Deadliest Pilgrims Ever...

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it is officially working welcome ladies and gents so here's the deal uh this is pilgrims and it's regicide as i'm sure you guys are very familiar with however it is with exploding villagers so if a villager dies to a wolf or a unit or it's deleted it explodes oh god oh god yellow is afk and orange just in a villager over here oh no oh no i feel so bad for yellow mid-mid like many of you probably waited months to get into this community game and make more villes which is a rather ironic name finishes mit mit off the start brutal brutal stuff and what a way to start off the game here so um anyways i'll get the introductions going in a bit it is worth mentioning that on pilgrims there are wolves and villagers do not start loomed so if villagers die to wolves then there will be chain reactions as well um since it's registered you do also need to keep your king alive and oh my god oh my god oh my god okay purple's like back inside and blue spotted this but if a single villager goes down they all go down here no no oh my god and the town center went down as well so now blue now blue can't afford a town center now blue will have to somehow place another town center and the wolves what is the vision on these wild animals i think it's because the difficulty must be high right what's the difficulty does it say here difficulties hardest yeah the difficulty affects the vision that wolves have guys and now purple okay this is the way to do it just give up on fred no oh my god what is this i did not expect it to be this crazy okay purple needs to you're kidding you're kidding me you're kidding me you've got to be kidding me tell me green notices this i enjoy these community games big time oh my god this is ridiculous and we haven't even been able to focus on on what's going on over here as we see more villagers going down what a start here i really don't know what to say right now so apologies if there's little structure to what i'm doing and showing you um the kd really says it all here at the bottom what you can't see is orange oranges at the bottom of that list with nine kills and zero deaths so um you know the kings are sometimes going to be separated from the people the idea of pilgrims is you start on the island and you have to go on a pilgrimage to go to new land uh but in the case of teal and red and they should be able to ally which they're not really doing uh they're right next to each other here on this island okay so i have a i have a theory about this as we also saw gray was here what on earth is happening right now okay now teal's attacking red's tc redstc is staying up somehow i think that both teal and red are playing in their first community game ever it's very possible they're not familiar with pilgrims so i think what happened was teal thought this was the mainland and showed up here and then red was already here homunculus redonkulous is the twitch name and now okay you've gotta be kidding no no god no not another one and theo's just gonna go all in here teal's down to three pop is this this is gonna be the fastest pilgrims game ever and now tia would need to collect stone before being able to build a tc oh my god you just can't make any of this up now look at blue blue as to make a mining camp but after that at least after 50 stones collected blue can drop a town center holy cow okay so i'm gonna do my best this is this is brutal i'm gonna do my best to introduce the players all right in the yellow we have oh okay sorry uh we had mit mit uh in the orange we have make more villes now he is uh he's we've got a dock and some fishing ships have come out and um still keeping an eye on things over here and so his tc's down here in the south all right so make more villas is doing fine um in the gray we have marlin who seems to have had a rough time and i hear wolves oh god emma was trying to place a town center here uh not again oh oh my goodness that was so well calculated by emma emma could have so easily ended everything for her well well played to her so that's where she's at she's playing as the vietnamese um and then um i don't even know where to go now here you have mikey playing as the vikings and did i miss anybody in the blue we have cuca mario finally adding a tc playing as the cubans and then oak warrior who's had a really good start he's playing as the britons with 25 turkeys so you have a sheep and turkey bonus with britons i think green is in a fine spot here so yeah um you know some people some people have had better starts than others forgot to introduce teal who has the king of the transport and has a mining camp here okay so teal actually has two villagers and one king wait no why does it say three pop oh it's a transport ship so a king a villager and a transport ship is all teal has but teal could build the town center soon at least man that was a ridiculous start so yeah i mean you just kind of want to stay out of the way uh orange went to futile age very quickly here and is now getting the wood upgrade which feels a little weird to me but orange with the play of the game so far i'd say and um we'll see what what others are able to do is this is now turned into that slow game that boomi game we're used to with pilgrims but the overall ville counts are just crazy it shows there um i you cannot see the person at the bottom with this overlay unfortunately but it's what we have to work with right now all right well uh mikey gonna gonna send some villagers out you have to be careful where you end up also if you if you end up running further back from the land there can be more wolves back there but at this point you should have a town center so you should be able to research loom i'm not ignoring red cece being on fire we we saw why that happened as red is making a lumber camp on four trees here okay and then teal is rebooming on the island which i think was the island the teal started on okay wouldn't it be amazing if homunculus wins this game can we just say it's fine please it's fine this is fine it's the classic meme with that little doggo on fire there's nothing wrong here if anything tea will never be focused on now because teal doesn't seem like a threat and everything will be good hmm green's got to be careful where this king ventures off to king is a great way to scout but that's a little risky looks to me like green has tried to ally people here actually is an ally to blue it's just they don't have markets yet so they can't see what their teammates see oh god again mikey does have blue now so i i think the villagers will be okay and the idea for mikey is to get villagers here for later on dc is already up over here so hey gray is a transport worth of villagers grey and and some others have taken the exploding very seriously and red just panicked and double clicked all of his villagers to this side imagine if grey just just ejected one villain deleted it yeah i think we just witnessed red miss click his bills i'm sure there's some nerves here okay gray is not going to explode actually he's going to try and find some area in the mainland to go too all right red against the wolves now again but should survive see how far red wants to venture out though there's still plenty out there and um crazy game crazy crazy crazy game i'm not sure if there's much else i can update you on right now i think for now we'll have this up so you can see people are advancing to the other ages i'm just waiting for red to run into a couple more wolves and lose a villager here i think the players i would favor so far would be orange who's sitting here with 31 population uh can't find any gold oh that's unfortunate yeah okay maybe was scouting for gold and just found some i think this villager's gonna die okay so villagers will go out there to get the gold and then maybe cast slage could be incoming oak warrior who will lose his villager epson chat boom uh oak warrior with an amazing position over here look at all the turkeys beginning to wall up a little bit the king's safe at home if i were a betting man i would bet on oak warrior gray did make it over here with the lumber camp and emma's now on feudal emma's got the tc over here remember and actually emma's done a really good job look at those resources balancing out the resources to go castle age i like it so exploding villagers and regicide there's so many different things you can do but this is this is my evil idea of the day form an alliance with somebody wait till their economy gets nice and big and then just you know accidentally detonate a villager in their woodline he'll be like who was that and you'll be like oh whoever it was let's get him bro you know you just back them up like that and they have no clue and oops i would say miss click but then everyone would know it was me so i probably would suggest to not say anything when that happens platinum welcome he says hey all happy friday happy friday to you too hello zan crote also a completely missed reading this one uh late bird with the dono says hello today i'm taking a short break from my learning i enjoyed these community games big time great content and uh by the way weather in augsburg is also really poor greetings from bavaria well yes we were talking about weather and it seems like it's been a little brutal all over the place for people so i however i'm happy to be inside away from the heat and talking about age of empires as always also i'm kind of a sicko but i kind of want to see these turkeys explode anyone else just a little boom that'd be nice wouldn't be bad hmm um a death stroke says were you disappointed that flemish revolution was not removed and nerfed properly i'm just losing faith in the game i was not surprised wow i was disappointed yes but i was not surprised the further they make it from being viable in any way the better if they want to leave it there so all right mike's king is just kind of chilling there on the shoreline and what i want to get an update on teal teal is at 15 pop good recovery here no real control of the mainland though so honkulous wonkilous redonkulous is our as our clear underdog um ray on the way to fuel now i like it we do have some fire galleys out here seems to me like orange wants to be an aggressive player though he's making these and his allied with everyone and then red is defeated mikey has disconnected no mikey mikey also disconnected from the other game so it feels bad for mikey mikey just say thanks to ian call it a day i feel bad for you i'm not sure what the deal is uh i know that after the most recent patch other people have been having issues with disconnects but unfortunately we're gonna have to play this one out like if it makes you feel any better you did last a full 20 minutes longer than mit knit commitment i love you i'm so sorry mit mitt didn't disconnect but mittmeg got destroyed oh i don't even know what to do in mint mid situation if someone plays like if someone plays for 20 minutes and disconnects i feel like i can't give them an extra entry especially if they disconnected the previous game because it could just happen again but mid mid played for 30 seconds and died i feel like i should give mittman another chance but then again it was a kill like should be part of the game in some ways anyways uh here's emma and i think emma has picked up on the fact oh nope i'm wrong actually emma did not pick up on the fact that green is over here but green is in a great position um i mean in castle age turkey galore and now a second tc in the castle again for the first time in 10 plus years keep up all the awesome work man love wuhan wild wings nice well hey uh wild wings thanks for the five i'm glad to hear you are new uh like many of the other people out there listen i've said this before but if there's ever a time i stop doing this and there will be a day that comes hopefully not anytime soon um the biggest thing i'll be proud of is just the amount of people that i showed uh like that i brought back to the game whether that was just viewing or or playing um because when i seven or eight years ago i loved age of empires but there were so few people out there who did i couldn't go up to my buddy ireland and talk about age of empires because he's like what is this game these graphics are horrible blah blah blah right and um i feel like you guys might have related to that you're like you didn't have anyone who liked the game and now maybe you've got some more friends who do and the game is becoming more popular and things like that so oh okay so purple's like get off my lawn and green loses the tc foundation and the villagers there but now you could be in trouble emma because now you have an enemy so i think that was maybe a little too defensive there for emma emma was allied with green and chose to do that so you can kill an ally by deleting your bills but now you have a britain enemy who's right next to you making archer so i think the decision they're a little questionable for emma and again maybe mfl threatened for space emma does not see much gold and was taking that gold so maybe green wouldn't uh wouldn't share remember make more vills was the player who started off with that kill i still talk about it to random people wait a second you talk to random people on the train about age of empires that's amazing but yeah uh orange was the person who started it all off for the aggression but aren't you still in feudal age here seven more months for the baby i mean no shortage of eco 37 eco for those that can't see it uh actually all of you can't see it but uh it's just you know maybe castlage would be a good one a good move here love how green has made use of re-docking here i'd like to see maybe some fish traps come out as the turkey going to disappear the king is now in that castle and green is the is the person to kill right now that's the way i see this especially after so many people were crippled early on did teal lose more vills deals down to 13 pop again how did that happen maybe maybe teal's been transporting them somewhere here we actually have the king and also two villagers oh no don't do this oh wait a second guys look at the fog of war for teal i think we missed something i think what happened was teal sent five bills and a wolf killed one of them and then all five exploded we could just see the wolf's body there something happened okay i just think it's such a risky move for teal to not have land secured before sending the king forward huh all right well there they go deal's kind of stuck on this island for now does anyone else just feel so bad for these players that have fallen behind oh man orange is attacking grey's dock now i really hope there's some level of redemption for these guys the king does not aggro wolves so the king does not have to worry about wolves plus is really fast and has a lot of vision so actually bringing the king in many ways could be seen as as the good as the great uh way to do it sorry words are hard but we know orange is the type of player to see an opportunity to kill something and go for it and look at this aren't just chasing that king wait orange is allied with teal are we going to see a house wall here or something yeah aren't just allied with teal but seal doesn't have a market yet so teal can't see what orange is doing look at this so oh god oh you're kidding me and also orange has wheelbarrows so the villagers are a little faster than teals oh my god blue's over here if blue notices this and wants to kill teal could easily be possible here see oh the king runs away oh my goodness i'm so stressed right now this is what i mean you gotta keep your king protected wuhan wild wings thank you sounds like a restaurant watch it be a restaurant and i've just offended you and honestly wuhan wild wings sounds like a place i'd go to get some wings and some beers or something oh it is one from china no way monday yeah from china like okay uh you're funny you're funny okay thank you for the gifted subs king's still moving around and orange still has a villager on the way ah it's a joke i see it's all right i knew that i knew it was a joke i get jokes all the time all i'm looking at right now and i know there's other things to look at like we have a castle from purple yada yada yada yada but all i'm interested in is if teal is going to survive look at this the king is in the very corner and these two villagers are trying to make their way there teela's hat wait the wolves could actually save the king see the wolves could save the king shield does not know that orange is chasing here 93 93 93 here he comes i actually don't know if one villager's enough anyways thank you lightning blade i don't know if one villager's enough to kill the king anyways oh it's so close it dies there oh my god oh man for as unlucky as teal was throughout the start of this game teal is now very lucky in return uh life is fair again and these villagers still don't know where to go so they're still real far away but the king is at least safe for now it'd be funny if orange sends another one though aren't just sending another one can we please salute arndt for this i mean orange started off the game ruining mid mid day which i respect i love it when my viewers ruin other's day we're here to to build people up and then put them down on this channel um orange also has i mean you can tell that aren't just the most experienced player in terms of overall booming but just knows and understands the game mode speaking of blues sent knights this way and blue could turn on orange um so things to focus on and then gray is is kind of surrounded by orange on water right now uh oh okay farmer's gone down okay but do you guys think as we see villagers explode here that's poor gray oh no poor gray do you guys think that maybe orange is making too many enemies i mean granted the highlights are exciting right we like the highlights we like to see the king kills and we might see another one but i feel like in some way orange who's not the strongest player himself might look back and think man i wish i had an ally in teal i wish i had an ally in yellow i wish i had an ally in gray because it's just gonna turn into a bunch of 1v1v1s and no where did it happen it died here blue shot him down okay well teal's out of the picture now orange wasn't able to get the kill or wait was it orange i wish i had i wish i could go back and rewind on this because orange doesn't have the villager there anymore i actually think it was orange because i don't know if the king would have died there to blues tc so orange kills another one we're just going to give it to him and blue for a moment there it had knights in orange's base didn't do anything with him i think it would make sense since the villager's not there that it was orange over here green's pushing purple big time and yeah it's there's not much you can really do probably the best civilization in this game mode is having britain's because you need to hit the villagers before they get in close to you or this happens um so yeah for purple this all stems back to the fact that emma got angry about the gold and decided to deny that tc and i i think emma's gonna regret everything now green 133 population making long bows they're not elite yet but still and has the king inside of a castle really tough to break this player i'm thinking more about blue right now the cumin player about to hit amp 96 villagers is well spread out economically maybe we could see something like rams and paladins work out for blue luke could also maybe team up and trade with rng look at this blue is moving the king to this back corner i like it wuhan wild wings so sadly i must leave girlfriend time later all have fun did you just okay i have so many questions first off do you not t90 and chill at your house i thought that was standard people have told me i'm more entertaining than netflix why why can't you watch community games together it's a fun time i've heard that it brings people closer and second many people here are going to see that as a flex so anyways enjoy your time with whatever you're doing and uh thank you for the support speaking of support thank you lightning blade for 38 months hope you're well we didn't quite have forced nothing today but we got some woo action so okay oh warriors just turned on blue wait why though wait oh oh something happened here what what happened what did blue do did blue kill something there i missed it man it's very hard with exploding villagers because you never know that one villager could kill 30 units very hard to know where to look i'm doing my best on that right now so it looks like green is sees blue as a threat and he's going to come in here with these now elite longbow yeoman on the way just missing chemistry it looks like actually is he missing kevin he is missing chemistry so i think flu is my favorite to be able to take fights against green but blue doesn't have the final armor upgrade yet and doesn't have paladin yet and that's all concerned plus what screen's about to make a move here this is what blue can see blue's gonna pounce on these long boats but without armor these these knights should go down their cavaliers should go down pretty quickly good news is longbows are very slow and they only have 40 hp though they might not end up being the worst fight at least it will stop the push for now and if blue's able to get enough gold and food to make more it could end up being not too bad in the end all green scent villagers though green scent villagers in that's so good oh oh my god what a play d that's how you need to play this game mode elsewhere emma is still alive guys emma is still oh revenge blue transported the villager in to do that yeah emma somehow is still in this uh the king is over here greater than forest nothing and we have oh no we have a reboom attempt for emma but the wolves are here to maybe deny this that wolf seems hungry for something else though so i'm not really sure what's happening i i mean i'm not seeing anything that tells me this isn't just going to be a steamrolled by green everyone's population is so low the only players above 100 pop are blue and green and green is is pushing blue and will kill blue at this rate if it was paladin ram i have a little bit more faith in it but blue just can't seem to get the numbers right now would you see some nice eco expansion in the back corner 95 bricks is what can i say to get you to notice me nothing you can't say anything i won't ever notice you sorry yeah green especially with some tricks up his sleeve sending the villagers forward is the way to go okay and did gray just lose did great just lose another no grey at a lumber camp but i think purple spotted it and gray traveled all the way here to chop wood at that lumber camp and now the lumber camp's gone again and so gray's got to pack it back up i don't know what you do collect the trees back it back up and then head back over here oh actually no no thankfully there's still a few trees here so okay gray just has to wait a little bit yeah so paladin or even just siege ram cavalier would be really good here see if blue can mass enough see what the rams are able to do in these situations they soak up so many shots t drama is now on the way but again my concern is for blue is just is the eco side of things only 26 on food 24 on gold feel like what green should be doing here is mixing in some alps and we're seeing some pikemen now so if that happens then i think that that green is going to be in the spot the one to be in would be rather funny though if green kills its own unit somehow because it has villager there i think blues blue realizes why the villagers there now yeah i mean blue could do a similar thing but it's really tough because green has range and blue does not villagers are actually not able to attack good little surrounds here for the cavalier still no halbodier for green could be better for green it's going to put it that way but green's still going to get to clear up as this villager just strolls right into blue's eco and who tries to stop it and miss this oh no oh no okay well guys normally in these moments i wait for a game changer okay i wait for a dark horse the only person i can think of is orange it's the only one and i don't know what it would be i don't know if he has any plans to transport or sneak but make more villes is having a big problem with vilcount make more villes only has 39 bills i don't know if make moreville's named himself this as a as a consistent self-reminder but only 11 on food has all that wood in the bank you probably need to add more eco here um emma is determined to reboom back into this game and that's what emma's trying to do the longer blue survives the more time emma will have old big explosion there but to me it looks like blue is just being pushed further and further back and i'm i'm not seeing what cumins can really do i mean you need a lot of siege with paladins it's so expensive the resources are there for blue maybe blue's going to make more stables in the back here maybe some more siege workshops yep here the stables looking paladin would definitely make sense maybe blue still has a chance honestly we'll see varian i'm with you in that greenish favor right green's even gonna add stone walls now it feels like there's no way green should lose this but that's also when i i really hope something happens it makes the kills a lot more exciting you're getting hoardings now all the upgrades all the try hard upgrades castles will have tons of hp is there a chance yeah imperial militia the problem with putting villagers and rams is if you send in villagers with rams towards me i'm gonna send a couple of my own villagers and just detonate them right next to your rams and then you lose 20 bills so it is good but there's also ways to defend from it so it's not quite that simple the thing i will get to though is that britain's typically need to have around a hundred military and post him and they're very slow so they can get to hal and longbow and have a hundred military but if the enemy's matching them with military normally the enemy will kill them in terms of pop right so right now blue's only working with 15 military if he has 60 70 paladins it's doable and paladin is now on the way so um you know green's really got to get a move on here and continue to push here otherwise significant number of paladins especially because he doesn't have help they could wreak havoc giving emma time to boom giving orange time to what is orange doing making a transport and getting cannon galleon orange is trying to focus on gray just as gray's about to make it to castle age okay i don't know if orange is a bully or what look at this gray uses the villagers to try and take out the fire ships gray does have a dock but gray doesn't have the wood or it wasn't able to stay here next to ammo it doesn't have the wood to be able to make a transport ship and survive the good work i actually feel so bad for gray i feel more bad for grey than to do anyone else every time gray has tried to do something gray has been thwarted the lumber camps emma's like nope can't transport here because orange is focused on him okay let's look at blue's uh population now oh man this is doable for blue look at that ville count 105 moreville's coming out lots of gold control we just need to see more farms up to like 50 60 farms and things will be looking pretty that's funny though what would happen with flemish revolution i don't think the revolution villagers would explode in this mod we did random sieve we didn't see any burgundians oh look at blue this is one way to raid the eco and gray was just defeated oh no by a cannon galleon too i'm so torn i want to praise orange and say good job for playing the game mode but i also feel like orange is a bully i don't know if we could pay respects please to gray and chat i don't know what to say beyond i'm sorry gray orange just likes to kill people orange is sitting at 11 on food not worried about eco at all there we go now we got some more farms coming out but uh very much focused on the kills is there a world where green loses this i feel like that answers no but we will have emma on the way to imp soon 56 months getting up there green sending some villagers this way and we'll detonate and raid the golds that's a creative way to do it all right blue still paying attention to that cue house is just getting attacked nothing crazy here and blue's making skirmishers now i feel like you should just forget about making skirms with cumins not getting bracer hurts you so badly here but i think blue is under pressure especially like if you don't have armor upgrades you shouldn't be fighting with these things because they'll melt but definitely a little desperate i think everyone's gonna have to work together to team up on green we can't see spec chat to see if they're communicating but does it really seem like they're communicating here i would say no i don't think emma's having any conversations with blue it doesn't look like blue and orange want to work together i think they're just all kind of doing their own thing right now as we see is that trade no just more fire ships for orange i mean hey if orange clears up all the islands um and then puts the king on the island it'd be very tough for orange to ever be killed so that could be a strategy for orange long term okay green just researched treason yep and someone else just researched reason to know where green's king is so green knows that blue is over here and that purple's over here and it's actually not allied with orange either oh no is allied with orange but orange has green set's enemy if orange noticed that orange could stroll right into green space this is this is like this is insane 55 longbows with trips what do you do against this not skirmishers you need to have 55 paladins is what you need again he could do it with paladin this is what i'm saying about britons it's only the longbows are only 40 hp and they can hit from range but they're real they're real slow i think blue could clear this with only paladin blue continues to try and transport in villagers to get kills which i like it's a real shame that there's only one civilization left that could go cdram against britain's vietnamese can't do that oh no cumins can do that what am i talking about so two civilizations left i was thinking about make more villes with slavs all right longbow's pushing forward i think they're gonna spot the castle i think this is gonna spark a reaction from blue i think he's gonna send the paladins out to do with us now all right blue let's go otherwise you're going to lose that castle maybe he will just give it up i don't know but duke of mario to give him credit 200 population making lots of stables lots of ranges even getting hussar now now the problem right now as we see purple raiding greens villager swift skirmishers uh actually all the skirmishes could go down here green noticed this the purple's gonna split up i guess well that worked out okay but the problem for green as well is that he's got so many different people to focus on so he's trying to expand his walls but purple is over here here come the paladins box formation with that many paladins okay full upgrades on the paladins i think you should just leave one palette in here for the trips because you've already lost the castle and send the rest in after the longbows britain's have a real tough time and post him brilliant they're strong but at this point he's working with 100 military and he just did not push fast enough and it puts a lot of pressure on you you know when you're top scorer maybe he went box formation so his units don't get hit by the villagers as easily that could be smart a smart move yeah villagers will explode and there might be something that green needs here blue skirmishers getting some good hits in on this side blue's paladin control is a little wonky a little wacky and oh that was so close the green is to be careful not to kill his own units with this too yeah blue is playing he's babysitting these bills right now or his paladins oh if that if that goes down so close come on all right well uh green's been pushed back green's down to 150 pop and this is before emma comes into things guys so i think it was vary on and twitch that said green has won this game since the beginning i mean you you've got to play the game and i think he had to push a bit faster and he doesn't have any friends to work with now this is gonna be tough for green if green loses this i forbid him from choosing the green killer ever again marion you can't do that you've lost so many kings in the beginning of games you can't do that you're not in charge i'm pretty sure it'd be uh leary in charge of the green color baryon's like second in command [Music] all right i think orange is gonna have something weird going on here look at the approach from orange why are we seeing galleons of all things a lot of water focus and not really even clearing the other islands either it's very weird to me if i were blue i'd be like hey someone gonna help me this is now giving green time to react and he's he's gonna make some help this is gonna be twice as hard i think this time around for blue whose paladin's not making it through okay we do have trebs on this side so green shifting over the focus on emma emma very poor economy hoping to make skirms i mean ideally with vietnamese you make a ton of imperial age skirmishers but i don't think that's affordable right now with only 53 villagers and there's about to be a whole lot less oh no the gold ripped yeah so emma i think chose the wrong time to attack emma could get killed off here by green we still have green as the heavy heavy favorite here see if blue does something else though blue actually has zero on gold that's concerning um there is gold over here to be taken but it's a sign that maybe there won't be as much gold long term that box formation cracks me up though i mean is that the best formation against the villagers it might be i don't really know i mean if you have to have one group that might end up being your best formation here come the imperial age skirmishers now these things are disgusting nine pierce armor they're very strong against archers blue's gonna run in this way now now emma do not kill these paladins blue do not kill emma you need each other okay you need each other for trade need each other for teamwork and it's gotta be so tempting for emma to just delete the bills and kill these paladins but i think okay as emma runs away blue has no intention of killing emma i think they're working together here it's possible emma didn't completely trust those paladins but here they are and green realizes this is a threat so he's going to back away to his walls which is a really smart move and i think blue should be careful taking any engagements there yeah i'm with you now skies i think that blue and purple are discussing some things now but if i were blue i'd be telling purple to come over here you know save some eco don't have it all wedged into that corner now villagers are stronger than flaming camels villagers wreck units it's like a mega pitard basically i think technically what is used is the saboteur which is a hero unit as we see cuckoo mario with elite kip check being researched we don't see chat from the players because microsoft did not add it to the game um and so that's that's why everyone always complains about spec jack you guys follow me on twitter someone messaged me and told me their three-year-old daughter cries about it so microsoft likes to watch children cry um that you heard it here first oh god don't you dare no blue don't you okay thank you actually those are werewolf trebs oh god stay away stay away stay away stay away war wolf traps are no joke orange is over here with navy right now green doesn't have any on gold and green now has three people to worry about i no longer think oak warrior is going to win this game oak warrior has this problem because i oak warrior played last week as well has this problem where oh and i forgot fishing ships also explode until now but i think oak warrior gets a big lead and then makes a lot of enemies and then has too many enemies to be able to combat them all it's a it's a common problem in these games but um [Music] it is something that i've observed all right this town center's gonna go down here for purple and oh wow wait did blue just attack there did blue no don't turn on emma i think this is a mistake from blue the only reason they've been able to do so well against green is because they have green distracted so now blue's going to go after emma and try and get an easy kill emma's king is over here but i think that this is not the timing that's needed meanwhile orange is making champions aren't just making trebs orange could come in on the shoreline perhaps orange does have a lot of resources banked up does have full upgrades on champions champions are absolutely horrible against longbows but maybe if some siege is mixed in it'll be fine so green doesn't like ut90 attacking everyone and then dying listen listen listen the reason i attack everyone is because everyone wants to attack the streamer always all right i don't have allies if i ally people and want to be friends with them they break my heart and backstab me and then they clip it and post it on twitter and say ha ha funny t90 people always want to kill the streamer now not that they're stream sniping they just want to rewatch it later and enjoy watching me scream so i have to be on the defensive always with that attitude you surely won't get friends listen i've lost so many friends i now am ruined forever oh god oh my god oh my god kill a villager please just kill a singular villager someone well green i could see what green was planning on doing there but he lost all of his longbows in the process which was horrible blue needs to focus on these bills right here if he focuses on those villagers all the trips will explode i could see what green was thinking but the execution was not the best and look at that man that's a crazy q for blue as emma now changes blue to enemy i think emma didn't realize that that was not already the case and emma's adding more tc's to try and reboom and i think blue lost some paladins over there at the same time all right so here's a lot of hustlers and a lot of rams but i think you could deal with all of this with about five villagers of your green let's see if you can do it properly send five villagers forward delete one you don't want to delete them all you want to delete one and then the others will explode the chain reaction okay yeah there you go see what that does this is amazing here delete one joke points are your friend but but green might not have enough villagers long-term green's only at 59 villagers green just rang the town though green only has 100 pop it's panic time emma of course might be more worried about blue right now than anything all the rams will end up going down but a lot of halves go down as well yeah so the the villager strategy smart but you have to have the eco to back it up and if you lose all your bills you could be in an awful position i think this is going to be tough for green i think green can probably defend this somewhat for the first couple minutes but then more hustlers come in and he won't have any more alba dudes i know some people uh just finished school and have come home to watch this video and uh i have to apologize that you're seeing another powerpoint i know you spent all day seeing powerpoints in class sorry about that but um this is post and age of empires 2de and uh it's it's a little rough right now okay but it is what it is like i said i think green is gonna hold until those those halves like these tabs here die green is gonna have to expand eco and maybe green will be able to do that but it's actually like green is surrounded on all sides right now oh and here comes orange now it is likely that blue and orange are talking and that they're friends and champion wrecks the halberdier so the champion timing is perfect here because green now does not have many longbows is orange gonna win this game look at those resources for orange that's insane and we have cav archers as well with trebs we know orange likes to snipe kings oh blue sent a villager forward oh boom i love it i love it so much this is such a fun mod it's so complicated to play as well that's the other thing it really does allow more skilled players and more creative players to the style with certain things all right well again green needs to expand economy but where to i'm not really sure who's going to drop a castle here with one ville speaking of styling green doesn't have any relics green is is pretty much out of this game now and i think for green no one's gonna want to to like have mercy on him because his score's so high so oak warrior who wanted to clarify before this game and said i quote i won't be drunk this time because he said last time he played and lost he was drunk um oak warrior will be sober with no friends pretty soon the worst hmm yeah i mean a lot of units dying underneath the castle so you got to be a little careful but eventually you're just gonna whittle down everything green has so what's fascinating to me is that emma and blue are enemies now i think it will take time for emma to be able to do anything but that was a surprise to me here we have some champions from you're kidding okay this is the most obvious sniping attempt ever i assume cuckoo mario is going to notice this aren't you just saying just passing bro as he's on the move right towards blue's base tell me blue actually notices this because he's actually focused on the front guys he's focused on the front he's excited to get the king kill to kill the top score player okay is this him reacting okay eject the villes and then delete delete some of them yeah this whole army should die oh my god yeah there's no way say goodbye to your trebs here orange well done blue great reaction and i mean also a good attempt from marge i like that but i'm curious now if they're gonna be buddies or what because it's very possible that blue gets distracted by that and can't finish off green right because now well he set the gather point for the champions forward they're getting caught out now yeah blue more and more is becoming my favorite here to win this green's gonna continue to try the king is inside that castle it might stay up for a while emma's trying to reboom but emma doesn't have any gold or allies to trade with hookah mario has gold income and also i believe has some relics and then orange i know has resources but orange also seems to be just just not quite as capable with the basics like blue yeah explosions are just insane though yeah so maybe just camp your trebs now like orange is sitting here with 4 000 gold in the bank lots of food lots of wood but has one castle creating five trips so i think i mean orange has done a tremendous job and he might be a fan favorite because of this he's done a tremendous job playing the game mode here he certainly does seem to be a little weaker compared to some of the others we've seen but he's killed what like two or three kings uh-oh the britain revolution here green is sending villagers forward i need to send a few villagers for these trips hey let's see blue is still enemies to orange and it should go the other way around as well just to just verify that yeah so um there's they are enemies now so what i believe will happen here as blue needs to finish off this castle i think that blue's gonna finish off green and then it's gonna be a fight between blue and orange and then purple's gonna have time to reboom maybe be able to surprise somebody green's king is now in this castle and maybe emma will be the one to get the kill just don't think i mean skirms are pretty good against kipchicks but the second any paladins arrive the skirms are in trouble so i just don't think this is doable right now not for green you played well oh but the villagers oh that was close there's more villagers here blue spread out your paladins oh god spread out your paladins kill one of them okay all right there's still one more villa for green it's a good good job from green here and really good job from blue as well got to be real careful with these units and now blue needs to kill one just kill one and the whole group dies nice lost to tread but who cares you still have your paladins yeah so if you just got here um this mod is called the day after eating taco bell oh no i'm sorry it's called exploding villagers all right and uh if you're not careful with your villagers they will explode and do a ton of damage in some cases you want that to happen so right there blue losing his paladins i'm actually really impressed with how he controlled his units i remember criticizing his box formation earlier but he's proven me wrong with all that i think i think blue is gonna win this game greg next says the day after eating taco bell is also the map i didn't think about that i didn't think about that yeah maybe okay we have halb upgrades now for purple who it says has one on gold i don't know what that is there's also gonna bring in a relic so you could see skirmishers and i guess just go full trash with vietnamese right green's gonna use villagers to take out the rams as we've seen before paladins should or could die here i mean vietnamese have insane trash units if you go skirmish hal but it's tough to kill that green's on the move now with that king but should survive it's just for how long right i mean it does it does mean that orange has the best composition to deal with vietnamese pure champion would be the way to go i'm not sure if he has um whatever that tech is called for slavs come on help me out here um uh not orthodoxy that's the monk one the other one um anyways there's a tech that really boosts the infantry druzina thank you thank you chat thank you slipped my mind what a weird what a what an interesting game let me check the relic situation blue doesn't have any relics so blue could run out of gold and cumins are they're awful if they run out of gold their champions are not there's nothing special about them they do have hustlers which i guess is exciting because they create quickly but i mean i could see pure hab skirmisher doing something long-term for the vietnamese player and then i could see the slab player coming into things and green won't even die it green's at 120 pop every player who's remaining here really putting up a crazy fight there might not be any gold left on the frickin map but guys what is the ver what is the most important thing in terms of the settings we like for these games diplomacy who is playing diplomacy here nobody nobody's playing diplomacy they're just you know just kind of fighting their own little battles here i don't see anyone trading i don't see any of that good fight here for green really good unit control blue probably distracted over here so didn't realize he just lost a big group of paladins blue does have a crazy q and villagers exploding the skirmishers there nice and blue also has to deal with orange on the other side who by the way is making slav cav archers missing a lot of upgrades and slav cav archers are pretty weak anyways [Music] i think kooka mario is getting heated shot simply for the score and for the tech at this point maybe a lot of confidence there heated shot does not help blue in any way right now i thought that maybe orange would take all the golden stones on these islands but that's not happening blue is in the same exact spot green was in 30 minutes ago isn't he blue now has too many enemies this is is this this is just gonna happen for him and then green's gonna reboom and this game's gonna never end who has too many people he needs to finish off right now every time he pushes green he's gonna get pushed by purple and orange i mean a really good game ultimately like four people struggled one person dropped three people got wrecked but um you just don't see a lot of these games without trade you don't see a single trade car or trade cog and blue's gonna clear this while trying to make a push against green and green might defend there i think the reason orange isn't more active as someone just says i wish orange would be more active i think he lost units there is because i think he's a less experienced player type of one in chat if orange is pretty much how you think you would play if you played in one of these games you have decent eco you play the objective where you can but maybe not as fast and as tryhard as the other players i think people relate to it a little bit uh not knowing the skill level of all my chat of course someone said i would be mittmet okay don't bring that back up all right mitmit doesn't need that in fact we should just cross this off we should just block this off photoshop it out submit it doesn't get reminded of what happened here hmm emma just allied somebody and i wanted to see who it was emma ally blew okay so mario and emma have made up nice well if they they should just start trading now right if they trade they're both in excellent positions long term so that changes things i bet he doesn't want to admit what happened monkey lumps get out of here if i were to make that joke people would say minus 7k let's just put it that way that's a great unit composition so now you have hip checks and imperial skirmishers for the halves and then hustlers for everything else so yeah green could die but i've said that before just waiting to see if there's any big explosions here because there are a few villagers around actually i think the skirms focus down the villagers from from distance that was smart thinking over here um orange is okay he's definitely planning something he's waiting for the courage to move out in terms of kd i know you can't see orange on the on the little uh infograph at the bottom so 130 kills 180 deaths near as active as some of the other players but also has killed more kings than every other player uh orange killed teal orange killed yellow and killed gray actually orange is the only one who killed kings in this game i mean maybe it was also orange who made red's pc crash i think the king has died at this point but truthfully he crashed i mean i i want to just say again respect to oak warrior because just like moments ago i said that many people in my chat might be just like orange many people in my chat may have died by now many viewers out there would have would have rolled over would have given up would have gotten frustrated in green's position and greens continued here but i i do think this is now going to be the end granted the eco is looking a whole lot better than when i said that last time but there's only so much space to move to if you're green and they have the trebs they just have to camp the traps and there's just no way green will have a base in a couple minutes now green's king has been moved back to this actually what the oh there's green king okay it's funny the greens king is now on this tc he uh he doesn't have a lot of he won't have a lot of farms soon as he's losing these villagers it really bothered me that green didn't get that relic again i think he lost it earlier but did have it at one point as the onslaught from emma and cuca mario continues now orange has brought his navy over here and orange is going to oh my god yes kill one of them goodbye oh god purple's gonna lose like 50 pop in one minute oh my god emma just lost 40 villagers 40 villagers emma went from 200 pop to 160 there and emma might not even realize that anyways uh purple is probably gonna need some type of retaliation at some point but for now blue and purple are just focused on killing off green which makes sense [Applause] green is is now pop caps green's at 80 pop more villagers are going down on the farms every time they die they explode of course by causing these crazy chain reactions i'd love to see villagers make it into these skirms but it doesn't feel like emma's gonna allow that emma was very quick to remind me that this is not her first community game i said that it was her first and she said excuse me t90 apparently i'm not very memorable i played before and i will remember the skerm micro let's put it that way my cat is currently outside the office yelling at me for not letting him come in here so i might need to open up the door in a second because he won't shut up go take a nap or something all right he wants to he wants to uh sit in his little cat bed here um i'm wondering when orange is going to make his move orange has just been silent and and frozen and not really doing too much on land front is focused on the water and if orange was going gonna make a move for blue wouldn't this be the time i think this would be the time there's a signal from emma i think emma's probably saying hey the castle's there or the king is there sorry and that is actually not where the king is green is on you're kidding me green is on water i don't know if orange is going to pick up on that but green is sailing away right now to try and live another day and maybe we'll make it over to one of these islands oh god if there's villager inside that castle and it ejects this way and dies how sick would that be come on come on come on come on where'd it go what direction is it gonna go i can't see her oh big explosions on the kip checks you're still alive though and green is down to 28 hop now someone just researched treason and it's one of the three people that are up against orange and we now see signals from emma so emma's saying hey green is out there on water right now so it must have been emma who's probably communicating that uh location to the others now i say others let me just double check is emma allied with orange oh if emma's allied with orange they are 100 gonna team up on blue right i feel like orange is gonna go taste that down remember fishing chips also explode in this mod i forgot about that till earlier um but green's gonna drop a castle in a town center here are you kidding me the reboom is on okay uh guys i'm gonna get up real quick and let my cat in this office because i feel bad all right be right back so he is such a little turd i opened the door and he stood half in the hallway half in the office and just looked at me hey like i'm not gonna let i'm not gonna come in but i'm not gonna let you close the door again wouldn't even come in here so uh maybe maybe he'll enjoy his time in here maybe he won't who knows but uh he got his human attention so that works uh did orange make a move no aren't you just still sitting here and i see a big ball from purple oh purple and blue we're heading towards uh oh make more villas you're done for buddy and the reason i didn't want to open the door is because we have a kitten and she loves to chew on everything and there's this whole room is filled with wires and now she's in the up why did i let you why did i let you guys in here massive fight here and it's actually a little awkward to kill the enemy when you haven't put your units on attack stance so orange had some struggles there but orange is gonna take out that castle at least it's just at what cost all the trips for orange will go down and now orange is gonna have two people up against him it feels like the galleon play hasn't really accomplished too much for orange i mean we had that amazing chain reaction earlier but i'm not sure what that water control really did long term here now i have a kitten yelling at me i i blame chat for this i blame the people who were like let the cat in for this i tried to be nice stop meowing yeah i know i oh i know i'm talking and i'm not talking to you you know it's horrible i know you can't get all the attention you want i'm just gonna i'm just gonna kind of ignore the uh ignore the kitty and maybe she'll she'll forget that i'm here uh cav archers with slabs not very strong also no bloodlines so 60 hp as opposed to 80 hp and i i think this game become somewhat predictable now we're gonna have this desperate reboot for green what a legendary time it would be if he could somehow do this um he's gonna attempt to reboom and then orange is gonna slowly die and one second love your content less than three [Music] so okay i'm sorry about that the kitten proceeded to open the closet door go into the closet and into the biggest box in the closet where there was a bunch of paper bags and plastic bags and uh people are saying no no no one died you guys are trying to troll me aren't you oh oh oh hold on a second you're not trying to troll me green's on the move and orange was going in for the kill i thought you guys had colluded to to try and make it look like i missed something when i didn't and that was pretty close it seems like green's gonna try and move back to the mainland if you could call it a mainland i guess i noticed that there's a lot of monks for green i wonder if the game plan is to convert villagers or something as for orange orange is the king in this castle and orange is making a transport with champions so with all these resources it feels like orange could hold but still you're probably looking at a player that isn't quite as experienced as the others and is fighting 1v2 right now and blue not really making any moves towards purple as far as i can see and we had treason research again i think that was someone looking for oranges king actually because that was on orange's point of view and uh oh trebs from purple and trebs from blue heading towards orange's castle they see the castle there but there's no protection for the tribs there's no protection for the traps actually the castle could still go down there was only one bill um the castle will stay up oh you gotta protect your traps people wait a second wait a second the hero treb could do it actually because that won't be enough to take out that trap right you need two of them purple orange guys people people oh the king's into the transport ship it's gonna be tough to kill orange off because orange has water control and no one else does so maybe that that's his long-term game plan here i mean i would like it if orange actually had control of these little islands there was so much gold and stone out here there still is if orange would have done that throughout this game would have a lot more belief okay so i have a question for you guys is there a world where as blue and purple okay it's already happening blue and purple are fighting each other is there a world where blue and purple just get so fed up with chasing green and orange they feel they have no choice but to fight each other i think it's just happened i i i obviously it makes sense for them to ally but they're just like nah whatever we want to kill something and the other people are running like cowards so let's just kill each other also it is incredibly unwise to do this making a few markets and just trading for 15 minutes would give you so much gold that no one else could ever kill you that's what i think anyways i really don't think it's a wise move for them to to do this right now unless you think you're gonna kill your player and then you can kill everyone else maybe it's extreme confidence okay so let's get a king update all right because things are a little crazy right now and i had to step away to deal with a cat in a box um okay orange now has the king on the move coming to where green just was right um as for green i think green's king is probably around here now yes green's king is in that keep and green is the 35 pop and someone said earlier that green was relentless and stubborn and that's exactly what i'd say now green is somehow still alive even has some gold there is a world where maybe we could even see trade cogs with some of these docks out here if you wanted to get some long-term gold income blues king is safe and and hiding away same with purple but this is what i'd mentioned 20 minutes ago 30 minutes ago vietnamese are disgustingly good with their trash units imperial skirmish albedier is no joke i think the only thing you could make against it is heavy siege or making champion and blue is not tech switch in the champion i think that blue is going to start losing grounds here to the vietnamese player yeah i'll take away the side panel now thank you for bringing that up okay blue with a random fire ship i don't think blue's even paying attention to that now as we see orange just patrolling the seas uh where did orange actually put the king though the king is now over here okay so in newcastle wait okay so orange is completely abandoning the land then i guess not even not even tempting to hold this in any way look at those resources for orange like i want to say aren't just going to win this but we're not seeing the resources spent all that quickly feels like orange is just going to be really tough to kill we'll probably see some mining camps here yeah okay okay so let's think about how this will go if things stay as they are right now uh well orange came over here to attack green blue is gonna die to emma orange is impossible to kill green is gonna try and reboom do you think that maybe what happens is purple kills blue and then purple kills green and then it's just emma versus make more villes showdown man you're spot on it is so funny how this was where mit mit died one minute in and now orange returns to the scene of the crime a very bold move if you ask me to bronson is asking for the game time to bronson there's a there's a weird bug on twitch right now where it doesn't show for everyone i'm sorry but if you want to fix that all you have to do is run outside your neighbor's house knock on their door and then just run right back here before they they open it right uh again run over your neighbors door just knock on their door and then just run right back over here make sure they don't see you if you do that it'll show right no below the mini map on the right hand side okay but if they see you it won't work at 3am yeah the later the better honestly okay this is this is both one of the best pilgrims games i've seen in on community games and the worst at the same time because we haven't seen a single trade card i've seen games where there's 300 trade cards on the map because no one wants to attack and these people are like screw trade screw friendship i just want blood and that's fine you know i mean blood is fine are they friends again oh my god make up your mind they're friends again these people have been attacking each other and loving each other back and forth it is the most dysfunctional relationship you've ever seen either commit or get out nancy all right you guys are getting older you're getting past your expiration date all right just figure it out okay um so now purple and blue are friends again still not trading by the way still not trading but they're friends again and i don't know why they decided maybe they realized that green was rebooming and that all their hard work would disappear maybe they sensed that orange is still around here because they are moving more towards the south it would also make a lot of sense for orange and for green to be friends but they just won't do it it's like it's like opposite day when they need an ally they just they go the other direction they were on a break apparently this is for roasting my friend bronson uh dank souls thank you for the six months he says this is for rosie my friend bronson listen if if that's going to be a thing if i get a sub for roasting people that sounds like a really fun way to do streams you're welcome to be fair though where i have the in-game time is very uh different and what people are used to so okay keeping an eye on on villagers here see if we'll see any explosions maybe um looking to see if we're gonna see any big moves here i'm not really seeing i saw i saw purple lose a little bit but i'm not really seeing any significant pushes here as green's got to be real careful with that king it just hopped into the town center was it blue who killed purple skirms i caught a glimpse of death was it blue who did that i don't where oh my god stop doing this emma and mario okay listen all right fine you're not meant to be you're not meant to be you you've broken up for the third time stay apart from each other all right here we go hustar is going in for the town center there's no king in there those hustlers are exploding with villagers there but uh or exploding two villagers but just stay apart you're confusing us now it it it is really difficult to kill people when there's these villagers around because you send in a big mass of units that you spend a lot of time massing and of course spend a lot of time collecting resources to be able to mass and then they just explode to a few villagers but actually having done this game mode twice now today i'm realizing how campy it can turn into um it's been incredibly i'm not really incredibly campy but players have just had a lot of dedication and commitment and they refuse to give up at this point this game is just a rom-com yeah pretty much oh trebs will go down trebs oh man you're so lucky emma okay what is orange doing though who is orange in the in the rom-com has a lot of resources not really accomplishing much with it okay there go the trebs finally joey i'm pretty sure joey was poor are we are we comparing this to friends now orange is the comedic relief friend okay [Music] i feel like orange is the person that will come into play in season seven when the other characters die off right like a solid character but they never really put a lot of focus into into involving the character in important seasons and then someone wants to leave to do different shows so they have to add somebody else in that's important and that's orange oh god the hussars these explosions are really satisfying to watch let me tell you orange oranges creamer i i freaking love kramer dude seinfeld's one of those shows and and maybe the real seinfeld die hards will hate me for saying this i feel like overall it's not the best show but my goodness the good moments in that show are incredible there's some episodes which are just ridiculous okay emma needs to keep castles up there's limited stone and limited gold in fact i don't think any of these players are mining stone or gold except for orange over here well orange was orange just placed houses there instead i think that castle is going to go down for for emma and emma's at 50 pop what the i guess it's because emma's getting hit on the other side emma's pop just disappeared and i don't know who started it i don't know if it was emma who wanted to turn on blue or blue who wanted to turn on emma but mario's definitely getting the better of this situation as purple's king is ejected forward i don't think purple knows about this i think the gather point was set forward for units and purple has has lost track of the king and i don't think blue is going to realize this either all the hustlers saw it this could be it this could be it should be it finally we're gonna see emma go down and we will have three remaining emma has no clue the king is there too bad kings don't explode that's a different mod for a different time and emma is out please salute emma because it was one a heck of a game blue has done the job now but green is roaring back into it 140 pop for warrior how did they not kill him and this is the thing like orange is sitting here with a big bank but orange doesn't have a lot of that on land and orange might have 4 000 gold but doesn't have any real gold units tucked into for land that excite me however champions champion hal would be really strong the champion in particular getting screened would be strong blue has about 100 hustlers in the queue it's not bad uh but now doesn't have a teammate so it might be tough to go full hustler against someone who's going pointy boys what a game what a game thank you to legend for the new sub and giocta for the five months and new compete says blue could counsel purple with siege rooms full of bills no yeah so thanks for the donut again i think putting villagers inside rams is a really good idea the problem is is the counter to that is sending two or three villagers next to those rams and deleting them yourself and so your two or three villagers killed 20 plus the rams then so yes putting bills in rams isn't bad but it's also not quite that easy yeah cullen cap strange doesn't work good for free-falls and things like that so we gotta roll with what we've got here [Music] i'd like to i'm gonna be talking to them soon about maybe trying to to get some type of development for free-for-alls that i think makes sense for streams but that's why greg have been streaming for two and a half hours i think you just got here welcome uh no one here says my mic has had any issues so maybe a refresh on your stream will do something for you green actually has some villagers here blue could lose the hussars to them uh and there we see an explosion but blue nope just mopping up everything here so i think blue is the green has had an epic comeback blue is again my my heavy favorite here i'm about to say that as he's about to lose all these oh this mod is insane uh hera88 what up what up welcome welcome you might just be getting here but we've had some crazy games this game two hours and 20 minutes but what is the plan for orange what's the plan like i just don't have confidence that orange can finish off blue on his own i don't blue's got a constant queue of units and it's very active with his armies so i think as we see hussars explode and explode and explode i think the only way blue loses this is if green and orange work together somehow [Music] orange is still massing navy what if this player doesn't want to win what if he's just playing not to lose binding stone chopping trees mining gold everything on the islands this could actually get to a point where no one can win because blue can't match that navy exactly yo azer sentry thank you thank you for the gifted subs uh yeah i mean that that that might be exactly what we get to here where blue just cannot do anything against the navy and orange can't do anything against blue's hussar spam but it's gonna take blue some time to be able to finish off green because every time he kills a ville they explode so got more explosions here green [Music] well that works out okay that was kind of funny to watch [Music] i think i appreciate the fact that green's still fighting here but i actually feel like this is a spot where maybe resigning would make sense if you're not going to trade with orange if you're not going to change the way the game plays out in any way i think he's pretty close to it at 48 pop yet again i mean he did reboom before but he also reboomed when there were distractions so i think blue is either going to finish them off or green will have to call it the blues adding siege workshops now what if someone used villes to just destroy all the trees and then camp the only woodline yeah the problem there andrew is we we could see all the wood gone on the map but how does that give blue an answer to orange's navy hey look orange is just gonna sit here aren't you just gonna sit here i don't think orange actually wants to fight at all maybe that's a strat though maybe you just maybe he's off work for the next three days and however long it takes it doesn't matter to him but make more vills it matters to me i'm not about to sit here for three days buddy okay now he's definitely orange is definitely not afk he's got units in queue he's out of the castle recently he's just moving a little slower than the others because he doesn't have to rush but now green green is gonna die here shortly and blue's even paying attention now with some of his hussars that once you see c drams come in the mop of the buildings green has to call it the only way i don't see green calling it is if orange allies him and even then i think it's too little too late boom i think it'll be too little too late being at 36 pop right now thank you to weeping rose for the 13. do you guys remember the blue coffee game from back in the day where he lost like four villagers at the start on pilgrims and then he ended up winning with a wonder and relic on the island because it was wonder victory do you remember that see see i can't get as excited about orange's position because it's not wonder and relic victory you can't do that here on de that doesn't work and i've complained about it i don't know if they'll ever fix it but as far as i know on de it's straight up does not work in the first place and also i don't think it's the settings we had so i mean he can survive and make it very difficult for the enemy to kill him but there's no way you win with this okay we cannot see what green's saying but green might be calling the g here shortly green's king is inside the town center we're about to see a bunch of hussars and rams explode but king is now on the move wait orange could see it orange might actually just be waiting and camping this out he is enemy to blue it's worth pointing out so it's not like they're working together on this project orange just wants the king snipes and i think orange just researched treason to find out where that king is and orange could get the kill here dead so orange has killed almost every single king in this game now is sitting on 3000 gold with 150 pop juke mario has 800 gold 200 pop one has land and one has water gigi's though and salutes please to oak warrior who played really well i mean that reboot was insane but now what now what i really wish i could see what they were saying man i really wish you could see what they were saying hey guys blue this is probably what's happening okay blue says come get me arn says no you no you come get me then blue's like you're a coward come off of water and come on to land no you're a coward come on to water and off of land you know that's probably what's happening right now i don't see what else they could really be saying except maybe now what also i really wish blue would take care of this tower because i keep hearing the attack noise when i'm on blue's point of view but we only have to wait 570 more hits until that's gone and then there's another lumber camp but okay so so here's the long-term problem for orange he doesn't have any relics okay so in theory he's gonna run out of trees right because he will probably transport around he will mine through this golden stone eventually i assume but he will run out of resources blue wait they just satellite each other wait a second no wait what's happening they're allied are they going to do allied victory wait a second blue is allied with him but if blue doesn't toggle allied victory he now can see everything that orange is doing i don't think blue wants to do ally victory i think blue just wanted to see what orange had i mean he's making trebs right now aren't just sending the oh god we've see we saw this last week aren't just sent his king over what is this well i mean i'm happy that they're not gonna drag this on for another three hours i thought the trebs were maybe to take out orange's buildings but the only thing that orange has on the mainland unit wise is now his king okay and blue just signaled as if to say go there okay orange sure has a lot of faith it's a peace talk guys it's a peace duck you cannot kill the king when they show up to talk trade agreements okay when you have villagers oh god i can see where this is going no king i would not go there if i were you that's not a good spot for you to be oh wait a second he tried to do a massive chain reaction it didn't work oh they should line up villagers all across the map like dominoes actually can orange run if you even try if he tries i don't think orange can leave right now [Music] oh god i'd like to think that orange got trapped there and that he didn't know what was happening but i think he knew it was happening and uh okay cuckoo mario wins well i mean respect to orange i think in some ways he realized everything we were saying that there was no like he could drag this on for another couple hours but there was no way he wins that game um i'm sure he's happy to get as many king kills as he did though he killed mittmet at the very start a lot of the people watching right now missed that orange kill the player 30 seconds in by exploiting one of his own villagers he then and i have to run this past cuckoo mario but i don't think it was cooker mario who killed teal i think it was actually make more vids who did that gray also died to make more villes basically make more villes was focused on killing everyone in this game with the settings and so that was that was fun um you know it feels bad for mikey mike who's internet dropped but my goodness mario warrior make more villes and emma fought so much that game that was insane but guys now that everyone's here i have a question why do you hate each other what make a trade card make a trade cog like i don't i don't understand how none of you thought to trade okay it's a war game that's true it is a war game but it makes the game so much more exciting when you ruin a friendship after there's been trade because then you have some gold it doesn't matter gg oak warrior actually had the most kills in that game economically uh cuckoo mario had more of every resource there there was a time where it looked like oak was gonna push blue and that blue couldn't do anything and everyone in chat was like well this one's over but britain's are very difficult civ to push with they're so slow and blue was able to have the time and then he had mobility okay i take it back sorry guys i am i'm really sorry there actually was trade profit in that game you made trade cogs great what like how long was this game two hours and 32 minutes you made trade cogs right before you died the final second um but yeah as i was saying it was just tough for oak warrior because he then got surrounded by three people it turned around on many people in that game where they had different people to deal with a sick one though a fun one to watch you can even see on the timeline where green had to reboom here green is at this amazing force and then somehow came back into the game right around here but the position for the others is simply too strong feels bad for yellow though you at least can see on the timeline that yellow existed at one point but not for very long poor mittment
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 40,948
Rating: 4.9037433 out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, age, of, empires, two, definite, definitive, edition, AoE2, AoE, AoE2DE, DE, lul, lol, funny, silly, elo, wow, crazy, insane, deadly, exploding, explode, pilgrims, pilgrim, vil, vils, vills, vill, villager, villagers, community, commi, commy, game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 39sec (5619 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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