My First Time Playing Pixelmon (Pokémon Minecraft)

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- [Jack] Greetings, Pokéfans! Michael here, and today, we are going to Poké SMP, where my really bestest friend in the entire universe, King of Minecraft Purplecliffe, and my really smelly friend John, who murdered me with a wither PokeMEN7, will be playing Pixelmon for the very first time! How'd I do? - That was honestly, pretty good. Yeah, I think I matched that pretty well. I mean, you guys have played it before. I've never played it before. - [John] On a scale of 3 to 17? - I would say about 15. - [Chad] Negative 5. (laughing) - Anyways, guys, welcome to Pixelmon. My first time playing. I'm gonna try my best and see how it goes. It seems the first thing I need to do is pick a starter, and most of you would probably think I'd go for Treecko. But I'm actually not going for Treecko. I'm gonna go for Torchic as an homage, as a memoriam to Jack the Chicken who we saw tragically lost in my beating Minecraft video. - [John] I'm taking Treecko. I'm the better MandJTV. - Oh, man. Well, here we are. I need to show you guys my new skin! Look at me! Look at me, I'm so cool. See? Hello? Hello? That's me. I look so incredible. - [John] Oh yeah, Mikey. So, the Pokémon are different sizes. I don't know if you saw that, like looking into things, but that's one of my favorite parts. It is not important. It means nothing. I care too much. - I thought I changed what button throws the Poke Ball and it's not working. Button four. Done. Done. Back to game. Button four. It doesn't work. (laughs) It's still just R! - [John] Hey! - Oh, okay. It looks like I'm stuck with R. Look at that, it's my Torchic. (laughing) - [Chad] Wait a minute. You guys got starter Pokemon? - [John] Yeah, there's no other option. It's just the starters. - Yeah, what'd you pick? (laughing) - [Chad] Oh, come on! What's happening here! (laughing) - It's Chad! - [Chad] They gave me a Buneary! - The legend is running away! - [Chad] Right, it's fine. - [John] This is chaos. - How do you change the nickname? I gotta do that. - [John] I will name this Treecko. - Sweet. - [John] M and, I'm gonna name it just Mikey. No. Yeah, yeah, Mikey. And then everyone will love me again, and it'll be great. - So, just so everybody's caught up, our three starter Pokemon are now Mikey, Jack, and Chad. - [John] Chad! - John's the only one who doesn't have a Pokemon named after him. (laughs) Poor sucker. All right, how do I fight things? - [Chad] This game is kinda like Mario, where you step on their heads to kill them. There's no other reference of what we should be doing off of gameplay. - I mean, I'm riding atop a Sentret! Look at me, my loyal steed! (laughing) - [John] Wait, that's actually working! (laughs) - Wait, come back! - [Chad] Boys? I died. - [John] What? - You died? - [Chad] Yeah. We need Pokemon Center. (laughs) - [John] Oh, yeah. So, Mikey, number one goal in this. Well-- - [Chad] To punch John! Get him! Get him! - [John] Okay. I just, okay. - [Chad] Oh, in the hole of shame! - [John] Okay. - [Chad] All right. Oh no! (laughing) I fell in the hole of shame! Stop this! I have an air balloon. I will float out! - How did you get an air ballon? - [Chad] I am the best Pixelmon player ever. - [John] Damn it. - Pixelmon PVP! Pixelmon PVP! Ha! I won! (clapping) - [Chad] Wait, I dropped my air ballon. - A Silicobra. - [Chad] Oh, my God, wait! There's literally a Pokemon Center right here! - [John] Wait, what? - [Chad] I think so. There's a village. - [John] Where are you? - Wait, I lose you guys. Oh, there's John. - [Chad] Right next to us. Dibs on the blacksmith! Dibs on the blacksmith! Oh! - [John] Ooh, dibs on the Pokemon Center. Dibs on the Pokemon Center. - Okay, fine. I get dibs on the, what is this blue building? I want that blue building, whatever it is. Oh, it's a Mart! Oh, that looks cool. - [John] Yeah! - Oh, chests. Ooh! Green Shard, Heal Ball, Ally Switch. Well, that's useless. Bug Gem, another Heal Ball. A shattered Relic Song? - [John] What? Oh, that's gonna be for Meloetta! - Wow. All right. - [John] Yeah, that's gotta be for like a legendary quest. - Oh, my God, there's so many! A Skull Fossil! Power Swap, Magic Room. - [Chad] Yo, guys! - Reversal, Poke Balls! Poke Balls all day! - [Chad] John, I need you to get wool. - What do we need wool for? Oh, my God, that's a Bouffalant! Oh, I'm fighting the Bouffalant! I'm fighting the Bouffalant! - [John] Wait, that does not sound like a smart idea. - It's only level five. - [Chad] Oh. - [John] A Bouffalant is level five? - Yeah. Okay, important question. - [Chad] A bootie-lant. - Hold on, hold on, hold on. Important question. It is raining in the overworld. Does that have battle effects? - [Chad] I'm almost confident it does not. - Okay, so I can Ember. - [Chad] Yeah. - That didn't do that much. All right, I'm at minus two defense. If this thing hits me once, I'm super dead. (laughs) - Oh, I burned it! - [John] Like important to note that we are playing Nuzlocke rules, so if we lose our Pokemon, they are gone. - No, shut up. (laughing) Waiting, waiting. Wait, oh! Poke Ball? No, no, come on! Oh, now he's pumped! Come on, come on, come on! (heart beating) I caught the Bouffalant! Oh, and I leveled up! What? Oh, I need to heal him so I can walk around with him. That's insane. Excuse me, ranger. Pardon me? - [Chad] Mikey? - Yeah. - [Chad] I killed a Pokemon, and it gave me a special letter just for you. - A special letter? - [Chad] Yeah. - Like A, B, C? - [Chad] No, no, no, no, no, no. The special letter's obviously J, but that's a whole other thing. Here, here, take it. Mikey, take it. My love letter to you. - Oh, Grass Mail? Did you know that most people who watch these videos are actually unsubscribed? (laughs) Did you also know that we are live streaming this series right now? Wow, crazy, right? Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mention that. The links to their channels, their Twitch channels, will be in the description below. I will not be streaming on my Twitch because newsflash, streaming sucks! - [Chad] Mikey will not be streaming on his Twitch ever. (laughing) - Yes. Correct. Please stop asking me and others. - [Chad] All right, well, Mikey. So, we've had a lot fun and tomfoolery. Now, will that continue? Yes. That's the end of my thought. New thought, the next thing that we could do, if you did not know in this game, you can find Poke Balls. We can go on a few adventures to find more, in little extra sneaky chests, but there's Apricorn scattered about. I'm sure you've seen them. - Yeah, I've gotten a couple of them, I think. - [Chad] Okay, good. So, if you collect a lot of them, we can actually make a farm of those. We can take Kurt's job. Put him out of business, right? He will be ruined, financial ruining Kurt is a big part of this game. We will create our own Poke Ball monopoly empire. All right, Mikey, you need to sleep. - All right. - [Chad] Oh, you son of a... - I got out of the bed. Relax. (laughing) I need to name the Bouffalant. Hold on, this is very top priority. - [John] If you kill a Yungoos, it gives you cooked mutton. (laughing) - What? - [John] We are eating Pokemon. It's Canon. - I found a level three Drowzee. I will fight! Oh, I defeated a Drowzee and it gave me a Spider Eye. Is that his eye? - [Announcer] Attention server! I have taken over the Poke Mart. - [John] If you want to heal your Pokemon in this Pokemon Center, it costs 100 yen, or you have to beat me in battle. - [Chad] Oh, I can do that. You have a Buneary. - [John] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - I'll fight you. - [John] You know what? Sure. - Can I heal beforehand? - [John] No, you cannot. - All right, fine. - [Chad] Oh, he got you in a box. - [John] Unless you have a hundred. Oh, are we going with this? All right, here we go. - Oh, I don't see anything. (laughs) - [John] Wait, your level, okay. - We're in the middle of fighting ourselves! - [John] Here we go. Come on, Chad! Put your will into this! We out speed. I have one HP! All I need to do is crit, and I win! (laughs) - Yes, I crit you! (laughs) That's a level one Starly. (energetic music) (laughing) - [Chad] You know what? - I won! I can heal! - [Chad] John And Mikey, you will rue the day. - I will rue? You were the one who tried to, you were the one who tried to mess with this universe's universal healthcare, man. - [Chad] You know what? This isn't the last you'll see of me. I'm off! I'm gonna become the best Pokemon player ever. Oh, wait. I already am. (laughs) - You're just jealous of my Buffalant. And yes, I did not misspeak. I named it Buffalant. Oh, my God! Oh, my God! - [Chad] What? - I'm freaking out! I can't even hit it! - [Chad] What is it? - I fought a Castform! - [Chad] No way! - Yeah! It's only level two. I don't want to hurt it! Oh, it broke free! Okay, I think if I, Scratch probably wouldn't kill, right? Would it? - [Chad] I, ooh... I mean, Castform can't be difficult to catch, right? I mean, it's Castform. - Yeah, yeah, okay. Oh, it's breaking free and it's tackling me! - [Chad] Oh, come on. - Oh, no! Oh, it killed my, oh, this is bad. This is bad. And Buffalant definitely kills it. - [Chad] Yeah, he's a big boy. - No, it's breaking free! Okay, he takes the tackles really well, though. Am I really gonna use all my Poke Balls? It's breaking free! It's gonna kill my Buffalant! It's broken out of like seven or eight. No, all right. This is literally my last Poke Ball. All right, I threw the Poke Ball. It broke out immediately and killed me. Wow, let me just slowly walk myself back to the Pokemon Center, having used all of my Poke Balls on a Castform. - I need to become stronger. If I'm going to take back my humiliation that was given by these guys, I'm gonna need a team. But right now, Chad? As much as I hate to say it, is not as strong as their starter Pokemon. So, here we go. - [John] Now in a less exciting news, I got a Yanma, right? And Yanma's fine, but this is plus special attack compound eyes? Jack's not gonna know what hit him. You got the Bouffalant, or Buffalant, should I say? Yonma's gonna go in there-- - Is he gonna challenge us? Oh, I need to be training, and I can't catch any more cool Pokemon. - [John] I got you. No, Mikey, I got you. I got a Great Ball with their name on it. You know what? I got two. - You got me one Great Ball? - [John] What the bleepity-blop? I got you two. There you go. Officer Jenny? Watch out for Pokemon thieves. There have been reports of them in the area? Wait, what? - But like Torchic just learned Flame Charge. - [John] That's fire. (laughs) - I need to sneak over there and find a way to heal. I have an idea. (playful music) They'll never know! (laughs) Hey, just another update. I have not needed to heal my Pokemon once. I have never set foot in the Pokemon Center ever. - Jack, I fought you in the Pokemon Center. - [Jack] Yeah, after that, I've not been back. I'm just casually winning all my Pokemon battles and taking no damage. - [John] Me, too. - I'm fighting this level seven trainer, but she's had two level eights. Well, I'm screwed. (laughs) I'm going to lose. 'Cause yeah, that's water gun on a Torchic, from a Golduck. You should really take better care of your Pokemon. Love makes them strong. Screw you, Jamie! You had a Golduck! Well, anyways, I found, I think the girl that beat me earlier, there's two of her. And, oh, well one of them just disappeared, but this one's a level six, so maybe I can beat her this time. Now her name's Beverly. All right, Beverly. You're a level five skinny. That's faking me out. My God, why does Fake Out do so much? - [Jack] Y'all ever find an Ultra Ball on the ground, click it, and get an Occa berry? (laughing) - Oh, not freaking Minimize. Aha, I beat the Drifblim! You must love your Pokemon as much as I love mine. Damn right. Jack, I just watched you heal in here! - [Jack] (laughs) Yeah. I've been healing, but you want to know how? Come with me. - All right. Wait, oh, there you are. - [Jack] I've been sneaking behind, and I broke the window so I could use it from back here. (laughing) - Oh, my gosh. Oh, look at that. Jack's healing again. - [John] Oh, my God. - [Jack] I didn't heal! Whoa, whoa! - [John] Stop lying to us, man. - Now you're breaking windows! No, no, no! Jack! - [Jack] I wasn't here! - Jack, I challenge you! I challenge you to a battle. How you've been behaving, and lying to us, and breaking. Okay, great. Another letter. Hold on. Now I'm gonna read it. (laughing) I lost-- - [Jack] Escape plan. (laughs) Distract him and run! - Wait, that's the same one. I don't know. He broke the window. Wait, where'd he go? He distracted me with a letter I tried to pick up, and then could not. - [Jack] (laughs) I see you. I see you, Mikey. - [John] I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind. (laughing) - [Jack] Oh. No. - Jack? - [John] Wait, that was Mikey. Oh. - [Jack] Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? - If I win this battle, you are exiled, because we're sick of your nonsense! Do you accept? - [Jack] You know what? I think I can beat you. I've got five Pokemon. Let's go. - Death Stare (mumbling). Okay, all I could see is the roof. What did you send out? You sent out a level one Starly. (laughing) - [John] Jack, just pack up your bags, buddy. Get outta here. Are you kidding me? - [Jack] (laughs) My secret move! Oh. - Oh, well that was a pretty good switch I just made, huh? Ooh, Barracuda! I really wish I could see our Pokemon while this is happening, and not just the roof. - [Jack] Scroll wheel. - Scroll wheel? - [Jack] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, okay. I can see him better now. All right, well that's nice. - [Jack] (laughs) I'm gonna lower your accuracy. (laughs) Okay, chill, chill, chill. (laughing) You're gonna miss! (laughs) And I rest! Snore time! - [John] Oh, my God. You've gotta be kidding me. - You have a rest snore Barboach. - [Jack] (laughs) Oh! Why do you keep missing, Mikey? Why do you keep missing? (laughing) Oh, you missed again? Oh. - Your snore failed, and I take it out! Let's go! Destruction, the Applin, that you switched in on a Flame Charge? Death Stare's back. Got him! I took down the snake! - [Jack] Even with two Intimidates? - Let's go. - [Jack] Come on, come on, Chad. - Chad, the Buneary. - [Jack] I need a crit, Chad. (suspenseful music) I need a crit! - Ooh. - [Jack] Let's go! Chad! - Chad versus Buffalant! - [Jack] Come on! - Yeah! Victory is mine! Away with you! - [Jack] This is not the last that you'll see of me. I'm gonna come back and I'm totally not going over that direction to the scary, evil looking mountain. So, don't come! - [John] All right, Mikey? We don't need him. I beat one trainer, I have 448 Poke dollars. We are rich! - You have 448 Poke dollars? - [John] Yeah, I beat one person, and apparently, they gave me their life savings, so I think we're good. - I have 320, and I've beaten one person. Hah. Yikes. - [John] I'm going to see what happens when I jumped from the sky holding an air balloon. And if the air balloon does not cushion my fall, hopefully, I wake up in the Pokemon Center. - All right, buddy. I'm not sure I think that's the best course of action, but you do you, man. - [John] Okay, Mikey. - Yeah? - [John] This is one small step for Pokeman, one giant leap for PokeMEN7. Please kill me. Quick, please, please. It's embarrassing. Please punch me. Please, Mike, you need to kill me. Mikey, this didn't happen. (laughing) No, this didn't-- - Yes! - [John] Yeah! Okay, okay. - Okay, you didn't drop any stuff. - [John] Yes, I have all of my stuff! I'm not back at the bed. Oh, Mikey, I found a-- - I got a potion! - [John] Oh. - I got a potion from a wild Skwovet! - [John] Wait, what? - Yeah, it was one of the items it dropped. - [John] You can just beat up squirrels and get potions? - Apparently. - [John] I was gonna tell you I found a Savanna, which is very cool, but now I want to kill, well, okay. Let me walk that back. I would like to punch squirrels into fiery, I found Jack, on accident! (laughing) Wait, I'm gonna follow him. I don't think he knows him behind him. Hi. All right, I'm gonna go the other way. I don't know how I found him. Didn't he say he wasn't going to a mountain? - Yeah. Weird. - [John] Oh, my God, Mikey! I found a floating Poke Mart. - Oh! This is gonna be mine, this is gonna be mine! I will not let John get to this! John, come back to the spawn! I have a present! - [John] But I just-- - [Jack] No, John, quick, quick! Come back to the spawn! I have a big present for you! Huge, huge present! Huge, huge! - [John] Oh, I like presents. Oh, I like presents. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. (playful music) - I wanted to see what the president was, but I don't see you, Jack. Am I at spawn? - [Jack] (laughs) Joke's on you! There was no present! I just wanted to get him away from the Poke Mart so I could loot it! - [John] No! - Oh my God. - [Jack] I walked right past you, John! I was crouched right next to you. Right next to you, and you know what? All of this contents are now mine. You come near me, I'll kill you with this iron sword that I found. - [John] I wouldn't dare. - [Jack] You buffoon! I rated the Poke Mart, or the Poke Center! Haha, it's already in my inventory! Oh, you spoke too soon! If you had just waited a mere second, you could've had all the loot, but now it is mine! - Oh, man. I didn't get any loot. Ah, I found the Savanna Mountains. - [John] Wait. (laughs) Are we just all going on adventures at different times? - Well, I was trying to go to the floating Poke Mart. - [John] It's very cool and confusing. I don't understand what's going on there. - Let me check my coordinates. I'm at 123. Oh, I gotta get to 300? Golly gee, Batman. - [John] I am the Batman to your Robin. Thank you. That makes me feel good. - Oh, that makes me feel bad. Oh, oh look who I found. - [John] Oh, did you find Jack again? 'Cause you can never know where he's going to be. - Oh, oh, no! Wait, he has a sword! (laughs) - [John] (laughs) Oh, no, Mikey! - Oh, okay. Well, I regret that. This is a disaster. Oh! - [Jack] You shoulda thought twice before exiling me. - [Batman] Robin, I'm here to save the day. - Thanks, Batman! I think I'm fine, though. I've been running. - [John] Like a 20-piece McNugget, large fries, and a Diet Pepsi. - [Batman] Will that be all? - [John] Sorry, could you repeat that one more time? - [Batman] Will that be all, sir? - [John] Sorry, the car behind me is really loud and I can't really hear you through the speaker. - [Batman] Will that be all, sir? - [John] Oh, yeah, sure. Wait, what's the price of McRibs right now? - [Batman] Sorry, sir. We're out of McRibs. - [John] Oh my God. - [Batman] Hey, I know, I know. I've heard it before. I get it. I get it. - [John] Sorry, your thing sounded kinda like a drive-thru. (laughing) - I didn't think it sounded like a drive-thru. - [Jack] Yeah, I have a stone ax now, and I found a bunch of ice stone shards. - [John] (laughs) Oh, no! - Wait, Jack? - [Jack] Don't talk to me. - [John] Well, you know, I can't say we were on the greatest of terms, but Jack will certainly be missed. - Is that because he's become, he drowned, so he's become more water than person, and now he is missed? (somber music) - [John] Okay, okay. (laughing) I'm about to exile you. (laughs) Should I jump off the mountain? - Like come back, just spawn by killing ourselves? - [John] (laughs) Yeah. - All right, I'll just drown. - [John] Okay, now that I'm back at spawn without any prior incidents, Mikey, would you like to see what mining in this game is all about? There's actually a bunch of new ores. I actually, I mean, if we get Jack, we probably need to get the man back here so we can mine. We need to set aside some differences so we can have a group mining adventure, 'cause I think you can actually get materials to build the outfits for the evil teams. - Okay. Yeah. I'm good with that. Mining's good. I just need equipment for it. I need to make a pickax. So, I need some like rocks, or something. - [John] So, I have decided to make one of these buildings into a mine shaft. Actually, let me get a sign so I can put a sign that says mine shaft. - All right, which building is the mine shaft? - [John] It has a sign on it. Now, it may deceive you, but don't be fooled. It's there to trick Jack. - Definitely not a mine shaft. (laughing) All right. So, it's not this one. Time to move on. Wait, what is this? - [John] Oh, no. - I got Sapphire. - [John] What? (laughs) - [Jack] Hey, I know I'm in exile, but can you come up to the town real quick? - [John] What! - Hold on. Wait, I'm making my way downtown. Oh. - [Jack] Homina, homina, homina, homina. - [John] Dibs! Dibs! Dibs! Dibs! - What do you mean, "Dibs"? - [John] It's a Totem Pokemon. - [Chad] What? - [John] Go, Chad! - [Chad] This is absurd. Why would you-- - [John] I can't do it. I can't, it won't let me! It won't let me throw my Pokemon! - I threw it right through it. Ooh! Okay, this is a level 100 Lunala. (laughing) - [Jack] What! - [John] Hey, Mikey, you got this, right? I mean, the whole town is depending on you here. - Well, okay. Go, Buffalant. Use tackle. I out-sped it. Oh, that's right. It's a ghost type. Oh, it teleported. It just teleported away! (laughs) - [John] What? - Yeah! - [John] Wait, so what you're saying is it was scared of you. Yeah, you frightened it, Mikey. You won. - All right, I got no benefits out of it. - [Jack] There once was an ugly Poke Tuber. He was so ugly, that everybody died. (laughing) - Do you use your levels for anything in this game? - [Jack] I dunno, but I leveled your mom last night. Oh! - [John] Mikey? Mikey, you're gonna, Mikey, you have to destroy him. Mikey, you need a low-- - I've already done it twice, John. It's only a matter of time before it happens again. - Mikey, do you think we will rue the day we exiled Jack numerous times? - Nah. - I'm gonna steal their healing center. (laughs) It's gonna be all my... - We might regret it, but I don't see why either of us would get a kangaroo involved. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. He stole the healing machine. - [John] No, he didn't. - I just... - [John] No. - Jack? - [John] No. Is he in-- - I just saw him run by the window! - [John] No. - I don't know where he is! Maybe it wasn't him! Maybe it was just a villager? - [John] I mean, officer Jenny did say there was someone running around stealing. (laughs) She did legitimately say that. - All right, listen here, you backstabbing brute. - [Jack] No, no. Hi. - Give us back our healing machine. - [Jack] What? - What? I'm Purplecliffe, and I am pretending like I did nothing wrong. - [Jack] You guys had a healing machine? - Oh, my God. Jack, give it back! - [Jack] So, here's the problem. - [John] Jack? - [Jack] I was gonna-- - [John] Give it back. - [Jack] No, no, here's the problem. I was gonna hide it, so I mined it, and it turned into an aluminum plate. - You destroyed it. - [John] Wait, you-- - [Jack] Well, I was gonna hide it under a carpet, but it turned into an aluminum plate. - Oh, my God. We have to find a new Pokemon Center. - [John] Why, Mikey-- - [Jack] I'm creating my own healer right now. - [John] Mikey, yeah, there is another option. The option is we, you know in a show how they grab a small character by the shirt and hold them in the air as their legs flail about? - Oh, yeah? - [John] We do that to Jack, then we force him to help us create a new one as we are mining, and you can mine the materials to make your own healing machine. - All right. I guess we're doing that. - [John] All right. Hey, Jack, how do you grab characters in Minecraft by the shirt? - [Jack] I don't think I'm incentivized to answer that question. - [John] Jack, I have three Rubies with your name on it. - [Jack] Rubies? - [John] Yes. - [Jack] Bring me a diamond. - [John] But you destroyed our machine. - [Jack] Yeah, but I can't make it without a diamond. - [John] Is that even true? - [Jack] Yeah, it is. - [John] Oh, crap. Okay. If I bring you a diamond, would-- - [Jack] I'll make you a new machine if you bring me a diamond. - [John] Okay, a deal's a deal. So, hey Jack, how you been? I don't miss you, but how have you-- - [Jack] Well, my whole team's been dead for 10 minutes. (laughing) I went to steal your guys' healer, and then it broke, and I couldn't heal. - [John] Right. - Ah, nice and healed. Good job, Pokemon. - [John] Wait, Mikey? - [Michael] I'm upset. I don't know what's going on. - [Jack] I used my one diamond to craft myself a healer. - Where are you, Jack? - [Jack] In exile. - Jack, if you put the healer back in the Pokemon Center you are un-exiled. - [John] Permanently. - [Jack] I thought it was trial by combat. - [John] Mikey, Mikey, challenge him. Mikey, challenge him. Mikey, Mikey, come on. - [Jack] No, you guys have like level 15s. - No, we don't! (laughs) And mine isn't healed! (laughing) - [Jack] You know, I might let you guys come and borrow my healer. - What would we have to do? - [Jack] I charge two black Apricorns per heal. - Per heal! - [John] Mikey. - [Jack] Per heal. - All right, screw this, man. Let's just build our own. - [John] Mikey, it's time to be self-sufficient men who don't need no jackass. (laughing) - Yes! Oh, that was so good. - [John] That wasn't funny! - I thought it was funny. - [John] That was the worst joke today! (laughing) Okay, you know what? - Oh, I just found a mineshaft! - [John] Oh, my God. Dude, we can make a rollercoaster, Mikey. - We could, but I don't think that's really top priority. Oh, there's some more rubs. - [John] Did you just call rubies rubs? (laughing) - I guess I did. I'm sorry. I won't ever do that again. - [John] I've hit bedrock. - I think you went too low, then. - [John] Yeah. Well, I think you can still find diamonds all the way down. Oh, my God! I found diamonds as soon as I said that! - Oh, nice! - [John] Hi, Mikey. Look up the instructions. - On how to make a healer? - [John] Yeah. - Okay, so to make a healer, you need a diamond, four aluminum plates, four iron ingots. So, I know we have the ingots. I don't know where we get the aluminum plates. - [John] I think you hammer them out. - From what? - [John] I think we have to make a hammer. - Well, I don't know how to do that. (laughs) - [John] Well, you need a hammer to make Poke Balls, so learning how to do that is very important in your mission to learn Pixelmon! ♪ Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo-doo ♪ Hi, Mikey. I need you back at our place. We need to make our healer. Mikey, should I construct a hammer out of one of these cool new materials I've gotten? - Sure. - [John] Hey Mikey, are you near a spawn? - Yes, I am. - [John] Ooh, perfect. Okay, so, finally. I have gone through the ancient texts, and I have finally remembered how to craft things in this mod. - Ahh. - [John] I know you were saying you did not find any aluminum. I remembered that it was a thing called bauxite, and then you would turn that into aluminum, but it's not like aluminum. It doesn't matter. We have aluminum, and I have, look at this. It is a ruby hammer. - Ooh. - [John] Because we're fancy, Mikey. We have money. We're wealthy. - We are wealthy, indeed. - [John] So, Mikey, you take these aluminums, you put 'em on the little hammer thingy of hammerness, and you smack it. Just smack it. I think. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. See, look, it's flat now. I know what I'm doing. I definitely know what I'm doing. - That is going really slowly. - [John] Hey, there it is! Easy peasy! Would you look at that? - How many was that? - [John] One. - Oh, should I make like an iron hammer, or something? I'm gonna make an iron hammer. - [John] Yeah, that'd probably be good. - All right, how do I use my hammer? - [John] Start smacking it. - Just with left click? - [John] Oh yeah, just hold left click until it is flat. Can we both do this? - Oh, okay. - [John] Okay. - One of us took that. - [John] Me, it's mine. Haha. - How many do we need? - [John] Four, and I have all four, and I have the iron, and I have the diamond, Mikey! ♪ Doodle-dee, deedle-dee, deedle-dee, doodle-dee ♪ ♪ Deedle-dee, deedle-dee, deedle-dee, doodle-dee ♪ ♪ Deedle-dee, deedle-dee, deedle-dee, doodle-dee, dee ♪ (clapping) - You did it! - [John] We can actually battle again! - I mean, I've been battling, but just very sparingly. - [John] I can battle again! (laughing) And Mikey, more importantly, what does this mean we can create? (clapping) - Friendship! - [John] No, Mikey, we already had that. We created that long ago. - Oh, yeah. Right. Poke Balls. - [John] Poke Balls! - I'll get my corns. Okay, so what do I do? - [John] You take the three colors, and then you put them in a line of three, like across, horizontally, and until it works. - Well, that didn't work. What are you hammering for the lower halves? - [John] Just three iron ingots across. That one works, normally. (laughs) And then I have all of the buttons. I have 49 buttons ready to go. - What? Why can't we-- - [John] All right, so I am gonna have to hammer for like the rest of my life, so it is up to you to figure out this issue. - Ah, John? - [John] What up, dog? - We have to furnace the Apricorns. - [John] Oh, perfect! See, that's why I entrusted you with the ancient texts. (machine whirring) - All right, John. Should I make Poke Balls just by guessing, or should I just look at the recipes? - [John] What does your heart tell you right now? - I think I want to guess on some of them. I'm gonna guess an Ultra Ball is yellow, black, yellow. - [John] Other way. Other way around, other way around. - Is it black, yellow, black? - [John] Wow, he did it! He did it, he did it! - Yay. Should I max out on those? - [John] Yeah. I mean, I think you've already had enough struggles with the other ones. I think having Ultra Balls first feels best. - What about Quick Balls, though? - [John] Okay, well, Quick Ball is-- - Well, I might be able to make Ultra Balls and Quick Balls. Is it blue, yellow, blue? Yes, it is. Maybe I should just look at the list. (laughs) You wanted two Luxury Balls? - [John] Well, yeah. How else can I flaunt my immense wealth and power in the server? - Well. Oh, my God. - [John] What? - I got, dammit, John. - [John] What? - You make the bases, and then have to hammer them. - [John] You have to hammer those? Oh, you do! I forgot about that. Yeah, we really need to invest in a super powerful hammer, which is surprising. - Well, I made the three Ultra Balls. - [John] Okay. - Or three, the caps, and so now I've made three Ultra Ball, or Luxury Balls, I mean! Sorry. Where are you? I'm gonna throw them at you. Alright. - [John] Yay! - I'm gonna catch a Mamoswine! Oh, I didn't do it. (laughing) I'm gonna catch a Mamoswine! Oh, it broke out. - [John] This guy. - I'm gonna catch a Mamoswine! I'm not catching a Mamoswine! - [John] You're not doing well, man. - Nope. Okay, I'm gonna make Dusk Balls over Ultra Balls, 'cause they are better, if it's night. All right, I spent all of our Apricorns, except one black one, one white one, and one pink one. Wait, why did that? No. Wait. Oops. What? What is it doing? (laughing) - [John] How did you do that? - I don't know. I'm aiming toward the floor! - [John] Wow, that was incredible. - What the heck! All right. - [John] Yeah, just leave it there. That's where it is. I don't even know if we have enough. Do we even have enough bottoms that we should be bashing all of these? (machine whirring) Hey, Mikey, look at me. - Oh. What? Did you make the magma helmet? - [John] Hell, yeah, I did. Look at this! - That's actually pretty sick. What's that hammer you're holding? - [John] A sapphire one? - Cool. - [John] I am fearful for my life. - Is that a Flying Sirfetch'd? - [John] Mikey, it's not moving. It is hovering, and not moving. - Wait, I gotta, let me finish hammering this one and I will come see. - [John] I went out to the left. I mean, you'll see it in the sky. It's just hovering. - Oh, there he is! - [John] He's not moving. - Hold on, I got this. - [John] Mikey, you could capture him! Mikey, you're the chosen one. - He's only level nine! (laughing) - [John] This looks so absurd. Are you in a battle? I'm in a battle with the Sirfetch'd! - [John] No way! - Poke Ball. Quick Ball. (dramatic music) - [John] But he's not floating. Did you get him? - Wait. Yeah. I don't know where he went, but I caught him! - [John] You did it, you did it! (laughing) Oh, my God. (laughs) Wait, there's another one! Mikey, they're everywhere! - Wait, yeah! I see it all the way over there! And there's a Skiploom right in my face! - [John] I'm overwhelmed. If this is Pixelmon, I love it. (laughing) - I fought the Skiploom and I flamed charged it, and it was like right up in my face in my screen, and it just went, "Hmph!" Just off to the side! They really liked to spawn Pokemon on top of my towers. They spawned a Sqwovet up here. Let me get the Sirfetch'd. It's a girl. Moves, it knows first impression. - [John] Oh, that's cool. - Leer, sand attack, and peck. All right, I'm sending it out of its Poke Ball. Let's see what it does. It is on the ground. - [John] Boo! Float like a weirdo again! Float like a weirdo! - Hey, Sirfetch'd. - [John] There you go, buddy. - What am I gonna name it? Oh. - [John] I don't know. You gotta come up with some nickname that references him just chilling in the sky. I don't know what that entails, but I know you can come up with something clever. - Oh, yeah. Let me think about it while I'm hammering away. - [John] Oh! Oh, my God, Mikey. I found a Pygmy Zangoose. It is so small. - (laughs) Wait, I kinda want to see it. - [John] It is smaller than the flowers. I am right outside of the Pokemon Center. If you go straight, you will find me. - Oh! It's a little baby Zangoose! - [John] I don't understand how they come this small. Like, what are we about here? This is absurd. Ooh, Mikey, I could bestow upon you something very special. This is your first time playing Pixelmon, the near end of the episode, and I give this to you. - Whoa, Brave Bird! That is really good. I'm gonna save that. Wait, use him for your Sirfetch'd! What do you mean? - Oh, oh, okay. All right. Wait, I gotta nickname it. Ah, I wanted to name it SkywardSword, but it doesn't fit! I'll just name it Skyward. All right, it's nighttime. That means it's adventure time. - [John] Well, there it is. The healy, healy place of healing. You always have that guy running around, and it gets me every time. (laughing) - I think it's fun! - [John] No, it is one of the better things in this game. You could set out all your Pokemon at once, too, if you want. - That seems like a frame rate issue. All right, well, if you're gonna do it, fine. How do you do it? (laughing) There we go. - [John] Wait, try right-clicking the Buffalant. - What! What! No way! - [John] Ride into the sunset. - Oh, my God, I can ride Buffalant! - [John] Mikey, yeah. You get a flying Pokemon, you can fly on it. If you get a surfing Pokemon, you can surf on it. - It's so fast! - [John] Yeah. - Look at me! Whoa! Oh, my God! All right, well, where are we going, man? - [John] I mean, you're so much faster than me at this point, you might just want to go on a final quest yourself, at this rate. - Very well. Ride off toward the sunset. This is insane! It's so fast, John! Oh, my God! I'm riding toward the sunset, and I've reached to the ocean. I think I have to get on my boat. Boating into the sunset. Wait, has this been the sunrise the whole time? (laughs) - [John] Yeah. - It's fine, no one has to know. Land! Everything over here looks dead. Buffalant, all right. Come along, buddy, to the top of the hill. It was just a small island! (laughing) - [John] Oh, no. - Oh, a Cramorant and a Carnivine! That's level 58! - [John] (laughs) Oh, my God. - The Carnivine is 51. All right, well, time to come home. (laughs) Oh, an item. I got a Ninja Silver Hourglass? - [John] That's gotta be some crazy quest. - Yeah, it's gotta be. Whoa! - [John] Master Ball. - Whoa! I got onto the landmass, and an enormous pillar! Oh, my God! No, it's not a pillar! It's a floating rock mass! - [John] What? - Oh. - [John] What? - Desert temple. - [John] Ooh, you can find some goodies, and TNT. Oh, Mikey, please do not step on the pressure plate when you jump down. - Okay, so I'm looking down the hole and I see what looks like an, I fell down the hole. (laughing) - [John] All right, mine up the pressure plate now. - Which one's the pressure plate? - [John] There should only be one plate. - Is that the dark center one? - [John] Okay, you have not gotten to the pressure plate yet. So, that block in front of you, you're looking at, dig that. All right, you see the pressure plate? - The thing in the center? - [John] Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, you want to not land on that. All right, break that immediately before you could possibly stop on it. All right, now get the stuff, and then you can look at the TNT below you, and you can take it to do whatever you want. - All right, Sand, Rotten Flesh, Emerald, Emerald, Full Incense. A Saddle, a Crumbled Rock Key. - [John] Yeah, I don't know what that is. Dude, that could be for like a Regirock, or something. Once you go through all those chests you need to come back home easily, right? - That's the plan. - [John] May I suggest putting the pressure plate down and stepping on it? I feel like you've never done something like that, and it will be very entertaining. - That's fair. All right. - [John] Just walk. - Oh! (laughing) Wait, John. I didn't die. - [John] Oh, no! (laughs) - I'm okay. (laughs) Give me cobblestone. I am in the darkness. I wanted to go home. (laughs) Oh, I found a winter biome! - [John] Oh, my gosh. - Wait, what is that? I don't know what that is. I got an ice stone shard, and that is an enormous tower of what is that? Are you looking? - [John] Okay, I am looking. Oh, my God, what? That is definitely for Articuno. That has to be for Articuno. - Let's see. - [John] (laughs) Yo. - What? - [John] What? - What? This is insane, dude! - [John] I think you have to like Parkour up even to get there. Oh, my God, you actually have to like Parkour. (laughs) - Why don't I Parkour, when I can just do this? - [John] I was, for some reason, not ready for that. - Oh! - [John] Oh! - Yo! - [John] Okay. - What, an Ice Stone! (laughs) - [John] Yo. Look at you, man. - An Orb? - [John] I think that's for a special event, or something. - Many legendary Pokemon. Yeah. - [John] Yeah, you do not need a saddle. (laughs) You're already riding the Buffalant without it. Man, yay. You want a way to put the icing on the top of the cake that is this video, look at this crazy place. My, God. - I think I'm just gonna get to the top of this, and yeet myself off to get back. - [John] What is that? I told you Articuno, yeah! - Dude, and there's a Durant up here. - [John] Yo. - What do I do? I can't fight an Articuno, though. I probably shouldn't do anything. - [John] No, I don't think you have all the materials to do anything, but do not pickax that, or it might break like the healer did. If we've learned anything today, it's do not mess with things we do not know about with a pickax. (laughs) - Oh dude, this shot is so cool. - [John] Oh, my God, it is incredible! - Right through the sun. Oh, my God, dude. I can't believe I found this. I'm definitely writing down the coordinates for this. - [John] Yeah, that's why exploring in this game is so fun. You truly don't even know what there is to find. - So, it's time for me to go home, which I'm going to do by yeeting myself off. (laughing) That worked well. All right, guys! That's where I'm gonna wrap it up for this Pixelmon video! Thank you so much for watching, and there is more Pixelmon content to come here on our Poke SNP. Make sure to subscribe to both, well, me, but also, PokeMEN7 Plays, Purplecliffe, and follow them both on Twitch, 'cause they're gonna be streaming a lot of Pixelmon, and I'm gonna hang out with them sometimes. It'll be lots of fun. All links are in the description below, and that is all I have for now. So, 'til next time, Pokefans, gotta catch them all!
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,675,767
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc, mml, pixelmon, minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft pixelmon, minecraft pokemon mod, pokemon minecraft, pokemon in minecraft
Id: 1ynQYcPZM08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 29sec (2789 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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