Every CRAZY Pokedex Entry in Pokémon Legends Arceus

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greetings spooky fans michael here and pokemon legends arches oh excuse me ah goose has what i believe to be the most interesting pokedex in pokemon history that's because it was written in the past by professor lavinton who is being exposed to and learning about these pokemon genuinely for the first time as opposed to modern day pokedexes where we've theoretically known a lot more about pokemon for a lot longer i wanted to dive deep into this new old pokedex so i read through every single dex entry and compiled a list of those that i thought were the most worthy of note due to being crazy or disturbing or funny or new information about old pokemon or something else also in case it's not obvious this video will include spoilers for new pokemon and new forms so if you don't want to see those then i'm not entirely sure why you clicked on the video kesui in deciduous decks entry says the air stored inside the retices of decidueye's feathers insulates the pokemon against tesui's extreme cold this is firm proof that evolution can be influenced by environment this deck's entry simply explains why hisoyan decidueye exists it adapted to the harsh cold of the hassui zino region the syrian typhlosion's entry reads said to purify lost forsaken souls with its flames and guide them to the afterlife i believe its form has been influenced by the energy of the sacred mountain towering at jesus center so instead of adapting to the cold like decidueye typhlosion adapted to the magic of the mountain oshawa's entry says this pokemon from the univer region uses the shell on its belly as a weapon to cut down its foes thus i've conferred upon this shell the name scalchop we've known forever that oshawott's shell is called the scale chop but we didn't know that professor lavinton was the one to name it that the sui and samarat's entry says heart of heart and death of blade this rare form of samarat is a product of the pokemon's evolution in the region of hasue its turbulent blows crash into foes like ceaseless pounding waves i thought this one was worthy of note because decidueye and typhlosion got explanations for why their forms exist and samarat did not it just says this is what happens when it evolves in his series so i don't really know why it was counted out here medium sentry says bdif has an unsophisticated face and is rarely flustered by anything there have been incidents involving bidoof sauntering into villages and gnawing on the houses without a single care this game is the first time beedoof has been labeled as a pest which is so rude how dare they slander our lord but barrel's entry says baberil's fur repels water and is also a fantastic material for heat retention these pokemon create dams on rivers to live in we knew about the dams but the first sentence sticks out to me it repels water which kind of makes sense but the line about heat retention is interesting are they saying that because that's how baberal does well in the relatively cold climate of jesui or are they saying that because people are making clothes out of it starvia's entry says they form remarkably large flocks and are constantly fighting amongst themselves i suspect that those with magnificent plumes on their heads are the strong ones we know about the flocks and the fighting amongst themselves but the theory that the larger plumes is the stronger saravia i think is interesting because when it becomes a staraptor its plume becomes a whole nemo hair thing so the longer it is more likely to evolve maybe luxio's entry says proudly uses its electrified claws as weapons it seems to be a gracious pokemon evenly sharing the spoils of the hunt with others of its kind this is the first time we've learned that luxio is a team player luxray's entry says they form packs each having one male as leader legends say that when luxray's two eyes shimmer with gold the pokemon can see through anything the first part is interesting because this is the first time we've learned that lux ray don't just live in packs but they live in packs with the same organizational patriarchal structure as lions so that's really cool but the second part is also interesting because it says legends say which means that professor lavinton doesn't know for certain that luxray has x-ray vision which we do know that in modern pokemon games but it also means that someone figured that out before professor lavinton and it somehow became a legend beautified entry says a colorful and incredibly beautiful but also greedy pokemon in an effort to keep its favorite food all to itself it will chase away combi as they try to gather nectar we've known for a while that beautify is a jerk but we didn't previously know that beautify would harass and steal from comby specifically cascoon's entry says the silk coating its body is thin but sufficiently strong cascoon silk has a luster and texture superior to that of silcoons and clothes made using cascoon silk are regarded as top notch this is the first mention of cast having higher quality silk than silcoon which surprises me silkun has silk in its name and is not the one who ends up becoming a poison type it's also the first time we hear of cascoon silk being used to make clothing top-notch clothing at that just like my pokemon legends ah goose shirt it's not made of casket and silk but it feels so good it might as well have been it's available at m jtvmerch.com but it's going away very very soon like days if not mere hours so if you want one you have to get it now the links in the description below mmjhvmrch.com driftblim's entry says it drifts along at dusk perfectly silent its transient melancholy aspect touches some people deeply every so often one will come upon a song or poem devoted to driftblim i think this is hilarious i love how in previous generations dex entries it talks about how driftblim carries people off to the afterlife and how the gas inside its body is actually souls but then here it's like oh he looks so melancholy and quiet i'ma write a song weasel's entry says it moves freely in the water by spinning its forked tail for propulsion the resemblance to the screw of a steamboat is coincidental obviously we know that boiseal's design was partially based on the screw of a boat however in universe it's kind of interesting to see professor lavitan go oh yeah these things are similar but it's just a coincidence floatzel's entry says has a long rather splendid flotation sack which prevents floatzel from drowning even in stormy seas one might glimpse this species around fishing hamlets from time to time i'm including this entry solely for the fact that i think it's funny that lavinton calls its flotation sack rather splendid the next entries are those for burme and wormadam all six of them this is the first time that we've gotten unique dex entries for every single one of their forms and it provides some interesting insight into the differences between each of them if its cloak is even slightly damaged burmy will immediately repair it with whatever is close at hand the pokemon within the cloak is scrawny and vulnerable to the cold it creates a cloak by weaving together sand mud and silk it is spat out this earthen cloak is ruined by wind and rain so the pokemon hides away in caves and other such places when confronted by a lack of other materials burme will create its cloak using dust and refuse the cloak seems to be more comfortable than one would think the cloak fashioned from plant matter has merged with the pokemon and is now part of the body like fur or skin i suspect this fusion is an effect of the energy evolved in evolution its earthen skin is reasonably hard it has no problem repelling a star leaf's pecking at least its body composed of refuse blends into the scenery so much as to be inconspicuous this seems to be the perfect way for the pokemon to evade the detection of predators there's a lot of fun tidbits in there like burmese sand cloak not just being the result of being around sand and dirt but also because it moves to caves to keep that cloak from getting destroyed and how the trash cloak is more comfortable and how wormidam's trash cloak is the best camouflage which is not what you'd expect but if you think about it it kind of makes sense because most predators aren't going to be trying to eat trash unless it's a raccoon golem's entry says the rock-like shell is shed each year the cast off shell then crumbles reverting to a mass of soil which can be spread across fields to promote crop growth we've known for a while that golem sheds its shell but we didn't know that the shell became very fertile soil so yes it makes sense to keep a golem around so when it sheds its shell you can make plants grow well oh i kinda arrived there that was fun weird ear's entry says the black orbs shine with an uncanny light when the pokemon is erecting invisible barriers the first shed from its beard retains heat well and is a highly useful material for winter clothing obviously weird deer is a new pokemon so any information about it is going to be new however i'm not going to cover every single new pokemon's entry only if it's something that i think stands out like weird ears beard hair being used to make very nice winter clothing munchlax's entry says its robust stomach allows it to nonchalantly devour even rotted matter it pays frequent visits to villages seeking out food scraps intended for compost this is kind of like the beethoven tree another tidbit into the past about how munchlax would wander into villages and eat out of their trash cans so it's like a raccoon snorlax's entry says this glutton appears in villages without warning and devours the entirety of their rice granaries such occurrences have long been counted among the gravest of disasters um that's horrifying we've known for a while that pokemon can harm people that's kind of the central premise of this game but even in previous generations we knew that like talk about how gyarados can just burn a village to the ground and how i feel like gyarados was probably the pokemon that destroyed commander commodore's village and killed a bunch of people before the events of legends arceus but all of those are situations of pokemon directly attacking people and structures [Music] but this snorlax situation is different and it's also not how snorlax has been portrayed in the past lots of its previous decks entries just talk about how hungry it is and how it sleeps a lot and how it's docile they literally talk about children playing on its belly but this reveals that at least in the past snorlax would starve entire villages of people by eating all of their food i don't know about you but i find it deeply unsettling that this pokemon harmed people not just by attacking them but by creating a famine and yes an argument could be made that maybe this is better because it's not directly killing people and so they have time to recover and find other food sources but the fact that the dex entry says that this is counted among the gravest of disasters means that the people that this happened to probably didn't recover and instead of just dying quickly to a hyper beam they had a long slow death by starvation oh my god ha ha has i grunting t boy hey man oh did you get new raycon earbuds that i did they're sponsoring this video and were kind enough to provide me with them cool but why blue i feel like blue is kind of more my color whereas yours are more red and black oh i just chose it to represent the tears of my enemies but regardless of the color i'm always sticking with raycon earbuds the everyday earbuds look feel and sound better than ever and they have the perfect gel tips with multiple sizes so you can always get the perfect fit look nothing i totally agree i love using mine to listen to music while i'm exercising since moving around a lot with wired headphones isn't really practical i know right it's like trying to go for a leisurely jog but with a long thin worm giving you way too much physical affection preach and they're so reasonably priced quality audio at half the price of other premium audio brands and it's clear people love them due to their 48 thousand five star reviews not to mention their 8 hours of play time with 32 hours using the charging case click the link in the description below or go to buy raycon.com mnjtv to get 15 off your recon purchase you know i gotta ask this why is the link never slash gruntyboy you don't run the channel i'm a part of every sponsorship that's not enough what oh keep up your sassy you'll be added to the pool of people whose tears this color represents tata raichu's entry says it can discharge bursts of electricity exceeding 100 000 volts a single strike with that amount of power would incapacitate one of the copper raja of my homeland two things about this the first is that this is taking the fire red dex entry and replacing indian elephant with kappa raja which i guess makes sense it was weird that they talked about real animals in the first place and secondly this entry basically confirms that professor lavinton is from galler because galler is the only place we are currently aware of where you can find a copper raja actually my editor katie just sent this to me right after i finished recording and copperage's sword entry says they came over from another region long ago so maybe lavinton isn't from galler and it's from wherever copper raja is originally from chimchar's entry says full of vigor and always in high spirits it was once known by the name lantern tale and feared as some kind of apparition i think it's funny how people in the past are so dumb they thought this tiny little monkey was a ghost when furno's entry reads the deeper the blue on its face the more powerful it will grow to become it leaps about every which way and lands powerful blows against its opponents with the flame on its tail this is interesting to me because it seems to be in direct opposition to a previous deck's entry when further's heartgold soul silver entry says that the brighter blue on its face the higher rank in the pack it is the deeper blue the more powerful it will become the brighter blue the higher rank in the pack so either it's contradictory or the brighter blue are the more powerful as monferno but then end up less likely to evolve and the deeper blue ones end up in fur nape and then are stronger than everything else and go out on their own i don't know but hiri's entry says my hypothesis as to why beniri rolls up its ears is that its hearing is far too keen i surmise that the pokemon protects its hearing by limiting the sound that may enter its ears this is interesting because it's just a hypothesis professor lavinton is theorizing why beneary rolls up its ears and either this is a new observation other dex entries never made or he's just wrong other dex entries talk about how it keeps its ears rolled up when it's scared as basically a defense mechanism because when it unrolls its ears it's powerful enough to shatter boulders okay so i wanted to bring up this entry because according to the knowledge that we supposedly have in modern days professor lavinton is wrong veneri doesn't keep its ears rolled up to limit its hearing it keeps them rolled up so that if it gets attacked it can fight back chirubi's entry says once the fruit growing alongside the main body is large and plump terubi will use the nutrients within to evolve the fruit then detaches becoming nourishment for other creatures a lot of cherubi's previous entries talk about how the small fruit stores the energy needed for evolution but none of them talk about the fruit falling off and then being eaten by other pokemon cydex entry says suffers perpetual headaches if the agony grows too great sydek's latent power erupts contrary to psydex intent ergo i am exploring ways to ease the paint i just think this is cute professor lavenden learns about psydex headaches and then immediately is like i want to figure out a way to help them vespiquen's entry says commands its subjects to build its hive it will dispatch any interlopers who dare sneak into its nest and use them as nourishment for itself this is the first time we hear about vespa quinn eating pokemon that invade its hive which is like not that surprising but this is the first time we've heard about it clever's entry says a violent creature that fells towering trees with its crude axes and shields itself with hard stone if one should chance upon this pokemon in the wilds one's only recourse is to flee i just thought this was fun and ominous and also incorrect i dealt with a clever by throwing bags of dust at it a palm's entry says this treetop dweller possesses a tail as dextrous as a hand ancient writings describe this pokemon as a one-armed oddity this is interesting because while other dex entries have talked about how its tail is more useful than its arms how its arms get clumsy because it rarely uses them it's the first time we hear about ancient people not like 200 years ago jubilee village people ancient people actually thinking apom only had one arm ambipom's entry says to affirm their kinship members of this species will form a ring by linking their newly doubled tales together on rare occasions humans have been accepted into such rings we've known about ambipom's hand-holding friendship circles for a while but we didn't know that people could be in them which doesn't that sound nice just holding hands with pokemon singing kumbaya gastrodon's west sea form entry says it eats beach sand for nourishment should one gastrodon encounter another of a different color a fierce battle will inevitably ensue first off we didn't know gastrodon had some prejudices but also this entry directly conflicts with another entry it says that gastrodon eat beach sand but then its moon entry says that it eats plankton so like which one is it is it both does it differ on the region i don't know over quill's entry says its lance-like spikes and savage temperament have earned it the nickname sea fiend it slurps up poison to nourish itself i wanted to talk about this one to first acknowledge that over quill is one of my favorite pokemon names they've ever come up with but also because i don't understand the logistics like it creates poison but then also eats poison so can it eat the poison that it creates or is this like a natsu situation where he can't eat his own fire [Music] i don't know happiness entry says in imitation of chansey it keeps a round stone tucked into its belly pouch and cherishes it dearly it gets along with children and will sometimes play house with them for fun i just thought that was cute roselia's entry says though beautiful it has highly poisonous thorns there's an old tradition in my homeland wherein one would send these thorns to an opponent to challenge them to a duel first off we should acknowledge that dueling is one of the stupidest things mankind has come up with like oh we had an argument let's shoot each other and apparently they did it in galler and challenged each other by mailing rosalia thorns to each other which is so odd but kind of badass the siouxian liligan's sex entry says i suspect that its well-developed legs are the result of a life spent on mountains covered in deep snow the scent it exudes from its flower crown heartens those in proximity well he does say suspect so we don't know a hundred percent for certain this is jesus and liligan's only dex entry so we're gonna go with it i thought it was interesting that this liligant would choose to live in snowy mountains like it's a grass fighting type it has no ice aspect to it like obama snow does so the fact that it lives in snow despite being weak to ice is kind of like wow this thing's hardcore gardevoir's entry says it will dedicate itself to defending a master it has come to adore its pure white dress reminiscent of those worn by ladies of nobility is the dress of one who is willing to risk their life couple of things we've known that gardevoir is a pokemon that'll risk its life for its master but i just think the wording of this the dress it wears is a dress of one willing to risk its life it's kind of over the top and kind of funny but also the fact that it calls it a dress is interesting it doesn't just call it a part of its body so that's a bit unusual and also apparently the ladies of nobility either in galler lavinton's homeland or if there are any ladies of nobility in the history region i haven't seen any well regardless of where they are they wear white dresses like they're all getting married at once janma's entry says its frail wings are so thin that one can see clear through them however during flight these wings exhibit the power to churn air with a force enough to launch a house skyward holy crap yanma other dex entries talked about how it could shatter glass but lift a house are the hassuyan yanma just extra shredded pacharisu's entry says a species related to the pikachu line though pacharisu is a calm pokemon it still presents a danger should one touch its electrified tail or cheeks this is the first instance of a deck's entry directly acknowledging that a pikachu clone is a pikachu clone stunky's entry says the poison that gushes from its aft end is accompanied by an utterly evil smelling odor with such potency that one whiff can induce memory loss other stunky entries have talked about how it has other effects like causing you to faint but causing you to just have memory losses like that might be even scarier skunk tank's entry says sprays a poisonous fluid to take down prey sometimes unable to stomach the stench of its own fluid it leaves the bested prey uneaten this is amazing skunk tank smells so bad that it itself will sometimes be like oh might have overdone it a bit i'm not hungry anymore teddy ursa's entry says it licks its paws because of the sweet honey that has soaked into them it is cunning stealing into the nests of combi and taking for itself the honey that the kombi have amassed we've known for a while that teddy ursa is obsessed with honey but this is the first time been explicitly mentions that it goes after combi's honey however that also means because of vespa quinn's dex entry that probably more than once a vespa queen has eaten a teddy ursa ursuluna's entry says i believe it was the suey swampy terrain that gave ursulina its burly physique a newfound capacity to manipulate pete at will another explanation of a hassuian form evolution it's just the much swampier terrain compared to other regions sligo's entry says a creature given to melancholy i suspect its metallic shell developed as a result of the mucus on its skin reacting with the iron in hissui's water two things one it developed a shell because there's more iron in the water so that's interesting and two it's always sad just given to melancholy which kind of makes me a little sad assuming goodra's entry says able to freely control the hardness of its metallic shell it loathes solitude and is extremely clingy it will fume and run riot if those dearest to it ever leave its side i think it's cool that it can control the hardness of its shell that's really interesting and also this reveals that gudra is still a goodra rhihorn's entry says ludicrously strong when it butts head with a mountain it is the mountain that shatters but its short legs struggle with turns and it is incapable of stopping unless it collides with something apparently the ryhorn and jesui are on some kind of steroids because the other decks entries talk about how it can shatter skyscrapers not surowudo's entry says though it pretends to be a tree it fails to fool even children to the touch its body feels more like a rock than tree bark sudowoodo's extreme aversion to water merits special note the later parts of that we've known that but the first part is so funny so widow's so bad at its job that children can tell it's not a tree togetic's entry says no records exist of togotic being seen in the wilds rumors abound that it evolves under the loving care of a trusted human companion upon whom the pokemon then bestows great joy this one is nonsense there's literally a togetic in the wild in legends arceus i caught it i used it on my team the next sentries are those for porygon porygon 2 and porygon z these pokemon are ones created in modern times and the only way they're obtainable in the hassoui region 200 or so years in the past is through space-time rifts where they have shown up there joint through space and time so the dex entries professor lavinton writes for them because he can't find them anywhere else and they involve technology that doesn't exist are really fascinating it has no discernible heartbeat and does not seem to draw breath and yet it appears to function without issue i cannot even begin to explain this utterly bizarre anomaly a bizarre item caused this pokemon to evolve while it now exhibits many new gestures and expressions its biology remains inscrutable a curious item induced this evolution the pokemon's offensive capabilities have greatly increased but the strangeness of its behavior has magnified in equal measure this worries me so professor lavinton clearly has no idea how this modern technology pokemon works which makes perfect sense he's also freaked out by porygon z which i kind of get murkrow's entry says widely shunned as a bearer of ill fortune upon crossing paths with this creature i've been told one must chant workrum workrum bad luck don't come as a protective incantation i have googled the word workroom and can't find anything so is is it just nonsense they're telling people 100 years ago to just chant nonsense when you see a murkrow i don't know it's very weird also before we move on to the next next entry don't forget to subscribe pretty please that'd be great just go do it love a great time i promise unknown's entry says it is hard to believe these strangely shaped pokemon are truly living creatures i've pointed out that the species many forms resemble writing from other lands no one will take me seriously this one i'm just kind of offended on professor lavinton's behalf unknown like the unknown writing is just pictures of unknown why won't they take him seriously celio's entry says its white whiskers are very sensitive celia will balance feel on the tip of its nose checking its scent and its feel to be sure this feel is healthy apparently the sealio in the hisooy region are more caring than in other regions that's because its sapphire entry says celio often balances and rolls things on the tip of its nose while the pokemon is rolling something it checks the object's aroma and texture to determine whether it likes the object or not other entries talk about celio balancing feel on its nose but not about how it's checking to make sure this feel is healthy and i just think that's sweet remery's entry says spits water from its mouth with incredible accuracy it captures burme by shooting them down off the branches from which they dangle this is the first we've learned about remoraid hunting burme oh it's other entries mentioned flying praying looks like burme would probably be a lot easier to hit artillery's entry says while artillery still shoots water from its mouth the drastic anatomical difference between it and remorade meant that for a long time no one believed the former evolved from the latter the pokedex is officially acknowledging the crazy difference between remarried and artillery and how they evolve into each other makes very little sense and i love that they acknowledge that her ugly's entry says though impudent and difficult to tame per ugly enjoys great popularity due to its fur the beauty of which surpasses even velveteen her ugly has nice fur which we did not know before this shoutout's entry says a versatile performer skilled in the imitation of human speech it is said that older more experienced chad art can even understand the meaning of the words they mimic this is the first time it's been acknowledged that shadow can learn the meaning of the words so shout out can be kind of smart dust noir's text entry says comes to those whose lives have come to an end and escorts their souls to the afterlife known to mistakenly take the souls of those who yet have life left in them albeit rarely dusknoir accidentally steals souls of people who aren't dead considering dusknor's history of putting prey in its belly eating the soul and then spitting out the soulless body i'm not that surprised the suey and masculine's entry says though it differs from other masculine in several respects including demeanor this one is gentle i've categorized it as a regional form given the vast array of shared qualities i think this is fascinating basculine in other regions are very violent and very aggressive but hassuian vasculin is gentle and in fact very timid it is so quick to run away and it is so hard to hit pokemon in the water do you know how long it took me to catch a masculine vasquez legion's entry says clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream no other species throughout all josue's rivers is basky legion's equal we knew this about basket legion before the game came out because they just told us this but it is still just insane that basket legion's whole thing is that it's a collection of a bunch of dead masculine fineon's entry says what a gorgeous sight this pokemon is as it swims with its long pink painted caudal fins fluttering behind it fineon's beautiful appearance has led to its nickname finery fish a lot of its other entries say that its nickname is the beautify of the sea so this finery fish nickname is apparently what they called it in the older times gliscor's entry says it glides soundlessly on pitch black wings and sinks sharp fangs into the throat of its prey it takes on a look of satisfaction once it has entirely drained its prey of blood glyscor i love you man but holy crap none of its previous text entries talk about it draining blood much less draining all of the blood and then being satisfied about it and that is quite disturbing i still really like it though very cool next i wanted to talk about the dex entries for rotom's various appliance forms the fact that you can get these in the hisooi region is kind of a gag frankly because somehow you can get the appliances from ginter despite no one knowing what they are except the player and the dex entries reflect that the oven is called a strange cauldron the washing machine is called an odd bureau the fridge is called a bazaar cupboard the fan is called a mysterious contraption and the lawnmower is called a misshapen wheelbarrow this is what i was talking about about why this pokedex is interesting because we know about this technology but the writers of the decks don't and i just think that's fun this mages dex entry says the incantations miss mage's chance can ward against misfortune so a custom exists of inviting it into one's home incur the pokemon's displeasure however and disaster will surely ensue previous entries talk about how ms mages's incantations can either curse people or occasionally do nice things but this is the first time we've known about a custom of inviting it into your house seems like quite the risk in my opinion clefable's entry says legend says that on clear quiet nights it listens for the voices of its kin living on the moon i too often think of my homeland so far away i wanted to mention this not because of anything about clefable just because i think it's sweet that professor lavinton is writing in homesickness into the pokedex johto and sneasel's dex entry says this pokemon shares roots with the sneasel of hasue but unlike that species this one is spiteful in personality i hypothesized that water and earth can affect sneasel's mind and body this entry actually gives us more information about hisui and sneasel that it's not spiteful it's a poison type but it's not a jerk apparently also the mentioning of i hypothesize that water and earth can affect sneasel's mind and body is kind of i expect that environment can cause regional variance which is like why did you even say that dude you've said that elsewhere in the pokedex frostlast's entry says a pokemon inhabited by the soul of a woman who died bearing a grudge in the snowy mountains legends of frostlast placing deathly curses on misbehaving men sends shivers down my spine the legend about frostlast being a reincarnated woman who died in the mountains that's been around but not the part about it placing curses on misbehaving men boys men treat women with respect because you just should but also because a frostless could curse you a sui in zoroas dex entry says a once departed soul returned to life in hissui derives power from resentment which rises as energy atop its head and takes on the forms of foes in this way zoro events lingering malice like with basket legion we knew about this before release but it's still very disturbing the suian zoro works entry says with its disheveled white fur it looks like an embodiment of death heedless of its own safety zoroark attacks its nemesis with a bitter energy so intense it lacerates zorowark's own body oh my god we knew that jesus and zorowa and zorowark super dark pokemon like vengeful alice treated poorly died came back to life but like zorowark attacking and lacerating its own body and not caring because it's so anger filled is really dark and it's not even a dark type anymore a suian braviaries entry says screaming a blood-curdling battle cry this huge and ferocious pokemon goes out on the hunt it blasts lakes with shock waves then scoops up any prey that float to the water's surface i just thought that was a really interesting hunting method you know just psychic bombing a lake lucario's entry says a most gallant looking creature it emits energy waves and controls them with precision using them to sense even far away beings i have given the name aura to this power like with lavinton naming oshawott's shell the scale chop lavinton was the person to name lucario's power aura next is the lake trio and i'll read all of their decks entries in one go because apparently despite them being very cute and the source of humanity having a lot of important things about their minds people were afraid of them yuxi a pokemon feared but also respected for stealing away the memories of evil doers i have found records that suggest ooxy holds dominion over knowledge mesprit known as the being of emotion in legend this pokemon was feared as any who showed disrespect would have their emotions thrown into disarray aself the dreaded being of willpower legends tell of this pokemon manipulating the will of its adversaries and turning them into puppets of its own so stealing memories causing emotional disarray and turning people into puppets i do kind of get why they were afraid of them now yeah he trans entry says stories tell of this pokemon being birthed from the boiling magma within mount coronette its molten steel body holds many mysteries mount coronet what happened to stark mountain i thought fire spit island was also supposed to be stark mountain what why are they talking about within the magma of mount coronet when has mount coronet ever had magma griselia's entry says cresselia is reminiscent of the crescent moon it leaves a brilliant line of light in its wake as it flies across the night sky i dare say it resembles the heavenly maiden who created the milky way i could not figure out who this heavenly maiden is so apparently it's some kind of spirit religious thing among lavinton's people and apparently corcelia looks like her next we'll be looking at both of tornados dex entries its incarnate entry says the storm stirring pokemon is said to cause the seasons to turn by whipping up the air i suspect it's human-like form to be a false one then its therian entry says an example of what is known as a form change though i suspect this strange avian guise to be tornadus's true form tornadoes has been cited crossing the ocean while in this form while it's only lavintin's suspicions and we've seen he can be wrong i do think it's interesting that he has this perspective that the therian forms are the true forms whereas the incarnate forms are fake forms which is interesting because the incarnate ones were the first ones introduced it'll be interesting to see if we ever get confirmation about whether he's right enamorous therian form entry says a different dies from its feminine humanoid form from the clouds it descends upon those who treat any form of life with disrespect and meets out wrathful ruthless punishment damn cloud turtle snake on his back lady thing pretty hardcore next i want to read the entries for the origin forms for both dialga and palkia them getting origin forms alongside geratina dialgus says radiant light caused dialga to take on a form bearing a striking resemblance to the creator pokemon dialga now wields such colossal strength that one must conclude this is its true form then palkia says it soars across the sky in a form that greatly resembles the creator of all things perhaps this imitation of appearance is palkia's strategy for gaining arceus's powers progressing through the plot of the game doesn't really explain how or why the origin forms of dialga and palkia happen but these dex entries kind of do it's the original forms of dialga and palkia that they had because they were more similar to arceus the one that created them then finally shaymin skye's entry says upon taking in the scent of a particular rare flower shaman is enveloped in light and its tiny body transforms i took a whiff of the flower myself but alas my body remained unchanged i'm mentioning this because it's funny and that's all the deck sentries i wanted to talk about be sure to pick up a legends ah goose shot at mhtvmerch.com while you still have time and thank you so much for watching with an extra special thanks to my patrons over on patreon we're helping support my channel independent of fluctuating youtube ad rates if you help support me in the same way the link is in the description below also if you want to check out some more of my fun pokemon content i recommend these videos here all right that's all i have for now so next time fans gotta catch them all
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 1,345,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, charizard, greninja, pikachu, best pokemon, all pokemon, original pokemon, retro games, retro pokemon games, nintendo pokemon, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, pokemon legends arceus, legends arceus, pokemon sword and shield, pokedex, dex entry
Id: wP7upBO3NLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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