I Played Pokémon as a Bug Catcher

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- Bug catchers were a staple of every Pokemon region until Unova. So today I'm here to undo that injustice and become the first bug catcher in Unova, the region with the strongest Bug types. I already have a starter Pokemon, but it's not my real starter. - [Child] Wow! - That is, that is not my real starter either. Aha, aha! This is my real starter that is only level two! - [Man] Bruh. - Come on! It's fine, it's fine. We're starting small. And there we go, I caught my starter. It's kind of a silly name, but I'm calling it Fashion. And now after some training, Fashion and I are ready to conquer the world. Oh my gosh! A single hit Bug Bite! That was amazing, Fashion! All right, we're here to fight. Let's do this, John , AKA PokeMEN7. John's never understood my dreams to be a bug catcher. And he sends out a Fire type. You have a Berry? You don't have a Berry, but you're also not using a Fire move. Has he not trained his starter in the arts of the flame? Good he didn't, otherwise I'd be very drawn to it. Ooh, that took a little long, but I think we finish it here. And Fashion defeats the Fire type to ascend you to High Fashion. Bug Type. - Then make it fashion. - And I gotta say, all this snow that's on the ground, I did not dress appropriately. Member of a group that strikes fear into the hearts of those who stand before it? Fire type specialists? Oh, you're just Team Plasma? No, I don't know what that is. This is my first time in Unova, so. And it's already time for the first gym. I will show this region how strong Bug types can really be. Hello, Cheren. Never heard of you before. - [Keke Palmer] I hate to say it, I hope I don't sound ridiculous, I don't know who this man is. - Fashion, nibble at this strange, is it a meerkat, I think? Yeah. All right, cool. And it's already working up. That's, oh God! But it doesn't matter, I crit! Way to go, Fashion! It's John and Cheren. Dark tall grass. Oh, I'll have to investigate. (gasps) And I'm so glad I did! A Venipede! And let's go! A second gym I will defeat with my beautiful bugs. Oh no, that's level 16. And that's her weaker Pokemon. Autobot, I need you to not miss a single Rollout. - [Child] Ooh. - Oh no! My Oran Berry, though. - [Child] Wow! - That did not do very much. This Koffing is ripped. Rollout. This KOs, okay. Do I have another hit of Rollout to get her next Pokemon? Am I faster than her next Pokemon? (gasps) She has a Whirlipede. This will be so difficult. Oh, and it Protects! That was really smart, Roxie. Okay, well I Potion. I have to Potion here. I think it KOs me something from this range. She double Protected, you fool! Land this Screech, Autobot, I need you to land this Screech. Yes! And my Rollouts will do twice as much. Venoshock? I should resist this. Does it not know Rollout? Okay, that's not very much. No, not the crit! - [Man] Bruh. - Oh no, I'm so close! No! Fashion, it's all up to you. She Super Potions. No, that gets it all the way back up to full. (mouth farts) Oh, well, I'm screwed. Yeah, there's no way I can survive a Venoshock. (sad trombone plays) - [Man] Thousands of tears later. - All right, I've trained a bit. Let's try again. What I'm gonna do differently this time is I'm gonna Screech the Koffing to begin with. Hopefully this means I take it down with my Rollouts a lot faster. Okay, it didn't crit me with a Tackle this time, so I'm getting the Oran Berry healing, already back to 27. This Rollout does KO. The Whirlipede, the beautiful, powerful Bug type, probably Protects here. But if it doesn't. Okay, it does Protect. That's fine. That's what we expected. Now we Screech. Okay, Venoshock, that's fine. But now we Screech again. It Protects. Okay, that's just one turn. We land it, okay. We're low, we Potion here 'cause she's gonna use them, so do I. And it Protects! Ha! And now we Rollout. Minus four defense. Just one more Rollout. Even if it protects next turn, the first hit of Rollout still is enough. But we get the next one! Autobot rolled out and we defeat the Bug type gym leader. I mean Poison type gym leader. It's just the Bug types, they're so good! You know, this gym badge is a Poison type gym badge, but it kind of looks like a caterpillar. Team Plasma's conquest of the Unova region ended in failure? Well, that's, that's good. That's good that that happened. "Shut it, you guys are the worst?" John, so aggressive. And now I am riding this glorious boat. How exciting, how thrilling! More bugs to be found in a large city, maybe. I live in a city, I see bugs. So maybe I will find some bugs here. I can go inside the sewers from here? That's so exciting. There's gotta be bugs down there. Neither of you are bugs. You're not bugs either. I don't think there's any bugs down here at all! What kind of a sewer is this? Oh, but the sewer isn't that bad because it's allowed Fashion to evolve into Swaddle. I mean, Swadloon. Oh my God, why did I mess that up? Ah, there you are, Team Plasma. Forcing me to trudge through this sewer that doesn't even have any Bug types. Come on! My rival just OKO-ed that Sandile with a Flame Charge. I'm officially terrified of him. Oh, Gym Leader Burgh. I wonder what his type specialty is. Oh my God, what? This is amazing! Fashion, with one more level up after becoming a Swadloon, is already a Leavanny! This is incredible! All right, time for the next gym, which is. What could this be inside the cocoons? My God. Is this a Bug type gym? He's is sending out a Sewaddle. It is a Bug type gym. They wouldn't let bug catchers into the region, but they allow a Bug type gym? Yes, Autobot. Let your motivation to prove ourselves the best Bug trainers in this region increase your power. Now Autobot's even better at rolling out. I made it here. Burgh, are you the reason why bug catchers were not allowed into this region for so many years? Did you institute that ban so you could be the strongest Bug type trainer? I'm going to make you regret that, Burgh. Excellent. I have a beneficial matchup right off the bat. We don't care about a little Struggle Bug. My Leftover's already got my health back. Screech missed, come on. - [Man] Bruh. - Oh, how have I missed two Screeches? I'm just yelling! The Poison Tail lands and the first Pokemon is down. Dwebble? I will switch. It's risky, but I think Dwebble resists all of my attacks. Let's Razor Leaf. This is not the greatest. Oh, that does way less than I thought it would. One more if he doesn't heal. He doesn't heal, excellent! Down goes Dwebble. I need to get me one of those. His own Leavanny. I will leave mine in. Leavanny versus Leavanny and his is gonna win. It's higher level and I'm already hurt. But I could do some damage before I do. Maybe it has a Berry and I'll eat it. That did a lot, it's super effective! Bug doesn't resist Bug! I ate the Citrus Berry! He only String Shots, you fool! He Struggle Bugs, which is super effective, but it's a weak move. Fashion holds on with the crit, lands the Bug Bite, and my Leavanny proves superior despite being two levels lower. That was dope. "I guess it's no surprise I lost." Yeah! Yes, give me the insect badge. Oh, here's this guy. "My Leavanny seems to display more self-confidence than others of the same species." I mean, yeah, did you see our battle just now? Now he wants to battle me to test my skills. Those are not rocks, they're Crustle. Crustle's a Bug type! Oh my gosh, can I have one? Oh, you woke them all up. Oh, I don't know if I'm ready to fight all of them at once. Wait, no, no, come back, come back. - [Rose] Come back, come back, come back. - Oh, I wanted one. You're gonna test me to see if I'm a trainer who can bring out the hidden potential of Pokemon? You know what, fine, man. I think I'd get quite a bit of satisfaction out of defeating you 'cause you scared off all of the bugs. Oh no, do I have any moves that a Steel type does not resist? All right, I've gotten this thing to minus six defense. And how much does a Bug Bite do? Nice. Aha, I defeated him. Desert Resort. I wonder what goodies I can find here. (gasps) There's Dwebble out here! Yes! Finally, something that can deal with the freaking Fire types. And I caught it, fantastic! It's the Rock Inn Pokemon. If it's the rockin' Pokemon, that means that it's a rockstar. What's my favorite phrase? Bzz. I've made it to Nimbasa City, excellent! I know there's a gym in this town, but I feel like I should do some more training before I attempt it, maybe increase my squad's roster, potentially. Oh, what's in here? Forest that has been lost and lorn. Okay, well, it's not that lost. There's this dude here. Excuse me, sir, do you happen to be familiar with the local bugs of the area? (gasps) A new bug! And it's the rare and elusive female Combee. I must catch it at once. All right, I caught the female Combee, another bug. You shall be known as Empress because not only are you a queen, but you also impress. (laughs) Shut up. There's also Heracross! This forest is stacked. Come on, bug catching net, ball. Yes, Heracross on the team! Wow, what a find! Heracross love flinging things into the air with their horns, so I'm naming it after a device that does just that, a trebuchet. Oh my gosh, I didn't realize it evolved at such a low level. And now the team already has a queen, or, nay, an empress. You've gotta be kidding me. I just got the HM for Fly and I can't teach it to Empress, who is Flying type? Why are you not compatible? You're constantly flying! Aha, it is I, Grunty Boy! Grunty Boy, I'm kind of in the middle of something right now. I don't care! Tell me, do you ever get tired of playing Pokemon? Um, no, not really. That's fair. If you did, it would be a professional problem for you. But I sometimes wanna change it up, so do you have any recommendations? Um, well, how 'bout Illuvium, the sponsor of today's video? It's an open world RPG where you collect monsters called Illuvials, of which there are over 100, and then battle it out with them in an auto battle or set up. It's somewhat like Pokemon, but it's intended for an older audience. The game isn't out yet, but they've released an incredible trailer and some bonus gameplay footage. Do you wanna watch? That's like asking me if I wanna prepare for trouble and make it double. The answer's obviously yes. Aw, this little guy is so cute! Oh wow, they're not all cute, though. Those look bad-ass! Oh my God, this one looks like it hits like a truck, both literally and figuratively. And this world is just, wow, that is jaw-droppingly beautiful. Ooh, now the cute little guy is a big strong guy. Oh, I love being able to power my partners up. And this gameplay combat looks really interesting too. I like that different Illuvials fight from different distances and that the player gets involved in the combat, too. Wow, this game looks super awesome. I agree, it looks fantastic. Also, if it matters to you, it's built on the Ethereum Blockchain and it utilizes NFTs, if that's something you're interested in. I personally just think the game and the creatures look really fun. Cool! How do I learn more and stay up to date? Links to their website and their Discord server are in the description below. Perfect. I must have that cute little blue one, I must! Ta-ta! - [Man] One costume change later. - Well, I may not be fully ready for this, but I'm gonna try it anyways. Hello, Elesa! You are very pretty, I'll admit it, but I'm going to beat you. Oh, that is a Flying type. Oh, that type that my entire team is weak too! Does it Volt Switch? I have to switch, okay, well, this is already not off to a great start. It does Volt Switch. Okay, it doesn't go for the Flying move. It's good to know it wouldn't do that, even if it's, shoot! Maybe I'll get a Quick Claw Stealth Rock out. Okay! Was that the Quick Claw or was I just faster? If they're gonna keep Volt Switching, I'm gonna let the Stealth Rocks beat him down. Oh wow, Rockstar went down, but I'm glad I got those up. I'm gonna risk it with Fashion. It didn't go for a Flying move the first time. Actually, let's Scout it. Protect. Does, it's, okay, it's just going for Volt Switch. It might not even know a Flying move. Quick Attack, okay, it's not switching. Okay, there's the Hyper Potion. That's expected. Leftover's really helping 'cause this thing, the fact that it doesn't know a Flying move is huge. If it did, I'd been in deep doo-doo. Emolga's down, all right! There's Zebstrika, level 30. All right, I'm gonna Protect to get a little bit more healing from the Leftovers. - [Child] Ooh! - Oh no. I feel like I have to keep Fashion healthy, so I'm gonna swap into Autobot, who might just go down here, but also might not. Okay, doesn't go down. Does a lot, though. Oh, yes! I, oh, I mean, I meant to do that. Wait a second. I have an idea. This thing out Speeds me, obviously. It's at plus two Speed. I could go for Brick Break, my strongest Stab move, but what's better is hoping I live and using Counter. It goes for Pursuit. Why did it go for Pursuit? Go for Flame Charge this time. - [Man] Bruh. - Volt Switch? What are you, why did you suddenly stop Flame Charging? Oh God, it crit me. Crap. Well, it certainly KO's me here, so now it's time for me to heal up. You're just putting more Stealth Rock damage on Zebstrika. Goes for Quick Attack. Yeah, why did it stop that? Why did it stop Flame Charging? Ah, doesn't matter, I KO'd it. The final Pokemon. Brick Break! I'm faster! Oh, it's not quite enough. You fool. You've just activated Guts. It's over! Yes, first try! My fourth badge for the bug catcher. Hey look, that's me. They have the wrong outfit on me, though. Ooh, and now I get to strut my stuff with the models. Oh, now I have to do a rotation battle with heartbreaker Charles and he's got a Sigilyph. Oh, and he's got an Archen and a Tirtouga? Every one of these Pokemon is good against mine. Maybe he's dumb. - [Child] Wow! - Crap, he's not dumb. Okay, I took down the Tirtouga. Aha, got the Archen. Okay, well, Charles took out two of my five Pokemon. My confidence is bruised. Driftveil City and is it hailing? Ow! Ow! Ow! They're talking about some guy named N. Who is this? Oh, hey John. - [Child] Oof. - Oh my God, he just punched the crap out of that guy. John, the aggression. There's another gym here, but after the spiciness of that last battle, I feel like I should probably train. Would also be nice to have something that could fly. Oh, Chargestone Cave. And here in this cave, there's a little Electric bug! And I caught it! Let's go! And there's Shelmet nearby. All right, got it. I'm naming it Infinity because it's evolution, Accelgor, looks like it's wearing a scarf and infinity scarves are like a thing. And there I found a Karrablast. Got it, let's go! Since I named the Shelmet Infinity, I will name you Beyond, so together they are Infinity and Beyond. I've done some research and it seems, in this universe, all you have to do to evolve Karrablast and Shelmet is level them up while the other one is in the party. So all I need to do is give this rare candy to Beyond and it will evolve into a powerful Escavalier! And now, I need another Karrablast. Dang it. All right, I got a Karrablast. Okay, there we go. Now I have an Accelgor that I am immediately putting in the box. Sorry, but you're pure Bug type and that is not very useful when the rest of my team is also Bug type. But now I can train for the gym. - [Man] Eventually. - Yes, Autobot will have even more powerful Rollouts. John turning into Batman here. Where's Purrloin? All right, Clay, let's see how your dirt matches up to my bugs. Let me guess, not well, since most bugs are very good at digging! You're weak to Bug in more than one-- (mouth farts) Oh. Not a fan of that. You know what, it's fine. I want my attack back, so I'm swapping to Trebuchet who can Brick Break you with no issues. One down. Will Razor Leaf be enough? Yes, it will! An Excadrill? Ah, a Steel type. Back to Trebuchet. Oh boy! - [Child] Oof! - Oh no. Do I live another one? Going to risk it. I think I live another one. (silly music) Crap. I should not have risked that. Trebuchet was my only Pokemon not weak to Rock that could also do damage to it. All right, it's fine. Autobot's gonna come in. It's going to out Speed the Excadrill and Screech it with no issues. Yes, excellent, excellent. The Speed falling is not great, but let's see if I get a miracle and get to Screech again. No, okay. Give me a crit! Out Speed. The Razor Leaf hits. Oh, doesn't KO, but another hit will. That does nothing, but I am slower. If we hit this Razor Leaf, we win. Don't die or flinch. (gasps) Oh, Fashion does it again! Holds on, doesn't Flinch, gets the win. Fashion, you absolute legend! 'Nother gym badge for the bug catcher. Whoa, here we are at the PWT. What is this? Relic Passage, ooh! Where is this even going? What could be in here? (gasps) No! I must have it. Come to me, Volcarona. I am worried about this because it's a Fire type and super powerful and most of my team is weak to Fire. Don't crit, don't crit, don't crit, don't crit, don't crit, don't crit. Yes! All right, now comes the simple task, catching it before it kills my entire team. Come on. (mouth farts) It's not even rocking. I am wildly concerned. I only have a few turns left to catch this unless, just, if it could just only use String Shot. Just only use String Shot, man. Fire Spin and Gust caused me a lot of problems. Heck! One, two, three. Yes! (upbeat music) That's why they kept us out of this region. Because if the bug catchers were allowed here, we'd become too powerful. You shall be known simply as Sol. Guys, I would like to continue on my journey. What are you all doing? Did you enter these people's boats? Guys, you can't just enter people. Oh, I guess I just entered their boat. The ship, "Why is it so cold?" Yeah, tell me about it. I don't have any sleeves on. The new Team Plasma. Oh! - [Man] I have an army. - But I have bugs. Oh boy, that Golbat. Stoutland, yes, thank you, Stoutland! You're a good-- - Oof. - Oh crap. And look at us, John, we are crushing these guys. Bye-bye! Oh, another old man. Well, we got kicked out by the Shadow Triad. Why am I getting dragged into this? I just wanted to catch bugs and kick booty. Oh, hey man. Sudden drop in temperature near Lacunosa Town? I mean, it is winter. Oh my, yeah, that is a lot. Cheren says he hates cold weather. I get it, man. I'm in short sleeves. Speaking of that, it is snowing and I am in a tank top and I am freezing. Okay, whew. No, this isn't standard bug catcher attire, but you gotta work with the elements you're given. I made it to Mistralton City! Oh, hi Professor Juniper. Oh my God, Professor Juniper, what the heck? Who is this? Skyla? Sky-la? She flies a plane? ("X-Files" theme) She's clearly also a Bug type gym leader. No, I'm kidding. I know she's Flying and I am very scared. Oh my God, yes, finally. I need this so bad! Now Rockstar is a Crustle and this extra power is going to be so helpful. And another much needed power upgrade. Hacker is evolving to Galvantula. And now my team is fully evolved, so that's cool. Oh my God, I just found X-Scissor. Well, I just taught that to half my team. Little annoyed that Heracross can't learn it, but I'll live. We'll get Megahorn eventually. All right, I finally made it. This will be the toughest gym battle yet. My newly powerful Crustle and Galvantula will make this much easier to deal with. The first thing we do is we set up Stealth Rocks. Acrobatics does not too bad. Rocks are up. All right, we're getting the Rock Slide. Yes, it's an OKO, let's go. Sending in Skarmory. We are going to switch here. We broke it's Sturdy with the Stealth Rock. I am faster. Okay. And that's enough, let's go, it was a crit! Swanna? All right, Hacker, you got this. Unnerve is active. I don't know if she has a Citrus Berry, but if she does, she ain't eatin' it! Electro Ball! I am faster! And we absolutely crush it. Oh, fantastic! I was terrified of this gym, but I've proven that my bugs are strong enough to sweep a Flying gym leader. I made it through the long and grueling journey to Lacunosa Town and now I'm learning about a mighty big hole? - That's what she said! (laughs) - Oh, I just realized I wanted to go back and check something in another city but none of my party members can learn Fly. ("Messiah" by Handel) Oh, I didn't check after getting Sol. Volcarona can learn Fly! Whoo! Oh, and I can't afford Signal Beam for Volcarona! This trip was pointless. John? Oh come on, these guys are everywhere. You lost the first time, why are you trying again? And why are you all redheads? A Light Screen? I'm using special moves! My gosh, that Cryogonal is dead, wow, okay. Amazing, stop targeting me! Aha, I lived! All right, there we go. I won. John actually did most of the work. What? Oh, hello? - [Man] We've been trying to contact you regarding your car's extended warranty for quite some time now. - (gasps) I made it to Opelucid City and oh my God, the gym leader's highest level Pokemon is 48. So, more training. - [Narrator] A little longer then a few minutes later. - All right, training done. Time to do this insane-looking gym. Here I am, Drayden. God, I'm thoroughly terrified of you. While I don't have any super effective damage, I do have a Steel type, which does resist Dragon. I resist Slash. Okay, one down. Flygon. You know what, I think I'm gonna go into Fashion for this. Because even though I don't resist Dragon, I will resist Ground, which is important. I'm gonna scout it with a Protect. He knows Rock Slide. That sucks. I think I'm faster, though, so I'm gonna Sword Stance. I think I'll live a Rock Slide. It's not a stab. It is not faster. That is deeply unfortunate. I might live, though. I'm still in the green with exactly 69 HP. Do I live the Rock Slide? I do live the Rock Slide! This is a Double Attack Leaf Blade! Oh, you're kidding! Wait, he definitely heals here, which means I can too. Okay, let's try again. Crit? Yes! I didn't need the crit, I just got a better damage role. Let's go, way to go, Fashion. I feel like there's no way I survive this, but I'm at Double Attack and I don't wanna just throw that away. Time for X-Scissor. I'm faster! Oh, so close! Okay, if we live this hit, we win. Oh, it forces me out with Dragon Tail. Crustle's back in, okay. I think Rock Slide's a bit weaker, but I could Flinch it. I think Dragon Tail has reduced priority. Oh no! Is this enough? No! I feel like I have to attack. Okay, do we live it? We do live it! Why did he go for Assurance instead of a Dragon move? It doesn't matter, we won! Let's go! Mc-'scuse me, what is that? Oh God! So long, cruel world! Oh God! Oh, it's just ice? Why didn't you just blow us all up? Oh, it's more of these nerds. Gosh, Zinzolin, you are a pain in my side. We thought we'd pushed them off, but the Shadow Triad is here. I just wanted to trade bugs and now I'm dealing with an icy crisis. Humilau City. All right, after some training, it's finally time. The final gym, which I'm actually feeling mostly good about 'cause I've got an Electric and a Grass type. Although, I will say, his first Pokemon being a Rock type. (inaudible) But it's fine, I'll just Volt Switch out of here, get some big damage, and go into my Heracross, which is not weak to Rock. That was a big hit. There's the Rock move, yep. Right call. I'm gonna Brick Break. I feel like he's probably gonna heal. Yeah. Brick Break won't KO. I think this thing has Sturdy. It is a two-hit KO, though, so we just Brick Break again. I am faster, all right. That is one down. All right, Wailord? Let's go back to Hacker. I feel like I'm probably a good chunk faster than you, so I'm gonna Electro Ball. I know I'm faster, but it's like, how much faster? Okay, two-hit KO. That's fine. I'm a special attacker, so if you burn me, it would stink, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. All right, we're KO-ing the Wailord. Boo-yah. We'll go ahead and stay in. Electro Ball. How much does it do? (mouth farts) Oh. Oh, that sucks. And there's the Brine. That's fine. I don't think he heals here, so I'm going for Leaf Blade. He doesn't heal, yes! And Fashion finishes yet another gym battle! And all eight badges of Unova are mine. And here's the Plasma boat. ♪ Just a bug catcher running around a big flying ship ♪ ♪ Opening barriers and trying not to die ♪ Hello Colress. You have been working for Team Plasma? Man, I thought you were just a quirky researcher. I'm going to crush you. Brick Break the Magneton. Ooh, Paralysis is annoying. Well, you just activated my Guts. Uh-oh. Okay, I didn't die. All right, I gotta heal. The Guts is nice, but being slower is a problem. Magnezone goes down. All right, Beheeyem down, easy Pokemon to deal with for a full bug team. A Klinklang. I don't think Klinklang can have Sturdy, so I'm gonna Close Combat. And the Close Combat hits and is an OKO, yes! Really gonna be nice once I have a better Fire move. Oh, it didn't matter. A crit, nice! Is this his last Pokemon? And with this Ember, Colress is done. Who is this guy? A puppet you lost control of? Who are you? And freeze the region? Why? You'll kill so many bugs! Lord Ghetsis? Lord Ghetsis, you want to freeze my lovely bugs? As a bug catcher, I cannot allow this. I will stop you. There's Kyurem. I must free it from this monster man. Oh my God, he's gonna kill me! Oh, goodbye cruel world! - [Child] Wow! - What? Oh, my life has been spared by a handsome man! Ghetsis, what is this? This doesn't look good. I just wanted to catch bugs and kick some booty and now I'm staring down this thing? Oh man. How did I get myself into this mess? Please tell me you're still Ice type. You are still Ice type, yes! Oh my gosh, Beyond, go Beyond! Plus ultra! Oh, now he's fighting me. And some help would be nice! Iron Head. Oh, he barely lived. And now I have mummy. Okay, I dealt with the Cofagrigus. Elektross. Nah, I'm gonna stay. Got Double Attack, might as well make use of it. (silly music) Well, that's a little rude. Are you kidding me? I land the X-Scissor. It's less than half. I get the rocks up, okay. Acrobatics. My gosh, this thing's coverage is nasty. Not the full, God, if I just had a Full Restore. Oh yes, the X-Scissor! Oh, thank goodness. All right, Seismitoad was a welcome easy one after that Eeelektross. Will this be enough? It's only neutral. The burn! Hydreigon. Terrifying, but weak to Bug. The Rock Slide misses, the Silver Wind hits! Yes! And I beat Ghetsis! I saved the bugs of the region from an icy grave! Well, N, it's nice to meet you. Thank you for saving my life. Would've been nice if you helped with the whole Ghetsis thing. Could've done a two-on-one situation, but, no, whatever. You are very handsome. Now, I guess to prove myself the strongest of all the trainers in this region, become not just the first bug catcher, but a bug catcher gym. Wait, what's happening? John, no! Why are you doing this? Of course you have your stupid bird! You turn. Of course he brings in this freakin Simipour. Jesus, that's how much Surf did? Okay, it's fine, I'm faster, but my God. There's the Emboar. How the heck am I gonna beat this? There's the Fire move. That KO's my Rock type. I can't burn it, so I guess I'll Fly. Oh, it knows Rock Slide. It knows Rock Slide. Oh man. Close Combat, strongest move. Maybe it'll be enough? - [Man] Bruh. - You're kidding. I should be faster. (mouth farts) (somber music) They ask you how you are and you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine. - It's over. I can't beat this Emboar. Maybe this is why bug catchers never came to Unova. It wasn't that we weren't allowed, it was that the Pokemon here are so powerful and can defeat even strong bugs with ease. I don't think I can do this. I need to go home. I'm sorry, everyone, but I need to pack up my net, go back to my forest, and just stick to the life of catching Caterpies and Wurmples like I always should have. I've gotta go. (contemplative music) No, I'm back! And I am no longer a fool! I gave up too easily. Bugs are the strongest Pokemon if you train them properly. And that's what I took some time to do. My team is stronger and I am stronger and I am going to defeat John and defeat the Elite Four and become the bug catcher champion! Come at me, John! I'm prepared for your Unfezant this time. Discharge! The bird goes down. Here's the Emboar. How do we take this Flamethrower? Less than half. How much does Dig do? A lot. We should be good. He doesn't crit the Flamethrower, we should KO it with the next Dig. - [Man] Bruh. - The burn? It's fine, it's fine. Hacker's faster and I can get it with the Discharge. This should be enough now. You're kidding me! He doesn't heal the paralysis, though. Close Combat. Yes, yes! Trebuchet is faster and does enough damage! Okay, finally, the beast is dead. And now all that's left is the Pokemon League. Let's take on the Elite Four. We'll start with Grimsley, a dark specialist. It shouldn't be too hard for an entirely Bug team. One down. Krookodile. Well, I'll go Leaf Blade, maybe I'll get a crit. I did get the crit, let's go! One down. Next up is Caitlin, another one I have the type advantage for. Focus Blast. A Focus Blast hitting? That's unheard of. Two Focus Blast hits in a row? This is chaos. This thing has landed four consecutive Focus Blasts and there must be some black magic involved. Five consecutive Focus Blasts? All right, finally. Two down! Now here's where things are gonna get interesting 'cause I no longer have a type advantage. I do have Aerial Ace and then I put Psychic on Volcarona. The problem with Volcarona is that a lot of these guys know Rock moves, so it makes that very scary. You know what, I'm gonna go for the Close Combat. I think I might KO from this range with Close Combat. I won't with Aerial Ace. Let's go! Psychic. I am faster, I land the Psychic. Let's go! Conkeldur probably knows a Rock move. I feel like that's why he's bringing it in. But I think I might be able to just OKO it with Psychic. Oh man. The Stone Edge missed! Another KO for Sol. Only Sawk left. Aerial Ace does enough to KO! Let's go! And now it's time for the last Elite Four member, Shauntal. I feel like I might want the Stealth Rock help with this because if I recall, she has a Chandelure and I'm very scared of that Chandelure. Got the Stealth Rocks up and it burns me. That's lovely. Let's try going to Fashion. I taught Fashion Shadow Claw. Oh my gosh, that thing is so bulky. I am cold. (laughs) I mean, I'm not cold! I'm pumped up and bugged out! Got it! Chandelure. There it is. Stealth Rock damage, Fire Blast neutral! - [Child] Oof. - You're kidding me. I think I just have to go for the Thunderbolt. No! But Fire Blast misses! Oh, she Full Restores. I wish I had a set up move on Hacker right now. Oh, a crit! Yes, oh my God! That was a clutch crit. Thunderbolt. And it is enough! I'm defeated the Elite Four! Only the champion left. Hello, Iris. You and your dragons will fall. I will be the bug catcher champion! Hydreigon, please fall to a Close Combat. Yes, yes, yes, yes! Ooh, a big scary beast down immediately. Archeops. Oh, man. I out Speed it and it's down, yes! All right, I resist its Dragon moves. Oh, it knows Flamethrower. Dang it! Four times weaknesses. Oh, okay, it's not a KO, but I lived! Okay, come on, Sol. Why, how did it predict me? I can't believe he predicted that. Fashion, I need this X-Scissor to KO. It's neutral. It is enough! Oh, it was a crit. I don't know if the Crit mattered, but thank God! All right, Thunderbolt. Oh, not enough. How much is this gonna do? Galvantula's not the bulkiest. Ooh, the crit! But it's fine. I out Speed, so it goes down. Excellent. Aggron. This is a switch to Heracross. Please don't have Sturdy. Please don't have Sturdy. Please don't have Sturdy. Close Combat. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on! Yes! There's the Haxorus. Oh, how am I gonna beat this thing? It would be really great if you could OKO this thing before it Dragon Dances. Come on! Oh no, it's not enough. Okay, this is gonna KO me. I'm at half defenses. Yeah, that's fine. But it didn't Dragon Dance. Hacker should be faster. Bug Buzz, finish it! Yes! I, the first bug catcher in Unova, became champion! (cries) Oh, it was so difficult, but we fought through! This team of bugs, I am so proud of each and every one of them.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,517,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, bug catcher, monotype, monotype run, bug type, pokemon challenge, lets play
Id: ThVSnObMn50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 18 2021
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