Pokemon Emerald, but I'm Team Sky

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- The Hoenn region has two villainous teams. Team Magma that wants to expand the land using Groudon and Team Aqua that wants to expand the sea using Kyogre. But what if there was a third team? Greetings Pokefans. Michael here, and today I will be playing Pokemon Emerald as the leader and sole member of team Sky. I couldn't think of a better name. And team sky's goal is to use Rayquaza to expand the sky. Whatever that means. The first thing I have to do is choose my starter. I will not be using the starter for very long because none of them can become flying type. And I'm going to use flying types, I'm team Sky. But I'm going with Treecko. It is green, just like team Sky's main colors and Torchic is to magma and Mudkip is to aqua. Here is where the team Sky play through really begins. I'm going to be catching my first Pokemon, effective starter. This Poochyena. Now you made me wondering, why am I using a Poochyena, it's not flying, it would not do well in the sky. Well, the answer to that is that team Magma and team Aqua use a ton of these things. So it's fair. Success. Welcome to the squad. Air bud. You get it because of, air. Another Pokemon for me to catch, Wurmple cannot fly, but it's evolution, Beautifly can. Another Pokemon that I may add to my squad of sky squad, my sky squad, my skide squad. squad, sky, you shall be know as Storm. I have found my next team, Sky squad A Taillow. Success. From henceforth you shall be known as Windrunner. I have encountered Nincada, which is not a flying time, but can be. Success. All right, GYM, number one, you land loving rock specialist. I will defeat you for, I am team Sky. Take this wetness, dead. More wetness. Dead. More wetness. Oh God, no, no, not the Land. Oh God. Oh. Crap. Fight the rock. (cries) - Oh, no, it's faster. Well, you win this round, land. All right. I'm back with a stronger Storm who I forgot to give an Orin berry Crap. One down. Two down. Live Storm. Live. You lived. Super potion back up. Oh and she potions too. I may not out speed anymore but I should live to the next rock tomb. Water gun. God. No, she potions again. Do not potion this time. Yes. Yes. Yes! Team sky gets their first Gym badge. My friend Mae, who is not a member of team Sky but it's dressing like one and then I'll be able to recruit her if I crush her in battle. And with this water gun, I have defeated her. Are you going to join team sky, Mr. Briny? He was the runs for revered Seafarer. I don't care about Seafarer. I care about Skyfarers. Aha. Here we are in granite's cave. Another member to add to the squad. Excellent. I've captured it. You shall be Night Sky. During my training, Air Bud has leveled up. Behold my stronger beast of the sky. It's time for me to take down the next gym leader. One who has made the foolish decision specializing in Pokemon that are weak to the sky. (bird call) - And one of them goes down. And another is down. Vital throws? That's fine. Oh wow. Wow. That was less. Wow. I think we still KO though. I am going to die. Who allowed this? It's fine. Storm won the last battle. He'll win this one any... It's fine. We out speed. We ended here. Excellent. Victory is mine. Little annoyed that Windrunner got taken down, but it's fine. Team Sky gets another chip back. Ah, I had forgotten about the Old Rod but I am not going to use it because all it will get me is Magikarp. And yes, it's of flying type of, can it fly? No, no. It's only flying move is bouncing and bouncing. It's not flying. Oh, I can't believe they're charging me money to go to an oceanic museum. Ridiculous. And who could this be? You simps. (laughs) - You are a team Aqua's leader, aren't you? Well, I'm team Sky's leader, Mikey. Aha. My team's Sky recruit. Maybe, maybe. And she's down. So once again, I'd like to talk to you about team Sky, our goal. Oh, thank you. Thank you for the item finder. Now our goal as team Sky is to expand the sky. You've already got the outfit. Very good. So I'd want to see if you want to help us. And she's gone. (dramatic music) (beep) All right. Well, despite lightning happening in the sky, my sky Pokemon are not very good against this particular gym leader. Oh, it's not enough. Not even the first Pokemon. Oh, I'm so close again. Are you kidding me? All right. I'm just hoping for a two hit KO and a flinch. Oh God. One more bite enough. Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Live the shockwave Air Bud. Oh my God. God. Oh my God. Lets go! Aha. My next team member of team Sky, Skarmory. Success. Welcome to the team, Intercept. What is this? Another villainous team inferior to mine. Team magma. (gasp) - And team Aqua is here too. Look at that, all three evil teams in one place. At the time I thought you were one of team Magma's goons. Oh. All right, Team magma. I respect you as a fellow villainous team but I cannot let you blow up this volcano. Cause that would put a bunch of ash and crap everywhere in my beautiful sky. Two villainous team leaders facing off. Our smack- Oh wow. That does nothing. Wow. So does that actually. We're going to be here a while. (tape recorder fast forwarding) - Could this be the final rock spot? Oh, he's healing. All right. Take this. My Mightyena is proven superior. Ha ha defeated Maxie. Team Sky proves itself superior to Team Magma. All right, Flannery. You and your fire types are too land for me. Wetness, deathness. Wetness, not deathness? Are you kidding me? All right, Camerupt. Wetness. Oh, come on! Critical hit. Come on. Come on Storm. Oh, I got a crit. Let's go. Water gun. Another crit. Do it Storm. Do it. Take it down. Oh dear God. All right. We live this hit. Oh, he misses it. The sunlight fades. I water gun. I win! Let's go. Team sky gets another Gym badge. All right, father, you never believed in my dreams to expand the sky. You told me it was crazy. Illogical. Oh, he's bringing in his ACE immediately. Oh I have a plan. You lazy big goose can only attack every other turn. So can you I. You loaf around? I growl. My protect. You will loaf around as I growl. All right. I think it's now at minus six attack. Finish it. Yes! My strategy worked. Swift. And he's down. Who's your daddy now, daddy? Oh my God. I have found another beautiful flying beast. It's even green. Yes. You shall be called Catapult. Because catapults launch fruit into the air. All right. Team Aqua. You are taking over this weather Institute. No, I want the weather Institute. I want to know more about the sky and such. T Mark was done. Get out of here. This is my weather Institute. This may be an odd way of thanking you, but take this Pokemon. Can I get a hail yeah? I can indeed get a hail yeah, but I'm not going to use it. Sorry guys. It can't fly. - Impossible. - It's me. Mae, are you finally going to join team sky if I beat you this time? Oh, well. This is awkward. All right. I had defeated her. Mae, are you finally going to join me to expand the sky? Please. You have a present for me? Oh, that's the Ace chip for fly. That's the best present you could have given me. All right Mae, even though you may not want to join me, you are helping my quest and you are appreciated. And now I finally have a chance to meet the greatest woman in this region, the flying type, Gym leader Winona. I will win her over. So she can be my co-leader of team sky. Join me. Be by side. As we- (screams) - Finally Winona you beautiful sky, loving mistress. Join me. You and I will be the strongest couple... Oh, she's attacking me. Well, maybe this is just her idea of a good first date. And Intercept does it. We've defeated the goddess, Winona. I got her phone number. That's good enough. Ha, my hypothesis was correct. I have found your hideout team Magma. Team magma stuck in this cave. I can't even see the sky. This is miserable. Hey, Maxie, team Sky wants a word with you. What do you think you're doing ? Groudon? You can't awaken a Groudon That'll do... No, no! Stop. Maxie, you can't just do this. Oh, it's gone. Where did it go? All right. I've cleared out one dumb team hide out. It's time to clear out another. Ooh, I found Archie's office. Let's rob him. What? Archie? Why do you have giant bombs in your office? Oh my God. You have bombs in your office. All right. But now I get some goodies. Archie, come on. Archie, I swear to God. This is an electrode. I'm going to use it to bomb your entire hideout. Thank God I'm just stealing your money. All right. You better not be an electrode. Oh. I've stolen Archie's master ball. Let's go. I'm crippling team Aqua, very effectively. What's in here good sir? Whatever you're doing with that submarine, I want it. Clearly it's valuable. All right man. Nice chest. All right. Tate and Liza, two versus one. Doesn't seem fair. But team Sky is strong enough to defeat both of you at once. And it's all over. Team Sky takes down the celestial rocks. You should know, team Sky, just knows space rocks. Cause we know space. Do we know space? Is space included in the sky? I probably should have written down a more precise mission statement. What does this? Team Magma? What are you doing? As promised we've come for the rocket fuel. What's the point of stealing rocket fuel? Since you're so curious we're going to jettison the entire load into Mount Chimney. Wow. Really get desperate when your plans to control the legendary Pokemon don't pan out, huh? I am teen Magma and I tried to control legendary Pokemon but didn't know how. So instead I'm just going to blow everything up. Well I have a problem. None of you can learn dive. Crap. Well, the only flying type Pokemon that I currently have access to, that can learn dive is Gyarados. And I know I said I wasn't going to use it because it can't really fly but I kind of have to. Well, it's come to this. This will work. There we go. You shall be known as Skydive. You get it? All right. And one rare candy later. Woo. Yeah. It is a flying type, I guess. Aha. With the assistance of Skydive the Gyarados, I have located team Aqua's vile undersea, cavern. Oh, hi. I found Kyogre. Archie wasn't here but he's found me. All right, Archie. All right. Punch yourself in the face. Yes. (laughs) - I have definitively proven myself. The strongest team leader go team Sky. What is going on? Oh God. Oh God. No, no. Stop it. Stop it. I don't want this silly Shamu thing making everything wet. No. It's raining far harder than we envisioned. You're in danger. Archie. I think you might've screwed this up, man. All right. I've arrived in Isotopology City. Oh God. Oh God. The two legendary Pokemon, are staring at each other. - Hello. - Feeling like Groudon's, getting to the shorter end of the stick here. Excuse me, gentlemen. Excuse me. Would you like to hear about our Lord and savior Rayquaza? You can start fighting... for the sky. I've been put into the cave of origin to talk to some guy named Wallace. But there aren't just two super ancient Pokemon. There's one more somewhere. Could it be? It's Ray-quay-quay. Team Sky's boy becalmed the two combatants in the distant past. I can calm them down with Rayquaza and then when they're out of the way I can expand the sky. It's finally time I can enter the sky pillar. Rayquaza, the beautiful, ancient legendary Pokemon. Join me. Fight by my side to help me expand the sky. We will work fant- Where did you go? Maybe I shouldn't have judged Maxie and Archie so harshly. Rayquaza. Rayquaza come back. Fight to by my side, help me expand the sky. Oh, okay. I guess you're going to deal with those guys first. That's that makes sense. It's beautiful, Rayquaza within the sky. Is the sky expanding? Look at that. There's a hole. It's opening up, but he's coming down. Oh, oh I'm emotional. It's so beautiful. This is why team Sky was created. Yes. Get those losers out of the way. We don't care about them. Join me Rayquaza. Join me. Yes and oh, he's gone again. Well, tried to get Rayquaza to join me and expand the sky and it flew off. I tried once again and it ignored me and flew off. So clearly I've learned the same lesson that the other team leaders had to learn. And that is that trying to control a legendary Pokemon is a fool's errand. So there's no point in me trying again. Just kidding. Let's go get this fricking snake. Rayquaza. I'm coming for you, again. It is I, Mikey, the leader of team Sky. You've run for me twice but I need you. You are going to join me and fight by my side using your ancient powers to expand the sky, whatever that means. Are you ready for the fight of your life? Because I sure am. For team Sky! It will not be easy but I will do whatever I can within my power. I don't care if it takes 10 years, I will capture Rayquaza and use it to expand the sky. Just kidding. I'm throwing the master ball. I don't know why Archie didn't do this with Kyogre. It was in his office, but there we go. I got Rayquaza. Let's go team Sky. You and I will expand the sky together. I'm going to call you Skydios, being sky God. Sounds cool. Now, even though I have Rayquaza in team Sky's possession, I am not quite ready yet to execute my plans. Because in my new world with an expanded sky I want people to respect me, not just for the fact that I expanded the sky, whatever that means. But also for my battling power. So to prove myself before expanding the sky, might as well just go ahead and reach the highest peaks possible and become the champion. And to do that, I gotta beat this gym first. Hello, hon. When your ice types are no match for Skydios. Yes. Go team Sky. The final stepping stone. Soon team sky will not only have the God of the sky but the champion titled. A Critical hit. Oh crap. Oh my God. I can't land anything. All right, finally. Okay. All right. Phoebe. One down, two down and done. All right, Glacier. Yeah. Go team sky. Oh, Drake. Yeah. Hello Wallace. You're the only one who stands in my way from having the title of champion. Thunderbolt. Oh, am I might actually- Oh God. Oh God. Oh God. Oh. Oh wait. Maybe this is fine. It's fine. Wallace's final Pokemon. I will crush it with outrage. Oh wait. What? How? Now this time we'll get a better role with team Sky. Come on. We'll get a better role or a crit or something. Just, Jesus. Yeah! Team sky is the Champion. Skydios, the God of the sky. Storm, the Pelipper saved me many times. My loyal steed, Air Bud, Catapult Tropius helped with a lot of water types. Of course, Nightsky, the Crobat, the best Crobat of them all. And Intercept the Skarmory. I am the Pokemon lead champion with this beautiful team, team Sky. The only thing left for me to do is tell my Rayquaza to expand the sky. - [Mikey] Rayquaza, what do you mean, it doesn't make sense?
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,593,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, pokemon emerald, pokemon gen 3, playthrough challenge, can you beat, pokemon challenge, funny pokemon
Id: 51_hkYLRD8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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