Pokemon Crystal but every battle my team is random

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today is the day pokemon crystal except after every single battle my team is randomized the levels stay the same the exp stays the same the percentage of HP stays the same the nickname stays the same but the Pokemon itself changes the moves that it knows changes to whatever it should know at that level and so I'm gonna be going into every battle having no idea what I got huge shout-outs to Vettes I'm pretty sure he didn't know anything about like rom hacking or anything like that and he spent like 45 hours last week just doing this vet we're gonna name the first Pokemon after you obviously you guys have no idea how excited I am for this this is gonna be fun I guess we'll just start right are you a boy or a girl I'm a boil what is my name new name my name is a n T ant that's me it doesn't really matter but what are we gonna grab to start obviously I'm giving vet full control for the first pokemon in that case choose chikorita alright you mean that chikorita heck yeah thank you for setting this up welcome to the party okay let's test it out let's see how it works alright we're fighting a Pidgey with our chikorita all right use tackle vet it's going well we I don't know we might get a level from this [Music] and okay it's a Pidgey alright so 2nd Battle of Aleppo Chikorita it's a ride on it's a shiny ride on wood it randomized to a shiny ride on I don't think shiny chances were increased that's insane all right since we're like a ride on it takes a lot longer to level up that made it so any pokemon named vet shiny hahaha all right we got our shiny vet let's go vets a genius I might need some extras for HMS I don't think you guys know how HMS work when it's randomized their moves are changed so anytime we need to use an HM we're gonna have to teach it to a new Pokemon that's the point if you don't have a Pokemon they can't learn it you might get softlocks exactly we will get softlocks so we have to be careful not to get softlocked and we are naming Pokemon after subs chef rotate yep I feel like with these battles I'm gonna try and not run from any battles because we could run from the battle and it would randomized to a no Pokemon cuz every battle that you finish run from win-lose it randomizes the Pokemon alright here's the man alright cyndaquil because we did pick chikorita as our starter let's see if we can crush this with a poison sting we are level oh god we might lose this battle I have a potion so we can't survive with the potion and Veigar does have a good defense so it looks like we're gonna win cuz Vette is a defensive monster but go good stuff my name's the man gonna be the world's greatest pokemon trainer does he say question mark question mark question mark out loud or he's just like my name's like in the game imagining that what does it you name no question mark question mark question mark cuz that's what he thought his actual name was the man [Music] why displayed throughout the timer so people know how long I suffer for you know all right let's catch our first Pokemon who are we gonna name it after I guess we'll see what the Pokemon is qiao it fits all right Caterpie please be a level 3 or higher for we'll take that can your team members still evolve I mean they can well like I don't think that's gonna help us because I'm gonna be a randomized after the battle anyways pokeball use one two three we caught the Caterpie let's name it give a nickname to cata P who are we naming it after let's see I see two female names that have been wrecked with us Abby and Josie let's do Josie for now Josie super active in this stream Josie welcome to the team let's take a look at Josie while Josie you look so different already alright where does the even and out the levels cuz in this challenge the great thing about this just can't solo run this game right now because if I solo run I might get to like an Elite Four member with like a Magikarp I gasp Lee the spotlight should go all God I said I wasn't gonna run from mob Pokemon but like well like don't run okay we won't run actually wait a minute wait a minute I could switch we could see what bet is okay it's a paris i think i think that's a paris paris echt paris sake will you rewrote before Jim just try and make it work I'm just gonna try and make it work I'm just gonna walk into the gym and give it a go at when I was testing this out cuz I tested out this out just to verify that it worked I ended up in this battle with a sunkern and a niggly buff and I lost it was terrible could not win but I just waited for those battles that we just get given such terrible Pokemon let's give it a try screw it let's do it going against a-levels something PG levels yep you know Vulpix all right amber can we out speed good good good this is bold yeah it knows mud-slap oh god it did kill me though let's go my accuracy go hit one more in crit or miss mud-slap on the next attempt that was it done okay vet went down I'm sorry vet Josie okay Vaporeon will do vapeur rounds pretty good [Music] they don't cuss and it out speeds no come on [Music] all right all right we failed on the first attempt let's try again be careful of who you make fun of in high school cuz vets back and vet summit shop look at how Jack Diaz oh that's not good at all this is a flying-type gym I guess low kick nice it's flinched weight low kick can flick okay Tosi's aloo kiya let's go here critical hit - Oh where's my hedge get a phone call from Professor Alan pick up our egg like to take the egg absolutely something that we're gonna have to pick up right early is the fishing rod actually I fish me man this will make it so we cannot softlock in most places in the game if we ever get to a point where we fight a battle on a wet area that's surrounded by water and we don't have a water type Pokemon or Pokemon they can't learn surf now we can use the old rod to read reran demise our team so what do we have for an Onix just it doesn't know a water-type move no oh yo but that is a good book you know what that's that'll work that'll work lugia has fine we're gonna arrow blast this to another dimension KITT oh damn we messed up it missed again come on Bette it's such a powerful feeling move oh no oh no are we gonna whiteout with the lugia we're gonna whiteout with the lugia alright that's the choice tur it's gonna take a few more hits but because it only knows tackle my defense is pretty high we shall be able to take it out do I need to fight the jammers or 92 fight Rockets no I go to Kurt right yo Kurt I'm here to help slam down hard on my back so I can't move all right [Music] are you guaranteed a damaging move on everyone no no I'm not at the start here we could have got like baby Pokemon that didn't have any attack he moves all right I'll take that Josie's powerful go bet you can take them on take on the Zubat whatever you may be good job bet you can do it ah that's that slowpoke back with supersonic miss supersonic good job Josie [Music] Josie could take lunch I believe smaug's gonna miss but tackles gonna hit all right bet no okay I thought it was gonna I know I'm in mistake I've made a mistake we got this all right oh I don't number two it's because I didn't use harden on Vette yeah he didn't harden up you went softer all right rocky girl wants the battle one coughing took us out oh boy revenge is ours revenge is ours no hesitation self-destruct no hesitation you think Bugsy was a boy or a girl at first honestly I still don't know fitting shadows yo Bugsy my boy boy boy okay Bobby's got a metapod this is gonna be a tough one Josie oh it's gonna be an easy Jim battle today Scyther I think the biggest thing he knows is like fury cutter but we should be fine speaking of Wow it did so much damage getting strong just-so fury cutter loses its effect I think it's best to switch our ledian might not have been the best idea might be a potion moment in fact it is a potion moment the potion we're gonna pushing it up please miss epitope [Music] god fury cutter is strong when it gets up there alright three wideouts let's see what we got what do we got for Bugsy come on be good be good [Music] Sentret all right and an organized lane wheel baby all right you're about to evolve that oh my that's about to evolve level 16 gonna will evolve into a bay leaf second badge all right you guys want to go catch another Pokemon let's do it let's see what the old rod fishes up Goldeen level 10 Goldeen that's pretty good let's just throw a ball at it and see if it works I see like a few people asking for a bee [Music] but there it is Abbi the Goldeen all right let's see what okay that looks like the HP is a bit messed up let's ignore that it'll probably fix itself all right we get to fight the man now oh hey Josie yeah that's pretty good yeah okay that's actually super good you should be able to take this out Aurora beam should carry pretty hard I think Josie's got this handled Josie has got this hand Josie doesn't have this handled yet does he woke up a gold Aurora beam basically it looks the same as Lucas arrow blast we're good we're good lava heck you ever-changing go Vette ignore Abbey I believe Abby will fix itself after this battle no it's a togepi metronome baby reversal and it amiss arrow blasts in it myths please vet does his something [Music] strange he hits the string shot egg ba any mrs. egg bum and we're burned [Music] he's just doing his best please just do one piece of damage that is not damage Aurora beam critical head good job Josie how many clutch okay the man's about to use ooh bad goodbye goodbye Zoo better go home the man has been defeated let's go I hate the weak well let's say it yourself then God oh I'm gonna check the I'm gonna check that Abby is fixed now okay we saved let's check Abby oh look Abby is feeling fresh you know what we need Abby to level up let's level up Abby Scizor all right obviously making some powerful choices happy though we yet found a revive all right Abby by your bun she knows fire punch already Abby is so good happy though calm down Abby you're too strong oh my lord everything that Abby turns into is just powerful after powerful Pokemon got hm1 now any time we need to use cut we need to teach it to a Pokemon so let's do that put it up hm cut yes all right let's go fight a Pokemon battle have you pop it on Abby is so strong try and teach cut now dang it we'll do it again let me teach cut to a Pokemon yo Abby it's always a B dude I don't know what to say a Kingdra a Snorlax like power alright I think we get to get another egg now from the daycare a be turned into a chikorita now my goodness AB you could take that look at happy go we gotta used potion on Abby that we're good Abby doesn't want to hit a move until it hits the crib all right look at this fight razor leaf crit this is gonna be great [Music] it's going to be a crit it's going to be a grip [Music] it's gonna be a crit it's gonna be a crit it's gonna be crit [Music] it's a great a bu genius what did I tell you what'd I tell you Facebook ones with my wife you see we were shocked to find an egg how incredible is that when you like this egg got the odd egg got a go number one it's gonna hatch soon all right and it needs more time though let's just try the gym let's see if we can do it you got this Abbi I believe all right you know have you Scott this love love from Abby [Music] know what Abby did a real good job there against a level 18 snubbull that's some power pursuit [Music] take enough grit to that nice I think it's the gym leader next get one more that can handle like an analytic you're a magic Evette you're not a magic card you're better than that that I believe that will be something powerful like a chuckle [Music] I'm thinking withdraw okay disabled withdraw odd core hey hey now we're gonna wrap and constrict it all the way down it gets hit with our app we constrict release from wrap okay we're gonna withdraw it's gonna disabled again encore has ended the Encore is continued chuckle is powerful it's a powerful and it's in its brain alright not physically strong but it can force this Jigglypuff to do nothing this is gonna be a long battle it's like just an anime batter well they're just staring each other down but my stairs are slightly more menacing wearing down its psyche please tell me there isn't another Pokemon after this this is a long fight [Music] it's in the red wake up sorry it's just I just too tired all right on to the next Pokemon here we go it has two more Jigglypuff's wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay Wartortle everyday Aerodactyl will do the trick I think we picked up a revive now let's hope the Aerodactyl has an attacking move waiting attack [Music] just a bee one image but oh let's go take it out come on Abbi Abbi crit crit please please please please [Music] so that's good it's fine we got vet in the back it was a high rule at least this isn't even the gym meter good we are free heat that took far too long don't make Whitney cry you can't tell me what to do but bury bet it's time to shine baby literally here's what we're gonna do Abby is gonna paralyze we're gonna paralyze the mill tank so roll out never gets very strong right we're gonna twister for the flinch of the paralysis stop is fine it shouldn't take us out oh my god it almost took us out No [Music] my god is it strong no no that's discovery yeah egg you guys what i hatch the egg what's the Gumby what's it gonna be it's a togepi all right and this one we are naming max for sir max all right let's go do that Jim Barry all right what do we got what is a bee not bad making that cash all right I was a crit house I had it at this point we might as well weaken it just so we can take it out with a next Pokemon I should know I'm not attacking move see very strong attacking move okay send in Josie [Music] yo wait a minute no you can't sketch metronome I was like that gives us cross job I thought he was just cross shop or metronome or something you know that's good that's good hey that's the end attack nothing's gonna roll out doesn't matter if it roll out it's gonna miss it's never gonna get a strong rollout going it missed alright well switch his max in and see if max can take it max goo nice there's nobody attacking us you did a good max good job 50% at school I think we've done it I think we've done it we haven't done it yet [Music] nevermind we haven't done it it knows the milk drink come on give the high roll get the high roll come on stop drinking your own milk that's not how milk is supposed to work dude where's waiting for a crit it's slowly like sometimes gaining HP so this is our life now please please crit crit it's a crit do you mean you I mean you know you just did get that playing badge cuz he's basic I got into Pokemon cuz everyone else likes it alright where do we even go now we talk to her listen listen listen when sprinkle water sprinkled on the tree density of Pokemon now we need to go all the way back to her sis a little backtracking get that water bottle oh my good news you're better than this gym leader I'll let you have a drink of water Pokemon logic it's a classic all right we're saving we're catching this sudowoodo all right so weird trees a square bottle yup look is little dance the weird tree it's hands level 20 all right handle that Oh bad hypnosis no supersonic dome supersonic yes we can bite low kick it's not gonna do much excuses great boss hopefully it works one two three first try it's gotta be Logan I Logan welcome to the party Mordy the gym leader is absent sorry but you'll have to leave you just pushes me out so aggressive I will go to the burnt our you know Morty my man best to get the tower huh investigate max I like your new look buddy it's good you've been working out damn it's gonna soften up now you think none nah he's gonna turn into a even stronger fighting-type pokémon hi robe the man wants to battle he sends out hunter yeah well guess what I got I got max the Diglett and because this is gem too I can magnitude your hunter with max and it's an eight Oh max good job man max looks different but he definitely didn't soften up will I change you up what do we got let's see what Logan can do Logan's first time in a battle let's see what Logan has it's gonna be powerful look at that muck poison gas pound into hardened so strong we got two Zubat down all right Abbi let's see what you got Happy's gonna be an N take calling it now but old poison-type been tazed a antes just a small boy thundershock he's gonna thunder shot me we're not gonna get confused and Abby will take out this Magnemite because Abby cannot be stopped Radek 8u Radek 8 so good on my first ever played through of Gen 2 I solo run with eradicate I'm not even kidding I solo run dirt with eradicate as a kid Radek eights are legit good just got eradicated all right Jim time see what Morty's got leader Morty wants to battle all right max you know what you must do and it dynamic punch misses because it doesn't affect it okay how much time till you leave for like 20 minutes [Music] we've got use Haunter yes we will switch mr. mime maybe come on mr. mime Hypno's pretty good confusion nice that gained that leader mores about to use Gengar while I switch Pokemon absolutely let's see what Abby's got Abby's a Grandal we bite yes let's go bite special that's a problem you know what bet confused the heck out of them dude do we have anything that can wake us up do we have like an awakening not sure gonna try and use dream eater we're gonna send it Logan uncle on court heiio now we can go back to vet and let it get him to wake up yeah now we can disable hypnosis once we wake up [Music] everybody never mind what does encore do it forces them to use the same move over and over again you know Shadow Ball - that's gonna do not very much though right oh never mind this fights gonna take a few tries so all up to you little buddy it's all up to you I know you can do it little man you had no chance very young [Music] all right let's go again max be the champion we need yo Thank You max let's go max out here with the mad Flex what's he got curse there we go bow to use Gengar will I switch we need to switch yeah I know everything goes alright vet let's see what you got and it's the teddiursa how adorable with lick though vet is gonna take up this Gengar with a lick on a dead ears man yup he's licking him to death he tastes so good we get the paralysis and he is paralyzed but we just need media paralyzes we have speed now yo fully paralyzed [Music] then out here dude IMAX finish this off let's get this patch oh my goodness easy Thank You max really pulling his weight there for really the first time mag started pulling weight fourth badge blowing this way now I feel like we're under level just because we have such a diverse we have six Pokemon almost max gained in a level it's what we'd like to see what max is evolving oh my god max is evolving this is so truly incredible a flappy whoa let's check out max whoa what a cool flappy Wow gotta love those flappy's on it's so strange how we're going up to the fifth gym and our Pokemon are like level 20 it's a dunk crabbie crabbie v abby would win but a tailwhip and we're gonna double slap it down Crabbie's looking so extra with those two extra letters come on get out of here you know you want to be me slimmer better in every way a higher level more HP more exp get out here give them a little slap slap crabby be a bee okay we have already determined who is the better one Logan let's see what you got it is crowded yo ditto crabby V crabby let's go who would win now crabby V crabby that's why don't Oh crabby would win yes bi we made it to the top that's the prayer understand there's a wonderful pharmacy in cyan woods that's across the sea I can do that and I guess it's time to teach you one of our Pokemon surf let's do it I get to keep surfing after the battle it still surfed somehow I don't understand how it works but it definitely still surfs after the battle a Pokemon is a be Billy cipher they're like the one that's named Abby is the one that's Abby you can't ask which Pokemon is Abby because it's always random Abby is every Pokemon and no Pokemon at the same time I think I need to go around this way to get to this Sian wood yeah there we go sign would say let's photograph egg [Music] apparently doesn't want to photograph my egg I don't want his business let's go for it let's go for it no saving no nothing I'm not choosing this but not soft resetting you know that's that's pretty good Wow look at this move set psybeam Aurora beam bubble beam my good that's good because he learns all the beam moves [Music] hell yeah that's gonna do a lot like a lot though good confuse him or something okay I don't think there was any reason to save him hey Logan looks like he's a flying-type crobat hey that's kind of disappointing but that's okay we have confused right we can deal with that what no sir I thought gonna do much so right [Music] hey he is level 30 be fine put you in a B okay you're annex a B Logan's going down I guess Abby's going in next happy what you got you got a super effective move let's go [Music] yikes yeah you did your best a B side attack mind-reader oh no it's for dynamic punch God my neuter is too good and the confusion with dynamic punch right I gotta go for the sand attack no how did he want those 50% I tell what by accident it didn't matter yet another dynamic punch it's fifty percent accurate how is he hitting these things it's amazing yo wait a minute a bird that can learn strength I think that's a ho ho ho Oh baby now what's better sacred fire or gusts you guys are telling me gusts but we got a sacred fire Plus that is a 50% chance to burn - yeah let's test what you guys said [Music] how much discussed dude is it like 20 damage I don't know we're gonna switch out yes we're gonna change to Josie because Josie is definitely a mute - Josie's told Liam you - without a doubt you two [Music] it has it evolved yet Abey Abey with the Machamp again let's go you know come on Abby can take a physical hit Abby can take those but Abby doesn't like being confused [Music] yes crippled [Music] yes amidst the dynamic punch wants oh my god or was that hypnosis I don't know and mr. moon in mr. dynamic punch I've confused Oh Lord the karate chop again a bee with another crit and if there's something that's alright that's alright max with the maximum power all right all right all right let's stop delaying the inevitable just this guy to another dimension blowing them away Oh max coming in clutch leader Chuck was defeated WA lost all right so get fly now please have a pokémon that can learn fly hey Josie fly yo wait do we have two starters right now got a little Ivysaur action going on it's gonna hatch soon got a Blastoise then I feel like that's something pretty good to go into the gym with olivine he's never gonna hatch it's gonna hatch in ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one and hatching oh it's hatching here we go what's it gonna be it's a tie robe given the nickname yup all right this one I have said it's gonna be MJ for a while MJ egg BAE it's all yours buddy hi jasmine Magnemite Magnemite SAR gonna be the biggest issue really MJ has got this he's got dizzy punch Abi's God this now I know Thunderbolts what was this this is crystal pick roof who's max again Oh a grand bull what am I even supposed to do I guess I'll lick it try and paralyze it I'm very underleveled yeah we might need to fight some trainers okay now it's just a game of luck or or a game of lick none of that a little bit more damage Logan in there all right yes we'll just do this for a bit [Music] we did thunder wave does not do anything to me I was thunder wave missing doesn't it have a 100 percent accuracy second-gen you can't paralyze a grass-type no really I had no idea that grass couldn't be paralyzed that's so weird I had no idea about you stealing why change both ones let's see what you got bent let's see what you got T wave is 70 percent of this gen oh okay 100 percent the future alright surf on him please work we're faster pretty sure special offense is pretty pretty terrible so it should do a good amount half and he goes for the screech yeah all right [Music] now we just gotta go against the Magnemite well I've changed Pokemon absolutely MJ I believe in you if anybody can do it MJ can can stall for time as I use a paralyzed heel on my other Pokemon alright paralyze heel there we go Logan perfect good job MJ you did good hi Josie's next [Music] yes I'm actually gonna send an event on this now that it's sleeping I killed my baby so worthy sacrifice okay serve it up I have nothing for steel types little next battle I might I got a dirt nap now oh good stuff sprites in this game are so they did such a good job with sprites GM seems more polished in newer generations here's the thing when they made this game they made this game thinking it was going to be the last Pokemon game so they'd like it kind of went all out with it they will mahogany why do they think this was gonna be the last pokemon game because this was supposed to be the sequel to pokemon and long series like this didn't really happen all that often it was just a you know company that was just working on it you know this is the world record technically yeah it'll be a world record because it's the first time it's ever been done you know what I want them to make one day is just like a huge open world Pokemon that connects all of the regions together you know it's my concept for a really cool pokemon game I feel like I've talked about this in the past pokemon forest edition okay that's the working title all of the Pokemon professors are in like a conference together pokemon forest because they're all named after trees it's going through all their backstories how they grew up and you can go through each region by going through the lives of the the professor's growing up and learning their backstory like that would be such a cool pokemon game would it not cuz all of them were like trainers at some point are most of them were at least and that would like make sense it's story wise alright I think the red Gyarados is here there's the Red Boy no 30 oh god we're gonna get so crushed okay first things first thunder wave good stuff okay this is a good opportunity Ultra Ball please please please fine come on one two one two three one two three that's it give a nickname the Gyarados yes I said I was gonna name it Bryn no it's gotta be Brent oh I promised it would be brindle and draw brindle our newest champion let's see what Bruno's got we get one battle with the shiny Gyarados before it's a shiny something else let's see what we've got oh so good it's so good another alarm goes off why are we level thirty after seven hours max Phoenix because that's gen2 for you before to see you again okay see around Lance we're just gonna throw ourselves at it oh [ __ ] such a cool puzzle we're gonna find out the trainer's cuz we are severely under leveled by change Pokemon I don't think we need to yeah you know what I'm gonna switch cuz this is gonna be a Zapdos [Music] oh it's actually a Zapdos what are the odds what are the odds naive I was an easy battle alright I'm not even gonna switch around our party I think I'll be able to do a first try without having to worry about it all right old man you're ready to get hex a boot oh I guess it has absorbed and that really sucks we will win this fight as long as he keeps using ice you win but it's gonna take a long long time we're gonna leer I'm just gonna start scratching I guess oh my lord that is so much more yo or to create nice we are the seventh gym getting the seventh gym badge remember perfect yeah I didn't realize how fun pokmon challenges could be until I it was the one after fire red that I really started to see how fun they could be put one fire red was more of a patient's testing exercise or is with the regular like just challenges it's a lot of problem-solving it's just so fun this will be good and no super thing right it'll still be good Piper Fang foots and work alright check out this hyper Fang Bryn no can handle this like more Pokemon in the future I mean I'm gonna diversify a bit more as opposed look at that damage damage just so much I look fit you're scared of mice what can I say ba obviously we're a little bit frail dosey can handle it with an ice punch right yeah that's the seventh badge Thank You old man this is a good stopping point I've been here for eight hours I will be doing this next Wednesday that's the next day I'm doing this I feel space it out by a week you know give me some time to edit and stuff but thank you for watching we're gonna go rate D dangers he's probably doing something cool he's always doing something cool I'm sure
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,999,753
Rating: 4.8929524 out of 5
Keywords: Nuzlocke Randomizer, Randomizer, Randomizer Nuzlocke, pokemon, pokemon crystal, pokemon gsc, pokemon gold, pokemon silver, pokemon randomizer, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, pokemon speedrun, pokemon gen 2, pokemon crystal randomizer, pokemon only
Id: fWqZ811gj6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 52sec (2692 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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