Hidden Cup 4 | 1st Quarter Final (Best of 5)

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we should have a good day today should have a good series to start it off and of course um starting it off with game number one arabia here right now so best of five quarterfinals the quarterfinals in hidden cup three took 12 hours it was ridiculous and as dave was just saying expect some high level stuff here today now admiral just like the first round chose teal world just like the first round has chosen blue these colors do not mesh very well when fights start to happen so i'm going to make the executive decision here which might not be popular because i love the fact that teal's been picked again dave but i'm going to actually have to make sunshine red here just to make it you know visible to break it down but you can actually see with capture age pro at the bottom right that little five indicates that admiral has gone for this color um so chinese against celts dave are you a little surprised to see celts for game one arabia yeah it doesn't it seems like there's a lot of other picks you could have gone for right maybe like we've seen a lot of meso civs here uh i think we saw even tatars opening a game we saw bulgarians getting a a win we haven't seen celts yet on arabia i'm excited because i really like the the kelp kind of playstyle right with that siege and castle age and maybe add in some pikeman there with a forward push it's it's really exciting to me um to watch that style yeah um people speculating already because we had a pause two minutes in and uh ready which was spelled out not just rdy and then uh warwolf saying okay but dave i'm with you and you know the interesting thing about celts right pelts are they're not as well-rounded but they're really strong if you get to certain spots and when it comes to a sieve draft normally you're going to see something like chinese drafted pretty early so i think in werewolf shoes if he gets a win here it's up against the early pick in chinese and he's going to be feeling pretty good throughout the rest of the series then yeah it's you kind of have to wonder though like chinese are they that great on any other map it's not like you're eliminating them from you know being picked on the yeah the hybrid maps or anything like that it's it's purely an arrabia civ so while he's eliminating a good sieve it's not really versatile for anything else yep good point um you know many players in the 16 in this event would maybe try and lame a little bit especially considering the stakes and werewolf comes forward uh interesting little bushes here that we have for straggler trees that's pretty rare for this generation but not a big deal and i guess for admiral he's just playing safe here dave this seems like a meta player i remember game one against uh master of the templar we had some some crazy lames too and admiral was still able to get the win which was very impressive yeah and it looks like admiral got a hit off on that scout from werewolf so werewolf can't take that straight up fight and werewolf didn't spot the berries at the front of admiral's base to probably the most exposed area of his base and he's got to try to lock that down maybe he'll double back and see that okay he's gonna double back um seize it and that's a big deal too because when you're a drush sieve or a man at arm sieve typically you're going to want to hit that area right there wood lines can be welded up a bit easier watch out all right oh admiral i see what you're talking about here dave it's early it's early and admiral lost hp on the scout there and i think it almost looked like we were going to see a barracks for war wolf yep we are going to see a barracks for warwolf and this is after admiral's already left the front of the base so you you should assume something's going to be up when you're in admiral's position but now the scout's weak and you don't have the front of the base and what on earth was happening there for warwolf it kind of looks like both players may be warming up a little bit here in the series and did warwolf lose his scout he did oh my god how does that even happen he already knew the tc was there that is it weird i have a theory behind this do you see the the small trees mod has somehow turned these straggler trees into little like shrubberies and they don't really look like trees so when you're scouting you're just kind of like ah that's an aesthetic thing that's just part of the grass that's not a tree it happened to both players tristan i don't know about that they they should have trained the the map you know i i don't know about that dave but at least it's true shrubbery identification training like come on man hey 80 000 tournament man i mean you've got to do what you've got to do here but i guess it's better off for admiral here is admirals on the way to futile age by the way this did not start as an 80 000 tournament thank you to everyone who's brought it up to that point it's ridiculous and the scouting is on point dave seize the barracks and we'll see both in feudal age soon yeah he had to know though like he scouted the whole base he didn't see mega walls and his opponents celts yep so like you just assume that the barracks is coming and i see some villagers now coming from blue is this going to be a forward this is a man at arms forward play okay now this starts to make you think who could this be because there's a lot of players who wouldn't forward three years ago forward was kind of meta in some ways but not today so we have a player going forward and immediately people were like is this vivi is this yo and dave i actually i was thinking vivi at one point with this player on day one but then i ended up switching my pick for vivi being someone else so this is crazy and actually admiral didn't scout this dave he did not see the villagers he was waiting he was waiting for the units to come out so he could track them across the map he assumes this is just a full men at arms play and admiral he saw where those berries were so he's going to take a bee line to that wood line in the berries it's actually really important admiral does not have it does not have a range yet but he did go to golds it almost feels like he wants to play into some type of archer defense if this is the fat dragon if this is vivi he's probably one of the better players when it comes to to tower placement and then booming behind his forwards and here he is with the tower now he cannot see that there's a counter tower from admiral who dave is playing right to the chinese strengths getting all the cheap technologies and playing passive behind walls right now yeah and he's gonna what he's gonna abandon building the tower okay so it was a bait yep there's a bait that's a that's a smart thing to do right he didn't even see the enemy was building a counter tower but maybe just felt it might be the case and now that he sees the tower's already gone up he says haha that's funny i'm gonna take your wood line yeah that was a really good play heads up play from werewolf like you said he had no vision whatsoever on that tower but he might you know he might have had enough vision to see a villager like looping around from the berries yeah as a builder so maybe he assumed that uh counter tower was going down there if if he didn't have any vision on that that's just excellent game sense from him that said dave did not go to stone at home okay is now on stone at home but since he he started to build one tower and deleted it and now has placed another one only has 30 stone in the bank also did not even scout this stone as he was actually trying to chop that tree and palisade over it to get through but imagine seeing the stone here and thinking oh no i wish i could make a tower there but i can't right now yeah that's just unfortunate timing from him and i think that might have stemmed back to the fact that uh he had to replace his original one yep um and he just didn't go out to stone quickly enough like you said now the archery range is up for admiral his stone count he's gonna have a second tower before blue yeah and that's huge so you at this point you've seen both eco upgrades come in the farm and the wood upgrade admirals freely taking some deer admirals freely taking berries admirals freely making archers typically when you're going for this type of a forward you're going to want to do more damage than this in the early going so this is looking good for admiral with the defense i do like the outposts for more wolf though it really helps him pushing in here because then he has clear vision he knows how red is walling behind he knows where red's defensive tower is going to be see he has vision on that and he's gonna bait out another one and red is not taking the bait but now he goes back but blue goes back are they gonna stall out here that was funny that's funny he tried to fake him out again and red said no no no i've lost this game before and this will end up being pretty big here i think at least i don't see a world where blue ends up winning the tower war unless the house goes down house is actually pretty weak yeah if you can get that house with the men at arms okay red smartly targeting um the men at arms to prevent them from attacking that house and driving them away now blue's gonna loop around with those i mean red is off of stone now yeah that's true blue is idling him but these are five idol villagers that walked all the way across the map for blue so i think red will take this trade any day yeah the tough thing now is you have absolutely no counter to archers and the enemy's gonna have fletching so you're gonna see these archers coming to your base and back in the old days dave what you'd see is defensive towers and go to cass lake you can't do that nowadays people are too good so you're going to see his own range units coming forward i'm actually surprised that he's been able to get that and the units out already dave but he does not have fletching so he's got to be very careful about the ranged units from admiral yeah having some problems with his housing as well i don't even think he's building one right now he's badly housed okay just started one and these are the type of games where it gets very complicated because you you're constantly repairing your tower yep you're constantly trying to snipe villagers from your opponent but you're also reinforcing and microing your range units in the middle yeah if you take your eye off one area of the map the other area is gonna struggle i don't know how it happened honestly because it was the timing was weird on it but admiral got a ville snipe there the admiral may be tempted to just rush this down dave and look at the reactions here from warwolf you know i'm starting to feel some vibes of a player many people might have felt is already out of the tournament uh don't guess too soon ladies and gentlemen this is crazy man there's a lot of players this could be and look at the stubbornness you got the repairs you got the quick walls and now more repairs probably and now those villagers are very weak and they have to run away yeah i'm surprised he even got those away look at the the combined health on those uh oh god forward villagers is pretty low and two of them are gonna go down here blew a little bit late with his army to come reinforce that area yeah i think it was just a little ambitious to try i mean i like the idea of of having two repairing initially and two in here and trying to shoot that down that was cool but it was ambitious to try and swap them so he sent the weak ones into the tower and sent fresh ones forward and again red has kind of been not that he really needs to learn by the way lower the legend thank you so much again but uh you know i think red has a pretty good idea of how blue's gonna play this and seems to be a good meta defense macro player dave and you see the micro here with blue having the hill and uh blue making move over towards that woodline blue oh god blues villagers he made a house near that tower but they automatically went back to try and build the walls uh-oh i hate that oh that's so frustrating he loses another one for free the second one is just hanging out there and his army really struggling to do anything like credit to him he's kept the men at arms alive yeah so he can pressure walls but the army behind it the range units behind it he just doesn't have the numbers and now admiral is on the way to the castle age yeah this is this is sick defense it's also though the power of that chinese style because there's not many civilizations that can just play walls eco-upgrades and play so passively to lead to such a strong castle age it is according to many the best arabia civilization unless it's in certain matchups like against mayans or aztecs i suppose so um but yeah i see the stables there admiral will certainly have the food to make some nights uh the tower denies a woodland and that's it for blue and blue now he's really got a hope that he can keep some military alive and eventually get up to cast lights but the macro just seems so weak behind this yeah and an extra scout being added from red too oh no i like that a couple extra scouts being added no actually just one he canceled the second one i believe and here he comes across the map he saw the skirmisher number for blue and he's gonna use those to support his army and blue blue's gonna struggle to get to castle age with a good position in this game like he's got to try and keep his army alive for long enough but i i don't think he's going to be able to do it deny dave on the left side it's a nice save there for more wolf uh uh-oh uh oh she did and now the wolf has a different target but uh you know dave this would be the moment for warwolf this is really his best chance engage against these crossbows and clear out everything or archers before their crossbows of course and the fight's okay and you might even call it a win for war wolf but what's not to win is that admiral is going to be on a second tc admiral's going to be sending knights forward and admiral is just economically way ahead but hold on a second that tc might be a bit aggressive for now as the villagers do need to back away but just temporarily one knight should clear that but i i definitely call that a win for werewolf like you think about the potential where he could be right now he could be all his army dead and red pressuring his walls but instead he's cleared up the range units um from red and he's delayed that tc a little bit so it's giving himself time to get up to the next stage and i think he should be able to click in the next few seconds okay i'd say just to give people an idea of the times you're going let's say men in arm into one archer range follow-up into a lot of eco some of the best players are hitting castleage around 20 minutes but here we're going to see a castle age of about 26 minutes dave that is just quite simply considering that so little damage was done that towers are not even denying many resources that is just going to be way too slow it feels like but werewolf biggest moment possibly for him and uh you know he's just gonna do his best here you know you're behind but you know the stakes so give it your all and and maybe go pikeman crossbow you see some spearmen coming out that's not a bad play with celts yeah it feels like if there's one sieve tristan that can make something happen in castlage with some sort of all-in push yep you gotta think it might be the celts right and you could even apply that logic to the player possibly the type of player who can go forward uh with with confidence i guess is also maybe the type of player who could have some success in a yolo position but i'm just loving i mean admirals now got a siege workshop on the hill right in front admiral's now got three town centers at home mostly producing it is a really clean play from the admiral just like we said in the first round yeah after all that pressure coming forward too he just didn't let himself take any damage whatsoever and even you know seeing your opponents in futile for so long a lot of players would maybe over produce military delay the the next tc's to try and you know finish him off early but behind this admiral 3tc like you said good economy and forward siege as well so i like how wolf is trying to dave let's get forward warwolf doesn't know that this is here he's like let's go we got to give ourselves a chance let's get that siege workshop up he's clicking pikeman right now dave and i guess this would be the best time to fight the spearman before the pike upgrade comes in and that's exactly what admiral does and that is a huge clear up for admiral big eco lead the villagers here are trapped making a barracks oh man disaster for werewolf uh that's not gonna go up gg is called tristan all caps hint all caps okay was all caps gg was all caps and the player went forward i mean i'm getting some big big vivier fat dragon vibes here but i just don't know there's been too many and dave i'm convinced not only are there one or two players from like what we've seen so far whose play style is freaking everyone out and ruining all their guesses but i think there's one player who's even gone the distance as to even talk differently to confuse this because i was going through my list and i'm like something's not adding up here so i i refuse to really believe that too much i'm going to have to go off of the gameplay but certainly the gameplay here did fit vivi and for game one not too much to talk about dave except for the fact that it was admiral dominance uh so much of every resource there and just excellent prep um even with the weak scout to deal with what the enemy was doing yeah and on war wilson like maybe i know it's it's super tough but pay a little bit more attention to your forward villagers um yeah i mean he lost basically all of those for free which is unfortunate for him and that just puts you at an immediate five villager deficit i mean he if he had pulled those back maybe that game would have gone a little longer maybe gets up to castle age faster who knows but uh you gotta you gotta pay attention um to that forward position a little bit better yeah and that and the scalp the scout is huge um i mean i know admiral scout was weakened but admiral still had a scout to see what was what's going on there warwolf you could consider lucky to have even been anywhere near that stone because the stone wasn't even scouted because his scout went down to the tc so i certainly will need to do better with the scouting in game two and uh we have seen home maps from warwolf before it is cross and bay many people speculating that maybe this is a player who is kind of a meta player or at least familiar with the maps that we're seeing a lot in the qualifier uh it will be on cross dave and before we hop in do you have any quick speculation as to which civilizations might fit i feel like based on the civ picks it's got to be huns for war wolf right very good cross civ are huns are japanese but i i would probably want japanese more on islands and then if we're looking at admiral admiral is a tough one because he needs to save italians i think for islands so do you go byzantines here yeah i mean i think lithuanians would have been amazing on cross there's so much so many relics but that was striked out so snipes so unfortunately can't use it yeah i'm with you and let's hop in game two and find out looks like the players are being consistent with their color picks it was actually in the rules not that we can always expect players to follow the rules but with the colors they have and they have to stick with the same color all series um i'm having a capture age error um one second dave we'll have to wait until we get into this game i bet it's fine everybody just say it's fine and we will be in capture age is struggling to capture it's fine you know when people type f it's always i always freak out like the stream's gone down or something like what just what just went down all right cool we're into the game dave uh we're about 30 seconds in because capture has missed a little bit of it and here we go um you know byzantines have really shown in this tournament david you've had byzantines winning on a map like bay you've had byzantines doing well on a map like cross so it's pretty cool to see yeah they've kind of come back into the meadow right they were absent for so long it was kind of a civ you didn't want to uh play as and the civ you didn't want to play against but uh especially with these hybrid maps they're bonuses really coming into play and man this map almost looks mirrored in a sense now the wood lines for admiral seem to be few and far between but if you look at the main goals for both they're both relatively forward the deer both relatively forward the uh the secondary gold on the back side near a bore i mean if you just look at some of the main resources they start with there could be no complaints when it comes to maps but yeah i despite byzantines being strong i really do prefer huns because of that flexibility not having to build houses means so much in this map and then getting to cav archers can destroy anyone when you've got the food income from a few fishing ships in your ponds so um i think considering how dominant admiral has been so far in this tournament many people guessing big names for him that combined with being down a game warwolf needs to get a win here on his home map i kind of like the these cross generations as well where the tc is more or less in the middle yeah between two pawns so you can you can make that decision some of them where you have a safe back pawn it leads to a bit more stalemated games right but these kind of generations blue could go he could go west he could go south and he could easily sneak around to the the north and it's the same story for red on the other side like he could choose one of those pawns and then easily gain access to war wolves spawn in the back and game one we talked about scouting it makes scouting so much more important here dave um i would i would argue that having the scout on cross is most important out of all the maps as we see admiral just like all the games weaken that bore with the tc and finish it off here but yes scouting where the enemy's docked then deciding if you want to sneak a dock up or maybe just denying docks with that scouter's huge as we see a dock in the north for admiral and then a dock here in the south a war wolf who's actually having a little bit of a rough time finding the shore fish which sucks but they'll see it no admiral is getting close to werewolves dc now okay he he found the gold and he turned around bamboo is a bit more easy to spot than uh than shrubbery if he ever gets close to that tc so dave i saw a strategy on um the subreddit last night and i know that immediately makes you scared that it was like a you know 25 militia drush or something that someone did against ai but um i i saw a strategy on the subreddit last night and with about 14 like 12 to 15 let's say palisades is red gonna lame he might actually hold on he's thinking about it mbl confirmed he's trying to block he's trying to block he could get the ville kill oh but now blue makes a gate are you kidding me she's dead though what a rollercoaster of emotions we just had them dude and and to make matters even worse for warwolf he's actually not doing too good in this scout fight either because the scout has been on the hill for admiral so admiral just dominant here 22 hp versus 18 hp scout and villager down war wolf that was sick and that's the first time we've seen it in this tournament to see a vip up a viper sorry someone in chat said viper to see a villager get blocked off by the scout there during a boar lore that was pretty heads-up play there's i'm not gonna say that that the all the pro players can't do it because they definitely can but there's only a few players i think that would attempt to go for the gate there that was in that situation yeah i think what a lot of players would do is actually block the enemy scout with your own scout to get your villager back to the tc so that gate was a little i don't know that was a new one for me but let me since i'm so passionate about this let me just complete my thought if you get enough palisade walls up on the shoreline you can actually deny enemy docks kind of like how you can't dock because the reeds are there that would be kind of funny to see someday we used to do that uh in europe map back in the day because you knew everyone's starting position if you wanted to troll someone you would send a villager at like minute two and just start palisading the the shoreline so they couldn't talk anywhere oh man of course i shouldn't i shouldn't be bringing this up to you like you haven't faced that stuff before on that map look at the the great walls of of wherever over here for admiral my goodness i mean lots of palisade walls in this build order dave seems to be all about docking the enemy pond as you see the villager coming this way and that villager is being escorted there's no walls over here either i think warwolf when you look at the uptime being down a villager and then possibly going to get docked this could be a really rough game yeah and he doesn't he doesn't have that extra byzantine line of sight either so if that goes down right in the corner it can't go down actually can't go down right in the corner it has to go down beside that fish yeah right here but i don't i still think he's not going to see it if red hugs that fish right next to it he does see it he did see it he checked good thing to do that now he hasn't produced anything dave and what he's going to plan on doing is going for scouts now if the walls are all up for admiral which is super ambitious uh then i could foresee those scouts being a problem but dave here's the deal i don't think admiral would ever wall like this if blue had a full hp scout but since that scout is weak the scout cannot pick off any wall villagers right now and he has to wait for the second one yeah and admiral is definitely playing the uh the water game because he sent another one to the west tristan so he's gonna have control over two pawns and then he's gonna be fighting for the one at the bottom and obviously with the byzantines you have the superior fire ship wow so heavy pond play i mean we see people try and find a balance this there's no balance to this it is water and only water and really cutthroat play dave uh with the lame earlier too and now the walls and this is like this is unique not that it's not a good strategy on this map but i'm curious to see what develops now as werewolf has spotted the left side and also is going to dock here as well and has two scouts out now so admiral will have nothing else well it kind of makes sense because when you think about the sieve match-up where do byzantines lose against huns it's in the castle age right yep yep and if if red manages to get his eco rolling manages to get like control over three pawns as blue goes to dock the west pond as well and he's also docking the east pawn when red is heading over there but blue has a spearmint there that's kind of funny if byzantines get the superior eco and take it into imperial age it feels really bad for hunts look at this on the right side the villager down on the other side and now you see admiral spot warwolf and now wants to drop a dock here they're right next to each other this is so funny i mean they both should see each other so i guess they'll be contesting over most of the ponds dave and the only thing i'm thinking of is at least admiral has safe fish in the north his fishing ships are untouched and the scouts aren't hitting his villagers so i would prefer admiral's position but it's not as if werewolf is playing this poorly at all yeah we've got three pawns being contested here so early into the game as well we're not even at the 14 minute mark here tristan crazy byzantine fires do work a little bit faster in these fights which is a pretty big bonus plus uh the hp on their buildings goes up per age which also helps when you're trying to keep docks up in all these different ponds not the end of the world for war wolf because he has maintained some fishing eco in the south and he seems to be piling on some pressure with uh the scouts and the spearmen on by any pond where there's villagers well he did he did lose the ville in the in the west yeah he's had to send another one over there so a little bit sloppy has lost uh spearman as well and there goes a like what is that villager doing over there i think this is supposed to be he's trying to get a second dock up here dave i assume he's trying to get a second dock up over here no this is shifting a little bit for me admiral i think is recognizing how much werewolf is investing into the ponds to try and you know control them and you look economically admirable is even taking some deer which are behind the walls taking the berries not that that's not happening for warwolf but it's just not to the same degree and not with the safety either so i do prefer admiral's position right now and then in the right side we've got two fires for both but i mean they might as well just just keep those garrison there's no fishing ships to contest for on that right side yeah i think mentally admiral's already you know kind of secured the west pawn in his mind so he's got the north pawn the west pawn and then he's gonna be trying to be as annoying as possible in the other two as a big demo shot came through at the south there and here come the scouts but admiral right on top of it again seriously yeah right on top of it byzantine's getting free town watch i think is very helpful there but man that demo was so well timed like you have to see the future you have to know that he's gonna eventually come in close like that and gets all three kills in the end stave still though has not taken out the fishing ships which is a little weird to me and uh i guess he's just happy with the other situations and actually has a fishing ship on the left side war wolf are you going to lose that villa on the right as well he's the man is just trying to fish that one goes down two dave it's a six to one eco lead uh in terms of kills excuse me for the admiral and the admiral is honestly looking so clean and so comfortable on a map that's supposed to be war wolf's home yeah this this is telling me that admiral is an extremely good player yeah like not that all of the the players at hidden cup are are extremely good but uh admirals on another level here it really is and and it's almost so risky the enemy goes scouts to try and contest pawns and here we are and we have somehow the person who didn't make any land military with all of the pond controls now according to the viewers yesterday hara played three times in the round of 16. now i see many people saying the big names in chat dave but uh you've got to remember the level is closer than ever here in hidden cup four so there's many many names that this could be but you know what's fascinating to me is that as we see the castle age come in for admiral is that i can't really think of a player i would put in let's say the top five who would go this heavy for pawn control with no land control on this map yeah but you have those walls right he reacted like that after the the scout got killed and after he landed a villager he immediately went out to wall with like four or five villagers and once those are down like do you really need the land control now he's shifting into it now that it's castle he know your opponent's hunts relatively open map so maybe now shift into some knights maybe just to do some raids you you called knights right as the stables going up in the south what a unique stable placement there oh man and that seeing as blue doesn't have any walls could mean that knights could just run right into blue's economy i'm getting deja vu with some of these moments in this game i just can't pick up on where it came from it almost reminds me of of cap watch in a way a cap watch not in the main event of course how admirable is playing this heavy pawn control into some eco dave i think you start out with knights as the byzantines and then if if you see warwolf gets the castle age and starts to mask like the cav archer numbers then you go for some camels yeah and the camels are less to win the fights and more to just delay him from hitting your economy yeah that villager is trying to keep things alive on the left side i mean warwolf is doing a great job at trying to stabilize the problem is the damage has been done and admiral is in a strong position and so you're spot on on this i think the knights are kind of a short-term thing to to get more of a lead i do like the walls prepped there for werewolf you mentioned celts in game one and how that's a sieve who can bring you back i think huns are the same at least on this map dave with those cavalry dude in the west devs we need to sort out this fire ship behind buildings madness because there are three fire ships and they're trying to hit that villager and they just can't they can't it doesn't really make sense that you can palisade out fire like isn't isn't wood supposed to to light on fire i mean balance wise dave it might actually make games more competitive but certainly looks very weird 11 to 1kd right now for admiral when it comes to eco and i'm going to switch to the overall kd and that's dominant and uh you actually see archer range monastery and university at home for admiral those buildings make me think he might be flirting with the idea of a fast imperial yeah now he's got a knight harassing the gold as well he's gonna see the cav archers for more wolf probably not a surprise for him but he can keep these cav archers at home for quite a while with these uh these nights if he keeps them running around i just cannot believe the eco difference right now i mean i can i also can't 58 58-37 war wolf the top 16 player in the world and admiral's just making him look silly right now admiral's already getting relics too oh this is a really good player wow he's really good relic number one coming in i mean with the food income that's going to come in a common strategy is just fast imperial with byzantines because it's so cheap for you and admiral also got relics quite early in the first series in the round of 16 dave look at how those spearmen just got destroyed by the fires he pulled the knights back to the fire ships wiped up the spearmen and now he's going to head back uh to the berries or to that woodline small note here as we see the cav archers show up and the monk is uh what how did he drop did he toss that relic in the monastery you just gotta hurl it like in through an open window or something okay i didn't know about that it must have been a balance change recently uh but anyways i i just a small side note here is everyone's guessing and one mine's about to be chopped through by the way if blue notices that don't attack those villagers dude there's only five wood left on that really you had a chance oh i couldn't click it dave it's tough for me to click the individual tree if it's only five wood there that would have been a big moment must be the one right below the one i'm clicking right now and perhaps a little risky for admiral to not even have crossbow yet you know i think he could have i think he could have made do with uh with some camels just to push this away for a while but since he already had the stable but he's going to lose more villagers here on the wood line he's considering like imperial age composition at the moment just because of the walls and and his position on all four pawns siege workshop forward for warwolf i mean if he gets to magnels with cav archers over the next three minutes which is what it's going to take admiral to get him i think admiral could honestly throw a pretty big lead right now and there is a point where the fishing ships do expire or the fish runs out like in the north there's only a shore fish there so that's going to be eight eco units that's no longer working and you got werewolf on three tc's dave i mean that's landico that's gonna last forever so still is deceiving looking at the score i feel but i'm just curious if admiral like where did the resources go admiral hasn't clicked up to imp yet yeah magnel cav archer could do something i really like that that siege play from werewolf if you're playing huns and you're as open as you are like you just have to go all out aggression right castle age is your age against byzantine so you have to make it work and here comes the manganal and that's a tricky area for red oh you're kidding me he's got to get a shot off here and it's a massive shot dave that's exactly what he needed he gets two of them off and now suddenly admiral has to leave the gold the ranges are surrounded by cav archers he starts to click skirms with panic this is dangerous yeah and this is greed this is just greed from red oh he thought he could keep this out for so much longer than he could and there goes a second siege workshop but that could be potentially denied as well tristan two siege workshop foundations and admiral has no defense for this and you're trying to produce skirmishers and look at this the archer ranges could get rammed down how do you counter the rams you don't have anything but crossbows and dave warwolf is back ladies and gentlemen this is hidden cup 4 this is why we show up who are these players i don't know but they've got quality dave they do have quality indeed i mean the cav archers might go down here with the army from red but look at how many villagers he's killed dude warwolf is in the lead with economic units and admiral has so many of those are fishing ships also this is just straight up disgusting macro from warwolf behind this three tcs pumping good eco upgrades getting the farm numbers out so to do to micro and then to to get all the military out as well while macroing is impressive and admiral is just trying to stabilize dave and i really feel like now i'd say wolf almost has the lead i know fishing's strong but i'd prefer to have rams in front of my opponent's base than not let's put it that way what do you do with your admiral now against this comp anyways right there's a lot of siege there but more cav archers will come in it's tough right because your whole game plan was let's take it to imperial age and now you're just thinking i'm stuck in castle h maybe if i get some good manganese shots i can push him back from this position but there's one that definitely helps and and it feels like the crossbows are pretty strong here like i feel like they're better than the cavaliers within these numbers five rams is a lot you know that you could easily see this gold disappear here in a second and maybe werewolf gonna have to just cut his losses here and get out until the next magnet arrives maybe a couple of two like maybe a couple rams too many in this position yeah maybe you wanted to add in a few more manganese as we see the rams with though army not so useful elite skirm now on the way for admiral with new archery ranges start to see some farms there around that tc uh yeah i'm with you on the greed comment i i mean getting the relic early all these things there's small things that are important as we see good magnet micro here but it's clearly you've got to prioritize defending from a big push that's always going to come with ons and oh my goodness good shot there for admiral yeah that was an attack ground that was really really nice from red right well monastery ejects the relic but i'm more thinking about the food counts now 25 on food versus 21. let's get an update on the fish too look you've got fish traps real early for admiral so he recognized that his fishing ships uh had had taken out all the water there uh still fish left in the other ponds but that's a lot of wood you've got to be saving up for fish traps as he just now gets horse collar for the little farms that he has and like you said before blue zico i mean he got the farms down way earlier than red and it seems much more stable here but we're getting into the point tristan where red is building up that mass of crossbows and skirmishers and he's got manganals behind so it's gonna be really difficult for werewolf to engage straight up against this army he's gonna have to hope for some big shots i feel like it's a really tough position to push though here you've got to run past the siege workshop and you never know when the next magnel is going to pop great micro from from uh admiral though really good micro but the magnet is going to go down to the cav archers and now it could be two magnets in a second you can't push out here and you see a castle now for warwolf oh my goodness that's right between two stones one of his and one of admirals that could be a great position and a shot here and a good one for one there for warwolf yeah a good delete there as well a second manganal coming out for werewolf can he get a big shot kind of missed on that end i don't think this is worth it for admiral okay maybe it is actually that was actually better than i expected but another magnet is going to pop dave this is a never-ending cycle werewolf will actually click up to the imperial age here in a second split microwave what do you do in imp with the huns do you tech in the heavy cav archer do you go into a raiding unit like what's the plan here dave sounds crazy and it is costly but how good would tarkin be here until well until the byzantine player gets held but tarkin would absolutely demolish any range unit from byzantines the pierce armor on those things is insane and with marauders producing out of the stables definitely an option yeah a lot of players will just go for something like hussar with cav archer because the hussar is going to do fine against the skirms micro here so good for more wolf as he fires up hill he needs one more volley and won't get it dave man this these are two very good players kind of like i'm kind of getting maybe some doubt vibes from werewolf right now i don't know i don't know why i'm just it's it's creeping into my head tristan well a lot of people were saying that for werewolf on day one but people are saying accm i've also got some feelings of maybe velez um like velez and doubt both love their cav archers here but i i just don't i don't see either of them going forward which is very weird but doubt has a weird forward from him from time to time and i i actually i thought chat was kind of crazy yesterday i know some other names are coming up right now but i'm sorry i'm thinking that red needs to attack here that's what i'm thinking and all right good moment there dave maybe someone like jordan maybe someone like dogal for admiral maybe yeah i think the thing that's thrown me off is the game one celts pick going forward with those villagers like that is a bit strange and warwill finally finds his way in but he finds his way right into the skirmisher army from admiral admiral knew that was coming just enough to push that back and now he's got two forces in war wolf space and this is why having some cav would be good right to be able to pounce on this with some tarkins or some knights would be wonderful i think it's really important does he got he's got chain barding actually dave yeah he's got marauders he's making them from the sables yes let's go the unique tech baby that's huge now it does give admiral some time to to realize that this is happening dave but elite tarkin incredible against range units yeah the the key word there though is elite it's uh it's much much better than its normal counterpart oh my goodness it was an expensive upgrade yeah what a big shot there dave the tarkins have cleaned up these ranged units does this maybe indicate we'll see a switch from admiral i say that as he's got skirms on the front taking out cave archers so i guess a big shot left side of werewolf space oh yeah it looks like that's done and dusted there but the thing with byzantines you can lose that many units and then you're sitting pretty with 34 15 still so i think this is still a fine spot for admiral economically it's very close dave and i'm still curious about the pond situation because the fish is running out but it seems like he's transitioned nicely onto land and has a byzantine castle currently defending against two trebuchets i'm very intrigued by the fact that admiral immediately went for stables when he got to the next stage and he's getting heavy camel rather than going help that's that's interesting to me because i i think i would prefer help help in this position just because it gives you more options for later in the game but obviously heavy camel gonna do pretty well against the tarkins no elite tarkin yet play partying just coming in feels like while the eco is strong for both it is gonna be very nice to have cheap camels dave because the tarkins don't have any discount on them but you know what they're doing work here if they take out that trebuchet more than worth the loss but i don't think they will but three trebuchets still for werewolf on this hill and that's not an easy position for admiral to defend i don't care what if he is still not elite on those tarkins so still trash units all right well both both players having trash units on the field then oh man it is such a big difference this eight base attack 120 hp feels so weak for an imperial age unit and the camels are just gonna shred them dave and then what do you have to counter camels look at the way admirals even raiding with his own tarkins that he converted earlier and spreading out his camels this is great play from admiral [Music] yeah i think admiral has successfully oh he's going to lose that castle position there but like you said it just it feels bad for warwolf to push this army because he's going to have to go into all sorts of different units to counter the camels and the skirmishers um it's just so fresh it's just the numbers too i think ideally you'd have something like tarkin and maybe cav archer but you have to choose one gold unit sometimes and he chose the tarkin this is why maybe hussar have archer could have been the better play it's so tough against byzantines but nice raids with camels not the best rating unit dave but certainly better than nothing yeah now the trebs are exposed for more wolf here come the camels oh man season opportunity here dave and if he gets those three trebuchets maybe get some bombard cannons or some rams behind us and takes out that position that could be huge but i will say he hasn't focused down the trebs right away and a lot of them are being repaired so many of the camels are dying underneath the castle fire i think he should still get them yeah she should at what cost i suppose and then on the other side we had a castle go up for war wolf that takes out villagers on gold there and werewolf actually has the villager lead and the military count still a problem but maybe with those resources dave could actually get a leak tarkin or maybe just heavy cav archer it's it's gonna start to feel real bad for him though if if red ever locks down that left side of the map with a castle of his own yeah because it it just feels like blue's opportunity here is to get into red zico and maybe deny him off wood or deny him off gold as you see him coming over to the right side with villagers of his own to try and take that gold there's a lot of castle there from red yeah it it kind of feels like blue will never be able to take a straight up fight against red and he's gonna have to chip away at his economy go for map control but red is gonna get there first well you know that left side you talked about it's not like admirals on stone right now in fact look at this look in the north dave he can't see that stone so if he had that stone no he would be on that and then he would drop a castle but he has zero on stone which is rather concerning and remember that castle in the middle denies one of his stones so in terms of controlling the map with castles i think maybe there's a chance for werewolf to do that himself i don't know if you can outlast byzantines with huns but just things to think about okay all this craziness going on right now and the gold in the south admiral saw those two light calves coming in and tried to quick wallet all of that still had the map awareness to try and quick wall it i said try because the villager died but it's a pretty sick game here man what a way to start off the day i mean game one was not too exciting to be honest but game two my goodness but this is on warwolf's home map really important that warwolf gets a victory here both players cutting close to 60 on food feels like anything is going to be possible for these civilizations pretty soon yeah now the byzantine player is getting help he's getting his infantry upgrades he's going into re capped ram now so he's going to have like his entire you know catalog yeah army available to him and werewolf is going to have light cav and heavy cab archer we're wolf's struggling to push dave it's the problem with cav archers i think is that you're you're stuck in one spot and you can only have that one group patrolling around i do like what he's trying to do with the treb on the in the middle-ish area and i also like how he's running in with leicester right now so there's got to be more of that but i i don't like one trip i like three open up with three trips but at saying that he's actually gonna snipe a tread from admiral not that is he really dropping that castle in the south i know he wants those goats man oh geez and his cav archers are in the back of his base right now but they will nice teleport there end up getting some kills red can easily defend against these raids i mean they're going to be annoying but now that he has held he just patrol five in one area patrol five in the other area and you should be good look at the micro though for more wolf look at that he's distracted the hounds with those two like have one's moon walking and then he's able to get two light calf to the woodline and now the military count is around 60 for both the castle positions are looking good for warwolf and now that's a lot of cav archers on the front it's looking good for war wolf now we'll see what else ah there's so many capped rams in that siege workshop is he planning like one gigantic push maybe it's gonna be really tough against this this number of cow verchers i think wait for siege ram right you don't want to go with captain ram shortly yeah yeah he did find the stone so he's on that but he's losing grounds now admiral and uh there's another castle that's going to go for warwolf on the left side and then you have half more trying to take out the trebs dave with halvadirs and the traps will have to back away but good awareness from both players i guess is you see like going to get that tread who are these players werewolf needs or sorry admiral needs some more skirmisher mass here he's pop capped right now he's got a huge production cue but he needs something to deal with this giant ball of cav archers dave he's getting raided to death right now and he doesn't have bracer or the final armor upgrade on these skirms so these skirms are trash and look at the score now look at this comeback from warwolf when he was once 20 or 30 villagers down so much is dying for admiral he has no chance to even counter right now this game swung like three times already sick just disgusting play here both players clearly worthy of this spot and dave i'm looking at the population now for admiral he does have the military pop it's just not taking him anywhere it's all defensive and if only he saw the lack of upgrade okay now he's getting bracer now he's getting the second armor upgrade for those skirmishers and it's pretty easy for him to produce his um his comp here blue just needs to make sure that he doesn't lose that mass of cav archers because right now red steel can still can't deal with that i would say the big thing here as we see ram v ram and a lot of red's rams going down a big thing here is actually going to be wood for admiral because if you have wood you can get food if you have wood and food you can make trash but the left side's kind of contested for what is we see a castle attempt and that right side too he's kind of running out of wood back there dave so if that castle were to go down as well easier said than done of course is that another castle attempt from blue it is another castle attempt for werewolf and that one if it goes up would be very deadly to admiral and the thing is admiral pretty much paid for it because that's his stone you know that stone that the first castle was able to deny he then collected and that's a great castle to place you now have masonry which will give that castle more hp what a game here 190 pop versus 180 and admiral still refusing to quit but another group of like have heading right back to that wood line he knows dave he knows about the wood problem what great game sense and the gigi's called that's that's an insane comeback from werewolf we thought he was down we thought he was down a note i mean he lost all four pawns tristan he lost all four pawns his opponent was fully walled with an arguably uh better sieve moving into the late game and he managed to get through and admiral with the greed just wasn't prepared for it i almost don't know what to say about that one because there was a moment in that game where the sentiment was werewolves done he's 20 30 eco behind enemy's gonna fast him and i think it was just admiral was a little too greedy dave he could have stayed in castle age and just boomed it out and then and then went into crossbows and skirms but it was reactionary with the skirms after he started to lose eco he was getting relics before he had map control and man oh man did warwolf make him pay here dave and even with you could argue a civ disadvantage in imp right because i think the cheap trash the cheap camels c dram all those things make it very difficult for huns it didn't matter i think cam i think camel was a misplay there i do like we saw how lady was with all the upgrades for his for his other stuff i i think you go you go skirmisher help to open up there and you just have one main push down the middle rather than you know he went light calf camel he tried to raid all the different areas but the cav archers can respond to that they're mobile you just gotta you gotta force them to fight in one position and push right down the gut look at how much red there was at around the 25th minute on this timeline that really shows you i don't know what the exact population was at that time but i think it was 30 or 40 population lead for admiral maybe a little bit less than that also no second wood upgrade for war wolf the game went an hour [Laughter] okay someone tweeted me and said i feel bad for nikov because any time someone forgets an eco upgrade everyone just screams kneecap like of all the things to be known for for nikov but maybe nikov i don't know man i don't know but that i guess he was focused on other things even the other eco upgrades were late but didn't matter uh and we now move on to a game number three uh and and admiral has lost a game before lost uh against master of the templar in round one so we have seen that admiral likes to play on islands dave what stands out to me is warwolf he didn't even try and draft portuguese he didn't even care like he knows islands there he knows the enemy has italians doesn't even try and draft portuguese or or some other water save i guess japanese could work but i think this is a player who might just land on islands you could go for something i mean like he's got japanese he's got berbers he's got persians all three of those are decent like water sieves right okay so i'm feeling japanese and then you go persians on on bay but we'll see it's it's gonna be at a disadvantage against the i assume admiral is gonna go for italians yeah all right well game number three the way it typically works with home maps is you're gonna see players have more preparation going into it we are five seconds in and you can even see more caps from war wolf or wolf says have fun and occasionally some of the chat from previous games will show up to with this capture age so um you know if you want to speculate here to start based on the chat the caps lock definitely makes you think dave but i'm going to switch the color for sunshine over to red again as we've been doing uh italians versus berbers you're thinking that berbers could actually be somewhat competitive here i mean the the extra speed right that's what i'm thinking ships move 10 faster that's pretty good especially if you're going for some sort of galley opening yeah you also have i mean if you're going for a landing berbers feel decent well they're still not up to the italians par though capture age is uh there we go we're back in business all right thank you um yeah dave it's interesting you know how with knights for years people would say that tootin knights were awful because they were slow and yeah the enemy knights could always dictate the fights you could argue that with faster ships that you could dictate the fights anytime you want so you know that combined with a few other things makes burpers interesting i also do feel like a bonus would apply to the transport ships you know dude if you're thinking about transport ship bonuses then why not go with sicilians right you can run through 20 ships with one of those things ah that's true oh house that would be that would be amazing lit i i literally like ran through 20 longboats when sicilians first came out transfer chip with 10 bills just send it and you'll make it through yeah it is very fitting that admiral has picked islands as a home map and has done well on islands because admiral is indeed an amazing naval commander uh historically read about that guy if you haven't already but yeah dave i might i'm with you on berbers i think they can remain competitive on water just the thought here that maybe since another sieve like portuguese wasn't picked which is more of a water medicine that there might be a trick up or wolf's sleeve uh but we will see a forward dock for admiral it looks like the villager's gone forward here to build a house normally the dock will be after that and then where the dock is for warwolf will tell us an awful lot yeah and i think warwolf might be thinking of either side dock if he's going galleys or back dock if he's going for some sort of landing yep i think would make sense the italian player going forward with a dock is not surprising at all okay twitch chat help me out here um there is a qualifying set between jordan and cappucci it was game five and round two what civilization did jordan have there anyone remember obviously it's a sift draft so you're going to see players pick similar civilizations it was berbers interesting and and it was a landing cave which ended up winning the game and it was actually a really interesting build where you had a transport into villagers going forward to make a stable and then right behind that he'd actually switch up his eco and go back to wood in gold and then go to multiple docks to win water so just something to think about if we're guessing players here and there's the forward dock for werewolf so are we gonna see a landing are we gonna see him just fight standard on water interesting stuff i mean i would i would say that if he ends up playing standard on water it's a confident water player because otherwise i mean i'd be i'd be going transport 100 in this if matchup because i feel italians which i guess we haven't talked about too much but if you've been paying attention over the last couple days they've got the cheaper docks or sorry the cheaper fishing ships cheaper dock techs and it's cheaper for them to go up to the next age and that just makes them one of the best on this map are you at all surprised that with the with the faster ships that you would go forward like i guess take the enemy a longer time to get to you if you're far away and you could always get right over to them i don't know if i'm thinking too much about this well maybe i mean maybe he's playing some mind games right players don't really scout with fishing ships the way they used to yeah for dock positions on islands like they just see the sieve they keep track of the score and they just mentally assume a strategy from their opponent okay so maybe admiral instead of going to the front with his ships at first maybe he goes to the back and that gives warwolf some time right yeah well this looks like a water build right now dave you've got well he's keeping a few on food oh and it's a transport yeah okay so it's forward dock transport with berbers was precisely what jordan did do in that qualifying set but i mean again also seeing people go mad at arms with celts and just because some person want men at arms with celts doesn't mean it's always them it's just age of empires and dave you see he's scouting with a fishing ship from admiral of course the time that you say players don't really do that he doesn't i said they don't do it anymore yeah they used to do it all the time so maybe admiral is uh one of the old-school water players here tristan that is a fast transport ship and i don't think admiral's fishing ship spotted it he just wanted to know if the enemy had front docked and he got reward because he can get back to fishing already now i'm really curious where warwolf will go this is an awkward spot you do not want to make your stable here you want to walk further in but you also don't want to be spotted right yeah it's a i feel like this is a good island formation for admiral to defend a landing and is admiral going to see that it was close dave it was close so close man doesn't see it and and this is where you need to be quiet this is where you need to wait till you have a few scouts the enemy even walling up a little bit dave i think maybe even just the sieve has made admiral feel like there could be a transport and he's even checking the other side but that's not where war wolf is right now dave and now we see walls at home for warwolf it's like both players are paranoid imagine if you could hear enemies building through the fog of war with a villager in this game you just said ding ding ding like what is that okay dave i think he's he sensed it right now i think he sensed it he now spots it and he was already on his way to making a barracks he was super paranoid it's something he saw or didn't see that made him think it might be a landing and now he knows the enemy is here so it's good reaction it might have been the scout that got in too close which forced that reaction and now a spearman should come out but if warwolf was thinking about this werewolf could just go for an archer range and an archery range follow up into a few skirmishers or archers would take out any spearmen well he's going to drop a tower at the back of that wood line there that's it i mean it's a decent tower for denying that woodline but it doesn't really give you a launching point into anything else and red can just move to another wood line he's going to pick a villager though pick a villager but also the scouts are rather weak that just did that and we've got a gate attempt here which kind of works out for admiral but he's really under stress right now dave more scouts are coming in the counter tower's good we might even end up denying that but what's not good is that the enemy villagers are there and even the enemy villagers are faster with berbers so good luck catching them yeah and one fire ship another fire ship on the way for war wolf she's gonna keep on garrison in his docks pretty good control here for red one of the villagers did die and the other one is going to make an archery range now just like before that villager could automatically go back to finish the next building after building the first one and that happened in game one and then additional villagers went down scouts just ran right underneath the tc there they got doinked by the spearmen and i think they're going to get doinked here again potentially as admiral goes out to stone he's anticipating maybe even another landing on the other side of his base because he's walled that up as well uh he thinks blue might be able to double down here so he's going to stone to be able to defend himself yeah a few towers would be good now typically what you do is you even see admiral looping around to get the transport ship but that transport ship's out of here [Laughter] um as i have to say werewolves micro has been really good to avoid all these spearmen uh the reaction from werewolf to go back underwater was sick and admiral seemed to have realized that dave and even defense from that too these players are so good yeah i think though if you go for a landing you have to make a few fire ships like you have to you have to force your your opponent to invest or lose his fish oh that was a spot where many players might have gone for a ville pick but i think war wolf realizes if he's able to break in that's the most important thing and as to micro the scouts around then try and get the spearmen out of the picture but there's three of them there dave it's not easy and the scout over here is sniping that villager from admiral is so far it's fortitude with the eco kills economically it seems like there's more in the bank or admiral which you would expect from someone who still has fishing ships on islands yeah transport ship unfortunately got stuck in the corner of the map speed will not help you in the corner there's just so much to look at right now right that's probably what it comes down to is you now see a tower from admiral admiral this game one and game two was was very uh macro oriented and just comfortable to sit at home dave and i'm not seeing anything different here seems like admiral is a meta defensive player just playing towards eco every game whereas werewolf is a bit more of the on the aggressive side and i think werewolves trying to snipe the fish from admiral but admiral saves another fishing ship yeah so he's gonna loop that around and warwolf has to be feeling like okay i killed what two villagers and that's it and he's had full fishing economy the entire time and now he can counter any of my landings with these towers or with the spearmen well what's complicated about this and this is why i think the meta really is gonna shift uh overall like if it doesn't make a heavy shift towards landings in the rest of hidden cup four i think it might after look at the eco for werewolf at home as well or the legend is amazing again but he's taking his berries he's got farms yes admiral has fish and chips but he doesn't have farms and he's just going to berries dave so if you still have a forward villager on the enemy island you get the castle faster that can be devastating yeah get some siege under the field and really really start to pressure admiral i think they're going to have similar up times here which is a testament to uh the economy of werewolf like you said yeah and also what'd you see dave okay so let me describe the situation five fishing ships all gathered together one fish demo from blue coming in and it only kills one fishing ship oh okay i missed it i was gonna say are you ahead of me or something i missed it okay i was describing what i saw i see that's why you sighed like that yeah makes sense well you know you see these fishing ships having to sail away here the fact that you have faster fires is really helpful to catch up to these fishing ships and at least you know the w the fire ship is weakening or killing some of the weak ones there dave and i'm with you i think the up times will be similar and i'm wondering if admiral will be able to do anything to kill that one pesky villager what do you go for in his position here your italians he's going for a stable and i think you need a siege workshop right um yeah yeah probably i mean it depends on if you think you're on the way to castle age first cause the enemy's gonna go for nights so a lot of times you see your own knights and you see a monastery to convert any incoming nights uh i almost feel like in warwolf's position granted you're going to want to pressure on land but that's what is expected of you so maybe add a second dock and try and continue to contest on water [Music] yeah did add a stable there admiral and the possibility with that stable if you clear up the landing or if at any point you feel like you're you know pretty secure at home you can hop into transport ships and send them over to oh my goodness did war wolf forget there was a tower here i think he forgot about his army too yeah like he went over there in the first place which was kind of weird and then just sat there so probably a mix of both dave i think he was stonewalling in his villager so we can keep things competitive on water but those are the moments that can swing games the level is very high here those mistakes normally not something you'd expect power that's weird to me that's weird maybe just to hold the position but another tower feels so awkward from warwolf yeah what is that a four even if you wanted to like secure that stone for later in the game one tower is so easy to take out right also it's in range of the enemy tower the enemy tower is shooting again so all that admiral has to do is garrison so that is a little weird but i guess you could just hop your archers inside the tower repair it and shoot back and uh on water here is about to get really interesting as again admiral has done a really really good job and actually has the stone soon to build a castle dave now do you i i think with admiral's play you build that at home but there's a potential you have control of the water right like if it was me i'd hop in a transport ship and build that on my enemies island like come on yeah you are a man of the people admiral probably does not want to take any risks here i would say if the roles were reversed and admiral landed werewolf though borwolf would 100 drop the castle on the enemy island that's that type of player yep second doc though for werewolf and i don't think that uh red sees that so the fire ships are going to be a bit of a surprise in his fishing eco but by this point the fishing eco i mean the ships have to travel so long for that fish so it's not even that efficient anymore yep here you see the knight attacking the wall i think that maybe warwolf should have should have taken out a palisade and dave there is a transport there in the middle for admiral which is kind of weird because blue just passed it and he's just going for fishing ships right now and monk defense for admiral here also switching into a couple galleys which will be nice for map control okay still can't take that stone long term but at least he can take both of his gold stave and adding a second tc has the food income to create bills are we actually going to see a castle and there's a big demo shot tristan we were laughing at that tower from blue but look at the chaos that's caused in admiral's woodline that's it's true actually okay and there's already there's project belgium pro player played in the qualifier says i think warwolf could be jordan not sure about admiral yee well that's a that's very different from what most of the non-pro players in chat are saying project belgium get your act together they know more than you i'm also very confused by this set i i've been so confused by so many as you see a dock in the back now for werewolf i think the transport might be for a relic heist oh that would be he's got he's got one knight over there too so maybe he wants to toss that over use that knight to harass and or explore for relics and then uh send the monk over later all right capsule though catholic home for admiral eric's it wasn't really needed i guess anyways dave and this is gonna free up that wood line the villager's gonna have to run away and i feel like the landing it hasn't been bad but it just has not done enough to break admiral converting the knight and he gets it on warwolf so milan whoa okay so there's that and that was a great reaction from warwolf at the same time making a transport on the other side dave these guys are so good and now he's going to send knights over there's probably monks and spearmen that can deal with this actually i think admiral spotted that somehow and admiral may be prepping some defensive house walls to keep the knights out how do they focus on everything at once dave yeah that's crazy recognition from him immediately knows that the knights are going to loop around that way the knights are going to try and find their way in unfortunately for werewolf there's not going to be an opening the transport's still there but that one will probably be forgotten and go down i like the fishing on the backside for admiral too he's got a lot of fish and chips working for him 59 eco versus 54 and that transport is out of here we got ourselves a really good set here i know i'm enjoying this quite a lot yeah the way like after watching uh both best of fives yesterday i kind of went into this thinking that admiral was was gonna stomp and especially in game two i'm like uh oh but werewolf is a really talented player and they have completely different styles that that transport ship is booking it it is booking it okay what's up with all the moonwalking in hidden cup 4 i don't know if it's the patch or what but there's been so many moonwalking or moon sailing units in hidden kapoor it has it has one hp and it just completely outpaced the ship from admiral that's uh burger ships man not something you think about all the time but it's it's a crazy bonus yeah and dave check out the middle area now you've got four fires and everything there from admiral is pretty weak admiral's got to be careful he's constantly worried about land but he's got to focus on water too that is the main focus of this map after all and i'm not sure if that war galley switch was really the proper time for admiral yeah it seemed a bit early um but still hasn't lost water yet i mean he lost some of his fishing economy but he still has relative control over that i wonder where where war wolf goes from here like do you transition into more water control are you thinking about going up to imp are you thinking about expanding your landing like what's the plan i think imp is the right plan here to really use some demos possibly in the middle nice job from admiral to try and use this monk even convert chips uh there are some demos on the back side or there were some demos in the backside and oral still being stubborn back there dave i'd like to see him get fires down to the backside where the fishing ships are for admiral but uh but yeah it's just tough to compete here i guess because italians have all the bonuses it's cheaper for them to go up to imp when they get there the dog techs are also much cheaper so this feels better to be in admiral's position as another demo lands but admiral's still microing and will defend enough stone for another castle here for admiral too and i oh it just disappeared so he's got another one going down on his island there yep okay see that and in terms of total military it's pretty close but it does favor the admiral but the food eco is way higher for warwolf look at that food economy compared to admiral admiral's food eco he hasn't really been able to expand much because of the landing and it could lead to him being much later to the imperial age yeah there's always that that period right after you lose your fish or you know you've exhausted all the fish on the map where you have to shift into farms and that's where the player who lost water early is going to kind of get a boost in that transition period hey dave and i could see a castle for war wolf soon on the shoreline and then that implic it's just is admiral going to be tempted to use the market and sense that buy some food sell some wood maybe because if you make it competitive with the uptimes italians should be favored there and i i don't want to say i called it but i called it there as he uses the market and he realizes he needs to click up to imp he knows where this game is going they're going to be up at like the same time that's insane yep very close here italians can you sell a bit more wood here you should click up yup and and you're right dave now we'll see some market abuse for more wolf i'm sure does he have a market he's he's making uh now he's making a market honestly not having a market could be huge dave he should be on the way up right now just didn't have a market to sell off some of that food and wood to click up yeah an admiral is gonna be up to the next stage first he's building extra docks they're going to have a quite a big naval battle here in the middle luckily for admiral he does have that castle that he can always fall back to yep and there's some weak ones in here though for admiral i think that's probably why warwolf wanted to get an engagement and even snipe the monk there look at that one there that is on one hp and it stays alive it does feel like having italians it being the home map that is that the same transport not again no no no no the other ones the other ones in the corner it's one hp it's just it's just chilling okay so as he makes another transport ship which is pretty telling don't know why he did that but we'll see uh immediate outpost from admiral but i'm just wondering if if maybe werewolf has to do something different here dave yeah it's kind of questionable what can he do right he's gonna try and load up all those villagers under that transport ship and head over um to admiral's island but admiral with fantastic scouting with all those outposts and his castle positions and whatnot so werewolf is really gonna struggle to find somewhere he can actually make that castle he's got enough stone for two yeah the last couple moments just have not been very confident warwolf and i think admiral spotted that too dave he's looking for oh this it shipped so fast though yeah but there's another fire run away run away oh no okay couldn't quite deja vu his way out of that one but uh it was a good attempt i just a little disappointed in war wolf trickling in those fire ships over the last couple moments you know it could have landed some demos at least if you're gonna throw away units is making a lot of them i don't even know if berbers get heavy demo i think they do and i see that villager that starting villager is still alive on the enemy island made another stable dave so it almost looks like a light calf raid is on the cards for warwolf it's it's unfortunate that the italian player has two castles up though yeah if you're talking about light cabarets because he's already gonna tuck into the um archer upgrades because he has the ships yep and he's gonna have genoese crossbowmen there this is rather interesting to me well i guess fast fire is completed never mind i was going to say that he skipped that upgrade early in fast fire is incredibly strong and there's a lot of players out there for war wolf he's going to get the same upgrades dave i think red's going to drop a castle in the middle here as soon as he has the stone oh my god don't tell me you're oh my goodness those demos could have killed those ships and they were i guess he put them on no attack stance because sometimes demos don't behave and they just got hit from range there that hurts yeah you usually put them on on stand ground so they don't run into a dock yeah right things happen so fast here dave it's 135 population for war wolf it is 130 population for admiral but admiral's position seems to be stronger because he's going to join that relic from the middle there and that'll be three relics to two plus the castle position means some extra gold control for later on in the game and that villager the forward villager did die so blue no longer has a villager on red's island and now the stables are being tripped down as well yes the light cap probably short-lived here man is that castle position strong that is so good if he could get a castle up on the other island too it's going to be extremely tough for werewolf to break the admiral yeah i love how that that's far enough back i mean he was kind of forced into it because of the the resource placement but it's far enough back you can't range it from your own island with a trebuchet well wait a second i think you can from where that trump is right now i was with you but he can get that must be tatars man we must be getting it wrong here wow man i didn't think there was enough range there but apparently maximum maximum range there for that trebuchet he is the war wolf that's true duh duh what are we thinking you know dave um in the first round i don't know if you saw it but werewolf was losing a trebor so i thought that was pretty comical and this trebuchet will not cooperate because the pathing there and that's a huge moment you need to have that treb over here if you're war wolf and don't tell me it's not gonna pass through there is it oh no war wolf pay attention to it oh it's rolling the whole way around oh that hurts but the castle goes down that anyways and rhett's rhett's got to be surprised by that because initially when i saw that castle i felt like that was never going to go down i know yep but now it's it barely stayed up for five minutes at least he got the relic though at least he got the relic because the relic on the other island that gives him a three to two lead in terms of long-term gold income and plus it's not like blue's gonna take any of this gold so taking as much as possible is pretty big deal i just drop off the gold if i were red but red's got more on the water right now dave it's actually the blue just has more land eco he's got 66 on wood right now remember if red ever clears up this navy from blue blue's land eco is going to be really struggling the galleons are going to be able to range a bunch of those wood lines a bunch of the farms and whatnot so even though he has a great land eco blue really needs to focus on water pressure here and i don't think the way red space is set up i don't think there's really any possibility for blue landing is admiral missing careening i think he's missing careening dave which is an upgrade up never mind here comes careening all right well he's gonna have full upgrades then and chemistry came in a bit faster for admiral and his numbers seem much much higher so he brings his own trebs forward dave looking very good for him i'd love to see him loop just a couple ships around to the back and place them around werewolves island yeah dude werewolf's not gonna have wood much longer i mean we'll see i like how werewolf is using his traps here but i don't think trebs against ships is the way to play this and i i would back away with these traps right now if i were war wolf oh that those are some big losses right treb's now in the middle for admiral but the navy numbers dave it's just the galleons there's 42 galleons for admiral there's only 16 for war wolf does not feel like he's able to get the numbers up it's a really tough like position for him currently too because the way his docks are set up they all have to feed into that little choke point yeah and red's got plenty of space to maneuver i think he realizes he's losing water tape so he sent villagers in i mean there's not really space for the villagers to do anything but props to him for trying and i think admiral noticed this whoo run run where i don't know one's gonna go down to the tc there's a second one third one but one is still alive oh never mind it's being converted yeah all right well you're on the enemy i mean i would prefer to be on admiral's side at this point you can see the way that that life is going so for the villager it's actually not too bad normally villagers could probably complain about that but it looks like werewolf civilization is about to get defeated so yeah just switch sides that's smart and fast fire ships there's a lot in there now fast fire ships really really good when they get enclosed unfortunately not so good in a choke point because they'll bump up against each other and galleons are able to you know with that mass probably two shot these uh fast fire ships he is taking out the trips though yeah taking out the trips and i like how admiral is just sending more and more villagers to the middle it would be rather funny if one of the villagers he just sent to the middle was the converted villager make him mind the dangerous gold you know but i'm with you dave the numbers still seem extremely high the problem with fires really is that it's kind of a one-and-done unit not quite like a demo because you can micro them back but galleons and you can see it with the kd they really get value long-term yeah galleons have so much so many other uses as well like they can shut down the land economy i'm still surprised that werewolf hasn't looped some galleons around to try and control the the shoreline of we're sorry admiral has the moves around to try and control the shoreline i think it's a matter of you might not need to at this stage right you've got the lead prioritization is in the middle area so you can protect the gold i think we'll even start to see players thinking about the long term just in case and when you feel comfortable on islands you even buy a little bit of wood but i mean the stone not enough there to keep that castle up for werewolf and that means the docks are going to start going down dave and it does look like uh increasingly that admiral is showing what he's capable of on his home map and he might get this game free victory yeah it's only a matter of time it feels like if if admiral gets some more treads on that middle island as well like he already had a fantastic position in the south they're able to take out that castle if you get some trebs on the middle island maybe that other island with the remnants of your archery ranges have a pretty good position as well but werewolf is not giving up and he's re-docking in the north now so he's just gonna completely shift yeah maybe maybe here admirals um the fact that he's not taking advantage of other areas like looping around to the back wood line or transporting himself you know maybe that's giving orwell some confidence that he can maybe just hold on and keep attempting this right but i'm not i'm looking at that kd right now and i'm also looking at the value and guys at the bottom left of your screen shows the value of the army comps on the field and then the percentage there is the gold percentage and that just goes to show you how expensive this mass is and how on earth is warwolf going to be able to even match that with only 12 on gold and five in the bank literally five gold yeah as he's using the other docs dave he's trying to send in ships and he's passing through and we might end up seeing that gg call here shortly because he's got little villagers in on reds island what where this guy's hilarious this guy is hilarious i almost i don't want more wolf to lose he's such a fun player he's so persistent man well i think that even if the stable goes up it won't contribute too much and his tower gets denied in the middle and his castle will go down one of many i think as these traps could just be transported around dave how smart was it though for admiral to transport the traps instead of trying to build more castles and perhaps taking some extra risk yeah well he saw that first castle go down and he's just like yeah whatever we'll we'll take this position with navy and with trips and it's smart of him to transport like three at a time yeah so he can just clear up the docks and the castles right away rather than you know trickle trebbing over uh one at a time this is where villes start to go idle right um you're gonna see lumberjacks run out of wood to chop pretty soon over at admiral's side you know that definitely does seem to be the case as well but you could always buy the wood and he's banking rez like crazy right now i also think he got shipwrecked which i'm not sure werewolf god i'm not even sure berber is not bieber sorry not sure if uh if the beavers out there have that available to them but ship rate does make the ships cost a bit less which helps long term yeah only one real woodline left for war wolf now i mean he's got some little peanuts of wood at the bottom but it's basically that area at the north and now red is shifting over there with galleons and that wood line is completely saturated yeah this is this is not only gg but it's been gg for a while but war wolf realizes i have to try and i can't really knock them especially with the prize people being so large uh so many people rooting for their favorite players even though they don't know who their favorite players are you can go into each set thinking your favorite player is playing this is probably the final effort here dave and when the fire ships go down and the castle goes up then for admiral i think we'll see the gg called what a great defensive game from admiral yet again in this series yep saw the landing reacted to it perfectly got the castles in the right positions and then just kept up the the navy production and werewolf just felt like once he lost the position on red silent could never get himself back into the game yeah he was a little wasteful with his navy because i i felt like for a while there werewolf he had done enough to delay admiral admiral also did a good job to to keep fishing ships alive and stay competitive right it was a very close game but i think what decided it was simply admiral prioritized water at the perfect time again um and warwolf just wasn't able to get back onto it and also the imp time do you remember i mentioned the market and the click up admiral clicked up to imperial age faster despite not having many resources and not having as much economy so i think imperial age alone could have made a big difference there um you can actually see that i mean there is a difference with the gold but more wood collected more food collected and around this stage even you could argue that the economy was stronger for war wolf but i i think that that tells me that after watching game two and more wolf getting his win on on cross that this is going to be a competitive best of five because players are very comfortable on whatever maps they pick for their home well it's already 2-1 so i i'd already classified it as a competitive best-of-five yeah i think you're right though about that market if he did have the market up he is probably up to imperial a minute before admiral is and if he gets that fast fire ship tech in that swing right away we could be looking at a completely different game he could theoretically be the one landing in the middle with the castle remember how much stone he had when he was going up to the imperial age enough for two castles it's just crazy how a couple seconds here or there a market you know things like that can decide a game and it's also crazy to have all of you guys at home watching right now thank you for showing up today this quarterfinal day has definitely started off with a bang a special shout out to lawler the legend who has gifted so many subs over the last month this of course means that people have emotes like the pantsy mode which people are very excited about um that might not otherwise have it and then also of course contributes to the channel which is huge and then to that overall prize pool too uh and not forgotten is rod as well rod also gifted 50 subs i think it's we're in a unique situation once when someone gives 50 and it's lower and uh possibly not mentioned first so thank you rod and thank you to everyone doing their part to support the show today uh but dave i'm so ready for this before we hop in for bay what are you thinking for sivs hmm well you gotta go if you're thinking about admiral you're thinking mongols right and then persians for werewolf or maybe japanese so bypass is kind of similar to hideout so if it gets there i could see khmer being the pick for war wolf because that's been common um but at the same time bypass has a lot of hunt so in some world i could actually see mongols being saved or bypassed but i'm with you i think that mongols might be the pick and then we'll see japanese or persians for war wolf and we'll find out now game number four all right so as i'm loading in here um capture age is going to connect for us by the way if you want to check out all the features we have i haven't been doing too many flashbacks today just for the sake of time because i knew today could be long here we are 30 seconds in but make sure you check out capture age below the stream there's a free version of capture age which is freaking awesome and then also this uh this bonus version this pro version that i've been using uh one more thing to bring up because i neglected to do so the previous two days if you're watching the stream right now you could actually try and enter my giveaway which is below the stream uh you can enter just by following and i'm going to be giving away a brand new ipad and sending it out to you if you of course win but anyways dave mongols it's cool to see this map and and cool to see this if and already admiral making use of bonuses stealing some yeah stealing some sheep and i have to think he's looking for a boar here too right if he's going this fast you're kidding me yeah i've never i i haven't seen a board lame on this map i don't think i haven't either but how can you argue with it two minutes in and that before i mean you can't say it's not emblem picking islands is this home map this is turning a new leaf envel's an improved player ladies and gentlemen oh dude he's gonna find it too he's gonna find another one that's three sheep and a boar oh mike this is an awful start i for werewolf listen laming is such an interesting topic right we've moved those boards further to the back there's always one that's kind of around where that that boar was there but i can't help but feel like when you're up against mongols you're down to one you have to know the potential and not scout the back of your base man look at the scouting from warwolf he scouted the edge of the map that is really weird to me how we wouldn't prioritize having a scout in the front and if admiral is able to get this board back big lead uh of course hunting that food a bit faster which is huge but also having all the hunt available uh this is gonna be i don't even know what werewolf can do here honestly like if you're in his position do you just go for a big risk here like do you even go out for the water here do you use your japanese bonuses and go take the deer with a mill or something like you're never gonna be up as fast as as the uh the mongol player so it's gonna be hard to contest on water you're gonna be up slower than usual because you're missing three sheep and a boar like i feel like you have to switch up your game somehow yeah and uh i mean fishing ship's strong for japanese so you still dock dave but i'm i'm not even convinced that he realized his board was stolen i mean maybe now it was right it was it was right by the berries i think he knows and and the sheep got taken away too what if it was in that one tile that wasn't scouted like what are the odds if we go back what if the boar was sitting right there and that's why he was scouting the side of the map to see where his other boar was i mean i i don't i don't know i actually am going to look back at that after this game but dave i would say definitely take advantage of milling the deer you're going to be behind now but this is when in a draft scenario you this is why you see mongols picked admiral wise to take advantage of any bonuses i just i feel like i i know the importance of doctor i know how hard japanese fishing ships are to kill but like you're gonna be so far behind a mongol player to the next stage it is the unfortunate reality of war wolf's position and you've just got a i think playing passive with walls is good and taking some risks going out to deer and whatnot is good if he wasn't japanese it'd be even worse right and wait a second oh you're kidding me he's scouting the front the boars will never be there if he would have continued to go along this backside dave he could have honestly stolen one board right back which i mean might not have even happened it might have taken some time but to make matters worse look at look at the food count for blue and then look at red going up to the feudal age this is also a really sick build considering the lane yeah you know like you still have a bore there for later on it's like leftovers in the fridge but that is ridiculous now admiral i mean maybe in some ways you even change up your game plan if you're admiral you're gonna go water and you're probably gonna clear up water with just one doc fires so do you go scouts here maybe to clear out the villagers on deer that you've just scouted well my man's got a a third bore in reserve he still hasn't even taken that dude and blue's blocking the lumber camp with his skill oh man i can't help but get the feeling here this admiral player has shown preparation in almost every game we've seen dave game two was i think in many ways a throw was ahead in that game right but arabia the forward came in defended nicely islands that transport came in multiple times defended nicely in one water here you draft mongols find your stuff you go forward right away and and werewolf maybe sheep scouting on the front a mistake against mongols easy to say now and it's just been as duck said uh caught with his pants down here on pants so now the scout's even gonna go down yeah he he knows what's up though full walls not even like only two on farms tristan three fishing ships we got some on berries and then some on the deer he's just going for castle age at the moment like i don't think he's planning on contesting water at all that was interesting so the villager came forward and i don't think admiral ever thought that he would lose that fight so now he's gonna be thinking wait wait a second how did my scout die there and if it'd be pretty cheeky for warwolf to come around here with the villager and just shoot all the deer you know make sure that admiral can't take more hunt and then yeah like you said full wall and fast castle i mean at least the three fishing ships have brought in a lot of food that spearman is on the hunt for that villager though yeah yeah oh admiral you have to well i guess it doesn't matter too much and the deer is still huntable he's still got a boar at home what like why are we why are we getting takeout food when we got pizza in the fridge [Laughter] sometimes you're just not hungry for poor man sometimes you just you're just hungry for deer that's just how it goes i think he's forgotten about that board completely or it's like the ultimate flex like i i i can do this without you know abort i just stole yours because i could speaking of a flex quick question yeah nice quick ball i want to see werewolf try and wall the spearman in here oh it's going to happen he's planning he's planning it and it's being blocked it's being blocked oh okay okay saves the villager we've got a nerd on our hands here a nerd without a board home okay does that uh oh oh oh oh oh oh archer well he did accomplish a little bit dave but it wasn't as much as he would have wanted there and it's a good decision from admiral have that range out already this you know what this reminds me of this game tristan all of the hidden cup three finals every single game in that in that series remember lames early and then just domination from that point onwards look at this now the spear's even gone forward to take out the enemy deer he's like i have your boar i have one in my fridge for later i have my deer and i'm still not gonna let you eat any food this is this is cut throat dave yeah this is no mercy play for sure and i'm looking at the resources from blue he's gonna be up to the next stage soon but the resources for red are not looking too bad either with those extra fish he actually did take that boar so he got that food income in there and he's building up his gold stockpile so he should be on the way to castle age soon and i think he's already done enough damage um to blue's economy at this point you know what's interesting to me is the way admiral is walling seems suspiciously similar to leloy in his set vs john the fearless yesterday and again this i could be crazy but there was heavy heavy speculation that leloy yesterday was possibly tattoo and many people have also been thinking that maybe admiral is someone like viper doubt jordan so maybe this admiral is a teammate of the loya and maybe some the people are on to something dave you're getting that because of the way he's walling yeah it's really weird like okay a lot of players would wall you see where that house is a lot of players would wall there but they're actually going for full walls i might be crazy but um this came to mind that's all i appreciate skeptical but i appreciate the skepticism though yeah yeah i'm i'm willing to hear you out well on the bright side for war wolf werewolf is on the way to castle age dave now problem is this was blacksmith market fast castle this is like fast castle into dropping a tc with no map control which is very very poor and uh i imagine it's gonna be a tc on the actually he has to leave the gold so that makes it even worse but i was thinking he'd just tc one of his golds or woodlines and just try and boom it out here and the problem is like you're going for fast guess but you're japanese right so he's gonna try and retake the water here that's his first initial play he's getting the war galley upgrade so that'll upgrade his fire ships and i think red won't be able to contest that but like i said before the problem is you're japanese in this position what are your ultimate like super strong options if you're gonna go for a wall and boom sort of strategy mongols can go into mangadai what are japanese gonna do they're gonna go into what arbelis skirmishers like well it is a start to go down to water to take out those fish and chips and maybe add your own as the start then if you get a second town center a bit faster you know maybe you get an eco lead maybe go elite skirm opening or something but i would agree you'd probably want to go crossbow with the lead skirm but elite skirm against mongols is just disastrous in a lot of ways i'd say because um it's a lot of food eco you don't have right now mongols are probably going to have a stable out to make a night or two it can always go hustler they can always go siege it's not a winning strategy day because we see three town centers for admiral who only has three on food right now and he was kind of banking on those fishing ships also banking on all that hunt that he took on earlier so three tc and he's sending a fourth one to berries tristan is that enough to produce from three tc's does he have a market he doesn't have a market he's adding cav archers not really dave but he's gonna sort it out i'm sure i can't help but feel like that was really sloppy for more wolf though you just saw the archers were here now you know the enemies in castle age why would you send villagers back out to that gold but i'm not going to say that it's an easy position to play in and sometimes where you start to lose the game mentally if you fall behind and there's the siege workshop in defense now and it's going to be all defense here from blue and cav archers on the way from the mongol player interesting don't hate it i think that there's a few players in our game who who hate the cav archers but there's a lot to recognize the importance of mobility and massing being patient with them you have a big lead i think this puts more pressure on war wolf you also have the potential to maybe even run back here if you're super greedy with it but i would say just don't worry about that too much after you see the scorpion and maybe just get out of here and break in another way and good micro from admiral as admiral runs away i think you can justify running back there if you have the crossbows to control that main front gold area yeah keep one cap archer over on the right hand side to make sure he doesn't move out just like patrolling back and forth there and then try and run him with four or five and and harass your enemy all right there's a scout out there for admiral who will just try and scout the other areas of the map no doubt that the score lead has to do with all the military the admiral has but also the fact that there's a scout out there scouting resources uh there's even a spearman scouting right now but uh you know a slow transition into farms now for admiral not too bad even a monastery at home to send some monks out there to get some relics and unfortunately when you lose three sheep in a boar which is very rare this is the spot you find yourself in dave orwolf has just gotta play defense defense defense and hope for a good connect with the scorpions yeah it's gonna be fairly oh what there was still a sheep in the back for him too wait a second what was it in the in the north corner of the map yeah i know he was so flustered man he wasn't down three sheep he was down four sheep did he blame the sheep for what happened to him in this game and he just said you know what you're not even worth eating i i don't yeah it's a cell flame it was it it was bad i'm sorry don't leave we have a long day i need you here dave uh scorpions so getting good connects here and uh the splits from admiral all right confidence splits i like it and the sheath goes oh jeez and this and also with that good micro looks like the cav archers will stay back here anyways oh my word dude there's just too much for warwolf to do right now that's the thing it looks like he might be a bit on the back foot like and he might be reacting a bit slow but just so much going on and it is 55 ecos for 51 and a big point you brought up earlier is do you want to be behind mongols at this stage and that answer's always gonna be no and red's more than happy to just run around here he doesn't even need to do damage just distract your enemy as long as your enemy is at home and you're booming up behind you can make your way into manganite like that's your wind condition dave can we look at all the red dots on that mini map for a second let's uh before we do monk crazy dude spearman scout okay there we go yeah look spearman on the gold spearmint on the gold scout on the gold uh villagers coming over no doubt for outposts but like the control from admiral the vision is very impressive admiral has a cav archer on a patrol just back and forth there distracting those scorpions okay it finally gets killed he's re-patrolled it i think because he just want to pay attention to it but he wants the scorpions oh my god that's so smart no attack stance patrol and it just keeps the scorpions back here oh my god i'm tilted for warwolf right now yep and the monk can't even get a conversion because it's not close enough yep that was the okay that was the stoppable force versus the movable object right there tristan my goodness dude and there's gonna be a castle isn't there and oh and it's a forward one uh a little risky with two villes i have to say we know a certain player who is great with map control who might do something like this and it's not like red is that forehead and he goes ahead by ten so if he loses eight villagers and can't get a castle up with mongols that could be problematic and dave is this dal no i think he's got he's got a knight coming but he hurt it as long as he takes care of that monk with the archer and the cav archer potential oh my goodness have we spotted the lord that's so risky man no i don't think like i'm thinking of names on the let's say it's gl don't think tattoo would place that cast so i don't think jordan would place that castle i don't think viper would place that castle i think the doubt would place that castle oh man dude it's so unnecessary yeah so unnecessary i mean it'd be great if he gets it up but now it's 70 villagers for 78 and dave look at the total population there's not a lot in it the problem forward castles are such a double-edged sword right it like it kicks your opponent out of the game or it brings them back in depending on the outcome and this one has kind of brought blue back into the game that is a production building not only a castle position but a production building the admiral needs yeah okay there's still another monk here to convert the knights good addition to bring the knights in here it's not like the castle is definitely denied forever as you see magnel coming out but good micro there and one for one means that this castle will continue be denied and that foundation is being walled in and dave i'm gonna actually quote doubt when i was casting with him he said i don't build castles to secure the map i build castles to finish the game one way or the other and that's exactly what you described so um i'm a little speechless right now to be completely honest with you i mean red red is still ahead in this game yeah by by a good margin a lot of the score from blue is coming from his water control the fish just expired so he's gonna have to drop fish traps with that he's only got scorpions manuals monks like not something you can transition into the late game but it's definitely given him some momentum right it makes him feel like he's he might actually have a chance at winning here good micro from red on the mangano oh man how i been unfortunate there for warwolf to not get a conversion i felt like he had timed that nicely but yeah that castle is gonna go up dave instead of denying that stone you're gonna deny the next one i guess and i'm with you you look at all the eco upgrades and the fact that mongols are gonna get to that castle and you still feel like admiral's gonna win this and maybe it is a player who wouldn't typically drop a castle but they decided i'm so far ahead who cares even if it gets denied i'm gonna win this so but if it is a player who would never drop a forward castle and they're watching right now screw you for for messing with their minds because i think a lot of people start really starting to think about this admiral player that moment right there might have confused you well i think i think the castle in and of itself there is fine as long as you send the eight villagers together to begin with that's true you started building that with two or three and then he had like five or six more following up if you send all of that together at the beginning that castle goes up well this does now give warwolf a target if werewolf can get imperial age first drop a castle on the front and go for trebs if you take that castle out in mongols are suddenly less that's terrifying but as i say that admiral is on the way up dave and it seems like admiral will even have a second castle soon so major danger just looked at the eco upgrades for him as he's getting wheelbarrow right now still no second wood upgrade still no heart horse collar what harsh color i almost [Laughter] should call it hearst color it sounds like uh i thought you were saying huskarl for a second i was gonna say god started playing here so no just another meme to add to the catalog what was just now getting wheelbarrows so really struggling on eco upgrades did you see that monk werewolf had the relic and then just it was almost like he donated the relic to admiral so admiral would have mercy on him or something i it is a strat yeah i don't know if it's gonna work but let's see how it pans out these are some late eco upgrades look at warwolf you've got a knight and three spearmen grouped up to go counter-attack this is unique okay well he's focusing on a million other things right now and the most important thing is dropping that castle you just cross your fingers at this point and you think please please please let me be up the castle age first or not castle age of course imperial age yeah let me be up to imperial age let my enemy run all his military into my demo ship so that he can't mass magdady let my enemy go afk for five minutes yep and then i'll be back into this game i have to say though dave while there have been close moments admiral has seemed a better player i know this game here ultimately you think back to the early game and war wolf not having a lot of food even by his own doing not having a lot of food both with eco upgrades and the sheep but um but admiral has just seemed more on top of it you now see mangadai here he'll take out villagers to extend the eco lead if you're in admiral's position you don't even need to push that middle area just hold the middle area and then prevent blue from expanding out on the right yeah that's true okay here we go i was just a little bit ahead of live action here we see the mangadai come in they were just passing villagers didn't even notice either though and so we'll see these villagers go down now but yeah just hold the middle area there's some risk to it if you start putting all your castles in the same spot too so i like how he spread them out that army from blue going along the marsh it's just like we gotta be sneaky oh my god dude that was so funny hey there's a demo here let's go oh and the micro too to micro away from that that was so good from admiral and i would even say that's unnecessary it's okay to lose if you like cavi but he's paying attention to every unit and the demo hello well there we go get some kills dave but as the castles start to uh need to be repaired anyways i'm just not seeing warwolf it's his final game he knows that's who he's going to continue to try but not seeing way back for the trebuchet yeah he won't be able to hold the middle and he won't be able to expand on the right and those are his two win conditions right there and not even win conditions just survival conditions at this point and he's not going to be able to do either as the hustlers come in and they're gonna snipe a trap they might get that second one too yeah i honestly feel like one treb is enough no way admiral is gonna be lacking stone so that cast will be repaired and then plus you get the repair villagers i feel a bit bad for werewolf i always feel bad when i can tell players have realized that they're probably dead but they continue to try dave yeah but that's just it's competitive age of empires and the hustlers even get in there oh that's unfortunate that hurts and in about one minute here there's going to be like no wood access for werewolf okay he's taking back that wood line so we'll have that for a while but the resources the resource availability for him is looking pretty scarce yep hustlers come in and we will see trebuchets go down definitely and this is all before elite magnetized look at that q though from that forward castle from admiral actually both the castles have so many manga dude it's crazy is that trap gonna okay i would have lost all faith repair villages are something else though so yeah dave warwolf's gonna have to call this one soon and admiral has really looked on point and i haven't seen admiral doesn't come off as a huge nerd to me you know doesn't necessarily seem and i know viper straight up admitted to us in hidden cup three that sometimes he'll try and hide his identity in this tournament but hasn't seemed like viper hera leary any of those players might be another big name out there who just has great strategic play and and warwolf played well yesterday but just not good enough here uh it kind of like some of the greedy moments kind of seemed viperesque to me like that cross game the greed yeah yeah viper and then the greed here going for that castle like sending three villagers at first and then following up with five way behind baby kinda seem like viper and this game is over man like i i feel i feel for warwolf because he wants to compete wants to get deeper into the tournament continue this set but this game is over my friend you see you're below 100 population you can stop microwaving your rbls now you know just just take your hands off the keyboard and say gg at this point and chad is forced to salute warwolf and wish him well in future tournaments but whoever war wolf is is out and what a solid way to start off the quarterfinals dave i felt like that was a really fun series to cast do you agree with me on that yeah we had such good variety especially in that second game the cross game the comeback from warwolf to get himself back into the series and then this game just unfortunate for him yeah start overall with strategy it felt a little weird in even game one like man at arm forward it was just a disaster for war wolf and and then on islands maybe that was super competitive that one you can justify losing here and not scouting the front of the base actually i wanted to check to see if that bore was in envision here and i'm going to use capture 8 pro to go all the way back to the beginning i have to know dave because what are the odds that that board was sitting there this is super cool wait what am i doing i can just click back here there we go okay so boar was already stolen at this point okay boar's already stolen at this point all right let's see nope there we go people he knew it was there and sent the sheep forward and the scout to the back i think against mongols that is a big mistake it's easy to say now but in a laming a tournament where laming is allowed and you just got that one boar as the target got to have your scout at least over here to try and get a block in but all right uh ladies and gents sorry about that i was just curious i thought it would have been pretty crazy if the board was in that tile or something but we have three more best of fives today uh three more best of fives in the quarters and if you've been paying attention this is what that bracket looks like we've got the admiral going on to the semifinals which will be tomorrow and a best of seven the winner of senjata and gonzalo pizarro will face against admiral and we'll see who that is next uh evaelo and edward longshanks and then john the fearless vs philip the good some crazy games to come today so don't go anywhere before we take our short break though i really want to hear from viewers who do you think these players are should have a poll on screen and you can vote for who you think the admiral is by typing a number in the chat uh there's been so many people we had initially an extension but the servers couldn't handle you all so the extension voting wasn't working and we also made a tweak overnight to try and get uh some of the data picked up a bit more accurately with this because it wasn't like the percentages seem consistent but we i don't think we're getting all the numbers somehow so vote please and yeah those numbers are skyrocketing up you just have to type a number we have a lot of viper votes there so viper doubts second place with 25 and then jordan so players all on the same team do you like i could be someone like dougal it could be someone like even mr yo truthfully uh it's it's tough to say i cannot wait for that reveal but many people feel like you know viper's got to be out there and maybe people have uh they have the other players pegged as someone else after watching the games yesterday 41 think it's the viper okay interesting so i'm not even sure to be honest and i actually i know i guess during the cast guys but i'm not gonna put a huge amount of effort into trying to to nail down these names before that reveal i'm just excited for that reveal tomorrow now you can vote on um you can vote on who war wolf was war wolf a little tricky for me a player who liked the forward looks like we're seeing some leftover votes you guys got to pay attention to the clock here because now you're voting doubt viper and jordan again unless you thought that war wolf was jordan i suppose and that's fair the the forward in game one really has me thrown you know the caps lock gg the forwarding it makes me think vivi would be a very vivid thing to do and you had some quick wall moments too that too which kind of it kind of throws you off but at this point all our pro pro scene can quick all yeah village you're in so even doubt can do it occasionally the other thing is dave like last hidden cup saying that vivi would have won round one or or like backed would have won round one or a few names it it would have been kind of a surprise for us but i think the level's so close and with random seeding you never know what the match-ups are that it's not too crazy to me they think that vivi could have won 3-1 like the way he did make it here to eventually fall to the admiral so i would probably say vivi personally but it's the caps luck gg that gets me i know i think like i think vivi might have done better with that landing on islands though i thought it was pretty good to be honest like it was the scouts were everywhere the villagers stayed alive it was just admiral whoever admiral was played really good but okay so people are saying vivi i think yesterday people voted war wolf as doubt but i'll have to go back we do have data on that it will be fun after all is said and done to see what the viewers voted
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 116,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, Hidden Cup 4, HC4, Age of Empires II DE, Age of Empires, aoe2, aoe2de, t90, t90official, hidden, cup, four, hc3, age, of, empires, two, definitive, edition, round of 8, quarter, finals, final, qf, day 3, admiral, yi, sun, shin, sun-shin, war, wolf, warwolf, treb, hero, first, 1st
Id: hLb4bFg6OZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 17sec (7397 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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