I Played Pokémon as the First Dark Gym Leader

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- It took Pokemon eight generations to introduce a Dark type gym leader. Or seven, if you count Nanu as a gym leader, but he's technically a Kahuna. And I thought that was too long. So I'll be taking matters into my own hands and becoming the first chronological Dark type gym leader in Pokemon Y version. And you may be asking why do it in Y version when I could do it in an earlier game? And that is because the Kalos region is the first region where I can pick an eventually Dark type starter. Welcome to the team, Froakie. You shall be my harbinger of Darkness. I would like to give my Pokemon a nickname. We're going to call our Dark starter Frogue, a rumored name for the final evolved form, because it's a frog rogue, which is very Dark. Oh, (sighs) I probably should also mention I informed them and that they should refer to me by my proper name, Dark Lord, because I am a master of the Dark. All right, my journey as a Dark type gym leader begins as I head out into the wilderness. Wilderness that I just looked up doesn't have any Dark type Pokemon for a little while. After a lengthy journey through the forest and, god, these people. As I was saying, after a lengthy trek through the forest, I have arrived unto the first obstacle in my journey to be the Dark type gym leader, a gym specializing in Bug types, which are my enemy. Which, actually now that I think about it, it's for the best, maybe, that I don't have actually any Dark types yet. But first we have to go shopping. I want to wear all black. All right, I now have a black hat. I will advance my outfit as we go along. All right, after fighting against the trainers in the nearby routes, it is time for me to fight the trainers in here and then leave and heal and then fight this gym leader. Alright, Viola, a user of Bug types. Bugs are disgusting. Surskit, you are incredibly rude for resisting my Water attacks. I'm not a fan, so we're just gonna lick, lick, lick you until you can't move anymore. That's fine, you can Water Sport all day. I do not mind getting wet. What, why would you do this? The Surskit is done, and here's a Vivillon, which I will pulse away with Darkness. I mean Water, we'll get Dark Pulse eventually. That could have done more, honestly. That could have done less, Jesus. (groans) That's fine, we've got this. One more turn. One more turn, yes! Yes! Darkness falls. Darkness actually didn't fall. Well, we get our first gym badge. Defeat the disgusting Bug type and Frogue evolves! Oh, that's wonderful! Ah, yes, you're beautiful, Frogue. One step closer to Darkness. Ha-ha, it is I, Current Tip Boy! Must you continue to do this? Absolutely I do. Anyways, I need your help with something. The spinning arrow panels in the hideout were malfunctioning yesterday and, well, I hit my head pretty hard. I think I might have some mild amnesia. Well, clearly you still remember me, along with your frustrating obsession with busting in during my videos. Oh, come on. I can never forget you, Geraldine. My name isn't-- I am here because I found this in my bedroom and for the life of me, I cannot remember what it is. But I do remember that you were the one who told me about it. Oh, that's the Kove Commuter 2, an amazing wireless speaker from the sponsor of this video, Kove. I've had mine for almost a year now and I really love it. It's my go-to speaker at home and on the go for music, audio books, and podcasts, and it easily pairs to my devices using Bluetooth. It is water resistant and has a built in microphone to take calls as well. You bought that one a while back after we discussed it. Wow, I bought something and didn't steal it? Man, this must be amazing. It feels really high quality, too, which is great. (screams) Relax, that's supposed to happen. It can split into two separate speakers to provide you with really cool stereo sound. It's like two speakers for the price of one. Oh, well, I'm glad we sorted that out without any overreactions. Let me try this. (Pokemon battle music) Wow, this sounds great. That it does. And viewers can get 67% off or more by heading to the link in the description below and using code MJP68, making it one of the most affordable, unique speakers I've ever seen. That's amazing! Hey, thanks so much for walking me through this. I think it helped clear up my amnesia. I'll catch you later, Geraldine, ta-ta. Wait, I don't think you're completely fixed yet, it, ugh, nevermind. Thanks so much to Kove for sponsoring this video, but now let's get back to it. Ah, I'm meeting Professor Sycamore for the first time. His long, dark hair is excellent. Oh, he's fighting me. Oh yeah, he's got three Pokemon. And I have one Pokemon. All right, handsome man. So handsome, ugh. I will defeat your Grass type, hopefully. Okay, I'm seven levels higher. I'm feeling pretty good. Oh, I Confused it! Smack yourself in the face. Smack yourself in the face, smack yourself in, dang it. We defeat the handsome man. My desire, it is for a more beautiful world. What about a world that is Dark? Oh my God, oh my God! I have stumbled upon a wonderful thing. Finally, a Pokemon other than just Frogue! Excellent! Welcome to the team! Finally, my first Dark Pokemon, that's just a fighting type? We're going to call this team member Roughneck, for right now, it is not Dark, but it will reach those heights soon. I have arrived in Cam (groans) town. I don't speak French. Well, somehow, despite the fact that I am on a righteous quest to become a Dark type gym leader, I am being sent on errands to fetch a float. The entrance fee will be $1,000 per person? That's evil. I respect it. I have to find this guy's Furfrou. Oh, I got the HM for Cut. If only I cared. (all scream) All right, I caught the stupid Furfrou. You're welcome, you rich, bad person, honestly. (laughs) I just saved Jeff Bezos's Furfrou. You know, I've never watched fireworks alone with a boy before. All right, we got the fricking flute. Oh, this guy plays the flute for me. Man, I coulda done it. (gasps) Inkay! And actual Dark type! Oh my God, yes! Wonderful. Oh my God. Look at it! Dark! It's beautiful, finally. I will call thee Aphoticus, named after the Aphotic Zone of the ocean, the zone of the ocean where giant squids live and sunlight doesn't penetrate, which means it's very Dark! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! There's also Absol on this route! This route is amazing. I might need a Great Ball for you. If I have to hit you. I hope I don't actually have to hit you. Okay. I might have to hit you. (gasps) Oh my God, that did a lot. Okay, okay. Yes, okay, whew. I will call him Azrael, after the Angel of Death, which is very Dark. Oh my God, a Sandile. This area's filled with Dark. All right, another Dark type! I shall name the Gharial, after the real world crocodilians with the really long, skinny snouts. And here he is, Grant, with his Amaura. Luckily, I have a Pokemon that decimates Rock-Ice types. (groans) Why do you do, ah, I hit through! Yes! You know, Roughneck, even though you're paralyzed, I bet you can beat this Tyrunt, too. Quit your stompin', aha! Ooh, that was good, one more! Nevermind. Stop stomping me. Oh no, why'd you have to crit me, we hit! And Roughneck gets the win. It seems skater girl wants to fight. Do I get, I better get a gym badge for winning this. Oh, she's got two Fighting types. Hope you don't use any special moves. Good Lucario, sir. That did way less than I needed it to. It should die in a Sand Tomb, right? I don't have priority. Yeah, okay, well. All right, Frogue, thank God I have you. (laughs) All right, I've got this, her second Lucario. I'll go with my not Dark type yet Pokemon, but it's Fighting. Boo-yah! Took me three Pokemon to do it, but I still did it. (gasps) Oh, Stunky! What an excellent Pokemon to find because it gives me a wonderful counter for Fairy types. Oh, okay, I gotta say, Conjure is pretty fricking fun. Every time it's like, "Oh, why you gotta drop my stats?" It doesn't drop them. (laughs) Let's go! And I've got a full team of six. They're not all six Dark types, but we're working on it. This Stunky shall be known as Pesticide for its main purpose will be to deal with Fairy pests. All right, I'm recording on a new day, so let's see if the clothing stock has changed. Oh, oh, that shirt is mostly black! Oh, it's kind of expensive. Don't know why they're charging so much for a Tierno shirt, but it's the price I pay for Dark type style. Excellent, my stylish Dark type outfit gets closer and closer. Oh my gosh, Gharial's evolving! Oh, that's so exciting! Excellent, bipedal Dark power! And Aphoticus is evolving! (claps) Yes! This adorable little squid will soon become the most evil-looking Pokemon on the team! (claps) Darkness! Well, now here comes the, one of the stickier parts of my quest to become not only the first Dark type gym leader, but the strongest gym leader, is the, well, it's the Fighting gym. (gasps) Roughneck, yes! My squad is one step closer to being entirely, powerfully Dark. All right, Korrina. You and your Fighting types, against all odds, will go down. I know this fake-outs me, fake-outs, me, fakes out me? Regardless, okay, it's over. Psybeam, the super effective move, is enough for an OHKO. Ooh, and she sends in her ace, the Hawlucha. Will my Psybeam be enough? Oh, it's setting up. I don't like that, I don't like that. How much did the Psybeam do? It's a two-hit KO! We can live one hit. (groans) Aphotic wins! Way to go, Aphotic! I looked up the pronunciation of the word and it's Aphotic, not Aphotic, which I guess makes sense, a photo without light, a, regardless. All right, one Pokemon left. One Psybeam should do it. Nevermind! (groans) Oh, we lived! It's got a higher attack now, but we KO it easily. She heals, okay, fine. This should be it! Nope, never, she heals, are you kidding? Now this should finally end it. And it does! Against all odds, the Dark type gym leader upsets the Fighting type gym leader using only one Pokemon. As a reward for my victory, I am being gifted the ability to Mega Evolve. However, the only member of my team that can Mega Evolve is Absol. And I have no idea where to get an Absol Mega Stone. It seems I'm being forced to use a Fighting type to progress in the game. That's fine. Ugh. Disgusting. Will I take Lucario with me? No. Ugh. Ugh. Finally, my desire for a full Dark team is finally being fulfilled! Frogue, the Greninja! My Dark type team is complete. Well, in the sense that I now have six Dark type Pokemon. They're not all fully evolved, but we're working on it. Oh, Fly. Yes, right, Fly. My team can definitely learn that. Serena wants to fight me. And Pesticide gets the win and it's enough to evolve! Okay, well, thanks, Serena! Yes, yes! We have Skuntank! Flame Thrower? What? All right, Ramos, I'm about to crush your brittle bones. Okay, that was too dark. Poison Jab! Wow, I'm over-leveled. Crushed it. Poison Jab. Didn't, wow, I didn't. Oh no. Okay, he Hyper Potion-ed. Okay, we got this, we got this. He Hyper Potions again, okay. More opportunities for a crit or a poison. There we go. That's a two-hit KO. Nevermind, I crit! (laughs) Into the power plant we go. All right, after several mind-numbing battles, I have reached the end of this quest with these stupid brightly-colored-wearing people. Why aren't you wearing all black? Oh, and I have to fight an admin first. This is just Mr. Worldwide. (farts) And we're back in Lumiose City. Quiz time? All right, after several mind-numbing quiz questions, it's time to get my fifth gym badge. Oh, and he sends out Emolga first. Crunch probably still does a lot though, right? Two hit KO with Crunch, sweet. All right, one down. All right, the Heliolisk is down. The thing is sturdy, so I'm just gonna heal to scope out what it's gonna use 'cause I know it's gonna take two turns for me to beat it. Mirror Shot, how much does this do? (groans) Sturdy is so annoying. It's fine, it's fine, Gharial can finish it off. Yes, Gharial, finish what you started. With some help from Roughneck, Gharial takes the victory. We have defeated the bright gym with Darkness. Oh, and how poetic. Gharial is evolving. And finally, with our new Krookodile, my team is fully evolved. I've made it to Laverre City (gasps) and there's a clothing shop. You know, I gotta say, I think we gotta switch to this hat. I'm fond of the other one, but this one has more black. And I'm a Dark type gym leader, I have to be styled out in all black, there we go. Still haven't found any black pants, though. All right, I'm here in Laverre City, which means it's time for the Fairy gym, ugh. However, if I'm able to defeat this gym, this'll be the last one that has a type advantage over Dark. All right, Valerie. Fairy type leader, ugh. Two-hit KO? That's all I'm asking for. One down, Mr. Mime. (laughs) Crushed it! Finally, Sylveon. Sylveon, you must fall. Oh, it didn't fall. Oh, but I poisoned it! Neutral, how much does this do? Oh, that did a lot! Oh, so close. It's fine, it's fine. I out-speed, she probably heals here. Hyper Potion, ha, I'm still gonna get poison damage. Better damage roll? Oh, poison kills! Yes, Pesticide succeeds with its namesake of crushing and obliterating Fairy pests. Yes, Valerie, give me my badge, for Darkness has proven superior. Why would I ever pick a Big Nugget over the Master Ball? What? Hello, Abomasnow. Wants to give me something. Abomasite? What about an Absolite? Well, I guess, why would an Abomasnow have an Absolite? But I would still like one. All right, it's a new day. It's time for more shopping. Okay, there's no black pants, but that V-neck! All right, absolutely an improvement over Tierno's shirt. All right, I'm here in Cyllage City, which took awhile to get to 'cause I had to go on foot 'cause none of my Pokemon can learn Fly. But I believe we're gonna get some stylish... Are those just the same pants three times? (gasps) A hoard of Murkrow? This solves my Flying problem. All right, you little birdie, you beautiful, Dark birdie. Come to Papa! Or don't. Do I have any way of hurting this thing without killing it? Timer Balls are gonna work well in just a couple of turns, though. (groans) Okay, well there go my Timer Balls. Don't kill it, don't kill it. Yes, ooh, ooh! (laughs) Come on, give it to me. Are you kidding me? What is this thing's catch rate? It's 30? Why is it so low? It's easier to catch a Nidoking than it is to catch a Murkrow! My last Ultra Ball. (intense music) Oh, finally! I'm calling it Freebird because it was eager for its freedom. All right, Murkrow is in the party. It will not be a battling member of the team 'cause I don't feel like leveling it up. I am using it to transport myself. Serena wants to battle again. Oh, she actually has a fourth Pokemon now, wow. (yelps) Ooh, forgot it knew that. But it doesn't matter, it's dead. Alright, Chesnaught, go down to my Psycho Blade. Oh my God, why did that do so little? An absolute decimation, victory is mine. (laughs) Darkness! All right, now it's time for the Psychic type gym, a gym that, frankly, I am not concerned about. And here she is, Olympia. Your gym is very cool, but my Darkness is even cooler. Oh, she has such a stylish all-black outfit, though. All right, Azrael. I'm not even sure I need to Swords Dance, but just for fun, I'm going to. Clearly, I needed to Swords Dance. There we go! All right, Night Slash! Hit it with a high crit rate. Ooh, so close. No, not Yawn, no! No, I wanted to sweep with Azrael. I'll wake up, it's fine. Crit! Oh, I didn't need the crit. Would've been nice if that just happened the first time. If I hit this, it's dead. Shadow Ball, that's all you got? Oh, I don't care about a little Ball of Shadow. I don't even care about that because this battle, it's over. Unsurprisingly, the Psychic gym leader goes down to the Dark type gym leader. Oh hello. Only the chosen ones will obtain a ticket to tomorrow. Do you wanna take it or do you wanna stop me? I don't know, man, I know I'm a Dark type, so this'll be sinister, but killing everyone seems like a bit much. All right, here he is, spiky-haired lumberjack man. Oh and he leads with a Fighting type, that's lovely. But I have Extrasensory because, for some reason, Greninja learns a Psychic type move before it learns a Dark type move. Gyarados? Why do so many eval team leaders use Gyarados? It's a perfectly friendly Pokemon. I don't like that. That did a lot. All right, he didn't attack me again, cool. Gyarados is a bit of a problem if you don't have any electric moves. (laughs) One push of a button, we can activate the ultimate weapon from this room. I'm just trying to become a Dark type gym leader. Why are you having me do this? Oh, I have to fight this guy, who really needs some sun. Well, would you look at that, he's got his own Malamar. Oh, I mis-clicked. Oops. That was a really bad mis-click. I'll beat you at your own game! I'll just keep doing, keep Foul Playing. Oh, it still wasn't enough! But I lived! My Malamar proves victorious! Shut the hell up about how it was close and that I was five levels higher. We don't need to talk about that, mine's just better! One of them is the button for activating the ultimate weapon. I'm gonna say the blue one is the nice one. Yeah, I knew it didn't matter. Witness, children, as Geosenge Town is fricking obliterated and then never fixed. All right, I've made it to the final door to rescue this Legendary Pokemon. I don't fully understand. I didn't pay much attention whenever we discussed it with the Professor or whatever, but some legendary Pokemon to save, don't know which one. It's awakening. I didn't do anything, though. What woke it up? Oh, no way! It's Yveltal! A Dark type Legendary Pokemon for a Dark type gym leader! I didn't plan this at all! But now I have to fight it. I don't know how I'm gonna do that. You know, your Dark Pulses sure do a lot for resisted attacks, man. Just gonna say that, that's a lot. Did I cr-- (silly music) Whoopsie! (laughs) I've never failed to catch it first try before. All right, round two. A-ha! (laughs) I did it, with a Quick Ball! (giggles) When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing in a 10-foot radius. Ooh, what are we gonna name this thing? We shall name my beautiful Dark type Legendary, of a Dark type gym leader, Downfall. Alright, Azrael, I love you, but you are the only member of this team who does not have a secondary typing. So what I'm gonna do, Azrael, is for now, I'm going to send you on a quest to search for an Absolite. When you return with one, you and I will conquer this region. Not literally like, you know, I'm just gonna be a really good Dark type gym leader. Nice outfit, Lysander. All right, we're fighting Lysander, with some metal bugs for some reason? All right, Downfall, you got this. Oblivion Wing! That is dope. Okay, don't do too much. That's a two-hit KO. Great. (groans) Oh, I get KO'd here, I have to switch. Water Shuriken. All right, here's his Gyarados, his big beefy Gyarados. And I think I know what he's about to do with it. Yep, there it is. A Dark type Mega, I'm so jealous! But now you're weak to Grass! God, that did so much less than I thought it was going to. Oh. Who authorized this? It's fine, I've got this. You got a Mega, I get a Legendary. That's how this works. Is this gonna be enough to KO? No, it's not, my God! Okay, oh, it's over. Okay, okay, whew, okay, okay. I think we just KO it here. Yay, I didn't lose! How I hate to see a Dark type Mega fall, but it had to be done. And here's the part where I beat him and he still fires it and then it falls back down and blows itself up. So I just accidentally entered a sky battle and just lost and blacked out because an Aerodactyl just OHKO'd my Yveltal with a Stone Edge. I lost $5,000 because I accidentally said yes to this battle, I'm furious. All right, I finally made it to the last gym town, which means also, the last clothing store! (gasps) Oh my God, look, look! Black pants! Finally, the Dark type outfit is complete. The bag's got a little bit of blue on it, but we're gonna live with it, okay? All right, it's finally time! Once I defeat this last gym leader, I will prove myself undoubtedly, un-un-undoubtedly worthy of being a gym leader myself. All right, it's finally time. The final gym leader. By defeating you, I will prove myself strong enough to be a gym leader myself. I will defeat you with Roughneck, my friend who has been with me all the way since Route Five. Here is the Cryogonal, which I will defeat with a, oh no! Oh, I'm at two times attack? Oh, ow. Come on buddy, come on buddy. Yes! That's what we needed. All right, Roughneck, break through the confusion. End it with this uppercut! Yes! No! (groans) Snap out, yes! End it! No, stupid Curse! Now an Uppercut, end it! Thank you! Finally, Darkness falls! I have proven myself stronger than every gym leader in this region, beating all of the gym leaders with only one Pokemon, aside from the Electric one, that one got messy. But aside from that, I am clearly unstoppable. But why stop here? Why not go further? Why don't I become the first Dark champion? I am not having a good time. Apparently, to progress through this stupid Victory Road, I need Rock Smash. I couldn't hop down this hill, but I have to waste a move slot on this stupid little rock. I don't even have the TM! This is, this is so, this is such, I'm so pissed. I need a TM and it's an, I have to get it from an optional conversation? I hate this game. (laughs) What? This just hopped out of a bush! There's wild Hydreigon? Are you kidding me? I had no idea! (laughs) What? I'm looking it up, there's a 5% chance of the swoops down from above being fricking Hydreigon. I'm gonna call this thing Menace and I feel like I gotta use it. I don't know if I can use it, though. Because it's so cool, but I've grown so attached to my squad. If you'd shown up earlier, Hydreigon, then absolutely. But, gotta stick with the team that's brought me this far. I swear to God, I thought the Strength was only necessary for making shortcuts, but did I really not even need Rock Smash? Did I just get Rock Smash so I could fetch a Psyshock TM I'm not gonna use and then end up with a Hydreigon I'm not gonna use? Did I have to just have Strength the whole time. Oh my God. Oh my God, I made it. Well, I suppose it's time to see if Azrael has returned from its journey. Azrael is higher level and (gasps) holding an Absolite! Azrael, you've done it! I will finally be able to Mega Evolve. Downfall, you have been amazing. But as the gym leader, I will not be allowed to use Legendary Pokemon. So for me to win this, I must do it in a method that's fair. To be fair, no gym leaders used a Mega Evolution either, but I have a moral opposition to that. They totally should have. So I'm gonna use a Mega Absol. It's finally time. I've proven myself worthy of being a Dark type gym leader and now it's time to prove myself worthy of being a Dark type champion. All right, Siebold, you're up first. All right, Azrael, it's finally time. I will finally know the power of Mega Evolution! Yes! The Angel of Death, Azrael, shows its power! Uh-oh. Well, that's a little embarrassing. It's fine, I got this. I got this. God, that did not do very much. God, that did a lot! Oh my God, is this the first? I lived with one! All right, we're at plus two attack, plus two defense. Oh! No, no! Crap! Oh, wait, I have an entire team of Dark types. I think I'm okay. There we go. Oh, of course he has a Gyarados. Oh God, oh no. I lived! Let's go! That was very terrifyingly difficult. All right, Malva, I'm feeling better against her 'cause I actually have more than one attack that's super effective against her specialty. Okay, good. Great. Excellent. Fantastic! (laughs) Okay, we're gonna be all right. All right, Wikstrom, now it's your turn. All right, we're getting the hit on the Aegislash. Flinch it. Oh no, we're gettin' hit. Okay, we are getting hit. Oh wait, nevermind, we Flinched it! Now this Dark Pulse should finish it. Let's go! Scizor. One Flame Thrower should do the trick. Oh no, you're kidding. And now he heals and maybe I'll get a better damage roll. Oh, I got the better damage role that time, there we go! I know this thing has Sturdy, so I gotta break the Sturdy, and this should finish it. Okay, three down. All right, the final Elite Four member, Drasna. If I recall correctly, she leads with Dragalge, so I led with my Psychic type. I clicked the wrong move. Oh, I'm an idiot. Got him! Booyah, two down. I'll Rage! Oh, so close. Oh God. I lowered it's attack with Intimidate. Yeah, that would have killed him for the Intimidate. Yeah, there's the Full Restore. Come on, give me a better damage roll or a crit. Better damage roll or a crit! That was a worst damage role. I think she heals here, so I'm gonna do the same. Come on. Oh, that was even worse! Okay, finally, took it down. Got it. The Elite Four is done. All that's left is the champion and her Fairy type Mega. And here we go, Diantha. Oh man, I'm gonna be honest, guys, I don't actually know if I can win this battle. (laughs) But I can do this. She's got this brightly lit room. That will not stop my Darkness. All right, Psychocut. (groans) Please KO this in one hit. No! Wait, she heals here. Okay, maybe I can get the crit, it's a high crit chance. No! No! Okay, well, Frogue is the only faster one. Okay, Frogue is faster, thank God. That does nothing! Oh, I can't just Toxic it. I feel like I gotta keep going and hope for the Freeze. I feel like that, oh my God. Or hope the Focus Blasts keep missing? Oh, the Focus Blast missed! Don't heal, don't heal, don't heal. Yes! Oh thank God for Focus Blast being the most inaccurate move in Pokemon. I gotta Sky Uppercut here. I'm worried about taking too much damage. All right, we land it! It's enough! Got it? Oh, way to go, Roughneck! And here it is. I'm gonna stay in. I know this thing just obliterates me, but if there's a chance that I can get the defense drop with Crunch, that could be huge. Okay. Oh, it's faster. Dang. I don't know if I'm faster or not. I don't think I am, but just in case, Perish Song. Please be faster. Nevermind. Maybe somehow we live. Nevermind. Okay, well, Pesticide, it's basically all up to you. This is neutral. Oh God, oh and she gets the special, oh special attack, I though it was special defense. Yes! Pesticide gets it, let's go! It is official. I am not only the strongest gym leader in this region, but I am now the Dark type champion! Darkness! Oh, Aphoticus, you beautiful, powerful beast. Frogue, my unstoppable starter. Azrael, uh. Ah, yes, Gharial, so powerful! Pesticide, handled so many clutch battles. And, of course, Roughneck, so many victories. What a beautiful Dark type squad, a Dark type master. I have done it. Darkness has fallen.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 2,925,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon y, gym leader, pokemon type, if i was a gym leader, lets play, nintendo 3ds, can you beat
Id: SyPQTxhQoQw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 14sec (2234 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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