Pokémon White, but I Randomized Everything

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- I randomized a copy of Pokemon White with more things randomized than I've ever done before. Wild Pokemon, trainer Pokemon, move sets, types, abilities, evolutions, TM's, and field items. I'm excited to see how the chaos plays out, so don't forget to subscribe and let's dive in. Ah we'll be starting our journey in the Spring. How lovely. All right, time to find out what the starters are. The Psychic-type Pokemon, Sandslash, okay. The Psychic-type Pokemon, Jigglypuff. The Bug-type, Sawk. I think I'm going to go Bug-type, Sawk. Is it gonna to evolve into something and something bad? I did not randomize base stats cause that would be not easily visible. And that would be frustrating. Plus, now I have the advantage over both of these people. Wait, what, what, why did? Where'd she get a Darumaka? Does she not take the starter? Wow, I start with U-turn. That's incredible. Oh, that did a lot, excellent. Oh is this, It knows revenge, but it's not a fighting type because it didn't resist it. I thought Bug-type Sawk would be good cause there's a lot of good physical bug moves. All right. Now it's time for Cheren. Cheren has Chatot. Okay, well the other starter choices were clearly meaningless. Oh no, it's resisted. Shadow falls from Chatot. I will haunt him. Yeah, wait, why do I know that? I guess I just have to keep U-turning this thing only knows shadow force doesn't it? Oh, this is going to take a while. What type is this thing? Gear grind. It knows gear grind and shadow force but it has a type that is not, oh it could be steel weight, steel, steel resist bug. I'm an idiot. Got him. All right. Let's look at let's look at Sawk a bit more. Limber, oh, attack boosting nature. That's pretty dope. I'm going to call my bug type Sawk, Exoskull. Exoskeleton and it also has a skull unlike. I don't know. It just, I think it sounds cool. All right, here we are on route one beautiful flower petals everywhere. And I am going to be getting my first encounter. I'm going to be using Nuzlocke encounter rules so I can only catch the first Pokemon I run into in any area. But that is the only Nuzlocke rule I'll be doing because I don't like it when my Pokemon die anyways. Let's see what it is. Wow, the first grass it's a Zubat. I mean, I like Crobat, but I was hoping for something bit more exciting. Pretty sure it's guaranteed catch on round one. Yep, there we go. Zubat's data was added. It's a dragon bug type, what? All right, it named a Dragonfly and has shed skin. And it only knows U-turn. Okay, well anyways, I mean it might turn into something different when it evolves but it's not gunna evolve for like 20 levels. Oh look at Ghetsis giving a speech in this town. This town that's only point is Ghetsis' speech. Do I battle in here? It's been a long time since I've played this game. Oh boy. He has a Patrat. Okay, I can handle a Patrat. That's a weirdly normal Pokemon for him to have. Oh no. I have another Pokemon in my party. So U-turn's actually going to make me switch. I was just bugged by this dude. Oh my God. Oh, oh cool, all right. What's our Pokemon Deino. This is not ideal. It does not evolve for a very long time. Like what is it like 50? I don't know if this is even worth it. Tackle. If you live this bug buzz, you can stay. Oh, okay. All right. First, not an arrival trainer battle. Sudowoodo. Okay, okay. Oh, it's super effective, let's go. All right. I learned present. Present. Why Oh Gurdurr would have been so much more helpful than freaking Deino. Oh God, does she fight me here? Oh my God. I haven't played this game in so long. Crawdaunt, that's kind of a ripped Pokemon for you to have. Oh and its resisted, magma storm. Well. Fire punch, fire punch. I only have two bug types. Wow, I am going to judge Purple Cliff a lot less harshly for his losses in these extreme randomizers. Cause I want to just lost the Nuzlocke if it was a Nuzlocke. Okay, well let's grind I guess. I could've found a Seismitoad. Oh my God. This is a disaster. Wait, what! My Zubat just learned Roar of Time. What, oh my God, what is going on with this Zubat? Let's try this again. It's an uphill battle because she's got a fire type Crawdaunt, with strong moves but Zubat is a higher level than it now. And it's not actually weak to fire cause it's a dragon type. All right, let's blast this thing with a Roar of Rime and hope for the best. Nice, way to go Dragonfly. Raichu and she had some buff Pokemon. Autotomize, it's a steel type. One more Roar of Time. Wing attack, flying steel? Resisted but doesn't matter, who boy. Alright, just needed a bit of training and roar of roaring of time little bat guy. What was the first Pokemon you saved? Sawk really? Then Togetic could be a big help. It can use fire moves. I don't know what type it is yet though. So I'm just going to call it Float because that's what it does. It's a pure flying type. All right. Well now I'm fighting Cheren again. This time in the trainer school get to show off my new peer flying Togetic. Lampent. I found an Oran Berry. Because she used his Oran Berry. That's incredible. Well, it looks like I can't progress or get any more Pokemon until I beat the gym. So I'm just going to go for it. I'm feeling pretty good. I got my Roar of Rime Zubat. Oh God. Oh God. The first gym trainer has a Virizion. Oh God. Arrow blast you. Ice thing, no. Oh, that did nothing. Oh boy. Oh, and Ice Fang is super effective against two of my three Pokemon. I didn't know it was a flying move too, oh my God. This Virizion has a super effective move for my entire team. That's fine. Oh my God, was that a crit? My God, maybe I do go for the chatter to confuse it or go for the Aeroblast? No, Aeroblast has a high crit chance. I got to go for the Aeroblast. Ooh, so close. But I think that means if we live this hit, we win. Okay, we're not going to live this hit, but Zubat's faster. I think. Oh, it's not faster, but it used a bad move. So we win. Okay, well won that thanks to it's stupidity. Jesus, all right. I beat the second gym trainer, And now it's time to crush Cilan or Chili or Cress. I don't know which starter mine was. Okay, it is Cilan. Okay, all right. All right, Cilan he leads with Haunter. Oh, it's A steel type isn't it? I don't have anything good against steel. Ooh, that does a lot. Oh, that was a crit. All right, U-turn, yes. Mewtwo, Mewtwo. In the first gym? Oh man, okay. It's a rock type. My entire team is weak to rock. Oh, it's super effective. Let's go. And maybe it was rock psychic. Oh we're good let's go. Badge number one, Dragon Tail. ♪ Dragon tail dragon tail ♪ My first encounter with team Plasma. How will I be crushing you? Rampardos, oh boy. Oh, haha. All right, let's get our next encounter here in the dream yard. It is Cottonee. I guess that's, that's fine. A psychic type. It shall be known as Smokenmir. Which sounds like a fantasy name. In reality it's just a shortened smoke and mirrors. Cause it's a psychic type that kind of looks like a cloud of smoke. Modest nat... Ooh, psycho boost, self-destruct oh my God. All right. New encounter. Nevermind. These tiny little children have a Landorus?! All right, oh my God. I want to catch a new Pokemon. This is a rock type Loudred. This is going great. Regirock are you kidding me Cheren? Okay that did a lot. Boo yeah. All right. Now I finally get my encounter for this route. And it is a Wailmer, okay, okay. Oh nice, wow. Another flying type. Okay it's not going to be as good as Togetic. I'm calling it Balleen. It's a combination of balloon and baleen whales. I can also get an encounter here in this cave. And I want to get that. I got an Old Amber. Oh my gosh. That's a new Pokemon I can revive once I get to just the next town. All right. Let's get our wellspring cave encounter. Swanna ooh. If it's good, it can stick around for a while cause it's not going to evolve into something random. Do you know anything besides quick guard? Quick guard's a fighting type move right? That doesn't mean it's a fighting type but acid fighting poison. Come on, just give it to me. Yes, it is poison fighting. That's so cool. Calling it Toxtalon. Genesect, are you kidding me? Team plasma using Genesect is entirely too spot on. Gunk shot has missed two of three times. Toxtalon could you learn poison jab pretty please. This is ridiculous. All right, finally not Acid Armor. Oh my God, can you learn a fighting move? All right, check this out. I'm going to hit a Metagross with a Gunk Shot. Haha, not steel type any more. Oh and it still resisted. It Gunk Shots me back? Oh my God, this Metagross is destroying me. Ahha, sit down you stupid Metagross with your really good moves. All right, let's get that Old Amber revived. Hello. Yes, turn my Old Amber into a fossil. What? They randomize it into a Patrat. Not the most exciting Pokemon, however evolutions are randomized. So if I can evolve it, it can turn into something way better maybe. I'm calling it Dactyl. Cause it was from an Old Amber. Level 25! What level does this thing evolve? At level 20 it evolves a level 20. Oh my God, wait. This might actually turn out to be something really overpowered. I have to level it up once. I guess I shouldn't lead with it because the first Pokemon I find I have to catch. So all right it is Feebas. All right, there's no way I end up using this though. It's just going to be too hard to evolve. Ice ghost I mean, it's interesting. I'm naming it Fishstick because it's a frozen dead fish. (laughs) Oh, it could have been Lucario. Oh, what is this terrible luck. Life is meaningless. Okay well, my Patrat can't beat wild Lucario. So back to the weaker route. This is gunna take forever. And I'm not easily defeating these things. Like I almost lost to this Kangaskhan and that's all the experience he gave me. You know what, this is no longer top priority. I just got destroyed by a super powering Wingull. That's how my day's going. There's wild Suicune. Everything was so much better than the Feebas here. Everything. Oh, and it's fighting time but I'm locked in with a rollout. Okay well Dactyl's dead here. Oh wait, is Dactyl actually going to win here? Wow, it is, nice. Oh, that's enough. Our first evolution, if I did it right, it should be random. So it should not turn into a Watchog. Okay, I'm good with that. It's fire flying type with no guard. Oh, that's pretty cool. I thought about getting Dragonfly to level 22 so that it evolved, but I decided I didn't feel like doing that. So we're just going to go for it. All right Lenora in the regular version of this game you're tough to beat because of your Watchog. But you don't have to Watchog this time. I will crush you. That's pretty sus and gunk shot misses because of course it does fire blast fire type. Oh, oh, that did so much damage. That did not do very much. Toxic, oh my God, Amoonguss, this is not healthy. Oh my aero blast missed. (screams) That's so annoying. All right, we're relying on my overpowered Sawsbuck. It doesn't have any stab moves, but it does resist the fire moves. And this thing is making me have a tough time. All right thanks Dactyl. Alright, Beartic will try to beat you with Exoskull. It's super effective, okay, well that was anticlimactic. Ah, I did it, I'm incredible. I'm worthy of this basic badge. One more level and Dragonfly evolves. Is this going to be enough? I had to switch to get the experience. Yes, yes. All right Dragonfly. I've grown attached to you, but you have to turn into something good. Come on buddy, come on, come on. What is it? What is it? It's another Swanna. (trumpet music plays) Of all the possible Pokemon. Dragonfly turns into a Pokemon that I already have. Well, unfortunately, Dragonfly, you are officially benched for probably the rest of this play through because you're the same as my other Swanna, but worse because you don't have a stab move. All right so I am hightailing it to the desert because I want new and better Pokemon. All right, finally, my encounter for the desert route is Farfetched. Flash cannon, or was it a steel type? Flash cannon's pretty good. Although Farfetched is a better physical attacker. Is this steel grass. This is a steel grass Farfetched. Oh, I lived, wow. I didn't live, okay. All right steel grass. Okay, I'm naming it Decoy because I like to think it's an artificial duck that is holding a leek. And so it being artificial plus the leek it's holding is why it's a steel. All right, I've done a decent chunk of training. Decoy's caught up, so now I'm... What? Oh, I forgot about this crap. Yada yada yada liberate Pokemon. So on. So forth. Bad guys. Sages, Munna. All right, It's time for Berg's gym. Which means it's time to get sticky. All right, Berg. Your gym was sticky. I didn't like it. So I will be getting vengeance upon you by crushing your team. Leading with a Leafeon. No, it's fine. I'll finish your here. Nevermind. Okay this has got to just be a pure electric type. Okay, clearly the thunder punches are all on. So we're going to switch and just attack order this thing. Go Bees. I just love the mental image of a sock commanding a bunch of bees. Tyrogue oh, oh please. (sings) I will crush the tiny Tyrogue and the battle is over hurray. Who is calling me? Excuse you I'm busy. Hello Bianca. Oh, I'm battling her. All right Bianca I'm here to defeat you. Brown type of course. And it kills. Wow, Toxtalon you just, how does anyone do an extreme randomizer as a Nuzlocke? - No, no, no, no, no. (techno music plays) - Haha. You've gotta be kidding me. You've got to be kidding me. I have to fight another one of them in a row. I just want to catch new Pokemon. My team is so unbalanced. (cries) Oh my God, of course this thing's an electric type. Oh. Uxie. Uxie. God, please just please just be weak to my bees. Please be weak to the bees. I think it's going to be a oh, okay. Two more hits we'll be fine. All right. Now I get to move on. And now I, all of these people leave me alone. All right, look up. Look up. Ha I'm repelled. All right. We're getting inside the desert resort for our desert resort encounter. There we go. Okay, Something good. Something good. (connecting sounds) Oh my God. Oh, I don't know if this is going to work guys. I didn't adjust the catch rates. Oh, okay. Well I'm just going to have to get lucky. It knows solar beam too. Okay so clearly it's a grass type. Oh no. Ooh, oh God. Oh God. Oh, I critted oh no. Oh no. Come on, just, just... No way, let's go. Oh my God. Yes, grass fighting. That's so cool. All right. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I'm naming it Biome just cause like I thought of it like training in the forest, but I found it in the desert. I don't know. All right, here's what I encounter in Relic castle. And it is a Poochyena. Okay, well I can evolve it. I only have to raise it one level and it will evolve. All right. I got the Poochyena cool. It's a ghost type? Interesting. We'll name you... I don't know what to name you. I have no idea what you're going to turn in to. This name likely won't make any sense once it evolves so I'm gunna call it Sunspot. Cause it's a dog that summoned the sun. All right. You get me the, oh, I clicked too fast. Okay well let's hope the turtle turns into something good. Okay, now we need to exit this place at once and okay. Well, after we do this, oh my gosh. The Uxie has heat proof when it's a grass type. That's really good. That removes one of its weaknesses. I am the flash running at the speed of light. Oh God school kid Sammy who I didn't battle earlier has a Rayquaza. Oh my God. All right. We're reviving the cover fossil Skuntank. Okay, that's a decently strong Pokemon I think. I'm naming it Stanktank cause I think that's very funny. Ground grass type. Okay grass is not ideal. Poison heal. Ooh, it's not ideal cause I want her to run with Uxie, but not, not terrible. Sunspot grew to level 20. All right. Biome it's your first battle. Let's see how you do. Dang it. All right, Sunspot. What you turning into? You've got shadow force, lick, switcheroo and some other moves that wasn't impressive enough for me to care. Pawniard. Oh no. Oh, Poniard doesn't evolve until like level 55 or something like that. Fire type, hustle. I mean it's interesting. It's just, it's just not gunna evolve forever. I have made it to Nimbasa City. And now that I've made it here, I can. Okay, nevermind. I have to do the musical. Oh my God, fine. All right, perfect. Oh, I just had to dress it up cool. Now that I'm here I can get several new Pokemon. Makuhita. Okay what level does that evolve? I feel like it's not that high of an evolution level. All right. What it is, doesn't really matter. It's electric psychic. It evolves. And it's not that anymore. I'm calling it Brainbrawn. Cause it's a psychic type fighting Pokemon. Not for very long. What level does it evolve, 24. Okay, maybe I should train it up. All right. And I get another encounter here in lost Lauren Forest. Poliwag. What level does it evolve? This might also be one I could evolve relatively shortly. Healing wish, okay. Oh glad that doesn't work if you're a wild Pokemon. Let's go. Okay, another psychic type. I'm calling it Wishfish. Because even though it's not technically a fish it's a water type and it kept trying to healing wish its self into oblivion. All right. Another encounter. And then I'll probably train up the Makuhita and Poliwag to try and trigger their evolutions. Flaaffy, okay. It evolves at level 30. Fire flying oh, that's a repeat of Dactyl. All right, I'm naming it Count Burn. As you count sheep but this is on fire. Okay, so I'm going to train up the Makuhita and Poliwag to their evolution levels and hope for the best. Oh, Hey. All right. Brainbrawn grew to level, Bolt Strike. Oh my God. Please evolve into something. Did I misremember the level. Oh it's 24. Oh wow. Oh I just bolt striked one Nidoking, and that got me to level 24. Okay Brainbrawn, come on, Brainbrawn. You and your bolt striking booty. Be something good. What is it going to be? What is it going to be? What is it going to be? That's a Corphish. That's a Corphish. Another grass type with Truant. What level does it evolve, 30. I am not suffering through using this Truant Pokemon for five levels. You are 100% benched until I can level you up very quickly. All right. All right. Wishfish to 25. This one easier. All right Wishfish, I believe in you. You can turn into something really strong. Really good. Be my first good evolution since Dactyl, maybe that'd be pretty cool. That is a Mienfoo that doesn't evolve until level 50 something. Okay, well admittedly, that's pretty cool. But nuts. Well all that time spent evolving those two Pokemon was a bust. I need a cookie it's been tough. Oh I totally forgot about this. The date with N and now he's fighting me. We just had just such a lovely date I don't know why you're doing this. Oh, he's got a Cresselia, that's great. That's exactly what I want to see, boy. Oh, nice. Okay, well that made that better. (screams) We're fine. Oh look at that I beat him and now he is being handsome. Good work N. Time to fight our way through roller coasters. All right Elesa. You fancy blond lady who's no longer blonde in the next game. I will defeat you with my Pokemon whose hair style is very similar to yours. All right. First, we're going to mega drain. God does everything resist grass. I don't like that it's shifting gears. That's not, that's not very good for me. Oh, it's done it twice now. That's really bad actually. Okay it is a steel type. Okay, oh God. Is this physical or special? Clearly special. All right. No why did you miss? Land the triple kick. Biome just land the triple kick. What are you kidding? Okay, he's only using special moves. Thank you. Wow I can't believe that needed three hits. All right. We dealt with the really shifted gear thing. Oh, that was scary. Does everything in this game, resist grass. All right. Arrow blasting the bug type for the proof that Genesect was a Kabutops. Kabutops is a bug type in this game. There you go. Please be week to bug. Oh my God I Crit. Man Exoskull absolutely the MVP. Oh my God. I have to keep battling Cheren. Why! Live, live, yes. This is a really bad. Go to sleep. And it misses of course, if it's not a hundred percent accurate it's less than 50% accurate. All right. This is giving me a chance to switch to Exoskull. Okay, it's got shadow tag that's fine. Just keep sleeping, please, please. Nice, okay one more solar beam. We can live a couple water pledges. Oh God quite critting me, man. This should KO. Okay, my God. All right, we're lowering the drawbridge and I can get a new encounter here. Oh finally, yes, hat we got? Okay, all right. Fully evolved Pokemon. We don't know it's typing yet. Magnet rise, oh is it electric? All right, got it. Didn't have to damage it at all, sweet. It is electric. Okay that's exciting. I don't have an electric Pokemon yet. Okay, I just Googled electric flower and there's something called Acmella Oleracea. It's a flowering herb their called toothache plant, paracress, sichuan buttons, buzz buttons, tingflowers, and electric daisies. Ooh, that's fun. I'm going to call it BuzzButton. Sorry Toxtalon, you have been honestly frustrating to use. Okay so I can also get an encounter here on route six. Maybe I should buy some more Pokeballs. All right round six, giving me something good. Pretty please. Pretty pretty please. Interesting. It doesn't evolve to about level 30 but it's not a bad Pokemon to have in the meantime. Vacuum wave. Okay, that implies fighting time, but it doesn't really guarantee it. Got him just pure fighting. That's not ideal. I've already got my Uxie, but I'm calling it Pawnch. A paw punch. Oh, that's terrible. Anyways, I think I get an encounter at the cold storage too. I think there's grass somewhere down here. All right, what we got, what we got, Pidgeot. Okay, fully evolved Pokemon. Is it another steel type. The Farfetch is an overlap with the grass type. If it's steel and something else this could be pretty useful. Yeah, it's definitely a steel type. Come on, come on, come on. Come to Papa. Oh God dude. Are you serious? Yes, yes. Steel psychic. I'm naming it Nighthawk because that is the name of a stealth aircraft and like a metal thing that flies that's psychic. Like that's a really good fit. All right. Sorry, decoy. You've been very helpful but the less type overlap I can have the better. I just got a new fossil. I backtracked to fight the trainers here. All right. We're arriving at the Armour fossil after quite the run bank here. Ooh, let's go. Oh my God. I'm just going to call it Armorus because it's arrived from an armor fossil. I don't know if it's typing or anything about it, but that is sick. It's just dragon with serene grace. Oh my God. Look at that move set that's incredible. I think the obvious Pokemon to bench is Dactyl. Dactyl was like really good for a while because of his higher level than all my other Pokemon. But now it's not. And it still doesn't know any stab attacks and that's just like aint nobody got time for that. Hello Dialga. I just fought a guy with a Dialga and the next guy has a Palkia. What is going on? All right. I defeated team plasma, which means now I can go fight the fifth gym and hopefully finally get the TM for fly. The HM for fly. All right, and down we go to fight Clay. Howdy there partner. Sword stance, pursuit. Oh, I'm fine with that. I resist dark moves. I don't resist dark moves, but I'm strong against them. Maybe I'll get a crit. K he heals. Maybe I'll get a crit. Maybe I'll get a crit. Oh, he had speed step. That's fine, okay. Well swords stance sweep did work out. It's fine. It's fine. Nice. Triple kickin things with these little legs. Ooh right I resist that. Used water's fountain bug buzz scald. It's absolutely water type at the very least. Not bug type just water-type. Oh, that did a lot, way to go. Nice crit. This won't do very much because I lowered its HP. Yep and this should end it. Sweet. All right. Good work team. All right, that wraps it up for part one. Part two is Kevin... I don't know. It'll come be patient. Anyways, don't forget to subscribe. And that's all I have for now. So till next time Poky fans, the video's over, leave.
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 1,041,692
Rating: 4.9477057 out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, randomizer, nuzlocke, extreme randomizer, everything random
Id: dQZ1oC-Whpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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