Pilgrims Nothing Madness featuring TaToH!

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I've one of cheeky nandos cuz I heard of that before and it was pretty good actually it's pretty good alrights my friends welcome we have a pilgrim stuffing game featuring tatto featuring a pro player attached to us here in the blue he's playing as the Malay and there's plenty of other players and as you can see they start with transports they start with villagers they start with a king and there's a whole lot of nothing on this map a whole lot of nothing there is their fish notably salmon so they're extra tasty there's fish along the shorelines but players they will not have gold they will not have stone in this game unless they use the market to get there now the strategy that I've seen because I've I've seen this a few times now is to get your TC on the mainland fish boom and then try and form some alliances throughout the game it will be interesting to see what people's decisions are against a toe because tatto is obviously one of the best players in the world okay well tatto signals because tio is chasing him and Tarsus is right behind and tattoo says Tarsus get away from me Tarsus is falling that's funny okay Tarsus just wanted to go down here okay that's all so I think I'll remove the over length you overlay always bugs out in these diplomacy games there's no avoiding that and I'll introduce the players now that they're T C's are going up now we have R apart in the green report is playing as the Celts in yellow we have Spanish for I'm Maxwell this is very first community game so good luck to you and the gray we have Masood er man he's playing as the Celts and the orange we have volton Bolton is playing as the Magyars in the blue we have Malay for tato as I've already said we have Tarsus playing as the Celts in the teal and then we have zeros oh no no it's his first community game read and he doesn't know what to do and guys he he doesn't have the wood for a TC because he's trying to make fishing ships Oh his exact words was I'm so hyped to play in my first community game and now he's stuck and he's just transported here and now he sees this one Ville and he's probably thinking wait what oh the legend of zrs I feel so bad for the guy I feel so bad for the guy see the problem is he would be fine if he didn't kill up the fishing ships but I believe he's forgotten that he cued up the fishing ship so he doesn't have any wood but okay we'll follow his journey okay we will follow his journey yeah I assume that he's seen this before most people everyone else knew right but maybe he didn't where's the other transport at oh there we go he'll figure this out guys hit we'll let him figure it out okay he will transport here see the wood and then hopefully realized that he needs to cancel his fishing ships reparse is WTF no gold apparently Rivard hasn't seen this either I assumed incorrectly that people would know what this was and oh there's also a relic in this corner yes so the gold here is to kill enemy Kings guys the goal here is to kill enemy Kings it's not easy to get their tattoos signals the relic and says there's a relic there if you want some gold now if they collect this relic it should trigger the relic victory countdown and they'd have to chop through a lot of trees to get there what's what's right up - oh he figured it out he cancelled the fishing ships yes let's go he's fine now it stinks because he what sieve is he Incas where did what did he do with his wood at the start here he built the dock but he should have had the resources to build the dock and 2tc I don't know but anyway he doesn't have the wood unfortunately so he has to wait for the TC and then he doesn't have the stone what happened to his stone how did he spend stone what how was he low did he delete his TC oh guys he probably started building a TC and then cancelled it that's the only explanation no oh man that's probably what happened so he was he was 33% of the way to building his TC and then he deleted it and he only got some resources back oh boy well he's actually he's dead right he can't build a TC so he's dead is there any way out of this he would have someone would have to send him resources he can't make a trade come from Dark Age he can't make a market from Dark Age so he would need to receive resources the best thing about this is zero ass is so confident in his abilities he hasn't said anything yet so he would only need 85 stone to build the TC as Incas by the way I think I think the the buildings costing 15% less stone applies the T C's but still I mean he can fish boom yeah but they'll have to wait I'll just have to make a lot of fish no read you can seek refuge in my base and then I will sling max are you listening to the stream are you listening to the stream max max why are you listening to the stream this is an innocent stream snipe okay if he was trying to snipe he obviously wouldn't say so publicly in front of everyone close the stream man close the stream the whole stream the chat everything I I did say that you getting maybe max missed the message it's again pretty obvious but again it was innocent right maybe he heard maybe read said something I don't think read said something before yellow did zero says can I get 19 stone please and tattoo did say yes attaches in futile building a market I saw the reporters building the market as well so he has some gold now from selling the would say that's when it comes down to and then you have to trade on water you could trade with trade cogs maybe read did ask I mean regardless I don't hold any hard feelings against yellow because he wasn't trying to hide it it wasn't malicious now I've had that before where someone is responding to me during a game Oh red has his resources only has a hundred five stone let's go who sent that to him oh my god I'm so bad at this who sent that to him tat oh all right so tat to being a nice guy and there's the TC hmm well nice nice move from tat so cuz he had to buy that stone and did repair just sent a tooth hurty hates tohave what quite a trip arts and tattoo on her part I think he got a backwards man a nice move from you as well but why why tat so the singularity has just changed report to enemy alright and now her part has said tat oat enemy after sending him those resources Tarsus says you know you're my favorite player right let's be friends so now tats is conflicted he wanted to kill Tarsus but Tarsus said he's a tattoo fanboy so non tattoo thinks will be nice I read says I'm friend orange don't kill me please yet no one kill red okay red is easily my favorite player in this game whoever kills red will be banned from community games til the end of time you can clip it post it on discord on reddit posted everywhere I promise you it will happen I'm kidding it won't happen I won't do that he got a free llama though and he's taking advantage of that let's go let's go see red is so good red is so good that he made himself he nerfed himself right so he intentionally deleted his TC to make himself weaker so everyone would think he's bad but Zee Russ is gonna win this you just watch guys calm down he's creating more Vil's judgy chat come on now oops sorry tapped I must have forgotten to Ally use his gray likely story reports to stop enemy me voice repaired is pretty funny in community games he has everyone set to enemy though so what does he expect prepared you have to ally them first come on man he says I don't know how this works yet you have to click the Diplo screen reports the second-best player in this game but he doesn't play Diplo I don't know how this works just trust me we are friends yes something tells me they're not going to trust you very much something tells me they're not going to trust you very much ok yes well sell wood for gold guys that's what they're doing tattoos on the way to Castle age he's also purchased a lot of stone with the gold which is a good decision to get a castle on the shoreline to keep yourself protected or for new TCS of course hmm fandom member says I have a feeling already - this is heading towards YouTube meeting cell ok and why do you think that you think that because red had a poor start right exactly you see that that is my reasoning for when people say oh a little ploy because I'm bad yeah if you have a slow start it can still be exciting it can give us something to talk about this has been more entertaining because of Reds mishaps so that's a professional way of saying I like it when people screw up on my stream that's the professional way of saying it what does tars is up to as some villagers okay where are you going with these villagers five villagers inside the transport ship sneaking around now this looks pretty suspicious if you act ask me but I think he wants to build the TC volton is trading with trade cogs it's actually a good move on this map the ideal scenario is to trade from here or here to here or from that same corner to where Tarsus is currently where did Tarsus go here we go well I think he'll buy some stone and build the TC over here there's no reason he would come over here oh we just want some fresh trees there's some fresh trees to chop over there now I mean he'll probably build a TC he's just on its way to castle age right now I start with a lumber camp read update he's getting horse-collar and he's he all yeah he's farming he's farming okay nice little farming eco out here for Zee Russ t90 official please kill tat oh I'm not I'm not in the game man I hope tarses are you really trading here what is this tat oh says I don't trust report I wouldn't either I wouldn't either don't ask me says were part I thought we were allies fishing trips are trade fishing ships or trade cogs aren't very efficient when you garrison garrison he was saying something for part is is being a bit mouthy here for a guy that doesn't have any friends you would think that a guy with no friends would would be a bit kinder you just said blah blah blah I don't know who he was talking to will stay on reports point of view okay ducks can we run a poll to see who people were rooting for I'm curious I don't I guess mr. Suder man was trying to - gate tars is here and that's why Tarsus made that comment earlier Wow Mac & L's Thank You Man for gifting more subs cheese and it was fried eggs right in the middle of that with his three months welcome back man yeah I'd like to see a poll run oh no where part is attacking max well it's his first community game ever and Maxwell says please no green and runs away tato who has the benefit of being a super nice guy but also a fan favorite says I guess we have to kill her part boys hey report is going heavy on water he has lots of war galleys Max is losing his fish and oh I thought that was his King okay it's just it's just a female Vil it's fine not the king and you guys can vote on who you're rooting for in this game I mean I'm voting for zeros for sure zeros let's be honest if he were to win this game instant legend instant legend video no doubt my mind potentially max as well because they've had such slow starts and it's their first community game ever but I think we all know that's a bit unlikely Wow Tarsus is on the way to the Imperial Age what and my suitor man looking to team up with the fan-favorite he says zero ass build market so we can trade okay well we're part has a very good Civ for this he is Celts so he's able to chop the trees faster tatto is also trading with trade cogs they are trade carts are getting three gold per trip here sorry just needed to sit my water fire ships from tatto to attacker pard and Tarsus just cetra part to neutral I don't know I don't know if were pard is aware that he can change people to ally here it may be his way of not fessing up that he doesn't know how it works is to just fight everyone you know I used to embarrassed to let people know that he's unaware he's played this game for years and he still doesn't know he doesn't play in community games you know so maybe maybe I just said no a lot tatto is losing his trade cogs though he cannot afford to lose these I think I said no eight times during that whole paragraph ad ivory says hi T 90 I can't sub or donate wish I could but just want to say I love your streams and thanks for doing that dude you're welcome man don't worry about it if you're unable to the the priority is that you're entertained right the priorities haven't you're having a good time thank you for saying that so Tarsus has gone with a very fast Imperial as Celts Wow okay and he has a nice situation going as long as he can keep his bills here well I guess they're stuck here mister demands Waltham in but I like the fact that he has eco split up and tatto says Tarsus go water too and then he says Orkut after he sees Tarsus is in the Imperial Age t90 aren't you neutral by standard or he must have changed enemy who you mean uh sorry you talk spicy you're talking about report report has everyone on the enemy and he has the whole game but he's doing really well like he is he's at one hundred population he's the villain we need in this game no offense report but his micro is good for those that are unaware reported place around the two K level on Buble tatto is 2k six of course but in community games things are always different it Tarsus is researching auditor now so he can cut through the trees so that will open up some space for tatto and himself everyone enemy green and kill him he doesn't let trades his tatto and repaired says no boys let me trade i don't want to fight anymore well Ally them man it's pretty simple and maybe I have it backwards maybe this is why I'm a single guy maybe if I love someone I should fight them and kill them with war galleys maybe that's how it can find a t90 babe is is that how life works the enemy someone to be in love with them who knows tat oh I made fun of tattoo and TARDIS's trade here but it will pay off long-term they keep it alive it's only five gold for per trip now but it's something and Tarsus is starting to chop Sally says that's how I make friends we'll hold on in the legends of Texas video Sally and Ariane did make friends that way so you're not too far off Sally that went too deep oh I'm sorry chat was it too deep was it too relatable I was just kidding but it was too relatable I apologize oh man well orange we haven't talked about a lot he's doing alright he had the trade Cox he I don't know what his friends situation is like again I don't want this to be too deep but it seems like he has a lot of friends everyone except for a part so he'll like that yellow he is in castle age now and he's obeying tatoes orders he's making some galleys all right I think we need to update need an update on the legend a mr. Z Ross who is trading with Till's dock here seven gold per trip he's doing all right the what on earth though is report is hilarious honestly he's like he goes gold to me sling me gold to me I will kill tat oh he really thinks that people are gonna give him gold and maybe people will maybe people fear tattoo more oh nice demo shot from tat Oh [Music] Bible 88 ivory less than 3 Wow Sean thank you man well I'll gift eight ivory s up with that after the games here report is killing tarses fishing ships he's playing really well over part has 115 pop it's only 100 for tat oh so the villain in this game is doing a good job and I think singularity just sent him resources I think singularity just sent report resources you kill my trade stop tatse says make him 2 to 3 towers and he is dead I'm pretty convinced at this point that report does not know that he can set someone to a lie that that has to be it because singularity helped him and yet he killed some singularities trade tattoo is the bully here you think tattoes the bully maybe hmm Sean thank you again man thank you again III I will gift I've read sub after this just remind me what is repaired a viper Smurf no he's just a good player I mean he's a good player right and he has a good save for this he had a good strategy the only bad thing is that he doesn't have any allies so I feel like in long term he might kill a person or two but he won't have many friends and that could hurt him but it would be crazy if her part just fights everyone they land with trade carts and report says I will kill with them so singularity is he allied with tat oh he is so singularity is feeding report information while that rat he's a snitch I will make one tower at your would says singularity so tatto sees it well that's actually smart thinking build a tower at the wood so Tata sees it just to mind game tat oh I will send you more wood yeah well wood is not a resource what is not a resource that you really need on this okay now taxes has only you read tarses report is so annoying okay tell me more tat oh did you just want to vent or do you have a plan here singularity says no you kill tat oh and I help you max is losing his trade rapport signals read his trade cogs and says hello or hallo and Red's losing his trade and CRS says no why green why I like hell yellow and red are minding their own business green shows up and the way red and red and green er are sorry not red and green red and yellow are talking is just so innocent max was like green leave us alone man leave us alone where you haven't done anything to you hmm and see rest is about to hit Castle age at 40 minutes not bad green I'll tell Papa teen ID that you won't be allowed in community games anymore well that would work from a shooter man but I don't rig game sorry and report is asking singularity to signal the trade of tat Oh wants to find a reportage is killing everything can anyone stop him now I didn't see a strategy from tat so Tata was saying maybe to Tarsus to cut this way tattoo says I think volton is allied with green not sure about player six no one is allied with green he doesn't have any allies there are people working with him but no one is actually allied with him that's the crazy thing now tats are built a castle he finally got enough gold to buy stone to build a castle so that will protect his trade oh my goodness look at the trade between Massoud ermine and Zira or is that all zeroes it's both of them that's funny Andhra part is is quarter the way to the Imperial age this is really vulnerable trade something that were part will see and kill now yeah I agree with the people who are now just saying in the chat that is making this game interesting he definitely is you always need one villain man you always need one villain and report is now signaling the trade and laughing and evil laugh laughter the only villains can can produce tat see no Navy so singularity again is feeding information to her pard and miss suitor man says no not our mini trade as they lose this okay well tattoo and Tarsus strong alliance but in comparison to apart weaker players Tatsu is building a new TC his populations fine his trade route will get better if they cut more see they have trade on land which is almost indestructible at the moment tattoo has harbors which means his docks will shoot arrows he's getting a 12 gold for trip there which is something Tarsus says convert my auditor I'm tired of cutting he one stat so to convert the ammeter that's funny and report hits the imperial age and says POG he's obviously a twitch viewer and now he's getting chemistry and he he's receiving so much wood from singularity that he could actually sell that for gold to get all of his upgrades and I'm not sure that tattoes harbors will be enough to hold from this it certainly he will lose his fishing ships right so tars is his French so at this point I'm actually surprised he's not surrendered but he's fighting on his king is near the wood line here he does have tatto as an ally so that's helpful I'm wondering what sir what singularities late-game is here I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding calm down calm down I see charm in the chat charm is a French moderator it's just a joke okay I'm an American just just call me fat and greasy whatever you know whatever insult and I'll just call I'll just say you surrender early Carini for tat oh he's going to fight on watery East healthier it's not bad he's held here okay that choke made all the French people who retreat from the street I'm listed I'm sorry it was a joke my dad grew up in France okay I am I know a French guy I can't make fun of French people singularity he has to have a plan here he he's Koreans right so he could go for siege he could go for halberd ear could go for turtle ships report says tachi docks super Opie yep tattoes docks are pretty strong and still report doesn't have a single ally in this game how high all i'd like to attack green via land could I pass through with what what you have oh yes Maggie er huh SARS so he's giving everyone else a warning that he's just passing here hmm okay well this could this could really annoy him if he gets Maggie our house our with upgrades I'm his wood line he doesn't have any defense from that repaired would need some rams I think to kill these docks could go kaltaka cannon galleon right guys I think Celts get cannon galleon yeah they do okay I guess you could go for that as well I do think tatse will go heavier on water once he gets the gold I like how Tarsus is not used to his hunter at all okay he's using these so it's fine it is pretty time-consuming Mac says he's dead Oh No Max is dead he can't really even make a run for it he says I'm dead it's GG well you know what's bad when his scores below red Reds on to T sees he's booming up guys he is booming up here come the galleons from Rivard tatto hits the imperial age I think tats will go fast fires against this could work could work really well actually yellow is appealing for help he rings the bell oh no and his report goes to let him live Wow report is a merciful God okay oh no orange just pass please don't all right he's just passing and he's asking red and great to delete these buildings so he can get through and meanwhile tatto and Tarsus are losing their trade tattoes still no Gold's but see challenger for Tarsus intact is's I think we should kill orange first he is allied which tattoo is actually wrong on but he's right in the fact that orange is not being targeted and aren't just not attacking green yet but poor oranges is trying to get through to green if you're if you listen to his words anyway so the players just aren't letting him through might as well try and transport but that might be risky I'm here are the candy galleons attacking tattos castle looking for parts core man her part has played this whole game without any alliances he's been incredibly cutthroat tatto is mind blown he's wondering where apart is getting gold from report is not trading at all let's look at the achievements real quick he has zero trade he just has more gold because of the wood he's been selling he's been getting the sling singularity is pulling the strings he's the puppet master here so he realizes if tattoes out of the game and then rapport trusts him that he could have a good shot of winning this one was it thirty three thousand fling oh yeah that's a lot that's a lot and I doubt tat so would ever expect the sling at a community game and meanwhile singularity he's just quietly over here happy to see tats who's being attacked so tat sir can stay alive for sure but the quality of life is not very good her part is making non-stop Navy this this is insane what he's been able to do a sling or not right he was attacking even before the sling he's killed almost everyone's trade he's killed tons of fish okay and now singularity sending more wood and more food to report report again it's not allied to singularity not allied at all if singularity wins this game it could be we could look back at this as a brilliant strategy lay a toe and then a tattoed eyes and then singularity sniper part it would be brilliant that that and he's so close to him too he could do that it's just that tattoes not going to go down without a fight wait his name is slinky Larry when did he change his name to singularity hold on a second is his user name used to be singularity did he change his name recently hold on a second I need to look at his profile I I thought you guys were just making a pun yeah other names singularity he changed his name on January 16th he changed his name to singularity recently he did that today Wow that's hilarious I didn't even notice because he's been singularity for two years okay well isn't that something isn't that something that's that's brilliant man that's funny my my legend my legend senses are tingling right now you know if he if he can sling R apart and then R apart kills everyone and then singularity finishes off for part it would be amazing quick somebody changed her name to singularity change his user name or not change his user name steel was user name well T Bay thank you very much for the prime tat oh he's going galleons and reports his weakened trade perp yeah you can but you have to ally him first man he's building markets credit to max were still holding on here you didn't even try and appeal to her part and he says read I trade with you yes that's that's what I want my life I want red and yellow to be best buds that aren't ever make it into Green's wood line with his Magor hussars I don't think he did wait what does he tell his Mac yo SARS how did they get here and why were they here in the first place they're trapped here just want to take a trip to to dick Island like what why what did he see here I don't know but they're doing something at least hmm tattoo is in trouble tato is in trouble max is in trouble everyone is in trouble except for a part at the moment and I guess gray is fine as well singularities also fine so there's there some people who are fine hmm purported 180 population tattoo says Tarsus prepare helps Orange will come so he's expecting orange to attack with the mag girl huh SARS this is true Orange has elite magyar HUS are now actually a good reason to pick magyars and Okemos suitor man is cutting through the trees to go to the one relic on the map now we always screw up the settings with this I gave them what I believe were the correct settings sometimes it doesn't work sometimes relic victory doesn't work but it should work so if it works then that means Masood er man will instantly have a target on his back but he'll also have that gold yes it is set to last man standing ducks it is so it should work then what a crazy game repaired currently has 70 warships and he's making trade now with purple does that mean his oh he's deleting Vil's it Purple's leading pills I guess hard hold on a second I need to investigate something okay so singularity is allied with everyone were part is now allied with singularity so he figured it out okay so he finally has the true ally so after killing tattoes trade and tars as his trade and everyone's trade do they are trading there he believes relic is real says tarses yeah the relic is real it's not a fake that would be funny though to create a map where there's a fake relic you go and pick it up and the monkeys still inside of the relic and then it explodes well wild game I'm impressed with red and yellow though to stay alive this long in all honesty they haven't I guess they haven't been a threat to other people so people have let them live that yellow is trying to fight back here he's doing an alright job I think what he needs his new town centers you know he needs to boom up inland and stay off the shoreline he just doesn't have the stone for another TC let's hold then purple they trade on lands now we need to push land report is correct and tatto is actually he's caught up now at a toe has killed her part on water and tatto has 180 pop it's only 110 for her part let's look at the overlay for just a second to see the populations but I'm not gonna leave it up for very long [Music] okay so yeah you can see the populations it's really sloppy but tatto and Tarsus on top with team pop and that rhymed as well didn't even try that and I think orange is intending to stay allied with tatto and targes but tattoo doesn't trust him so tattoo might attack him soon tattoo says yeah he is enemy wait who is enemy this is tough for me to follow yes was he speaking to Masood er man it's hard for me to see the gray text maybe gray was saying asking tat oh okay well I'm removing the overlay now it's covering too much of the screen try this again all right cool go on gray say what's gray up to actually he's on his way to that monument right with a monk in an homage er Y Ellis has gone grey get the relic he's rooting for him well Masood er man he could sell that wood for gold he'd be fine I just don't think he has any strong alliances tat so figuring out player six was enemy all that time you think so oh I guess I guess okay he realizes they're trading now so tattoo says look who is betraying us who is it at Oh who is betraying you singularity well what grace should do is send a vill okay he has a vill here this is good you want to build your monastery in the back I think it's a suicide mission and collecting this relic just you're gonna get killed but if you go for it if he doesn't have confidence you can win in another way yes report says he can do what writers fling you Lera T says you will do C geometers okay Wow yes I can check chief answering the game so there goes grey so lots of see janitors and helps from tarses tatto only has navy tattoo can win water at this rate if he continues with the fast fires and I think maybe he should go water and then tars it should go land parts as we will be last oh no tattoo is here at least our trade on lane land yes this is true they don't need to focus on water much now because everyone's trading on lands singularities getting chemistry now and with the trade he could get lots of res or apart is sending his King away from water and he's where is he going with this okay he's cutting towards that corner as well oh man but it's out in the open man it's out in the open orange needs to speak to tattoo and say listen I don't know what you guys are thinking but I am for you not against you I think the guy is just playing don't do it a little you know just doing his thing not thinking about how they might kill him yellow is just rooting he's the cheerleader former suitor man now hey teal don't do that and now a toes again star and see this is what I meant this is what I meant it's a bit late and now now balm is in trouble he can't fight health and siege as magyars oh those auditor shots are really juicy as well yeah that the pointy boys are gonna destroy him man and arches were just running right past will he see a king maybe he goes for the TC it's possible he also says I protect you he's talking a lot now yell is talking a lot too great ok here it goes great for the relic now build the monastery in this corner but right here and then wall up not that we'll also really help though ok so orange we'll attack some of tattoes villagers some of tarsus village he will not kill the king though and aren't we'll just lose his castles and his his King inside this castle it's at Reb no his king is here well that's just as bad the orange has tatto and Teela's enemy but he can't fight this as Magyars he would need cab archers can you convert the monkeyboys Masuda man says no he cannot what's red up to guys red said a hundred and ten population always getting raided by Tarsus oh no wait no no no that wasn't him being raided by Tarsus he's fine I just don't read an orange it was close oh here goes the King for orange man if I'm red I do not keep this king safe I get this thing out of my face last thing I want his tattoo and tarses against me the king is is running into Reds eco and Tarsus is chasing with his pointy boys this is funny yes come on red get a kill man get a kill gated off and kill him her part says oh no I am dead why do you think that why do you think your daddy's at a hundred pop o MK he has the relic gray has the relic okay I don't know what her part is talking about sometimes I don't know why he thinks he's dead he does not have a lot of eco that's for sure but he's not dead oh oh oh oh oh this makes sense he built a gate oh no don't open the gate woman don't open the gate don't open the gate don't Oh they almost opened it okay night repair he doesn't have stolen he doesn't have stone he could lose his eco actually it's a good point a grace in a nice position he could defend from this he just needs to defend for 333 years and that Grover parts VLEs her part is is screaming out to tap so now for help he says tatto as free champions who will use them while two-handed swordsmen but yeah tats I might use them I believe tat so we'll go on a transport here in a second and they went to transport to report a tattoo is fighting singularity on water and orange is dead and funny enough what was it I think it was Tarsus that got the kill a vultan said right before he died I'll sling your resources if you let me live no he's dead tars has finally got his man red is cutting some space yes Roland's only mistake was not discussing things with tars isn't a toe because tats are thought for the last half hour that orange was going to attack him and I don't think that was the case hard to know who the players are talking to I think rapport is asking for slang from from purple because here comes tat oh he's landed barracks n' and tat so is now catching up on the score certainly ahead making the free two-handed swordsman and these right in the trade as well and this is probably why were part thought he was going to die he is gray on this side of him he is tattoo on the left side and this is bad for singularity the epic strategy that we mentioned is not going to work or part didn't do enough and tatoes at full strength now tattoo says no oh did he lose his transform he lost his transport two reports one galleon all there were halves in there and Trevi Shay's oh man at the bottom of the ocean now man well tattos push is pretty nice here and four parts King is got to be close by oh it's running the singularity's base so is great at tattoos Ally he is that won't last very long if grey has his uh his relic up here her part says we can hold a little bit to let gray win so the last thing required wanted in this game was for tato to win and he will continue to make sure the tattoo will not win by trying to delay as long as possible so tatto cannot kill the relic or start kill the monastery I had trips have a nice night man thank you for being here Ovid Brannock thank you guys for the new subs tatto is he's going crazy now guys he is going crazy and Tarsus is asking tat so hey what do we do about yellow and gray well yellow you let live okay he hasn't done anything to you oh no oh no where are you going where are you going okay he's going to his Navy I guess let yellow live gray you have to kill his monastery red who knows man red chose Incas he had that really rough start he's alive now but he's not doing much new tat Oh is well he has completely stopped the trade between her part and singularity and he's pushing the towers now yellows fine as far as I know yellow is fine yep his King is just in grace TC hmm so report calls the gg he is down the 25 pop and he's the second person out of this game Wow he's the second person out of this game remember his score lead this game changed so quickly but that's that's pretty much what you expect when you don't have allies and sync singularity says amazing Lord and he resides so slim gilardis out now as well what I guess it makes sense he had no way to fight back against tat oh that's a sign-off right there amazing learn that is to sign off that is to sign off that will confuse the crap out of you until I upload that game to youtube I think if you're seeing this game on YouTube I would have already uploaded that so it makes sense so now this makes it easy for Tarsus and Tabata to decide what to do they need to go towards gray in that corner either that or they need to kill gray fox toy for the earth I'm sorry my sleep has been my sleep has been off lately yeah they need to either kill greatest king or they need to kill the relic or monastery grace King should come back here if I were him I mean if he really wants to commit to this he should probably oh his Kings right there his Kings right next to the world Raiders okay this is what he should do sorry I just made 2,000 people yawn my bad crazy numbers of people to be here though today happy to have so many people here how many people are new on the stream today there's gotta be some people who are new out there it might not be chatting might be lurking thank you for joining the community today okay what I shouldn't even ask everyone everyone's saying they're new so if you're truly new that's the thing here you say you're new if you're not but I see you out there welcome guys three days ago yes II see Colette's I know man I know someone like like eldery who's been subbed to the stream for two years like Oh Moo my favorite thing though is when people who have been on the stream for a long time will be like t90 I found your uh I found her stream when I was at Walmart aisle three and someone had lost their phone next to the toilet paper on that phone was your live stream and I saw the live stream and I became very interested and so I I came home today and opened up the web page things like that people has come up with these ridiculous stories and how they found my stream I always think is funny project Belgium does that a lot when he shows up project Belgium I think he's taking a month break though from the stream so we're not from the stream start from the community I think they have plenty of time okay soma scooter man oh this this gives me fat slob memories right here fat slob flashbacks fat slob backs he's just going to camp with his trebs so this morning I casted fat slob I did the The Legend of fat slob episode three and so seeing these trebuchet 'z gives me a reminder of that video was deja vu no ball mud cannons available for Celts at tarsus will have to go for his own traps Tatsu could go bombard canons though but I would send villagers this way and build teach workshops pronto you to recommend it and I saw you on Twitch so here I am nice SEMA yeah I think that's normally how it goes right most people tend to come in from the YouTube channel tatto is also sending his two-handed swordsman this way but it is blocked off here crossbowmen for red oh man okay let's just think this through no one's paying attention to yellow no one's paying attention to red now max has been on 81 pop for ever he's not been creating more villagers he probably doesn't have a chance to snipe however red he does Zira's does and teal and blue are distracted is there a chance that red could maybe sniped at oh I would lose my mind it is got to be so difficult with a sieve I mean Incas versed Celts and Malay but just imagine if it happens this will be great because I'll be having a beer with Tatsu in her life in a few days so I could say hey you know what was better than the force nothing game you played on my stream tatto that time that red killed you in a pilgrim's nothing game and he wouldn't like me very much and then that would be an awkward rest of the night but it's alright I can accept it t90 I always listened to your fireside chat back in 1935 I'm so glad I found you on Twitch it's so cool you're still going strong keep up the good work yeah man we've come a long way we've come a long way 140 years I don't see how my Superman does it it it's unlikely now he just needs to keep the monastery up and alright cypresses sees this and he's laughing about it doink nope just play in the clock guys just playing the clock 135 years and here come the bomb bark hands for tat oh so zeros just said why can't I make horses well because you're Incas man because you're Incas I don't think that he knew that he was Incas or at least he doesn't know a lot about Incas they don't have horses dude oh poor guy I love zero so much I love zero so much he has a million trip yuca and I sent helps tattoo says I'll go for his King so he can't make more that's actually not grace King tattoo might think there's a king in there and he would be correct but that is yellows King who he is allied with the king is in the corner tato with the relic and tatto says what that was yellow oh you've been tricked man jebaited taught to send all of his military here assuming that it would be gray and that's not the case no don't kill max max no tat oh why what did max ever do to you man he was a peaceful King it was a peaceful ruler he didn't tax anybody that's why they didn't have any they didn't get anything done in their town but oh well tapped over gets a kill and now 100 years left for gray this freakin relic man it's hilarious now I'm of course kidding there's nothing wrong with touts of sniping that I just had a soft spot in my heart for for max now Revit only figured out that his safe doesn't have horses 1 hour and 30 minutes into the game so one could assume that he might not have the composition knowledge to be able to fight against Tatooine tarses but if he gets the timing right then possibly yep tusky River I agree with you I think tatis said well the Kings right here I might as well kill him yep so they need to honestly all tattoo needs to do is cut so as bombard kins can range the trips and then micro a lot and here come the bomber cannons so he'll have plenty of bomber cannons that this could be close though I'm tattos also trying to cut so the halberdiers can get in one more Auditor remaining and all the micro-firm tats is really good actually Mico oh okay he loses it and now the halberdiers are just running into the castle fire oh there's there is a hole there there is a hole now this could be good for Greg Greg could actually run out now with his world Raiders he should cut it on purpose oh are you kidding me Tetris is bad MacKinnon's Greg could do this and his Ward's come out valve they'll kill the house and they can kill the rest of the siege because they have no support I thought when this went up when its monastery went up I thought for sure there's just no way because instantly I'm thinking they're gonna team up on him and he does not stand a chance but he wrecked tatto and his king is safe back here gray does not have any base left attached to says he one tattos giving it up at 60 years he's giving it up I think tatse realizes that he doesn't have the military to fight the woods to protect the siege Wow and that means that red might need to help a red has not done much yet he's sending a few monks those trebs right there that was pretty clutch agro thank you for the whole year man yeah my friends question my sanity as well only on the streamer not the viewer thank you very much for the whole year well I think my suitor man will pull this off and he's played in quite a few community games he's been around over a year now I don't recall him winning many games but he went for this strategy and he only has a few villagers left and as far as I can see this is gonna work this is going to work what is this a red is trading with Grey's market let's see let's not let's not call it just yet because remember all the tatse needs to do oh nevermind tatto actually calls to GG he's giving it up here I was thinking that he could try and I don't think he could should call it here I don't think you should call it here I think they should try and then he should make siege and all you need to do is kill the monastery so even if you lose a hundred units if you have one trip that's firing enough times on the monastery you're good so I don't think it's over I think tatto is lost hope but it's not over if he makes bombard cannons you you don't need to kill the castle you don't need to kill the trebs you need to just simply kill the monastery the problem is he doesn't have castles closed for tribes so it has to be bombard cannons and he's making auditors Celt are just the best Civ what can I say they are good SIF but I I think that it's possible with bombard cannons for Tata to do this it would have to be very last second yes exactly you don't even need to kill the mana so you just needed time garrison the thing is though Grey has a lot of woods and he has a lot of CG hunters so if he plays it right I think he wins but this might be possible I don't see if Tatsu had for Palmer canons I'm thinking maybe right but he doesn't have any he should Patrol zero should patrol in and then tatto he can't even fight this he needs to use the auditors and the bombard canons verse to that monastery that's his only choice now and if you're gray just kill siege yep okay grey is gonna get it grey is gonna get it his traps fire tatse will lose his auditors and Tarsus says I'm kinda salty well they had the time they had the tools as well Tarsus had Celts but grey outsmarted them and there we go there's the end Wow well played mr. Suder man max was still in the game cheering on his buddy he's like let's go grey let's go I thought he was in the twitch chat with all of you but nothing he's still there oh man it's so great cuz you know he's at home you know he's at home I don't know anything about Max well let's say he has roommates and he's at college and he's just sitting there in his laptop like yes yeah the shooter man good man you got this get it get it and then he wins and he's jumping up and down and his friends like what are you doing man he also said sub the - PewDiePie so I also sub the t90 because I'm close to 100k subs on YouTube and I'm in a race against the end of time survived to the end yes you did well played that was a great game that was a great game so obviously if that relic didn't exist I think tattooin TARDIS would have won this one so personally I really like the fact it's there and mixes it up otherwise tattoo and TARDIS would have steamrolled everybody in this game and then tat so probably would have had the easy win at at so played well it was a great comeback from him obviously her part had a very strong start so it was tough for tatto repaired was the villain we needed though can we throw a few salutes in the chat for apart because you know obviously he didn't make many friends in this game but if he wasn't playing like that then the game wouldn't have been near as fun so thank your part for playing like you did I also singularity that was that was slick slinky Larry more like slick yyl era TMI right slinging changing his name to singularity and slinging that was ridiculous I don't know if tatto and tarses are listening now I think Tarsus is in the chat but he changed his name to singularity today and was slinging report resources that's how her part had the resources to make all that Navy I absolutely loved Maxwell and Xin Rus in this game of course they didn't win but it was great to have them here and then of course volton as well I feel bad for volton more than anyone really because he he was trying to attack her part gray wouldn't let him through I don't think grace all the appeal in the chat and I'm guessing volton was going to ally tarses and tattoo a long term I'm guessing that was his plan and so when he got attacked by Tarsus in tatto because they thought he was against them he really stood no chance Tarsus says I tons of res I think I would have sniped tatto oh jeez you did when I wonder you're salty tars is tars is it would have been better for your reputation for you to not tell me you had eight thousand gold because now everyone sees that you had eight thousand golds and they're thinking okay why did gray pull this off it I think you just they're in time right you couldn't get there in time it's understandable let's see tattoos resources yeah I mean you had the better sieve certainly so maybe you could have killed tattoo maybe you could have missed opportunities I guess here's the achievements what a great game their tattoo with more kills is very active in the end it was more trade profit for Tarsus and tat so of course look how much singularity slung 61k resources and it was mainly food and wood he might have sent some gold but he was just slinging wood and then repaired would sell it duck said t90 I can't believe my silly little meme map is actually making is actually producing games like this yeah man well you remember my reaction when pilgrims nothing first came out I thought it was going to be awful but the map is actually really good and tatto I don't know what his opinion is on it but I no doubt liked it because I had doubt play it had the start doubt was thinking oh this is no good and then at the end he was asking for more so it's a good one for sure and nobody gets banned because nobody killed zebras exactly it it's a good situation all around what's up floating Dutchman yeah king of the desert he's been awesome okay here's the here's the cheeves look at look at red man he wasn't even in his final form he wasn't even in his final form if gray would have lost his relic there red would have killed everybody I'm certain of it legend of Zin zero ass would have happened well well gate well played everyone and thank you everyone for watching obviously I stream this one on Twitch and it was a pretty crazy game if you would like to get in on the action on Twitch the twitch link is below in the video description on youtube I should normally stream 5 days a week and normally community games are on Fridays today though it's on a different day because I'll be gone this upcoming Friday legend of no horse Incas oh man that was funny because it took him a long time to realize that as well
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 255,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo, pilgrims, !?, pew
Id: DbWpxrW9n9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 4sec (4144 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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