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i survived 100 days in our own pokemon game where we are on a deserted island the goal is pretty simple make it through the 100 days on the island and complete all the missions and make it off of the island at the end so ladies and gentlemen there are loads of little mysteries along the way and a special secret right at the end so stay tuned and let's get started then we get to choose between normal and scaling mode and scaling mode is slightly more difficult so we go for that one and so we now wake up on a deserted island where our boat has crashed and all of a sudden a little pokeball starts jumping around and comes towards us and asks to join our party and guess what party will you accept i like how the only options i have are yes and yes i don't have a no and i don't have a ruffle option but i do have a yes option so let's give that one well said wilson joined your party let's go dude it is little wilson this feel and he's now joined our team and he's of course a little ice water type that's gonna be helping us out throughout our journey now we take wilson and go explore around the island so first of all before doing anything we enter the shipwrecked boat because we realized that maybe inside of there we'll find some details on what's going on how we ended up here and all that sort of stuff one of the first things we actually do in the finding is actually a crafting table because yes crafting is available in this game we're going to be able to craft ourselves poke balls and other items that we will need down the line while exploring the boat we run into a frillish as well as a leap that we do take on in battle as well which are not the strongest things in the world because guess what wilson is just a powerhouse of a pokemon oh dude there's a backpack out there no i can't get it can i so once we are outside we go around looking for resources because we need them for crafting there's loads of different things like mushrooms and sticks that we will need to actually make poke balls and or potions and medicine so we find loads of those and after we've done that it's actually time to head into the wild once you've entered the wilderness we realize there's loads of resources out here but also aggressive alpha pokemon yes there's loads of aggressive alpha pokemon one of these ends up being beedrill which attacks us and is honestly really powerful and these kind of pokemon are all around here and at first we thought we could actually capture them but turns out we actually unable to do that nonetheless this is a crazy bead all right we're dead dude we're defending oh no we did it we did it holy dude the crit how do we do how did we survive that super fang okay i guess it's better than growl right we also find some berries which will come in handy later on then there is also the crazy aggressive grow wild which also goes into a battle with us again this one is also kind of like an alpha pokemon so it starts to fight start some beef we of course fight back against it and do defeat it and then it's time to head out and keep searching this is when we head to the right side of the map and discover our first puzzle this is one of many different puzzles that exists here and if we interact with the slab wall it tells us a few details about it written on it for this door to open the riddle must be solved red blue yellow blue and yellow again the flowers and buttons are likely the same oh my god they have riddles in here it's a button do you want to press it no it's a button do you want to press it yes and then yellow it worked hey we opened dude oh did the legend of zelda sound oh that's sick dude let's go we didn't enter the dungeon or cave whatever you want to call it and start exploring a little bit however we don't have flash or anything that can lighten up the cave to make things more visible but it looks kind of sketchy so we decided to leave it for the time being and head further to the right side of the map where we find a healing circle as well as some other stuff and also great little healing circle comes in really handy so you don't have to go all the way back to the ship okay there's a there's a cat up there wait what's that what's going on wait what what's happening what just happened what the like just happened so yeah we fell through a random ass hole in the ground and we ended up in a viper den which is quite dangerous so we have to defeat it very quickly we then go ahead and loot everything we can find inside of the cave itself exit it and then find a ladder that leads us upstairs to a new area that we haven't been to yet we spend some time walking around here until we discover a very aggressive hissuian decidueye specifically which does freak me out a little bit because this thing is a straight up beast oh my god oh no i know what you are i know what you are oh no please please looked at me looked at me you shouldn't have looked at me it's a history decidueye bro why did you look at me alright well i'm dude please can i run i ran away i ran away let's go after that ordeal we make our way back to the boat and enter it because we aren't leaning to look for like well first of all the crafting table and also for other details on where we gotta go next because we're missing certain items so back inside of here we look around and get to like this kitchen area where we find an aggressive dell mice which we then have to battle to be able to receive the exp share which is it is basically holding on to now unfortunately in this case we end up losing against it but we will come back to the del mines later on to receive our exp show so we take this moment to move further north towards the map and find some other stuff and here we run into a little bit of a side quest with an aerial dose that attacks us as we're trying to cross its threshold and of course we also find some other interesting things in this area by the way this overdose attacks us we do luckily don't defeat this one also we find our first extra pokemon to the team which is going to be this adorable joltik let's go i could have got a superfan but it doesn't matter i just have big brains i don't need that guys what do we call this thing you guys have to nickname it come on we need some goofy names so after some contemplating and suggestions from chat we call this joltik spock butt we also find a skarupi which we capture and nickname skapoopi we then go back to the puzzle entrance and enter that dungeon once more because this time we want to make our way all the way through it so we start going around and we make our way throughout this labyrinth all the way to the end when we get teleported outside of it and receive an item we get rewarded with a quick claw which is really useful down the line we then make our way back into the east side of the map where we once fell through the ground but this time around we're not falling through the ground and we're gonna be able to explore a bit further so we don't really find anything on the east side of the map that can let us progress in the game so instead we decide okay we got to make our way back to the boat because clearly we've missed something and then as we are going towards the boat we do actually end up finding a gas leak and now that we have crafted poke balls earlier on we can actually capture ourselves a ghastly which we do end up doing alright gastly joining us lads ashley's joining the team ghastly is coming to the team gasoline's being a part of the team come on buddy get in that pokeball nice good good it's just fart his name is fart he's part of the team now god damn it and so we make our way down to the del mar's once more and guess what this time around we can actually battle it and we actually do defeat it this time around let's go boys we got this all right let's freeze dry first i should actually do that should be like the stab right oh daddy good boys good good good good nice we got the expression lads let's go thanks to good stuff lads the next while is all just spent sort of grinding and looking for resources as we will be needing resources to make certain items to make progress but also at this point we hadn't realized that we had to explore actually the whole ship we only realized this later on but yes you got to go back to the ship explore it and you will find a way to get out of this place but yeah basically we're now stuck because we do not have rock smash or really cut either we have no way to make it through these well roadblocks more or less continue need for oh my god we can just get this so yeah i totally missed that i could make a crafting kit so i don't have to go back to the table every single time so yeah make a crafting game oh yeah also all around the map there are these wisps or little spirits that you can pick up that you can then use to well get a pokemon from that rock formation over there inside of the east forest we actually also find ourselves a chickarito which we decided to capture and add to our team ladies and gentlemen uh sir crack says bean all right sir crack it's your first time joining us i'm using your name bean it is actually at this point we capture multiple pokemon alongside a well shroomish in this case which we nicknamed 420 swoopy uh suggested by chad and also a scyther which we also you know catch a nickname steve blade for whatever reason and very quickly our chikorita actually also evolves into well its middle stage evolution in this case which uh yeah hey i mean in random i will not deny but hey why not man i will gladly take a bay leaf in this case so yeah we got ourselves a bay leaf but also we finally figured out what we needed to do to progress captain ski wow that's it that's where it was oh my god are you kidding me it's like certain shield there but backwards i guess so all right guys we're in we're in the captain's room now what the is that oh my god it's a frillish uh what's happening okay it's like a mini boss oh my god it's a jealous set not a frillish dude it's a it's an angry jealousy bro it's a jealous boss it's a wait i can hear disturbed souls coming from it ah so jealousy is basically a god is that is that what i'm getting from this is it god no ruffled you dum-dum it's not a god it's just a delicious it's just jealousy that's being very annoying but yeah this gelatin is what we need to deal with because after defeating it we received the one thing we've been looking for this whole time well boys we found the cut guide a paper that can teach you how to use the technique cut yeah so finally we got our ability to use cut now we can go around and cut down all these bushes that will allow us to access areas that we didn't have access to previously okay there we go so anyone can use it now because we have the ability to use it oh dude he actually does the animations uh let's see what's on the other side of the bridge this is what we've been waiting for um oh oh oh oh of course it is it's a gold vancilla dude oh my lord all the bosses are pokemon they're just angry and aggressive all right guys it's a wild golden chiller guys come on let's go this conventional is actually another one of the boss pokemon as you may notice there's quite a few of them around here but this is an event-based bat you know pokemon and it's actually the one we have to battle because if we defeat it it will drop a very important item as well all right so i don't think there's anything left in the boat anymore i think we've done everything in the boat dude 420 swoopies are bombing let's go let's go boys let's go dude oh my god yes brellum hands down one of my top three favorite pokemon dude a rock smash guide we got it we got it we got it we got we got we got it boys we got it and yeah rock smash the rock smash guide is what we needed to make it to the second half of this game to the other side of the map that we have yet to be able to explore but now we can rock smash our way through and get access to those areas as well all right guys we haven't checked this bottom area yet because now we have rock smash so we can do it but dude i love the animations they're so cute and so we walk into the monkey paradise where are we now hey it's kind of groovy dude hey this actually slaps so yeah i decided to keep on grooving for a while here but yes we made it to a new area and this is the monkey sanctuary there's actually two of these in the game and this is the first one where all the grass monkeys are located well i got some bugworth that's nice pet it oh we pet a grookie it looks hungry give it an oranberry yeah sure sure sure why not eff it dude why not a grook grookie looks sad play with it okay and agree looks really happy grooty grooky it looks like rookie wants to show you something monkey it's trying to say that there's something behind the tree you should check it oh was it a spirit was it one of the spirits it's gonna be one of the spirits right that means we need another how many five or so so we also find another one of these temples or dungeons which we unfortunately cannot enter yet as we are not able to complete the puzzle to enter it and the reason for this is well pretty self-explanatory we're missing the move strength which is needed to actually do this puzzle because there's a bunch of these rocks that need to be moved around we go ahead and actually craft ourselves a few items and then it's time to talk to the monkey king oh my god it's god boom the panzer guards are protecting willow boom dude willow boom is just like just vibing bro rilabila rillaboom is trying to say something but you can't really understand it oh tanoran guru oranguru is using psychic powers to communicate with you human i'm an ancient in this land and i need your help a few days ago a ship full of humans arrived on this island they started studying our ruins habitats and resources they found that this island is the home of a legendary pokemon that takes care of us while most important they somehow stole the two important relics you see there are two tribes in this island their leaders are rilaboo infernape and they used to take care of that legendary pokemon's relics all right now that they're gone willowboom here thinks that infernape stole it from him inferno balls are things that willowboost stole it from its relics they're mad at each other they're planning to fight this wouldn't end well at all so i beg you please go get their relics back and make the other humans go away i know your ship is not working anymore but other humans have a ship that you can use to research settlements you will need to swim the semi-sage found an old old pouch with guides that teach you how to surf you should ask willowboom but he won't give it to you for free though enjoy the good fight after all all right good luck human all right cheers man so really boom just wants a good fight guys guys you already know it come on guys already know this come on we're about to fight this guy okay let's go whoa dude if he's gonna vibe i'm gonna vibe too if he's gonna go all like monkey brains on this i'm gonna go monkey bracing this let's go boys all right boys okay not a vibe anymore now it's fighting time and so our battle against this shiny ruler boom is about to kick off we of course start off with none else then wilson who we go with freeze dry on we get hit with the lowering of our def actually a special attack right there however freeze drive does do a bit of damage then i think we get hit by a mud shot which again lowers our speed as well so not the handiest things in the world however we keep going and one thing these that like you know these alpha special boss pokemon have is that they can literally just re-heal themselves they don't need full superstores or potions or anything they can just re-heal themselves automatically so yeah we get a bit destroyed there by i think the leaf blade which takes out wilson which is our strongest pokemon at the end of the day and we're a bit torn right here about who to use we're going with 420 swoopy our brelum and we go for the i think mack punch in this case which doesn't do a lot and we get killed as well so we're down to only our last four pokemons we're going with fat the ghastly and here we go for the confused ray which i think um it doesn't end up doing anything i think the hypnosis as well isn't really doing much it doesn't affect it i think actually he doesn't affect us with his moves so we end up just missing hypnosis we go for payback which doesn't do a lot of damage we decide okay well now that he is you know paralyzed and asleep uh more or less they're not paralyzed but rather he is confused we might as well switch into someone who can do a little bit more damage and in this case that was going to be the bite on skapoopied uh who is able to actually do a bit of damage but also gets killed and then we have to switch in to our last choice which is steve blade who is able to uh i guess in this case pretty much finish off this battle and give us the w with the wing attack making us win against this willow boom and now allowing us to go around and take on his buddy infernape on the other side of the map hey let's go dude alright so we can craft the link chord we can have ourselves a gengar which is sick by the way let's go dude we got ourselves a hunter now g famous holy brother gee my guy i was gonna raid you in like an hour or something i think i'm gonna be live then still holy bro thank you dude i was gonna rage you after my stream i was like oh yeah i'm gonna do my first ever raid on like you know twitch yeah shout out to g famous by the way for actually raiding us and also guys you can check us on twitch you know which is where we stream these things if you want to see some cool streams and also some cool gameplay oh yeah also we catch a ivysaur which everybody wants it to be called weedasaur so yeah we we call it that which is a horrible name but yeah blame chat so then we finally make it past this rock formation where the historian decidua is located and now we can finally enter this area of the map and here is where we encounter our first trainer battle ladies and gentlemen so we get stopped by ruin maniac elaine who wants to battle us and he's got himself quite an interesting set of pokemon heroes specifically two of them and they're both fossil pokemon these guys are here well trying to figure out what's going on with this place what's happening here what's the deal what's going on on the island and they're looking for a specific pokemon we also find another temple which again we can't do anything about because we need the hm strength to be able to make it through this so we do ignore that and move on further throughout this area so we make it over this little tiny lake and then we battle another one of these uh you know ruined maniacs which uh who are they working for that's the real question isn't it so either way we battle this guy take him out and then move on further up this area so while we're in this area we actually get loads of resources and then we find out that there is a northern and also eastern direction we can go in the northern direction has a cave inside of it which address resources as well as also a path that will take us to another zone but before doing that we decide okay maybe we have to explore the area on the east side of the map first but before that of course we have another you know battle against the trainer in this case he's got a caphagus as well as a tortuga which we defeat without too much issues and then auroras is of course the uh more difficult and annoying pokemon to take out in this case but we do that as well and ladies and gentlemen we get to enter the next zone we defeat one of the ruin maniacs here who also has himself a cophagus as well and we defeat him and then we also get an evolution on our skroopy where's kapoopie basically he gets to evolve finally hey holy rupees evolving my guy welcome to the team welcome to the team thick boy we then take on more of these ruined maniacs as well as discovering where their boat is located and after defeating them all here we finally decide to head up to the northern area where we of course previously as you guys may remember we're looking inside of and now we can make it past there to enter the zone of the lava mountain in fernabe's area this is infernape's home this is infernape's place dude so the other one was willowboom this is infernape's home this is infernape's home dude okay there's an entrance in a cave over here now that we're in this new zone we start exploring a bit we find a few like you know well resources that we need a few bags and stuff like that and also this cave that has one of the spirits in it which we'll have to return to later also craft a link chord that we then use to actually evolve our haunter into a gengar we go guys god damn it another battle oh my god and so we enter the big boy cave and here we find the boss mag mortar yes we are about to battle another boss pokemon now you might be thinking is this the uh equivalent to the ruler boom that we thought earlier no that's a mini boss actually the infernape is still to be found nonetheless ladies and gentlemen we battle the magmortar and we also get something special from defeating it so here is the battle against the mag mortar of course we are kicking off with none else then our boy wilson who does get poisoned which is quite annoying but we just keep spamming bubble in this case however as you guys may have noticed these boss pokemon can heal themselves at will basically so we have to kind of redo this a few times until eventually a bubble hits and we defeat him we get rewarded with this item uh strength guide hey let's go boys nice good good we have those like little ghost thingies oh there it is i knew there was one there i was literally just asking like how many we found and we found another one um good oh we're in here guys we're in we found that we found the infernape we found the infernape area oh yeah uh-huh oh here it is in freddy's voice they're protecting it so now that we actually have strength we can open up this area as well because there's a secret dungeon there so we first of all go and uh you know pull this lever in the side here then we make our way around and use strength and then it opens up and we can enter and same thing it's a puzzle inside it's a labyrinth puzzle so to say and once it is finished guess what ladies and gentlemen we receive another item and so we use the night vision goggles which we received previously which i totally forgot we had once we use those we're able to easier and make our way through the labyrinth and once we are outside of it we receive charcoal now for some reason we can't actually battle the infernape just yet we have to complete another part of the missions around here so before we do that we go outside and we actually capture ourselves at calaba and name it fried cake and also guess what our bay leaf evolves into a meganium as well we also go back and finish that puzzle into dungeon as well we also capture a luxury that's just kind of randomly there in the grass with our last pokeball so now we've made it past quite a lot of areas and we've now gotten to the last trainer before we get to the one who unlocks the inferni battle this is the one of the guys who actually has one of the totems and so now we're taking on the guy right before him who has an aerodactile and of course loads of again just a lot of fossil pokemon is what these guys have like a cranados in this case which again we do one tap because man wilson is really strong and here we go ladies and gentlemen it's time to take on this lad here to interfere with my plan well too late i already started it the relics from the tribes they aren't just useless relics the genetic fluid and the old rune with these two i'll be able to control mew's power i see so you think you can stop me anyway let's see what you're made of who is this and so ladies and gentlemen we take on the next rune maniac and this is the one that's the important one so he's got a cophagus just like the rest of them we take that one out with i think ice beam in this case with wilson then he has an archeops which also gets destroyed easily same thing goes for his ball toy and ladies and gentlemen his auroras doesn't stand a chance against little wilson right here who destroys the competition hey fried cake let's go oh dude it's a sweet one like you said holy bro this looks sick look oh dude that's such a cool sprite we then received the relic which we can then bring back to the infernape and after doing so we're actually able to well battle this infernape as well which of course ladies and gentlemen with the help of wilson and the rest of our team we easily take it out and now we've returned the relic so after returning infernape's relic we also have to return the rillaboom relic as well however before doing that remember there were a few puzzles before that we were actually exploring well we do one of these by using strength now and then there is a bit of a puzzle on it as well which we receive an item for after doing this we head over to well you know willowboom same thing here we talked him returned the relic and that's that and ladies and gentlemen by now we've actually collected every single one of the spirits around the map which means ladies and gentlemen it is time for us to go and interact with that one little strange tomb where we might be getting a special pokemon heal the the evil wait the evil good luck [Music] you guys and yeah ladies and gentlemen it's a spirit tomb event of course we're not gonna be catching this one because we don't really need it as we're towards the end of the game but we do defeat it instead the team rocket outfits now on okay so yeah they're team rocket this whole time so you're the kid who delayed my plans defeated by a child he's ruin maniacs really aren't pathetic but i won't let you keep going with this he won't ladies and gentlemen he's about to whoop our asses and so ladies and gentlemen the final boss is giovanni of course he has his usual team his persian is defeated by the ice beam same thing with the rye horn same thing with the dog trio and kangaskhan can't stand wilson's staring power if this is what you want to call it i guess in this case nonetheless ladies and gentlemen nidoqueen falls and we pull in our hessian typhlosion against the haunch crow at the end here we do a little bit of damage with it unfortunately we have to instead use 420 swoompi which also doesn't do enough and then meganium pulls the last punch ladies and gentlemen we have finished the base game that is the game the deserted island we finished our journey here and we survived our 100 days as well as finished all the missions but there is one final thing we can do which we're gonna do right now if you've completed all of the puzzles in the game all those little hidden puzzle like dungeons that you guys saw us do with you know throughout this video then guess what you can catch mew at the end and ladies and gentlemen that's exactly what we do we go ahead and capture a mew for ourselves uh maybe two ice wings should be enough miu mimi 11 ultra balls should be enough right one two three oh first try first try lads dude and there you go ladies and gentlemen that is our journey on the deserted island finished if you guys want to try this game then let's get this video to 1 000 likes and it will be released over on our discord so feel free to join that discord down below and check out our previous games that we've been playing and stuff like that and thank you all for watching make sure to subscribe
Channel: RuffledRowlit Plays
Views: 16,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in pokemon, pokemon deserted island, pokemon wilds, can i survive 100 days in pokemon, pokemon 100 days challenge, 100 days pokemon challenge, pokemon wilds fan game, pokemon challenges 100 days, pokemon 100 day challenge, pokemon 100 days, my own pokemon game, making my own pokemon game, if I made a pokemon game, pokemon gym leader, pokemon fan game, ruffledrowlit, ruffledrowlit plays
Id: B0Iwl41Mc8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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