Can You Beat Pokemon HeartGold Without Catching ANY Pokemon?

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- Greetings, Pokefans! Michael here, and it's finally time for another one of my Pokemon playthrough challenges, this time of Pokemon HeartGold. I apologize that it's been so long since I posted the last one, but forgive me, because these take eons to make. The rules for this challenge will be very similar, and in fact identical to the rules for my Platinum playthrough challenge. I am not allowed to catch any Pokemon, with catching being defined as throwing a Pokeball at a Pokemon, but other methods of obtaining Pokemon other than out-game-trades are still fair game. Therefore, the Pokemon that I obtain via whatever other methods I can find are the only Pokemon I can use for everything. Most playthrough challenges allow the use of extra Pokemon for the sake of progressing with HM's. But not for this one. If the Pokemon I can get in this playthrough can't learn the necessary HM's, it's just not possible to beat the challenge. By the way, if you don't like that this challenge is the same premise as the Platinum one, blame the people who voted in the poll for it. But real quick before we dive in, I'm super excited to tell you guys that I am selling what is probably my coolest merch design ever: this one! I unlocked Champion brand products on Teespring, so you can buy this awesome Galar-champion-jersey-inspired design on high quality Champion brand products. I'm calling this design A Champion Time, because I'm extremely funny. It is only available for a limited time though and once the window ends, it will genuinely never come back. So, if you want it, you have to get it ASAP. Link is in the description below. I know you're gonna want it, it's a dope design and the products are super high quality. But now that I've covered the intro stuff, don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell to turn on notifications, and let's dive in to find out if it's possible to beat Pokemon HeartGold without catching any Pokemon. The first Pokemon I can of course obtain is my starter. And I narrowed down my choice between Totodile and Cyndaquil because Chikorita's not actually a choice, because I am not a masochist. I went with Totodile for two reasons. The first is that in my only two previous Johto playthroughs I've picked Cyndaquil and I wanted to change it up. The second reason is that Feraligatr can learn a lot more HM's. With my no catching Platinum challenge, I meticulously planned out which Pokemon were necessary for which HMs at which time. But for this playthrough I didn't do as much planning. I just kinda looked at the Pokemon, like oh, how many HM's can it learn, several? That should be fine. Nothing of particular interest happened other than the first rival battle which was just like every other first-rival battle, until I reached Violet City, where I can now get three Pokemon. Oh yes, you heard me correctly. Without catching any Pokemon, I'm gonna have four members of my team before the first gym. In the Violet City Pokemon Center, there's a guy called Primo. He will ask you for two phrases to describe him using the easy chat system, and if you input correct phrases, he can give you rewards. Most of the rewards are PC box wallpapers, but he can also give you three eggs that will hatch into a Mareep, a Slugma and a Wooper. I didn't have to throw a Pokeball at these Pokemon to get them, so they're fair game. The phrases necessary to get specific awards are different for every save file, so I input my game's info into this wonderfully convenient site, got the phrases, and obtained all three eggs. After quite a bit of running around, I had eventually hatched all three. I named them Mareep, Woolliam, because that pun is hilarious, I named Wooper Wooperman because that pun is also hilarious, and I named Slugma Fast, because I guess in the moment I hoped that naming it that would impart that attribute unto it. Spoiler alert: it did not. I then grinded up Mareep and Slugma, but not Wooper. Since Wooper overlaps with Totodile in typing, I decided it was most useful to me as an HM slave, because Quagsire can learn five of the eight. It was then time to take on Falkner. Mareep made easy work of his Pidgey first. Thundershock then did about half to Pidgeotto, but then it used Roost, meaning my next Thundershock did less. My Static paralyzed it on its next attack though, allowing me to outspeed and KO it without needing to use any Potions. Gym one was done. Immediately after beating the gym, I am given my fifth Pokemon: the Togepi egg. I head south toward Azalea Town, and Togepi hatches quickly along the way thanks to Slugma's Magma Armor speeding up the process. I named it Gnocchi because I guess, the pasta kinda looks like eggs? But I didn't grind up the Togepi and actually just continued onward. While Togekiss was extremely useful to me toward the end of my Platinum challenge, in HeartGold I can't turn it into a Togekiss until after I get the National PokeDex which is just too late because Togetic really sucks. Besides, I can afford to not use it because I have more than one better Flying type Pokemon options coming later in the playthrough. Woolliam evolved into Flaaffy soon after hatching Togepi, and soon after I arrived in Azalea Town. I then dispatch Proton in the Slowpoke Well with relative ease, then take on Bugsy, intending to use my Slugma to wipe the floor with him. This turned out to be a more interesting battle than I was expecting. First off, he led with Scyther, which I was not expecting. It went for Leer while I went for a four times super effective Rock Throw, which disturbingly did less than half. Thanks to Leer, its next Quick Attack did more than half of my health, but Ember didn't KO it back, meaning it would KO me on the next move. However, my Ember was super clutch and burned it, meaning I survived the next Quick Attack and was able to finish it off with my next Ember. His Metapod and Kakuna were then trivially easy, and I won with just Slugma. Next was my rival battle with Filbert. Oh yeah, I think I forgot to mention that I named him that. It just popped into my head. That's the case for a lot of the names in this playthrough. Flaaffy took out Gastly but took some Curse damage in the process. Totodile easily took out Zubat. Then Slugma took out Bayleef but took several turns to do so because this stupid thing kept spamming Synthesis and my Embers kept getting just shy of KOing it. Next was Ilex Forest, and sadly I had to teach Totodile Cut because it was the only member of my party that could learn it. I arrive in Goldenrod, and Reptar evolves into Croconaw during the course of battling the surrounding trainers. Then after a bit of confusion as to where exactly he was, I found the man who gives me Kenya the Spearow, which I am supposed to deliver to his friend. Ah... nah. I commit grand theft Spearow and claim Kenya as my own. It's a great Pokemon to have which I know from experience using Kenya in my Silver playthrough, since it gains boosted experience points. But now my next mission is Miltank. What is probably the hardest gym battle in all of Pokemon, especially if you don't have access to a Fighting type, like I don't. Miltank's move set is already extremely rude. Two of its moves can prevent you from moving, one of them allows it to heal after she's run out of potions, and the fourth is rollout, which can get disgustingly strong. In addition to that, Miltank has a base stat total of 490, which is disgustingly high, especially this early in the game. In order to beat her, I have to basically, over level my Pokemon because, like I said, I don't have access to a Fighting type, I can't do the endgame trade for Matchup because I can't go catch a Drowzee. This is going to be a terrifying battle and I grinded up a lot in order to beat it. After my training, I take her on. Clefairy took a few Ice Fangs to KO, but overall I took it out with relative ease. Then she sends in the cursed Miltank, and I bring in Flaaffy, knowing that to beat it, I have to paralyze it. If I don't make the Miltank slower, it outspeeds my entire team. And that is something I can not deal with, because otherwise Stomp flinches will ruin my day. Additionally, paralysis making it occasionally not able to move is super helpful not just because it's nice for it to not move, but also because it can interrupt Rollout. Miltank immediately uses Attract, but thankfully my Thunder Wave gets through. Unfortunately, it immediately gets rid of the paralysis thanks to its stupid Lum Berry. Which, might I say, seems like an unfairly excellent berry to have this early in the game. The Pokemon's not even level 20 and it has a Lum Berry? I'm then immobilized by love, then flinch from Stomp. I'm forced to heal back up and take some damage on the turn, but then its next Stomp CRITS and KOs Flaaffy. Woolliam got in one final punch though paralyzing the Miltank with Static right before he fainted. Salute to you, Woolliam. What an incredibly clutch accomplishment of your mission. I then bring in Croconaw, hoping to flinch Miltank a lot with Bite. It does way too little damage though, as does Water Gun, and then I get Attracted. I switch into Kenya, which is risky because of Rollout, but I need it there for two reasons. The first is that Kenya cannot be attracted since it's female, and the second reason is that I can not whittle down this Miltank. Whittling it down bit by bit just means its gonna heal with Milk Drink or Potions. I have to get big hits on it, and since none of my Pokemon are strong enough to do so, I have to find another way. And that other way is Kenya's Leer. Kenya takes a big hit upon switching in, but thanks to full paralysis on the following turn, Kenya lands two Leers rather than just one. I then bring in Reptar, and over the course of the next eight turns, incredibly Miltank only gets to attack me once. I flinch it, I don't and it attacks, she heals it, I flinch it, I flinch it again, she heals it, I flinch it, I kill it, I win. I can not tell you how incredibly satisfying it was to give Whitney a taste of her own immobilization medicine. I never had that insane luck with flinches before and it was against the worst person in Pokemon, so it was great. After the whiny crying baby child, who should never have been given any position of responsibility, has to be reminded to give me the badge, I grab the watering can and KO the Sudowoodo. I then meet Bill in the Ecruteak Pokemon Center, then immediately head back to Goldenrod for two reasons: The first is that I forgot to get my bike, Oops. And the second is that now Bill will give me my next team member: an Eevee. I named it Riser as a reference to my intended evolution, Espeon. I came to this decision via a process of elimination. First, no Leafeon or Glaceon because there is no Moss Rock or Ice Rock in all of Kanto or Johto. The evolution is impossible. Secondly, I got rid of the original three eeveelutions because I already have their typings with other members of my team. So the decision came down to either Espeon or Umbreon. While Umbreon is helpful against Morty and Will, Espeon is helpful against a lot more. Also Morty because all his Pokemon are poison types, then against Chuck, then against Bruno in the league, and also against all of the poison types the Team Rocket has throughout the entire playthrough, of which there are a lot. Espeon is my decision and the name Riser references the rising sun. Unfortunately, evolving it is not fun. Freakin' friendship evolutions. Why is friendship so hard. Leveling a Pokemon up is a great way to increase friendship, but unfortunately I can't level up this Eevee too much. Espeon learns confusion at level 15 and Eevee does not. So I have to evolve it before level 15, because otherwise Espeon won't learn a psychic type move until Level 36 and that's just not gonna fly. So, how did I increase it's friendship without leveling it up too much? Simple, I gave it a ton of haircuts. I get it a haircut from one of the haircut bros in the Golden Rod Underground, save and quit my game, move the game's clock forward a day, then get another haircut. I repeated this until the friendship lady told me it was high enough, then gave it a couple levels and thankfully it worked. And I now have an Espeon, which by some miracle is not bald. Hard to believe it still has hair after the 15 haircuts I gave it. Oh, by the way, at some point during this process Kenya evolved into Fearow. It only had to grow one level to do so, so there you go. After catching Riser up to the rest of the team, I took on my rival in the Burned Tower. Espeon easily dispatched his Gastly and Zubat, but Bayleef took even longer than last time to defeat due to Slugma not hitting hard enough and it spamming Synthesis to a disgusting degree. It took burning it and Slugma getting poisoned to finally end my suffering. He then brought in Magnemite, which Slugma lost to because it hurt itself in its confusion three consecutive times. Slugma! Dude! WTF! How did you lose to a Steel type that's a lower level than you? You know what, I take it back. The confusion hacks, that was unfair. There's no way you're gonna continue to lose to Pokemon you're strong against that are lower level than you, right? Right? Espeon thankfully took care of the Magnemite without much issue right afterward. So after that battle of dominating my rival... mostly, I was feeling pretty confident with Espeon. I'm thinking I'm just gonna bust into Morty's gym, outspeed and OHKO all the poison ghosts in there using my base 130 special attack stat and it's gonna be great. I...underestimated him. While I did exactly that to his Gastly and first Haunter, his Gengar was faster than I anticipated. It outsped and OHKO'd Espeon easily with a Shadow Ball. I brought in Croconaw to try to use Bite to my advantage, but Gengar nearly OHKO'd it and Bite did only about a third. I switched in Kenya to absorb a Shadow Ball, hoping to do big damage with neutral Aerial Ace. Gengar then trapped me with Mean Look, then put me to sleep. I healed the sleep away because I thought it had Dream Eater and was afraid of that, but then Gengar used Sucker Punch, which of course failed. It put me back to sleep, then Sucker Punched me successfully while I was mashing Aerial Ace trying to wake up. And that's when it clicked. I have seen his Gengar use Shadow Ball, Hypnosis, Mean Look, and Sucker Punch. That means if I don't go for an attack, this Gengar literally cannot hurt my Fearow. So while asleep, instead of mashing Aerial Ace, I mashed Leer. Within just three turns due to Sucker Punch's low PP, Gengar was out of ways to hurt Kenya. KOing it took awhile due to it putting me to sleep over and over again, but eventually after landing two Leers, Kenya woke up and finished off Gengar with an Aerial Ace. Who would have thought that Leer would save me in two gym battles in a row? His second Haunter took a bit to KO due to Curse forcing me to switch to Flaaffy which then got trapped and KO'd. But Fearow was able to come back in and clean up. Morty was done. Now that I've beaten Morty, I teach Croconaw Surf by getting the HM from Dance Studio. It's not the ideal move since it's a physical attacker, but still quite good in the meantime. I make my way to Olivine, fight through the lighthouse, and receive Jasmine's request for medicine. I surf to Cianwood and almost immediately take on Chuck at the gym. I Aerial Ace with Fearow, which does big damage on PRIMEAPE, but doesn't OHKO. It goes for Double Team, which I don't care about since Aerial Ace can't miss. Him healing up and two Aerial Aces later, Primeape is down. Next is Poliwrath. Turn one, it goes for Focus Punch, which I stop with Aerial Ace. Turn two, I Aerial Ace again, and it misses a Hypnosis. Turn three, and it's over. This was probably the easiest gym battle I've had so far. I didn't take a single hit. Afterward, Chuck's wife gives me Fly, which I immediately teach to Fearow. I then find a man who wants me to borrow his Shuckle named Shuckie for awhile to let it see the world before returning it to him. I immediately boxed it and never gave it back. I then took some trips with my new Fly power to collect some HMs that I missed, those being Strength and Rock Smash. I taught Rock Smash to Wooper, but then realized that it has to be a Quagsire to learn Strength. And I attempted to grind it up to evolve it, but it was too slow without the Experian Share especially, so I decided to just wait to do that until I had the Experian Share. I gave the medicine to Jasmine and now have the ability to challenge her, but decided not to because her Steelix was five levels higher than my highest level Pokemon, and my Slugma, my only answer for her Magnemite, was under-leveled. However, giving her the medicine now allows me to travel west from Cianwood along Routes 47 and 48, which side note, have probably the best route music in all of Pokemon. The trip was mostly uneventful, other than this battle with this pair of Ace Trainers which I almost lost because this Electabuzz outsped everything and did massive damage and my team really cannot handle electric types well at all. Oh, also I battled this young couple whose Pokemon were an Onix and Cloyster. Oh, my. I arrive at the Safari Zone gate, but dare not enter in case I'm forced into a mandatory tutorial. That may not exist, but I didn't want to risk it. Now that I can fly back here, I make my way east from Ecruteak over to Mahogany, then up to the Lake of Rage. I encounter the Red Gyarados and KO it, because I'm not allowed to catch it. I've intentionally run from shiny Pokemon before in Let's Go and I think the Ultra Wormholes, but I think this might be my first time ever intentionally KO'd a shiny Pokemon. Maybe I did it to an Ultra Wormhole Shiny at some point, but I still think this might be a first for me. Beating it gives me the Red Scale, which I take to Mr. Pokemon and swap for the Experian share. Grinding Wooper and Slugma up now will be much easier, which I go do in the patch of grass just south of the Safari Zone gate. Part of the reason I wanted to go to this side route area is because the Pokemon in this grass patch are the highest level Pokemon available to me at this point in the game. I do a good chunk of grinding here. God, I been saying that a lot and it's going to continue because, dear God, there's so much grinding in this playthrough. And during this, Reptar evolves into Feraligatr. I evolved Wooperman into Quagsire as well, finally able to teach it Strength. I then cleaned out the Rocket Hideout back in Mahogany and was very amused by this Murkrow mimicking Petrel's voice. I had totally forgotten about this scene since I don't believe it's in the original Gen 2 games. During my fight through the hideout, Woolliam evolved into Ampharos. I now was feeling confident enough to take on Pryce and Jasmine, going for Pryce first. Ampharos made easy work of Seel, then Piloswine came in and I sent out Feraligatr. This fight took a little while due to lots of healing on Pryce's part and Feraligatr took a lot of damage due to a few Mud Bombs and Hail, but Reptar eventually won out. Pryce's last Pokemon was Dewgong, which Ampharos handled with two Thunder Punches. I went straight to Jasmine's gym, leading with Slugma to counter her Magnemites since it's really my only Pokemon that can handle them. Then her Magnemite outspeeds and OHKOs Slugma with a Thunderbolt, without even critting it. Dude! Slugma! You had one job! I spent a good chunk of time grinding you up for the sole purpose of defeating Jasmine's Magnemites, because every single one of my other Pokemon is either weak to Electric or only has moves that Magnemite resists. And you just die immediately? Whoever decided that Slugma, this very weak Pokemon should not evolve until Level 38 deserves to have to use a Slugma on a playthrough team. If I had known it would be this bad going in, I might have chosen Cyndaquil and just used Quagsire as my water type. I'm now in a tough spot due to what I just said about how my team handles Magnemite, but I send in Espeon who can only hit Magnemite with resisted hits, but it does have Synchronize which works with paralysis on electric types in this gen, so even the Magnemite paralyzes it, I will do so right back. Unsurprisingly, she Thunder Waved me immediately, and while I confused it with a Confusion, it didn't hurt itself. It didn't matter though, since after three total Confusions, Magnemite number one was down. Out comes Magnemite number two. I used a Paralyze Heal so that I could Synchronize paralyze this next one as well. Its Thunderbolt almost KO'd me though, so I was forced to heal two turns in a row. I can then go for an attack, and it finally Thunder Waves me, paralyzing us both. A few Confusions later and I KO'd it. Finally was her Steelix, which oddly enough, was the easiest Pokemon for me to handle. Feraligatr took it out with two Surfs. After the battle, I learn about Team Rocket taking over the Radio Tower. During this process I meet Filbert in the underground and take him on once again. Ampharos beat Golbat after a bit of confusion and flinching annoyance. I send in Slugma against Sneasel, which does more than half damage to Slugma, but Slugma only does about a third in return, so I'm forced to switch. Slugma, a solid mass of lava, would have lost to an ice type if I had not switched. Why is this Pokemon so bad? Feraligatr is almost able to KO Sneasel, but before it can he switches to Meganium. I bring in Fearow, who absolutely destroys it with a crit Fly. Next up is Magnemite, a Pokemon that's been the bane of my existence this playthrough, and I decide to give Slugma another chance since this Magnemite is weaker than Jasmine's. It paralyzes me instead of attacking, and Ember almost OHKOs. Its sonic boom isn't enough to KO me and Slugma finally does something good. Espeon OHKOs his Haunter, then Feraligatr finishes the job against Sneasel ending the battle. I fought through the underground and the other parts of the tower until reaching Ariana, because Proton was a pushover. Espeon beat Arbok but got paralyzed in the process. Ampharos then beat Murkrow easily, and then I tried to use Slugma to beat Vileplume, but Ember did less than half to this grass type. After being put to sleep and hit by some Acids, Slugma lost. Espeon came in, finished the battle. So let's recap. Slugma has lost to two different Magnemites, would have lost to a Sneasel if I did not switch it, and lost to a Vileplume. The Vileplume was the final straw. After that happened I decided I'm not using Slugma at all anymore until I can evolve it. I'll just grind it up later. The battle against Archer wasn't too bad. Feraligatr beat Houndour and Espeon beat Koffing, but Houndoom got a bit tricky. Faint Attack got Reptar too low for comfort due to previous damage from switching in on Houndour. Its next Bite crit and did a lot, but Reptar survived the next Faint Attack, finished off the Houndoom with Surf. Team Rocket is now officially no more. I can now head east from Mahogany through the Ice Path and the only thing of note here was finding the Waterfall HM, which I can teach to Feraligatr so it has a physical water type move. I can do so as soon as I reach the move deleter in Blackthorn, which I use to finally get rid of Cut and replace it with Waterfall. But now I have to grind...again. Clair's team is around Level 40 and my team is in the mid to low 30s, especially considering that I have no super effective damage for her strongest Pokemon, Kingdra, I have to be generous with my levels. So, back to the grinding. During this grinding I finally got Slugma to evolve into Magcargo, but I didn't grind it past level 38 since I only planned to use it against Clair in an emergency. Once I got the rest of my team to Level 40, I could finally take on Clair. She led with Gyarados, forcing me to switch to Ampharos. Dragon Rage was no problem though, and one Discharge later, it was down. Ice Fang almost OHKO'd Dragonair, but it held on and paralyzed me. On the turn she healed, I healed the paralysis, hoping for a better damage roll on the next turn, but I got a worse one and was paralyzed again. I healed the paralysis again, took a Dragon Pulse, and KO'd it the next turn. The next Dragonair was much easier to deal with since my Ice Fang was a critical hit, OHKOing it. Next was Kingdra, who I brought Ampharos back in for. I immediately healed the previous damage from Gyarados as Kingdra went for Hydro Pump, which thankfully did less than half. I barely lived another one and paralyzed it. I then decided to fire off Discharges until I fainted, but after one turn, I changed my mind and healed again. After a few turns of back and forth, Clair sadly used a Full Restore. However, my next Discharge immediately paralyzed it once again, which was wonderful. I followed up with a Thundershock as to not get it so low that she healed again, then finished it off with Discharge. Clair was done, and I now have all the Johto gym badges. Well, I would if Clair wasn't a sore (bleeping) loser. I chase her to the Dragon's Den, prove myself worthy with a quiz, and finally get the badge from Clair. I can now get two more Pokemon, the first of which I get by exiting the Dragon's Den and going right back in. The elder gives me a Dratini with extreme speed, which I named Yowza. I don't know why. However, despite having this Dratini, at this point I didn't intend to train it up. Dragonite is of course amazing, but it doesn't become a Dragonite until level 55, which is five levels higher than the highest level Pokemon in the Pokemon League. It would just take way too long and it would be overkill and Kenya's been doing pretty solid as a flying type so I decided if I was going to train this Dratini up I was gonna wait until I had access to higher level Pokemon. But the other new Pokemon I can get right now, I do intend to use. I head to Mt. Mortar and climb the waterfall that I could not climb before. After navigating through the labyrinth of the back rooms, I find the karate King. After easily defeating his Pokemon using Espeon, he gifts me a Tyrogue. After a bit of research, I decided I wanted to evolve this Tyrogue into Hitmonchan. It's coverage with the elemental punches is fantastic and I just figured that would come in a lot handy. I did have to spend quite a pretty penny on Irons though to raise its defense before evolving it, but it was worth it. I named the Tyrogue "Montage" for one very specific reason: it's now time to start training Montage. After a disgustingly long amount of time grinding, Hitmonchan is now at the same level as the rest of my team. I head to Ecruteak and defeat all of the Kimono girls before being awarded with the incredible honor of climbing the Bell Tower for a chance to capture the legendary Pokemon Ho-Oh. And I freaking crushed him! Hah, suck it you overgrown chicken! You call yourself a legendary? My booty you're a legendary, you went so easy! I can now make my way to the Pokemon league. The victory road had no trainers until my rival challenged me towards the end. Hitmonchan first obliterated Sneasel. Fearow easily defeated Kadabra. Magneton proved a bit annoying since Hitmonchan missed two attacks in a row, and then he withdrew it for Golbat. That forced me to bring in Espeon, who easily defeated Golbat, then Haunter right afterward. Meganium was pretty annoying with its usage of reflect to drop my attack power, poison powder to hurt me, and synthesis to heal. I eventually resorted to using Fearow's Leer, and after two of those plus reflect wearing off, Aerial Ace OHKO'd it. His last Pokemon was Magneton, which Hitmonchan finally got to KO. My next task is to defeat the Pokemon League, and guess what, more grinding's necessary. I know some people think that the newer Experian share introduced in gen six makes the games too easy... No, no, it just removes the incredibly annoying aspect of grinding in the Pokemon games, which is wonderful. Dear God, I wish that had been in this game. I grinded my team members to different levels depending on how easy the grinding was. For example, Feraligatr could easily OHKO everything in the victory Road, so I got it up to level 50 in a reasonably short amount of time. But Magcargo sucked at everything it tried to do, so I just stopped grinding it at like level 41. The rest of my team was somewhere between level 44 and 50. Now that that was done, it was time for me to take on the Pokemon league, starting with Will. First, Ampharos took out Xatu number one. I then tried to use Magcargo to beat Jynx, but, surprise, that didn't go very well, so I brought in Espeon to finish it off. Ampharos then easily took out Xatu number two, Exeggutor, and Slowbro. Next up was Koga. Fearow took out Ariados after taking a bit of damage. I brought in Espeon against his Muk, but I foolishly tried for future sight on the first turn instead of going for Psybeam. Muk's Gunk Shot did a lot of damage, but I stayed in expecting my next attack to OHKO. Unfortunately it did not, and Espeon went down. I then brought in Magcargo, and Koga surprisingly did not heal his Muk. Therefore Magcargo's next attack knocked out the Muk, and it wasn't long before it knocked out his Forretress too. Magcargo actually did something good! Isn't that weird? After that, Fearow took out Venomoth and Ampharos took out Crobat, thus defeating Koga. Next up was Bruno, and it was the easiest fight of the league. Espeon first took out Hitmontop. Then Feraligatr took out Onix. Fearow took out Hitmonchan, then Espeon took out Machamp and Hitmonlee. Next up was Karen, and may I just say that this image of her... Damn. First, Hitmonchan takes out Umbreon with two hits. Then Ampharos defeats Murkrow with ease. Houndoom was a bit rude by flinching Feraligatr with Dark Pulse, but after it foolishly Nasty Plotted instead of attacking again, Waterfall OHKO'd it. Fearow's Fly sadly was not enough to OHKO Vileplume, so we ended up healing on the same turn. The next turn I went for Aerial Ace to not get it in red again as to prevent her from healing, but the attack was a crit, so it OHKO'd this time. Her last Pokemon was Gengar, which Espeon outsped and OHKO'd getting Gengar redemption after losing to Morty's all that time ago. Finally was Lance. Ampharos had to take a hit from Gyarados but OHKO'd it with Discharge. He then sent out his strongest Dragonite, which is five levels lower than a Dragonite should be. Lance, what's going on, are you a hacker? And I sent out Feraligatr. Ice Fang wasn't enough to KO, but he locked himself into Outrage, which did less than half my health, so my next Ice Fang took it out. His next Dragonite was surprisingly somehow faster than Feraligatr despite the higher level one being slower, but thankfully hit Thunder missed because otherwise that would have been bad. My Ice Fang does about the same as it did to the first Dragonite, then on the next turn when he heals, I attack again, this time landing a crit and OHKOing it. He sends out his final Dragonite, which is again somehow faster than the level 50 one. He paralyzes me, and I again am just shy of OHKOing it with Ice Fang. He heals, and I attack again. He Hyper Beams, which Reptar incredibly survives. It then breaks through paralysis and finishes off the Dragonite, meaning Reptar beat all three of Lance's Dragonites without needing any healing items. This playthrough has given me a newfound appreciation for Feraligatr. Ice Fang is incredibly helpful against Clair and Lance, so much so that I might change my opinion that Typhlosion is the best starter in HeartGold and SoulSilver. Typhlosion is absolutely still the best in the original gen two games since Feraligatr doesn't have Ice Fang in those games. But getting access to Ice Fang when there's two dragon type bosses is a big friggin' deal. In comes Aerodactyl and I bring in Ampharos, who barely survives a Rock Slide before firing back and OHKOing with Discharge. He then brings out Charizard, and I bring in Magcargo, who Charizard really can't do much damage to. Two Ancient Powers later, and Charizard goes down. I beat the last Pokemon of the Pokemon League with Magcargo. How's that for a plot twist? I am now officially the Pokemon League Champion using this team of which I caught none of, which is overall a pretty cool team. Now if it were up to me I would be done, but you guys overwhelmingly voted that I had to go all the way to Red so... Thanks. Kanto doesn't really have any plot other than like the little power plant stealing part thing, so for this next segment I'm really just gonna focus on describing the gym battles. Although I do wanna say I made the disturbing discovery that the Pokemon, the wild Pokemon in Kanto, are not higher levels! They're the same levels that they would be if you started your journey in Kanto, which is extremely stupid. It's a post game area, all the Pokemon should be higher levels. But, as soon as I saw that and realized that the only way I was going to get higher level wild Pokemon is by beating all eight gyms, I gave up on trying to level up Dratini. That was just gonna be too much work. It's a pseudo-legend, it's growth rate is slow, just ain't no body got time for that. First I took on Janine since she has the weakest team and I actually did this with a not-healed team because I was dumb and got too in the rhythm of beating the gym trainers that I forgot one of these Janines was actually the real one. First Ampharos took out Crobat. Espeon then took out Weezing, then Fearow took out Ariados. I then brought in a not-healthy Magcargo to beat Ariados since I felt it should get some reps and it did OHKO Ariados thanks to burning with Lava Plume. I healed it up to use it to beat Venomoth, but Sludge Bomb did 3/4 of it's health, so I let Magcargo fall to bring in Espeon safely, which then crit OHKO'd it. I then tried to make my way to Brock before coming to the horrible realization that literally the only way to Pewter City was through Diglett's Cave, which required the use of Cut on the other side. That means, unfortunately, I had to reteach Cut to one of my team members, and this time I taught it to Espeon. I deleted future sight since the only time I used it, it didn't go well. Next was Brock, which was not a difficult fight. Graveler was easily taken out. Kabutops proved to be a bit annoying for Hitmonchan, but he got the job done. Feraligatr then easily took out Rhyhorn and Onix, then Ampharos defeated Omastar. Next was Misty, who led with Golduck, which was easily dispatched by Ampharos. Quagsire was a bit annoying since I didn't have any super effective damage for it and it barely survived my second Fly. I Drill Pecked it twice before I let Fearow go down to bring in Espeon safely, who then finished it off. Ampharos then OHKO'd Starmie, and while Hitmonchan got big damage on Lapras, it put me to sleep. I switched to Ampharos to finish the job. Erika was next, and side note, I hated the interior of this gym. It was so confusing where I could move to the side and where I couldn't. I ran into the walls countless times. Erika led with Jumpluff, which I OHKO'd with an Ice Punch. Fearow OHKO'd Victreebel with a crit Fly after it set up the sun. To take advantage of the sun, I brought in Magcargo for Tangela, who did an annoyingly large amount of damage with Ancient Power before falling to Lava Plume. Bellossom then brought Magcargo to just one HP, but Lava Plume couldn't OHKO. I switched to Fearow, but then as I flew, Bellossom healed up with synthesis. Then my Fly missed, and Bellossom was back to full. Fly barely didn't OHKO, so of course she full Restores it. This time I go for Drill Peck once, then she heals again, I Drill Peck again, and hen again after living a Solar Beam, it finally goes down. Stupid pointless hula flower stupid little thing so resistant to dying. Why I can't keep plants alive, why can she? At this point, my team has leveled up a good chunk since the league, but I'm still afraid of Lt. Surge, 'cause as I've mentioned a couple times in this video, my team's got nothing for electric types. So I did a bit of research and discovered that I missed the Earthquake TM in the victory road, so I went and picked it up. I taught it to Montage, deleting fire punch and oh my god was that the correct decision! Hitmonchan single handedly swept through his entire team, OHKOing every Pokemon with either Earthquake or Close Combat. It was beautiful. Next was Sabrina, and I led with Espeon against her Espeon for a fun mirror battle I was sure I'd win since mine was a higher level. My Shadow Ball did most of her Espeon's health, but then hers did all of mine because it crit. I sent out Ferlaigatr who took a big hit before KOing it with Crunch. I hoped Reptar would survive a hit from Alakazam, but it surprised me with Energy Ball, which of course KOed Feraligatr. I brought in Ampharos and had to hit with Signal Beam four times due to berry and full restore healing before KOing it. But thankfully I only had to take one hit in the process. Mr. Mime took a long time to KO due to Light Screen especially, but eventually Ampharos got the job done. Next was Blaine. First was Magcargo, which was an easy OHKO with Surf, because as we discussed, most of the time Magcargo is garbage. Feraligatr OHKO'd Magmar but was burned in the process, nerfing his Waterfall power. I full healed the burn when he sent out Rapidash, then almost KO'd it with Waterfall after being hit by Bounce. Two hits later and it was down, winning me the battle. The final gym leader was Blue. I started by OHKOing Exeggutor with Signal Beam before it could set up Trick Room. Feraligatr then took care of Rhydon with no issue. Espeon hit Machamp with a Psybeam, barely lived a crit Stone Edge, then finished Machamp off. Arcanine's Intimidate forced me to use Surf instead of Waterfall on it, but that turned out fine because it crit OHKO'd. Ampharos then cleaned up by OHKOing Pidgeot and Gyarados. I've now beaten every gym in the game. And now comes the part of the game that has made me decide to never ever do a playthrough challenge of a Johto game again. After progressing through Kanto and beating all of the gyms, my team is now in the high level 50s. Red's team is entirely in the 80s. This enormous level gap is clearly intended to be shrunken over time. Go rematch the gym leaders, work on your Pokedex, beat the league with higher level Pokemon a couple times. You know? Just do other things until your team is finally strong enough to beat Red. But for me, someone who freakin' has a video deadline and needs to get this video out, it's freakin' stressful. But I did it. I suffered for my art, you're welcome. Side note, I should mention, I didn't actually realize that rock climb was necessary to reach red until Professor Oak gave me the HM and then I had a mild heart attack 'cause I was like "oh god, can none of my Pokemon learn this move? But thankfully both Feraligatr and Ampharos can learn it, so I just taught it to Ampharos. I grinded my team all up to about level 68 and I picked this number because I remembered in my original SoulSilver playthrough, the first time I ever played through the game, I beat Red with a team in the high level 60s. So I figured hey, that's probably good enough for this team too, right? It was not. Red's Pikachu outsped and OHKO'd three of my Pokemon immediately. This "incident" reminded me that my old team had a Golem, a Golem who does not care about Pikachu's quick attack into electric moves. And, yeah, Iron Tail is super effective, but Golem has huge defense and it's not a stat move from Pikachu. I'm assuming if I remember correctly, I don't know, that Golem just survived an Iron Tail then fired back with a stab earthquake that just obliterated the Pikachu. So that's part of the reason why I was better able to handle the Pikachu before. And also I had a Suicune and Lugia on my whole team so that probably played a role as well. Somehow though, I actually ended up making the battle kind of close via the use of a disgusting amount of healing items, including Max reviving more than once. Eventually it came down to just my Feraligatr versus his low HP Venusaur and half healthy Charizard. I went for Ice Fang expecting to finish off Venusaur then finish off the Charizard soon after, but Red used a full restore. Ice Fang didn't do nearly enough damage, and while I did make a last-ditch effort to max revive Magcargo since its moves were good against both Venusaur and Charizard, Venusaur put Magcargo to sleep, blasting it with sludge bomb soon after. I officially lost to Red. I'm having so much fun grinding, that's a lie! I go back in with a team now at level 75. This time Hitmonchan lives the hit from Pikachu and fires back with Earthquake, KOing it, but hail damage finished off Hitmonchan right after. I sent in Ampharos against Charizard. It got in a big hit with Flare Blitz, but I hit it back harder with a Discharge that KO'd it. Red then brings in Snorlax, and I bring in Magcargo to take hits while I Max Revive Hitmonchan, which I feel is necessary to beat Snorlax. Magcargo gets in a Yawn and a bit of damage before fainting, so when Hitmonchan came in afterward, it was free to Close Combat Snorlax into oblivion. He then brought in Lapras, which I decided to try and KO with another Close Combat, and while it came close, it wasn't enough. Lapras of course destroyed half-defenses Hitmonchan, but it allowed me to bring in Ampharos safely. I healed on the same turn he did. We exchanged hits, but since I was faster, my second Discharge defeated the Lapras. Next was Blastoise. I knew I needed a chance to heal Ampharos, so I sent in Feraligatr to tank hits while I healed it. I swapped Ampharos back in, which unfortunately ended up with lowered special defense thanks to Focus Blast. I went for Discharge, but the Blastoise's Blizzard froze me. Normally a freeze is a freak accident, but when you consider the fact that this is the fourth time he froze me, because he froze me three times in the first battle, I get a little cross with this ass hat. I have no choice but to switch, both to have a chance to heal up and to get my special defense back. I bring in Espeon and full restore Ampharos in the back. Espeon lives two Blizzards and has a chance to use Grass Knot, which gets Blastoise into red HP. Blastoise finishes off Espeon, and I bring a healthy Ampharos back in. Red of course full Restores, but now I get a free Discharge. He full restores a second time, and I Discharge again. Finally, he attacks instead of healing and I KO this stupid freakin' turtle. Last is Venusaur, and I leave Ampharos in to attempt to paralyze it. Unfortunately it puts me to sleep, but Ampharos wakes up immediately, landing the thunder wave. I get off some Signal Beam damage before Hail finishes Ampharos off. I bring in Fearow and go for Fly, which is thankfully enough to KO. Red is done, and I successfully beat HeartGold without catching any Pokemon. My takeaways from this challenge are number one: Feraligatr with Ice Fang is very good. Number two: Ampharos is incredible and a staple in any Johto playthrough. Number three: Magcargo and Slugma are garbage most of the time. This playthrough challenge was kind of fun, certainly more fun than the no new move emralds one 'cause I can make my team actually have good moves, but the grinding was excessive and exhausting. I think that's probably HeartGold and SoulSilver's biggest flaw is how much grinding is necessary. I've genuinely been having hand and wrist pain from how much I was holding the controller grinding. So I suffer for my art, appreciate me, damn it. Thanks so much to my patrons who are helping support me during this difficult time for YouTube ad rates. And also if you want to support me and get some cool merch go pick up the shirt, it's limited time, get it soon! The link is in the description. Alright, that's all I have for now. Till next time Pokefans. Gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 4,417,730
Rating: 4.8847179 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, is it possible to beat, pokemon challenge, can you beat, can you beat pokemon with only a, pokemon heartgold, pokemon soulsilver, pokemon heartgold soulsilver, hgss, generation 4, challenge run, johto, pokemon platinum, shiny fail
Id: WfOA0-ckYRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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