Pokémon, But I Only Have 1 HP

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(heart beating) - Oh, God. - What? - I missed a Fury Swipes. This Tentacool confused me. - Oh, no! - Well, let's see how this goes. There's nothing I can do, right? I don't have like a Persim Berry. - I don't think so. - Crap. Greetings, Poke fans! Michael here, and today, I am joined by my lovely friend John aka PokeMEN7 who, as of recording this video, is very close to 100,000 subscribers. So, go subscribe to him, if you haven't, regardless of whether he's hit it or not, and maybe congratulations. We'll find out. But regardless, today, he and I are gonna be playing Pokemon, but we only have one HP! We have each given ourselves a Shedinja. His is GlassBones, mine is PaperSkin. Leave a like on the video if you get the reference, and it's over leveled, just 'cause that's kinda necessary. And how Shedinja works is that it only has one HP. Look at that, one out of one. However, it can only be damaged by super effective hits. The idea is that he and I are going to progress through Emerald as far as we can, and the last person standing is the winner. And you stop standing once your Shedinja has fainted three times. - We have identical, oh, I cannot say Shedinja. - Yeah, you cannot say "Shedninja," John. There's no N after the D. (laughs) - For this challenge, we both have identical Shedinjas. They have Silver Wind, Shadow Ball, Confused Ray, and Fury Swipes. They have 31 IVs in every single stat. No EVs. We'll see which ones we get along the way. And of course, we had to have leftovers, as that is just the best item for this Pokemon. - Yeah, I was gonna say it makes us take more damage from knockoff, but like, then I remembered anything kills us. Okay, here we go! Three, two, one, go! We're doing a gentleman's agreement. You just have to keep progressing. No, dawdling about, not fighting trainers, and such. - Do we have to battle every wild battle? Is that part of this? - Ooh, we should've figured that out first. - Well, we're here, so. (laughs) - Yes. - Okay, I like that. That's what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. - Oh, winner! John named us both winner. So, one of us will be the actual winner, and the other one will be sad. I got 69 experience! One of the best parts of gen three. So, we have to catch other Pokemon, right? - Do we? - I mean, no. Okay, eventually yes, but-- - Yeah. - Not until Rock Smash. - We should just like, don't catch a Pokemon unless you need one, 'cause that's like such a lame way to just dawdle about. - Yeah. - We're making it so if you want to skip trainers or if you want to go against trainers, you can. But obviously, the more trainers you skip, you're getting closer to stronger trainers, which is scary. And you know, if you go against too many, maybe you go against the person that ruins your life. - Oh, wait. I'm just about to buy an antidote, and I was like, "Wait, no, that's not gonna matter." You know, it's kind of funny. I think when a Shedinja's Facebook, Facebook entries? What just happened? (laughing) - I haven't friended a Shedinja on Facebook yet. What's he talk about? - One of its Pokedex entries, I think says, if you look into the back of it, it will consume your soul. And it's just like, this back sprite every battle. Either my soul's gone, or the Pokedex is full of crap. I think I still have my soul. I'm not seeing any (yelling). (laughing) Well, he closed his eyes when he threw the Poke Ball. How have I never noticed that? Well, keep your eye on the ball! - Well, he's terrified. A man wet himself, mid-throw. (laughing) - Before he recorded I was like, "All right, John, I'm gonna go pee before we get started." And then John says, "Go off." (laughing) It also sounds like you're instructing me to miss. - Hey, you know what? Go off the script, right? Come on, man. You're 26 at this point. You've gone to the bathroom normally so many times. It's not my problem if we mess up. - All right, John. Which one of us do you think is gonna get the Omniboost from Silver Wind first, and really appreciate the defense buffs? - Ooh. (laughs) That is a really good question. I mean, I'm hoping for a nice special defense, or a special offensive buff, but that's just me. - Oh yeah, that doesn't help us either. It's literally just a booster or attack. That's the only thing that helps. No, speed! - Speed. No, speed's even more important, honestly. - Yeah. - 'Cause this thing is very slow. I mean, it's kind of, yeah, it's dead. It's just possessing like a husk. - My thing is like, it's floating, so it's like why can't you just float faster? I'll never forget, John that video you made that was like ranking all the gen four Pokemon you could beat in a fight. (laughing) And you did Bronzor, and said that you could just throw it like a frisbee. That made me so mad, because I'm like, "What are you talking about, John? "The thing is a psychic disc that floats. "You throw it, it just stops itself in midair." (laughing) What? - I'm taking it to a wall. I'm just throwing it really close to the wall over and over again. - Is your arm stronger than its psychic force? - I don't know. Pokemon aren't real. I'm just making stuff up. (laughs) - Wrong stuff! - See, we'll eventually do fifth gen, 'cause I know you said you wanted to. I think that would be fun to do a followup of that. And I think half of the fun will be, I'm just gonna say outrageous things that I think would just be funny, and you're gonna be like, "God dammit, man!" (laughing) "That's not realistic at all!" - What are you talking about? (laughing) - It's so interesting doing these things where I don't know what's happening on your side, because I always go between, I don't want to be lagging behind on-- - Oh, oh! Sorry to interrupt, but I got the Omniboost! - Oh, man. - Does that mean I get an extra life? - Nope. - Dang it. - The interesting thing is the only reason to go against trainers right now is for the EVs. 'Cause it's not like at the level we're at now, you go against the gym, or you don't. Nothing's gonna change. So, it is interesting of like, do you want to go against the trainers before or after the gym? - Yeah. Unfortunately, the thing about EVs though, is that they don't come into play until you level up. Have you gotten the Omniboost from Silver Wind at all yet? - I haven't really used a lot of Silver Wind. I kinda try to save those. if I can use Shadow Ball, I always use Shadow Ball. - I've only used it four times, and I've gotten it twice. (laughing) - Oh, wow. - Yeah. (upbeat music) We need to make TikToks more often. They're just never a priority. - No, no. I'm actually, I'm trying to be better with that. I think like every... Now we're just doing conversations that would never make a video. (laughing) - I mean, I think it might make the video. I just beat the gym! (laughing) And I leveled up! (laughing) ♪ Doo, doo, doo-doo-loo, doo, doo, doo-doo-loo ♪ ♪ Doo, doo, doo-doo-loo, doo, doo, boo-dah-loo ♪ ♪ Boo, boo, boo-dah-loo, boo, boo, boo-dah-loo ♪ - So, we're gonna go through Granite Cave in the dark, right? - Oh, I guess so, yeah. - 'Cause we don't have to catch flash to do it. (gasping) What was that noise? (laughs) - I missed Fury Swipes. (laughing) But it's worked out fine. - No, man, that was you getting your soul sucked out. - Any thoughts? You lost yours first. How's that been going? - I feel a sudden urge to consume K-pop. (laughing) I was trying to think of something (laughs), and that was the first thing that came into my head. Oh, I shoulda just said I don't like (mumbling). No, that's dumb. I give up. (laughing) - You know what? Hey, the beauty of a video like this is we got a billion tries to say something entertaining. - That's true. - And also, we never know when the editor's just gonna be like, "You know what? "They're not really funny, but I can make fun of them." (laughing) Ooh, Mikey, so we're at this point of the game where I have two different ideas of different held items we could have that would be more beneficial. I am not going to tell you what they are. I'm gonna let you-- - Oh, wait! I know one of them! - Right, but that's, yeah, I'm giving you those context clues, but I just want you to know I'm changing my item from the joke item. - Okay. I remember the exact guy who gave me the item that I was thinking of. - I would hope so. Well, I mean I'm assuming you've played this game a billion times, but I guess I don't actually know. I just know it's your first game. - Yeah, I never really was using the particular item I'm thinking of. You know (people speaking over each other). It's the silk scarf. - Well, yeah, of course. You didn't want your Pokemon to be fashionable? - Not when I was little. I wanted them to be powerful. - You don't want them to take down a gym leader and flip their scarf around dramatically? - Okay, now, I do. I remember those sleeping medicine commercials. - The what commercials? - Nowadays, they say, "Do not drive "or operate large machinery," but I feel like they used to just say, "Do not operate large machinery," And I would think to myself, "Okay, that's not a concern. "I don't know how to drive a forklift anyways." (laughing) - Wait, does that mean we can go operate large machinery? - I'm legally allowed to operate a particular kind of large machinery. - But is it a cool crane-- - No, it's a car, John. - Yeah, but my crane can pick up your car, and drop it. - Are you legally allowed to operate a crane? - I don't know. Maybe. - I don't think you are. - So, if I legally find out how to operate a crane can I pick up your car and drop it? - No! - Be kind of fun. I mean, you know, wouldn't bother me, and I'd get to see what happens when you drop a car with a crane. That'd be cool. - My third channel will be large machinery destruction. (laughing) I've got MandJTV, MandJTV Plays, then MandJTV Pays for lots of things, and then breaks them. - Yeah, that was actually really good. I didn't expect you to come up with something that quickly. - Sometimes-- - Bravo! (clapping) - My wit is on my side. Wait, what'd you just clap for? - You. - Oh, thank you. - (laughs) I said, "Bravo," and then I clapped. (heart beating) - Oh, God. - What? - I missed a Fury Swipes, and this Tentacool confused me. - Oh, no! - Well, let's see how this goes. There's there's nothing I can do, right? I don't have like a Persim Berry. - I don't think so. - Crap. (heart beating) No! (laughs) No! Ugh! - Wow, I did not think, like, I didn't think it would happen this early, but I really hoped this would go that way, where just unexpected things happened, and it caught us very off-guard. - Oh, okay. Yeah, brutal. - That is a learning experience that one of us was gonna walk into, and I am going to look at every Tentacool with fright and terror. - I shouldn't of said why. (laughs) - Yeah, there's no way. We're not clever enough in these challenges to ever have something bad happen, and then be quiet about it. (laughs) - Yeah, that's true. I also think that it makes it more entertaining if we're-- - Oh, God, yeah. - Loud about it. (laughs) - Oh, I didn't battle that second gym. I have no idea what's going on. Going to go do that, then. (laughs) Oh, speaking of bag fumbling, if you run into an Aron, everything is sad and scary. - I repelled all the way through. - Oh, is that something we're doing? - We never said we were not allowed to. - Yeah, but that's just gonna make the recording time go much longer. - Well, I've been doing it so far, John! What, do you want me to stop now? - I don't know! I was just telling you that you've extended this recording session. That's on you. I'm just gonna go buy Repels now. - We never specified! I take no blame for this! I was doing the best strategy available. - Yeah. Well, I mean, the beauty of it is now you've really helped out the old John guy, as I am on a boat to a different city to get Repels. I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat. I need Repels, give me Repels. - I need to learn to keep my damn mouth shut. (laughing) - Are we allowing axe items? - I bought some. (laughing) - John, you should know by now that even if it's a silly competition, if I see an opportunity to give myself an advantage, I'm gonna take it. - I know you do. - I'm waiting for the day when you realize that these decisions you make extend our recording times by hours sometimes. (laughs) And wondering what you care more about. - To be fair, John, I'm not the one editing my videos. - Yeah, that is very fair. But this sneaky, smart attempt is blowin'' up in your face because unfortunately, we are in the one city in Pokemon where you cannot buy items, which makes no sense. They're landlocked. Like it's you have to take a boat to this place and they don't have a store to buy items. - Yeah. - Who allowed that? - And let's not move to Dewford, John. - I don't want to! I like to buy things. I mean, if we're buying potions there for a Pokemon I assume there's food for us there. And if I don't get it there, do I have to fish? I don't want to do that. - Just fish for toilet paper. - Oh, no! (laughs) Oh, no! - And other necessities. Teach a man to fish. (laughing) - Yeah, that's very true. - And he'll we never have a dirty butt hole. (laughing) (laughing) How much backtracking is allowed? - I mean, if you're backtracking, and like the reason is actually helpful, you can, sure, go as long as you want. If the backtracking is just so that you don't do things for 20 minutes, (laughs) that might be a little dicey. - The purpose would be for catching an HM Pokemon that is available where I am, but it's weaker elsewhere, and therefore, is easier to catch. - I don't know, sure. (laughs) - Okay, well, I'm not gonna do that yet. The Hipster? Have I heard about Loser? (laughs) What's it mean? Well, ask your daddy or mommy, okay? What? - Dude, you gotta fight them, I think right now. - I think I just got-- - Throw the gauntlet. - I think I just got insulted. (laughs) Screw the Hipster. (laughing) I wish I could ride my bike indoors so I could run over his feet. Hold on, can can we agree to stop our, no! God! - (laughs) I'm overwhelmed! What's happening? - Ugh! I lost another life! You don't have to tell me how. I'm just-- - I'm not telling you how! I'm really embarrassed! - That's fine. Like, I almost had a heart attack. (laughing) - Why do I have to be the one learning the lessons about what Pokemon are dangerous? - I have no- - Both times were because of Fury Swipe misses. - I think it's because you're using Fury Swipes significantly more than I am. - Yeah, I should lean on Silver Wind more. - I will for, you know what? The sake of your great looks and overflowing amounts of charisma, I'll do something that I assume could be risky, but could also just end up being nothing, but you know what? - You gonna do the wind streaks? - Yeah. - All right. (laughing) - All right, you're not doing anything super important, right? - No, I am, actually. I'm battling the gym. - Hmm. I'll save this comment, and we will decide whether or not it should be left in later. (laughing) It's really, actually, it's not even that bad. It's just something that is staring at me, and for some reason it's very funny after all of this time I'm just staring at it. (laughing) - Well, now I really want to know. - Well, it's just the fact that I keep looking at the name GlassBones, and at this point, I'm only assBones. (laughing) We like to have fun here. (playful music) What level is yours at? - 44. - Oh, okay. Mikey, I'm realizing that I don't know off the top of my head all of the Pokemon that get Rock Smash. And I don't think I've ever had a predicament like this where it's like I'm worried to go into the glass. The thing is I know we'll have Rock Smash, or gonna have Rock Moves a lot of the time. - Sorry. This is spicier than I thought it was gonna be, and we're okay! All right. (sighing) My heart's beatin'. - You're getting all the spicy things over there. You're gonna give yourself a heart attack. - Yeah. Why'd you make me do this? - This was your idea! (laughing) This is the one that you liked! (laughs) - The video is your idea. I wasn't the one who wanted to do it. (laughs) - I am so stupid. I didn't even go get Rock Smash, and I'm not gonna go backtrack at this point, 'cause that would just, I can't have my stupidity helping me, so I'm just gonna go buy a bunch of Great Balls and make sure I catch multiple things. - I didn't get Rock Smash either. (laughs) Looks like I gotta go get that. - Yeah. - I didn't get too far from the city. - No, well, I know I'm ahead, so I'm definitely not going to delay my way to a lead by running back, at this point. I messed up like an idiot. I'm gonna go figure it out like a John guy. Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. I didn't lose a life, but because of my frickin' Zigzagoon, I'm now caught at a double battle. - Oh! Oh, my God, I didn't even think about that! - I didn't either. - Oh, my God. Maybe just use axe items, or berries, or something on the Zigzagoon. - Am I allowed to Growl? - Yeah, you have one HP. Yeah, Growl's not gonna affect them in any way. Either they're gonna hit, or they're not. - I mean, I think Lotad and Seedot, they're level six. I don't think the Seedot knows any moves that can hit. It's biting. Okay, yeah, I win. (laughing) Oh, that's something we're gonna have to think about, from now, on. - Yeah. (laughing) Yeah, that is important. - Are you willing to share where you are in the game right now? I'm just curious. - Oh, I just healed from the old lady after the fiery path of doom. - Oh, you're way ahead of me now. - Yeah. I mean, you already almost lost your third life to the double battle, so I'm at this point, okay, clearly, I have just bull rushed this, and it's worked out, so I'm gonna keep bull rushing until it doesn't work out. We have three lives for a reason. - Yep. - I'm not doing anything-- - You could lose one. Just one. I'm not asking for a win anymore. I know that'd be a really uphill battle. But if you could lose just one, it would make me feel a little better! (laughs) - Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. - Did you lose one? - No, I-- - Why would you? - Well, because I'm staring In the face of possible death and destruction. - Ooh, tell me more. - So, it's he's looking up to the sky and looking down on me, which is already-- - The Skarmory. - Yeah. I remember that sprite well. - Yeah. - Fight! - Yeah, so this is really gonna come down to, does the game like me, or is GlassBones a monster? (heart beating) Let's see. He's not a monster. Game, do you like me? The game loves me! - Dang it! Freakin' dang it! - It lived with one, too. Like, literally one. - What did, the Skarmory? - The Skarmory, yeah. - Oh, my God. - Yeah. (laughs) That was as close as it gets! Oh, boy. ♪ Back to Repels, back to Repels ♪ ♪ That was scary, back to Repels ♪ - Back to Repels. - That's another Skarmory! Dammit. (laughing) - What does it even know at that point in the game? Does it know a flying move? - I would assume so, or maybe it's just too egotistical to learn any bird moves. It's just steel, although I credit haystack. You know, and now there's a Swellow! I assume I kill this, but hopefully, it doesn't have, oh, Swellow's even faster! Oh, crap. Oh crap, oh crap. Okay, I want speed. Okay, okay. We're not at the point where Swellows out-speed us yet. Ooh, no, I'm not gonna do that. I was gonna risk something really stupid for that. I mean, I can't be pulling a Purplecliffe. (laughing) - Ooh! Ooh! - Boom, boom. - Ooh! Am I allowed to change move sets? - I don't know, screw it. Yeah. I don't see why. I mean, if you've come up with some like very, oh, you're just gonna get rid of Fury Swipe for a normal move that doesn't miss. - That is correct. - Yeah. (laughs) Yeah, no. I mean, absolutely go for it. - I did. (laughs) Literally, I was prepped to click, and as soon as you said, "I don't see why not," I did it. - That woulda been funny if you're like, "I did that 20 minutes ago." (laughing) - Ooh, that's a Skarmory. Now, I'm thinking that's gonna be hard, considering you still haven't had a single loss. - Yeah. I am on my way to Flannery. - Oh, I out-code it. All right, thank God. Where are you right now? - I'm about to go fight the, is it the team magma people? - Yeah. - I don't know. Something very interesting just occurred. - Ooh. - It is something that is unavoidable, so I will just let you experience it, because your reactions will be fun for me, and maybe only me, but it is definitely terrifying. - Wait, so you're not telling me? - Oh, my God! Okay. I'm not. Because it's an unavoidable thing. You will have to experience it, and there's no reason to alert you of it 'cause you're not gonna do anything differently, and I want to see your reaction. - Of course you-- - If that all makes sense. - Away with it, and don't lose during it. - Let's go! (laughs) Oh my God! Yes! If I told you what just happened, you'd strangle me. Oh, my God. - I already want to strangle you, man. - Yeah, well, that's why I'm not telling you, 'cause I think you might actually reach through the computer and I'd be very scared. 'Cause I'm so used to, if you know one thing about me, (gasps) double battle! - What was that falsetto? (laughs) That was incredible! - Yeah, it was for you, it was for the crowd, and it was for my first death. - Oh, you got one! Yes! - Well, no, no, no, no, no. Don't celebrate yet. It should be guaranteed. I'm in a double battle. This is where we find out how much Pokemon Emerald wants you to feel pain. Okay, who is least likely to hit me with a fire move? Mikey, this is big. This is my big moment. Level 50, even. The stakes are rising. Makuhita, level nine. Don't care. Didn't ask. It went for a Growl! It hates Mikey! He's gonna kill me! I'm just gonna make sure I keep my distance. I am scared. This game is so mean to that poor man. Mikey, I am sorry. Oh, my God. (fire crackling) I am untouchable. (laughs) I'm at a point where now I'm getting upset that I didn't just try to do like how long can I go just with a Shedinja as its own video? (laughing) I'm wasting outrageous luck on a concept that I coulda-- - Your Shedinja's also hella over-leveled. You know, you wouldn't get very far with just like a regularly leveled one. - He's special, and he doesn't need to know that, Mikey. Okay? - Dude, I just got a PP up. - Proud of you, buddy. - Well, John and I just had to take a dinner break. (laughing) That's how long we've been doing this. - Yup. (laughs) - Don't know how long the final video's gonna be, but we've been going for three hours. - The overwhelming part of the dinner break is like I'm at the fire gym, which we didn't think we would get to. And I also assumed if we got here, we would lose, but now it looks like I might just destroy the fire gym. I don't think this will ever end. (laughing) - What did Norman's Pokemon know? - Death and destruction. I think that's probably where it ends. - 'Cause Norman's Pokemon, we can't use. Shadow Ball's our best move by far, obviously, but we can't use that on them. And so, if Silver Wind or a normal move doesn't kill 'em, then... - I'm gonna get there. I'm gonna luck my way to victory, and then I'm gonna just keep on going. We'll go to the flying person. It just, it won't end. You can't think too hard about it. You just gotta get back to saying nonsense and hope people think it's funny. - Nonsense. (laughing) (clapping) - Mikey, I have, wait. I think I actually did it. I figured out the Flannery puzzle! - Hooray? - Okay. Let's see how this goes. This is a moment of truth. (laughs) - I can't believe we're gonna get like, at least one of us, probably gonna get four fricking badges for one video. - Yeah. - All right, I'm finally fighting Maxie. - I'm fighting the Camerupt, so this is a moment of truth for both of us. - Fighting the Camerupt. ♪ Bum, ba-da-dum-bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ Ba, da-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-m ♪ ♪ Ba, da-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-bum-ba ♪ ♪ Ba-da, la-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ Ba-da, la-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-la, la-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪ ♪ Ba-la, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-la, ba-ba-ba-ba-ba ♪ Okay, I did it. Okay. Torkoal's level 29? - Yeah. there's a bit. Yeah, that's quite a bit of a jump, isn't it, huh? - Oh, my God. I think the last thing I was like, 26. Okay. - Camerupt now? - Sunny day, if you don't die. Sunny day, if you don't die. It overheated me! My dreams are dead! - (laughs) All right, I'm not getting swept. - The perfect video! It's no more! - Oh, wow. Have we reached the wall? (laughs) - I have one trick up my sleeves. - What, are you gonna confuse it? - Well, it wouldn't be a trick if I told you. It'd be a treat. I think this will work. I'm not sure. We're at an interesting, we're at an impasse. It's gonna be very interesting to see how we proceed at this point, but-- - 'Cause we're not allowed to spend a while grinding. - No. God, no. That wouldn't. I mean, at that point we just hack our Pokemon to level 100, get rid of 20 hours of grinding, and then see how long it goes. (laughs) Aha! Okay, it did work out. Cool. - You be Flannery? - No, no, no. God, no, no, no, no. Just that I went back to check something, and then I did not end up going back in vain. I keep trying to think of ways around this final battle, but it's so daunting. - Yeah, it is. The fact that you can't OHKO. You can't OHKO. The Torkoal's rough. - Yeah, I'll give you this. I'm gonna go against it at least one more time before you do it, but after that, I do not care. I am not going to let you get away with not beating it. If you can go and beat her, hats off to you. Maybe you'll end up winning it. (laughs) I am not gonna just go lose to her three times as you're slowly making your way there, so. Be warned, get your strategy ready. - I'm starting to get nervous. (laughs) - As you should. - The fact that like, of course your first death is like a unskippable gym leader, you know? And not just a random mistake. - I mean, I am making my way back there. So, what I did was, I mean, I won't say exactly what I did it, but I went out, went back to get something specific, did get the thing specific, and now I'm making my way back and just going against into the trainers on that path that I hadn't gone against. So, I'm not doing any shenanigans. I'm just doing things that I had skipped as I was charging forward like a raging bull. I keep going through different scenarios in my mind of things I can do, and no matter what, it comes back to a leap of faith. - Yeah. - And that is the scariest part of this, but I wouldn't want it any other way. It's the most exciting way this could go. And me never figuring out how to get through this freaking gym. God dammit. God! (expectant music) No! My strategy didn't work. - Oh, that's unfortunate. - Good luck, King Mikey. Well, I'm running errands. (laughing) I promise you I'm biking on the Mach Bike to do them, but I am running errands because there's, I have ideas that I am trying to execute. So, I don't know. I mean, you can do what you want, and I will attempt the gym, but there's things I want to do before I do that, that are preparation for the gym. (laughs) - Yeah, you do you, buddy. I left. When I went ahead of you unnecessarily, I left trainers. I knew what I was getting myself into. You take all the time you want, buddy. (laughs) - Crap. - Now, hey, if you want the win, you gotta earn it. And if you earn it, I would be more than happy to crown you the real winner. And there is always a chance that I find a way to completely mess this up. (laughs) I just find a way to lose a Pokemon against these level 12s. Mikey, are you being serious? - I'm not in a battle. I'm looking for something. - Okay, I was like, "Wow, did he lose? "Did he come out of the call?" (laughs) What's going on there? - I'm focusing (laughs), but it's not in a battle. I'm doing a task that I'm not entirely sure is going to net me the thing I think it will net me, but it's an honest effort. - I could not even imagine what's going on over there. (laughing) - Oh, crap. (laughs) - At least I like with what you're doing, the anticipation is beyond growing right now. I am like, so curious. - It'll be maybe worth it! (laughing) - What am I allowed to look up? - Oh, I assumed you had looked up to figure out what-- - No, I haven't looked up anything. - Oh, okay. Please, for the love of God, whatever you're trying to look up, just look up that one thing. - Okay. I'm doing the, yes! I'm doing the right thing! - Okay. - I'm not wasting my time! Okay, okay. All right, I just have to keep trying. (laughing) - I'm so curious. (laughing) This is killing me. - I know, it's killing me, too! Hmm! I did it! Yes! I got the thing I wanted! And another thing I didn't need! - Is this like a guaranteed win now? It's just now I have to wait to see what happens. - I don't not know if it's a guaranteed win. - Okay. - All right, well, I did the thing I wanted. - Yeah, I've heard. (laughing) - And now, I make my way back. What are you doing, battling trainers? - Yeah. (laughs) Yes, I am. I'm battling a lot of trainers. - My name Jeff. (laughing) - Is that the point you're at? (laughs) - I'm just fighting a trainer, a trainer named Jeff. - I mean, if this would give anything away, which I can't imagine it would, because this has been so secretive and confusing, is this like a, you do it, there's a chance you just win, or are you still gonna be based off of hoping some luck's involved? Is this like there's a chance for failure, even if it goes well kind of stress. or what kind of stress are we working with? - The stress is-- - Let me live vicarious through this moment. - The stress is that I don't know what I'm doing will work. - Okay, so it's a boom or bust. - It's a boom or bust situation. I know I can't reasonably delay long enough for you to be forced into an attempt again. - Right. - I'm going with the one idea I have, and that's all I've got. (laughs) Oh, no! - What? - Oh, I'm in the double battle. - No, no! Mikey! No! - It might just end here. I might've just, oh my God. - If it does end here, the outro's gotta be you trying this strategy. Or I mean, I guess you could just not because it might make you sad. I don't know. (expectant music) - One down. - Oh, okay! - I mean, I outspent and KO'd the first one. - Oh. - So, I don't know what the second one's gonna do yet. Zigzagoon's gaining levels. Yes, it went for bind on Zigzagoon! - Hey! Okay! We're back in it! I'm so curious! (laughing) I'm so invested! I want to know the freaking strategy. This is the kinda thing in Pokemon. I mean, this is what got me back into Pokemon, learning competitive Pokemon, all of these crazy strategies. And I am just so, my curiosity is so piqued. I just, I want to know what you're attempting so bad. (laughing) Okay, time for the bike path. (laughs) - What are you, wait. What were you doing before, then? - I've only battled trainers. - Oh my God! You skipped so many! - Yeah. - Okay, I had to beat all the gym trainers. I'm gonna-- - Okay. - I'm gonna heal, and then I have one more errand to run. - God dammit. (laughs) - Well, maybe I do. I'm not sure I do or not. I have to check something. - I'm on the edge of my seat, man! (laughing) What level are you at, out of curiosity? - I am... I think I'm... Hold on, I'm in the middle of another task right now. - [John] Okay. (laughs) - Oh, God. All right. I'm 52. - Okay. - Well, done all I can. - Okay. - Don't all I can without grinding against wild Pokemon. - Did you figure it out? Do you think you figured it out? - I don't know if I figured it out, but I have an idea. - All right, I've reached Flannery! Here it is! - (laughs) This is killing me! - I mean, yeah, I have to beat the first couple Pokemon first, before it even matters. (suspenseful music) All right, one down. Numel is down. Slugma. Slugma's down. Camerupt. (suspenseful music) Camerupt's down! (laughing) Here's the Torkoal. (torkoal growling) (suspenseful music) Oh, no! No! I was so close! It has red HP, man! - Oh! Did it kill you? - Yeah, of course. Yeah, it went for overheat. - Okay. - I was so close. - My heart's beating out of control. - I thought it was gonna go all the way down, man. I thought it would. - So, what happened? I mean, you brought this back and made the ending as exciting as possible, which is, I didn't really know that, that could happen, so I'm so curious. - You said you couldn't kill the Torkoal so I was like, "I have to make Shedinja as strong as possible." So, I spent all my money on Protein. - Okay, that's what I thought was a possibility. - And then realized, "Oh crap. "I won't get the EVs until I level up." - (laughs) So, you (people speaking over each other) candy. - So, I went to Granite Cave to get the Rare Candy, and was biking over cracks in the dark. - Why didn't you just do the Puzzle Master? - Oh, I forgot about him. - I could tell you did 'cause you were so confused with trainers. And I was like, "Well, I'm gonna go get this Rare Candy." (laughing) - Oh, well, now I'm embarrassed. (laughs) - Well no, 'cause-- - Maybe I could've gotten another level 'cause I was so close! I haven't pressed A. I'm leaving it on this screen. Ugh! - Man-- - If I remembered the Trick House, maybe I could've gotten another Rare Candy and that would've been enough. - That was a really good shot, though. - I'm kicking myself for completely forgetting about the Trick House. Oh, my God. I feel so stupid. Oh, well guys, thank you so much for watching. I tried hard, but I lost. If I hadn't missed those Fury Swipes I coulda just gone to get the other Rare Candy. Try it again! But no, it's probably for the best we stopped. We've been recording for four hours. (laughs) - It's been some time. (laughing) - It has. Thank you guys so much for watching. Make sure to subscribe to both myself and PokeMEN7 Plays. He's close to 100K. We want to get him his plaque. Thanks John, for doing this with me. We do lots of videos together, so make sure you check out those. Put 'em on the screen. That's all we have for now! (mumbling) advance! Gotta catch them all!
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,269,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc, mml, challenge, competition, shedinja, 1 hp
Id: CuBLvuEgy5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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