My Pokémon Legends Arceus Tier List

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greetings boogie fans michael here and welcome to my ultimate pokemon legends arceus excuse me aku's tier list it's the ultimate tier list because it's a tier list list i'll be making several tier lists about various aspects from pokemon legends arceus in case it wasn't obvious these tier lists will show off a bunch of spoilers like new pokemon new forms new characters and some story details at times so if you want to avoid those then this is not the video for you i'll start with a tier list of new pokemon and new forms and this tier list will be based on strictly my personal opinions on them i'm not going to talk about battle viability watch wolfy vgc if you want to know that i don't know that the significance of each tier is s tier is that i love them a tiers that i like them b is that i'm neutral c is that i don't like them or have some kind of complaint and then d is i really don't like them might even hate them first off we have hassuian growlithe and this is one that i'll be putting i'm gonna put it in b-tier i don't really dislike it but i definitely don't i've seen some people talk about how they think it's really cute but it doesn't have eyes i mean it does have eyes it's just you can't see them and i have personally always been someone who thinks something is more cute if it has big eyes next to suey and arcanine i'm gonna have to go see tear i feel kind of bad but hear me out first off fire rock typing is horrible i think i would have liked a version of arcanine that was not fire rock type because i used one for a little bit and the typing's just so bad i ditched it additionally i don't super love the design it's kind of like they just took regular arcanine and then made its fur get pointy i mean they made it a bit darker red but i feel like they could have done something more interesting with it and then just a personal vendetta its boss fight was by far the hardest for me to complete so a little bitter about that sui and voltorb i'm gonna put in the a tier i like seeing an electric grass type that's not just rotom i think it makes sense doing a voltorb variant that's wooden i know in a previous video i said that i don't think voltorb and electro deserve any variants but that was before i considered the idea of making an old one based on old pokeballs so that i think is kind of cool and i like how it's all happy i think that's cute as for hissuian voltorb i'm gonna put it in the neutral i understand that original voltorb is angry and then original electrode is happy and then they swapped it for the hassuian form but i don't know i just like the jolly mood of hasuy and voltorb a lot more than i like the angry mood of a suian electrode haha it is i guarantee boy what's going on today do you like friends i haven't watched much of it but it seems funny what no not the show like actual friends oh well yes good ones and how about dragons well of course well that's perfect because the sponsor of this video is friends and dragons it's a free to play strategy based rpg available on mobile devices set within a fantasy world it combines hero collection and strategy puzzler gameplay for hero collection there's a diverse cast of over 150 in the game all of which can be made more powerful by equipping items and upgrading their skills as for the strategic gameplay it's really interesting and unique rather than move all the heroes individually you select one hero who moves the rest of the team itself allowing for endless choices and unique strategies and you know what else it has co-op mode oh are we gonna claim some victories together of course not we'll be claiming all the victories i actually set up a guild for our viewers to join so they can join us in our quest for glory friends and dragons also has lots of special limited events like the chase the dragon event which is unlocked for new players once they complete the tutorial take on bloodfang the evil red dragon brood i'm in how do i get it scan the qr code on screen or head to the link in the description below to download friends and dragons and if you do you'll get one free summon daily potions and gold for free and an exclusive offer sweet shall we start our co-op play after trivia tonight sounds good i'll bring my a game to both tata next we have a suian typhlosion this is probably gonna be my most controversial take uh i don't really like it um i do like it more when it has its flames i think that's really cool and i'm glad that typhlosion got something i think it deserves that but it it looks like betty boop the curls on the side i just can't see anything but betty boop wearing a large and tacky necklace but i am just not a fan of jesse and typhlosion i'm sorry guys i don't hate it the fire looks cool what is the betty boop next we got hasuyan quillfish i i'm gonna put this in bt here i don't dislike it at all um and i'm glad that quillfish got something i think they could have done something a bit more interesting than just making it angrier next is hissuian sneezel now this one's kind of a mixed bag for me i don't hate the design but i also don't really think sneasel should have gotten something so i'm going to put it in c tier sneasel already got wii vile which is one of the best ice types in the game to this day so giving it a variant i didn't think was necessary but it's also not a variant that makes sense to my knowledge all of the other regional variant forms are pokemon that were not originally findable in native sinnoh yes scyther could be found in platinum and clever's new evolution but that's like maybe black agarite is extremely rare in modern day sinnoh so like it just you just can't get a cleave or even though you can still get a scyther voltorb wasn't there growlithe wasn't there i don't think quail fish was there but sneasel was in the native sinodex from the beginning cyrus's main pokemon is we vile like it wasn't even a platinum expansion pokemon it's just always been in sinnoh so sneasel getting a regional variant doesn't make sense next is origin form dialga this one i'm neutral too uh i don't love it but i think it it it's a it's a pretty cool way of making it look more like accused i think the neck thing is a little weird but i don't strongly dislike it and i really like the deep blue that it has pal key on the other hand looks freaking stupid why did they give it hooves i don't understand why they gave like just its front legs being horse legs doesn't make any sense dialga its legs are like its front legs but longer and pointier sure horse legs arceus doesn't have hooves i think that's and also it doesn't have arms it's so strange like it's it's like they tried to make a centaur but then just cut off its arms it's very weird i don't like it next is sisuyian samarat and this is one that i'm gonna um i'll put it in b tier i was thinking about seats here because my thing with samurai is that i don't dislike it i don't think the design looks bad i have no really like there's nothing that bothers me about it aside from the fact that i think they could have done better because to me it looks like they took regular samurai and just made it edgy there aren't any really dramatic design changes aside from making its shells black and red and spikier and giving it a different beard that's it i feel like they could have deviated substantially more and made something that was more interesting but i don't dislike it like if that was what samurai was from the start it'd be pretty cool suey and lillian i like a sui and liligan this is a regional variant that i like where it's a pretty dramatic change but it's still clearly the same pokemon that's the kind of original variant that i like and i think making it like a dance fighter is i think it's cool hassue and masculine is going in beats here because i'm kind of torn about it there are things i like about it there are things i don't like i like that it's more timid than original masculine i think that's interesting i hate that that same timidness makes it so freaking difficult to catch because it's already hard enough to catch stuff in the water and stuff that runs from you in the water so if you miss you lose your chance very frustrating i think the light colored stripe and light color i look pretty cool though um but my frustrations with trying to catch it are keeping me from putting it in a tier assuming zorwa and hassui and zorowark they are both s tier pokemon they are very very cool so dark so terrifying but i think they're really cool pokemon i love the designs first ever ghost normal pokemon i think they're really cool assuming braviary is going in b-tier um i don't hate it but it's kind of like a samurai situation where i feel like they could have done more to make it interesting i also don't love the psychic flying type i mean it's still mostly like a regular braviary which is both a problem and a good thing because regular braviary is very cool this is regular braviary but gray and with glowing goggles so it's not much of a difference which means they didn't really screw it up but i don't think it's better than regular braviary suian avalog i gotta put it here i gotta put it in c tier i like the shovels that it has i think that's cool and i like the darker color on the side but it's ice rock type which is so freaking bad i feel like i would have rather seen an avalog just be pure rock type just ditch the ice type entirely and also i still hold a bit of resentment for the boss battle against it where i was gonna win and i threw my pokeball at it and it just returned my pokeball to be it didn't it didn't let me fight it and if i had gotten to fight it i would have won and i still am very bitter about that missouri and sligo and goodra are interesting goodra i'm putting an a tier and sligoo i'm putting in b tier here's my reasoning the designs i don't love the designs i love the idea of making the slug pokemon become snail pokemon i like that decision but i feel like they could have done more i feel like they could have changed colors changed number of antennae that kind of thing but instead they just slapped the shells on them and then they were done however for goodra especially i am quite sentimentally attached to these pokemon now because i used an alpha hissui and gudra on my main playthrough team and it was really freaking good dragon steal fantastic typing so even though i don't love the designs i'm very fond of my personal goodra so that's why i'm putting my gudra in a tier and sligoo can stay in b silly and decidueye is uh my favorite of all the new pokemon by a significant margin it is so cool i love that they finally made a grass type pokemon that's main aesthetic is autumn leaves i know there's sawzbuck but like that's only some of the time they nailed decidueye i love the type of hat you know like the wide japanese hat and like the cloak instead of just like it's like oh my gosh it looks i just i love everything of it the triple aeros attack where it front flips and then shoots the arrows it's just it's so good i don't know if i love it more than regular decidueye i think they're just two different versions of the same thing that are both really awesome weird here you can go in a tier i think it's cool that they made stantler actually interesting i think it's fun that the aesthetic is like an old wizard psychic normal's not my favorite typing but i think it's a cool pokemon clever is going to go in a tier as well i don't really think we needed another scyther evolution but i gotta say for the first boss fight in pokemon history where you fight against a pokemon and it's one with giant axes for hands that's like a really great way to start the game and really demonstrate the new level of danger in the hisooy region sneezler's going in c tier i don't hate it i already talked about how i didn't think sneasel should have gotten a variant and it's evolution being sneezal but tall could have done better i think but i don't fully hate it i do like how you can climb cliffs with it i think that's a really creative traversal decision in this game but that's really all it's got going for it in my opinion and amorous is fine i'm putting it in beats here i don't like it like it's pretty ugly but so are all the other genies and i think it's out of left field that they made a new genie that's female so it's like alright i respect that they did that it's therian form though is pretty ugly i don't like despise it but it's not great overquill is going in a tier i don't love it like if overquill was just a pokemon introduced like an independent pokemon quillfish never existed i wouldn't like it very much the dude's kinda ugly however i am fond of this pokemon for a couple reasons the first is that it's a quillfish evolution which is something we should have gotten when quillfish came out but also its name is overquill which might be my favorite pokemon name of any pokemon ever it's such a good pun next is vasculation vasculation is s tier vasculation is awesome i love that vasculin got an evolution i love the story behind it i used one on my team and had a lot of fun it's a lot of fun to surf around on it and double jump really cool pokemon very glad they made it it also has its female form which i'm putting in 8 here because i also really like basket legion but i think the male form looks a bit better i might feel the opposite if they had the female form's eyes be angry like basket legion but instead it just looks sleepy and then finally we have ursulina i'm not the biggest fan of ursaluna i don't hate it but it's just kind of like a a pudgy ursuring with with mud on it and also it's kind of annoying to use it in the game the next tier list is the shiny forms of the new pokemon and forms i will be rating just the colorations my personal thoughts about the specific species do not matter assoi and growlithe and hisumian arcanine they're b-tier they're fine they stuck with the coloration from original growlithe and arcanine shinies which were fine also they're noticeably different but they don't really pop in a way that i'm very fond of assuming voltorb and electrode i quite like i like how the gray coloring references the heavy balls kind of like how the blue of original shiny voltorb and electrode references great balls so i think it's cool that they stuck with that and referenced another pokeball assuming typhlosion um is a bad shiny i'm sorry it's not super noticeable and they just kind of made its shiny more like regular type lotion which i don't love and a big thing for me is that the flames are the same color if the flames were a different color in battle much higher ranking immediately but like when it's flames are on and it's night time it's like really difficult to tell the difference so i don't really like it suing quillfish and overquill gonna toss them together uh great shinies i think they're really cool i like that it kind of makes them look more like metal floating water mines i it's very noticeable and so i'm a fan soon sneezel shiny not a huge fan of vasui and sneezel but it has got a dope shiny the dark coloring contrasted with the bright yellow looks really good and i have one well i did before i evolved it so i like that too origin dialga you go a tier it's basically the same coloring as shiny dialga but it's a lot more vibrant fills a lot more of its body and i think that looks really good origen palkia is horrible just like origin palakky and normal it's a bad shiny and they didn't change it for its origin form so it remains a bad shiny asuya and samurai shiny i don't really like it here's my reasoning if you compare it to a regular hasouian samurai it's a pretty dramatic difference and it looks cool i like the idea of changing the shells i feel like they could have changed the body but they didn't and it's certainly a better shiny than regular samarat's shiny but my issue with it is that it makes it look a lot like just regular samarat that was my complaint about the design of a suey and samarat is that it doesn't look much different from regular samurai you turn it shiny you make its shell white which is not far from like the beige yellow that original samurai has and at a glance one might think that's a regular samarat it makes it look like it's back to normal and i personally want to see the hessian forms look more different because then it's more like a new pokemon assoy and lilians it's fine um it's not super noticeable i think they're going the same route and making it look similar to the coloration of liligan i don't think it's bad by any means but it's kind of hard to notice i haven't seen a whole lot of hassuing liligant in the game there was the boss fight where it's yellow the whole time and then i got one for the pokedex that i boxed immediately so if i had a momentary glance at this i may not notice that it's the shiny form the suit and masculine shiny is not great i know they're doing the same thing as the shiny for regular masculine trying to match it but that was a bad shiny to begin with just make it a bit different shade of green that's not very good in fact no i'm i'm dropping this to d tier it's it's bad atsui and zorwa and zorowark though once again have nailed it these are fantastic shinies bright vibrant very noticeable works really well make just changing the like hair color but also making the fur darker as well like like i don't know how anyone could dislike those shinies those are fire and jesus braviary well i didn't love it excellent shiny turning it all black and the bright electric blue glowing eyes that is awesome electric blue and black is one of my favorite color schemes and that's what that has assuming avalox shiny is not very good i'm sorry i don't like it i don't like that they just made its shovels orange but also at least for me personally a lot of the photos on of pokemon if they are partially transparent it looks like they're orange so kind of like this when you look at a pokemon in the pokedex and sword and shield if part of its body is transparent it actually kind of looks like it's sort of orange and that to me is what avalog's shovels look like there's it's such a pale orange it just looks i i it looks off suey and sligo and goodra while i'm very fond of asuyan goodra as the one i used the shinies are awful they turned the metallic shells brown like a poop brown and that was a bad decision just from the start but what makes it even worse is that their bodies i think they change extremely slightly but it doesn't look like it if they had changed their bodies to be the same coloration as shiny goodra originally then that would have been really good like i wouldn't have loved the brown shell decision but that coloration for those shinies which are very good shinies would have been enough to put them in a tier and with some of the other ones like arcanine and basculin they made their shinies similar to the original forms shinies why didn't they do that with sligoo and goodra instead they just leave their bodies the same and change the shells to brown like no you should have made their bodies the pale yellow like of original shiny gucci like it would look so much better shiny history and decidueye yet another ass tier i know with the i know with the starters they were kind of making their shiny forms colorations more similar to their originals regular forms but i think with samurat and typhlosion they're too close because their new designs are too close samurai just gets spiky in a different mustache typhlosion gets thinner and a different neck thing and betty boop hair but decidueye is more immediately noticeable as a different design and therefore its already cool design looks even better with the dark forest green i think it's great the autumn coloring is the base form that's how it should be so i think it's cool that the two versions of his suing decidueye are autumn and not autumn leaves they're kind of darker so maybe like evergreen trees in the winter that kind of thing both kind of reference colder weather like it's so good they nailed it weird or shiny is a pretty ugly uh it's not a so bad that it's not noticeable and i know why they went with the green because shiny stantler is green but that shade of green is just not a good look dude on the other hand clever shade of green looks very good i like how they turned it green kind of referencing scyther the yellow on parts of its body looks really cool i think they could have changed the axe color but i also think it works well leaving it the same shining cleaver very cool shiny sneeze lure is not great i don't hate it i like the black and yellow of the hair and the claws but that weird tan ish color on its body i don't like the color very much amaris's shinies are they're not my favorite i don't hate them but i think they could have deviated more it still looks like like this this just looks like the regular and amorous coloring just like swapped around i think i don't know i don't love it i don't despise it though basket legions shinies i'll put them in a i'll put both of them in a i don't love them i would have liked to see more differences but i think the purple and the yellow look good i just don't think they match that well with the green you know what no sorry guys i'm moving you to beat here so they're noticeable changes which is good but they clash really bad with that green i think maybe if the green part of its body had turned a more neutral color then the yellow and purple would have popped more rather than one of them looking like a weird peas and corn and the other one i don't know the colors just are not very complimentary and then shiny ursuluna uh it's sea tier i don't despise it but it's not super different i i just think it's a little bland also before we move on to the next tier list don't forget to subscribe it'd be great i'd appreciate it next year list will be a quick one the areas of the game not including the village and the ancient retreat because those like you're not really exploring those the obsidian field lines are beats here they're fine i think it was pretty good how they made a very expansive normal land but it is also just kind of normal land so it's not particularly intriguing the mirelands i'll toss in a tier i was pretty impressed at the variety of terrain they could do where the whole premise is a swamp but they've got like the different types of bogs they've got some ruins they've got the slopes they've got the autumn forest where like the rose rage shows up i think it's pretty cool area the coastlines are going in seats here and that is because there are a lot of water anyone who's played this game knows that catching pokemon in the water is hell you can never tell where exactly they are you can't sneak up on anything it's just very annoying i like parts of the coastlines i like its design but i have to dock at points for being mostly water the coordinate highlands are going in a tier i think they did a really good job of making mount coronet interesting after so many years of playing sinnoh games mount coronet i'm like i don't want to deal with this dungeon climb anymore but they designed it in a way that was really cool i liked that wayward cave was part of it the ancient quarry was interesting and of course the temple the spear pillar temple before it's destroyed was very cool and that's technically a part of this so i'm gonna put it in a in a tier and the alabaster icelands i'm gonna put him in a tier i think at times parts of it kind of blends together but snow point temple on the hill is one of my favorite things in any pokemon game it looks so so good and so massive just the scale is so much more imposing like there's not really been structures like that in pokemon before i mean there has been like in sword and shield but seeing a structure that was just a little pixel box in the past turn into that was so cool and the final tier list will be characters from the game i tried to get all the wardens the leaders all the captains in the galaxy team the bandits and just anyone that i thought was significant at least to a certain degree first the bandits charm clover and coin they are sea tier i like their designs i think the face paints pretty cool i think their outfits are cool but they're annoying and they weren't ever really a threat because two of them only use one pokemon and the other one only uses two so it's like what's the point of battling you when i have a full team of six pokemon like this is not a significant part of the story but i like their design so they're not in d tier cogeta is s tier she's our queen she is cynthia but more mature and experienced and we respect that adam and his a tier he's got the drip and i think he's just a a pretty cool dude a reisu is also a tier uh i think she's cute i liked how they turned mars into someone nice um but that whole plot line with her like doing things was like oh she's just kind of dumb and also she doesn't offer just regular brown as a hair color actually no sorry razor you're going down to b tier iskin is a tier i love the story between him and pelina um how he saved her life and they formed a romance like i think that's great um but his excessive fear of ghosts was a little annoying and also illogical considering that his noble is a basket legion mae is going in seatier not because i dislike her at all but because she was really boring like there were no interesting character traits of hers that i noticed so it's kind of like i don't really care about you millie sucks seba sucks melly being just an incorrigible douche canoe the entire time and siba making her making me chase her all over the place why did you make me go to the bottom of the map and then back to the temple like i get having me go through the temple yeah story reason to go through the temple cool sure i'm fine with that but making me go to the bottom of matt just like talking about her like omniscience or what what word was it i don't even know but it was stupid akari was fine her facial expressions were pretty funny at various points i like how they gave her a real personality um but she just became less and less relevant as the story went on betty sucks calling me an outsider turning into some ninja which made no sense just being a jerk the whole time and his facial hair is so stupid i bought a white head kerchief and then realized it made me look more like benny and i changed my hat this guy i remember his name um he's fine captain celine is a tier rough and gruff on the outside but in reality it cares deeply for you a cyrus ancestor who looks just as evil but is actually pretty chill i like it this guy is the one that you pay to get your inventory expanded and he is a con man it gets exorbitantly expensive like i hate him he sucks so much commander commodo is a tier i think he's a really interesting character uh the exile arc i did not see coming at all and i was kind of pissed at him when he did that but then when you kind of step back and think about like how passionately he cares about keeping his village and his people safe and when he doubts you like he acts upon it i mean i gotta respect the man professor lavinton goes in a tier i liked a lot of the pokedex entries i talked about in my deck century video but one of my favorites is when he's like you know shaymin turns into this sky form when it sniffs a particular flower i sniffed the same flower but alas nothing changed i just think that's hilarious pacelle is a tier i think she's cute and also i was very entertained by the 100 medicinal leaks quest like the camera cuts she's like oh just a small request 100 medicinal links just for making me laugh at that she goes to a tier rey i played as rey so instead of rey this is going to be me and therefore it's s tier self-love is important songkwa you all already know this is karen's ancestor and karen is the only one that i would to speak to my manager sankwa is the same tao hua this guy's annoying uh all the convincing him to get stuff to expand the store and then it turns out he's just not working with the shopkeeper because he's upset that his adult daughter married the shopkeeper like come on man the fighting lady i also uh i forgot her name uh she's fine i just talked to her to get moves inter is annoying i don't despise him but he's annoying the prices for the rotum things are exorbitant and so many times he wants to sell me razor claws sell me other evolution items man i already have like six volo bolo i gotta say man i'm putting you in a tier this is a major spoiler so if you've watched this far you better have beaten the game post game too i did not see his twist coming caught me totally off guard i was so mad at him so i like kind of hated him but then i got to realize like the writing with that is actually really good so i gotta respect him for that collab is fine didn't make much of an impact on my story garrick he's fine too i thought he was kind of amusing but also not much of an impact ingo is asked here i was so excited when i saw another faller like actually ingo and just the amount of emotions i felt when i wanted to tell him like dude i know who you are and i just couldn't oh that was tough but so good here it is a tier i like irides she's cute she's like impassioned you know her and adam and it was just like they really grew a lot as characters throughout the story and i liked seeing that lion was is kind of annoying like not so bad that i like really disliked him but he was just kind of annoying and then paulina s tier forgive me for simping but so fine and i loved the whole growlithe story i thought that was just like it was so emotional so raw like everything about it like the previous noble dying the new one like evolving to save friends iskin saving her life and now they have this forbidden romeo and juliet romance between the diamond and pearl clan and also she's super hot yeah polina probably my favorite warden of all of them that's gonna wrap it up for my ultimate pokemon legends aquas tier list thank you so much for watching with an extra special thanks to my patrons over on patreon for helping support my channel independent of fluctuating youtube ad rates if you wanna help support me in the same way the link is in the description below also if you wanna check out some more of my fun pokemon content i recommend these videos here all right that's all i have for now so till next time big fans gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,093,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, tier list, shiny pokemon, new shiny pokemon, my opinion
Id: F6gRjp4xJ5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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