughs] Cam wants the mon, alright. "It's a Magikarp" It's probably not a Magikarp though A Tauros? That's sick Cam the Tauros M. Is that Cam? I switched it in the first place, nailed it? Alright, sick. We're training up Cam Okay We're in the cave, and we have pokeballs we can use, too. "MooOon" [laughs] Mt Moon MoooOoooOon [laughs] Alright, it's the first encounter, what do we see, what do we get? Zubat? [laughs] Classic pokemon caves. What is this randomizer doing? It's not randomizing Pokemon at all I don't know. Oh, it's Pikachu. So we're gonna switch That should be Izzy Yes, okay good. Tail whip me all you want. Go, Izzy, go Magnitude 14, clearly Why is the name Izzy? Izzy subbed at the moment we got it. Oh, that was it. One battle Okay. "Look at the brazenness of this man switching pokémon without chat" Cam is Gucci, we'll just kill Zubats all day Leech life me all you want. As long as you don't supersonic, I'm happy. Oh, now he's at 18 You're done, you're done. 15. Wow, that was a crit Is that like, an Altaria or something? How do I know what Pokemon it is? I can hear I was just standing there and I got into a battle, okay. Apparently there's a trainer that runs around Jumpluff or one of those Pokemon? Skiploom, yeah, Skiploom. This is a really good test of memory, it's kind of fun Ooooh one hit, let''s go Oh, someone leveled up Another person leveled up. Learned horn attack, nice Magnitude 14? Was that 15? That, that felt like a 15. Easy money Jeez, Izzy you level up so fast Yeah, we'll just walk left Why did I pick FireRed? It was that or LeafGreen Not Sunkern, is it? Bayleef, oooh Alright, we're catching Bayleef. Let's go Can I do another one? "It's at like 40%", you would go for a ball, "one more" one more We did get our attack lowered So if we're at one third, then we... If we are actually at one third then he can take one more Are we in the ball menu? One, two... Oh, come on. In the ball Bayleef, get in the ball Come on. Yesss, let's go [laughs] "Call it Chef" Alright, we'll call it Chef Marvelousmint gifting a tier 1 sub to Bayleef. Bayleef's a sub [laughs] So now we can technically name it Bayleef [laughs] Let's name it Chef though. Is that Chef? I'm good? Let's go Yeah, bay leaves are used in cooking It's perfect. You're an ingredient. Welcome to the party. I feel like we got a pretty, a good ol' balanced team so far Where's the trainer? Where's the trainer? I want to, I want to get him Where's the trainer? Right in front of me apparently Shu, you mean Shu-ckle. I mean Shuckle. Well, we should have Shu to fight Shuckle Shu, let's go. Shuckle? Shu, kill Battle of the century. Good luck, qwybri Oh, he's really, he's really beefy, dude. Two hits. "Shu used ban! It's super effective!" Armaldo. Hmm What was that? I have no idea what move that was. Doesn't matter. He's dead anyways Mud sport. Doesn't matter, he's dead anyways Ohhh, Izzy is level 20 now? Oh my god, Izzy you are a monster "Shu is now overrated"? No, Shu is underrated if anything "Geodudette" It's Izzy This takes so much like, mental focus to remember where the heck Everything is in the menu. Is there gonna be a team of six Pokemon that I'm gonna have to remember all at once What the moves are and where they are [hums] item Left 2, down, A, okay Is that a freaking Regice or something? MooOooOn [laughs] Lunatone, Let's go You'll moOoon whenever you want, thank you so much, not2dey? MoooOon Nevermind, Deoxys came from the moooOoon. It sounds a lot like Lunatone. Alright, let's, let's find out Chef's moveset What's moveset is Chef's? It knows razor leaf, damn Ball? Is that my balls? Is that my ball bag? Come on, come on, please We'll get it, come on, come on We're using all the balls Doesn't matter. Alright, you got this Izzy One Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease That was anti-climactic, arghh It's good at exp for Izzy, Izzy's a monster. Now up, right one, one right? [laughs] What is going on, am I just avoiding them? Where is he? Stay? Left? There he is, I got him [laughs] Alright. What is that? Tyranitar? Sick, let's go That was a strong bite Izzy is too powerful, dude Oh Izzy, wow. A Scyther incoming Get out of here, Scyther This is scary. Oh, this is a rocket grunt? A freakin Zapdos or something.. Oh it is a Zapdos! Thundershock Thunder Wave. Okay, okay. Please hit. Yooo Shu is too strong. Shu can take anything, boys. Easy We don't need to switch Cloyster? Pfff What's new? Like- stop protecting, get out of here Paralysis, confusion? Ah, easy. Shu's got this Shu's got- Shu's got this We should heal [laughs] We're on potion now? Is it on Shu? Alright, we're good Aurora beam No Was that fury cutter? I'm going out on my own terms No I'm not, damn it I'm too slow [laughs] And we lost all our money, oh We're going up right. Up right? I don't know what that is Is that a Kadabra? Alakazam.. If only we could try and catch him, that would be such a good Pokemon to catch Alakazam would be so good Slash? Yo, let's go. Alright, let's get rid of leer. So much better Alright, this is where we whited out, let's not white out again. Zapdos, and we are ready for the Zapdos this time Peck We're gonna slash this Cloyster up. Alright, Shu Show us what you got, show us what you got [slash noises] With the slash, slash slash Maybe next time Slash slash! No it protected, nevermind. Slash slash There it is Easy, how did that Cloyster kill us last time, my goodness Oh, hello Gen3 Gorebyss? Ah, I was close That was unfortunate. Did he just psychic me? Confusion? Okay. Goodbye Salamence? Salamence, think it can dragon rage me to death? Pff Dragon rage can't stop Shu, crit! Wait, was it a crit? [laughs] It was a crit Shu's better than a freaking dragon Alright. Where's the helix? Alright, we're good. "Shu can straight up crit on command, it's dangerous" Yeah Stop Okay, okay, okay, okay. "Stop moving" I'm just moving, I'm a little antsy, okay? ANTsy, yes. Very antsy, Lycel We're almost out Freedom! [laughs] Before we jump the ledge, we need to go talk to the two move tutors Five hours in and we left the cave. Shu will kick. Shu'ss gonna kick you so hard Down two, down one. Okay A? Yes, okay Let's goooo Shu has learned how to mega kick! Uh, let's go to the Mart now and buy some balls, which I believe is south Hey, alright Eighteen balls. There we go Oh... THE MAN!!! It's THE MAN! THE MAN wants to battle Ohh, that's uh... That's an interesting Pokemon. I don't know what it is. Crawdaunt? Get out of here Good. Bye. Absolutely destroyed Snorlax? Snorlax is easy, dude Give it some poison. Oh, it's immune [laughs] We have no power over it now Did it just belly drum? Oh, it just belly drummed? [laughs] Well, I bet Cam could do it. I have faith in Cam, come on Sorry Cam. I had faith in Cam, what can I say? Alright, I guess we're using Izzy Dang it. I was trying to level Cam up there, that would have been some sick EXP Alright, what's next? Luigi? Alright. Well, let's mega kick this Luigi into another dimension Goodbye It survived a kick?! Get another one It's done. Luigi never stood a chance. What's up next? Dunsparce? Easiest fight of my life, dude. Shu's kicks are too powerful Goodbye, goodbye It's too free, dude. Let's go to nugget bridge, get these nuggies Rattata or Raticate? Level 10? [laughs] Child's play Chef is getting beefed up. Hitmonchan, okay. As long as it doesn't know ice punch, right? Right? Comet punch, okay. I can take that Good. Oooh, that's another level We don't need to switch, no. I don't know what it is I'm gonna be really good at menuing Okay, that's charm. I thought it was attract, I think it was charm. Die you ugly bug, get kicked Stepped on the bug [laughs] Oh, delicious EXP We only level up once. It's decent though, it's not bad Again, there we go Excellent Got the Nugget, let's go. And we have one more fight Don't know what that is. That one is like a.. an Entei? Oh boy. Okay. We're just gonna We're just gonna Izzy. Team Rocket is getting serious Pidgey? No. Yeah, Spearow. I knew it was one of those birds. Oh, yeah, we should sell the Nugget Did that actually work? Wow, I lined myself real nice there I'm getting good at this, slimelord? I'm getting alright. I still don't know the way up though Oh That's a store, okay Sell the nug, goodbye 5,000. Alright. Are we on the pokéballs? We're hovering? A for balls? Buying all of them, all the balls 34 balls? All the balls in my bag We can catch anything with this amount of balls. It feels good Okay, let's go back into this house [laughs] Every time Is that the same house? Okay. I don't know where to go, guide me. 1, 2, 3, 4, up. 1, 2, 3, 4, up. Eventually something, yeah. Oh, here we go. What's it gonna be? It's a Golbat- A Crobat? That's pretty good. I'm down for a Crobat I'm down for some Crobat action if you guys are. We need a flier, we do need a flier Okay, is that a good amount of HP? "One more", "yellow HP", "one more", okay Balls Okay... Wait what? What did I do? I horn attacked? Did it survive? Oh, confusion [laughs] I thought I was on balls. Okay, it's almost a guaranteed capture. Let's go. One, two- We have enough balls, we got the balls for this. It's ballin out of control two, three.. Boom, just like that. We got the Crobat [laughs] We're naming it Plizz P L I Z Z. "His name is AAA" Okay Ah, yes [dear god] P L I Z Z? Let's go Welcome to the party, Plizz After this, we should go fight the gym. Then I think, we'll fight the gym and we'll call it a day for the day Boycott chat for a minute just to see how I do? I'd destroy that gym. Where am I? Help me? Help me Poor guy can't even get out of a corner [laughs] Once I'm in the gym, no, I don't need your- I don't- I could get it- I could get through without you. Alright? Got it. Let's go. Okay. I don't need your help. I'm closing my eyes. I'm doing this without you until I need you. Okay? I don't know what I'm doing Yo, okay. Let me try again. You know that, that was just a warm-up. I've just- I don't want to go swimming yet Yo, trainer time, let's go. See, it's just a warm-up, we're good I don't need your help chat Clearly at Kyogre. Kyogre, I don't know how you pronounce it It's raining, Kyogre? Oh first, oh it's gonna be easy I don't need anyone's help. We don't need to level up We're good. Get outta here, leave Okay, scary face me. Sure, I don't care, do whatever you want. I don't need to be fast That didn't do a lot lough Water pulse, maybe? I don't know what that is. It was water pulse, yep [laughs] Let's goooo. Chef, you're a champ, dude Out of here. Easy mode, didn't even level up Get back outta here Cam. We're trying to level you up. What's next? Oh yeah, it's uh... like a.. It's a flying type, that's what I can tell. I think it's a flying type, like a Fearow maybe Izzy, get out here That's not the right move Izzy, get out here See, guys? I'm good. It just keeps tail whipping. It's just tail whipping away. I can do it It wasn't a flying-type, okay, I was wrong [laughs] I was using sand attack? What is it? Doesn't matter, it's dead now I don't know what that is. Alright, I'm looking at chat again. What was that? "Chef was on 1 HP and confused, and crit for the KO" I'm just that good [laughs] A flying Umbreon [laughs] Flyeon [laughs] You forgot I couldn't see the game without chat? Ah yes, I can't see the game. Hey, I didn't need you I showed you I didn't need you guys, alright? Flyeon was nothing. Did it just use charm? nice Maybe I'll just mega kick him slightly less hard Mega kick never misses. It's Misty time. Let's go Aright It's intimidating [smolJamming] Easy fight, it's over Get outta here It still survived? Wait, what level is it? 18? Okay. Now that make sense Just used a potio? That's not fair "Uses metal sound, doesn't have a single special move" Yep Crit? I have no idea, that sounded like rock throw There it goes. Seeya around, Yoyo Absol Alright Cam is out? Okay Good. You got this, Cam. Uhhhh I don't think, uh.. Alright Shu, you think you can handle it? Let's see. Alright Shu, you got this. Slash crit... Nope It's gone There's another badge Let's go Well, I feel like this is a good stopping point for today cuz then we can continue on tomorrow, get like three badges or something There we are. I'm gonna pause the timer, we'll continue on tomorrow. Thanks for watching everybody I appreciate you guys all helping me out today. It was fun. I liked today
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,448,094
Rating: 4.9130068 out of 5
Keywords: Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, bird box challenge, pokemon, pokemon blindfolded, pokemon frlg, pokemon randomizer, pokemon speedrun, pokemon blind, blind, blindfolded, firered and leafgreen, randomizer, speedrunning
Id: 5lT86A91xiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 46sec (3226 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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