AoE2 Nukes!?

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okay whether you're watching on YouTube and twitch this is going to be an explosive game welcome to a regicide diplomacy free-for-all game and this is the actual name is Bikini Atoll but I'm gonna call this nuke nothing now technically it's not a nothing map but when you see what this map can do you'll understand why it has the name I'm gonna introduce the players we'll talk about what exactly this map has we had one experience with this already and many of the players here have actually seen it themselves so they know what they should be going for in the purple we have match lava he is playing as the Berbers he's one of the stronger players in this match we have Holger he's playing as the Mongols right next to him in the red in the teal we have a bit a bit is playing as Ethiopians in the yellow we have VV is playing as the Mayans in the gray we have nightbot who's playing as the italians in the blue we have troll he's playing as the Huns in the green we have Jabbar who's playing as the Celts and then any orange ooh okay the timing on that was not ideal sorry about that buddy we have hides who he's gonna hide the fact he lost a villager because he just lost a bill when you lose a villa here it turns into sheep so he's just gonna eat that right up it's a little bit of cannibalism to start the day not bad so I've already said it's regicide I never know how experienced people are with Age of Empires 2 when I cast a game so I'm just gonna say go over the basics here the regicide means you have a king and if you lose your king you are dead you you're defeated so it's important to keep that King alive this is also diplomacy which means that you can ally or enemy anyone at any point in time so you can form alliances between other nations and work to to kill other alliances or you can live peacefully and harmony forever whatever you want to do there's no cartography in this game mode and cartography is a tech that you can normally research at the market which allows you to see what your allies can see that's not possible with this which makes it complicated and then the most exciting thing about this is this monument in the center which I will explain this monument when controlled will allow you to train a certain unit out of it and this unit is called a shark Azure that's basically a flying shark with believe it or not at all Oh God we need to look at someone else I'm so sorry hides he's probably so embarrassed for a guy so many people watching him but anyway this flying unit went deleted and I know it sounds crazy gives you a goat so a goat just falls onto the ground that's decaying and it decays from 15 food down to zero and when it hits zero it frickin explodes so much so that if the goat were to drop here right now it would explode all of the trees everything that orange would have and of course would kill his king and defeat him I think it is 4000 wood and 3,000 gold to purchase such nuke that is what we're calling the nuke but it has happened and believe me it is devastating so a couple other things to point out there's no cartography but all players can see this area of the map it's a really cool looking map again Thank You Honi for making this a guy he made cannibal Island and a few others there are relics next to the monument in the center which you can get for gold and then there's also relics and the end of the stone crosswalk here so there's eight relics on the map and there's eight players so it's pretty fair so I the first time I saw this and it's not gonna go to YouTube because there were a few issues with the game I was absolutely blown away for lack of a better word I by the power that this nuke has and we did have a vote here on the stream to decide what to name the video which still might change honestly so if you're wondering what what the hoods this isn't called nuke no thing this is called excellent nutrition then I apologize I'm still not sure what we'll be going with yet but I imagine since players know how much firepower that monument has they will be trying to control this at all time so it's not quite like king of the hill because there's no countdown but it's important to have that just if anything to stop your opponent from creating a nuke another thing is you can't kill your own units with the nuke which is nice and you can't kill Ally units so you would actually have to set them to enemy before the explosion in the diplomacy screen it is is that what we sound like in your heads is someone in twitch now I I just do weird voices sorry TC advanced thank you for 9l trio electric gifted brainless society it's nice to be dude so let's talk strategies fortunately for me I have a thousand people here to help me talk strategy I'm interested in your input personally I don't think there's a ton of strategy with this I think that you you have to have resources to get the monument so you should probably just boom but I do like the way this base is built up I like how you can build these cute little gates here you have plenty of deer for food and boars for food you have plenty of gold and stone apparently the nuke is convertible and that goat is but the goat is very fast or it's actually a flying shark remember before it's deleted so you shouldn't be able to convert the shark after it's deleted because it turns into a goat corpse which you can't convert corpses at least you shouldn't be able to but the unit itself you can convert it's just really fast though so it should be able to outrun conversions rushing to the nuke is legit possible especially with slang hey you could sling I suppose I would be surprised if they sling because it's a community game but who knows red gray and yellow on the way to castle age now we'll find out soon enough honi says he's not sure if you can even convert it yeah I doubt we'll see that just imagine if someone really committed to that strategy it'd be hilarious they'd build 30 monks to try and convert it and then right when the person hears the conversion sound that just delete the shark anyway and then all the monks which are some of the slowest units in the game are just sitting there next to this go it's about to explode like oh no what do we do guess we pray time to finally meet my maker is it possible to download this map it would be possible to download download this map I don't know if Tony's made it available yet pony if you have it on a Wii to Maps net I could put a link in the description of course it should probably remind people that's probably not possible in HD probably only possible and user patch can someone explain this map to me well I literally just explained everything I don't want to repeat that much myself but if you just got here I would just hang out and try and figure it out with this cuz it'll be pretty wild certainly it's not something that you can afford to make a lot of oh wow Jabar has been watching a lot of expert play look at this guy he's in feudal ages celts making men-at-arms o troll i don't think you have enough villagers there to repair this come from man-at-arms huh oh no he's also getting a scale mail Armour the aggression well I'll tell you who deserves a nuke in the face mr. Joe bark at least that's what blues thinking right now I'm sure he says help please Green is rushing me I give gold dude what you need to do in this situation I don't know if blue is able to do this now but the stone wall behind the mill because the stone walls will hold so just okay you have enough repairs just stop preparing and build a few stone walls boom boom boom and then you're fine this is the only action right now it's very rare to see action so early Jabbar says I stop rushing for gold and blue says how much oh my god you animal I like how green has that little smirk as well a little winky face well green tell him how much how much gold do you want by the way the bamboo forest only have 30 woods so it looks like he's chopped a lot more than he has dude just stone wall behind it don't give many golds don't sell out okay stick to your guns he's gonna send him all of his gold it's neat don't do it don't do it troll 500 that's a lot green you better you better not attack him he's leaving okay well 500 gold it's not the end of the world and no he said now he said blue to ally oh man you know what I smell I smell new kitsch all over Jabbar karma is real and it is Swift and it is going to happen I can just tell I mean maybe to bark with his aggression can can get the monument and stop people from training those nukes it's a smart play because he gets 500 gold it's an awful play if people see him as a threat and a jerk so I guess we'll see could look brilliant could look really really dumb he just yeah he just got a nuke to pay for the gold [Music] no gray signals as yellows building this TC builds a siege workshop here and if basically yellow wants to take this goal he says isn't this mine gray says no it's not mine and yellow says Kay troll says nightbot please remind t90 to get hydrated whose gold is this c1 I think there's four goals in this map one two three I think that is yellows Gray has one two three four that is certainly yellows golds actually that's kind of funny so for those that don't know on You Tube nightbot is the bot that I use in my twitch channel this this one user manga dye just created this boogly name to make it night but just his joke and then troll said that he should have nightbot reminds me there's actually a stay hydrated bot that reminds streamers to stay hydrated i have that it's not it's not technically night bud but it's fine well yeah I'll tell you what's not fine much law was attacking Holger he has some nights here and Holger does not have any way to defend from this he really should have gated this up with Stoney he's trying to do that now but there's still an opening here well this is unfortunate know when the Phil's opened up the gate now it's fine purple one right back inside okay my goodness well Charles halfway to Castle age he will be the last one there he's making some stables so maybe thinking about making Knights did he just is he that built wraps now they're gonna cut the way out he'll be fine so I guess for the most part we should probably look at Matt Lauer I read making some pikeminnow and the Knights don't have a lot of upgrades so I think the pikemen could be enough the I see teal is in the center he shouldn't be able to afford to create one of these yet though I do see as control of this but essentially you would need to be at the monument and then when you're at the monument you train it now in the event that you lose control the monument mid training that that 4,000 would 3,000 gold unit you get the resources back but it takes quite a long time to train the nuke he's not even close it will only happen when players are in the Imperial age most likely again there's no cart oh so you can't even see what your allies are doing or where your allies have Reis their kings and resources I'm 27 today playing a game from when I was six I'm a hashtag t90 babe for life that is kind of funny to think about it that way this game came out so I'm 25 this game came out when I was six I think so I mean we're very similar in age there wait some one of us did math wrong either I did math wrong or you did math wrong either right thank you for 14 months PM me pizza glad you enjoy it for relics for yellow so yellows gotten all four relics in the center and there's also relics he can get here he's really smart move and now the overlays bugged out which is why I had it removed grey has one and orange has a relic as well with eight relics guys getting three or four can be a huge huge deal Green has 2300 gold guys but he does not have the wood yet I will I will keep an eye peeled free to help me out because I can be blind sometimes I'll keep an eye on everything here yellow says so gray they're about to have a conversation now yellow is close to buying one he says if we fight we both lose so allies they are currently allied Knight but has not responded yes he says yes now that's not a very loving way of accepting the Alliance you have to send a fruit basket or I don't know like a card or I don't know marry off one of your daughters to two V's King I mean this is how it works right can't just say yes you have to seem excited about it yellow says and we have castles to defend ourselves okay I'm fairly certain that these two are gonna fight each other there doesn't seem to be a lot of trust in the air maybe I'm looking into things too much but gray is not discussing things all that much with yellow and they're both top score so there's probably not a lot of trust there plus the Gold's here because remember this is yellows gold is teal making a nude yet he is not does not have the wood man the thing is Berbers destroyed Mongols with camel archers and Knights there's not much that Mongols can really do the only way Mongols are better than Berbers if they're in the Imperial aide with siege but camel archers they are the counter they're an antique a larger unit so they're an excellent counter to mangas I however match Lau is killing his own Knights at the moment this Megan Ellis oh he's getting some help there yeah Holger wisely gates behind I don't know about wisely his units are kind of trapped in here now it's gonna make it's gonna make life for up for Holger okay so orange has controlled the monument still no sharks guys but it's gonna happen okay now you can trade just like a normal diplomacy game it is more complicated to find out where your allies markets are but it's possible to trade buthe man you're making me breakfast what are you talking about Jen we already have this conversation if you haven't realized already cab archers turn into calles when they die as do Knights sheep villagers and I believe for some reason what is it elephants turn into water buffaloes this is the calm before the storm at the moment everyone has two hands two legs five fingers on each hand two eyeballs but once the explosions start going off these villagers are going to have some weird-looking families Mia I already have some we're a weird-looking family even before the bomb I can't imagine what's gonna be like after the bomb kidding mom kidding mom I love you love you mom my mom doesn't watch my stream we're fine grey is in the Imperial age what's he up to Wow he has very symmetrical archery ranges so he's Italians I just heard a doc oh he's fishing okay that's nice so I guess he wants to make archers he could make archers and condit arrows you could make hand cannons as well if you would like just a double check on the monument Oh guys we got one we got one it's on the way the first nuke wait this could be denied actually it's at 22% I guess T was allied with orange if he were to kill that Scout teal it would cancel the creation of the nuke all right I don't think he's going to turn I think teal just wanted to take control this for himself eels actually attacking purple with Ethiopian crossbow and pike we know Ethiopians can destroy Berbers for sure and Reds population is 100 it is 104 Purple's well sight they're pretty close and pop even Till's at 100 population so it's a close game guys where's he go where does orange choose what's his target gonna be 75 percent unless teal kills the scalp in the next 15% give me control the monument I want to nuke purple that's what teal says orange is just gonna get his nuke and then leave there it is there it is now armed can give it to teal so teal has said publicly he wants to nuke much lava all right yes see look how fast that is now I don't understand why this thing was ever added to the game it looks ridiculous it is a shark with rockets and a cat on top and is that a chef's hat on top of the shark turn around please yeah chef's hat on top of the shark the cat has some type of hat I don't even know I mean this thing is so random you know what it is I think whoever was working on the game probably got really high and then loaded up the PC and created this unit where are you going why does he have the nuke in the corn he wants to hide it I guess oh he's being attacked by green oh the timing on this could not be worse for green green I think he chose the wrong guy to attack buddy he has long swordsman he has some pikemen he has some Rams the king for orange is inside this TC and where did orange to send his but there goes because there it goes now all the players should know exactly what this means if they see this I explained it to all of them many of them saw it on streem but will he notice it in time this would be the first explosion and what we are calling nuke nothing greens King is running it's it's running away this is kind of what I wanted to see actually because it forces you to run away from your economy oh he's running to blue what god it's perfect oh my god it's perfect I've blues like I know I wished to kill green for Christmas this year but I didn't expect actually get that present I was pretty expensive Green is adding green is hiding in blues tea see where is that that nuke for all the nuke is the nuke is chasing down blue or green sorry God jay Park is being chased down all boy there it is 17 16 15 green notice green notice okay did he'll create one as well remember teal he could have done this as what we need to keep an eye on these monuments another shark is gonna come out of here Green has his king down here now the explosion is about to go off is orange allied with blue we're about to find out we're about to find out it'll do nothing except kill trees if they're allied wait what was blues King okay where was blues king he also ran okay so they they escaped I couldn't even follow where blue was a new Green was down here the Kings are still alive oh my god wow that's a lot of damage now remember Till's said he wanted to kill purple purple is really ramping up things now the Cavalier and camel archers red cannot defend from this but can purple defend from the nuke now the the monument is sending the nuke to oranges base okay no it's not where is it going where is it going it is kind of funny though that that's perfect for green because green doesn't green didn't lose any eco - that was probably so pissed off look at him he's trying to rebuild the town centre like come on man why do you have to bring the nuke to me Green's he goes perfect that's amazing oh well teal is just holding on to this thing right now and he's making another one god these are expensive - still will pay attention to that as red is he's really easy gonna die - this really I mean there's no other way to say it unless he gets a nuke v4 kick-ass has changed you to enemy wait so OH so yellow is turning on teal it was about to have two nukes might not be the best timing for you yellow cuz teal has one nuke and now he's gonna have to the price of the nuke is four thousand would three thousand golds so so here's the deal the idea is to have control the monument at all times so you can create the nukes and other people cannot so that's what you have to try and do now I have control groups these nukes so I have control both them I can see exactly what they're up to yeah the nukes are really expensive oh my god who needs a nuke who green is back as TC who needs a nuke guys blues revenge blues revenge is Tarkan's here no blue what did it what are you what are you doing man is he gonna fight with green dude this guy just gave you a home delivery of a nuclear bomb and you're like oh that's cool bro where's your king oh that's cool nice place really you have more of a heart than I do just passing apparently and he says attack now sec last attack died so I guess they want to hit orange because they're Pitt Blue is upset I guess understandably so that he lost his eco a red has been defeated yeah sorry we missed that but that's kind of expected at this point and he'll still has not used his his his nuclear bomb nuclear shark at and there's about to be three on the map because yellow is gonna make one I don't think it was intentional from green in that moment to bring the nuke to blue it was not intentional at all however happens now wouldn't it be something if yellow just goes directly for teal kills teal and then teals nukes have been wasted I need it to keep looking at these hold on how all all they're both in purple space they're both in purple space he deletes one he's spreading them out oh I think purple moved his king there oh oh he deleted - I I think match Lau he's running away as fast Berber villagers I think that Lala is going to avoid the explosion and meanwhile yellows is hiding wow what a game here and he is attacking teal with plumes and eagles you cannot nuke the monument no let's let's see goat is it three food sorry I know there's a lot going on blues also attacking Greek whereas greens King greens King is making a run for it he's dead blues revenge Purple's explosion and there's gonna be another one going off it's not gonna kill much and there it goes just just half a million trees I have to say well-played match allow it to survive really well played and that was the Karma I kind of expected the blue getting a pay back there the extortion earlier and yellow has a new teal has two nukes and he's been saving them wait do you guys see a decaying goat somewhere I don't Till's way I'm a teal just used his frickin noose I'm sorry I'm an idiot I was like oh I can't fly those nukes I just exploded you dumb caster what about yellow still using his I'm really tense right now I'm really I'm really really excited I think teal could die he's dead or you know are you kidding me you use both your nukes and fail and then die all of it that's gotta hurt that has got to her blue says I will make army and go middle you join and I don't know exactly who he's speaking to I guess y'all didn't realize it Till's King is here oh these are just Eagles they're not only Eagles that makes sense so Till's still a lot you know if he can get some more gold he could sell some of that wooden food and just get enough for a nuke he would have to take the monument though okay this has been a crazy game the sheep noise is really annoying that goes off when units died Pony said I made King faster and more tanky oh you did well thanks for telling me Ahmed game but I need an example I need to see I need to see the stats on this that makes a bit more sense I mean it still can't survive the nuke right so Till's still alive i gray actually helped him out a bit oh my goodness nightbot has resources if anyone deserves to new kids nightbot I remember yellow saving this one and he has controlled the middle to make more he is investing a lot of resources into the fight to match lau is working his way towards teal of course teal nuked him so it makes perfect sense that he would want revenge and here come the rams to attack the town center where teal has his king it can probably kill the some of the rams but I don't see him saving the king here really depends how tanky this king is okay 150 HP but it's still it's gonna it's still gonna die it should die if they see it don't look at this stealthy King it's a chameleon King it's a dead kid all right and it turns into a rout something else I didn't point out earlier though I saw it there's just a lot of factors with this there's a lot of factors purple is attacking yellow because he wants to make a nuke man when you take the monument from someone they are almost always gonna have a nuke so hey I don't know how you play because you want the monument but at the same time you don't want to make the person who has a nuke angry crazy game crazy crazy game that we are down to five now yellow is asking for trade with grey dude make another one yellow oh wait does grey have control this right now kind of hard to tell okay now yellow does it's four thousand wood and three thousand gold so both of them could have afforded them maybe there maybe they feel like it's inhumane or it's a shark right so in he's sharp [Music] Blue has elite Tarkan's down here he's just hanging out typical of the Huns to destroy every last building inside of the base of their enemy okay yellow is making another one so if you save three of them I think you can kill the person and you could almost bait them you could explode the first one here like delete it here he would run this way and then have the other one waiting it's just an expensive bait expensive risk yeah Kondo tea arrows from nightbot going directly after match lawless castle which has the king full oh oh now was that a trick see the Kings running okay the nukes gonna go off the nuke is gonna go off yellow just deleted it there but you know I feel like it's obvious that Purple's already going to be running so the king is on the move and I think the Kings should survive again the Great Escape from match toilet that goat has eight food left so halfway til the nuke goes off and he's just eat just running away he's running right back where he was this is what I was talking about you need to wait for them to run before you explode it amazing awareness from that so I've been really impressed with this this is not the first time this has happened yeah these pills are not gonna make it boom oh man that was close where's the other one for yellow you know I didn't have the other one control group two guys so it could be anywhere I wish we had well you know what he didn't he didn't actually finish oh it's right there nevermind I was gonna say you didn't finish making it last I checked [Music] well if naturale wins this man what a legendary performance from him because he has lost his eco twice and and he and others are looking to get to the middle just so they can get these nukes wait did purple shoot that nuke down are you sure about that I'm pretty sure that I was deleted maybe I mean it has 150 HP maybe it can be shot [Music] yellow sending nuke to safe space again and he's being oh my god everyone's against him the who do you even choose do you attack orange geotech blue do you tech purple I would think that you'd want to kill grey at some point because Grey's very strong but not now Grey's the only one not tacking you if you're yellow you need to trade with him oh it was shot down okay that's interesting to me and oh oh blue is here and he's sending all of his elite Tarkan's into oranges base he's looking for the king now remember he can't see much but he can actually see that castle has flags on it so you might think to go there how many units does he have he is a hundred and ten of these things well what a comeback from blue this castles gonna go down for Orange Lee no doubt about it no Adele a ballad and I don't know if Purple's coming to help or if he's coming to hurt I think you might be coming to help but the king is gonna come out let's see oh there goes the king there goes blue didn't react quick enough that is the issue with going with Tarkan's versus Kings you need a ranged unit and you know what he just pops right back into the TCI guess where the castle yeah oh that was so close my goodness guys and I need to continue to check on where these nukes are wait yellows and have his anymore wait wait I wonder why I wonder why how did Matt Lauer survive it was must have been deleted like right here and he lost HP on his castle but he's still alive he lost all of his army in the center are you kidding me and meanwhile aren't you still alive this is so hectic this is so hectic this game has been insane and blue that he had 200 military sorry 200 popu 110 military use down below 100 pop mal orange has held him off and you know what when units die they become Cal's and those cows actually block the Tarkan's from getting in against the range so yeah there's no way that orange will died to blue at least at this point and who has controlled the sensor now that would be yellow and yellow is making yet another nuke and they realized purple is running running for it so purple is enemy to teal the teals been dead for a while teal does have some army here I guess purple will go to this area I have to say max la very impressive considering he's been targeted so many times I think they need to target grey grey has resources they need it they need to target some other people now look at the bodies here man that is insane troll says I gave you a bunch of Cal's and you dare calling me a traitor it's a good point it's free food man it's an all-you-can-eat buffet my gift to you well one thing I really need is to have a hotkey for these a specific hotkey like I do four kings for these nooks because it it makes a lot easier if I have a specific hockey at the moment what I need to do is I need to find it in control group it separately which is a bit more work so if I've been jerkin all rounds I do apologize to my twitch and YouTube audience but I'm doing the best I can Cheryl says grade the strongest shall we all a lie against him or someone new Kim no one has responded yet but it's a good point gray has the highest score because he has the most resources and I know purple he's gonna say yes to that deal his King is in this TC I don't know how he's rebooting time and time again but someone keeps trying to kill him might even be yellow now I think that's the last castle for purple let's see oh no he still has one more way back in his original base but if you can't make the camel arches this becomes a more difficult game for him yellow still has his nuke sitting there can you keep this up now three full HP C dreams will kill that [Music] hmm well what's blue up to it does not have a lot of gold guys but he can take gold from where a green used to be he says a limey I make army and help then and he is now allied to yellow who has a nuke so that's that's definitely a plus for him next lava has 150 pop he has a big ball of these camel Archer still and he's winning fights I don't know how but he's winning fight fights sorry it's one definitely more than a fight yellow is making another nuke his original one is still hanging out there so yellow has created more nukes than any one at this point right and yellow saying that match now is almost done but actually yellow you have less population than match lava match lava is just fighting everyone he's fighting grey he's fighting yellow I mean he's probably about to fight blue as well orange is the only one who's not fighting him so yeah he's on the backfoot for sure but this guy is not going out without a fight that's how it oh he has his King inside the TC now it's not gonna be enough not gonna be enough you just lose all your units great Wow t90 just wanted to step by from neck to tell you that I'm already miss your costume although no casting is great too well if anyone here let's be honest if anyone here's slightly disappointing it's probably night but simply because night ba hasn't created a single nuke and he's the one that has the most resources he has 67,000 wood he is 40,000 food he has 6000 gold mean he's just letting yellow create the nukes oh-oh-oh-oh Shar codes or the nuke is on the way now Purple's down here everyone wants to kill match Lyla unfortunately for him even if he keeps his King live this is gonna be tough because you can't relocate eco so many times and have success okay there's the nuke just hanging out now match lava can shoot that right you shoot that you'd have to be in range of this green circle you see right below according to the chat he shot it before I believe you it does have 150 HP okay treasons been researched there's the shark this would be the best place to delete it you don't want to delete it on top of the TC I think this is best because it range is more the Eco they continue to research treason did the King make a run for it no the King is there is he sending in another nuke what's going on here I'm not sure where that's show where the nuke is gulping for yellow man here's the other nuke here so why is he going this way the castle can't seem to hit this thing that's why I didn't think that they could kill it earlier but it took some damage yes guys orange has not realized he's saying he's saying blue and purple listen guys we need to stop yellow and gray this is important we need to stop yellow and gray we need to do this now he's trying to rally the troops ahead he does not see this decaying goat here and think hmm I wonder what that is so you need to stop yellow huh well honestly it sounds like a great plant weight is great coming here as well wait a second is gray just gonna lose his whole army to this think yellow is allied with gray right Gray's like wait what what did i do what do i do how that happens well pack it up boys let's go somewhere else ours is dead and that monk will have a relic in that anyone can take my goodness well that even surprised me I thought for sure that yellow was going to target purple he did not do that and keep in mind he has been this is this is annoying me like let's be honest grey with the resources he has should've exploded everybody he's too kind he probably should have exploded everyone but he's let yellow sit here with the plumes because he wants a nice a friendly neighbor I don't think that's gonna last for you granny I think you're just going to get exploded at some point cuz yellow is making so many nukes now as yellow at peace with purple now now he's still enemy to him I kind of want yellow to kill grey hey I always feel bad because you have to remember these people are gonna watch their own game and they're gonna think oh I want to see what t90 talks about me grey is gonna get to this point in the video and I'm like I hope he dies but i J he's played very well he's been very active but he has not been playing the setting he has not been trying to take the nukes he didn't even ask yellow to share the monument so they can trade new creation time he's just been a letting him have it and I think they might pay the price because of that now Matt Lauer is asking blue for an alliance and blue says yes and gray says that's not a good idea blue just saying no I think it's a great idea what are you gonna do Newcombe you don't have a nuke I guess blue is trading with gray so you don't want to piss grey off I think gray is planning on turning on yellow soon but if you do that when he has three nukes you're done so I need to find these things one and two at least he's putting him in the same spot for me that's nice yellow could kill purple if you delete Snuka at Shoreline yeah I was thinking that as well I mean at the very least it would kill his economy but I'm not sure who he's targeting with like planning on killing right now maybe not making treason available would balance the game mode Geordi if anything trees and makes it more possible to know you're about to be sniped if treason wasn't there all you would hear is an explosion if you were on that part of your screen if you weren't on that part of your screen you wouldn't hear a single noise whereas what reason people have to pay for it and then you hear that Durning okay that was bad but I think treasons good Lucis dude can you point me Gray's King so blue wants to kill gray and blue is is trading with yellow by the way he's not trading with grey at all oh and gray has just turned on yellow this is pretty much what I expected to happen now all of yellows trade Oh yellow just deleted a nuke in this under all of yellows trade is running through Grey's castle so that's gonna die and the other nukes are chilling out over here oh look at that look at that big nose shark he's ready to go the cat's wagging the tail the cat's happy about it as well this is hilarious because grey is trying to make nuke and that's not you're not gonna hold it yellow is nuke is going directly to Gray's base here it is just to be perfect spot Italy did he oh he hides it in the trees grace King is there he lost all the students in the center yellow sheep actually give him control alright blue takes it he doesn't know he doesn't know his name is Scotty apparently because he doesn't know his King is here the goat is there for food remaining on the goat three food to food one and say goodbye my friend wait what what how he says Oh like that happened he's probably in shock at this point like what did I just live through Oh much la was just defeated by the other nuke but why did they kill match la la and not kill gray what kind of hacks is this gray is somehow still alive and he's trying desperately to make his own nuke oh this makes it so fascinating now meanwhile blue is sending his Tarkan's in to attack yellow now keep in mind Tarkan's will will definitely take the castle down there's no doubt about it because Tarkan's have such high pierce armor there's no halberdiers no pointy boys for yellow blue also has the scurbs here so blue could use these skirmishers to snipe the king he's currently attacking the plumes the king has run into the TC blue you have to see this man that he notices but he needs to keep squirming life he needs range otherwise fat chance him killing this K oh the king is already running the King yellow is fine as long as he gets inside that castle he's fine now is gray making graze making a nuke but he's gonna lose access to it to match lavas uted met chihuahuas units cancel the nuke that Slava is dead how did these units even get here what is happening what is this game how is gray even still alive this is ridiculous and I don't think that yellow has any nukes remaining no he does not and his King will probably transfer castles here and yeah he's still barely alive you know what maybe blue can spam enough to kill him though I said that blue wouldn't kill him but it just seems like another one of those situations where blue invests a lot of gold for no reward so can anyone afford a new canal I guess Greg could use the market and afford one the man he better be thanking his lucky stars man he's so lucky hey it's pretty much just luck I think the king should die there oh my god oh my god does yellow have a building to run into okay he does okay yeah yeah he's in the castle and blue says no way cuz at this point he's basically he's weakened to counsel he's killed one he still can't seem to kill this thing one on earth guys match lava has controlled he's dead and he has control of the monument this is incredible I do think gray will get enough resources somehow to make one nuke though I don't think he can afford more than one yeah I see some of the theories you guys have about greys units and like how he kept it oh my god that's a that's an interesting place for it but but anyway how he kept his King alive I will have to review that afterwards okay so let's check populations blue is 140 pop which is alright he seems to have some relics as well he's two relics graze at 130 pop yellow is at 160 pop remember he has five relics make that six relics actually so advantage to him I'd say what a crazy game okay King gray make his nuke now no oh wait he is making it okay I was wondering where his gold line so you guys are saying that potentially so so the castle for gray has all the HP upgrades which is 7000 HP and you guys are thinking the nuke does two bursts of explosion which does just about 7k damage just enough to kill the castle but not kill the King that's what you guys are saying it's possible I will have to look at the clip I mean it there has to be logic associated with it but the timing of it I think the King ejected right after that final explosion was perfect okay there's the new who does great shoes my one criticism of this map is the frickin sheep band so so obnoxious to hear sheep all the time it's pretty bad okay here he comes blues attacking him oh my god oh my god hold on blue has his a villager inside this TC a Tarkin inside this TC now gray has just researched reason so he knows where blue actually is he's going towards where blue actually is does he see the king of running he's looking for him blue realized after hearing treason see this is why treason is good he realized that oh god oh god this is so hectic men blue signals it no this is funny blue is actually signals his king to gray who has a nuke he says hey I'm right here I don't know if grace should do it cuz blue is just gonna run blue wants him to delete this he should look at this tuck and try and chase this thing this is incredible I think he needs to get units down here but I don't think blue is going to be surprised by this meanwhile blue has the monument himself guys wouldn't it be something if he could get his own his own nuke over there oh the Tarkin can actually attack this thing oh it's it's gonna it's gonna die here Oh someone is researching treason to find out what gray is remember Gray's in that corner I don't think he should delete it here I think they gray or sorry blue once great to do that this is so fascinating this is funny how he's running around in circles blue ok gray is sending a light cap but it's too late ok so the goat has is now it's counting down and blue will just run I think that's what blue wanted that had to have been what blue wanted all according to plan for blue so that's four thousand four thousand would three thousand gold down the drain for gray and blue is making his own guys blue is making his own so if he can keep look he's just researched reason as well he sees the yellows King is here and Gray's King is in the freaking corner of the map so blues King is safe the explosion is about to go off here but it will really do nothing in the grand scheme of things yeah it kills like nothing and now where's blues gonna go wow you know I knew that players would learn after seeing it one time I knew that players would learn and I knew that they would make this a lot better after figuring it out I didn't expect it to be this good much laa was so evasive earlier oh whoa whoa whoa guys he did yellow just researched reason again gray must have heard the trees in noise so yellow researched reason earlier he knew that gray must have been in that corner then gray moved and he got confused oh just passing craze dead I mean there's no way you can survive now right unless he now blue is here blue literally says the words yellow friends he wants to be friends with yellow but now yellow says yes of course now they're against each other now meanwhile blues King is inside a town centre greatest it no blue why did you why did you run why did you run are you kidding me is he gonna know you can't lose this way blue you can't lose this way no dude he's dead right I don't think he can survive what one earth was he thinking was that an accident did he forget to run the king well he's dead oh my god oh my god Oh blue headed nuke as well he had a nuke oh that's so painful Wow you know yellow where was his king even at it was up here of course he could have run away I think that yellow was favored big time because he had 200 pop and he had more relics however you never know when you have the Niek you never know if the opponent's gonna realize you can delete it right behind the council so they can't see it there's a lot of things you can go for I'm not sure what happened there with blue what he should have done is he should have kept the king inside the tea seed he had time he didn't need to eject it there but when he attempted it I figured he would have been able to run inside the castle it seemed what I thought that's what he was gonna do at first I freaked out and then I I second-guessed myself and said okay you can actually make it inside the castle but what a freakin game guys what a freakin game again treason is what makes that good I think because players have to research treason to find out where the kings are when that happens everyone starts thinking oh geez I gotta I gotta look for the the nuke it's gonna be coming to town and they see the flying shark cat come in and then they can run I notably match lava did that I notably gray did that blue did that mean poor blue to make it to this point of the game after losing his whole eco earlier was incredible I really like this map I really like this map and it was excellent thinking from the map creator that there's no cartography because if you could get tar cut cartography then you could just Ally someone to see where the king is and enemy them so it's good to have no carto and it's good to have treason I mean it'd be different if treason didn't have that noise 643 kills for yellow yellow honestly was I don't want to say he was the best player because match illallah played very well it's just that match Aloha was kind of why he was teamed up against but he was very wise and very smart he he almost lost his king a few times to Blues Tarkan's more kills for him look at the Eco he had more gold and the reason I'm happy yellow one is because he played the game mode he recognized that the nukes were gonna shake things up and he turns it into nuke down the 43k gold for him look at the difference there guys because of the relics well played t90 great map we all want it now yeah you know a hat goes off to Honi for excellent idea the the first time I cast this I thought it looked cool but it wasn't sure it'd be near this good amazing I think nightbot will be kicked himself because to have that many resources and to not explode anyone with a nuke he's got to be disappointed but I'm sure he'll have time to redeem himself in the future I I'm not sure about the statistics people are asking about the food nightbot had 50,000 food in the bank and when I looked during the game so I think it's real he probably just farm booms more than other people you look at the wood that he collected in the wood that yellow collected especially yellow because your minds and resources last longer I should probably say that if you're watching this on youtube and you'd like to stop by the twitch stream in the future you can find the twitch link below in the video description currently I'm doing four days of community games but typically community games are on Fridays and of course we cast expert games from tournaments to rated games to classics make sure to stop by the stream if you have any interest and if not of course just enjoy the YouTube videos so naturally I'll I'll leave the video up for just a few minutes not a few minutes a few seconds till allow people to say hello to the future selves and their their mothers their fathers their great-great-great grandmother's yeah that was fun man that was so good you know I loved and no offense she barked I loved hell is your bark Forrest blue to give him gold earlier on and then gee bark died by the hands of blue that seeing revenge like that is just so satisfying
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 167,098
Rating: 4.8455529 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, towers, wow, omg, villager rush, forest nothing, haha, weird, funny, LUL, troll, tatoh, theviper, viper, aoe2, forest, nothing, t90, official, spirit of the law, age of empires, zeroempires, resonance22, exciting, lul, t90Woo
Id: 77oaaUsoKy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 22sec (3922 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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