AoE2 Expert Showdown | Daut vs Vivi | 200$ Showmatch in FULL

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doubt and vivvy playing best-of-seven I couldn't miss it what's their bubela ranking okay well they are playing this on the ladder so vivy he is a six game win streak he is closing in on two point six K so doubt he's 200 points below him so every single time that fit gets a victory he'll get something like eight points if doubt gets a victory he'll take a huge chunk off baby what if vivvy can win the first two to three games he'll probably actually have to be four games I think he will hit 2.6 K which is very difficult to do but vivvy certainly has the skill to do it if I were to make a prediction for this best-of-seven I would say it's hit or miss with vivvy you never know how he's going to be but I would probably say four - Bibby but then again vivy is lights out or he's questionable it depends on the day when will blue coffee strike back well I don't know man most times he's just t90 passing most times he's just t90 passing we weigh the highest ever on DubLi well I think five or six players on the current ladder I've had 2.6 MBL viper leery doubts I forego did as well vivy could've - I'm not I'm not entirely sure but the highest is 2.6 K which it only a couple people have reached all right guys let me introduce the players here once again we have a best-of-seven here today this is between vivvy and doubt this is organized a few days ago I'm happy to be here to cast it they did a sieve draft and again I'll show you the sibs in between matches to show you what they have left doubts here in the blue on the right side of the map he's playing as the Malians and this is quite a good map for him he has two wood lines he can take look at this wood line look at that you could build six lumber camps on that wood line it's a very nice lumber forum at least in the early game because this could oh no the boar the boars back there ah that ok that's unfortunate but still you can bring that in this wood line will be good for early game late-game it could be an issue as archers might come in from vivvy this wood line is also very solid safe stone behind safe gold behind main Gold's forward but I think that doubt will likely build his barracks on the front anyhow to secure that we're looking at Vivi's base then a Vivi's base as he's luring in the deer now that's it's ok I mean I don't like the hills that can always be an issue in Age of Empires 2 but the wood line here and here is solid the gold in the back is solid even though he can't completely surrounds this the stone is solid secondary goal of all that's very good for Bibby and with some walling up here towards the wolf and then to this wood line he can buy himself a lot of space and a lot of time um I think with the loom he can bring in this boar doubt might need to use his Scout to block the boar a little bit when he sends a villager or he could use his scalp but with loom he should be able to bring this in now if he's going to bring it in he'll want to go a tad earlier yeah there's loom so I think that this should be fine for doubt it's a bit deceiving it'll be a long travel for the villager but the boar will run into the trees and the gold on this way back so or it could be a she the board could be as she 2018 t90 jeez yeah I don't think this be an issue but it does mess with your build order a little bit you'd never want to get loom this early you never want to have to change your build order too much and yeah this is all doubt needs to do so well played out I don't even think with loom he will need the Scout anymore but he's going to make sure just by hitting it a few more times well done just like the boar was in a standard location oh oh oh that could have been bad this boars gonna be annoying it doesn't want to run through the tile there we go aw if that boar started running back that could have been so bad for doubt he's a bit fortunate they're so civilized muggles they advance very fast eighteen population 19 population advance mainly because the hunting speed and I don't know what video we'll choose to do I feel like Vivi's the kind of player who would tower rush with the Mongol hunts and so far vivy has not clicked up that one surprised me to see if you get loom huh well this will actually be fairly late for Mongols you can go Scouts as Mongols transitioning to archers later on throughout the game nights and camels mangas I that's normally what you see and then doubt the Malians men is interesting because they're very versatile it's almost always infantry like man and arms or ad rush into archers though and castle and then they could add camels and knights throughout the match and then I mean they have Gepetto they have the infantry they have the siege they have very strong options on opposite sides of the tech tree vivy has clicked up the fuel a bit late oh my goodness all of these sheep being collected oh this is so weird to see from a player of Vivi's quality but anyhoo the baby will be going man-at-arms it will be faster than doubt because doubt is rushing a wall in towards this wood line and they'll wall this off and then he'll be completely walled in here now downside for vivvy is that vivvy is not found out yet and he sees this stone so you might assume that doubt is to the right hand side and he should see the dress here and yeah he sees the dress and he'll see the walls and then if he sees this and he sees this gold he might think i need to go forward with these men-at-arms and Oh speak of the devil he'd already decided so man in Arms Towers is actually an excellent counter to what that was doing so first of all on the plus side for doubt he's taking engagement before these are upgraded to man-at-arms but the bad thing for doubt is that he's gonna be in Dark Age his only form of military where those militia and one's been killed off and there will be a tower on his face now he does have stone so he's going to stone already cuz he knows we'll need defensive towers but Vivi's gonna try and bust right through here and Galit needs to get some more walls up fast so if you're ever wondering how you counter somebody going for this strategy going for the Josh in the full wall you have to go forward and vivvy a very fast start to this and I have to say Vivi's Micra was also good to keep this weak man arms alive doubt is building more and more palisade walls what she really needs to do he needs to buy himself some time he could lose the racks as well you know if he loses the barracks he won't be able to build an archery range this is such a strong start from the dragon I doubt almost losing the villager there and he's forced to run away my baby trying to focus down touts scalp he almost did that and vivvy is going to be in it soon vivvy is just gone to stone yes vivvy has gone to stone very strong play and a very first game for the dragon and now doubt can build the tower where you going to help oh god this is this is so poor for him there we go he's building his tower but I think Vivi's should go up assuming Vivienne techs with that though are built of that villager oh he's gonna gonna run back which isn't awful dalla had more villagers building this he runs back then touts gonna be forced into another tower now doubt thought about this ahead of time and he did go to stone but you know once again this is just a lot of pressure on a guy who wanted to be up in the feudal age in a comfortable position building archery ranges whatnot down we'll have to build a barracks before you can build an archery range and I feel like this tower will just go down after it goes up because of the man-at-arms wait hold on a second when did that barracks die did it barracks die when Dallas in Dark Ages Dallas in feudal age is the archery range is already build my bad I'm just gonna blame chat even though I wasn't even looking at chat I'm just tired vivy killing the trush killing the scalp vivy killing the tower now who doubt choosing you know what this is interesting the doubt losing the village and he's choosing to repair this and then batter this down with his own bills now it's certainly very sloppy for doubt as he's lost some bills but he can batter this down because this tower was not in range of the new one for Vivienne Vivienne trun anywhere due to the fact he'd run into the town center Archer so nice couple moments there for doubt and vivvy just trying to build another tower to secure this area dal has archers already of course but he'll run into Vivi's tower I feel like he might kill a villager but the tower will go up anyhow a strong start to this best-of-seven for vivvy I have to say I like the strategy choice this is where when you're tell rush know it's gonna work for you you just fall back into walls and defensive towers and try and advance to the next stage vivy building the archery range at home and adding economy smart move from vivvy if you ask me yeah I think Vivi's stream is putting up $100 for this a few others have put up 25 so I think it's $150 prize pool for this you know vivvy could go over here and start towering the wood line this is the wood line I said would be an issue for doubt that he'll need to have something accompanying his villagers his doubt will send out the archers and I think we see asker Maul ready succeed thank you for the congratulations man he said congrats on hitting a new viewer record for your stream yesterday yeah for those that didn't hear I mean this this still is just kind of mind-blowing to me I was top 30 worldwide on Twitter yesterday with those numbers I broke into the top 30 streaming Age of Empires 2 that is just amazing if you ask me like not not trying to pump myself up but just like amazing in general that that happens you know that's crazy I got off the stream yesterday and I was just kind of mind-blowing you know I still am mindful and that happened and a mind blowing that doubt can't see that tower because vivvy has placed it perfectly man how good has vivvy been in Game one today that tower is gonna be so annoying gal has this wood line and that'll last him but man that's gonna be annoying now vivy needs to be careful doubt is getting fletching and doubt is going to Vivi's wood line now vivy has a lot of walls and i think he would just have to send a few skirmishers this way and he'll be fine he hasn't taken any losses there I think he is considering building another tower here vivvy and out expecting that building his own pre-emptive and maybe vivillon home with his bills check the resources only a hundred thirty food for vivvy to lots of aggression the defensive towers now going up doubt he has a bit more in the way of food in fact has more farms but he's definitely had more idle time and he doesn't have good map control and snouts out going to run his archers underneath this tower he will lose one Archer and he'll lose more archers to this skirmishers so he'll probably end up losing everything in the end here maybe gonna use his bills and yes well-played vivvy in the first game but deneva says how did you check that you were top 30 seems a bit high since there are streams that always have over 30 K viewers I didn't check it during the streamed out losing a villager here I don't know I guess he was trying to wall this off which is smart because he knew vivvy would come over vivvy is Hardy here bloody an email I didn't check I was told that from a couple viewers so I mean they could have been completely lying to me but I trust my viewers now vivy needs to be careful like this is this is where being forwards can be a bit too much you know you have an advantage you build a lot of towers but now you're trying to build another one when you no doubt house archers and you're close to his base and vivvy now is trying to split up his villes or i don't know what this dude's doing but i don't think these guys will get away or maybe they will look at this she could survive as well if she gets the hill and attacks the wolf these villagers okay he won't but they can at least get into the tower and wait for future scurbs to arrive really interesting from really d al and vivvy here I think she's gonna get whoo-whoo-whoo I think she's gonna get woohoo Woods is doubt see her oh my god this is so close she's got to die right did out just attack the wolf she's gonna live this is fine and now Vivi's killing archers Eve if he has full map control still this is hilarious stuff somehow vivió is able to keep those bills alive I just don't understand it I think vivvy needs to use a market to advance to the next stage and that's exactly what he is doing and now Dowd has clicked up first so this is still a very close game Dow has a lot more military you can do damage with as vivvy only has scurbs but you no doubt doesn't have these goals and that's gonna be an issue throughout this game right now four point 7k viewers would be enough to be top 25 not bad I gotcha Schmitt yeah I mean again I was just told that by viewers I obviously wasn't checking on that during the stream Davey's gonna lose the villagers now Dow is such a wise player you can tell Vivian doubts be running towards his base Dow has been waiting and I really like the way doubt is gonna transition now the Malians they have this strength of having strong knights and strong archers so what that's gonna do is add a stable and with a night or two he can clean up the skirmish from vivvy now it's vivvy transitioning at all see vivvy only has an archery range no stable so and not only does vivvy not have the skirm numbers or the defense upgrade on his squirms he will for sure not have an answer to the knights that doubt is going to send out and I think Dahlia he's to also sending archers into this tower to kill this and then he can batter this down I think dal is really gonna have a strong cast lage he's faster he is more military he might not have his wood line in some of his gold but this is exactly how you should play it now he doesn't want to run into scrubs just yet needs to wait till he gets upgrades and okay now if if he's adding the stables so vivvy will go Knights and camels himself but he'll need to keep the archer numbers down John if he doesn't keep the are two numbers down then his Knights and camels could be in trouble vivy has already killed doubts Archer and doubt just going to wait a little bit before he gets his upgrades and there we go crossbow and bodkin arrow this is the benefit of hitting Castle age first probably's if he about pushing uphill normally but because there's no lead skirmisher yet he's okay with it and now doubt he has full control again and he also sees his villager coming forward adèle twill add a camel he's also getting ballistic soon you doubt taking the score lead back and rightly so I think vivvy overextended a little bit with the towers you know this tower was likely a mistake I think he should have ran back home with those bills and not built the mining camp just a couple small things now doubt is recognizing that Vivi's full walls and he wants to kill this villager now you see he sees the wolf there so he knows that something was there but baby just waiting for his home camels this is kind of funny how that's been trying to chase him FFL thank you for two months man thank you for the congrats yeah it was an amazing day for Age of Empires 2 yesterday I really appreciate everyone who showed showed up to the stream you know it's probably just a lot of new people a lot of people who might not free from the stream on a daily basis I don't know but man that was a lot of numbers yesterday and the games were solid as well so tonight's for vivvy will die to the camels from doubt and also the doubt has lots of crossbows of course now oh look at this vivy he switched positions a little bit he's trying to build the siege workshop on this hill now his Knights have gone right in after doubts villagers it's funny cuz vivvy well he might be playing completely different that's moot this is normal for him vivy normally has a very unorthodox aggressive style he's playing to his strengths at the moment and I said in the pregame that I think that Vivi's the kind of player who can have a really good opportunity to do good against doubt and this doubt not see this or what oh he's trying to chase it with his camels he's gonna hop into his tower with some villagers but he could lose some more vivy taking a vill lead and now vivvy with the skirmishers on the front he'll get a few kills before doubt arrives with that night that Vivian odd creating a mag and L so this should be quite good for doubt in the end now vivy running away using his own light to attack doubt tonight and using his Knights in doubt space to cause maximum damage even running away here's a big deal because doubt has to continue to chase and following him versus just his units die here then doubt would already be out in the middle of the map that's that's a good way to buy time and for vivvy close game 55 villagers for vivvy vivvy is going to what I believe is his third TC and it is now that's an aggressive town center something that doubt now sees can he deny the TCO killed two villagers he'll kill three villagers will he deny the TC I don't think he will I think he'll just go up but he's killed quite a few villagers therefore villagers in fact and his game is going back and forth now I don't think vivvy can fight this at the moment it's because doubt has crossbows he might have +2 defence on his Knights but doubt has those camels and he has cross was an old man what a surround on that night you see that denying the path to the TC and now babies in a bit of trouble you know when you go forward like vivvy just did and then you lose your forward it makes it so difficult that siege workshop on the front is essentially useless at the moment vivy trying to run right into doubt space again it seems with a few nights you know he might be going right to the gold he can see this so I think we'll go right for doubts economy once again and you no doubt hasn't done enough to secure this as most of his armies forward and doubt just comes right back home a vivvy getting forging during this battle he's killed three villagers for five villagers six seven villagers poor early cow could be doing so much damage with just four nights such a smart player paying attention to the mini-map at all times and catching doubt off-guard again when vivvy was on the back foot he had the balls to go forward what a play there sixty-two builds for him now and a 55 for doubt men so many kills in this game 43 kills 43 deaths what a match up and we are going to be casting the whole best-of-seven today on Twitch guys so this would be pretty sweet and I'm out out now he doesn't have his camels to accompany this and elites crumbs and nights so I feel like this is another good engagement for vivvy cutting down on those crossbow numbers is gonna be big without trying to get to the top of the hill use his camels vivy has his own camels and oh my goodness how close is this going to be think doubt should have the edge right yeah doubt has the edge and a big edge in fact just because of the camel numbers did you see that the monkey was going for a conversion on the camels or the Knights I doubt pulled that group away the monk continued to follow because he's a man of God and then the crossbows finished off the monk so that's a hundred gold now down the drain or vivvy vivvy building a castle at vivvy building a castle right in front of this town center now I will say that vivvy has to back golds now he'll have his third secured vivy can see this gold vivvy concede this gold so he is very good vision on important areas of the map I do like Malians a bit better though and Dale has played this very well vivy with the attack ground on the crossbows before his Mackinac dies I don't know if that's worth it but it's certainly good to get engagement instead of losing it for free now the other aspect of this is Vivi's going with the unit hill once use it in now doubt could go heavy camel and knights in the imperial age but he will not stick with crossbows as Malians do not get the bracer upgrade so Vivi's already beginning his Imperial age and military composition but out on the other hands I'm not so sure and divvy here yet again with Knights where is he coming from with this oh my goodness he's done this three times now going right to doubt space when Tao has more military and look at the damage he's doing I'd be so salty if I were doubt because he's played this so well but look at the losses he's taking he's down below 70 villagers till we get some t90 dragons in the chat for Vivienne Divi showing up here knows well with with the house line-of-sight he sees the castles going up and he's gonna kill more villagers so he wants to die the castle but he's just killing Phil's goodness what a player and he's also distracting doubts for military units with this one week night a vivvy is so good now hold on a second baby needs to be careful here does Dale see that stone he doesn't see it Vivi's running back into his base and out will try and do damage to fibbies base now and he'll kill one ville Vivi's on the way to imperial first which is a huge deal but he also doesn't have his stone and he'll need to address that then port out in his main goal doll while doubt looks up to him look at this are these two players closer what after all of this different army compositions different battles different losses different areas we now have the imperial exploit to the same moment competitive age of empires 2 is something beautiful man it is always impressive the formatted with a hundred bit says where is Jordan when you need him well I feel like Jordan would probably be struggling more than doubt versus Vivian doubt certainly has an opportunity with his sieve and the amount of military he has now to win this game going into elite skirmish now Ian Bronson said had to set an alarm so I could catch the games but was well worth it Congrats on yesterday thank you for the hundred bits Ian and yeah glad you could make it as well man I had to set an alarm I'm running on four hours of sleep because my my neighbor my downstairs neighbor just had a baby and I tried to use the mute and chat all function for the baby but it didn't work so no sleep for me last night [Music] so I still like doubts position here like Vivi's trying to build a castle and he just can't seem to get it up it's just kind of delaying Vivian oh also this is quite a big deal he has 643 stone so after cancelling that castle he will not have enough stone to start it until he collects more that good trade I would say as doubt it's gonna transition a bit it killing monks and killing some of the mangas I hear a vivvy now has 16 military verse doubts nineteen doubt is going into a leet skirm which would force vivvy to go into some huh stars to accompany the the magnetite and he's already doing that he's already researching Lightcap now I think that this area is going to be huge we've solved vivvy focusing on different areas of the maps so many times today he's so good when he knows where the resources are that doubt might go for and doubt has a gold up here this is Vivi's point of view he can see it vivvy can also see this gold vivy has all three of his gold secured so as his castle is now being built and I should go up his stone will be secured and he's he's pressuring this doubt let's see here Oh doubt doesn't see that he hasn't scouted that that's unlike him the doubts actually mounting the push here he's gonna force vivvy to fight him so it could be okay but he only has this gold remaining then he does not get bracer on these scams he of course gets elite squirming in chemistry but that's about it but hey if he can kill a castle that's huge that's what vivvy needs to have success here with the magnet I never missed it this time one two three four five six seven dead bodies there doubt losing more gold villagers oh my goodness vivvy how many pit stops is he gonna make it doubts gold today seriously he's actually adding quite a few maghen ELLs and that's because he sees the scurbs vivvy now only having one castle could be an issue I don't necessarily think doubt is throwing chat I feel like vivvy is just playing with a style that is working verge doubts position like doubt has consistently tried to push forward this gold is exposed at vivvy will just run in with a few units and get really good value off that and now vivvy repairing the mag adele's I don't think doubt can advance more with these trebuchet 's nativity needs to decide on using the food to create hussar or using the food to get upgrades the other option would then be getting on adjure but because these don't get bracer the mag and Ellis have the same range and I just don't see doubt being able to advance much further and look at the composition now from vivvy he's brought the like calves around so the Lightcap killed the skirmish and the magnet iron now behind and doubt is trying to close in here but as he closes in vivy just runs away wonderfully and I feel like down his in trouble now he's down 30 population he's going into his own like have upgrade which I like but you know he's lost so many scams now the KD was 43 to 43 earlier and now it's 124 to 80 vivy again can see this Gold's vivvy with good resources now researching HUS AR has lots of manga died being created and trading again well versed out here a doubt is on the back foot and death does not have his gold in fact he doesn't know it exists up there and I think you got a credit vivvy because doubt would have saw that if you wouldn't have been under pressure it's also worth pointing out there's another goal to the north right here that vivvy has not seen hey Guardian welcome the now the light calves they close in they're trying to go for the mag adele's they might get a magnitude here but the hustlers clearing up doubt skirmishers yet again and that magnetite will kill the light tap from doubt a doubt hoping that he can now use this trebuchet since there's no more hustlers but our no more Mack and else but the hustlers are here for the beat now while Mongol hustlers have more HP as vivvy is moving in once again while they have more HP they lack the last defense upgrade so they're strong but it's not ideal but it doesn't matter it's enough here to trebuchet down for doubt TC down for viv you which is unfortunate but he now has his second castle to create magnet I out of and I think doubt is gonna try one more time again he's gonna be lacking the gold soon as about a thousand gold left here he's gonna go for cavalier he's really hoping cavalier will work for him but look at baby he's here at all the right times the magnet are killing the light calves the hustlers killing the skirmishers he will probably deny this castle I guess doubt has his archery range is closer to this so he can add in more units and vidi might choose to run as he doesn't have a lead but Vivian's played this extremely well for late-game I think he's looking for that extra gold he knows that doubt still doesn't have this he just has to starved out out and he recognizes that building stables up here now to spam huh SARS okay doubt has seen the gold now he's just found out there's gold here let's see his response I mean the downside for doubt is he can't afford to go up there now he knows it's there but he can't justify going out there when he hasn't secured the area he's just defending constantly thirty more bills are twenty two more bills for vivvy he's going right back to the only gold that dell has and he knows that of course the manga died hitting the wood line now vivvy sees it down has gone into cavalier but now look what vivvy has waiting for him he's going to add those magnetized he doesn't have the resources for elite but i don't think that's a huge concern if he can mask the manga died he's building a castle here to secure this gold he has seen mystical he Vivi's so good he's gonna take this gold - he's so good with math control if doubt wins this game it is all down to one big push with the cavalier because he doesn't have any gold remaining after that and he's researching for him but which is not cheap so he can get the extra attack on his units if you're a doubt fan out there you are probably on edge as now movie will probably research elite manga died just waiting for the food here leet magnify has to be coming in yes there it is all this is gonna be tough for doubt this is gonna be very difficult for doubt he doesn't have his golds he doesn't have the neutral golds vivvy has all them vivvy also has four relics like what does this guy not have control over now doubt sending in a few like captain cavalier to kill the maggin ELLs vivy pushing towards touts eco though and doubt already struggling with economy he will soon struggle big time with golds this is not going to be something that he can kill it's almost like that push from Vivian doubts baseball will pull doubt back yet again the doubt probably can't justify going back that he has to stay here because if he goes back he loses he needs to do some damage to vivvy but he'll lose a trip to Vivi's villagers he might still kill this castle vivvy forced to repair and vivvy now returning to the to his own base but look what the magnate I do with the hill advantage they're so strong and I think this would be the final fight of the game doubt selling resources for gold he still doesn't have his gold piles and now the magnate I arrived this is doubts point of view as the units come in the castle still up for vivvy vivvy with his hussars closing in on the trebs he will kill one and then he will probably kill two as mangas I do so well versed trebuchet and any form of siege and doubt calls to GT right there that it's game one of a best-of-seven between these two players and what a freaking game for vivvy that was insane the dragon is so good when it comes to map control he went forward he recognized the wood lines he recognized the gold and he pursued them all game you can learn so much from that guy's I don't care if you're the biggest scrub of all scrubs out there you can learn so much from that you start with one main goal and two extra gold piles both players have three gold piles then and there's those two neutrals and vivvy found every single freaking one that doubt could take and he continued to hit it that is again something that you can learn from and using your own gameplay he also has a very annoying style you know he doesn't waste any time hitting those you know he takes risks and he goes forward to attack and that's a very and very um it's a hard style to predict I guess because you never know where he's going to be he is that dragon oh I didn't realize I had slow mode on my bad there we go room is no longer in slow mode so there's the KD for you that was still a very close game 218 kills for vivvy and look at the gold difference and of course vivy still had the two neutrals and doubts cold and for relics so the things we don't see are the economy we rarely get to focus on how good the economy is a doubt he had a lot more idle time and less villagers but vivvy having the stronger eco and collecting the relics and those attacks jaqen what a player 2000 relic Colts Wow okay so that was the first game I teach I can't go that text-to-speech was really late I thought it wasn't gonna work for some reason let me change the scores for you how many puntos does vivvy have now so vivvy god i guess it doesn't say you got eight points from that way so he's gonna need two for owed out in this best of seven and then also win another game or two to hit 2 point 6 K gouges doesn't have enough points for him a Viking burial service welcome back for two months man thank you so much for that ass Ned Oh welcome welcome to the family thank you for the sub mr. Quinn thank you for two months and my Mahoney thank you for two as well you guys are on the fat dragon bandwagon as am I new viewer record today the fat dragon yeah if we hit 5,000 today I'll eat my foot I highly doubt will hit 5,000 today yesterday was a special day seriously um you know as a streamer you hit different spurts of growth and I hit another growth spurt a few months ago so to all of you coming in with the two and the three month three subs that's really heartwarming to see that you guys have joined the community and are coming back thank you guys for supporting what I do here okay so we just saw Malians arguably the strongest pick for delt and then mongols so these are the sips they have remaining they'll do Arabia again now I'm just gonna guess I have no no reasoning behind this it's just my gut feeling I'm gonna say that doubt goes with Franks here and then maybe we will see Japanese Vikings Chinese I'm not too sure from vivvy when you twitch prime sub can yuri sub yeah you can resub with it what happens is your twitch prime sub runs out and then you can go to any stream and you can use the resub or you can use the sub feature so if you come back to my stream for example after your twitch prime finishes row then you get two months other subs if you sub with a paid sub then you can set it up to remove renew automatically but either way it'll work um so to explain this briefly they already did this and Game two will start soon but they had four global fans so these bands happen prior to the pics and so there'll be no Mayans Ethiopians Burmese Koreans Aztecs Indian slaves Berbers because of that it's a really cool website if you want to use this with your friends just use this AoE to see em dotnet you can host your own SIF draft with your friends it's free it's an awesome website and Game two is going to start soon show match is spelled incorrectly at the top of the screen just so you know is it host show math sorry I woke up at 7:30 a.m. furnace we're not showing Matt this is not a spirit of the law stream okay no math allowed my bad thank you for telling me though yeoman all says to me on the official I don't even pay for Netflix ice up to you AOA and grill greater than netflix and chill' I you know that's hilarious man it's magyars Ford outburst Spanish from vivvy oh god were gonna see Towers let's go Vivi's the only person that excites me when it comes to Towers because he's so good with map control but and you make that joke geminal but it's a very good comparison to make when it comes to twitch I think like if you pay 15 bucks a month for Netflix or Hulu or whatever or whatever you might pay to your cable provider and then you figure in that a streamer like myself they'd stream five days a week and they have countless of countless YouTube videos like a five dollar twitch subscription doesn't seem like a lot then if you compare it to any other service you know it's really important I think about it that way myself even though I don't watch as many streams I will still sub to a ridiculous number of streamers because that logic makes sense to me guy might spend five hours and someone streamed during the month but I might only spend five hours watching my Netflix a month so I will support some of the streamers I enjoy okay we have Game two between vivvy and doubt this is potentially the road to 2.6 K or Viviane Viviane is really DL because touts points are so far below Vivi's e Vivi's only getting seven or eight points per victories so he's going to need quite a few victories in a row burst out to get to point 6 k it's still very difficult anyway he's Spanish and Spanish is almost always a tower or Civ you have two options you have Scouts in two walls and then maybe skirmishers and then conquistadors in castle age or it's go forward with towers and do what you want from their Knights or maybe comics I don't know the reason Spanish are so good with the tower arson they always have been is because they build buildings faster so they built their houses faster they built everything faster and that would of course applied to towers but he has gone for two stone I mean for de wood so if if he goes for towers he might start with something like man and arms instead and we'll see anyway I'll start with Vivi's map since he won the last game and this map is definitely a map that I would be aggressive on he has two Gold's here but a massive hill his main stone is very far away from his town center his secondary stone also is pretty far away and he has a hill here you know if he were to magically lose his wood line if I could wave a magic wand over this to make you disappear he wouldn't have a lot else so he's gonna have to really be aggressive in this match now doubt he has more wood working for him but he has a forward stone a forward gold is second or sorry his main stone is here but I guess he has this gold to fall back to as well it's just not ideal for either player you have those dry Arabia versions where there's not any water in the wood lines and then the maps are much better and then you have the stand of Arabia versions which I hate but that's what we're seeing right now makes it more difficult for the players now if the maps are more open I can't help but feel that this suits Vivi's style as we saw what he could do last game with the aggression going for it yet again I assume here with man-at-arms in two towers potentially without showing up to Vivi's base it's very important to find your opponent's base see what their map looks like and that helps you determine your strategy now he saw the barracks but he has not found the gold to confirm that if he is or is not going for the man in arms rush now I could be wrong on that assessment but nope g90 thomas at it once again i guess it's not the boldest prediction just to guess that someone's going man-at-arms kurt method but still give me some credit though without go with doubts Magyars I should point that out if he were to go man-at-arms himself or or anything really it'll get that extra attack starting in fuel age now look at Bibby he's saying doubt just want to let you know I know what you're doing okay three two gold for doubt so probably man in arms into some archers and no forward Vil's yet for vivvy maybe he won't go forward I guess I would be hesitant to go forward verse Magyars cuz they'd have the extra attack he's Walden his villagers on would probably an immediate reaction to doubt with the barracks and doubts base is way better here it is way better blast game he had a very good map for fuel age but vivvy realized that if he towered he would have abused it and it's exactly what he did and I okay here's the forward now and this is actually quite good because doubt he's going to be a bit later to fuel eight which means that he'll receive a few more shots hold on no doubt sending his own units up I was just gonna touch on the fact that doubt wouldn't see this for words but that's not the case doubt hits futile but doubt was earlier too futile as well so he gets the extra attack but vivvy has the villes so so far one kill for vivvy and doubt sending more militia he's researching Madden arms as is vivvy all the micro just been much better for the V hasn't it he hasn't lost anything yet he's getting lots of hits on doubts units out yet again he's baiting down into killed the Scout and down has the extra attack not vivvy and all goodness this is where you need an immediate response with a tower that's what doubts going for vivy focusing down that weak man an arm from doubt needs to be careful with his Vil here and in the end that's just good micro I think both players will get their towers up doubt started his early enough well hold on a second vivy oh it's at least considering going after the tower villagers doubt both going after the tower villagers now and both get their tower up the same moment the doubt needs to get out to this stone pronto because it Vivi's on stone at home that means that he will be building more towers now we're gonna need to see villagers hop out of the towers to kill the man in arms it makes it very difficult of course as the the tower can shoot your bills but both players have done well both players have a very weak man at arm remaining now paying attention to this kenny sniper bill he does sniper villager there and he also kills the man in armor vivvy vivvy has the hill with his tower but he doesn't have as many bills in here and he's forced to send more VLEs out and out is really on the ball here good stuff from him this is this is that messy style that vivvy normally excels with but doubt just adding more man arms so this is so good for him because now his mane and arms can chase the bills as the bills run away he should kill one Ville I think vivvy should accept that she's gonna die distract down as much as possible there oh man that I mean I know it's a female but she has balls they all have balls oh goodness what are you doing why are you attacking it no it's a mad guy mannitol dude all for the throw for bivy now he's gonna get the wolves can we get the t90 throws oh he could have just ran there I understood sacrificing the one woman but the rest had families the first one was single so it was fine well I said this before the games I said vivvy has a very messy style and aggressive style and it's hard to be consistent with that you know you know you're gonna take losses eventually and that is exactly what happens well now Vivi's going out to the dear doubt arrives with this one man in arm then hey just passing what's up what's up nope don't want to play sorry nuts today he could find the rest of the deer and kill them I think vivvy recognizes that and he's gonna shoot this one so he can start collecting food from it down has obviously more villagers now as economy should be much stronger because Eaton have forward bills so he's building tons of farms and he's mixing in the archers and vivvy is just adding defensive towers and this is where it gets tough for Spanish because they don't get archers so they don't really have that archer transition available they could go for a squirms but of course doubt he could add more men-at-arms or add Scouts to counter the scams and really what you need to do here this is a definitely a good Civ matchup for doubt in this situation you really as vivvy just need to build defensive towers and try and advance to the next age if that's the sad thing any transition can be easily counted by doubt which is why Fibby just needs to go for it there I doubt he is the wonderful position of being able to add a stable in the next stage and getting the extra attack on his Knights so I don't think he'll be complaining about his situation adrenaline Thank You Man welcome thank you for the sub thank you yellow lentils for the t90 woo hype now here come the defensive tower so I think that doubt will with one archery range because he expects the towers to go up from vivvy he doesn't want to make too many archers and then we'll probably see a stable as he's on his way to castle age he's finishing wheelbarrow he is 500 food and Vivi's getting there but I think maybe we'll have to utilize the market to get up and that's exactly what we're seeing this will likely be a quick game I'm not saying that doubt necessarily is gonna win this but I think that this game ends it'll be in Castle age because the maps are so exposed well the map is exposed for Vivian got to give credit to doubt for closing this off it's not as bad that's for sure t90 has no respect for single women movies men I'm all about the single women there any t90 babes in the chat how you doing so here comes another tower from from Vivienne no archery range and that towers not gonna go up he's gonna have to build one here he's gonna try and bait doubt in and this is just a small victory for dalla it's forcing idle talk all will you go with those where are you going oh I'm pretty short viv you looked away to do something else and the villagers decided to go on a vacation they were not approved six time off Oh No one of the bills doing oh not the best game from vivvy that's for sure I mean this is good for doubt because he knows that Vivi's gonna need the stone for conquistadors once he it's Castle H and he's just forced him into another tower looking very good for doubt the Spanish are predictable Civ doubt spotted the forward coming he denied it there and since then it was always gonna be a struggle for vivvy I think vivvy will probably use resources maybe consider purchasing stone so we can build the castle immediately look how exposed his economy is and doubt the hats gone for more archers so he'll start with crossbows I guess you know on one hand I expected Knights because of the towers but on the other hand he might not want to make Knights at verse conquistadors if he does gets them so I guess with that logic you might want CAV archers a calve Archer switch here and he'll go with crossbow and then he might make CAV archers I guess I can make an argument for either vivy could have added Spears underneath the towers first Knights so del he's already done damage with the range of his units he's gonna continue to abuse the map of vivvy here and now abused his range so vivvy is going to add Knights which is not ideal and doubt yes he look Vivi's trying to buy stone he puts three villagers in the tower there vivvy a doubt kills too this is not good 637 so now this is just unfortunate for vivvy not have the stone to build the castle look at that needs 10 more stone that's just unfortunate this is giving out more and more time to kill Vil's going for the four builds he kills two of them the weak farmers were placed there from the boar lore earlier that's normally where players place their first farm so doubt shows up to that area and now he's behind the wood line killing VLEs it's always gonna be a struggle for vivvy with this Civ matchup and then this map he's building his castle though we'll see if he can bring it back what works first conquistadors except monks well I think CAV archers are good because it's as fast as the conquistadors and they're affected by ballistics but they're certainly not as strong pound-for-pound you just need to out mass the conquistadors you said except monks I mean monks are a great idea because they have 9 range it's just a good defensive move though it's not good to kill them out in the open field oh my goodness I just see Phil's dying left and right for baby now that's some more than enough damage he's gonna kill another villager and babies going to call the gg that was a that was a game where vivvy needed to do damage with the forward ii that doubt defended from that he was always gonna have a big lead and vivvy tried i would have considered calling the GG thereafter this forfeiture side but vivvy tried and doubt finished him off well played that's why you see early GG's the top level because for villagers down sure it might not have been completely over but this is what it turns into right so I see a lot of people especially on YouTube you know say oMG someone called an early gg it's just because the pros know when a game is over and they know what will come their way if they don't call it a doubt really doubt did an excellent job there so a pretty quick game and we'll go into Game three now I'll show you the sibs they have remaining dealt with 22 kills and 10 deaths now that was probably the weakest if that vivvy had in his safe draft and with that pick that was the shot he was going for though that being said the sieve for doubt was excellent at defending it with the extra attack pros go characters with Magyars and 1p ones yet it's it's very strong save it's like Knights but stronger the Magyar Civ because an imperial on each age you're getting the extra attack on your units you still get held you still get the you still get skirm and then the calves archers have the unique tech and they need tech from the cavil archers make it stronger than hun ca it's just that hun ca have the discount how much money's are on the line I think it's about $200 now the sooner man yeah as skip said when experts make a mistake that will likely snowball correct vivy lost 24 points so vivvy gained 8 points this is the problem with hitting 2.4 K you need to play people who are also next to your rating vivy is top of the ladder right now so vivy got 8 points from beating doubt in game 1 which was an amazing game for those of you that just got here you'll have to rewatch that and then game 2 he lost 24 points so you need a huge win streak to ever hit 2 point 6 K to show you the current ladder if you guys are curious this is the 1v1 ladder Oh tattos at the top now after that game tattoos at the top taxis been playing really well lately so it's tatto vivvy leery heart and tim in the top five on googly-eye look at this lowly scrub down here viper not playing rated one v ones it's almost as if there was a team game toward him at or something MBL backed you know i mean these are all names that you expect to be in the top ten it's funny because you look at the ladder and there's almost always more than one account for a certain player like dawn is Vivi's account so this is vivvy this is vivvy is this city oh this is Tim so Tim has this account tim has this account you know they they create different accounts and they work their way up the ladder I think that's kind of funny didn't Viper hit 2.7 K at one point a while ago no no not in the current ladder I don't think anyone's ever hit 2.7 K on the old ladder there were six players let's see if I can remember this there were six players to hit 2.6 Kay the old ladder was Viper doubt alive Chris GTL Chris who is a Canadian legend but he he doesn't play anymore shoot maybe it was Kovan and I forget but there were six players in the past to do that it's a little bit more possible now but I don't think anyone has ever had 2.0 Jordan 23 did as well yet I don't think anyone has hit 2.7 K on any ladder I also don't think three it was active prior to 2012 I could be wrong on that I don't think Korea was in that list rhaggy says SOTA cheeto is basically the best player in a Wii right now I mean when you're this good you have to it's fun to look at like the points and the ladder is fun to look at I can show when someone's in good form but VIPRE being ninth place on the ladder does not mean Piper is ninth in the world in terms of skill does it it's just down to if they're playing rated games and you know you could get to point 6 K by beating players who are 2.2 K who are just noobs in comparison to you right so I think it's more so down to showing your form but I would not really give that a I wouldn't give that a lot of weight in terms of like judging it on how good someone is okay guys I'll look that up later there were six players I remember I had it on my overlay a year ago I forget exactly there's a few players on that list who weren't active we have vivvy here yet again it's not one-to-one in this best of seven vivy is playing as two Chinese and then he is Chinese so he should know the way of the sieve last time he had a pretty all in Civilization this time he doesn't have an all in Civilization he's a civets versatile but he has a sieve that has no map the sieve doesn't have an awful map but this is just bad for me wood line here for him with line here doesn't want to take the one on the hill again like he had to last game just look at the gold positions this massive Hill is right next to all of his golds this will be tough as main stone is forward his secondary stone is at least in a safe ish position yoky doubt space and well I mean this isn't the best for doubt either but I'd say it's better because he doesn't have all the hills that Fibby has you'll have to move out too this will bind the later on which is exposed this one won't last him too long because he has a pond Maine gold secondary gold the third gold is over on the right-hand side next to both of his stones there is a time when the ladder meant something but Vipers lack the blacks basical attitude towards rated games combined with his clout in the community completely devalued the leather I disagree I completely disagree that's very harsh on Viper man I've been casting for god knows how long and it's not just Viper who plays differently in in rated games it's not just Viper every pro likes to experiment and do different things especially now with the new SIVs I think that's a bit harsh on Viper and there's nothing wrong with it either like the latter still means something I'm just saying that it doesn't show going into a tournament who's gonna have the guts and who's gonna be able to have the nerves of steel you know so Chinese as I said I can do virtually anything but to start you're often seeing address with them or 22 pop scouts or just straight archers I don't think you can have the comfort to go with Scouts here I could be wrong because he has these two lumbers but don't think I'll be comfortable going scouts maybe we'll see a draw Shore man in arms from vivvy I mean he's lured in plenty of deer which would indicate he'll want the food for scouts now doubt he's Italians Italians one of those sibs where you normally start off with man in arms and go into archers and the early barracks from doubt is pretty much telling me he will do just that yeah flow I mean it's difficult to go with man and arms or drush but it's something that is necessary with the map I feel you know like if he walls this off that'll make his we'll find a bit safer but still this is very exposed and I'm up against Italians if you expect pain in arms I almost feel like that's what vivvy should shoot for here he's gonna try and up now and he has the food for it and he's sending to the gold so he'll go man in arms illegible the settings are very simple we have the SIP trap to show you later on I already know it since they're gonna be choosing from as vivvy see this villager going forward now considering that maybe look at that vivvy spots this is so huge as the t90 babes come forward it's all arabia today and they've already drafted the save so i'll show you all the civil eight iran after this match rush the r8 are is stands for Dark Age rush so with man and arms you create militia as they're doing now and then you upgrade it in feudal with ad rush you stay in Dark Age and create the militia and go to your enemy's base now I think vivvy now he was down the sheep there he expects this ad out is sending forward for villagers and he's going with what will be one two three four men at arms and he wants to tower this so he's playing vivvy style versus vivvy we'll see how that works out the dragon is the king of forwards and now he sees doubt going forwards Hey he's also letting doubt know that he has seen that and he's added his own forth militia I don't know tell it's gonna be tough to fight up this hill man if he's waiting for this doubt is just building a forward archery range may be considering a tower at first but going to build his archery range forward Vivi's sending a few more bills here it's out running in with the Scout to see this and he's thinking oh boy might want to be careful with my women their husbands back at home waiting for him well let's see Vivi's responds now this is his point of view he sees the villagers he has his man in arms Oh God this and one single fight could end a game for either player and I got to think that vivvy has the home-field advantage so you gotta like his chances here and the micro is good to start here you got a fight with your bills so you have to you have to click and then you have to micro your man-at-arms as well your Scouts everything it's so complex but doc just got so rekt man he just got completely destroyed by vivvy it wasn't even close dude oh my god you don't forward the dragon dude you don't forward the dragon down oh he tried he saw the map and he chose the right strategy considering the map but vivvy out microd him so hard there it wasn't even close men I assume the archery range gets walled up I assume all of doubts for villagers will die down his twenty bills versus the 29 of vivvy there was also a lot of idle time for doubt I imagine this is exactly what happened last game pretty much doubt able to pick off a weak villager that's nice but this is what we saw last game from vivvy trying something and maybe failed and now doubt failing it's a style of play it's a strategy that's very difficult to win with consistently and you rarely see doubt do something like that for that reason because it's a huge it's a high-risk high-reward type situation and oftentimes that risk is not worth it now Vivi's response is very different than what I expected here well I shouldn't say that it's not different than what I expected it's different than what doubted last game as mainly down to the sips but still Vivi's just going forward and he's already seen the towel replaced by doubt that means he can tower here to deny that golds and that's the problem with building a pre-emptive tower it's out now sending a bill which are here to wall and he's gonna be he's gonna realize he'll be in harm's way here in a moment not only the wolf what the earth will arrive vivy creating archers from home he is seven military versus zero military of doubt delt can't get his stones comfortably and yeah here's the tower from vivvy now I think vivvy should delete this and reposition it yeah there we go that's perfect and now doubt he needs to fight this almost doesn't he I mean he has skirmish but the men-at-arms were there for the scurbs I'm sorry I'm laughing I'm not laughing at down I just laughing like with it with all of you this is this is what he needs to do but he's losing more villagers he might stop the tower from going up you know if he can kill all four of Vivi's villagers maybe this is worth it but you know he's lost three villagers now vivy has lost two okay vivy lost three okay that might have just worked out I mean still the Ville count is really in favor of vivvy but it wasn't that defense from doubt there you denied that tower now all four villagers did die so what was it for - for there with bills three to four pretty close in the ends now is stable for vivvy he sees doubt is only on sturms and he's gonna add some scouts smart move now this is a transition I've been trying to harp on about lately so people can improve on their play as I've been trying to close in on 2k on Buble I've realized how big this transition is I assume Vivi's going back forward with his Vil's cuz you know it's vivvy but um if you go man in arms into archers and your opponent just has full scams what you should do is now what Vivi's doing now but you should keep your archers alive and then add disabled so he's gonna fight with bills before the the scouts arrive but you add that stable and it's wonderful it opens up so much of the map for your archers and a doubt trying to click wall that off and not fast enough you see what I'm saying about vivvy though he he does some weird things and you could easily throw an advantage with it he's number two on the ladder at the moment so he's obviously doing something right but he's coming forward with villagers and he doesn't have stone for the next tower okay he does now did he buy that now I guess he's just collected it so he wants to try and tower again and out in turn will add archers and vivvy thinking twice about this tower I guess and is running away for a moment what a funny game it's always funny when Vivi's involves yeah there's only one Archer there for doubt so he should fight this and yes I mean this is so strong I love the style he uses his skirm for sending archers that doubt makes and the scouts are there as a buffer and to kill the skirm from doubt and doubt must know that another towers going up here but he can't stop the spirit also won't work because vivvy has squirms now the doubt he ranged a few of the villagers vivvy sent more than four this time he's trying to finish doubt off as scrums don't kill villes very quickly but the archers that are popping I'll do is viv you gonna get this tower out I think doubt looking very good for him to hold yet again I don't see why the tower was necessary you know I feel like vivvy had such a big advantage he didn't need to give down an opportunity to come back into this but he's just done that and losing more villagers let's check the resources doubts resources all over the place but he has the resources for archers I think vivvy should have just gone for the stable and gone for like normal Orthodox fights and trying to hit the farms on this side or hit the wood line I guess it would have been difficult to get in is dealt with the bolts but the fat dragon does with the fat dragon once the fat dragon has way more resources because he has those extra bills but he's just thrown some of them away I think doubt researched wheelbarrow earlier than vivvy so the Ville cam is a lot closer now because Vivi's researching that and his TC I believe he researched it vivy running underneath the town centre with all the scouts he is scouts that are pretty useless now because they're all in low HP and I think Vivian needs defensive towers the doubt has more military and there's a defensive tower so doubts definitely in this game he has the better map when alpha v will Stonewall up which is a wise move when you have a map like this that way you know the pressures coming to this hill at all times but doubt has stopped two towers from vivvy after losing all of his forward villagers doubts gotta be closing in well no he's not he's not he's not even close to getting the resources to click up that's a problem doubt really ruins my commentary there I was gonna say old oaks about to have the resources to click up this is closer than I expected now he has to do a lot of damage with his archers and by himself time if vivvy is gonna click up the castle and yet vivvy is just on that Casa Conte and billy-boy thank you guys for the prime subs I'm sorry I saw your subs coming at the same time been so focused on this match because it's crazy vivy losing scrubs now the vivvy has taken some really poor engagements it all started with one very good defensive engagement and then doubt since then has been closing in on Vivian all the fights you so I think doubt would need to market here UCL he's floating so much gold I almost feel like he should at the market and buy some food oh and he didn't have wheelbarrow earlier either so the Ville count was was still pretty large and with the hill and the defense upgrades and the tower I don't see how it out can really push up here too much of a risk he's gonna lose five to six archers even trying to get him to meet that tower and I guess vivvy will go with the elite scrum route and to stable Knights something that doubt might expect but he doesn't see the second stable does not know that vivvy has the upgrades either on his cavalry units down vivvy games so much slower than Vipers maybe games you think so I don't think so it depends what your definition of speed is I suppose I also probably didn't see Game one because Game one was all about speed it depends how the sibs play out and I feel like they've both blades the maps and the sibs as they should here ah [Music] Kasich antes has saw me at rocky beans welcome good to see you came in from rocket beans reshape the sub so I don't want it I can't give any details did video just delete his archery range how he did for TC okay I can't give any details but Donny and I will be doing something similar to the Viper challenge I'd posted on my youtube within the next month I don't think that would be streamed by rocket beans I think that Donny and I might stream that on our personal channels but Donny and I do have a special coming up I'm really excited about now here's the thing vivy what he has done this counters when someone has a lot of sperms dalla has a lot of archers so doubt can actually hold with a few Spears and the archers clumped up he can hold vers the early night push now if he could do is run through the open gap and he could try and hit the farmers and kill a few bills but he certainly cannot take the main engagement so doubt will hit castle 8 and he will have a large force I silca Vivian nice edge and this is how you need to play it if your vivvy then you recognize what Doubt's doing just not fight the main group but doubt will at least get crossbows and maybe he can push back it'll be tough though I imagine vivió out at siege workshop and yeah already two villagers down now for doubt get these Knights just running away if you missed Game one game one was the best game of the series that will go to YouTube definitely recommend watching the past broadcast after I go offline today it was just a fantastic display of what vivvy does in hitting vulnerable areas he's so good with his mobility well he's gonna run away with his Knights now doubt has 33 military verse 8 from vivvy but here's the problem now there's this each workshop for vivvy he's on to town centers he's on three Town Center's in fact so he has a huge villa Vantage and this is where doubt needs to do damage because if he doesn't do damage if they just both boom up and play farmville at home vivy will hit the imperial age much much earlier and doubt recognizing that gets thumb ring and ballistics immediately so he knows the situation here is one just for military upgrades oh man this is a lot of nights still not enough to kill this with thumb ring and ballistics but thus each workshop will be enough to Mac and Al's defends against this and they'll have the hill gonna be very difficult for dealt he's such a vivvy fanboy give Lord out respect he deserves what kind of respect is what what how am i disrespecting doubt man I feel like if you call someone Lord you're also a fanboy like I love doubt but doubt his way behind here I'm not going to say all doubt is a god of the game he can do it I mean kid but he's behind that I'm a commentator I got to talk about what's happening and had vivvy not stonewalled this off I feel like doubt could have maybe found some areas that were vulnerable but he stonewalled that off and now vivvy knows the Army's here he can decide to hit doubts Iko with his knights or he could use the knights and the Macan ELLs to kill the crossbows he's just really far behind snapped out he's so far behind in fact they he hasn't taken a fight yet and this game might virtually be over now vivy oh god Vivi's looking with his mac & L's oh god see look at this he knows that doubts gonna run back home he doesn't see the crossbows from down at home all please doubt don't lose your crossbows it'll just make matters worse here look how close they are to seeing each other oh no there'll be an attack round here does doubt not see this oh he's gonna try micro it okay we all know about how doubt is a god of the game and how he is fantastic micro right well like dad is actually the one bad thing about his play at times is the micro I mean it's not yeah was it great was it wasn't great considering the Knights are in his base he tried okay he tried but you know he's down 30 bills Vivi's all over him with knights just look at the losses doubt is taken and he's coming back with crossbows that just won't assists now and this is the this is the game if he's gonna take this game you know there's a funny clip I'll try and find it but doubt on his stream was saying he was saying back in my day people didn't need to use these tricks people didn't need to micro you know I find it funny vivy knows he can comfortably trade underneath the town center of doubt he knows that he's idling eco this game is over 45 bills for doubt and 18 of them idle while vivvy has one idle out of 83 yeah this game is over and we're gonna have to see the next one soon but the fact is guys he had to do something with the military and he stayed at home and not lost his units he still would have lost later on and just died so I can at least appreciate the fact that doubt recognized he needed to go forward but certainly not a stylish finish for him and there's the GG well played Bibby again he stopped the forward of doubt he was questionable going forward that was a throw from vivvy there for a while there was a lot of t90 throws yeah totally bond Diaz totally I mean vivy again gave down the opportunity to come back into it but doubt just didn't have enough after the early losses I feel like when our true range was denied or walled off and doubt lost the bills he not only lost the bills but he had a lot of idle time cuz there was about a 10 villager difference after that engagement and he was unable to come back from that bonniest Thank You 416 Oh 19 months holy yea Yvonne yes you were one of the very first man thank you so much Vaughn dias one of the many people I've been able to meet an age of empires meet ups as well it was great meeting you dude I think Vani is here the only person I signed an autograph for - did I not sign your shirt I'm pretty sure you have the first-ever t90 official autograph thank you for 19 months of support there's the kt4 vivvy but it all came down to this in the end I think I signed your shirt pretty sure it was a horrible signatures sharpie on shirt this is not mixed yes the shirt with the autographs is in my basement yeah I got it that's cool all right so it's 2 1 now for vivvy welcome everybody to the stream this is a best-of-seven this best-of-seven is for around $200 it's between doubt and vivvy vivvy now is back up to number one on the ladder on boo bleah so he's number one in the world in terms of 1v1 rating a doubt I think he's top 15 or something now but it's been a close series so far I haven't had breakfast yet I woke up at 7:30 a.m. it's almost 10:00 a.m. I am starving got plenty of game so I'm more hungry for Age of Empires than I am for breakfast so we'll do Age of Empires so what Dow had Magyars in Game three Game two Game three at Italians it was Spanish and Game two for vivvy and then that game had Chinese so these are the SIVs they have available this will be on Arabia yellow lentils who told you to ask that just curious Joe Munoz has signed my tits please yeah sure no problem do you agree with Viper yesterday to the aftermath loss because of the lack of strap on Lee relying on their skills um I don't think Viper meant that that was all of it I think that was a big part of it and I would say that aftermath had a poor day like a very poor day in terms of how they normally perform but also they had issues with their strategies so it was a combination of both Malay Byzantines Franks and Incas if I was down and I wanted a victory as doubt will want here I would go with any sip here but Frank's I feel I no doubt is a huge fan of the Malay think maybe Incas as Incas do well verse Hans Britons and Japanese and Vikings that can be questionable but maybe Incas Fordow I'm not too sure I don't want to talk about yesterday too much fermented herring coz there's probably quite a few people who have not seen all the finals I just casted it yesterday and I also just uploaded it to YouTube so for those that are coming in from YouTube maybe for the first time I don't want to spoil if they haven't seen the games yet now this is the clip from doubt so this is this is doubt talking about the good old days when people didn't use to micro this is funny I will picking never learn those multix I prefer to take it slow make good strategic choices then richting micro : other new things those things didn't exist when I play there different pairs that's funny you know it's true that there wasn't the pings were so bad back then that it was all about strategic decisions and good placements and good counters there wasn't a lot of micro you know nowadays with the new user patch on boogly it's almost like single player and one be ones and even when you're playing someone from China there's not really that much lag so it really puts a lot more emphasis on your unit control I think that's funny though alright oops here we are alright ladies and gents welcome to Game four this is between vivvy and doubt on the map Arabia it is Frank's for doubt that's the once if I said doubt wouldn't pick cuz I'm a and then Japanese for vivvy a doubt is currently down two games to one victors about $200 going to the winner of this show match today I'm not exactly sure on the details it's also worth pointing out there is one restart for both players vivvy used his in game 1 and doubt if he has a bat map which he kind of does or a bad start he can choose to use a restart I'll start with doubts map and then we'll move on to Vivi's and we can discuss this if matchups a little bit it's quite interesting I like the wood lines for doubt I mean considering he has all these forward golds and stones I do like this wood line here with Franks it's almost silly to not go scouts and this is a very good wood line to go scouts with in futile and maybe get some strong trades and then this map won't be too much of an issue if he can get that map control but I will say if he loses this what the rest of is what is down here it's almost all in this corner and nothing is forward his second and third gold are forward on the hill his main stone his secondary stone all in the same area of the screen and then he has his main goal tier as well so that that can be tough but the gold you know what it's close enough to the TC where it can be safe from any pressure that might come in if he walls towards the town center here and then walls here he has safe wood he has safe dear safe berries and that's that's a good strong start for doubt vivy Vivi's Japanese and vivvy well I don't think any of the maps are gonna be perfect but this map you can also work with he has wood line on the back save gold safe stone the problem will be wood for him as well I suppose this will I mean this will bind his only safe options I'll have to go up here later on this one won't be really good for him and geez you know if he cuts through that if we're talking about Imperial aide she's gonna have to be way out here on the right hand side there's very little wood in the north and the map for both players how would you think what would you think about planes everything basically Arabia but without forest just stands alone trees Oh it'd be different it'd be different our Sun be different men sound like I called you iverson Qarth then welcome thank you for the prime Jack can we get some tea ninety champs for all the new subs today thank you guys for coming in with love I think that this the forward stones and gold's of doubt suits vivvy seven style vivvy is very good when it comes to aggressive forwards men in arms and towers and a vivvy scouts this Vivi's gonna have a field day with it it's just a matter of if doubt can push it back I feel like doubt might have the map where he can defend from it but when you have all these forward golds and stones against a player like vivvy who excels with towers and man-at-arms that makes it very tough how could have doubt one last game well moose man after he lost his forward it was gonna be tough what doubt if you lose a forward like that if you lose for villes and then you're behind eight and that's that was doubt situation you can't push back right away because you won't have the economy your opponent's gonna have more military so I feel like doubt should have kind of been greedy he created a lot of futile aids military that in the end didn't do anything for him I think instead what I would have done I would have cut back on the archer numbers and that would have given me more wood for earlier farms and I would have given me more gold to use the market with to get to Castle and then maybe had he hit Castle stir with less militaria would have been better because he would have had the tech advantage but yeah it's very difficult to to talk about how doubt could have brought that back because the reason he fell behind was because of a really poor forward attempt vivy says thank you and that's cuz doubt sending him the sheep Oh so kind I thought they're gonna lame each other because this is for money the fat dragon is is tankful but that does not mean fat dragon will not burn down town what happened to your YouTube exclusive stronghold series still on schedule we're on hold yesterday less than third of May best money go to a future t9 day series between the legends fat dragon and fat slob fat dragon and fats off I didn't even think about that yeah I bet you vivvy be scared to play fat slob as most pros are craves thank you for the $5 man yeah yesterday was insane with almost 5,000 viewers the stronghold series is something I've toyed around with but in all honesty I I put a lot of pressure on myself to to make good Age of Empires content and consistently improve and it's just not good enough right now I know we had 5,000 people yesterday we have a thousand right now on a Monday morning but seriously I I think I can improve I think things can really improve so I need to work harder on the Age of Empires content before I can branch out I need to improve whether that be my commentary or my organization or a bunch of different things I need to to step up a little bit so I'm gonna use all my time for age until I feel like I can justify spending time with something else I didn't get to this to this stage with wax days school streaming and organization you know like I I put a lot of pressure on myself to constantly improve it's like a challenge first myself you know and and also at the same time I I'm quite competitive you know so I I need to work on a couple things that I have in the back of my mind you should get better viewers okay so this is exactly what I expected man-at-arms forward vivy what has he seen here yeah he's seen enough he's seen the hill he's seen the stone and this is so far just like Game one vivy did this in Game one and he had the victory now dalla it's futile faster and he starts building his Tower on his stone and let's see how he deals with this doubt did go for Scouts and again he has the safe wood line to go to he could have started here I don't think it's the end of the world for him to leave this lumber but still you will have to leave it when are you going to become a full time fortnight streamer uh I don't I don't find shooter games enjoyable I know you're joking but I don't find shooter games as enjoyable as RTS games at least I couldn't do it consistently you know so you know what I don't think this situation there's all that bad for doubt it doubt has another wood line the issue will be keeping his Vil's working because he'll soon run out of berries to Mead farms but he has defensive tower on his stone if he walls towards his lung as mighty camp it can be just fine and that's exactly what he'll do so vivvy has a lot of pressure forward however this pressure is soon going to be well not denied but it'll be halted and doubt recognizing he's a good possibility to counter vivy has full wall so you know what maybe it's not too bad for vivvy because he won't be hit doubt already finding full walls but these are Frank scouts they have extra HP and I know these are Japanese infantry units but still I doubt with his mobility look at this he could find a villa pick and he's kind of stopping this forward in its tracks vivy style is extremely successful but it is did a call to be consistent with your seeing a best-of-seven with vivvy you're probably gonna see him lose some games because well sometimes it doesn't work out hey sending forward Spears now so he can keep his units safe and continue with the towers but this is always very difficult I said thank you so much for the prime sub my friend thank you for coming in with that Niels thank you for ten months what's up Nils Moulin McNugget sauce thank you for two months Walker welcome thank you guys there's something to the stream today no doubt he doesn't want the towers to reach his goals so he's gonna build a tower here he has to be careful with this placement because how'd he placed it here for example then vivvy could run up here and build his tower and still range the goal similar to what we saw last game I'm in doubt able to pick off one unit there but he's not stopping that tower he has the Frank farms he's even towered his wood line I feel like doubt has done a really good job of defending here vivy now trying to move in and seeing a tower from doubt and we'll have to delete his tower and this is just idle time for vivvy that he will not be happy with without maybe trying to push forward yet again and Vivi's economy is likely not as strong and out doubt building another good defensive tower and vivvy running away yet again see this is what doubt excels at doubt last game tried to do what vivvy was doing and well ironically he was in Vivi's situation where he couldn't but wasn't quite as quite as good as Vivi's now because he lost all of his bills but still like he failed with the forward and vivvy now is not really progressing very far doubts very good at defending in these situations he has the safe Gold's he has to continue to keep that safe these Gold's later on are going to be something that vivvy will have control over and that is something that vivvy will definitely focus on I want to see the difference in eco as doubt skidding wheel barrel he has a total of 16 farmers very strong farm number to go straighten tonights and castle vivy he I think he'll rely on the market a bit here because he hasn't added an archery range he might place a market soon and sell some stone and buy some food he well he has the idols forward and he has 13 farmers so he's behind in terms of food that will bring him to the next stage and now he's gonna finish this tower now and oh oh no it's an outpost it's a trick it always works it always works I think it tricked it out as well without really looking for an opportunity to fight this Vivien needs to continue to move his units around here to keep doubt off of him at the same time he's running into did tower fire from doubt doubt trying to pick off these girls they're all weak all when his tower goes up the tower denied for vivvy vivvy losing units he didn't lose any filters but all of his protection gone for these bills there's no way this tower goes up now oh and out as well now going to build a market I think that's a wise idea because you want to hit castle with a faster time now I say as well yeah vivy has built his market and he's selling stone buying food and he'll advance to castle so all things considered very good for doubt a lot more idle time for vivvy because he's had these forward Vil's and i don't even know if these four villas can make it back home safely i think he'll consider staying forward he's now building another tower just wants to be stubborn in this area and he does know that he can get the upgrades on the towers in the next stage and maybe range this gold a bit an interesting decision here from vivvy vivvy needs to be careful i don't think he sees this okay he does that was close the doubt can't stick around here so this tower will go up Ian Brown son with 103 bits does Dan class about to get in the way of watching a wee I guess someone has to learn treadmill crane hashtag engineering Thank You Ian that's awesome man thank you again for the bits so I'm thinking vivvy stays aggressive and maybe adds monasteries siege and monks a third tower you kidding me is he gonna go for an early university he's getting fletching now will he just stay at home and go for university get guard tower and get bodkin arrow wow this is unorthodox now doubt he is added one more scalp and once these towers get the upgrades he will lose access to some of his gold this is something I did not expect after vivvy started losing grounds adults other goals are here I love vivvy because he's so good when it comes to map control doubt has tons of resources he's going for a siege workshop immediately so he can try and kill these towers I'm telling you this guy if you have four golds he will abuse it and this is a good player to learn from and this style is so smart I learned a lot when I started focusing on pressuring vulnerable areas of the map like the Gold's constantly thinking about okay they have won gold they can take I'll deny the other two and just starve them from it that's exactly what the view is done and baby's getting pod Quintero only for his towers and building a forward monastery and a forts each workshop this is a style that if I was playing against I'd be tilted because it you can't counter attack him you simply have to deal with what he has thrown at you at the front and even now it's gonna be difficult for doubt to even attack this now let's see if doc can get in baby maybe recognizing this possibility yet think he's getting pikemen now and he's gonna try and stop doubt from going through the palisade walls which of course is a strong possibility maybe losing two of his Spears before pikemen that's not the best form but the monks will come out and you have to keep in mind that doubt he is kind of a one-sided sieve he rarely did want to go archers here he's coming with three battering rams and the Knights you know what I think he can do this had he gone from Mac and elves first no but if he's going with the battering rams then maybe now vivy gets a conversion this Knight can help out a lot bursts of battering rams the Macan L at vivvy has he's going to want to use bursts of battering rams but he can't come outside of the siege workshop because doubt still has night number z' doubt finishes off the monk he finishes off the night that he lost and vivvy still looking to get forward with the pikemen they're nowhere to be found and I think doubt will get his Gold's back what a cleanup from doubt he's gonna have a fill lead he's gonna have an eco lead and you know the whole strategy was dependent like it was build up towards this and it's failed for vivvy he tried to go for bodkin arrow he does not have any archers so just huge investment into this strat he's just gonna lose everything and well well played from doubt I would have considered starting with mag Annelle but with so many towers that wouldn't have worked and that's exactly why doubt went well for the battering rams and he battered down those towers quite quickly there and he'll take down this one and you might take down these Vil's as well it's out with big lead here in game 4 and now we see a defensive monastery to another barracks from vivianne he will add pikemen in doubt it is on 1tc so I guess in terms of Ville count it's still pretty close but I think because Vivi's had poor villagers forward this entire game and he's invested so much into this he's pretty far behind at the moment now the beauty of doubt situation is while vivvy is adding the Pyke's he can run away from the Pyke's pikes are great in this situation where doubt is forced to clean something up but doubt it doesn't have to fight this now really he can just avoid the Pyke's he is no big dilemma because his gold is safe now he can consider transitioning with scorpions or something you know he can avoid this in his Vivi's eco vivvy if he had ten pikemen here he would have held but now the situation is very different but still touts engaging I think he needs to be careful because Vivi's the Yolo kind of player doubt engaging versed Japanese pikemen prior to the scorpions arriving that was not something he needed to do and here comes vivvy oh my god he's gonna go for a castle I have pretty sure he's gonna go for castle he's banking up the stone he has monks he has villas coming forward again doubt seized this a [Music] cow could have transitioned he could have waited for four to five scorpions he could have he could have waited but he lost his advantage I he'll lose more nights it's always awkward as Franks because of the lack of transition into archers now we see redemption coming in for vivvy so redemption means the monks can convert siege 13 military verse three Vivi's a few bills behind but you know where he's gonna place that castle chat you know he's gonna place it here now just I'll have the stone for his own castle he doesn't will this council be denied oh okay I thought the castle was denied by the scorpion that was scary stuff this is Vivi's point of view what he does not see is that doubt has the mag Annelle here the mag Annelle for vivvy goes down a monk for vivvy goes down villagers for vivvy go down his vivvy going to have a doubt castle verse down one of Vivi's at councils called really big deal which in chinese i think stands for really big dick he's got some balls speech on strategy in doubt doubt buying his own castle he's frank so it's cheaper oh my god no even if the scorpion gets one single hit on a ville that's building it's so big it's so important I think both casters will go up unbelievable both castles wait-wait-wait-wait that one night 85% for vivvy doubts gonna get his up first oh please tell me this goes up for vivvy can the castle range the villas they can reign to bills but the castle goes up anyway whew that was close that was very close we're gonna call it well calculated vivy it was never in doubt I'm sure kappa but now what does doubt - he cannot take this gold so you cannot take these two golds vivy if you would like now could just add a comedy at home I mean of course he's invested so much into these four words he doesn't have a lot of eco just look at this but it's a style that's very successful on Vivi's making petard you've got to be kidding me chat you've got to be kidding me battering ram now for doubt he should have the edge in killing this castle battering ram for vivvy now coming out on the other side I feel like this battering ram would have been better suited in defense in all honesty petard czar too expensive it's it's very risky and I know that snippy's in the chat probably and snippy is now laughing at me when I say it's not reasonable but Oh God excusing the petard burst of battering rams what the hell I think maybe he's just a throne his advantage it doubt has so many more bills vivy the only thing he had Dolan for him was the fact that he had the Gold's from doubt and doubt he's been surviving and there's no way that doubt will lose his castle mal we'd out getting masonry as well to have some more strength on his units and I think it's just a matter of time till baby looses his castle and vivvy will lose the game then you might not want to give it up way it would be just like vivvy to come forward again but what's he gonna do now once doubt gets his golds what a best-of-seven it'll be to to to if doubt gets the victory yeah I give him a big edge in that because you can get his gold back he has so many town centers back here and he's been selling some of that extra wood yeah Vivi's gonna build another siege workshop if he's not finished vivy is not finished you know now doubt can make some throwing axe members pikes which is quite nice and he's maybe thinking about that for a second vivy was going to convert the battering ram but no no conversion on the monk and oh god this is so good for doubt look at this he'll kill some monk he will kill the mac and el and once again he probably sees this and knows he needs to protect this area he's coming over vivy just doesn't have a lot except for a few mugs it out just needs to snipe the monks and the rest will die maybe getting a conversion there though the sky is stubborn he's so stubborn more monks and pikes coming forward think doubt has enough wood to sell though don't you it down goes a monk for vivvy I think what no doubt doesn't kill that monk yeah there we go doubt selling all that would get more and more difficult to do that what's vivvy up to at home is he adding Eko there just one Town Center I think he knows adding Eko as a mistake now he's to continue to pressure doubts gold and micro is gonna be needed with the maggin else the samurai and Pike's closing in on doubts maggin oh and killing doubts mag an L and now doubt with the throwing Axman now the throwing axe men are slow they also don't have a lot of range so the Mac and L could kill them but doubts micro here that's huge that is absolutely ridiculous Micra with three throwing ax men to kill three monks and then maybe kill Magon ELLs after that that was clutch micro from doubt I know it's the meme to doubt micro thing but he's actual quite good with it at times and now he'll build the castle if this castle goes up he pretty much denies vivianne opportunity to win the game the the vill lead he has hey come on doubt kill the MacNeill man just just kill kill kill the mechs mag Mel down kill it there we go come on necessary losses but it's fine the castle goes up I guess of course he doesn't have these gold still but I think he has enough to go towards the Imperial Asian certainly enough to add something like elite skirmisher or not so sure look at his face would count he has so much wood he doesn't have the space for fun look at that mil from doubt what a wonderful mill it's bringing air from the atmosphere outside the map into the equation it's really helpful he brings an extra food now throwing axe men are one of my favourite units in the game we rarely see there's a reason we rarely see them but they are much stronger for Franks now and baby throwing away the mag & L's I've been saying it for a while I don't see it way back for vivvy but doubt needs to get his food count up needs to get some mills in an open area add more farms Vivi's gonna go up to imp um one TC and now building a castle oh my god oh my god you gotta love it you gotta love it oh here he comes he's done it once so do it twice he's going for a forward castle you know again if Dallas uses throwing Axman correctly he might be able to deny this but they're so slow that they will die to maghen else so I think the castle goes up this is actually a game that vivvy can win it is possible because doubt he doesn't have the food to go towards him I guess he's close to it but a forward Japanese cast for vivvy vivvy clicks to MP's 30 Vil's behind he's continued to keep his foot on the gas and doubts about to run out of this gold only a thousand left and does doubt not know about the Oh doubts doesn't even see this he's gonna be in for a rude awakening when he tries to build this castle yeah that's not gonna happen now he might even consider selling his stone for gold I'm not sure but vivy he will continue doing monks and he'll go for magadh else and maybe monks pikemen Macan else trebs to finish off this game for vivvy can we get the t90 dragons in the chat cuz this guy should have been dead a long time ago I've been writing him off all game and he's still in this now the downside is since dad has had so much more economy he can actually make units he can afford to go into something other than just a few pike when the monks and also doubt has two castles it could be three castles and with three castles then he could ultimately win the trebler how many conversions did vivvy get let's see twelve not bad definitely not bad I am casting out for vivvy what is he making at home pikes okay so it's right on that he's definitely lacking wood in fact you might need to purchase some wood with all of doubts gold now if you purchase water food in this situation it's actually giving an opportune purchasing stone so we could build another castle interesting it's giving doubt an opportunity to sell those resources for a better price who doubt once a good Mac and El trade he will not uh-oh he was close to getting to that's not bad you are a fantastic absolutely amazing entertaining to listen to you talk so much that suddenly becomes super cool and intrinsic love from Norway I'll take that as a compliment man thank you will her for three months you're amazing man thank you here's the first trap now for vivvy the doubt he's gonna have to in a second so doubts ahead in the TREB war and doubt going into the light cab which of course dies to pikemen but vivvy lacking mobility might be an issue Owen and Dallas branching out here you see how he's looking to raid Vivi's eco this is good stuff from doubt he's gone the whole way around the action actually collecting an extra stone out here and he's gonna work on collecting a few relics as well unfortunately for doubt those extra golds or in the north and [Music] I'm not quite sure what the second one is but anyway he's not close to getting that it's probably in busy space vivy can only get so many bills to repair here it's important that both players repair their castles doubt as close to his eco so he's able to repair this still feels like vivvy is dead you know he's so far behind it pop and now look at doubts like cath but you never know what the fat dragon I still very calm I would be comfortable from in doubts position hitting the eco now a vivvy vivvy will have less resources Vivi's only focused on the front so that'll be tough and now if if he's going to lose his castle I think the fat dragon is gonna have to give it up guys I think he's gonna have to give up Game four this is looking pretty pretty good for Dallas great defense at the same time though vivy just didn't die that's got to be something that vivvy is comfortable with going forward the holding on there are some players who if they lose an advantage they are pretty much dead vivy certainly not one of them he's played so well here and still not not calling the game just yet as like have hit his eco he's down 60 population then doubt we'll take down this castle soon yeah this game is doubts doubt play this extremely well from feudal age onwards it was difficult of course and there were sloppy moments that's what vidi wanted but it was important that doubt Hill can added extra eco and got his own castles up and here you go he's gonna kill a trebuchet he's he's about to lose his second castle actually come on down you can't throw from this position shortly don't let vivvy do this to you man you have this game doubts gonna lose this step yeah I'll lose this castle but still has 50 more villagers still is raiding Vivi's eco this guy will not go away this vivvy character I'm telling you he's something else still can't help but feel like this is over you just look at the resource difference 20 food the doubt has 2.5 k wood he's housed at 150 Bob he's gonna add elite skirm yeah he the only way that Japanese can counter elites come here would be to go for samurai and the castles will be dead so I don't even think maybe can't afford samurai now I say the castles will be dead baby still repairing this and he's using his own treads he's repairing his own trebs we tried to kill doubts chubs the sloppy stuff this is why I said I felt like vivvy could have success first out because doubt he might struggle versus all the messiness that baby offers okay doesn't kill this trip Vivi's castles still up now if he kills one of the outs trebuchet see oh my god it's just so crazy how he doesn't die still he seems dead I gotta just stop calling it when Vivi's playing you know I gotta just say that he has an opportunity at all times he's keeping his castle up the doubt he does have this gold with three villagers but that's it he is one relic this this individual is fallen off the earth earth is flat that's unfortunate they couldn't hold a funeral for him yeah I think doubt has it he just needs to go sperms and like to have and he should be able to win look at this score difference who continues to play at this stage but vivvy like look at this score difference 3000 score difference for doubt there we go vivy calls it well played out great defense but I gotta say vivy played incredibly well after taking those early losses prepare that to doubt who went forward last game in futile age and was pretty much dead after his forward failed Vivi's forward failed and then he went forward again and he took it to imp I don't know how he does it but he's so good with Yolo plays there's the KD for you very close in the end out losing a lot of light captive pikemen I feel look at the food and what difference double the wood and double the food of vivvy coz doubt was booming in that back corner now you know what do you remember when that game started and I pointed out where the woods were located in that back corner imagine if doubt had his woods more to the north I think he could have been a different game then of course doubt might have responded differently but you get what I'm saying or his Dave perfect time for I am the dragon Dave is probably at work okay so we just saw Frank's from doubt and we saw Japanese from vivvy I'll update the scores and I'll show you what saves they have left this is the best of seven for a couple hundred dollars guys happy to have so many people here PM 9:01 thank you for the prime sub men you guys happen to be new to the stream today and you're wondering what all this twitch stuff is about I stream 5 days a week I will be off tomorrow for sure probably Wednesday gonna take more time off this week just so I can get some some projects worked on I've been postponing for far too long but anyway I post the schedule below the stream and there's always a countdown to the next one I'll have the post that schedule today for the upcoming week can follow my Twitter I tweet that out so you can also see it there and then I posted on this cord if you're part of the discord community best way to support my work is subscribing to the stream it's $5 a month to get various emotes which I'm sure chat can show you and then also hundreds of streams a year hundreds of YouTube videos just a simplest way magically Mia the six months sub to the stream this high first time here yes sure sure ducks I love him the badge man loving the badge looks good yeah ducks I woke up at 7:30 for this because they rescheduled so all of you in Europe currently enjoying your afternoon I sacrificed for you yeah t90 dragon is for vivvy because during a battle of Africa Dave and I made a big deal about vivvy and his name was fat dragon then he changed his name which he often does back to really DL I think will remove the t90 dragon emo in a couple weeks but we'll leave it for now just woke up and I'm from Europe what's up Yannick yeah I haven't had breakfast either I guess I'll start with lunch I think game six I'll probably put some food in the oven that way can eat immediately when I finish the stream anyway it'll be Arabia again Malay Byzantines and Incas or doubt that's what he has remaining and it'll be Huns Britons and Vikings I well first of all vivy didn't pick any expansion sips which is a bit peculiar if you ask me he has Huns left which can be countered by the Huns really win here with a good style play if you like Incas Byzantines and Malay on paper or better Britain stay can be countered by Incas and Byzantines Malay it depends Vikings as well so I feel like doubt has the stronger options in terms of SIVs remaining but the style is a player so different it depends on how viv you want to play with the SIVs that game should be starting within the next couple of minutes because of his name now will we have a mode now we won't I have we're gonna add a T 90 love emote for when people sup to the stream and and donate and spread the love so I'm gonna have to work on some ideas for that and then I'd love to add T 90 oMG back I think I'll add T 90 oMG back first we are sixtyish subs away from a new emotes lot now I have to double check on that let me see the game game will start up curious I can tell you guys it's crazy back when I only had ten emotes lots I thought that when I had 28 that I would never have an issue with this but I have all these ideas and we don't have room for it it's crazy and we don't want to remove any of the emotes we already have we are 64 emotes are 64 subs or sub points away from the next emote slot so we're not that far yeah it's just sub-points so if there's a tier 2 sub that counts as two points the tier two subs get the t90 golden woo and then the tier 3 sub is the the 5 emote slot and they get the additional emote there as well it's a bit confusing alright sweet let's do this we have Game five and this has been a really nice set of matches doubt he's playing as two Incas in the blue and then in the red we have vivvy vivvy is playing at the Vikings so I was just saying how I think did civilizations that doubt has left is better but when I say that I'm not thinking with the mind of the dragon I'm thinking with the mind of someone who plays with standard builds standard reactions bivy he plays so differently we saw this with sy in battle of Africa vivy and his team they chose SIVs that Dave and I didn't understand and yet they still want because they they choose it for their style of play out Vikings is a save that code counts are Incas but we'll talk more about that after we address these awful awful maps at least Vivi's is pretty bad here yes the woods and the pods on the left of forward wood lines hills on the main Gold's hills surrounding his main stone secondary gold is here and the third is forward yeah this is a map where if I'm vivvy I build my barracks on this hill I wall towards this wood line and towards the edge of the map over time and maybe build my archery ranges like just built everything in front of the Gold's or on the hill with the gold and then be aggressive and that's what vivvy likes to do now doubt I'd say this is a much better situation for him this wood line is acting as a wall for him so this wood line is a good one to start with also has this one behind nice main stone and main gold pile now on the bright side gets close together if he loses this you lose it all at once but I feel like because of the position of it'd be quite easy to secure both his main stone and main goals as secondary gold is also in a nice position and his third gold is a bit more exposed but if you were first vivvy and you have a secondary gold that's somewhat on the back or somewhere you can run to that's always good because we still have to be played last time vivy second stone bugs yeah you're right it's kind of bugged that's good for doubt if doubt sees that he's gonna he's gonna be happy a cliff would liner on opposite sides of it so he can only access two tiles at once that's kind of a bummer Oh also doubt has the deer here I mean how good does this get bivy is lured in three deer already but adults map definitely better and Incas are the civilization of counters so what are Vikings good at Vikings have strong infantry and Vikings have strong archers while Incas they have the Eagle warriors to count to the archers they have the skirmishers to counter the archers they have the homages to counter the archers oh well I guess I won't go Watchers don't you know I do go to go infantry they have the slingers to counter the infantry they have the champions to counter the infantry they have the árboles to counter the infantry so what do you do first Incas is very tough you have to take strong early advantages and hope that helps you against their counters later on Incas are the SAP of counters will there ever be a drunk t90 on Friday again yeah chaste sixes just as I said earlier there's there's a lot of things I'm trying to work on at the moment and I put a little bit too much on my plate I wanted to do more offline YouTube content like The Legend videos and some casts that I I couldn't do on stream and when I started adding in all these other projects and you know you figure in the fact that I'd be getting drunk and then having to wake up on Saturday morning to cast again it just became a lot so I'm still fairly new to my schedule when it comes to full-time streaming you know so I'm working on it but we'll do liquor league again we just won't do it at the frequency we did before all nice awareness from doubt [Music] isn't that funny isn't that funny both of them building their barracks and finding the barracks with their scout that's funny baby did the same exact thing to doubt this is something that you don't see at lower levels this just goes back to the activity from their Scout you know this is something that's huge both seeing that they're building the barracks and then denying the barracks and we see it so often at the higher levels because they're Scouts are always in the right position that is funny how it happens at the at the same exact moment though geez Gerardus welcome thank you for the prime enjoy the emotes man thank you for the t90 whoo shout when will we see a 1v1 diplomacy it's funny that's probably a joke because once you wanted diplomacy don't mix but I'm really gonna try and start my project where I play my brother in the game this week and if that happens we will probably play diplomacy will be allies because he's a bit of a noob you know and then we'll set some rules up and then we'll we'll turn each other to enemy later on I feel like that'd be really fun for a YouTube audience so I've watched thousands of vivvy games and I've won not thousands hundreds of vivvy games and I've never seen him go forward ever oh wait I'm confusing players I'm sorry he goes forward like every game so he's sending two villagers forward this time and he's going with Manning arms again doubt as I said earlier very good with his scouting and oh he's waiting for it so he sees the bills now without reacted pretty well in previous games I think that would prefer to be in this position where he's defending doubt created an extra militia maybe expecting this getting men in arms and it will be for men and arms for both however vivvy doesn't have all his units grouped together at the moment a doubt is expecting more than two villagers I imagine so he's he's sending his bills out here expecting that it will be five or six from Vivien he needs to fight this this is a good response regardless for doubt that maybe he's just going with forward archery range LOL does the t90 dragon have McDonald's yeah his account was called fat dragon man that's why he has McDonald's fries and and shake doubts done everything right I mean always gonna tower this as well I mean wants to tower the forward archery I will see how I feel about that I'm not so sure because the archers can still be created out of this range it doesn't deny it I might give down an opportunity to then wall it up but potentially a bit of an overreaction by doubt he can of course collect his stone safely here so he can build more towers but normally when a player like vivvy sees this he thinks oh great now I can tower you and you can't build a defense of blood but the engagements so strong there to start for doubt he killed the Scout he killed the archer now for vivvy and if he doesn't like this engagement I guess can run right to his Tower this is game 5 this is for a couple hundred dollars also this is a good test of the players skills and really just showing the community what they can do versus each other and great job doubt vivy okay vivy this Archer came from the south and I thought he had built an archery range at home which would have confused me because he's building one forward well two archers for both that's just that doubt has this eagle and his micro was good but Vivi's micro better did you see what he did with the weak man army pulled it away oh man that was really good for vivvy that could have been a lot worse for him a doubt still has the archer numbers but I like how vivvy was able to keep his man-at-arms alive that's what it comes down to when you're going into a fight and players are just patrolling you try and look at what unit is being attacked and then you pull that away and then turn that will distract the enemy units it won't be attacking and they'll come right towards you and that's the second time today I've seen vivvy excel with something like that now when you go forward like this when you lose your forwards you're almost always dead this level you won't have units to be able to defend yourself at home because all your production buildings are forward so it's important that you force doubt to if your Vivid out to stay here a doubt has created a lot of archers but I feel like he might have created a few too many archers is he adding Eagles No so with this skirmishing now from vivvy these archers are gonna be easy pickings for vivvy at all look at this do you see this you see where she's going as archers die in doubt space I think this villager is considering a tower yeah they're definitely considering a tower on the woods I doubt now adding in villagers to push away the skirmishers here for Vivi's so he could go for Ville pics but no he's gone for an archer pick like 89 to 8 at the moment I'll keep an eye on those wheels for you all ones out needs to run away from this so again I don't think this tower was really the best it hasn't really done anything for doubt Oh vivy looking way for a moment losing an archer doubt now very close to losing his own Archer what an interesting match we have you know if vivvy builds this tower where doubt can see it doubt can't really send his army over to address and doubts losing so many archers so he'd have to use his Vil's for that 12 kills 11 deaths for vivvy so the KD very very close and luckily for daddy has a much better map and he can just run towards the other wood line but I don't like how this is going for him now he's trying to collect deer for extra food he's losing units he's also fighting with villagers which is an ideal because they're meant for collecting resources and they're not meant for death without losing a Vil and there's the tower again doubt couldn't address that it dealt has to run away from that area Delp he's definitely under pressure he's under fire from the dragon but he has enough squirms now where I think that that these engagements will be even the archers won't offer too much in scrum versus firm battles there we go that's a good engagement for doubt very good in fact [Music] now there's another big difference and I guess this is the one thing that Vikings have over Incas and that is their economy they get wheelbarrow for free starting in futile age and that's something a doubt we'll need to research so the economy has been stronger for vivvy back at home but now doubt is able to push out this is where the problem comes in because if doubts trades they're minute ago he's able to push forward and counter-attack though if doubt researches wheelbarrow which I'm sure he will that will mean his TC will be idle for the time it would take to create four bills so you will be behind in anvils vivvy recognizing dallas is back at home and maybe he'll just come back for it always going for another tower it with two villagers vivvy does he see this army coming any better because he'll he'll lose his bills if he doesn't see it oh it doubt that the right thing he got in close before he fired the first shot that when he could kill more than one bill he almost killed the second one they'd be going to this side vivvy recognizing that doubt must be over there for wood and that's where he's going with his archers interesting game Firefly Firefly welcome to the stream man thank you for the sub and it's out not losing anything but lots of idle time I noticed it it seems like doubt unless he researched already chat can help me out ok i jinxed it i was just gonna say that that was gonna skip wheelbarrow because it was so late but now he's clicked it now so the Ville count will only rise now for vivvy vivvy is still in an awkward situation because doubt can make Eagle warriors and the Eagles are so strong against the archers and the scurbs especially in castle age vivió almost be forced into a stable as vikings so he'd need to go archers and knights the Knights to counter the Eagles and the inca counters really paying off now for doubt and also the stronger map paying off for doubt look at this wolf it's actually blocking the Eagle pathing it's funny oh man can viv even make it back home safely I don't know he might need to just run around and around and around towers at home and now he's having stables so he will go with Knights but ideally he keep his army numbers up here hasn't taken any losses just yet but I think his Archer too will go down yeah at least he'd he forced out the fire and it will save the squirms it doubts on the way to Castle but later and he's gaining full map control back so now all the forward archery ranges for vivvy not offering him too much Vivi's map is disgusting but he has vikings eco and he's going for knights who doubts decision is to stick with just archers so he out of a few eagles but he's going more heavy into archers and he still has lots of archers in this group so I like this from doubt because the archers will fare much better versa Knights seeing as I grouped up like this can you unban me from a channel I got bands permanently well you've got bands here so probably not probably not if you got bands by a streamer this is my logic on this if you got bands by a streamer you've probably deserved it most streamers if you contact them they'll give you a second chance but if they're not unbanning you after a second chance there's a reason behind that but we don't have a very big band list here [Music] ladies just got timed out way What did he say yeah I I think that's fair you're you're deserving of a time out there man I think it's pretty logical I think it's pretty logical that if you came here and got timed out and you got banned somewhere else to probably cool things down a little bit yeah beside romance I'll totally unbanned you bro I'll totally unban you so doubt it's done the right thing everything he's done with the exception of the tower has been correct here doubt might make an argument for that tower if I were to talk to him but I feel like that was not necessary but still he's gone the stone he's collected the stone he lost there and now he's going to go back home which is also correct because the Knights will likely be coming in now he gets caught out of position will he be vulnerable not really I mean the villagers are all close to town centres or they're walled in so I don't know if the Knights can pick off bills like vivvy would like but vivvy does have +2 defense on the knights that's a lot of upgrades fibbies also slightly ahead in villagers and he's out of his second and his third town centres coming up so it's not like he is going full-on aggression I think a siege workshop would be an order here but instead he's building two watchtowers okay and doubt probably sees him here as doubt builds his third Town Center the Knights are in he's over chopped to your doubt and he will need to run away from this is TC should go up though a villager will die man you know vivy lost the forward and yet he's he's pushing back from home and doing quite a good job here this is strong play and Vivian also has good vision on where doubts resources are and what doubt will be going for so the only weakness could be is if doubt comes in with his archers but doubt has not done that doubt it's gone to chase these nights and vivvy had the siege Workshop waiting anyway so one thing I want to see is some beserk now I'm not an expert at this but I'm pretty sure that twitch added a feature and if you type T 90 woo and the twitch chat will see buzzer kisses game I it's a new feature it might be bugged out but twitch chat directly affects what happens in Age of Empires - it's unbelievable maybe if you guys type the wounds we'll see it a vivvy not heavy on stone but has 400 stone in the bank there you go chat he has the benefit of speed so he can run away from doubts units he even kept all these weeknights alive and he might heal them up with a monk and I think berserks can counter the Eagles also if you get berserks and squirms or berserks and siege that counters the archers from the incus and out is not going to be liking how he has no map control but in all honesty it's very hard for him to get map control when vivvy has the speed [Music] now there's a couple things that vivvy see i want to point out vivy he sees his gold here he sees doubts gold he sees doubts town centres he sees this goal as well so how much want a bet at some point he's gonna go right to this goal than this gold yep he's already arriving to this one he wants to keep down away from it now doubt finally coming forward with his crossbows there's the castle from vivvy now vivvy has his Macan else on the wrong side so he will need to send his back and i was over here and he's at risk of losing villagers and oh nope get rekt out doubt a little bit too slow to fire there the Macan el is now on the way so he'll just need to run back I think he'll get wrecked vivvy that was smart from doubt he ran away out of Vivi's vision and then he came right back in and slide to bills good stuff del I also doubt is working on getting the relics and he just lost a monk there I think he has one potentially too soon and doubts very close to hitting the imperial age as well and there we go what did I say we're gonna see berserks because twitch chat spam t90 woo it works every time it's gonna try and trap this army this cook could be in the link for doubt how these elite screms don't have bodkin arrow but that's a lot of nights now doubt we'll have to stop to fight this he can't just let the Knights run all over him so we'll have to hit and run and the Macan ELLs are closing in oh the sheep and the berserker blocking the Macan ELLs well played out to micro this very well played he's on his way to empty Vivi's lacking the food for him but he definitely has the gold baby's going for the trap here that's for sure now if doubt gets one conversion one single conversion he can kill both Mac and else Oh vivy runs away the mega notes come in doubt force the micro this he takes huge losses now here come the Eagles but the monk goes oh there was a conversion the monk goes down the Eagles will not have too much success verse the Knights of vivvy I think that doubt is running into some interesting decisions like do I kill Eagle Warriors in him when he can make berserks and Knights the answer so far is yes and delt will have to try and raid the Eco but like to remind you vivy knows where the extra Gold's are for Delta he will be focusing on those areas he's out will have that stronger push vivy he can count on the berserks to save him though and he will soon have the stone for a second Castle I think he'll build it here now the vivvy already with monks trying to look at the other areas of the map he sees this gold was not being taken [Music] seeing his Vivi's a map control style player and so is doubt vivy he does it in an unorthodox way but still he really drives on map control I feel like doubt is probably not too comfortable with his current position doubts about to hit him P actually he's lacking the resources for a lead eagle maybe one up to imp a bit earlier than he should have now doubt doesn't see this this is a neutral gold does vivvy see that Divi does see that so maybe sees this gold this gold this gold and now this gold and he's very close to seeing some of these relics he sees this one a doubt sending in some some numbers he sees this one and he does not see this one meter this out when Vivi's on the way to imp and he's making the berserks so i know i made the whole twitch at effects the game joke but i I expected to see berserks here once that castle went up so early and I'm really pumped about this actually because Vikings they're so much better than they used to be seeing as berserks are a strong viable option and doubt he's he just has Eagle warrior does not have a lead eagle so he cannot fight these deserts at all vivy protecting himself with the stone walls will clean up the archers and it's 24 military verse 34 here comes down with the Eagles now he's just getting elite Eagle what he needs to do is get elite eagle and hit the economy or vivvy but I don't know seems like doubt will get cleaned up here and then after he gets cleaned up did all those berserks die to the crossbows the down list of SATA net that choke point there may be doubt needs to add some swingers the swingers are like hand cannons for measure tubes adding swingers would be really smart the problem for Vivi's is the leaf deserts are quite expensive so he will run into a cost issue but I think that beserk scan do it well maybe not with that food count he only has 100 food moved out slowly getting map control back he's gonna kill the berserks he's getting ballistics and yeah he's gonna go archers and eagles he has his gold secured he will eventually kill that tower so he can get the wood secured he's just missing out on these relics and these goals in the south but it's 34 military verse 23 and doubt has Lee Eagle now another counsel for vivvy going up though and vivvy he does have stone walls in this side to keep himself safe actually there's a hole here but we see the zerks have their defense upgrades in just castle age defense upgrades mutilates attack but they're still still deserves hmm do you buy food if your vivvy you probably hate to purchase food because you want to save that gold but I almost feel like without elite berserk you can't really afford to push out and it's getting dicey to hold this but he's definitely setting himself up for late-game isn't he he's stonewalling up he has castles in all of his hills he's now adding a trebuchet because he seized out and built a castle as of now though I feel like with only berserks even if their elite doubts are blessed we'll do a good job in accompanying these Eagles downside for doubt is he doesn't counter anything that vidi has now with the Eagles so that's a lot of gold invested into a unit that will not fare very well berserk skies I'm loving this vivy has this gold vivy can see this gold vivy working on scouting the other areas of the map I doubt also he still doesn't see this it doubts all this neutral gold that be so huge that's an extra 1800 gold we're sorry I can't math that's 2400 gold's elite berserk now on the way the vivvy sees the castle and he has the hill with the trebs this trip is gonna go to the other side though to make it awkward to defend Oh Viveca Lucy's trebs I don't think he's realized that they're over here maybe going to loop around out has all the árboles upgrades Berserker gang now Berserker gang means these units will heal the trebs go down the trebs they're not affected by berserker gang unfortunately and doubt is playing this right - just micro and use his Eagles to pick off the siege by like tout situation a lot better the berserks they will die - archers they're underneath the castle and vivvy takes engagement that was extremely poor he lost three trebuchet x' and he lost his mass of the berserks just after researching berserker gang as well now he has two relics and okay now now he's doing what I think he should do he needs to add an archers worth skirmishers but now doubt has the mass to push back and you know dealt he's in a very strong position seeing as vivvy doesn't have the numbers and as you know the Eagles they counter the scurbs so this is looking good for doubt I think vivvy needs to hold for a while and maybe do some counter rage that's what he's doing I think he's expecting doubt to be on this goal do you see he's sending them right to the gold but doubts come loose Lumberjacks at the very least but doubt is taking back the hill and this is big this is right where the archery ranges were built as well for vivvy he's just now getting some armor upgrades I mean that's the first armor upgrade available for archers he's way behind in this now he needs to get braces and he doesn't have the numbers of reserves he might want but maybe he can distract out where dello have to pull back and out won't have the force he'll want on the front I don't see doubt losing this Hill though any time soon and vivvy doesn't have the food to creates Kermes out of all this ranges his castle is so important because he needs to be zerks and without the berserks of course these scrubs will just die now doubt repairing his tea senior as vivvy is trying to kill the town center i think the town center will stay up and doubt once again will holds just barely knowing but it's enough doubt does he see this gold it'd be so huge yes he does see it though he's not seeing the one in his basis is looking very good for doubt with this map control he would soon kill a castle he will then kill the archer ranges he has another castle on the hill the berserks and his base have been annoying for sure but doubts still having resources actually lacking wood of all things at the moment doubt research skills early on the Guild's means you'll get a greater trade when you sell resources so he's getting a lot of gold as he sells his food I think that berserk suddenly discrim would have done it but vivvy may be losing too much momentum now hard to say losing the gold still raining down Seco I mean he has 180 population it's just that he does not have the comfort of a hill I guess he does have a hill now but it's not a deal he just lost all of his ranges and bless this castle it needs to hold here and forced out the fight uphill now if we're talking super super late game the Vikings do get access to horses and light calves so they can raid with that and also the berserks they will heal so everytime vivvy uses to leave an engagement won't be too bad for him you know what this engagement isn't too awful if he can get if he can kill the Eagles and use the scurbs risky arms every single trade heat makes versity are blessed to be good for him I'd say that's fairly even and considering vivvy was fighting uphill not too bad but still doubt with 53 military just so tough for skirmishers to thrive here you know because the Eagles I think they two-shot them now but baby look at this he's hitting the wood line from down the right he's hitting the wood line from down the left now sadly for him he's just shown doubt this gold and doubt his castling this it's still very strong position for doubt maybe there's a chance for vivvy but if bivy loses this he'll go down three to two and was the best of seven for a couple hundred bucks today a vivvy won the first game in fact I still think the first game was the best game but this game is look pretty good as well maybe seed room is the answer it's a lot of food invested to that upgrade food that is needed for berserks and for elites Kermes just needs this hill he takes his Hill vivvy and this entire game flips on its head doubts just playing this so well he now has I guess still one relic I heard a relic coming in now for vivvy doubt can't see this he's getting the extra stone he's got to give down a huge edge because of the amount of map control encounters he has if doubt has a safe eco if he has map control he almost always wins the crazy thing is that's the same with vivvy you know that it's the same with most top players but having map control gives you so many options to recover after you lose a fight it gives you so many areas to hit and here comes the engagement Vivi's gonna try and again he's fighting uphill so doubts army does 25% more damage the the seed Rams will soak up the arrow fire the berserks they're waiting to kill the Eagles as the Eagles go burst those ramps now these curves they have full upgrades and thus Kermes could kill the ARBs it's really down to the Eagles which costs gold for gallons down has a huge score lead 10 he keep the Eagle number up because if he doesn't then all the Arve less die and it seems like he's doing just enough here just enough doubt to hold on to this that doubt is on a rampage right now at least in this particular game lots of Archer units only four doubt but a few Eagle warriors enough and now it's 175 to 166 you got to get vivvy credit for stay alive here but yeah now's out see this TC he's gonna raid this with Eagles he still has this golds and doubt has not lost his he'll its just gets more and more difficult for vivvy who at one point in this game had the map control but doubt was able to find the key ingredient and that was our blessed once he added are blessed with his Eagles it became a very good situation I don't think auditor is realistic for either player due to the cost of creating them and researching that and also the fact that they both have very strong melee units the zerks would would kill the auditors and the Eagles would kill the auditors too so they probably need to continue with this and doubts at 81 military he's gonna trap down another castle soon he will again trip down archery ranges I think it's getting closer and closer for delt and again he has the gold it's 2 to 2 with the relic count-out unfortunately does not see this one but look at what he has explored look at that map exploration probably for both players yeah vivvy exploring more of the map while honestly but doubt just executing better the doubt loses one shred he loses the next trip vivy he sacrificed a lot for that he won't be able to close in on this trebuchet very easily that cliff that must be loving that look at that position for the trebuchet it's perfect man he could just build a house around this and it can shred down everything around doc just has too many numbers he has too many numbers and vivvy he can't catch up because he's forced to take engagements he can't catch up to the 73 of Daly's only at 40 himself and this castle I think it drops here oh it just stays up luckily the tribe is at the bottom of the hill but it's gonna drop soon he's out of stone he's out of res to be losing the fight on the front they be going to lose his castle we might kill one trip but doubt has the resources going to elite cameo and vivvy will follow the GG here yeah he will call the GT with the lack of resources now he's gonna call it he's out of wood in the back of his base as well so he's forced to go forward close to doubt I guess it is vivvy so he doesn't like to call GG right but I think he knows especially when doubts start hitting starts to hit his wood line he knows it's over and out it's continuing to sell all the extra wooden food he has so we can bank up gold really strong clay from him very good late-game player down I said that vivvy style would be something that could counter doubt vivy constantly goes forward and that type of strategy that type of style as vivvy calls the gg there Vivi's style counters doubt style in the sense that it stops doubt from getting to this stage but doubt was able to take good enough trades after the forward from bivy and I will say that vivvy it could have been a lot different vivvy had he not taken that engagement here with the desserts maybe should have waited for squirms because doubt he had the ranged and he had the melee combo he wanted and it was just all berserks or vivvy but what a game there one hour long game in game time quality stuff we got to see a lot of map control and rating and different unit comps with differences exactly what we like to see nowadays and there's the KD for doubt and doubt obviously having more gold there that's what it came down to in the end I again feel like vivvy probably took a poor engagement remember he lost three trebuchet Xand about 40 elite berserks had he waited with that and added 20 to 30 skirmishers to a company I feel like it would have been better for him than any who will go on to the next game and potentially the last game if doubt wins it as it's a best-of-seven if you're interested in the saves they have remaining here you go we have Malay and Byzantines remaining for doubt and Huns and Britons remaining for vivvy you how much points is difference ANBU blue letters now between vivvy and first fuglie ranks player ah well because doubt was so low rated the three games he has won has taken a ton of points away from vivvy vivvy is it like maybe 40 50 points away from let's see yeah so vivy because doubt was 2.3 K that was like 25th when they started this vivy was first and losing three games vivvy has gone from first to sixth just dude the amount of points that doubt took from him Shawn came though Avar and Farah thank you for three months and 100 thank you for your one viewer host really appreciate all the viewers man Jack going throw some salutes in there for n 100 welcome next game I'm assuming will be Byzantines for dad I feel like that'd be the safer peg here but Malay also very strong force one second I think someone was knocking on my door I'll be right back chat will start the next game soon oh never mind that's not the door I freaked out but I think it's my downstairs neighbor I don't know what has gone on with them they had a baby recently and I couldn't sleep last night because that thing was crying and now they're doing jumping jacks down there like that baby's full-grown already jeez you should have a doll emote yes because having a doll emote would be so original Viper has like seven doubt emotes I think there's four or five other channels like doubt doubts own emotes aren't even popular because other people have doubt leave notes I feel bad for the guy now I don't want to I want to be unique you know I'm sorry I'm bit tired guys because I didn't get any sleep last night but hopefully the casting has been good I'm excited for this next game when it's the next big tournament Battle of Africa was my first big stream from you it was awesome Firefly there's two things I think there's one that has been like yeast and there's another one that virtually no one knows about which will be even bigger so Firefly nothing announced just yet but I think this month will be a big announcement the baby advance of the Imperial aged casting has been great thank you Bombay so I'm seeing a lot of my aussie a kiwi and indian audience i guess it's a pretty good time for you when i streamed this early gonna try and stream a bit earlier than i had been the last few weeks just because there haven't been many experts online on non on days that i don't have a plan so two sips left we have Malay and Byzantines for delt and then vivvy has Huns and Britain's again very strong sifts I think saves that suit vivvy style and saves that suit doubt style doubt likes to snowball with military numbers he likes to make lots of alaska me hit what a tee and he did that a lot in battle of africa so I think Byzantine suits him there and then Malay it's a very strong snowball save as well once you get to three TCS as Malay it's very very difficult to stop them so potentially two more games but could just be one more doubt could finish it off right here well ladies and gentlemen this is a best-of-seven it's a show match between doubt and between vivvy vivvy is down three games to two and doubt can take the money and run if he wins this game the doubt is playing as the byzantines here in the blue and then we have Vivian the red and Wow this map the first game was a strong map for both both players and ever since then it's been the Dry Arabia versions with all the pawns so yet again we're gonna see some high aggression I think Vivi's Huns and it's one of those SIVs that can do anything you can go forward with Hans you can go dress into fast castle with Hans Scouts man-at-arms towers it says save that suits vivvy as well because you save so much wood as you don't have to build houses let's look at his map now chat are you rooting for doubt are you rooting for vivvy or are you just rootin for a game 7 I'm kind of rooting for a game seven here so I guess some room for vivvy I know that the dragon meme is ongoing and the VAR in Farah for example spam and the t90 dragon but I'd love to see game 7 from there I just want to see good games I don't have a really favorite player from these two game 7 yeah okay you guys have the right idea you guys have the right idea more action right well vivy he should go aggressive with a map like this his wood is forward and there's hills here he does have wood further away to the back of his base he hasn't really scouted that yet luckily he has a golden of stone back there his main stone is forward and dealt will probably give him the Sheep as he did before oh that's gonna steal it this time earlier on in the day doubt gave him the Sheep now doubts gonna steal the Sheep what's going on doubt doubt doubt gets to smell that money and then all of a sudden when he's close to it he starts stealing sheep okay he's gonna steal the Sheep he stole one give he gets hit in his Scout though that's gonna try and take the hill and get the advantage and he has done that well played out and now vivy gets to the top of the hill anyway the golds and the stones are someone exposed the main once anyway for vivvy doubt will win this fight doubt has more HP on his Scouts oh oh oh my God look at this we got the first hit when they came back to the engagement man I kind of like that because doubt earlier they were being kind to each other and giving each other resources and then doubt decided to steal a sheep I mean I don't know if they'd agreed upon our what but that's it that's big oh what a throw what a poor moment for doubt so first of all that was really huge originally doubt got the hill so he could get extra attack and then vivvy get the hill they went back down when they were engaging Galahad two more HP on his scalp and then vivvy left the engagement and went back in and his Scout got the first hit I assume and killed doubt scout and doubt now at least he found his resources and his scouting Stephen but he lost a bill hold on does he know oh he does know where's Boris it's just never good to not know what your opponent's doing think all the defense from doubt today has been due to the fact that he is scouted vivvy and he is no more video sending his way he can't Scout him now because his Scout is dead see what if he goes for wouldn't surprise me to see forward here again mr. junior hope thank you for six months man hearts to you as well six months is supporting the stream appreciate that dead poet 85 thank you for the prime - looking very good for vivvy in fact doubt must have had some idle time - I guess doubt researched loom and maybe that's why he is currently down to villagers and vivvy did not research it yet yeah that makes sense never minds almost looks like a scalpel for baby if he's building two farms if he's sending a fifth to wood this looks like typical Scouts build but as I say that he's going out to go so building the barracks going out to gold it will be man-at-arms hmm so the barracks is a bit late ideally you'd want the barracks built already he might have just decided on this strat mean if he doesn't have clean build order so it's tough for me to tell this could easily be archers as well he might not even build the mining camp he might go might just take a couple trips and then make the militia and not have villagers on golds yeah I think that's the plan you see he has only 20 more gold after this he has three militia queued up and then he needs forty gold to research man-at-arms so he just needs these two bills and yeah that's actually pretty nice and he is going forward surprise surprise but what that does is it doesn't have wasted build your time it doesn't waste any villagers time like your gold when he doesn't need it for anything so it's actually quite nice if you can do that okay and doubt as to lumber camps he's Byzantines the standard Byzantines play is to go immediately into to archery ranges and it just make Spears and sperms if it trying to bait doubts TC into garrisoning to fire against him vivy of course seeing this and vivvy now showing it don't you dare throw your units away vide what are you doing no God he got the Sheep though he got the Sheep that's what he wanted it's worth it and I didn't get the sheep that's not worth it man what on earth I guess they're experts right so we don't expect the mistakes but we'll allow it well allow it it happens I think that Byzantines are great against forwards though I mean that first tower hasn't done anything doubt mal towering to protect his gold and Byzantines have cheap trash and oftentimes regardless of see if you're going into skirmishers against forwards all the man and I'm showing up here I still feel like that could even fight this with Vil's seeing as that one and an arm is on half HP and the Scout is on two HP well what died what died we're serious seriously be my blinds I don't know what died I mean I know as a female I assumed it was a villager it wasn't Vivi's vivvy you only sent five forward right what was that I'm not sure well another tower now this is good if you can tower there berries then that slows down their food production and then vivvy will have the stone for the next tower doubt you know what he did this stone was forward where is that other one oh it's out here Oh does vivvy know that vivy do also does not see that it'd be extremely important for Vivi to scout that I think he's about to oh he sees it all this is big this is really big I don't think that we'll lose any Vil's out here just yet but the fact that vivvy knows it's there means he'll focus on that and doubt also losing access to this farm now this is a good trush at first I didn't think it was but it's a good truck it forced a tower from doubt and this tower is good from doubt but that's all he can build and it forced him to delete farms and leave his berries this really hurts your economy doubt is housed at the moment as well he's under pressure he can't approach this with just archers he's behind a few villagers in the ass build farms out here which is never ideal this is good stuff from the B I think the corpse is in the berry bush ah yeah maybe it is in there and now doubt let's see how much stone is yep okay he's just enough to build the tower here and he started to do so vivy sees that and maybe going spilled his anyway okay nah that's not gonna go up he could go behind but I think the better thing would be see he kind of baited doubt a bit he forces doubt to build this tower now I can go right to the stone something that doubt will try to stop but can he realistically stop this with just three archers I think Vivienne he placed this correctly could micro down the archers with his bill it's tough though it's tough it's down to micro doubt losses a bill he loses an archer vivvy hasn't lost anything just yet the towers is 67% vivvy yep pulling the week fills away but he only has two remaining maybe doubt will stop this I don't know I feel like a player like vivvy might just get it up anyhow it was just take a bit of time doubt counter-attacks and vivvy senses that possibility then vivvy can build defensive towers he's adding scurbs now he'll wait for the skirmish before finishing this tower I I would wall this up if I'm down I think it's a mistake to just let it sit there I would wall that up doubt has done the correct thing here to go heavier on golden to purchase some food because he's behind him that I think once skirm arrives oh the skirm sketching out out on the counter yeah me doubts gonna lose archers Vivi's playing this sixth game incredibly well he's so good when it comes to forwards it is ridiculous yeah the tower will go up the doubt has to run any he knows that this is dicey for doubt man he doesn't have any farm space we doubt he has gold but he doesn't have stone either and he can't even kill this tower from bivy and he can't counter-attack vivy has more Vil's vivvy of course has had villagers forwards but now vivvy can tower this this wood line and doubt he can see this but he can't deny it you'd have to send the archers around soon now I think this stable is a good idea one or two Scouts is perfect also I think if doubt Santa's archers here he could deny this maybe wasting some time I'm surprised that doubt has not sent anything here he could just delete his own wall vivy has to be careful as his villagers being range-wide it down that try to deny this there's no other towers forgiving to run into oh he's just now seen it oh that's I mean I guess that's the only logical conclusion you didn't see it oh that's big you know build a counter tower but he could lose a few bills and the worst thing is he doesn't have safe wood he ended up killing this tower so he can get out to this stone and maybe it's that wood but doubts lost one Ville here a tons of idle time well-played vivvy so far now let's see if Vivi's adding an archers if he's on gold with the mining camp he can add an archers and yes he is so if he's adding an archers the second he sees this Scout he runs back and then he can kill the scouts with Archer numbers but for now this isn't bad for doubt because fibbies been surprised by this I love the Scout addition by doubt and notice how he didn't take too many awful engagements with his archers he's kept his Archer numbers up I think he'll need to hold to his Hill for a moment here vivy and you know I will say that Vivi's eco doesn't look too strong does it he doesn't have a lot of food in the bank whereas doubt well okay his isn't the best either a nice second tower there from vivvy which again i think he should wall up it's out getting a few kills but yep now he can't really do anything and oh he's going to tower vivvy wow the balls maybe doubt feels like he's too far behind and he needs to counter tower let's see Vivi's already building a tower on his wood he doesn't have a lot of wood and outs engagement very strong here so far a new scout arrives he's just lost a few archers though it's so tough to really mean you have to figure in the map control aspect and then also the army aspect it's tough to call that one I just feel like this tower does nothing for doubt you know he oh oh my god this is clutch these are the villagers that ran from the stone earlier this could change the entire game and vivvy does he see that I think this village is chopping wood and she's going out of her way to do so I don't think that vivvy sees that tower that tower there is big and doubt long enough that is HUGE because bivy I was going to say was fine because he repositioned his wood line but he's repositioned it right to where dad dad someone said something about dad jokes and I said dad he's not my father doubt rightward doubt has placed his tower interesting interesting interesting and now baby's going for a tower year as well that doubt sees this or at least his scout has Auto attacked ken doubts top this one because of course del is having what issues dad is not having what issues okay he has viagra we're all good doubt is having the wood issues oh my goodness doubts gonna come back here he's gonna stop this tower the Scout additions so big and now the scrums go down of course he's lost archers but just denying that tower is important and this villager she's just giving up on life now cuz she she had a purpose and now that purposes has been denied and she just she can't find another calling and now baby sitting underneath this tower losing archers because doubt has two towers what a play from doubts here that was pretty clutch room I have to say you know still this has been a very aggressive feudal war from both this is not going to end anytime soon but very good engagements for doubt over the past few minutes to bring himself back into this and now he has huge army control but he's lacking resources to go to castle I'd still prefer touts position because there's nothing that vivvy can really do to stop doubt from doing what he's doing at the moment vivy might lose a villager to that tower here here he losing Archer numbers and doubts building a tower and that will successfully go up doubt doesn't have access to a lot of these resources and babies now gonna try and get to castle oh okay valve has stopped building this baby committed a lot more Vil's the dow could still be in trouble cuz Vivi's about to click to castle agent as huns you know if he can do wait hold on a second vivy didn't have a bore unsure and if this game is just crazy or if I'm a gigantic noob caster vivvy didn't have a bore are you kidding me he didn't know his bore was there and out doubts putting another towering talent it's gonna get his tower denied what a match this is how Age of Empires should be played I know it's sloppy but this is how Age of Empires and my opinions should be played every time I watch a TV game it's entertaining because it's so messy and it's impossible to not make mistakes adult is eco now being balanced by the market you need six food he's probably saying come on come on food he he's probably watching the resources and getting more and more frustrated there we go now I can click up some waste of time and it's gonna be time for Vivian's go Knights now this is something that doubt can hold against but he needs to distract for the minute advantage with a two-minute avenge that Bibby has and this is exactly what he is doing he's sleeping around with another tower and Vivi's trying to build a counter tower but doubt has the hill so he can pick off a few villagers he's picked off one in the end that's two ends maybe three yeah three but his towers tonight again and he's lost all of his army I I feel like that was much better for vivvy especially because Vivi's going nights and if doubt doesn't have archers then the Knights can do a lot more damage in the early part of this game these filters are weak very very weak for HP on the woman archers should just sacrificing themselves for the cause save the villagers yeah I think that that was bad from doubt had he stayed at home with his archers he would have been able to defend from this night push a bit easier he can of course make camels his Byzantines but he could really drop Vil's because he's had to reposition his economy he's not close to his TC at all so vivy if he comes here he knows that that's going to need a lot of towers and it's all going to be exposed and here comes vivvy now he does not see that tower to seize there's no farmers but this is at the very least idle time caused and it's gives vivvy time to add more economy and mass the next force one villager down four down two villagers down four down and might end there but the strong start for vivvy here and he's also always he's killed a third Ole Miss would lie good pressure from pipi to start off castle age I want to see this go to Game seven this is an incredible series with some amazing players and yeah I mean all you need to do is just hit the bills keep doubt on the run and this will add up for you it's almost worth losing the Knights because of how many bills he's killed he's now 12 ahead all doubts in big big trouble Martian with the resub is spamming a tyrant well tyrant out is not playing very well while he's played incredibly well I shouldn't say that he's just not faring too well in this match at the moment so that wave is finished vivy what is he doing at home now siege workshop killing the towers also he seized out trying to sneak another tower and out gets another tower denied and loses another villager may be taking a very wierd engagement for spears and camels that was not something that I would have recommended for bivy but the fat dragon does with the fat dragon once now he it's interesting he's been lacking the stone so he can't build that next TC and out does have the SIF that counts her Huns in Castle Age elites Kermes counts to their archers and the camels and the the pikemen counts with the Knights so it's important that vivvy got that advantage because I think doubt can start to pull this back a little bit now and let's see what doubt is up to is he adding town centers not really comfortable enough to do so and might be adding siege to go for the tower soon I'm not sure and now Vivi's gonna go into cal vouchers which i think is a strong move sorry wrong person yeah he's adding calves archers I mean this is all quite expensive of course but Huns have discount yeah this is something vivvy will hold against end I don't think doubt saw the caveat your switch okay okay now he sees a cab Archer this will be an even engagement so doubts gonna out of siege workshop to count to the archers or Adam agonal they're very close together where doubt has wood and we're foodies collecting stone it's just a couple steps away oh it's doubt gonna 1tc play this look at his stone count I think if he didn't intend to build a castle he would have used that stone elsewhere or repositioned villagers you know what he could either build the castle forward if he feels like he has the advantage or he could just delete this straggler and build the castle here and it would clear up all the towers that would also be nice unfortunately that Tower and his wood will still be there KAV archers are good in mass and currently the military numbers are 13 to 13 so you got a favorite doubt when it comes to any engagement he also has three months to heal his own camels than to get conversions and always gonna go for it doubts always the entertaining player even if he completely throws the game here he doesn't care he's just gonna go for it now I don't think he's gonna throw the game here I don't think that really D al I don't think Vivienne spects a doubt to have the balls to do this now hold them he's looping around behind he might see a few of the villagers a doubts taken a huge engagement person I said CAV arch was there from vivvy vivvy knows you can't stop this the doubts castle will go up there will not be a doubts castle now one Town Centre play working in the sense of map control not working in the sense that he's down 20 villagers now doubt when vivvy has wood vivvy has golds but convivial from the Byzantine push wow that Maggie no shot two for one great shot from bivy doubt sending these villagers onto Vivi's stone now if if he could do his counter-attack now but he has to feel comfortable enough to be able to leave his base just imagine if you were to show up with CAV archers you know he would kill so many pills you know if doubt continues on 1tc Byzantines do have a cheaper Imperial cost so he could click him first despite not having as many villagers now I think we will see that counter-attack from vivvy soon doubt really doesn't have much military to threaten vivvy as he has the town center here to secure himself might even build another one there or oh he's also built the town center here so it's 3 TCS for Bibby and dealt with the cowboy he converted has found that Vivi's on that gold and also he sees that Vivi's going to counter him with the monks which he's now going to lose and the Knights arriving at doubts base vivy can kill so many bills a few more camels being created by doubt and they're gonna drop for Dell he's lost too it looks like two villagers go down there baby needs to be careful cuz the maggot on the tower will do damage to his cow lurchers it has done but he's using his knights first the maggot out how clutches that and he'll kill two more villagers doubts gone forward but he has no eco this is what happens when you stay on one TC and now vivvy will hit and run hit and run hit and run getting ballistics with his calves archers as the Eco for CAV archers its 87 bills for vivvy and it's 39 for doubts I don't even think doubt has the Eco to research the cheap Byzantines Imperial and even then but do you have the resources for trebs vivvy doing the wise thing and sitting in the water and he'll kill the camels because the camels can't surround him and I think that vide has the game now I think that vivvy has defended well the castle on the front doesn't really matter in fact this might be pushed back Vivi's making rams he has so many calves archers and knights and doubt he's he's now out of gold he needs to get to this gold over here the other one is a map where was that kind of lost track of it where his doubts third golds did he all the right there yes these towers are working so well then when doubts castle only gave him his opponents stone it didn't give him any Gold's yeah this is looking pretty bad for doubt the hill vivvy has double his population I think if you're in Vivi's position you just need to be very patient and where's doubt gone ah okay doubt is gonna try and take the gonna try and tower this it seems desperate to me be patient vivvy just wait till doubt is out of position and send in five or six battering rams because it's a byzantines castle this will last for a while but yeah now I think doubt knows it's over he's trying to build a tower vivy should see that vivy has a knight there now this castle might stay up but I think vivvy knows he has a big enough advantage where he can fight underneath the castle and yet out trying to garrison in the castle and I'm garrison on the other side boys and ladies we are on the way to game 7 doubts castle will go down doubts tower being denied here again you know he's entertaining he didn't need to go for that castle drop I think the more meta play would have been to build this next to his town centre because the lack of gold is hurting him now but uh there we go there we go as the castle drops so does dealt and we will see a Game seven I am considering uploading this whole best-of-seven to YouTube in one single set because this whole best-of-seven is sick and I feel like it would be a crime to deny YouTube of immediate entertainment you know and also they didn't wait a lot in between games maybe we'll do that there's the kd4 vivvy that was just down the strategy choices in the end and think doubts castle offered him too much it would have been much better defensively even then though because of the early wave of Vivi's nights how good was that he's done that more than once today with the Knights and he picks off 5-10-15 villagers in one single attack well we know if the sibs are now it'll be Millay verse Britons for Game seven the score has now been updated it is three to three and we will have one final game Oh yeah this is what I wanted to show you so they used all these civilizations earlier those Malay and Britons left sorry if you guys couldn't make it to the stream today this wasn't announced ahead of time I heard about it on Saturday I believe and then they rescheduled it to this time so if you want to make sure you hear about this stuff in the future follow my Twitter and discord because I did announce it there oh goodness I think I I missed some subs Maddie monster thank you for the prime Ducks thank you for gifting elite cameo now you didn't gift him that sub while incas was playing shame on you ducks that would have been perfect Martian I gave a shout-out to and then mr. junior hope thank you for all the bits man thanks for the support today guys been overwhelmed by lately you guys are too good to me [Music] did you guys know that if you have Amazon Prime you can link it with twitch and get one free sub to a stream or a month and not only that you don't even have to have Amazon Prime your second cousin could have Amazon Prime and you can link it with your twitch just link it once and once a month you can subscribe to someone for free just like Rajyam Thank You Elmer or thrush LM Thank You Man for the Prime it is true the rumors are true oh thank you docks thank you very much docks thank you to your second cousin for letting you connect to your Amazon account to your twitch welcome guys don't accidentally encourage identity thefts please bro yes cuz I'm sure someone's gonna risk getting arrested for identity theft so they could get one priests up to a streamer a month which is just five dollar value totally worth it that's what I did that's what I did I've risked years in jail so I could get a free sub to a stream or a month thank you guys for the subs it - the killer - thank you for the prime thank you for the hypes chat with all the okay I can get behind that guys I don't I don't have salmon though that's the problem I will have to I'm also not going to step away from the computer I'm having too much fun so I'll have to cook afterwards this will be the last game of the stream normally Mondays and Tuesdays I take days off and relax and work on some stuff so yeah I couldn't miss this because I knew the games would be awesome I said screw it screw days off who needs that I'm going to work that's Sabah ping email does anyone new to the age of empire seen that might have some questions because I know that when I cast games I I do my best to explain it but there's probably some things that you're just not quite getting or some things that aren't clicking do you guys have any questions age of empires questions like what is it rush what is the flush what is it at rush you know what are these terms mean now the absolute basics it'd be difficult to get into Amazon Prime doesn't work in India yeah I know that sucks man I hope it goes to India in the future I would love for everyone all over the world to be able to have that benefit on Twitch why was i platinum in sc2 and stuck 1100 moogly probably because you need more game knowledge probably because you need more situational knowledge it takes a lot of time what is this squash I'm not pro enough to know what that means is it possible to get good of course yeah I mean I used to struggle at 1600 HD and now a couple years later I'm in the top 1000 in the game so I'm not a gifted gamer guys at least when it comes to PC gaming I'm not gifted I would like to believe that I was gifted with console games because I did fairly well in all the Call of Duty's I was really high up there but when it comes to Age of Empires I really struggled when I started you just have to repetition like this doubt guy I've never seen Vivi's point of view on his gameplay but I would also say that doubt is not a gifted gamer and at first thought you're gonna say wow that's amazing how can you say that but I think that's amazing because of lots of practice lots of knowledge and lots of game sense but when I watch him control his screen in Mouse I don't see someone who's like Leary and Viper ridiculously skilled with the PC gaming I don't think that doubt could step into another game like Starcraft and six-months be at very high level like Piper did so yeah the point is this is why I can learn from doubt because he is good with decisions and experience right and that's that's why personally I can learn a lot from him Scorpio says I'm much better at the game however I still suck and have gained much more knowledge of the game from watching the streams so for that thank you you're welcome somebody asked what a sling is a sling is when you send resources to an ally we saw that a lot in battle of Africa anyway to have shortcut key to building which works without control yeah you can change it so how about this lord varied if you remind me once there's military buildings I can show you what mine is my go-to buildings are just one single key it's very simple for me that's good cuz he loves the game yeah but all players love the game but my point is simply that doubt is experienced and he has gotten to this level by not being a freakishly talented gamer because mouse control isn't exceptional that micro joke is there because of that you know and he's still very good so the hope is there for all of us that might not be as gifted as the viper O'Leary anyway I should probably cast the game a little bit game 7 hi we have really DL aka vivvy vivvy what are you doing with this bill dude always looking for his bore isn't he oh he's looking for his bore yeah bit off with the timing here but he should find it yeah vivy has a wood line on the front he has both of his stones in the same position now for the final game this is not a dry or sorry this is not a normal Arabia this is a dry Arabia and it makes it much easier to wall up and so this might go late-game though the timing was off for Vivian I think we'll be fine here this wood line if threat ends by Range students which might come in from the other team the Malay civilization you can take this wood line the secondary gold can be woven here which is nice his main gold is also up against the edge of the map so I think for Britain's this is a pretty good map his scouting though it seems like he's trying to hit down early to lame him and he he risked it and he risked the biscuit doesn't know where his bore is that's a problem that's the risk you take Oh a doubt space is just wonderful this is this is so strong thank you very much man Mart that's crazy $10 thank you you know there's a lot of people in this community from Hollins if you're from Hollins say hello SF thank you as well for the game seven hype five dollar tip and thank you for the twenty nine bits mr. jr. hope so doubt can wall on the front here a house a barracks and archery range maybe a gate in there can wall to this wood line he can easily won't hear what she's already doing and then he can walk there the safe wood and safe gold and safe stone if he does that that'll be wonderful yeah I agree the doubt micro thing is a joke he's certainly not as good with the mouse's Viper and leery but he is much faster than than the joke complies oh look at this i jinxed him i jinxed him he wasn't fast enough to realize his scout was running into the enemy town center and doubts in game seven runs right into Vivi's TC we saw what happened last time he did this and he lost his Scout and he didn't know where he was coming from and what Vivi's strat was going for let's get all the the t90 jinx is in the chat yeah Netherlands Holland's Dutch like for me it's United States of America American but you guys there's a bunch of different terms used but yeah there's a lot of it's it's alarming just how many Dutch people there are in the community compared to pro players because I don't think there's one single Dutch pro player there's someone who's close it's around my rate or a bit higher like 2k but yeah I find it interesting this is a map where doubt if he wanted to could be greedy and go with a straight fast castle but I don't think that he's going to be that greedy versa player like vivvy who oftentimes goes forward if you were not here for Game one the player positions were similar doubt went for a douche and vivvy went forward vivy busted through his walls and kept map control over all his extra golds vivy could do the same here as doubt has his second and third gold forward yeah so civilize this is an interesting one so Britons they have that strong that strong early window in castle age and I think that that can make or break the game at times for them they get that extra range immediately what is baby going for what is oh it's ad rush okay I was really confused so baby will Russian will run right into doubts walls Malay they advanced eighty percent faster to the next stage so they can up to futile as doubt has done with extra resources because they have the bills but I think that Molay are only strong within Britons after they get three TCS up and running if Malay can get to their cheap infantry with the Koran bits and get the spam going they have access to are blessed they have access to skirmishers they have access to their strong cram bits and and even some some good cg options with bombard cannons I think then Malay had the advantage Britons should have the advantage in early castle now this has been a very peculiar start to this game doubt has full walls he doesn't even have a barracks now I like this I don't like the idle but I like this because I think what doubts going for is basically tower defense and a boom to Castle age which is risky again it had vivvy gone forward with man and arms and towers doubt might feel like he's in trouble but that's why he wanted to stone and I think he's going to go forward this is a kind of an arena build where you advance early and then build your way up towards Castle age certainly not a good style if you want map control Vivian's gone for a dress fast castle built so this actually suits him because if you go dress fast castle you only have your militia in your walls to protect you so he's going towards the castle age which had just touched on I I don't know if this decision will be correct for doubt but he's banking on the fact that when he does click castle even if it's later so advanced faster and maybe he wants to go for a defensive castle then I don't know it doubt can fast castle it's just different with male because normally you do you advance at 27 or 28 villagers doubt advanced with 24 villagers he's gonna add a ton of them and then he will advance later than vivvy but it but arrive around the same time because of the advancement speed does that make sense I don't I don't like this I would not recommend playing like doubt though if you're looking to learn from Dallas I was just saying I don't ever recommend giving up full map control this is what I would call very greedy from doubt on the plus side viv you only made two militia and Divi should be clicking up soon and there you go he's clicked up Bebe's economy will be quite fragile but he'll make archers and I think baby should go for a forward siege workshop he sees the two golds why not try and pressure this a little bit he also sees the stone walls from doubt you can decide on a adding a lot of eco yourself or be taking advantage of the map control your opponent has given you and I feel like it's a little bit better to do that he'll be on wood and gold anyway to make archers so it wouldn't be the worst idea to doubt I believe sold some of his stone yeah he sold stone he sold wood and he's trying to use this market to advance I don't like it if he had a second gold let's say this gold was here I'd say okay because then he could have two golds and a stone and lots of wood to boom with but I don't know it's just bad practice in my opinion but it's the only see if it can work with really Malay ah siege towers an interesting idea yeah I guess doubt has double layered walls though so it wouldn't work siege Tower is a very interesting idea I wonder if doubt thought about that I think more than anything he wants to play it's extremely safe now he's not advancing to go for any form of military really because he's not on gold so he's making a few skirt you can't does he even have fletching no it doesn't even have fletching so he's not on golds that tells me he's gonna drop Town Center's right away and vivvy he was just hit Castle age will drop a town centre himself and there's got to be another one yep so if it be not deciding to go aggressive deciding to take the castle age lead as he's rounding up all the wolves and he'll go for a boom now this strategy only works with Millay because they've ants so fast the economy is actually stronger for doubt now even though he was cast late a bit later yep well place Town Center's and this will go late game I think waking compositions hmm let me think about this well friends say helmets have to have archers right I've heard doubt talk about how much he loves the Quran boots and I feel like doubt will go to stone build a castle and then go for Karambit sand maybe skirm so maybe champions and archers the only drawback to what Britons have in comparison to Malay is that Malay a very cheap units with the infantry they have the cheap Rambis and the Krampus also span incredibly fast so you need to have a really strong number of units if your vivvy now if i'm vivvy i would think about sitting here he doesn't want to invest into any upgrades I guess because he doesn't know for sure that there's lumber there that makes sense I'd also think about the relics which he's also he's already doing without giving him map control would just give vivvy access to the relics and I would use my Scout to keep an eye on a dealt will sneak out of here maybe use the militia as well because doubt could have a surprise he could have three stable Knights or something you know there's no confirmation from vivvy side of things that doubt is not going with military so he's playing this very careful instead of scouting the other areas the map he's just making sure doubt is not gonna sneak anything at him somebody asked me a question let's see isn't it also risky because the huge range of britain archers well yes Savio's but in this case i mean it does work because he has his gold safe this one might not be the safest but his his woods are safe they will not be ranged buy the archers so the idea behind this build is to slowly push back out but have more economy I don't like it though I definitely do not like it and it's out building a gate now he just going to Gold's very greedy and I have to credit vivvy now for adding the extra TCS he's adding his fourth now because had he not done and had he gone aggressive doubt might have been able to get away with it it's just 58 Phil's 256 and vivvy might even grow in the bill lead seeing as he's adding his fourth TC I do not expect out that the fourth TC I do not expect it all in doubt situation having the fourth TC would actually slow down your imperial time maybe he can afford to slow down his em time event because he has so much math control and he's in a position where he reacts to what doubt does vivvy has how many relics now to kind of unfortunate with this one doesn't see that relic and does not see this relic also doesn't see the relic in the back to space man that's unfortunate because on a different day he would see all the relics with his current exploration but he'll find at least one more I love doubt but from a game perspective I feel like his style here should be punished you know so I'm kind of on Team fat dragon at the moment this is not gonna be very comfortable for doubt on the front he's given his opponent two golds and also the neutral ones right there I think crossbows could range that Gold's a vivvy has not confirmed that doubt is even on that yet which is a bit awkward or bit weird because he does see these two golds student the prize pool is around $200 okay vivvy will see this relic now if I'm vivvy I consider building a castle on the hill right here or even right here would be good adèle really doesn't have anything to stop vivy from doing that and vivvy he sees the mag Annelle from doubt he has not lose his own dala experimenting but pretty soon this market will go down he's just had to rebuild the market okay now he's building his castle this is doubt the point of view he sees the maggin else from vivvy vivvy one-for-one there vivy sees the castle and unfortunately I think doubt we'll get that up because you can just send the bills to that side resources are looking a little bit stronger for doubt in terms of food eco which makes sense because of the amount of farms yet early you also use the market to probably sell for gold at this rate I mean the castle will go up and you will secure his gold I'm sure of that but he won't secure this one because vivvy he only hold on it doubt probably to leave in the walls so he can fully saturate this I think I'll need to be careful very strong play from divvy and again he can see this relic canal it's very unfortunate he doesn't see the one here though because I wouldn't even think the Scout here I would Scout the other areas to the west of doubt to now has one castle to make Quran bits but now there's a castle up for vivillon the hill vivy will know what to expect here but okay he's gonna throw aways Megiddo well I don't think long bows are all that realistic but vivvy he's not a realistic man I think he'll go for it the reason long bows aren't that realistic is because doubt can start tripping down this castle and then the production building you need for the long bows will be dead and also you can create archery ranges so much so much easier and if you create the archery ranges you can create the crossbows I think that vivvy will try and go more for trevore and he just has a few long bows so you won't over commit to it one-for-one again with the MEK and else ya doubt will be forced to on the trebs immediately and I think vivvy knows that and vivvy will go into a trap war and it will build another castle missile so dal will be ahead with the trebuchet x' but if he can catch up cuz we'll have more than one castle del does have his gold and it's fully saturated now delt also had not scouted that his third goal is here so I'm kind of judging doubt strategy choice but you know you can't judge a man if he wins and doubt he has to score lead at the moment and this trip cannot be touched by vivvy the faster Malay Imperial has worked out the baby's gonna need to repair his castles and make trebuchet he's not yet in the Imperial age now if these castles go down vivy will need to counter to the skirts counter to the scrims in this case will be maghen ELLs maghen Ella's can get chewed up by the kramitz of doubt so it's really all down to the cast is here if doubt loses his castle then he's in big big trouble but then he'll likely lose his gold and then the game would be over it's all down to to killing the castles Vivian Vivian really have the resources he's committed a lot into stone he doesn't have the resources for the trebs out of both Casas here so this could be a problem for Vivian it's getting grace her now and again he does he only has one archery range resources are very very stretched for both players it is difficult to transition doubt going with cap Tran okay half gram and squirms which works very well verse parade archers well rip to this castle the baby will have to just give it up here and I don't know if he can comfortably approach doubts castle always trying to get conscription that's big he's going to lose conscription so baby's production is gonna be halted it's gonna be slower now without conscription child still in his base but he hay he has his gold for now here come the maghen ELLs from vivvy and doubt we'll lose almost all of his skirmishers and doubt cease I believe for the first time there's another castle on that hill but he has four trips now the problem is if he wants to push this he doesn't have the comfort of his own castle so he'll have to sit here vivy always gotta go cavalier are you kidding me bring cavalier awful but hey it's still cavalier and look at that that one archer being my crowed against the weak mag Annelle what a play from bivy he is gonna go cavalier and he's just trying to starve doubt out of his golds look at Vivi's map control look at the scouting from vivvy and ascend long goes behind the wood line down let's be expecting this you know for a guy who's given up full map controlled out and least knows exactly how baby should play it and he's predicting it now again the kramitz can kill the mag and ELLs smacking ELLs need to retreat to the cast so the kramitz have no upgrades so they might not even kill one let's see here now here comes the first night the Magon l stay alive baby repairing the Maggie knows they're going to go through the trips to go to go after the trips and the Cavalier arrive at the perfect time that loses one trebuchet he'll lose - he needs to repair this will he lose three he will lose three and he at the same time vivvy might lose a trebuchet but doubt going to lose three in total and that means the hill will be maintained vivvy will hold the hill he has what should be four relics even five he even converts the elephants Adele brings the town Bell which is shortly at misclick but that just shows you how scared he is of this and this is all before vivvy gets +3 defense on the Cavalier and now this is looking so good for vivvy doubt he doesn't have his gold safe but down is going into a leap battle open with the stable that is getting tripped down down not only is that a huge risk not only should that never work here but he has to cancel the leap battle open up it the funny thing is vivy packed up the trebs so Dow could have continued with that but look at the pop difference is 160 +4 vivvy it's a hundred to thirty now for doubts and you know Britain's now can mask the longboats out of two castles with the longboats could add in the pikemen doubt you know he can't even research the lead battle of him now I guess in these stables which one does he have researching it this one yeah the TC will go down and this is exactly what should have happened like you doubt should know that this is a greedy style play and vivvy he played the map control very very well and now vivy he can do so much he's seen the elephants already so he should be able to know to add a few monks or to add the pikes vivy if he looks can see this relic and that'll be his fifth and he has all of doubts cults well played from Bibby I'm een say what you want about doubt style it could have worked there it definitely could have worked had the Cavalier not been added doubt would have taken the hill and he probably would have won the game but now I get to see the longboats and men are they working from distance and male elephants they don't get the final two defense upgrades the way it won't be enough and I think Divi is gonna be the victor of this best-of-seven pretty soon and Dow calls the gg wow I am impressed with vivvy because he's engaged his timing was so good their doubt had the right idea he sent the crane bits out to kill the three Megan ELLs the maghen Ellsworth been saved at that exact same moment once the kramitz died that cavaliers show up they start countering the scurbs the Magon ELLs killed the trebs the mag Mel's killed the scones and of course doubt could not afford to lose this area he could only push and if he didn't push you wouldn't have the goals well played for maybe that so the reason I'm so passionate about this topic is because I've been really trying to get above to cave oubli really trying to compete with players of the 2 K 1 2 K 2 range which is top couple hundred in the world and there's a style and it's down style here which used that's very hard to beat when someone walls like that is very hard to beat and the true answer is to play like vivvy just did here this is a perfect example of how to play with math control use that time to get the relics used that time to secure the golds and then prepare prepare force and then you just have to start them out from the first big fight chat spam and t90 dragons formatted with 63 bits says I am the dragon and yeah Vivi gets the win Carson thank you for coming back for two months my friend a B DB thank you or the 11 months well thank you guys I don't necessarily think I mean I know that delt lost his Scout and that was gonna be that uh a big issue but imagine if doubt had gone with ad rush week just add Russian to archers and then a boom it would have been so much better because had he got a good trade with the archers then he could have maybe had this hill what doubt did was make no military and Stonewall accepting that he would lose all map control it wasn't that he accidentally lost it in a bad fight it was that he just gave it up and I'm not a huge fan of that decision it would be
Channel: T90Official - Age Of Empires 2
Views: 464,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, 200$, Experts, Pro, age of empires, aoe2, craft, daut, exciting, forest nothing, lol, nothing, relic nothing, showmatch, strategy, theviper, vivi, wow, towers, commentary, 2k+, professionals, huns, malians, spanish
Id: xp1ZRSTZ7ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 30sec (13290 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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