If I Was a Pokémon Gym Leader

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- Greetings Pokefans! Michael here, and something that many Poketubers have talked about over the years is what their gym would be like, if they were a gym leader. What their team would be, where the gym would be, what the puzzle would be and more. But I have never done that myself, that is, until today. In this video, I will be going over my ideas for if I had a gym and was a gym leader, in the Pokemon world, but I'll actually be doing it twice. First I'll be going over if I had a gym in the Galar region, where I'm limited to types that are not already taken and then I will be going over if I had a gym anywhere with no limitations whatsoever. So don't forget to subscribe to my channel, and let's get started with my Galar region gym, where I would be an electric-type gym leader. This choice was pretty easy. Electric is not taken and it's my favorite type. This is my character design for myself as an electric-type Galar gym leader. I'm wearing my signature hat but with different colors and all my Pokemon are in Quick Balls, my favorite Pokeball. I'm of course sporting the electric uniform, but with plain black leggings instead of the regular one with purple sparkles, simply because I thought the sparkles were a bit much. My eyes are yellow because they fit well with the electric typing and let's be honest, they make me look anime. And my uniform number is 99. The significance of the number 99 is that it was my jersey number in middle school football but also it's the jersey number for JJ Watt, who is my favorite professional sports player. Also it's just a cool number. As for how my gym battles would work, I'd want them to be just like Raihan's, where they're double battles. In my play through of Sword, I tried to make all my gym battles fair, where I only used the same amount of Pokemon as the gym leader, played on the set battle style and didn't use healing items. Raihan's battle was the closest of all of them with it ending 1v1. Also, ignore my Corviknight there, it's the fifth Pokemon I sent in, 'cause I had to and it was in my party and I intentionally didn't attack with it, it didn't participate. That battle, being a double battle is the reason it was such a close, epic battle. I'd simply think that double battles are straight up, more fun than single battles. There's less switching. There's more strategy about when you should protect, when you should attack and who you should attack, when you attack. There's also all sorts of really cool interactions, between ally Pokemon, how their abilities work and some abilities only work in double battles. And I just think it's way more interesting. Because of my love for double battles, I'd want my gym to host them. They'd be 4v4 double battles, just like Raihan's gym and also like Raihan's battle, I would use an environment strategy. But instead of Sandstorm, I would use Electric Terrain, activated by my Electric Surge Pincurchin. My first Pokemon, Pincurchin's main role is to, as I said, set Electric Terrain, thus powering up the electric moves of my team. After that it just starts smacking the challenger's Pokemon with physical moves like Zing Zap, Poison Jab and Liquidation for coverage against ground types. I might give it Protect for its fourth move, but also might give it an entry hazard like Spikes. By the way I should mention that these move sets, I'm giving for these Pokemon are assumes that I am one of the last, if not the last gym leader. So I have the most move set options. I'm doing that, 'cause I didn't wanna limit myself. My other lead Pokemon would be Lanturn. Lanturn has always been a Pokemon I've thought was really well-designed, but I've never had a chance to use it. That is, until my electric gym. Its main role is to be a strong counter for opposing Ground types, which the challenger is sure to bring, since it's the only type strong against electric. Lanturn would have Volt Absorb as its ability because it's a double battle situation, where I can have the partners attack it with the Electric moves to heal it. It wouldn't happen very often, I would assume with Pincurchin 'cause Pincurchin would have to attack Lanturn instead of the enemy Pokemon, but the other two Pokemon, I would give Discharge because they're special attackers so Discharge works on them and then they can hit the enemy Pokemon and heal Lanturn at the same time. Lanturn would run Thunderbolt and Scald for Stab attacks. Ice Beam to cover grass types and then either Protect or maybe Whirlpool to trap enemy Pokemon. My next team member is Vikavolt. While Vikavolt's Levitate prevents it, from getting the benefits of Electric Terrain, I just thought it wouldn't be right for me to not have my second favorite Pokemon of all time, on my gym team for a type that it is. I have to include Vikavolt. Plus, while Levitate doesn't make it get boosted by the Electric Terrain, it helps it not get hurt by earthquakes. Vikavolt would run Discharge as I mentioned earlier for when it's next to Lanturn. Thunderbolt for when it's not, Bug Buzz and Sticky Web to help my whole team with their speed issue, because Pincurchin, Vikavolt and Lanturn are all on the slower side. It doesn't have any coverage for opposing Rock or Fire types, which are its weaknesses, but the idea is that Lanturn and Pincurchin, handle those with their Water type coverage. Now you may be thinking it's strange that none of my Pokemon so far have Thunder Wave. After all, the majority of electric type gym battles, throughout all of Pokemon's history, have at least one Pokemon with Thunder Wave, 'cause Paralysis is the Electric type thing. However, while I do not have Thunder Wave on any of my Pokemon, I do have another way that I intend to spread status conditions. And that is with my ace Pokemon, Gigantamax Toxtricity. Toxtricity is one of my favorite Gen 8 Pokemon, and its Gigantamax form is my favorite of all of them. It's the perfect Pokemon to have as my ace for a Galar gym, and it works perfectly since no other gym leader or any in-game trainer at all uses one. Its special move G-Max Stun Shock either poisons or paralyzes both enemy Pokemon, so that is how I'll spread status conditions everywhere. As for its moves to use once it's returned to normal, I'd run Discharge as I mentioned, Overdrive for when I don't need to heal Lanturn, Sludge Bomb and Hyper Voice so I don't hurt my ally Pokemon with Boomburst. It would be Amped form because I like that form more, and its ability would be Punk Rock to power up Overdrive and Hyper Voice for when I'm not Gigantamaxed. Toxtricity is just such a cool Pokemon that's really popular, so I'm kind of surprised it didn't end up as the ace Pokemon for any of the Galar big-name trainers. My gym would fix that. Now for the gym itself. The location, I'm flexible on. The only two towns in the entire Galar region that don't already have a stadium are the first two towns and they wouldn't really have room for one. So instead, let's assume that I'm a minor league leader that gets strong enough to replace one of the main eight gyms, so if I had to pick a stadium to swap out with, I would pick Turffield's. While the surrounding rural atmosphere doesn't fit much with electric type, it's just such a pretty place that I think would be pretty cool to spend a lot of my time. Plus the likely Gigantamax Toxtricity on the hill, would be quite poetic, since I would use one too. For the gym puzzle, I picture something that has to do with like memorization and EDM music. So there's several colored lights that play a note sequence that you have to memorize, then you walk around and step on certain colored buttons that correspond to the notes to make the same little melody. If you do so successfully, it plays a short little EDM riff with that melody that you just put in as the main melody, but there'd be other things added to it, to make it more just a couple of notes. If you get it wrong, you have to fight a trainer, but once you beat them, it's still plays the little riff, 'cause you know, that's fun. Also if you're worried about a music puzzle being difficult for those who are hard of hearing to solve, like I said, there would be colored lights and buttons, so you can solve the puzzle totally visually as well. The last thing I need to cover is what my team would look like in the Champion's Cup, as all gym leaders can come back and compete in that with a full teams of six. Well, unfortunately, like Raihan, I would be forced into single battles instead of double battles, I still think I could still hold my own. While my base team of four would remain the same, the Pokemon I'd add would be Dracozolt and Boltund. Dracozolt is the faster of the two zolt fossils and is therefore more likely to do big damage with Bolt Beak. And Boltund is great-looking Pokemon that would give my team some much needed speed. For the single battle aspect, I think I would probably lead with Pincurchin to set Electric Terrain immediately. And then, right away just Self-Destruct, so it can get a Pokemon that is better suited for sweeping, even faster. So that concludes my idea if I had a Galar gym, but now for my second me as a gym leader idea, where I have no restrictions on location or team or anything like that. So if I'd to pick anywhere in the Pokemon world, I would pick the Hoenn region. After all, it is my home region. The location would be Fortree City, which has being my favorite city in the Hoenn region, ever since I was a kid. I know Winona already has a gym there, but as I said, no restrictions. We'll just pretend she died in a flying accident. (explosion) Okay never mind that's horrible. She moved up to be an Elite Four Member after Drake retired. Are you happy now? Fortree City which is my favorite city because it's literally a city of tree houses, an aesthetic I have always loved. Whether it's Fortree or Ewok's towns on Endor or the Freedom Fighter's base in Avatar, if you have a village where it's all tree houses, I'm going to like it. Being surrounded by greenery while also being so high up and connected to it, is beautiful. That's why I would make my gym a grass type gym. First off, it's my second favorite type behind electric and we just did the whole electric thing, but also because it would fit so well with Fortree because you're so connected to nature there. I'm honestly surprised Fortree's gym wasn't a grass type gym from the start. Hoenn already had a water and a fire type gym, why not complete the triangle. Also another reason I'd want to be a grass type gym leader is that Ramos's gym from X and Y is my favorite gym interior in any Pokemon game. It is beautiful and so cool to climb to the top of this massive tower, while leaves fall all around and you find this cute office space up at the top, that's like his little lab. That's awesome. This is my design for me as the Fortree City grass type gym leader. The rope and Go-Goggles are there because of what this version of me mainly does, in his spare time, work on the tree houses and ladders of both Fortree itself and the Fortree gym. The rope is of course used for lashing wood together and the goggles are there to shield my eyes, when flying around on the back of my Tropius, which assists me with working on the tree houses that are much higher up in the trees and therefore harder to climb to. The style of leaf on my shirt is a nod to a Tropius's leaf wings. I like to think that a big change that gym-leader-me brought to Fortree is the implementation of elevators. As of right now, Fortree just has ladders, which doesn't really work well for people, who are not able-bodied, so I like to think that he implemented, like platforms of wood with rope going over and a pulley system, using counterweights, you know. Like, engineering! My gym would make use of these elevators and I picture it like Byron's gym in the Sinnoh region, but with wooden rope-lifted platforms, moving around instead of metal floating ones. Challengers would have to navigate through this maze of wooden platforms and elevators that are attached between the trees and it looks really cool, until eventually reaching me at the top, on the big wooden platform battlefield I have built, in the tippy-top canopy of the trees, far above the houses in Fortree. That may seem dangerous if the challenger brings, like a super heavy Pokemon, but don't worry, engineering, it is structurally sound. And also when I say high above, I just mean like the elevation, they're not directly above the houses. My team would of course depend, on which number gym leader I am, but if I had the honor of being the final gym leader and got to have a full team of six, this is what my team would would be. First is Tropius, as I already mentioned. It's out of its Pokeball most of the time since as I said, it's my main method of transport, between all the different levels of the tree houses. It's not my strongest Pokemon, but it can hold its own for sure, especially when the opponent can't fly to keep up with it. Next is Breloom, a Pokemon I've always really liked and one of the best designed Pokemon out there. Its stretchy-arm punches are a force to be reckoned with. Then is Whimsicott, a great support Pokemon that I like to use to set up Tailwind for the other members of my team. Then is Ludicolo, my main answer to challengers who plan to defeat me with Fire types. Since it can learn both Rain Dance and Sunny Day, I can choose which weather helps me more, depending on whether the challenger is leaning more on Fire types or not. Next is Sawsbuck, a very cool Pokemon that ends up being in its summer form most of the year, due to the tropical climate of the Hoenn region. And finally is Mega Sceptile, my first starter Pokemon I got when starting out my journey, back in Littleroot Town. It's my most powerful Pokemon by a sizable margin and it has ended many a battle with one strike. I only activate its mega form against the strongest of challengers, as its sheer power, risks damaging the surrounding infrastructure. I considered using Torterra and Decidueye, but in the end I decided, my team should really only have one starter. Also, if I had to limit my team selection, to Pokemon that are in the Hoenn Pokedex, then I would swap out Whimsicott and Sawsbuck for Shiftry and Roserade. Roserade is in the ORAS Pokedex. I also like Cacturne but because it's a cactus, I didn't think it would fit really well, in the tropical forest type area. So I didn't pick it. My gym badge would be... Honestly I do not care. I've never really cared that much, about the particular emblem, so we'll just... It looks like a tree. It's the tree badge, there you go. Thank you so much for watching and an extra special thanks to my patron over on Patreon, who are helping support me in a way independent of fluctuating and unreliable YouTube bad revenue. If you wanna help support me in the same way and get some cool perks in exchange, like my videos with no ads, the link is in the description below. Also, don't forget to check out some more of my fun Pokemon content, including my week two battle of the Metronome Battle Federation. Which is over here. All right, that's all I have for now. So until next time, Pokefans. Gotta catch them all.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 2,756,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, gym leader, pokemon gym, my pokemon gym, gigantamax
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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